9260 92601C Igcse Maths MS2016 v1
9260 92601C Igcse Maths MS2016 v1
9260 92601C Igcse Maths MS2016 v1
Specimen 2018
Copyright © 2015 Oxford International AQA Examinations and its licensors. All rights reserved.
Principal Examiners have prepared these mark schemes for specimen papers. These mark schemes
have not, therefore, been through the normal process of standardising that would take place for live
Use of brackets It is not necessary to see the bracketed work to award the marks.
Examiners should consistently apply the following principles
Diagrams that have working on them should be treated like normal responses. If a diagram has been
written on but the correct response is within the answer space, the work within the answer space should be
marked. Working on diagrams that contradicts work within the answer space is not to be considered as
choice but as working, and is not, therefore, penalised.
Misread or miscopy
Students often copy values from a question incorrectly. If the examiner thinks that the student has made a
genuine misread, then only the accuracy marks (A or B marks), up to a maximum of 2 marks are
penalised. The method marks can still be awarded.
Further work
Once the correct answer has been seen, further working may be ignored unless it goes on to contradict the
correct answer.
When a choice of answers and/or methods is given, mark each attempt. If both methods are valid then M
marks can be awarded but any incorrect answer or method would result in marks being lost.
Work replaced
Erased or crossed out work that has been replaced is not awarded marks.
Premature approximation
Rounding off too early can lead to inaccuracy in the final answer. This should be penalised by 1 mark
unless instructed otherwise.
Q Answer Mark Comments
1 2500 B1
2(a) 9 B1
2(b) 6 B1
3 35% B1
4, 11 in either order
1, 9 in either order
5(a) 28 B1
5(b) Monday B1
Both bars at correct height and width B3 B2 for one bar at correct height and width
or both correct heights but with width
incorrect or both bars correct but
B1 for (43 − 3) ÷ 2 or 20 or 23 seen
or 2 bars drawn with heights total 43
or 2 bars drawn with 10B 3 higher
than 10A
156 ÷ 3 or 52 M1 oe
180 ÷ 4 or 45 M1 oe
8 their 52 + their 45 or 97 M1dep dependent on at least M1
97 99 33
A1 SC3 or
336 336 112
9(a) 350 B1
Straight line from (35, 350) to (45, B1 40h → $450 shown on working or
on grid
9(c) 550)
45h → $550 shown in working or
B2 on grid
($) 200
Ignore graph beyond 45 hours
Q Answer Mark Comments
74 74
53 53
11(a) B1
Q Answer Mark Comments
11(b) B2
Alternative method 1
30 − 13 or 17
or M1
30 − 8 or 22
(30 − 8) ÷ 2
22 ÷ 2 M1dep
or 11
6 A1
Alternative method 2
6 A1
13 m=p−5 B1
14 x(x2 + 6) B1
Q Answer Mark Comments
15(a) 18 B1
15(b) 2 B1
2.4 A1
Alternative method 2
6x – 12 = x M1
2.4 A1
1 oe
30 minutes or hour B1
56 (miles) B1
56 or 40 A1
Q Answer Mark Comments
19 (x – 4)(x + 8) = 0 B1
5x + 20 and 3x + 21 (+ 2) B1
5x – 3x or 2x their 21 + 2 – their 20
or 21 + 2 – 20 or 23 – 20 or their 23 – their 20
20 5x – 3x = 21 + 2 – 20 5x – 3x = their 23 – their 20
or 5x – 3x = 23 – 20 M1dep
or 2x = 3
1.5 A1ft oe
2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 or
2 2 A1
2 ×3 ×7
21(b) 84 B1
or 3025
or 552 = 3025
55 A1
1 4 2 6
24(a) 9 8 B3
10 12
1 oe
24(b) B1ft
12 ft their Venn diagram
Q Answer Mark Comments
a=6 B1 Allow 6x
Alternative method 1
20 ÷ (3 + 2) or 4 M1
28 61.60 A1
Alternative method 2
20 ÷ (3 + 2) or 4 M1
61.60 A1