AcuXDBC User's Guide v8.1
AcuXDBC User's Guide v8.1
AcuXDBC User's Guide v8.1
Version 8.1
Micro Focus
9920 Pacific Heights Blvd. San Diego, CA 92121 858.790.1900
Copyright Micro Focus (IP) Ltd. 1998-2008. All rights reserved. Acucorp, ACUCOBOL-GT, Acu4GL, AcuBench, AcuConnect, AcuServer, AcuSQL, AcuXDBC, AcuXUI, extend, and The new face of COBOL are registered trademarks or registered service marks of Micro Focus. COBOL Virtual Machine is a trademark of Micro Focus. Acu4GL is protected by U.S. patent 5,640,550, and AcuXDBC is protected by U.S. patent 5,826,076. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group in the United States and other countries. Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. E-01-UG-080901-AcuXDBC-8.1
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2 Features of AcuXDBC..................................................................................................... 1-3 1.2.1 Relational Database Features................................................................................. 1-3 1.2.2 Data Access Features............................................................................................ 1-4 1.3 Changes in AcuXDBC..................................................................................................... 1-4 1.3.1 System Catalog and the Role of XFDs .................................................................. 1-5 1.4 Product Requirements...................................................................................................... 1-6 1.5 What Is ODBC/JDBC? .................................................................................................... 1-7 1.6 Technical Services ........................................................................................................... 1-7
3.3.3 ALPHA Directive ................................................................................... 3-16 3.3.4 BINARY Directive .................................................................................3-17 3.3.5 COMMENT Directive ............................................................................ 3-18 3.3.6 DATE Directive...................................................................................... 3-19 3.3.7 FILE Directive ........................................................................................ 3-25 3.3.8 HIDDEN Directive .................................................................................3-27 3.3.9 NAME Directive..................................................................................... 3-29 3.3.10 NUMERIC Directive ............................................................................ 3-33 3.3.11 READ-ONLY Directive ....................................................................... 3-34 3.3.12 SUBTABLE Directive.......................................................................... 3-36 3.3.13 USE GROUP Directive ........................................................................ 3-37 3.3.14 VAR_LENGTH Directive .................................................................... 3-39 3.3.15 WHEN Directive................................................................................... 3-39 3.3.16 XSL Directive ....................................................................................... 3-48
Chapter 4: Configuration
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 4-2 4.2 AcuXDBC Configuration ................................................................................... 4-2 4.2.1 DEBUG_LOGFILE .................................................................................. 4-6 4.2.2 DEBUG_LOGLEVEL.............................................................................. 4-6 4.2.3 DICTSOURCE ......................................................................................... 4-7 4.2.4 FILE_CASE.............................................................................................. 4-7 4.2.5 FILENAME_WILDCARD....................................................................... 4-8 4.2.6 FILE_PREFIX .......................................................................................... 4-8 4.2.7 FILE_SUFFIX .......................................................................................... 4-9 4.2.8 IGNORE_OWNER................................................................................... 4-9 4.2.9 INVALID_NUMERIC_DATA .............................................................. 4-10 4.2.10 JULIAN_BASE_DATE........................................................................ 4-11 4.2.11 LOCKS_PER_FILE.............................................................................. 4-12 4.2.12 LOG_BUFFER_SIZE........................................................................... 4-12 4.2.13 LOG_DEVICE...................................................................................... 4-12 4.2.14 LOG_ENCRYPT .................................................................................. 4-13 4.2.15 LOG_FILE............................................................................................ 4-13 4.2.16 LOGGING ............................................................................................ 4-14 4.2.17 MAX_FILES ........................................................................................ 4-14 4.2.18 MAX_LOCKS ...................................................................................... 4-14 4.2.19 NULL_ALPHA_READ........................................................................ 4-14
4.2.20 NULL_ALPHA_WRITE...................................................................... 4-15 4.2.21 NULL_NUMERIC_READ .................................................................. 4-16 4.2.22 NULL_NUMERIC_WRITE................................................................. 4-17 4.2.23 READ_ONLY ...................................................................................... 4-18 4.2.24 TEMP_DIR........................................................................................... 4-19 4.2.25 TRANSACTIONS................................................................................ 4-19 4.2.26 TRANSACTION_PROCESSING........................................................ 4-19 4.2.27 V_BUFFERS ........................................................................................ 4-19 4.2.28 VISION_LOGGING_FILE .................................................................. 4-19 4.2.29 VISION_LOGGING_LEVEL.............................................................. 4-20 4.2.30 Sample acuxdbc.cfg File ................................................................... 4-20 4.3 AcuXDBC Server Configuration...................................................................... 4-23 4.3.1 KEY_CONNECT ................................................................................... 4-24 4.3.2 PACKETSIZE ........................................................................................ 4-24 4.3.3 READ_TIMEOUT ................................................................................. 4-25 4.3.4 RETURN_ERRNO................................................................................. 4-25 4.3.5 WRITE_TIMEOUT................................................................................ 4-25 4.3.6 Sample net.ini File .............................................................................. 4-25 4.4 AcuServer Configuration .................................................................................. 4-26 4.4.1 ACUSERVER_PASSWORD................................................................. 4-26 4.4.2 ACUSERVER_PORT ............................................................................ 4-26 4.4.3 DEFAULT_MAP_FILE ......................................................................... 4-27 4.4.4 SECURITY_METHOD.......................................................................... 4-28
5.3.1 xdbcutil Syntax ....................................................................................... 5-14 5.4 Granting Database Privileges............................................................................ 5-17 5.5 Loading the System Catalog with Your XFDs ................................................. 5-19 5.5.1 Setting Up File Aliases ........................................................................... 5-22 5.5.2 Multi-company Support.......................................................................... 5-23 5.6 Setting Permissions on Your Vision Tables ..................................................... 5-26 5.7 Starting AcuXDBC Server (Network Only) ..................................................... 5-27 5.7.1 Pinging AcuXDBC Server...................................................................... 5-28 5.7.2 Stopping AcuXDBC Server.................................................................... 5-28 5.8 Setting Up Data Source Names (DSNs) on Client............................................ 5-29 5.8.1 Adding a Data Source Name .................................................................. 5-30 5.8.2 AcuXDBC Setup: General Tab............................................................... 5-32 5.8.3 AcuXDBC Setup: Advanced Tab ........................................................... 5-34 5.8.4 AcuXDBC Setup: Logging Tab.............................................................. 5-36 5.8.5 Copying DSNs to Other Network Machines .......................................... 5-38
7.3.2 Predicates.................................................................................................. 7-3 7.3.3 Constraints ................................................................................................ 7-4 7.4 Summary of Supported SQL Commands ........................................................... 7-5 7.5 Detailed SQL Support Descriptions ................................................................... 7-6 7.5.1 CREATE INDEX ..................................................................................... 7-6 7.5.2 CREATE SYNONYM.............................................................................. 7-7 7.5.3 CREATE TABLE..................................................................................... 7-8 7.5.4 CREATE VIEW ..................................................................................... 7-10 7.5.5 DELETE ................................................................................................. 7-12 7.5.6 DROP INDEX ........................................................................................ 7-14 7.5.7 DROP SYNONYM ................................................................................ 7-14 7.5.8 DROP TABLE........................................................................................ 7-15 7.5.9 DROP VIEW .......................................................................................... 7-16 7.5.10 GRANT (Database privileges) ............................................................. 7-16 7.5.11 GRANT (Object privileges) ................................................................. 7-17 7.5.12 INSERT ................................................................................................ 7-19 7.5.13 REVOKE (Database privileges) ........................................................... 7-21 7.5.14 REVOKE (Object privileges) ............................................................... 7-21 7.5.15 SELECT................................................................................................ 7-23 SELECT list (SELECT statement)............................................. 7-25 FROM clause (SELECT statement) ........................................... 7-26 Joins............................................................................................ 7-26 Outer Joins.................................................................................. 7-27 WHERE clause (SELECT statement) ........................................ 7-27 GROUP BY clause (SELECT statement) .................................. 7-29 HAVING clause (SELECT statement)....................................... 7-30 ORDER BY clause (SELECT statement) .................................. 7-30 Possibly Nondeterministic Queries ............................................ 7-30 7.5.16 SET OPTION........................................................................................ 7-31 SET PASSWORD ...................................................................... 7-33 7.5.17 UPDATE............................................................................................... 7-33 7.6 Functions Supported by AcuXDBC ................................................................. 7-36 7.6.1 ASCII...................................................................................................... 7-36 7.6.2 CHAR_LENGTH ................................................................................... 7-36 7.6.3 CHR ........................................................................................................ 7-36 7.6.4 CONCAT................................................................................................ 7-36 7.6.5 CONVERT ............................................................................................. 7-37 7.6.6 CURDATE ............................................................................................. 7-37 7.6.7 CURTIME .............................................................................................. 7-37
7.6.8 DATABASE ........................................................................................... 7-38 7.6.9 DAYNAME ............................................................................................ 7-38 7.6.10 DECODE .............................................................................................. 7-38 7.6.11 HOUR ................................................................................................... 7-38 7.6.12 IFNULL ................................................................................................ 7-38 7.6.13 INSTR................................................................................................... 7-39 7.6.14 LEFT..................................................................................................... 7-39 7.6.15 LENGTH .............................................................................................. 7-39 7.6.16 LOCATE............................................................................................... 7-39 7.6.17 LCASE..................................................................................................7-40 7.6.18 LTRIM ..................................................................................................7-40 7.6.19 NOW..................................................................................................... 7-40 7.6.20 NVL ...................................................................................................... 7-40 7.6.21 POSITION ............................................................................................ 7-40 7.6.22 RIGHT ..................................................................................................7-41 7.6.23 ROUND ................................................................................................ 7-41 7.6.24 RTRIM..................................................................................................7-41 7.6.25 SQRT .................................................................................................... 7-42 7.6.26 SUBSTR ............................................................................................... 7-42 7.6.27 SUBSTRING ........................................................................................ 7-42 7.6.28 SYSDATE ............................................................................................ 7-42 7.6.29 TO_CHAR ............................................................................................ 7-42 7.6.30 TO_DATE ............................................................................................ 7-44 7.6.31 TO_NUMBER ...................................................................................... 7-45 7.6.32 TRANSLATE ....................................................................................... 7-46 7.6.33 TRUNC................................................................................................. 7-46 7.6.34 UCASE ................................................................................................. 7-46 7.6.35 USER .................................................................................................... 7-46
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting
9.1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 9-2 9.2 AcuXDBC Client Error Messages ...................................................................... 9-2 9.3 AcuXDBC Server Error Messages ..................................................................... 9-6 9.4 AcuXDBC SQL Processing Error Messages...................................................... 9-9 9.5 Vision File System Error Messages.................................................................. 9-14 9.6 Application Errors............................................................................................. 9-15
Key Topics
Overview .................................................................................................. Features of AcuXDBC............................................................................. Changes in AcuXDBC............................................................................. Product Requirements ............................................................................ What Is ODBC/JDBC? ........................................................................... Technical Services................................................................................... 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-7
1.1 Overview
Welcome to the AcuXDBCTM data management system, designed to integrate ACUCOBOL-GT data files into a relational database-like environment. AcuXDBC enables you to apply SQL and relational database concepts to your COBOL data files resulting in data that is accessed and managed in much the same way as many of todays popular relational database management systems. AcuXDBC is the next generation of AcuODBC and is engineered to provide broader flexibility in the way your COBOL data is accessed and maintained. Like previous versions of AcuODBC, AcuXDBC lets you retrieve and update ACUCOBOL-GTs Vision indexed files, relative files, and sequential files from Windows-based applications including Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access. Business Intelligence tools such as Crystal Reports Professional, and custom applications developed in ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) supported environments such as Visual Basic are supported as well. With the enterprise edition, new functionality lets you retrieve data through Java applications that use JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) standards. Direct SQL access to your ACUCOBOL-GT data is now available in both the Windows and UNIX environments, in both single and two-tier configurations. AcuXDBC is part of the extend family of solutions. This manual describes how to configure and use AcuXDBC to access data from ODBC and JDBC enabled applications. It also describes what SQL commands and relational database concepts users can apply to a Vision database. Unless otherwise indicated, the references to Windows in this manual denote the following 32-bit versions of the Windows operating systems: Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0 or later, Windows 2000, Windows 2003; and the following 64-bit versions of the Windows operating system: Windows Server 2003 and 2008 x64, Vista x64. In those instances where it is necessary to make a distinction among the individual versions of those operating systems, we refer to them by their specific version numbers (Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, etc.).
Features of AcuXDBC
Enhanced performance. AcuXDBCs re-engineered drivers and SQL processor results in faster execution of many complex SQL commands on large data sets.
Changes in AcuXDBC
Universal Configuration
Many of the variables that were set from the AcuODBC Configuration screen and tabs are now set from within a configuration file called acuxdbc.cfg. by default. If you are migrating from AcuODBC, you need to create new DSNs (Data Source Names). The main advantage of using a configuration file is that DSN settings become universal, meaning you dont have to set them individually each time you create a DSN. Refer to Appendix A, section A.2, which compares the location of each AcuODBC configuration variable to its corresponding location in AcuXDBC.
System Security
The AcuAccess file and manager utility are no longer used with AcuXDBC. Instead, the SQL GRANT/REVOKE commands and its variants are used to manage database security. This provides more flexibility and levels of security than were previously available. Chapter 5, section 5.4 provides information on setting database security.
Multi-company Support
AcuXDBC offers two convenient ways to manage multiple company data sets. You can use wild cards (defined in the AcuXDBC configuration file) to identify which company file to access. Alternatively, you can assign table ownership to the different companies, then issue a single query to access all the data files. Chapter 5, section 5.5.2 provides instructions on implementing each of these methods.
To interface your COBOL data to a JDBC-enabled application through AcuXDBC, you must have the following: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5 or above. ACUCOBOL-GT indexed or relative data files created with ACUCOBOL-GT Version 3.0 or later. XFD files, which are created at compile time with the -Fx or -Fa options, and are discussed in Chapter 3. If you have older XFDs, we recommend that you update to XFD Version 6 format.
AcuXDBC Architecture
Key Topics
AcuXDBC Design .................................................................................... 2-2 System Architecture ................................................................................ 2-4 Security.................................................................................................... 2-7
AcuXDBC Architecture
AcuXDBC Design
ACUCOBOL-GT relative files A system catalogA series of files that map your data files to database fields. Based on your XFDs, these files are themselves Vision files. The system catalog is a deployment piece and has no bearing on the COBOL developer.
With AcuXDBC, you can also use an SQL query tool such as xdbcquery to issue SQL requests for Vision data directly. This bypasses the ODBC/JDBC layer altogether. xdbcquery comes with AcuXDBC. The following illustration depicts the basic components of AcuXDBC.
AcuXDBC Architecture
A Vision database is the system catalog and the COBOL files it describes (Vision, fixed sequential, and relative) that reside in one or more directories. For a given installation, you may have one or more Vision databases. Only one database may be accessed by an application at one time; however, a single file may be a component of multiple databases.
System Architecture
Note that AcuXDBC can operate on both Windows and UNIX machines.
returned to the client machine. In addition, this structure encourages centralized management of your data, cutting down on duplication and ensuring that the information returned to the application is up-to-date. For remote processing on a Windows server, xdbcsrvr resides as a service on the remote machine, waiting for calls for SQL processing. On UNIX machines, xdbcsrvr resides as a daemon. AcuXDBC Server is a single-instance server: each time xdbcsrvr gets a request, it spawns a new copy to deal with the request and the original goes back to listening for additional requests. You may run xdbcsrvr continuously, or start and stop it. The following illustration depicts the architecture for remote SQL processing.
AcuServer is available for most UNIX and Windows NT (Intel) machines. It can serve COBOL applications running on UNIX and Windows TCP/IP based networks. You must have a TCP/IP networking client installed on the client machine and a licensed copy of AcuServer installed on the server. For more information about AcuServer, see the AcuServer documentation. Remote file access architecture is depicted as follows:
Notice that in this AcuServer configuration, the Vision database is split up. That is, the system catalog is local on the client, but the Vision data files themselves are on the remote server. The Vision data files can also be a mixture of local and remote.
2.3 Security
AcuXDBC provides a variety of security measures, some at the network level, and some at the database level.
AcuXDBC Architecture
username and password supplied through the DSN (or user-entered) with the GENESIS_USERS table. If the GENESIS_USERS table doesnt exist, AcuXDBC allows the connection. If the table does exist, AcuXDBC checks to make sure the user and password match a record. See Chapter 5, section 5.4 and section 5.6, for general information on granting permissions and Chapter 7, section 7.5.10 and section 7.5.11, for details on the GRANT statement. You can create views of your data using the SQL statement CREATE VIEW to show certain fields/columns of data in your database but not others. (See Chapter 7, section 7.5.4, for more information.) A potential situation where this can be useful is the following: An application has a customer record containing all of the information on a customer. The application developer would like to be able to provide the ability for clerical workers to update some of the customer information, while masking any private information. A good way to do this would be to make one user the owner of the full table. The application developer could then create a VIEW of the table that contained only the non-private information. If the view were created as owned by PUBLIC, all users would be able to access this information while maintaining the confidentiality of the remainder of the information.
AcuXDBC Architecture
Key Topics
Mapping COBOL Data Items and Database Fields............................. 3-2 The Role of XFDs .................................................................................... 3-2 Using Directives .................................................................................... 3-11
When you specify the -Fx option, an .xfd file is created for each indexed data file specified in the compiled program. Use the -Fa option to generate XFDs for all indexed, relative, and sequential files. Specify -Fae or -Fxe to generate the XFDs in XML format. XFDs are stored in your source code directory unless you use -Fo to specify another location. Once you compile with one of these options, each COBOL file has a corresponding .xfd file. The -Fx and -Fa options create .xfd files without changing anything in the object code.
ACUCOBOL-GT compiler with -Fx or -Fa option
Creating XFD files at compile time offers two significant advantages: Any changes made to the file definitions are automatically included in the XFDs when the program is recompiled. The effects of all compile-time options, COPY REPLACING, and source-code control lines are reflected correctly in the XFDs.
The XFDs contain information about the structure of the COBOL files, the names of the fields, their format, and so on. However, this information is only a subset of the information available in most Windows and Java applications. To map your COBOL fields to tables that are more meaningful and useful to the Windows/Java application, you may need to add additional information to your XFD. To add information to your XFDs, or to change the default names of the existing fields, you must use directives, or optional comments, in the FD section of your COBOL program. These directives are explained in Section 3.3.
Note: If you create your XFDs with a data storage option, (for example,
ccbl 32 -Dci -Fa animals.cbl), you must specify the -s switch to xdbcutil when loading your system catalog with your XFDs. See Chapter 5, section 5.3.1 for more information.
become a column in the XFD table. Instead, the elementary items subordinate to the named group item each become a column. You can force a group item to be a column by using the USE GROUP directive, described in section 3.3.13.
With multiple record formats (level 01), not all COBOL fields are represented in the database by name, but all fields are storable and retrievable. The XFD maps fields from all records of a file to the corresponding locations in the master (largest) record of the file, and thus to the Vision database table. Only the fields included in the XFD will be available to ODBC or JDBC applications. Because AcuXDBC has access to the table holding information from the XFD, it knows where the data from a given COBOL record fits in the database tables. This activity is invisible to the ODBC or JDBC application. To include multiple record definitions in the XFD, you can use the WHEN directive (section 3.3.15). Alternatively, you can create views of your data using the SQL command, CREATE VIEW (section 7.5.4).
must correspond to an SQL column name. To ensure that this is the case, you may need to add field names to the XFD using the NAME directive.
To help you determine whether any fields need to be added, the next section describes which fields are automatically included and excluded.
KEY IS phrase
Fields named in KEY IS phrases of SELECT statements are included as column names in the XFD. Other fields that occupy the same areas as the key fields (by either explicit or implicit redefinition) are not included by name, but are mapped to the key field column names by the XFD. Remember, if the field named in the KEY IS phrase is a group item, it will not be included in the XFD unless a USE GROUP directive is used (see section 3.3.13.).
Fields contained in a redefining item occupy the same positions as the fields being redefined. The compiler needs to select only one of the field definitions to use. The default rule that it follows is to use the fields in the item being redefined as column names; fields that appear subordinate to a REDEFINES clause are mapped to column names in the Vision database using the XFD.
Group items
Note that group items are, by default, never included in an XFD for the same reason that REDEFINES are excluded: they result in multiple names for the same data items, and they are shown in the XFD file as a comment. You can, however, choose to combine grouped fields into one data item by specifying the USE GROUP directive, described in section 3.3.13.
If your ODBC or JDBC application needs to refer to information contained in a FILLER data item, you may need to include it. In such a case, you could include it under a USE GROUP directive or give it a name of its own with the NAME directive, described in section 3.3.9.
OCCURS clauses
An OCCURS clause requires special handling, because the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler must assign a unique name to each database column. The compiler accomplishes this by appending sequential index numbers to the item named in the OCCURS. For example, if the following were part of a files description:
03 employee-table occurs 20 times. 05 employee-number pic 9(3)
these column names would be created in the Vision database table, that is, the table of Vision data created when AcuXDBC performs its translation:
employee_number_1 employee_number_2 . . . employee_number_10 employee_number_11 . . . employee_number_20
You can use the SUBTABLE directive to modify this behavior, resulting in the compiler storing just the base name along with name of the subtable specified by the directive. See Section 3.3.12 for information on this directive. Note that the hyphens in the COBOL code are translated to underscores in database field names, and the index number is preceded by an underscore.
However, database systems consider duplicate names an error. Thus, if more than one field in a particular file has the same name, you receive a compile warning, and an .xfd file is not generated. The solution to this situation is to add a NAME directive that associates an alternate name with one or both of the conflicting fields. (See section 3.3.9 for more information.)
would be invisible to any ODBC, JDBC, or SQL application, unless you use a directive to make the fields visible.
01 ar-codes-record. 03 ar-codes-key. 05 ar-code-type 05 ar-code-num
These fields are included because they comprise the largest record. The diagram below shows how AcuXDBC identifies database columns for some of the fields in the COBOL record, while other fields are mapped to those columns by the XFD; this means that all the fields are accessible to the ODBC/JDBC program.
Note: If your application reads a record that should be a ship-code-record, the data that is displayed is unreadable. If you try to modify that record, you may receive an error message.
preserves fields mentioned in KEY IS phrases. discards group items unless USE GROUP is specified. discards REDEFINES. uses the largest record if there are multiple record definitions.
Using Directives
It constructs a universal base name by stripping out directory information that fits any of the formats used by the operating systems that run ACUCOBOL-GT. It converts the base name to lower case. It appends the extension .xfd to the base name.
3. 4.
Directives are optional comments that you can place into an FD in your COBOL source code to control how XFDs are built. By controlling how XFDs are built, you can guide the way AcuXDBC will map the content of your Vision files columns in the tables that comprise your database. Among other things, directives enable you to specify a column name to be used in place of a COBOL field name. map elementary items of a group item together into a single column. cause the fields from a specific record in a file to appear in the database table (rather than just the fields from the largest record). give a name to the XFD file itself.
Directives are always placed within a COBOL FD. They do not affect Procedure Division I/O statements, and they do not change your COBOL data in any way.
Note: If you are going to access Vision from an ODBC- or JDBC-enabled
application, each field in the application must correspond to a data item in your COBOL FD or XFD. To ensure that this is the case, you may need to use the NAME directive to add fields to the XFD.
After successful compilation, the Vision file was created with the following command:
wrun32 animals
Using Directives
The tables resulting from these files are displayed in Microsoft Access 2000. See Chapter 8 for information on bringing external data into the database. The following code is the FD for the source animals.cbl file. Note that this is a highly simplified example intended only to demonstrate the use of directives. You would not insert data into a table with this design.
FILE SECTION. FD jr-file. 01 jr-record. 03 animal-info. 05 patient-id 05 atype 05 ctype redefines atype 05 dtype redefines atype 05 otype redefines atype 03 owner-info. 05 phone 05 owner 03 financial. 05 acct_no. 10 year 10 seq_no 05 last_visit. 10 yyyy 10 mm 10 dd 05 fee 05 date_paid
x(5). x. x. x. x.
pic x(2). pic x(4). pic pic pic pic pic 9(4). 9(2). 9(2). s9(5)v99. 9(8).
With each directive, a new line is added to the code as shown in subsequent sections of this chapter. Examples in each section will show the code and also the resulting database table, where appropriate. If you are working on a different system, you may use different commands to compile animals.cbl and to create the Vision file. If you are using an application other than Microsoft Access 2000, the resulting tables may look different.
The following table was imported into Microsoft Access 2000 based on the FD above. You may want to note the changes as directives are added to the FD.
The file file_dir.cbl is used only when describing the FILE directive. The sample source code is shown in section 3.3.7, FILE Directive.
An alternate ANSI-compliant way to introduce a directive is with an asterisk (*) in the Indicator Area. In this case, you begin the directive with the letters XFD and enclose the entire directive in double parentheses. For example:
There must be no space between the asterisk and the double left parentheses. Spaces are permitted elsewhere on the line as separators. You may use either form of the directive syntax (or both) in your applications.
Using Directives
Two or more directives that pertain to the same line of COBOL code may be combined on one comment line. The directives should be separated by a space or a comma. For example, to specify both USE GROUP and NUMERIC at the same time, you would add this line:
The following sections describe each of the directives that AcuXDBC supports, in alphabetical order. These include the: ALPHA Directive BINARY Directive COMMENT Directive DATE Directive FILE Directive HIDDEN Directive NAME Directive NUMERIC Directive READ-ONLY Directive USE GROUP Directive VarLength Directive WHEN Directive XSL Directive
*(( XFD ALPHA ))
This is especially useful when you have numeric keys in which you occasionally store non-numeric data, such as LOW-VALUES or special codes. In this situation, treating the field as alphanumeric allows you to move any kind of data to it.
Suppose you have specified KEY IS code-key. Then assume the following record definition:
01 code-record. 03 code-key. 05 code-num
pic 9(5).
In the database, group items are disregarded, so CODE-NUM is the actual key field. Suppose you needed to move a non-numeric value to the key:
In this case the results are not well-defined because a non-numeric value has been moved into a numeric field. The database might very well reject the record. One way to solve this problem is to use the ALPHA directive. This causes the corresponding database field to accept alphanumeric data:
code-record. 03 code-key. $XFD ALPHA 05 code-num 01
pic 9(5).
Using Directives
As an alternative, you could specify the USE GROUP Directive on the line before code-key. The USE GROUP directive implies that the field is alphanumeric.
You might use this directive when you need to store a key that contains LOW-VALUES; COBOL allows a numeric field to contain LOW or HIGH values, but these are invalid for a numeric field in the RDBMS:
code-record. 03 code-key. 05 code-indic *(( XFD BINARY )) 05 code-num 05 code-suffix . . . move low-values to code-num. 01
*(( XFD COMMENT text ))
Using Directives
$XFD DATE[=date-format-string optional]
*(( XFD DATE[=date-format-string optional] ))
The DATE directive implies the NUMERIC directive. The date-format-string is a description of the desired date format, composed of characters from the following list:
Y M D J E H N S T year (2 or 4-digit) month (01 - 12) day of month (01 - 31) Julian day (00000000 - 99999999) day of year (001 - 366) hour (00 - 23) minute second hundredth of a second
If date-format-string contains only date characters (Y, M, D, E or J), the string is treated as a DATE variable. If date-format-string contains only time characters (H, N, S), it is treated as a TIME variable. If date-format-string contains any combination of date and time characters, or if it contains fractional seconds (T), it is treated as a TIMESTAMP variable.
that contains fractional seconds (for example: HHNNSSTT). If you are using such an application, modify strings containing fractions to be purely numeric.
Each character in a date-format-string can be considered a place holder that represents the type of information stored at that location. The characters also determine how many digits will be used for each type of data. Any other characters cause the date-format-string to be invalid. Invalid formats are automatically treated as numeric data. For example, although you would typically represent the month with two digits, if you specify MMM as part of your date format, the resulting date uses three digits for the month, left-zero-filling the value. If the month is given as M, the resulting date uses a single digit, and truncates on the left. If you dont specify a date-format-string, the default is YYMMDD if the field has six digits, or YYYYMMDD if the field has eight digits. It is sometimes desirable to have incomplete date types, for example to have YYYYMM to simply store the year and month. AcuXDBC defaults the month and day to 1, so that incomplete types will be valid. Note that AcuXDBC can handle incomplete date types, but if you have a complete type and invalid date data, AcuXDBC cannot handle the date.
Julian dates
Because the definition of Julian day varies, the DATE directive offers a great deal of flexibility for representing Julian dates. Many source books define the Julian day as the day of the year, with January 1st being 001, January 2nd being 002, and so forth. If you want to use this definition for Julian day, simply use EEE (day of year) in your date formats. Other reference books define the Julian day as the number of days since some specific base date in the past. This definition is represented in the DATE directive with the letter J (for example, a six-digit date field would be preceded with the directive $XFD DATE=JJJJJJ). The default base date for this form of Julian date is January 1, 1900.
Using Directives
You can define your own base date for Julian date calculations by setting the JULIAN_BASE_DATE configuration variable in your AcuXDBC configuration file. See Chapter 4, section 4.2.10 for details.
The source code for the animals table contains a group item for the date of the animals last visit, and an elementary item for the date of the last payment:
05 last_visit. 10 yyyy 10 mm 10 dd fee date_paid pic pic pic pic pic 9(4). 9(2). 9(2). s9(5)v99. 9(8).
05 05
The date portions of a database table based on source code with this FD look similar to this. All of these date-related fields are of type NUMBER in the (Access) database.
Using Directives
pic 9(8).
The resulting table now has a column with the name of the group item (last_visit), which is defined as type DATE/TIME (in Access).
Using Directives
This means that a date of ?70210 is converted to 20570210, or February 10, 2057. The range of valid dates is 00101 (Jan 1, 1740) through I91231 (Dec 31, 2159). Instead of YYYY or YY, you can also specify RY to mean that the first character of the year specifies the decade and that the entire date is to be 9s complement (to be able to sort dates in reverse order). Note that the entire date and time is treated as a 9s complement number in this case. The decade characters have the following meaning:
00 1700 1800 1900 2000 2010 C 9 / % B 8 . $ A 7 # @ 6 , 10 20 30 40 I ? 5 + ! 50 H > 4 * spc 60 G = 3 ) 70 F < 2 ( 80 E ; 1 ' 90 D : 0 &
The date 20570210 is now specified with *29789. The range of valid dates is I99898 (Jan 1, 1740) through 08768 (Dec 31, 2159), the same valid range as when using F instead of R. While using F and R before month, day, hour, or any other format specifier does not generate a compile error for the XFD, the results are undefined at runtime. Note that if you use these format specifiers with Acu4GL, the actual date is written to the database, not the encoded date. That means that the R specifier is not very useful in this scenario (you wont be able to read forward through a file in reverse date order). This format specifier is more useful with AcuXDBC where the data is in Vision format.
SELECT for the file has a variable ASSIGN name (ASSIGN TO variable_name). In this situation, the interface cannot form a file name automatically, and you must provide a name. You can encounter this situation when you are using AcuXDBCs file alias feature. For example, the description section of your COBOL file may reference multiple data files with the same format. Each of these data files represents a distinct table in the database, but one XFD file describes them all. See Chapter 5, section 5.5.1 File Aliases for more information. A starting name is a short file name that serves as the basis for the XFD name. See section 3.3.9, NAME Directive, for additional information.
$XFD FILE=name
*(( XFD FILE=name ))
This directive must appear on the line immediately preceding the files FD.
The sample file file_dir.cbl contains code that demonstrates the FILE directive. Suppose your SELECT statement has a variable ASSIGN name such as the one shown here:
SELECT work-file ASSIGN to pet-file.
Using Directives
$XFD FILE=patients FD work-file. 01 pet-record. 05 type-id. 10 atype 10 ano 05 owner 05 breed 05 gender WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 pet-file 01 qa-file-status
Note that after compilation, the data directory now contains the files file_dir.acu and patients.xfd. Because the FILE directive assigns the name of the XFD file, this is different than in previous examples where both the .acu file and the .xfd file took the same base name as the .cbl file. Refer to Chapter 5, section 5.5.1 for information on file alias and how to load XFDs to different tables and databases using the system catalog utility program (XDBCUtil).
the field. To do so, use the CREATE VIEW command, described in Chapter 7, section 7.5.4.
The HIDDEN directive applies only to the elementary data item it precedes. Subsequent data items revert to normal read access. Note that you cannot apply the HIDDEN directive to group items and you cannot hide the key.
If you use the INSERT command on a table that has hidden fields, spaces (hex value 20) are put into the hidden fields, whether they are numeric or alphanumeric.
In the following FD, fee is hidden from users in the resulting table.
FILE SECTION. FD jr-file. $XFD COMMENT This sample file demonstrates directives. 01 jr-record. 03 animal-info. 05 patient-id pic x(5). 05 atype pic x. 05 ctype redefines atype pic x. 05 dtype redefines atype pic x. 05 otype redefines atype pic x. 03 owner-info. 05 phone pic x(8). 05 owner pic x(30). 03 financial. 05 acct_no. 10 year pic x(2). 10 seq_no pic x(4). *(( XFD DATE=YYYYMMDD, USE GROUP )) 05 last_visit. 10 yyyy pic 9(4). 10 mm pic 9(2). 10 dd pic 9(2). $XFD HIDDEN 05 fee pic s9(5)v99. $XFD DATE=YYYYMMDD 05 date_paid pic 9(8).
Using Directives
Note that in the resulting table, the fee column no longer appears:
This directive is useful for hiding data like passwords, telephone numbers, and financial informationwhatever information you do not want users to see. You cannot include a HIDDEN field in a WHEN directive with a TABLENAME clause, due to the complexities of editing or adding records. In this situation, you must add the data, but since the field is hidden, you cannot see it and could add a value that would cause unexpected results. See section 3.3.15, WHEN Directive, for additional information.
$XFD NAME=fieldname
*(( XFD NAME=fieldname ))
pic 99. pic 99. pic 99. pic 99. pic 99. pic 99.
It is not, however, acceptable for a database to have a table with two columns with the same name. In fact, you will not be able to compile and generate an XFD with this source code in your program. You need not change the field names in your COBOL program to make them accessible to your Windows or Java application through ODBC or JDBC. Instead, you use the NAME directive to provide unique names for the fields. Although this is not included in the sample code, here is an example of using the NAME directive when you have duplicate field names:
10 last_visit. 15 mm 15 dd 15 yy 10 last_payment. $XFD NAME=MONTH_PD 15 mm $XFD NAME=DAY_PD 15 dd $XFD NAME=YEAR_PD 15 yy
Using Directives
The dates portion of the Vision database table will look like this:
mm 06 dd 18 yy 02 MONTH_PD 07 DAY_PD 04 YEAR_PD 02
This directive causes the XFD to map PATIENT-ID to PATIENT in the database.
Additional examples
Here are some other places where you may consider using the NAME directive. In all of these instances, note that your COBOL data does not change. The new name appears only in the Vision database and in any tables that result from your COBOL code. If your COBOL data contains field names that are identical within the first 18 characters. Each time you compile your program and specify -Fx to create XFDs, any field names longer than 18 characters are checked for uniqueness within the first 18. If you have names that are identical within the first 18 characters, or that would not be meaningful if shortened to the first 18 characters, use the NAME directive to assign them different database field names. If you map COBOL data items to Windows or Java applications. If a column name in your Windows/Java application does not match the name used in your COBOL FD, you can use a NAME directive to associate the two names. If a field name in your COBOL data begins with a numeric character. Because Windows and Java applications communicate using SQL, the program typically generates a syntax error when it encounters a column name that begins with a numeric character. If your COBOL program uses field names that begin with a numeric character, use the NAME directive to assign a different name for use with your Windows and Java applications.
Using Directives
If you want to include a FILLER item. If your COBOL name is an SQL reserved word.
The PATIENT-ID field (now appearing in the database table as the PATIENT column) is defined in the source code as being a text field. Since this field will always contain a number, you may want to define it in the database table as numeric. (Note the use of two directives for the same data item here.)
FILE SECTION. FD jr-file. $XFD COMMENT This sample file demonstrates directives. 01 jr-record. 03 animal-info. *((XFD NAME=PATIENT, NUMERIC )) 05 patient-id pic x(5). 05 atype pic x. 05 ctype redefines atype pic x. 05 dtype redefines atype pic x. 05 otype redefines atype pic x. 03 owner-info. 05 phone pic x(8). 05 owner pic x(30). 03 financial. 05 acct_no. 10 year pic x(2).
10 seq_no *(( XFD DATE=YYYYMMDD, USE GROUP )) 05 last_visit. 10 yyyy 10 mm 10 dd $XFD HIDDEN 05 fee
pic x(4).
The following table is the result, and, in the database, PATIENT is now of type NUMBER.
See also
Using Directives
Note: Use the READ-ONLY directive if you want to tag fields (columns)
of data as read-only. Use the READ_ONLY configuration variable if you want to designate all the files belonging to a DSN as read-only. See Chapter 4, section 4.2.23 for more information on this configuration variable.
In the code creating the animals table, the owner data item has been designated as read-only. The code is:
FILE SECTION. FD jr-file. $XFD COMMENT This sample file demonstrates directives. 01 jr-record. 03 animal-info. *((XFD NAME=PATIENT, NUMERIC )) 05 patient-id pic x(5). 05 atype pic x. 05 ctype redefines atype pic x. 05 dtype redefines atype pic x. 05 otype redefines atype pic x. 03 owner-info. 05 phone pic x(8). *(( XFD READ-ONLY )) 05 owner pic x(30). 03 financial. 05 acct_no. 10 year pic x(2). 10 seq_no pic x(4). *(( XFD DATE=YYYYMMDD, USE GROUP )) 05 last_visit. 10 yyyy pic 9(4). 10 mm pic 9(2). 10 dd pic 9(2). *(( XFD HIDDEN )) 05 fee pic s9(5)v99. $XFD DATE=MMDDYYYY 05 date_paid pic 9(8).
In the database table, the owner column looks the same as the other columns. However, if the user attempts to modify data in the owner column, they receive a message telling them that the update on a linked table failed.
See also
GRANT (Object privileges)
*(( XFD SUBTABLE=name ))
*((XFD SUBTABLE=subtab1)) 03 employee-table occurs 10 times. 05 employee-number pic 9(3).
See also
USE GROUP Directive
Using Directives
You might use this directive with fields like multi-part account numbers or department numbers, or keys that are referenced as a unit but not by their individual pieces. In the sample file, you can group the year and seq_no fields to make a single account number column (acct_no) as shown below:
FILE SECTION. FD jr-file. $XFD COMMENT This sample file demonstrates directives. 01 jr-record. 03 animal-info. *((XFD NAME=PATIENT, NUMERIC )) 05 patient-id pic x(5). 05 atype pic x. 05 ctype redefines atype pic x. 05 dtype redefines atype pic x. 05 otype redefines atype pic x. 03 owner-info. 05 phone pic x(8).
*(( XFD READ-ONLY )) 05 owner 03 financial. $XFD USE GROUP 05 acct_no. 10 year 10 seq_no *(( XFD, USE GROUP, DATE=YYYYMMDD )) 05 last_visit. 10 yyyy 10 mm 10 dd $XFD HIDDEN 05 fee
pic x(30).
If you are using an existing database in which certain fields are grouped, they must also be grouped in your COBOL FD. If the database does not yet exist, keep in mind that combining fields into groups typically improves execution speed. Whether to group fields or not also depends on how you want to process them. Do you always store and use the fields together? Someone who really knows how the data is being used might help to identify groups of fields that can be combined to speed processing. Once youve grouped fields, you can apply other directives, such as DATE Directive, NUMERIC Directive, and ALPHA Directive.
Using Directives
For example, the directive in the following code indicates that the employee-name field should be entered into a SYBASE database as a VARCHAR data item.
*(( XFD 03 VAR_LENGTH )) employee-notes pic x(300).
Recall that the key fields and the fields from the largest record are automatically included as explicit columns in the Vision database table (see section 3.2.2). So you should use the WHEN directive if you want the user to be able to access all the data in the COBOL file in a way that is understandable. WHEN declares that the field (or subordinate fields, if it is a group item) that immediately follow the directive must appear as a column (or columns) in the Vision database table. It also states one condition under which the columns are to be used. The WHEN directive thus guarantees that the fields will be explicitly included in the table (as long as they arent FILLER and dont occupy the same area as key fields).
$XFD WHEN field operator value
*(( XFD WHEN field operator value ))
Field is the name of a data item that corresponds to a field. If there is a NAME directive for this data item, the name used in the WHEN directive is the name given to the item by the NAME directive, not its COBOL name. The operator specifies the relation between the field value and the alphanumeric literal that satisfies the condition. Operator can be one of the following:
Operator = != > < >= <= Relation The field value is equal to the literal value. The field value is not equal to the literal value. The field value is greater than the literal value. The field value is less than the literal value. The field value is greater than or equal to the literal value The field value is less than or equal to the literal value
Using Directives
Value is an alphanumeric literal (if the field is alphanumeric) or a numeric literal (if the field is numeric) or the special word Other. Other is used only with the = operator:
$XFD WHEN field = other
Other is true only when all other conditions for the same field are false. For example, if your FD contains the following lines of code:
the other condition holds true only if both atype = c and atype = d are false.
The following code is an example of using the WHEN directive.
01 key-record. * employee-number is a key data item 03 employee-number pic 99999. 03 emp-type pic x. $xfd when emp-type="1" * record has this form when emp-type=1 01 data-record-1. 03 filler pic 99999. 03 filler pic x. 03 name-1 pic x(35). 03 pay-rate-1 pic 99.99. $xfd when emp-type="2" * record has this form when emp-type=2 01 data-record-2 03 filler pic 99999. 03 filler pic x. 03 name-2 pic x(35). 03 pay-rate-2 pic 999.99. 03 subordinates pic 999. 03 position pic x(50).
The effect of these directives is to force emp-type, name-1, and pay-rate-1 to correspond to columns, even though they are not in the largest record description. Therefore, the corresponding table has the following columns:
EMPLOYEE_NUMBER EMP_TYPE NAME_1 PAY_RATE_1 NAME_2 PAY_RATE_2 SUBORDINATES POSITION If each data item is subordinate to at most one WHEN directive, as in this example, the following occurs: When the condition is true, the data item appears in the database table in the usual way. When the condition is false, the special value NULL appears in the corresponding column in the database table, and any value written into the column in the database table is not written to the COBOL data file. The exact meaning of a NULL value depends on the database. In some databases, NULL is a blank or zero value. In others, NULL is a special value on which no arithmetic or string operations can be performed, although a value can be tested to determine whether it is NULL.
If a data item is subordinate to two or more WHEN directives, the following applies: When all conditions are true, the data item appears in the database table in the usual way. When at least one condition is false, the special value NULL appears in the corresponding column in the database table, and any value written into the column in the database table is not written to the COBOL data file.
Using Directives
When an XFD names a condition, such as WHEN, AcuXDBC produces multiple tables from a single XFD file. One table is given the current name of the file, while the VIEWS resulting from any named conditions are given the name specified with the tablename parameter (see syntax below). You cannot include a HIDDEN field in a WHEN directive with a TABLENAME clause, due to the complexities of editing or adding records. In such a situation, you must add the data, but since the field is hidden, you cannot see it and may add a value that would cause unexpected results. If an XFD file in an alias contains WHEN directives with TABLENAME phrases, the corresponding tables are defined in the usual way, using the data file specified by its physical file name. You can define two or more file aliases with the same XFD file but with different physical file names if the XFD file does not contain any WHEN directives with the TABLENAME clause.
$XFD WHEN field operator value TABLENAME=new_table_name or *(( XFD WHEN field operator value TABLENAME=new_table_name ))
The syntax is essentially the same as for the WHEN directive alone, with the addition of the TABLENAME clause. The word OTHER can be used only with =. It means use the following field(s) only if none of the other WHEN condition(s) listed for the same field is met. In other words, this condition is true only if all other conditions for the same field are false. For example:
. . assign to "ar_table" . . 01 ar-code-type. *(( xfd when ar-code-type = "s" tablename=ship )) 03 ship-code-record pic x(4). *(( xfd when ar-code-type = "b" tablename=backorder )) 03 backorder-code-record redefines ship-code-record. *(( xfd when ar-code-type = other )) 03 obsolete-code-record redefines ship-code-record.
If you tried to connect to the system catalog through a program like Access, you would see a table named ar_table, and two views named ship, and backorder. If you placed $XFD READ-ONLY TABLE immediately before the xfd when ar-code-type = s tablename=ship line, the ship view and ar_table would be read-only, but the backorder view would not. If you create the INFORMATION_SCHEMA during AcuXDBC setup (described in Chapter 5, section 5.3), you can see these entries by executing the following SQL query:
OTHER may be used before one record definition, and may be used once at each level within each record definition.
Note: A WHEN directive with condition OTHER must be used if there is a possibility that the data in the field will not meet any of the explicit conditions specified in the other WHEN directives. If this is not done, results are undefined. Also, WHEN directives may ensure that there will be multiple columns that share the same record area. If you try to modify both columns, an error results.
Example 1
If the following code were compiled without directives, the underlined fields would appear explicitly in the database table. Note that the key fields are included automatically, as are the fields from the largest record. FILLER would be ignored:
01 ar-codes-record. 03 ar-codes-key. 05 ar-code-type 05 ar-code-num ship-code-record. 03 filler 03 ship-instruct terms-code-record. 03 filler 03 terms-rate-1 03 terms-days-1 03 terms-rate-2 03 terms-descript
pic x. pic 999. pic x(4). pic x(15). pic pic pic pic pic x(4). s9v999. 9(3). s9v999. x(15).
Using Directives
If you added the WHEN directive as shown below, it would cause the fields from the SHIP-CODE-RECORD to be included in the database table, and would determine when specific database columns would be used. The underlined fields would appear as columns in the database table:
ar-codes-record. 03 ar-codes-key. 05 ar-code-type pic pic 05 ar-code-num $xfd when ar-code-type = "s" 01 ship-code-record. 03 filler pic pic 03 ship-instruct $xfd when ar-code-type = "t" 01 terms-code-record. 03 filler pic pic 03 terms-rate-1 pic 03 terms-days-1 pic 03 terms-rate-2 03 terms-descript pic 01
x. 999.
x(4). x(15).
FILLER data items dont have unique names and are thus not used to form columns in the database table. You could use the NAME directive to give them a name if you really need to see them in the database table. However, in this example the FILLER data items implicitly redefine key fields. Thus, they would be disregarded even if you provided a name for them.
Example 2
In the following code, in which no WHEN directives are used, the underlined fields will be explicitly named in the database table. (Key fields have the suffix key in their names in this example.) Note that REDEFINES records simply re-map the same data area and are not explicitly included in the database table by default:
01 archive-record. 03 filler 03 archive-code 03 archive-location 03 filler master-record. 03 animal-id-key. 05 patient-id pic pic pic pic x(33). 9(6). 9(2). x(10).
pic 9(6).
05 species-code-type pic 9(5). 05 species-name pic x(6). service-code-key. 05 service-code-type pic 9(6). 05 service-name pic x(10). billing-code. 05 billing-code-type pic 9(4). 05 plan-name pic x(8). office-info. pic 9(8). 05 date-in-office 05 served-by-name pic x(10). remote-info redefines office-info. 05 van-id pic 9(4). 05 proc-code pic 9(8). 05 vet-name pic x(6).
If you added the WHEN directives shown below, you would add several columns to the database table. The fields that would appear in the table are underlined:
*(( xfd when animal-id-key = "00000000000000000" )) 01 archive-record. 03 filler pic x(33). pic 9(6). 03 archive-code pic 9(2). 03 archive-location 03 filler pic x(10). *(( xfd when animal-id-key = other )) 01 master-record. *(( xfd use group )) 03 animal-id-key. 05 patient-id pic 9(6). 05 species-code-type pic 9(5). 05 species-name pic x(6). 03 service-code-key. 05 service-code-type pic 9(6). pic x(10). 05 service-name 03 billing-code. 05 billing-code-type pic 9(4). pic x(8). 05 plan-name *(( xfd when billing-code-type = "1440" )) 03 office-info. pic 9(8). 05 date-in-office 05 served-by-name pic x(10). *(( xfd when billing-code-type = other )) 03 remote-info redefines office-info.
Using Directives
05 05 05
Example 3
If your application has a REDEFINES whose field names are more meaningful than the fields they redefine, you might consider switching the order of your code, rather than using a WHEN directive. Use the less significant field names in the REDEFINES. For example, you might change this:
03 code-info. 05 filler pic 9(8). pic x(10). 05 code-1 patient-info redefines code-info. 05 patient-id pic 9(4). 05 service-code pic 9(8). 05 server-name pic x(6).
to this:
03 patient-info. 05 patient-id pic 9(4). pic 9(8). 05 service-code pic x(6). 05 server-name code-info redefines patient-info. 05 filler pic 9(8). 05 code-1 pic x(10).
The fields that would appear in the database table by default are underlined above. This shows how the column names might become more meaningful when the order is reversed. Your application operates the same either way.
Note: If a WHEN condition is false for a particular record, columns
corresponding to data items subject to the WHEN directive and in the row corresponding to the record are set to the special database value NULL This means that there is no value provided for those columns. NULL is not equivalent to zero, and it has special properties in the database. For example, you can select all rows for which a given column is NULL.
Example 4
This COBOL code:
col-type 03 col-def. $xfd when col-type = "a" 05 def1 $xfd when col-type = "b" 05 def2 redefines def1 01 pic x.
Note that if you try to set the first row so that col_type=a, def1=xx, and def2=20, the value of def2 is not stored.
$XFD XSL=stylesheet
*(( XFD XSL=stylesheet ))
where stylesheet is an alphanumeric literal indicating the appropriate stylesheet. The compiler includes the following line in all generated XML-style XFD files:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet"?>
Using Directives
For example:
*(( XFD XSL="myxsl.xsl" ))
Key Topics
Introduction ............................................................................................. 4-2 AcuXDBC Configuration ....................................................................... 4-2 AcuXDBC Server Configuration ......................................................... 4-23 AcuServer Configuration .................................................................... 4-26
4.1 Introduction
Two configuration files are central to AcuXDBC. By default, they are known as acuxdbc.cfg and net.ini. In stand-alone configurations, only acuxdbc.cfg is used. Network installations using AcuXDBC Server require both configuration files. In this case, acuxdbc.cfg resides on the server and net.ini resides on the client. Note: The acuxdbc.cfg file can be named anything. You specify the name of the file when you set up the DSN on the client or when using various command-line tools. net.ini, on the other hand, must retain its default name and location.
Configuration files provide you with two main benefits: Universal configuration. When creating DSNs on network clients, you dont have to configure each DSN individually. Instead, just point to a configuration file on the server. Dynamic configuration. When you need to change your AcuXDBC configuration, you can modify the configuration file as needed without changing individual DSNs.
This chapter describes the purpose of these configuration files, and the variables that are supported.
AcuXDBC Configuration
In stand-alone installations, this is the only configuration file that is required. In network installations, acuxdbc.cfg must reside on the server. net.ini is the configuration file used on network clients. AcuXDBC supports configuration variables in several key areas, as shown below. AcuServer variables are described in section 4.4. The variables marked with an asterisk (*), DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX, are required. If you installed AcuXDBC in a non-default directory, you must modify the DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX variables in the client configuration file or generate a new configuration file with the genxconf utility, which is included in your distribution to make the generation of configuration files easier. This utility takes the format:
genxconf [-d directory] [-c catalog] [ -p prefix] [-n config_name]
This utility will generate a configuration file for you with default values for the configuration options unless you override them with command-line parameters. For you to be able to customize the generation settings for your sites particular needs, most of the settings are read from a template called from your install directory called sample\genxconf\
Advanced Options
none none
Indicates the file case of your data files Define multi-company wildcards and their respective substitution characters.
The maximum number of record locks that can be held on a file when an SQL transaction has been issued Maximum number of files that can be opened The maximum number of record locks that can be held for all of the files together The number of indexed block buffers to allocate
32 32
Transaction Processing Options
The maximum buffer size, in bytes, for the transaction log file Encrypts transaction log file Name of transaction log file
AcuXDBC Configuration
Logging Setup Options
none 0 vision_trace.log 0
Name and location of the log file used for debugging purposes The log level you desire for debugging purposes Sets name of Vision log file Initiates Vision logging/tracing
For your convenience, a sample acuxdbc.cfg file is provided on the AcuXDBC distribution media. This file gets its information from a template file located in sample\AcuXDBC\ in the install directory. Section 4.2.30 shows the contents of this file. Most of the configuration options are commented out in this sample. To use an option, remove the comment hash sign (#) to apply a setting, and resave the file. To assist you in creating your own configuration files, a utility called genxconf is included in the bin directory of AcuGT. This utility automatically generates an AcuXDBC configuration file that includes the required configuration variables set to the values that you define. It also enables you to specify an alternate directory name for GENESIS_HOME and an alternate configuration file name. The genxconf.bat file takes the following commands:
genxconf [-d directory] [-c catalog] [-p prefix] [-n config_name]
Option Specifies
The directory name to use for the environment variable (registry entry on Windows) GENESIS_HOME. See section 5.2 for more details on this variable/registry entry. An optional directory name to use for the System Catalog. See section 4.2.3, DICTSOURCE, for more details. A location (path) to your data files. See Section 4.2.6, FILE_PREFIX for more details. A name for the configuration file that is created.
-c -p -n
For information on configuration files in general, refer to the ACUCOBOL-GT Users Guide, section 2.7, Runtime Configuration.
Use DEBUG_LOGFILE to specify the fully qualified name of the log file generated by the DEBUG_LOGLEVEL variable. For example:
DEBUG_LOGFILE c:\logdir\xdbc.log
Set DEBUG_LOGLEVEL to the level of logging that you need for debugging purposes. This variable has three valid values:
Value 0 1 Description None. No log file is created. Logging is off. Log control blocks/data. The log file contains information about the connection, the values in your configuration file, and the data from the table/file. Log conversion output.
AcuXDBC Configuration
Use this variable to specify the location of your system catalog. The system catalog is a required component of AcuXDBC and is created using the xdbcutil program or ainit script. Refer to Chapter 5, section 5.3 for details. Example:
DICTSOURCE c:\data\Dict
By default, DICTSOURCE is set to C:\Program Files\Acucorp\Acucbl8xx\acugt\syscat on Windows and /opt/acucorp/8xx/ syscat on UNIX. Use the FILE_PREFIX variable to specify the location of your Vision data files. Both DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX are required.
Using this variable, set the case of the Vision filenames in your destination directory. By default, on Windows systems, the filenames are recognized in either upper, lower, or mixed case. If your files are on a UNIX system, using the default setting enables you to access files regardless of whether they are named in uppercase or lowercase letters. If you set FILE_CASE to Upper, you can access only files that are named in uppercase letters. In the reverse, if you set FILE_CASE to Lower, you can access only files that are named in lowercase letters. For example, setting FILE_CASE to Upper means that AcuXDBC would find a file named FILEA, but it would not find a file named FileA. Setting FILE_CASE to Lower means that filea would be found, but FileA would not. Accepting the default value means that FileA, filea, and FILEA would all be found (case is ignored).
Use this variable to define wildcards for multi-company DSNs. For example, a configuration file entry like this:
tells AcuXDBC to substitute 01 for $$ and 02 for ** whenever the wildcard characters $$ and ** are encountered in a configuration file, a list.txt file, or on the xdbcutil command line. Wildcards can be any character except an equal sign (=), colon (:), semi-colon (;), alphabetic characters A-Z, and numerals 0-9. These are reserved characters. Separate a wildcard from its substitution character by an equal sign. Separate multiple wildcards from one another by a semi-colon. Refer to Section 5.5.2, Multi-company Support, for instructions on setting up multi-company DSNs.
Use this variable to specify the directories where AcuXDBC should search for data files. You can specify multiple locations for your data files. Until you specify a data directory, AcuXDBC will not let you log on. You must prepend the line with a semi-colon, use double backslashes (\\) or single forward slashes (/) between directory names, and separate your paths by semi-colons. If any of your directories contain spaces, place the entire entry in quotation marks:
FILE_PREFIX ;c:\my dir1;c:\my dir2
For best performance, list the directories in the order in which you want AcuXDBC to search them. For example:
FILE_PREFIX ;C:\\data\\data; \\XYZDomain\\data
FILE_PREFIX ;C:/data/data; /XYZDomain/data
AcuXDBC Configuration
Use the DICTSOURCE variable to specify the location of your system catalog. Both DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX are required.
Use this variable to specify the file extension used for your data files. For example
When AcuXDBC looks for a file, it looks only at files with the extension specified here. If you do not include this variable in your configuration file, AcuXDBC looks for data files with no extension in the data directory indicated with FILE_PREFIX. You can always specify the exact filename with suffix when using the xdbcutil program or addfile script. Note that files residing on remote UNIX servers must have lowercase file extensions.
All tables in an AcuXDBC database have an owner. By default, the owner of the table is PUBLIC, or you can specify a different authorization ID when you add the file to the database with xdbcutil. If an application such as Microsoft Access tries to link to the table, the table appears with the link table name of the form OWNER_NAME by default. To prevent the owner from being displayed: 1. Specify "-o " "" in xdbcutil to specify a blank owner when loading the table. Please note there is a space between the quotes after the -o, so it looks something like this on the command line:
-o <space>
Set the IGNORE_OWNER variable to 1 (on, true, yes). When set to 1, this variable removes the owner from the listing of the tables in applications that do catalog lookups. The default value is 0 (off, fasle, no).
To have no owner appear in applications that do table look up, you must perform both of these steps. See section 5.3.1 for information on the xdbcutil utility. As an alternative, you may choose the name of the linked/imported table in Access by using Edit/Rename or by right-clicking the table name and clicking Rename on the pop-up menu. Tip: Having the link in the form USER_NAME is useful in distinguishing between separate objects with the same name.
Use this variable to indicate how AcuXDBC should treat non-numeric data in a numeric field.
If you specify... Error (default) Truncate AcuXDBC will...
Treat non-numeric data in a numeric field as an assignment error. Treat the first non-numeric character in a numeric field as the end of the numeric data (thus truncating the numeric data). This includes anything that is not a number, decimal, plus, or minus. Cause the field to be returned to the application as 0 if the field contains any non-numeric data.
Caution: Be aware that users may inadvertently change data in a record. For example, if a particular record contains non-numeric data in a numeric field and the user changes the data while working in an ODBC-enabled application, the record in the source file changes to reflect what is now in the application. Therefore, exercise caution when setting either the INVALID_NUMERIC_DATA or READ_ONLY variables to a non-default value.
AcuXDBC Configuration
Some applications must read data based on the key. If a numeric column of a key field contains non-numeric data, the application will be unable to find the correct row of the file and may show an error. Note that, in particular, Microsoft Access selects the columns of the primary key and then selects the rest of the data based on those key columns. If Access cannot read the data (because a user operation has changed the data, and therefore the wrong data is in the key), the affected records show as DELETED. In this case, you must fix the data in the primary key.
A Julian date is the number of days since a certain, base date. For example, if the Julian base date is June 18, 2006 and todays date is July 4, 2006, the Julian date is 16. The default Julian base date in AcuXDBC is January 1, 1900. To specify the date from which to start counting Julian dates, use the JULIAN_BASE_DATE variable. Specify a base date in the format yyyy/ mm/dd. For example:
Note that you can enter any Julian Base Date, regardless of whether or not the date is valid. Also note that when AcuXDBC calculates Julian dates, the Julian base date becomes date 0. For example, if your Julian base date is October 30, 2006, the Julian dates are counted as follows:
October 30 October 31 November 1 November 2 November 3 Julian date 0 Julian date 1 Julian date 2 Julian date 3 Julian date 4
The LOCKS_PER_FILE variable sets the maximum number of record locks that can be held on a file when an SQL transaction has been issued by the Windows application. This value affects only the files that are maintaining multiple record locks. Typically, all read records for updating or deleting transaction data are locked. This field enables you to increase the number of locks per file so you can manage large transactions. The default setting is 10. The maximum value is 8191 for Vision files. Setting this variable to its maximum value can waste resources and is not recommended.
This variable sets the maximum buffer size, in bytes, for the transaction log file. Acceptable values are from 0 to 32767. Log Buffer Size is examined before each write to the log file. Its default value is 512. If Log Buffer Size is set to 0, writes to the log file are synchronous (unbuffered). That is, if the log buffer size is 0, there is an operating system call after every write to the log buffer. If the number is large, there is a call only when the buffer is full. We recommend that you experiment to determine which size works best in your environment.
Setting this variable to 1, (on, true, yes) causes the transaction management system to assume that the log file is actually a device, rather than a file. This means that a special device locking method is on the log file. It also guarantees that the log file is opened append and that no seeks are performed on it. This allows for the use of a tape device for the log file on many systems. By default, this option is turned off.
See also
AcuXDBC Configuration
Set this variable to 1, (on, true, yes) to encrypt records before writing them to the log file. By default, log encryption is off.
See also
4.2.15 LOG_FILE
Use this variable to specify the name of the log file to be used for transaction management logging. (Activate transaction management logging using the ENABLE_LOGGING variable.) If the file does not exist, one is created. You may store your transaction log file on a remote machine if your system utilizes AcuServer. To specify a remote filename for Log File, use remote name notation in this field. Note that AcuServer must be running on the remote machine. Remote name notation has the following format:
Log files prepended with @server-name:path-name are routed to AcuServer on the host specified by server-name, and stored in the directory specified by path-name.
See also
4.2.16 LOGGING
Set this variable to 1, (on, true, yes) to enable transaction management logging. When this box is selected, file updates are logged to the transaction log file specified in the LOG_FILE variable. Note that logging affects performance and should be used judiciously. By default, logging is off.
See also
4.2.17 MAX_FILES
The MAX_FILES variable sets the maximum number of files that can be opened by AcuXDBC. The default is 32. The maximum value is 256. Keep this value small to conserve memory, but large enough to allow for 12 AcuXDBC system tables plus your data tables.
4.2.18 MAX_LOCKS
The MAX_LOCKS variable sets the maximum number of record locks that can be held by AcuXDBC for all of the files together. The default matches the setting of Max Files, in this case 32. The maximum value is 8191 for Vision files. Setting this variable to its maximum value can waste resources.
COBOL does not have a concept that corresponds directly to SQLs NULL. The closest candidates in COBOL are data items that contain either SPACES or LOW-VALUES. In SQL, NULL is often used to indicate that the data is missing or not applicable.
AcuXDBC Configuration
To maintain the integrity of the source data and to ensure that any data written from your application back to the COBOL source is accurate, you must provide a representational mapping between COBOLs SPACES and LOW-VALUES and the corresponding SQL column values. Use the NULL_ALPHA_READ variable to indicate which COBOL alphanumeric data should be represented as NULL. For data coming into your application (READs), if a field contains either SPACES or LOW-VALUES in alphanumeric data in the COBOL files, instruct the application to represent it as either NULL or an empty string. Valid values are:
By default, alphanumeric data is interpreted as null on input to your ODBC-enabled application. AcuXDBC follows these rules for alphanumeric data coming into an ODBC-enabled application.
If an alphanumeric field contains All SPACES or all LOW-VALUES Any other values Then that field
Comes into the application as either NULL or as an empty string, depending on the setting for variables for the data source. Comes into the application unchanged.
See the NULL_ALPHA_READ for background on null processing in COBOL. Use the NULL_ALPHA_WRITE variable to indicate how SQL NULLs in alphanumeric data should be translated into COBOL data. For data returned to the COBOL files (WRITEs), indicate whether the NULLs should be interpreted as SPACES or LOW-VALUES. Valid values are:
By default, alphanumeric data is interpreted as SPACES on output to the COBOL source. Note: This variable is ignored if your data source is read-only.
See the NULL_ALPHA_READ for background on null processing in COBOL. Use the NULL_NUMERIC_READ variable to indicate which COBOL numeric data should be represented as NULL. For data coming into your application (READs), if a field contains either SPACES or LOW-VALUES in numeric data in the COBOL files, instruct the application to represent it as either NULL or a zero. Valid values are:
With numeric fields, LOW-VALUES and SPACES are valid values for many numeric types, as shown in the following examples:
If the numeric type is LOW-VALUES is equal to 0 0 0 SPACES is equal to 2020 8192 INVALID
Therefore, AcuXDBC follows these rules for numeric data coming in to the ODBC-enabled application:
If a field contains All LOW-VALUES And LOW-VALUES is an invalid value for the numeric type Then The field comes into the application based on the setting for numeric variables for the data source.
AcuXDBC Configuration
And SPACES is an invalid value for the numeric type The value is invalid for the numeric type
Then The field comes into the application based on the setting for numeric variables for the data source. Undefined data may come in to the application.
Note: SPACES or LOW-VALUES will not be converted to NULL or zero in a numeric data item where SPACES or LOW-VALUES, respectively, are valid numeric values.
See the NULL_ALPHA_READ for background on null processing in COBOL. Use the NULL_NUMERIC_WRITE variable to indicate how SQL NULLs in numeric data should be translated into COBOL data. For data returned to the COBOL files (WRITEs), indicate whether the NULLs in numeric data should be interpreted as SPACES, LOW-VALUES, or zero. Valid values are:
By default, numeric data is interpreted as zero on output to the COBOL source. Note: This variable is ignored if your data source is read-only.
4.2.23 READ_ONLY
This variable establishes the default read/write permission for all the files belonging to the associated DSN. By default, this variable is set to 0, (off, false, no), indicating that users can write to the files. Specify 1, (on, true, yes) if you want to make the files read-only. What you indicate for read/write permission here applies to all files in the data source. If you want to assign different permissions to any individual files, you can do so using file aliases. See Chapter 5, section 5.5.1 for more information on file aliases. File (table) level read/write protection can also be defined by granting object privileges to specific users or to the PUBLIC user. This is done with the SQL GRANT statement as described in Chapter 7, section 7.5.11. For example, to make a table read-only to all users, you could issue the following command using xdbcquery:
Field (column) level read/write protection can be further defined using the READ-ONLY directive. Refer to Chapter 3, section 3.3.11 for more information on this option. Note: When executing a SELECT statement, AcuXDBC opens Vision files as INPUT regardless of the how this variable is set. When the user attempts to update a row (from Microsoft Access, for example), if the READ_ONLY configuration variable is off, AcuXDBC attempts to open the Vision file for update. If the COBOL program has the record locked during an AcuXDBC SELECT and that record has met the SELECT conditions, a locked record condition occurs. When the COBOL program updates a record previously retrieved during an AcuXDBC SELECT, the update takes effect. When AcuXDBC attempts to update the record, an error occurs indicating that the record has been changed by another process after the original AcuXDBC SELECT.
AcuXDBC Configuration
4.2.24 TEMP_DIR
This variable allows you to specify a directory to be used for holding the temporary files generated by the transaction management system. If no directory is specified, temporary files are placed in the current directory.
This variable turns transaction processing support on (1, true, yes) or off ( 0, no, false) for the AcuXDBC interface. The default setting is On and results in AcuXDBC accepting or recoginizing Vision transaction commands. When set to Off AcuXDBC ignores the transaction commands.
Use this variable to enable Visions transaction processing support in AcuXDBC. If you are in a transaction processing environment, set this variable to 1, (on, true, yes) to begin transaction management, locking, and other key functions. By default, transaction processing is off. Use the LOGGING to turn on transaction logging.
4.2.27 V_BUFFERS
The V_BUFFERS variable lets you set the number of indexed block buffers to allocate. Each buffer is 512 bytes plus some overhead. These buffers are used to improve the performance of indexed files. The value can range from 0 (no buffering) to 256. The default is 32. Selecting a larger value generally improves file performance. Setting a lower value saves memory.
Use this variable to specify the name of the log file to be used for Vision logging. (Activate Vision logging using the VISION_LOGGING_LEVEL variable.) If the file does not exist, one is created.
You may store your Vision log file on a remote machine if your system utilizes AcuServer. To specify a remote filename for Log File, use remote name notation in this field. Note that AcuServer must be running on the remote machine. Remote name notation has the following format:
Log files prepended with @server-name:path-name are routed to AcuServer on the host specified by server-name, and stored in the directory specified by path-name.
Set this variable to a value between 1 and 9 to initiate Vision logging/ tracing; the higher the number, the more detailed the trace file. The trace file contains all Vision file operations performed at runtime, such as file opens, reads, and writes. It is useful for troubleshooting file errors. By default, the file is named vision_trace.log. A value of 0 or -1 turns file tracing off.
dictsource C:\Program Files\Acucorp\Acucbl810\acugt\syscat # # The path to your data files. You must prepend the line with a semi-colon, use either double backslashes (\\) or forward slashes (/),
AcuXDBC Configuration
file_prefix ;C:/Program Files/Acucorp/Acucbl810/acugt/sample/AcuXDBC/data # # Specify your data file extensions; leave blank if no extensions exist.
# file_suffix #----------------------------------------------------------#-------------------ADVANCED OPTION SETUP------------------#----------------------------------------------------------# Values for File_Case are Default (case ignored), # Lower (filename converted to lower case), and # Upper (filename converted to upper case). # file_case default # # # # To specify how AcuXDBC will treat non-numeric values in numeric fields, set this variable to Error (assignment error returned), Truncate (value truncated from first non-numeric value to the end), or Zero (value returned will be zero). error truncate zero
Set this value to true if the user should have read-only permissions to this database. The default is read and write permissions. no
# read_only # # #
These two variables provide a representational mapping between COBOLs SPACES and LOW-VALUES and the corresponding SQL column values. Valid values are null and empty.
# null_alpha_write #
# null_numeric_read #
# null_numeric_write
# Enter a start date for Julian dates using the YYYYMMDD # format. The default date is January 1, 1900. # julian_base_date 19000101 # This variable when turned off will cause AcuXDBC to ignore the transaction # options on operations such as an update. The default is on. # # transactions on # # # # # # # Tables in AcuXDBC have an owner specified. The owner is either public or an authorization id. The ignore_owner variable can be used to have files show as no owner. This must be used in conjunction with loading through xdbcutil with the -o option to have a blank owner in the database. The default is FALSE. ignore_owner off
#----------------------------------------------------------#-------------------VISION OPTION SETUP--------------------#----------------------------------------------------------# Set Max_Files from 1 to 256. # max_files 32 # Set Max_Locks from 1 to 8191. # max_locks 32 # Set Locks_per_file from 1 to 8191. # locks_per_file 10 # Set V_Buffers from 0 to 256. # v_buffers 32 #----------------------------------------------------------#-----TRANSACTION PROCESSING SETUP OPTIONS-----------------#----------------------------------------------------------# # # # # # # transaction_processing Off logging off log_encrypt off log_device off log_file temp_dir . log_buffer_size 512
# # # #
#----------------------------------------------------------#---------------------Multi-company options----------------#----------------------------------------------------------# For multi-company handling, you can specify the value of any # wildcards that you used when creating the table in your # system catalog by noting the values here. # # filename_wildcards #----------------------------------------------------------#---------------LOGGING SETUP OPTIONS----------------------#----------------------------------------------------------# # # # vision_logging_file vision_logging_level debug_logfile debug_loglevel
#----------------------------------------------------------#----------------END CONFIGURATION----------------------#-----------------------------------------------------------
For your convenience, a sample net.ini is provided on the AcuXDBC distribution media, in the lib subdirectory of the install. Section 4.3.6 shows the contents of this file. Most of the configuration options are commented out in this sample. To use an option, remove the comment hash sign (#) to apply a setting, and resave the file. AcuXDBC Server supports a variety of configuration variables, as shown below:
Use the net.ini configuration variable, KEY_CONNECT, to specify the connect string masking key used to encrypt the OS and DBMS user ID and password information. This number must match the one given with the -k option when AcuXDBC Server is started. For example:
Use this variable to specify the size (in bytes) of the buffer used to aggregate send operations. The default is 8192. For example:
Use this variable to specify the time to wait (in seconds) for read completion. The default of 0 indicates that there is no timeout.
When this variable is set to 1, (on, true, yes), AcuXDBC returns the operating system error code for communication errors. By default this variable is set to 0, (off, false, no).
Use this variable to specify the time to wait (in seconds) for write completion. The default of 0 indicates that there is no timeout.
# This number must match the one given with # the -k option when AcuXDBC Server is started. # It is used to encrypt the user ID and password # information over the network. #key_connect 1234 # Size (in bytes) of the buffer used to aggregate send operations. #packetsize 8192 # Time to wait for read completion. #read_timeout 0 The default of 0 (zero) means no timeout.
Defines the password for connecting to AcuServer Specifies the port number on which AcuServer is listening Sets the name and path of the map file to be used to map special characters to their decimal or hexadecimal equivalent Sets the security method to use when accessing the AcuServer host
Use this variable to specify the password assigned in AcuServers server access file (AcuAccess file). AcuXDBC will use this password to access the AcuServer host.
Use this variable to specify the port number assigned to the AcuServer host if it is different from the default port number, 6523. This variable is useful for redirecting additional instances of AcuServer or for working around a firewall.
AcuServer Configuration
Use this variable to set the name and path of the map file to be used (if any) to map special characters in your character set to their decimal or hexadecimal equivalent in another character set before they are passed to or from the Vision file system. This file lets you reconcile the character encoding between two machines that use different codes for the same characters. You can specify a local or remote directory for the map file. To specify a remote directory, use the following syntax:
where server-name is the name of the UNIX or Windows server on which the map file resides. When creating a map file, you need to re-map only those values that vary between the two character sets (e.g., vowels with a grave accent, acute accent, circumflex, tilde, etc.) You can check the values of specific characters using the Windows Character Map accessory in the PC environment, or by referring to your UNIX manual pages (man pages) in the UNIX environment. The map file should contain two values per line: the first indicating the decimal or hexadecimal value of the special character on the client machine and the second indicating the decimal or hexadecimal value of the corresponding character on the server machine. (Hexadecimal values use the standard 0x notation.) For instance:
0x90 0xC9
maps (E acute) in the IBM PC character set to (E acute) in the ISO8859-1 character set using hexadecimal notation.
144 201
gives the same mapping using decimal notation. You can use the pound sign (#) to indicate a comment.
Note: The map will be used to translate only alphanumeric fields; but it will translate all alphanumeric fields, including group items and items subject to a REDEFINES clause. If this is not a desired behavior, you may need to restructure your program to avoid these clauses by passing the elementary items instead of the group item, or passing an item from the REDEFINES clause instead of the first reference.
Use this variable to specify the security method to use when accessing the AcuServer host. AcuXDBCs network security methods are not used with AcuServer. SECURITY_METHOD can take any of three values. The value specified here must match the value specified in the server configuration file on the AcuServer host. Valid values include:
NONE (false, no)
Do not use the native operating system security. Use AcuServer security instead.
Use Windows security based on the connection made from the client to the server via a named pipe.
Installing AcuXDBC
Key Topics
General Setup Procedures ...................................................................... 5-2 Installing AcuXDBC/AcuXDBC Server................................................ 5-6 Creating a System Catalog and Views................................................. 5-13 Granting Database Privileges............................................................... 5-17 Loading the System Catalog with Your XFDs .................................... 5-19 Setting Permissions on Your Vision Tables ......................................... 5-26 Starting AcuXDBC Server (Network Only)........................................ 5-27 Setting Up Data Source Names (DSNs) on Client ............................. 5-29
Installing AcuXDBC
You can now use the command-line query tool to retrieve some information from the sample database you have just created. Enter asql (Windows) or (UNIX). Click * from pets. This should retrieve the 19 records contained in the pets file:
SQL (/? for help) ==> select * from pets; PATIENT_ID ---------1 2 18 PATIENT_NAME ANIMAL_TYPE BREED TREATMENT OWNER_ID ------------ ------------ ---------- --------- ------Cinnamon Cat Tabby 1 624 Nutmeg Cat Tabby 2 550 Shotzi Dog Schnauzer 1 704
36 54 72 102 160 161 328 377 378 379 480 503 504 505 801 802
Cinder Buster Missy Kit Milo Puzzle Copper Scooter Scrapper Abbie Princess Polly Diego Alexi Hammy Rodney
Dog Cat Bird Dog Dog Reptile Dog Cat Cat Cat Reptile Bird Bird Bird Rodent Rodent
Poodle Siamese Parakeet Shiba Inu Chow Ball Python Golden Retriever Domestic Shorthair Devon Rex Maine Coon Iguana Senegal Parrot Red Lory African Grey Gerbil Hamster
4 1 6 1 4 3 4 2 2 2 1 6 4 4 3 4
221 377 309 600 522 522 618 357 357 357 309 625 625 625 700 700
Installing AcuXDBC
4. 5. 6. 7.
If desired, create users. Load the system catalog with information from your XFDs. (For details on this, see section 5.3 and section 5.5.) Set permissions (for details, see section 5.6). Set up a Data Source Name (DSN) for your Vision data. This step is not required if you plan to use a query tool to issue SQL queries and do not require ODBC integration.
Server Procedure
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Install AcuXDBC Server software and set necessary environment variables. Create an empty system catalog, database system tables, and base views of the catalog. If desired, define users and grant database privileges to them. If you do not perform this step, your database will be open to all users. Load the system catalog with information from your XFDs. If desired, set permissions on your newly created Vision tables. Start AcuXDBC Server.
Server Procedure
1. 2. 3. Install AcuServer software on the server. Create a server access file. Start AcuServer.
Client Procedure
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Install AcuXDBC software. Create an empty system catalog, database system tables, and base views of the catalog. If desired, create users and grant database privileges to them. If you do not perform this step, your database will be open to all users. Load the system catalog with information from your XFDs. If desired, set permissions on your newly created Vision tables. Set up a Data Source Name (DSN) for your Vision data. This step is not required if you plan to use a query tool to issue SQL queries and do not require ODBC integration.
In network environments, install AcuXDBC on each client in the network, and install AcuXDBC Server or AcuServer on the server.
Note: The value of the environment variable should not have a / as the last character, because this can interfere with installation and configuration scripts. 5. Set or modify environment variables that point to the location of the AcuXDBC executables and to tell the operating system where to find the AcuXDBC shared libraries. On Linux, use the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables, for example.
export PATH=/opt/acucorp/800/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/acucorp/800/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
UNIX Client
1. 2. 3. 4. Mount the installation CD-ROM for AcuXDBC. Change to the mount directory. Type ./install and follow the instructions given from the command line. Download an ODBC driver for UNIX. We have tested with unixODBC from
Installing AcuXDBC
5. 6. 7. 8.
Copy the unixODBC*.tar.gz file to a location where you have permission to create files and directories. Type gunzip unixODBC*.tar.gz. Type tar xvf unixODBC*.tar. Read the readme file located in the directory where the package was extracted and any other readme files with a suffix that describes your operating system (for example, readme.aix for IBM.AIX). These directions are provided for a basic 32-bit Linux (Intel x86) installation. Read the install file for prerequisites and installation instructions.
10. Type configure and wait while features on your system are being checked. 11. Type make and wait for the package to be compiled. 12. Type make install to install programs, data, and documentation. 13. Type odbcinst -j to find out where your SYSTEM and USER data sources are located. Here is the location information from a Linux system.
DRIVERS............: /usr/local/etc/odbcinst.ini SYSTEM DATA SOURCES: /usr/local/etc/odbc.ini USER DATA SOURCES..: /home/techsup/.odbc.ini
14. Add the following to the file where your SYSTEM data sources are located (for example, /usr/local/etc/odbc.ini):
[ODBC Data Sources] vision_sys = VORTEXodbc to VISION [vision_sys] Driver = /usr2/lib/ Description = VORTEXodbc to VISION LoginID = system
15. In your /home/acucorp80/lib) create another odbc.ini file with the following information:
rem -------------fetch_buffer_size columns logical_cursors db_cursors VORTEXodbc 8192 256 1024 64 -- fetch buffer size (in bytes) -- max # of database columns -- max # of logical cursors -- max # of DB cursors
16. Set two operating environment variables called VORTEX_HOME and GENESIS_HOME to the root installation directory of AcuXDBC, /opt/ acucorp/8xx/ by default. The following is an example of how to set these variables:
export VORTEX_HOME=/opt/acucorp/800 export GENESIS_HOME=/opt/acucorp/800
Note: The value of the environment variable should not have a / as the last character, because this can interfere with installation and configuration scripts. 17. Set or modify environment variables that point to the location of the AcuXDBC executables and to tell the operating system where to find the AcuXDBC shared libraries. On Linux, use the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables, for example:
export PATH= /opt/acucorp/800/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /opt/acucorp/800/bin
18. Modify the AcuXDBC configuration file. A sample configuration file called acuxdbc.cfg is provided for your convenience. The configuration file must be located at $GENESIS_HOME. There are two variables that are required: DICTSOURCE and FILE_PREFIX. Other variables may be needed depending on your situation. Below is a partial sample of acuxdbc.cfg. showing the syntax for the two required variables. Note that this file also contains sample syntax and instructions for all available variables. If you want to use this file, you can remove the comment indicators from any of the other variables listed in acuxdbc.cfg.
# The path to your system catalog directory DICTSOURCE /usr2/acuxdbc/syscat # The path to your data files. You must prepend the line with a semi-colon, # use either double backslashes ("\\") or forward slashes ("/"), # and separate your paths by semi-colons. FILE_PREFIX ;/usr2/acuxdbc/data;/usr2/acuxdbc/sample/acuxdbc/data
Installing AcuXDBC
Note: For FILE_PREFIX, the delimiting character is a semi-colon or colon. Spaces are not supported in this AcuXDBC variable. 19. Verify that the AcuXDBC license file, xvision.alc, is located in the bin directory. 20. Run the setup script located in the $GENESIS_HOME/bin directory. 21. Try to access a sample Vision file using a utility that came with unixODBC. To run the test, type isql vision_sys system manager. 22. A successful connection looks like this:
Connected! sql-statement help [tablename] quit
b. c. d.
Access the veterinary database from an ODBC compliant application as described in Chapter 8.
Move the vortex.jar file into a directory pointed to by the Java JVM $CLASSPATH environment variable that is used for running the JDBC-enabled application. Alternatively you can add this directory to the $CLASSPATH environment variable:
C Shell
setenv CLASSPATH "$CLASSPATH":"/usr2/acuxdbc"
Bourne Shell
Installing AcuXDBC
System catalog tool Command-line SQL query tool AcuXDBC Server network daemon JDBC and Java class file
Creates system catalog and information-schema views Starts xdbcquery tool Adds named XFD file or file list to system catalog Performs functions on xdbcsrvr server daemon. Four options: -help -info Pings daemon. -kill Kills daemon. -start Starts daemon
Generates an AcuXDBC configuration file that includes the required configuration variables set to the values that you define. It also enables you to specify an alternate directory name for GENESIS_HOME and an alternate configuration file name.
Installing AcuXDBC
The script creates a series of system tables and views of those tables and places them in the \AcuGT\syscat\ directory by default. These are described in Chapter 6. If you did not accept the default catalog path, be sure to amend your COBOL configuration file to point to your system catalog. Do this using the DICTSOURCE variable. See Chapter 4, section 4.2.3 for details.
If you plan to grant database and table privileges to individual users, use the -pa option as well to create a user/group catalog and an object
permissions catalog. xdbcutil -c -pa
The command syntax for xdbcutil is described in section 5.3.1. Note: If you use the -d option to specify a catalog path, be sure to amend your COBOL configuration file to point to your system catalog. Do this using the DICTSOURCE variable. See Chapter 4, section 4.2.3 for details.
Note: Use quotes or the short name if specifying a path that contains spaces. XFD filenames, when given, must be of the format:
where xfilename is the XFD filename, tablename is the SQL tablename to use, and filename is the Vision data filename.
As shown in the table below, some of the command options are used when creating the system catalog. Others are used when loading the system catalog with XFDs.
Option Description
For use when creating the system catalog (see section 5.3) -c -d -n -p -pa Required. Creates a new system catalog. Specifies a directory for your system catalog. If none is specified, the system catalog is stored in the current directory. Specifies do not overwrite user/group catalog if it exists. Creates a user/group catalog for granting database privileges. Creates a user/group catalog and an object permissions catalog. A user/group catalog is for granting database privileges. An object permissions catalog is for setting permissions on your Vision tables. Use the GRANT statement to set permissions in these tables.
For use when loading the system catalog with XFDs (see section 5.5) -a Adds an individual table definition from the specified XFD file. You can use either -a or -f to populate the system catalog with XFDs, but do not use both in the same operation. Specifies the location of your system catalog. Required if you are not in the system catalog directory when you issue the xdbcutil command. Adds table definitions from the specified file, which contains a list of XFD filenames. You can use either -a or -f to populate the system catalog with XFDs, but do not use both in the same operation. Defines log output file name.
Installing AcuXDBC
Option -o
Description Specifies table ownership. This must be a valid authorization ID that was created with the GRANT SQL statement for database privileges (See section 7.5.10, GRANT (Database privileges). Says to include data storage method switch. Required if you are using XFDs created with a pre-8.0 version compiler, and used one of the data storage compiler options (-Dci, -Dcm, -Dcn...) when creating your XFDs. The -s command accepts these storage method arguments: If you compiled with: -Dca -Dci -Dcm -Dcn -Dcv -Dcb -Dcr Use this xdbcutil switch: -sa -si -sm -sn -sv -sb -sr
Updates table definitions from the specified XFD file(s). Use this option if you have already loaded an XFD file into the system catalog but have modified it for some reason. Reloading a file with -a results in an error. Initiates a verbose reporting mode. Specifies an XFD file directory. Required if your XFD files are not in the current directory.
-v -x
Note: All tables in an AcuXDBC database have an owner. By default, the owner of the table is PUBLIC, or you can specify a different authorization ID using the -o option to xdbcutil. If you do not want a table owner to be listed publicly in applications like Microsoft Access, specify -o and set the IGNORE_OWNER to 1 (on, true, yes) in your configuration file.
where my_script.sql is a text file containing the SQL commands to perform. For an example of this, please refer to the addfile script, which executes the cview.sql script to create the information schema in new databases.
Installing AcuXDBC
Note: Granting database privileges is optional; however, if you do not grant privileges, your database will be open to all users.
Grant database administrator privileges to yourself. To do so, issue a GRANT statement such as:
Note: If you log out now, no one but the DBA will be able to connect. If you do not grant DBA privileges before creating any other users, your system will be unusable. Should this happen, you will need to recreate the system catalog as described in section 5.3. 4. Grant the privileges CONNECT and/or RESOURCE to each of your users. CONNECT lets grantees connect to the database when the password is correct. RESOURCE lets grantees create objects/tables in the database. (Granting DBA privileges implies both CONNECT and RESOURCE and lets grantees read or modify any table in the database.) For example, you might issue the following commands:
When you are done granting privileges, quit the query tool by entering the following:
SQL (/? for help) ==> /q
See section 7.5.10 for detailed information on the GRANT statement. Once you have granted users database privileges, you can modify their object-level privileges as well.
where filename is the name of the XFD file to add to the system catalog. By default, the script assumes that your XFDs are stored in the current directory and that your system catalog is stored in AcuGT/syscat/. By default, the user PUBLIC is assumed.
Installing AcuXDBC
If you stored your XFDs and/or system catalog elsewhere or if you want to specify an alternate user, you can edit the script or add command line options as follows:
addfile [-d syscat_path] [-x xfd_path] [-u user] filename
addfile [-d syscat_path] [-x xfd_path] [-u user] -f filelist
The second form assumes that you have created a text file using your favorite editor listing all of the XFD files that you want to load into the system catalog. When you create a list file, use just the base name of the XFD file; do not use the .xfd suffix. List the XFD files one per line. For example, you might create a file called list.txt containing:
animals accounts pets
For example:
xdbcutil -d c:\data\dict -a c:\data\data\animals
results in the system catalog in c:\data\dict being loaded with information from the XFD named animals.xfd found in c:\data\data. Rather than prepending the XFD filenames with their path, however, you can specify the XFD directory with the -x option, as in:
xdbcutil -d c:\data\dict -x c:\data\data -a animals
If desired, you can create a file with a list of XFD names, and then specify it with a -f option, along with the -x option to specify the directory. For example, this command:
xdbcutil -d c:\data\dict -x c:\data\data -f list.txt
results in a system catalog with table definitions from animals.xfd, accounts.xfd, and pets.xfd.
To instruct AcuXDBC that your XFDs use the data storage value specified by the -Dci storage method, add -si to the xdbcutil command line, like this: xdbcutil -d c:\data\dict -x c:\data\data -si -f list.txt
If you have several different XFD directories, you can create the list file with the XFD paths pre-pended. For example, this command:
xdbcutil -d c:\data\dict -f list.txt
results in a catalog with three table definitions, coming from XFDs in three separate XFD directories. Note: xdbcutil command syntax is described in section 5.3.1.
Installing AcuXDBC
These situations can easily occur in a large company, in which one COBOL file needs to point to more than one company. For example, Corporation A supports several other companies (say, company01 and company 02) and wants to use the same code to point to each company. Corporation A has named its COBOL file company, so the XFD file would be called company.xfd. Because Corporation A wants to use this same code for company01 and company02, it has set up the code to point to data files company01.dat and company02.dat. Lets also say that Corporation A wants to use a different name when referring to the data files from SQL (maybe the name is too long and/or cumbersome). No problem! Corporation A can specify all three components: the XFD name, the database table name, and the data file name. All of this information, along with the schema into which to load the tables, is specified using the addfile batch file or the tool xdbcutil.exe. Please note that another issue that you may need to consider is the configuration file variable FILE_PREFIX, which points to the directory in which your files are stored.
where main is the XFD name, AcctTbl is the table/repository name, and Acct$$ represents the Vision file name. 2. In the configuration file, acuxdbc.cfg by default, use the FILENAME_WILDCARD to define the wildcards and their respective substitution characters. For example, the configuration file might contain:
Installing AcuXDBC
When building the system catalog, xdbcutil uses the XFD main to create a repository table called AcctTbl. 4. At the company site, create a single DSN for Accounting, and point to the configuration file that contains the substitution characters for that company. (See section 5.8 for instructions on creating DSNs.)
Then when a user accesses the table AcctTbl from your COBOL program, AcuXDBC looks in the configuration file for the FILENAME-WILDCARD variable, and, substituting 01 for $$ accesses the data files, Acct01 and Acct02. In programming terms, when SELECT * from AcctTbl; is issued, Acct01 is returned. There is no limit on the number of wildcards/replacements that you can use with AcuXDBC. You can change several characters in a filename. For example:
where the actual filename would be ACCTZ01AA and the configuration file entry would be:
You dont have to create a list file to specify your company wildcards. If you prefer, you can specify them directly on the xdbcutil command line, like this:
xdbcutil -d c:\data\dict -x c:\data\data -a mainxfd#AcctTbl#Acct$$
Note: You may have to escape the wildcard characters if they are shell interpreted. For example, the sample above would not work on UNIX, because the shells interpret the $ character. You would have to use: xdbcutil -d /data/dict -x /data/data -a mainxfd#AcctTbl#Acct\$\$ or xdbcutil -d /data/dict -x /data/data -a "mainxfd#AcctTbl#Acct$$"
dd dd
AcctTbl AcctTbl
Or in this case:
xdbcutil -d c:\data\dict -x c:\data\data -o Company01 mainxfd#AcctTbl#ACCT01 xdbcutil -d c:\data\dict -x c:\data\data -o Company02 mainxfd#AcctTbl#ACCT02
Then you can access all the data files with one SQL query to one DSN, like this:
You can also use synonyms for AcctTbl, such as Accts Receivable or Billing. Note: If you do not want a table owner to be listed publicly in applications like Microsoft Access, specify -o when loading the table with xdbcutil and set the IGNORE_OWNER to 1 (on, true, yes) in your configuration file.
Installing AcuXDBC
Other privileges include DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE. If you want to give someone read-only access, grant them the SELECT privilege. This allows them to issue the SELECT statement on the object, but nothing else. If you want them to be able to read, write, delete, and insert data, grant them SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT privileges. ALL PRIVILEGES passes on all applicable privileges that you are entitled to grant. USAGE allows grantees to use the object to define another object.
Refer to Chapter 7, section 7.5.11 for more information on granting object privileges to users.
This runs a script that invokes the xdbcsrvr daemon on the default port, 20222, with the -k option to request data encryption over the network. If the xdbcsrvr daemon is already running, AcuXDBC Server displays the message:
The AcuXDBC Server 8.0.x on the default port <20222> service is already installed
A new xdbcsrvr process will not be started. If you want to start the AcuXDBC Server with new options, you must stop and restart xdbcsrvr. If you would like to invoke the server daemon with different security or logging options, you can issue the xdbcsrvr command directly. Following is the command syntax for xdbcsrvr.
Command Syntax
xdbcsrvr [-a[l]] [-p] [-kn] [log]
Installing AcuXDBC
-pport_number log
To test your connection with the server, use the process query command, acuxdbcs -info to ping the server.
On Windows, all client connections are terminated. On UNIX, client connections remain active. Caution: The xdbcsrvr process can also be terminated from UNIX using the command kill -9 (signal #9). However, a signal #9 prevents xdbcsrvr from performing an orderly shutdown and should never be used when clients are actively using AcuXDBC.
Installing AcuXDBC
Note: If you are upgrading from an earlier version of AcuODBC, you must create new DSNs.
User DSNs are one of three types of DSNs managed by the ODBC Data Source Administrator: User DSN: Stores information about how to connect to a specific data source. May be used only by the current user on the current machine. System DSN: The most common type of DSN that you and your users will create for AcuXDBC. Same as the User DSN, but available to all users on a particular machine, including NT services.
Local to the computer, rather than dedicated to a user. The system, or any user having privileges, can use a data source set up with a system DSN. File DSN: The File DSN is a file-based data source that may be shared among all users who have the same drivers installed. AcuXDBC does not support File DSNs.
2. 3.
Select the User DSN or System DSN tab, depending on your preference, and click Add. From the Create New Data Source dialog box, select AcuXDBC Driver, and then click Finish. (If AcuXDBC Driver is not an option in the list box, reinstall AcuXDBC on your system.) The AcuXDBC Setup screen appears. It contains three tabs: General, Advanced, and Logging. Complete these tabs as described in section 5.8.2 to 5.8.4.
Installing AcuXDBC
Description Enter a string that identifies the name of the data source that you are creating. Enter a name that represents the type of data in this group of data files or the type of query that will be made against these files. Since this name is used every time a user opens this data source, select a name that is meaningful to users. (For example, ACME Payroll might be used for payroll files for the ACME Corporation.) The name of the data source must be no longer than 63 characters in length. Follow the Windows file-naming conventions when using special characters in data source names. Also, note that the name you choose must be unique. This is a required field. Default value is blank.
Description (Optional) Network driver Hostname Port Configuration File (required field)
Enter a description of the data source for additional user clarification. Default value is blank. Check this box if this is a network data source. If this is a network data source, enter the hostname of the server on which the data resides. If this is a network data source, enter the port number on which the server is listening. Browse to the configuration file that you created for the data source (a remote file if this is a network data source). The configuration file defines the location of your Vision files, file case instructions, and much more. This is a required field. By default, it is located in the installation directory and named acuxdbc.cfg. Refer to Chapter 4, section 4.2 for more information on this file.
A username for the person who will be logging into the database on this machine. Default value is blank. A password to be associated with that username. Default value is blank. Refer to section 5.4 for information on alternative measures of data security. Confirm the password by entering it a second time.
Installing AcuXDBC
Description Enter the size of the fetch buffer in bytes. The fetch buffer indicates how much data will be fetched or retrieved from a query at a time. Allowable values are 1024 through 32766. Default value is 4096. Enter the size of the merge buffer in rows. This is the number of unique rows that your query can return. Default value is 10,000. Enter the number of memory sort pages. This indicates how many of the Total Sort Pages will reside in memory. Allowed values are 100 - 999,999. Default value is 1000.
Description Enter the total number of sort pages. Total sort pages is the number of virtual memory pages used to sort results sets. Allowed values are 1000 to 99,999,999. Default value is 10,000. Enter the maximum number of statements allowed. values are 10 to 4096. Default value is 256. See Maximum Cursors. Enter the maximum number of cursors allowed. Allowable values are 10 to 1024. Default value is 64. AcuXDBC has a concept of logical cursors (nlc) that are mapped over a smaller number of actual DB Cursors (ndc). If you create SQL statements equal to or fewer than the number of DB Cursors set, its a straight one-to-one relationship. However, when you attempt to open more, AcuXDBC searches for the oldest soft-closed logical cursor that it can unhook from a database cursor and assign to the new statement. If the application tries to use the original statement, then AcuXDBC will look for another unused logical cursor to donate its DB Cursor. If no cursors can be unhooked (because results are pending), then an error message Too many concurrently open cursors is returned.
Maximum Statements
Maximum Cursors
Maximum Columns
Enter the maximum number of columns allowed in a single table. Allowable is 1 to 1024. Default value is 256.
Installing AcuXDBC
Browse to the name of the local log file used for AcuXDBC logging. By default, this is ACUXDBC_API_LOGFILE.log. Log files are created in the local directory that is current when AcuXDBC starts. If you want your log file to write to another location, you must specify a fully-qualified file name.
Description Check this box if you want detailed logging on the client. By default, AcuXDBC performs abridged logging. Abridged logging, more space-efficient, records selected items rather than the complete control structure. Check this box if you want to create an SQL log file locally. Check this box if you want to include the time to complete each call in the local log file. Check this box if you want unique identifiers to be appended to the name of the local log file. These options appear when you check Network driver on the General Tab. Browse to the name of the remote log file used for AcuXDBC logging. By default, this is ACUXDBC_HOST_LOGFILE_pid.log, where pid is the host process ID. Log files are created in the local directory that is current when AcuXDBC starts. If you want your log file to write to another location, you must specify a fully-qualified file name. Check this box if you want detailed logging on the host. By default, AcuXDBC performs abridged logging. Abridged logging, more space-efficient, records selected items rather than the complete control structure. Check this box if you want to create an SQL log file on the host. Check this box if you want to include the time to complete each call in the log file on the host. Check this box if you want unique identifiers to be appended to the name of the remote log file. For Windows servers only, check this box if you want AcuXDBC to quit when a GPF error occurs. For Windows servers only, check this box if you do not want to display GPF dialog boxes to the end user.
SQL Logging Include Time Unique Filenames Server Logging: Log Filename
Full Logging
SQL Logging Include Time Unique Filenames Hide Errors Hide GPF Errors
Installing AcuXDBC
Key Topics
Introduction ............................................................................................. 6-2 System Catalog Structure ....................................................................... 6-3 Using the Command-line Query Tool ................................................... 6-9
6.1 Introduction
The system catalog forms the core of your database. It comprises a set of system tables that describe all of the tables and relations described by the database. You can have multiple system catalogs (databases) but only a single catalog may be accessed at one time. The system catalog is portable between machines with the same byte-order. AcuXDBC creates a system catalog corresponding to information it reads from your XFDs. Once this information is loaded, AcuXDBC no longer requires your XFDs. Instead, it refers to the system catalog to obtain the information needed to construct and display your Vision tables. This gives you the option of providing end users with XFDs or encrypted XFDs (.efd) files for building their own system catalog, or you can provide end users a pre-built system catalog. The ability to supply a pre-built system catalog can lead to other benefits for your applications. For example, you can also pre-build user logins, database object permissions, and complex data handling views. The primary advantage to a system catalog is that it allows for much greater relational database-like behavior. This chapter describes the structure of the system catalog, and in doing so, orients you to the environment from which you can access and manage your database. It shows how a newly created Vision database may appear to users after the initial install of AcuXDBC and a system catalog populated with sample customer data. Database administrators and other programmers should find the information in this chapter useful for more effectively managing and querying the database. Note: This chapter is not intended to teach SQL programming, or how to manage a database. If you do not have a fundamental understanding of these concepts, you should first consult a resource dedicated to SQL programming and database management.
This chapter also provides a description of the xdbcquery command-line tool that can be used to access the system catalog and interact with your database tables directly. xdbcquery is provided on your distribution media.
The system catalog displays the database tables that are created from your XFD files. It also contains system tables that you can query to obtain information about the definitions that make up your tables. The initial structuring of the catalog places or assigns your tables to the PUBLIC domain, which allows any database user to access the tables. AcuXDBC also creates two other entities that appear as users or owners, depending on the client application being used to view the catalog. These entities are called INFORMATION_SCHEMAand SYSTEM. For example, the following Microsoft Query Add Tables screen shows a partial list of the catalog tables that appear under PUBLIC for the sample veterinarian database:
From Microsoft Access, the same veterinarian database tables appear as shown below:
6.2.1 PUBLIC
Tables created from your XFDs have an owner. By default, this owner is the authorization ID PUBLIC. Tables or other database objects owned by PUBLIC are accessible to any authorized database user. This includes users initially created, as well as any additional users added in the future. If you do not want a table owner to be listed publicly in applications like Microsoft Access, specify -o when loading the table with xdbcutil and set the IGNORE_OWNER to 1 (on, true, yes) in your configuration file.
example, issuing the following command not only results in AcuXDBC creating a new table, it also results in a new entry into the GENESIS_TABLES called MYTABLE:
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA gives you access to the definitions that make up your database tables. It contains three tables named COLUMNS, TABLES, and VIEWS. You can query these tables to find information about the definitions that make up your database tables, columns, and views.
Using Microsoft Query as an example, choosing INFORMATION_SCHEMA owner from the Add Tables dialog box displays the following:
Then double-clicking the * or executing the following SQL command: SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES; Displays the following information for each of the Veterinarian database tables:
Note: You can query and read the column headings, but not modify them. INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
This table contains the following information on each user-defined or publicly created column.
Column Heading table_catalog table_schema table_name column_name ordinal_position is_nullable data_type character_octet_length numeric_precision numeric_scale Definition Database containing the column. Column owner. Name of the table containing the column. Name of the column. The columns physical location in the table. Indicates if NULL is allowed (Y/N). Column data type. Applies to char and varchar, the number of bytes in the column. The maximum precision column for decimal and numeric data types. The maximum scale column for decimal and numeric data types. INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
This table contains the following information on each user-defined or publicly created table.
Column Heading table_catalog table_schema table_name Definition Database containing the table. Table owner. Name of the table.
Definition Type of table. The possible values are: S - System T - User V - View INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS
This table contains the following information on each user-defined or publicly created view.
Column Heading table_catalog table_schema table_name view-definition Definition Database containing the View. View owner. Name of the view. SQL that defines the view.
6.2.4 DUAL
DUAL is a system table and has one column called DUMMY and one row containing the value X. The DUAL table is a convenience tool that enables users, or their programs, to select a single known constant or function. For example, since DUAL contains only a single column, it makes the following types of commands more sensible:
...and for other functions where you only want a single value returned.
Using the query tool requires you to first start the tool and then specify a command that connects you to your system catalog. You can perform these steps manually from the command prompt or you can run a batch file that includes the xdbcquery start and connect command syntax and parameters. Tip: xdbcquery is also accessible from the Windows Start menu through the following menus: All Programs/Acucorp8.1/AcuXDBC/xdbcquery.
Parameter /c acuxdbc04 user name* password* xvision configuration file name Definition xdbcquery connect command. ODBC Driver with which to connect. User name. User password. Vision driver with which to connect File that specifies the data source and catalog location.
xdbcquery /cacuxdbc04:system/manager/xvision:acuxdbc.cfg
Note: If you have not set up database security, you can omit the user name and password, but need to keep the two forward slashes before xvision as place holders.
You are now connected to the system catalog, and can execute xdbcquery-specific commands, or execute SQL statements on your catalog tables. Chapter 7, section 7.4 provides the complete list of SQL commands and functions supported by AcuXDBC.
Command -c
Default acuxdbc.cfg
Description Specifies the configuration file that identifies the database and catalog location. Specifies the user name for whom access is granted. The password for the user. Runs the script specified.
user name
-p -r
manager none
asql -u mary -p 123
Since no configuration file was specified, this command connects the user Mary to the database and catalog specified in acuxdbc.cfg configuration file. Note: You can modify the default parameters directly within asql.bat to match your settings and then simply run the asql.bat file from the same directory where xdbcquery is installed.
Command /o /m /n /l /p
Description Execute driver command. Set date time format mask. What to display for a NULL. Default is blank. N lines displayed for SELECT. 0 for continuous. Parameters. Just /p to reset. N is parameter number (zero based). T is data type (B - binary, C - character, D - date time, I - integer, N - number). Verbose messages. N for errors only. Display database request block.
/v /b /s /? or /h /q
y n
# set the null character /n !null! #select some records select * from foo; #now exit /q
Key Topics
Introduction ............................................................................................. 7-2 Conventions.............................................................................................. 7-2 Limitations and Restrictions .................................................................. 7-3 Summary of Supported SQL Commands ............................................. 7-5 Detailed SQL Support Descriptions ...................................................... 7-6 Functions Supported by AcuXDBC.................................................... 7-36
7.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the SQL commands and functions that can be used to query and manage your database tables. Section 7.4 provides a concise list of the supported SQL commands, while section 7.5 provides you with a detailed explanation of each supported command including its syntax, usage, and sample coding. Note: This chapter is not designed to teach SQL programming or to serve as a comprehensive SQL guide. Please consult your preferred SQL-specific programming guide for detailed information on SQL programming techniques.
7.2 Conventions
The following conventions describe the SQL syntax supported by AcuXDBC. There are no rules pertaining to the number of words you put on a line or where the line breaks. The number of words and line breaks used in this section are strictly for readability
Convention CAPS MIXed Description Capital letters indicate the word is a keyword (command). Capitals mixed with lower-case letters indicate that the word is a keyword, but you can type either the full word or only the letters in capitals. Lowercase words are variables; you supply your own. Curly braces indicate you must choose at least one of the enclosed options. Brackets indicate you can choose one or more of the enclosed options, or none of them. Parentheses are part of the command. Type them just as they appear. A vertical bar separates mutually exclusive options. You can only choose one.
lower { [ ( | ] ) }
Convention ,
Description A comma separates multiple options. You can choose as many options as you like, but include commas in the command between choices. The ellipses (three dots) mean you can repeat the marked section or commands as many times as you like.
7.3.2 Predicates
Predicates are expressions that apply comparison operators (comp_op elements in the following syntax) and/or SQL predicate operators (IN, EXISTS, and so on) to values to produce a truth value of TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. Predicates can be either a single expression or a combination of any number of expressions using Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT) as well as the special SQL operator IS, and parentheses to define the order of evaluation.
Predicates are most often used in the WHERE and HAVING clauses of SELECT statements and subqueries to determine the rows or aggregate groups to select, and in UPDATE and DELETE statements to identify the rows on which changes should be made. Predicates evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. UNKNOWNs arise when NULLs are compared to any value, including other NULLs, since it is impossible to know the value of a data field with NULL value. You can use Boolean operators and SQL IS on UNKNOWN truth values.
7.3.3 Constraints
The ANSI standard defines a list of constraints that can be placed on a table or index. Constraints following the definition of a column apply to that column; those standing alone as table constraints can reference any one or more columns in the table. At this time, AcuXDBC supports only the NOT NULL constraint. The complete list of possible constraints are:
Constraint NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY CHECK Description Forbids NULLs from being entered in a column. According to ANSI standard, this specification can only be a column constraint. Mandates that every column value, or combination of column values if a table constraint, be unique. Same effect as UNIQUE, except that none of the columns in a PRIMARY KEY constraint can contain NULLs. You can only issue this constraint once in a given table. Followed by a predicate (in parentheses) that uses column values in some expression whose value can be TRUE, FALSE, or in the presence of NULLs, UNKNOWN. The constraint is only violated when the predicate is FALSE.
You can define constraints so that they are not checked until the end of the current transaction. This approach is useful when you want to update a table that references itself as a parent key. This operation usually creates intermediate states where referential integrity must be violated. By default, constraints are not deferrable.
{ grantee }
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT ] select_list FROM {table_name | view_name} (corr_name) (, {table_name | view_name} (corr_name)) ... (WHERE search_condition) (GROUP BY column_name (, column_name) ...) (HAVING search_condition) (ORDER BY {column_name | select_list_number } (ASC | DESC)) ... ) SET PASSWORD {old_password} {new_password} UPDATE {table_name | view_name} (correlation_name) SET column_name = {expression | NULL} (column _name = {expression | NULL} ) ... (WHERE search_condition)
CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name [ASC | DESC] [,column_name [ASC | DESC]]...) Keyword Description
Creates a unique index The name of the index to create. The name of the table for the index Column name to use in the index key. The index key is built using the columns in the order you specify in this list.
You can create indexes on initial tables that have yet to be used or referenced within a SELECT or INSERT statement. Once you use a table, you cannot go back to the table and create an index.
CREATE SYNONYM synonym_name FOR object_name Keyword Description
Creates a synonym name for a table name The name of the synonym to create. The name of the table or view to which the synonym name applies
You can create synonyms for an object in the database. Synonyms can currently be created for base tables or views. The synonym name can then be used in place of the object name in queries. Note that users of the synonym name must have appropriate privileges to the base object to which the synonym applies. Synonyms are useful in that a user can access data from tables existing in other user schemas (Authorization IDs) without having to specify that users schema. The DROP SYNONYM command is used to remove a synonym name.
CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name datatype (NOT NULL) (, column_name datatype (NOT NULL)) ...) Keyword table_name column_name datatype Description The name of the table to create. Column name to create in table. Columns are created in the order you specify in this list. Data type for the specified column. You must specify a valid data type for each named column to successfully create the table. Data types allowed: CHAR[n] fixed length character string (default: n = 1) VARCHAR[n] variable-length character string DATETIME date and time (to the second) DECIMAL(p[,s]) decimal of precision p, scale s FLOAT DECIMAL(8,6) REAL DECIMAL(8,6) DOUBLE DECIMAL(16,6) INTEGER four-byte integer SMALLINT two-byte integer
AcuXDBC supports the creation of permanent base tables only. Tables contain one or more columns, which must be defined when you create the table. Thus, a table definition is a series of one or more comma-separated column definitions To define a column you specify a column_name, a data type for the data in that column, and whether the data can be NULL or not. The order of the columns in this statement determines their order in the table. A column definition must include: The name of the column (The column must be named.) A data type that applies to all column values.
CREATE VIEW view_name (column_list) AS ( SELECT statement ); Keyword view_name column_name statement Description Name of view. List of columns to display in view. Criteria by which you identify rows that you want to retrieve.
This statement creates a view. A view is an object that is treated as a table, but whose definition contains a query a valid SELECT statement. Because the query may access more than one base table, a view may combine data from several tables. Views do not contain their own data. Because the rows of a view are, by definition, unordered, you cannot use ORDER BY when creating a view. You reference a view in SQL statements just like base tables. When you reference the view in a statement, the output of the query becomes the content of the view for the duration of that statement. In cases where views can be updated, the changes are transferred to the underlying data in the base table(s). The tables or views directly referenced in a query are called the simply underlying tables of the query or view. These combined with all the tables they reference, and all the subsequently referenced tables all the way down to and including the base tables that contain the data, are called the generally
underlying tables. The base tables the ones that do not reference any other tables, but actually contain the data are called the leaf underlying tables. View definitions cannot be circular. That is, no view can be among its own generally underlying tables. Views also cannot contain target specifications or a dynamic parameter specifications. The list of columns is used to provide the columns with names that are used only in given view. You can use it if you do not want to retain the names that the columns have in the underlying base table(s). You must use it whenever: Any of the two columns would otherwise have identical names. Any of the columns contain computed values or any values other than column values directly extracted from the underlying tables, unless an AS clause is used in the query to name them. There are any joined columns with distinct names in their respective tables, unless an AS clause is used in the query to name them.
If you do name the columns, you cannot use the same column name twice in the same view. If you name the columns, you must name all of them, so the number of columns in the name list is the same as the SELECT clause of the contained query. You can use SELECT * in the query to select all columns; this command is converted internally to a list of all columns so that if a column is added to an underlying table (using ALTER TABLE), your view remains valid. Views can base their queries on other views, as long as the definition is not circular. Views cannot reference declared temporary tables, although global and created local ones are acceptable.
It must be drawn on one and only one simply underlying table. Joins are not allowed. It must contain one and only one query. If the simply underlying table is itself a view, that view must also be updatable. The SELECT clause of the contained query may only specify column references, not value expressions or aggregate functions, and no column can be referenced more than once. The contained query can not specify GROUP BY or HAVING. The contained query cannot specify DISTINCT. Subqueries are permissible, but only if they do not refer to any of the generally underlying tables on which the view is based.
CREATE VIEW STAFF_VIEW (Employee_id, Employee_name, Employee_dept) AS SELECT ID,NAME,DEPT FROM STAFF
7.5.5 DELETE
This command deletes rows from a table.
DELETE FROM table_name (correlation_name) [ (WHERE search_condition) | { (WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name) } ] Keyword table_name correlation_name Description Name of table or view from which to delete data rows. Also called range variable or alias, provides alternative name for the table whose name it follows; the definition lasts only for the duration of the statement. Correlation names are optional for base tables and views, but required for tables produced by subqueries. Criteria by which you identify rows on which you want to act.
This statement can be coded directly, or in dynamic SQL, coded as a prepared statement, which is a statement whose text is generated at runtime. The DELETE statement removes rows from permanent base tables, views, or cursors. In the last two cases, the deletions are transferred to the base table from which the view or cursor extracts its data. The WHERE CURRENT OF form is used for deletions from cursors. The row currently in the cursor is removed. This is called a positioned deletion. The WHERE predicate form is used for deletions from base tables or views. All rows that satisfy the predicate are removed at once. This is called a searched deletion. If the WHERE clause is absent, it is also a searched deletion, but all rows of the table or view are removed. The following restrictions apply to both types: You must have DELETE privilege on the table to delete it. If the deletion is performed on a view or cursor, that view or cursor must be updatable. The current transaction mode cannot be read-only.
Searched deletions
The predicates used in DELETE statements, like those in SELECT and UPDATE, use one or more expressions. For example, location =Bahrain. This will test whether TRUE, FALSE, or if NULLs exist, UNKNOWN for each row based on the values within that row. Each row for which the predicate is TRUE is deleted.
Positioned deletions
Positioned deletions use cursors and therefore only apply to static or dynamic SQL, but not to interactive SQL. You can use a positioned deletion if: A cursor is within the current module or one of its compilation unit emulations that references the table. This cursor has been opened within the current transaction. This cursor has had at least one row fetched. The cursor has not yet been closed.
Downsize department 15: DELETE FROM STAFF WHERE DEPT = 15
DROP INDEX index_name; Keyword index_name Description Name of the index to remove.
This statement is used to remove an index and can be used currently only before the table is accessed the first time by a non-DDL statement (which causes the physical file to be created).
DROP SYNONYM synonym_name Keyword Description
This statement is used to remove a synonym referencing a table or view from the database. The removal of a synonym has no effect on the base object to which it refers. The CREATE SYNONYM statement is used to create a synonym name.
DROP TABLE table_name; Keyword table_name Description Name of the table to remove.
This statement is used to remove the same kinds of tables that are created with a CREATE TABLE statement. To drop views use the DROP VIEW statement. To drop a table you must own the schema in which the table resides or have DBA privileges. The definition of the table is eliminated and all users lose their privileges on that table.
DROP VIEW Keyword View_name view_name ; Description Name of the view to remove.
This statement drops a view, which must previously have been created with a CREATE VIEW statement. To drop a view you must own the schema within which the view resides or have DBA privileges.
GRANT privilege., ..TO { grantee } IDENTIFIED by { password } privilege ::= { CONNECT | DBA | RESOURCE } Keyword privilege Description Type of privilege to grant:
CONNECT: lets grantees connect to and read from the database. RESOURCE: lets grantees create objects in the database. DBA: implies both CONNECT and RESOURCE, and gives grantees total control over all tables in the database.
grantee password
Only DBAs can use the GRANT command. If you are a DBA, it lets you give grantees (the authorization ID that represents a user or group of users) the right to perform specified actions on the database. You may use SET PASSWORD to change a password.
GRANT privilege., ..ON object_name TO { grantee., ...} | PUBLIC [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]; privilege ::= { ALL PRIVILEGES } | { SELECT | DELETE | { INSERT [ ( column name.,..) ] } | { UPDATE [ ( column name.,..) ] } object name ::= [ TABLE ] table name Keyword privilege object_name grantee Description Type of access, action, or privilege to grant. Name of the object on which to grant privileges. User name(s) to allow privilege.
This statement gives grantees (the authorization IDs that represent a user or group of users) the right to perform specified actions on named objects.
To grant an object privilege, you must have been given (granted) the privilege yourself. You can then grant that particular privilege to other users. Note that the users to whom you grant this privilege are able to grant this same privilege to other users.
ALL PRIVILEGES passes on all applicable privileges that you are entitled to grant. PUBLIC denotes all authorization IDs, present and future.
Other Privileges
SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE let grantees execute the statements of the same names on the object.
Privileges Cascade
Privileges can cascade up; that is, privileges granted on some object can imply grants of privileges on other objects. These situations are covered by the following principles: If the grantee owns an updatable view, and is being GRANTed privileges on its leaf underlying table (the base table wherein the data finally resides, regardless of any intervening tables or views), these privileges are GRANTed for the view as well. If specified, the grant option also cascades up. There is only one leaf underlying table for an updatable view. (See CREATE VIEW.) If the grantee owns an updatable view that immediately references the table on which privileges are being GRANTed (in other words, if the reference appears in the FROM clause without an intervening view), these privileges can also cascade up, including the grant option, if applicable.
If the grantee owns a view, updatable or not, that grantee already has the SELECT privilege on all tables referenced in its definition as well as on the view itself. If the grantee gains the grant option on SELECT on all the referenced tables, he also acquires the grant option on the SELECT privilege on the view.
In all these situations, the grantor of the privilege is _SYSTEM, which denotes an automatic grant. For each privilege that is granted, a privilege descriptor is effectively created. (This is a theoretical construct used by the ISO standard to specify privilege behavior; it may not actually exist.) The privilege descriptor indicates: The grantee that has received the privilege. The privilege itself (the action that can be performed). The object on which the privilege is granted, which may be one of those listed above or a column. The grantor that conferred the privilege. For automatic grants, this is the built-in value _SYSTEM. Whether the privilege is grantable (GRANTed with the grant option).
Multiple identical privilege descriptors are combined, so that a privilege granted twice by the same grantor need be revoked only once. Likewise, if two privilege descriptors differ only in that one confers grant option and the other does not, they are merged into a single privilege with grant option. If the grantor lacks the ability to grant the privileges attempted, a completion condition is raised a warning that privileges were not granted. Example
7.5.12 INSERT
This command inserts rows into a table.
INSERT INTO table_name [ (column_list)] { VALUES (constant_list)
Description Name of the table into which values are inserted. Identifies the columns of the table into which the values are inserted. All columns not in the list receive their default values automatically. If any such column cannot receive defaults (for example, if they have the NOT NULL constraint, but have no other default value specified) the INSERT fails. If you omit the list, all columns of the table are the target of the insert. The number and order in which you list the columns must match the number and order of the output columns of the corresponding query.
This statement enters one or more rows into table_name. The rows are the output rows of the subquery. These rows must have the same data types as the columns being inserted into. You must have INSERT privileges on all named columns to issue an INSERT statement. The table may be a view. If so, the view must be updatable, in which case the new rows are inserted into the base table that contains the data from which the view is derived (the leaf underlying table). The values to be inserted may be directly specified with a table value constructor (whose elements may include variables or parameters passed from applications) or derived from a query from information already present in the database.
INSERT INTO STAFF VALUES (10,Sanders,15,Clerk,7,12345.67,543.54)
REVOKE { privilege., ..} FROM privilege ::= { CONNECT | DBA | RESOURCE } Keyword privilege grantee Description Type of access, action, or privilege to remove. User name(s) to allow privilege. { grantee }
This statement removes privileges from authorization IDs that have previously received them with the GRANT statement. Only a DBA can execute this statement. Removing CONNECT privilege means that the grantee can no longer access the database. It has no effect on the objects owned by that grantee. Removing RESOURCE privilege means that the grantee can no longer create new objects. Note: Be very careful removing DBA privilege: If there are no more DBAs then the GRANT and REVOKE statements can no longer be used.
REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] { ALL PRIVILEGES } | { privilege., ..} ON object_name FROM PUBLIC | { grantee .,.. }; Keyword privilege object_name grantee Description Type of access, action, or privilege to revoke. Name of the object on which to revoke privileges. User name(s) to revoke.
This statement removes privileges from authorization IDs that have previously received them with the GRANT statement. Authorization IDs refer to users. The privileges follow the definitions and rules outlined under GRANT. The GRANT option is the ability to grant the privileges received in turn to others. In any case, the revoker of the privilege is the same authorization ID that granted it, and all dependent privileges may be revoked. A privilege (privilege A) depends directly on another (privilege B) if either of the following sets of conditions is met: 1. Privilege A is grantable (has GRANT option) and 2. The grantee of A is PUBLIC or the same as the grantee of B and 3. A and B are both privileges for the same action on the same object. OR 1. B is an automatically generated privilege, indicated by a grantor value of _SYSTEM and 2. The actions of the two privileges are the same
and 3. The grantee of A owns the object (which must be a table, translation or collation) on which the privileges exist. and 4. Either privilege B is on a view referencing a table on which privilege A is the SELECT privilege (if it is a read-only view) or the privilege at hand (if it is an updatable one) or 5. B is the USAGE privilege on a collation defined on a character set on which A is the USAGE privilege or 6. B is the USAGE privilege on a translation that uses the character set on which A is the USAGE privilege as either source or target. Example
7.5.15 SELECT
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT ] select_list FROM [table_name | subquery] (corr_name) (, [table_name | subquery] (corr_name)) ... (WHERE search_condition) (GROUP BY column_name (, column_name) ...) (HAVING search_condition) (ORDER BY {column_name | select_list_number } (ASC | DESC)) ... Keyword select_list table_name Description List of columns to retrieve. Name of table or tables in which the columns reside.
Also called range variable or alias, provides alternative name for the table whose name it follows; the definition lasts only for the duration of the statement. Correlation names are optional for base tables and views, but required for tables produced by subqueries. Criteria by which you identify rows on which you want to act. Name of the column to evaluate with the search_condition. Position in the select list of the column to evaluate with the search_condition.
This is the statement used to formulate queries, which are requests for information from the database. To issue this statement you must have the SELECT privilege on all tables accessed. Queries may be stand-alone or used in the definitions of views and cursors. In addition, you can use them as subqueries, to produce values that are used within other statements including the SELECT statement itself. Sometimes a subquery is evaluated separately for each row processed by the outer query. Values from that outer row are used in the subquery. Queries of this type are called correlated subqueries. The output of a query is itself a table, and the SELECT clause defines the columns of that table (the output columns). Clauses of the SELECT statement are evaluated in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. FROM WHERE GROUP BY HAVING SELECT ORDER BY*
Note: * The order of records returned by AcuXDBC is always undefined unless you specify an ORDER BY clause. If a specific returning order is required, you must use the ORDER BY clause.
If aggregate functions and value expressions are mixed, all the value expressions must be specified in a GROUP by clause.
The FROM clause determines the tables from which the data is taken or derived. These sources can include temporary or permanent base tables, views, results of subqueries, and other operations that return tables. You can use correlation names to qualify ambiguous column references in the rest of the statement. You can choose to join a table to itself, which is treated as a join of two identical tables. In this case, you must use correlation names to distinguish between the two tables. The correlation names prefix the column_name and are separated by a period. The column name list is for renaming columns, just as they are in the SELECT clause. The names used here, however, are not for the output; they are for references to the columns made in the remainder of the statement, particularly in the WHERE clause. They are optional, but may be required to clarify column references in some cases. Joins
If more than one table is named in the FROM clause, they are all implicitly joined. This means that every possible combination of rows (one from each table) is derived. In addition, this concatenation is the table on which the rest of the query operates. The concatenated table is called a Cartesian product or cross join. Typically, you want to eliminate most of the rows and focus on the data you want. To do this, use the WHERE clause. The standard join is also referred to as an Inner join and is simply the regular SQL WHERE clause. For example:
WHERE [table1.]column1 = [constant | [table2.]column2]
These comparisons are expressed using the following operators: =, <, <=, >, =>, and < > (does not equal). Operators such as * (multiplication) or || (concatenation) may be applied depending on the data type. In most situations, row value constructors may be used instead of simple value expressions.
In addition to the standard comparison operators, SQL provides the following special predicate operators. Assume that B and C are all value expressions, which can be column names or direct expressions (possibly using column names or aggregate functions) in the appropriate data type:
Predicate Operator B BETWEEN A AND C Description Equal to (A <= B) AND (B <= C). A and C must be specified in ascending order. B BETWEEN C AND A is interpreted as (C <= B) AND (B <= A), which is FALSE if the first expression is TRUE, unless all three values are the same. If any of the values is NULL the predicate is UNKNOWN. This is true if A equals any value in the list. This assumes that A is a character string and searches for the specified substring. Fixed and varying-length wild cards can be used. Specifically tests for NULLs. It can only be TRUE or FALSE, not UNKNOWN. SOME and ANY have equivalent meanings. The subquery produces a set of values. If, for any value V so produced, A comp op V is TRUE, then the ANY predicate is TRUE. Similar to ANY except that all the values produced by the subquery have to make A comp op V true. Evaluates to TRUE if the subquery produces any rows, otherwise, evaluates to FALSE. It is never UNKNOWN. To be meaningful, this phrase must use a correlated subquery. If the subquery produces no identical rows, UNIQUE is TRUE, otherwise, it is false. For the purposes of this predicate, identical rows are devoid of NULLs, otherwise, they are not identical. Tests for the presence of the constructed row among those of the table produced by the subquery. The arguments allow you to specify FULL or PARTIAL matches, and whether the matched row must be unique.
UNIQUE subquery
Description This allows you to determine when two date or time periods overlap. You must use it with DATETIME data types, possibly in conjunction with INTERVAL data types.
These predicates are combined using the conventional Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. For TRUE and FALSE values, these have the conventional results. The rows selected by the WHERE clause go on to be processed by subsequent clauses.
It specifies DISTINCT and the data type of at least one column of the source row is a character string. One column of the source rows is a character string data type and is used in either the MIN or the MAX aggregate function. A character set column is used as a grouping column or in a UNION. A HAVING clause uses a character string column within a MIN or MAX function. It uses UNION without specifying ALL.
SET OPTION optiontype Option COMPSORT DATETIME Param1 ON | OFF [n] string param1 [param2] Param2 Description Sets sort page compression (default is ON). Allows the user to modify the DATETIME formatting string. The default is DD-MON-RR and the maximum size for the string is 64 bytes. The user can define up to three DATETIME formatting strings. These are identified by the optional n parameter. Sets internal error dumping. Sets internal expression dumping. Sets internal hash dumping.
Param1 bytes
Description Allows the user to set the heap block size used in allocating memory. Larger sizes require less CPU overhead but may result in excessive memory usage. The range is 0 to 1000000. Setting 0 means that the exact required size will be used.
filename records
Sets the name of the debugging logfile. Sets the number of records used to check for duplicates while processing an IN or UNION clause. The default is 1000. Increase this value if you get a Multi RID overflow error. Allows nested ON clauses (default is OFF). Allows the user to control whether or not Optimization is used to evaluate statements. (Default is ON). Sets query plan dumping. mempages Allows the user to modify the amount of disk and memory storage used for sort operations. The totalpages parameter is the total number of 4096 byte pages to use and mempages is the number of these pages kept in memory. totalpages must be greater than or equal to mempages. The default values are 10000 and 1000. The default values are fine for most users. If you get a message indicating that Virtual Memory has been exceeded, then increase the totalpages value.
ON | OFF totalpages
This statement is used to set a number of database administrative options, as described in the table above.
SET PASSWORD old_password new_password Keyword old_password new_password Description Current password. New password.
This statement is used to change the users password.
SET PASSWORD mypass newpass SET PASSWORD mypass 42pass
7.5.17 UPDATE
This command changes the data in a table.
{UPDATE table_name (correlation_name) SET column_name = {expression | NULL} (column_name = {expression | NULL} ) ... (WHERE search_condition) Keyword table_name Description The name of an existing table that you can access. May include the owners name if it is not you. For example, owner.table. Also called an alias. Used to relabel the name of the reference in other clauses in the statement. A column within the table. Parentheses are only required if the column list contains more than one column. The operation or function to execute on the specified column_names. A valid condition that evaluates to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN.
This statement changes one or more column values in an existing row of a table. The table may be a base table or view. You can set any number of columns to values and follow the whole column_name = value_expression clause with a comma if there is another such to follow. As an alternative to an explicit value, you can set the column to NULL or to the DEFAULT defined for the column (see CREATE TABLE). You can use value_expression to refer to the current values in the table being updated. Any such references refer to the values of all of the columns before any of them were updated. This allows you to do such things as double all column values (if numeric) by specifying:
column_name = column_name * 2
You can also swap values between columns. Value expressions can also use subqueries.
The UPDATE is applied to all rows that fulfill the WHERE clause, which is one of two types. The WHERE predicate form is like the WHERE predicate clause in the SELECT statement; it uses an expression that can be TRUE, FALSE or UNKNOWN for each row of the table to be updated, and the UPDATE is performed wherever it is TRUE. Be careful of omitting the WHERE clause; if you do, the UPDATE is performed on every row in the table. You can use the WHERE CURRENT OF form in static or dynamic SQL if the cursor direction is updatable (in other words, not through views) and provided the target table is open and positioned on a row. The UPDATE is applied to the row on which it is positioned. When using WHERE CURRENT OF in dynamic SQL, you can omit the table name from the UPDATE clause, as the table in the cursor is implied. In either case, for the UPDATE to be successful, the following conditions must be met: The statement issuer must have the UPDATE privilege on each column of the table being set. If the target table is a view, it must be updatable. If the current transaction is read-only, the target table must be temporary. If the UPDATE is done through a cursor that specifies ORDER BY, it may not set the values of any columns specified in the ORDER BY clause. If the target table is a view, the value_expression in the SET clause must not directly, or though views, reference its leaf-underlying table (the base table where the data ultimately resides). The value_expression may not use aggregate functions except in subqueries. Each column of the target table can only be altered once by the same UPDATE statement. If the UPDATE is on a cursor that specified FOR UPDATE, each column being set must have been specified or implied by that FOR UPDATE. If the UPDATE is made through a view, it may be constrained by a WITH CHECK OPTION clause.
The following statement updates every salary in department 15:
7.6.1 ASCII
7.6.3 CHR
7.6.4 CONCAT
Returns the name of the day of the week for the date specified by expr.
7.6.10 DECODE
Compares expr with each value and returns either the first matching values result or the default value if no values match.
7.6.11 HOUR
7.6.12 IFNULL
See also
7.6.13 INSTR
Returns the position of char2 within char1. If n is specified and positive, then the search begins n chars into char1. If n is negative, then the search begins n chars from the end of char1. If m is specified, then the mth occurrence of char2 in char1 is located. If char2 does not exist within char1, then 0 is returned.
See also
7.6.14 LEFT
{fn LEFT(expr,n)}
Returns the first n characters of expr. The LEFT and RIGHT built-in functions are also SQL keywords. You must enclose them in {fn <LEFT | RIGHT>(parameters)}.
7.6.15 LENGTH
7.6.16 LOCATE
Returns the position of char2 within char1. If n is specified and positive, then the search begins n chars into char1. If n is negative, then the search begins n chars from the end of char1. If m is specified, then the mth occurrence of char2 in char1 is located. If char2 does not exist within char1, then 0 is returned.
See also
7.6.17 LCASE
7.6.18 LTRIM
7.6.19 NOW
7.6.20 NVL
See also
POSITION(char1 IN char2)
Returns the position of char1 within char2. If char1 does not exist within char2, then 0 is returned.
7.6.22 RIGHT
{fn RIGHT(expr,n)}
Returns the last n characters of expr. The LEFT and RIGHT built-in functions are also SQL keywords. You must enclose them in {fn <LEFT | RIGHT>(parameters)}.
7.6.23 ROUND
Returns the rounded value of n based on the value of m. If n is a numeric value, it can be either positive or negative. A positive value m specifies the digits to the right of the decimal point. A negative value m specifies the digits to the left of the decimal point. If m is 0 or not specified, the value is rounded at the decimal point. If n is a date value, then m can be one of the following:
SCC,CC SYYY, YYYY, YEAR, SYEAR, YYY, YY, Y Q MONTH, MON, MM WW,W DDD,DD,J (default) DAY, DY, D HH, HH12, HH24 MI Quarter Month Start of Week Day Nearest Sunday Hour Minute Century Year
7.6.24 RTRIM
7.6.25 SQRT
7.6.26 SUBSTR
Returns a substring of char, beginning at position m for n characters. If you specify m=0, the whole string is returned. If you specify a negative number, the function returns the number of characters specified from the end of the string. If you dont specify n, the default is to return all characters starting from m.
7.6.28 SYSDATE
7.6.29 TO_CHAR
Returns the character representation of expr based on the fmt string or the default for exprs data type. If expr is already a character string, then expr is not converted.
The default mask is as many nines (9s) as required for the numbers precision and scale. If expr is a date value, then fmt can be:
YYYY YY RR MM MON mon Mon MONTH month Month DDD DD D DY dy Dy DAY day Four digit year. Two digit year. Two digit year in another century. Two digit month of year (01-12). Three character month (all uppercase). Three character month (all lowercase). Three character month (initial cap). Fully named month (all uppercase). Fully named month (all lowercase). Fully named month (initial cap). Three digit day of year (001-356). Two digit day of month (01-31). Single digit day of week (1-7). Three character day (all upper case). Three character day (all lowercase). Three character day (initial cap). Fully named day (all uppercase). Fully named day (all lowercase).
Fully named day (initial cap). Two digit hour (00-11). Two digit hour (00-23). Two digit minutes (00-59). Two digit seconds (00-59). Seconds past midnight (0000-86399). Julian day. Single digit quarter of year (0-4). Single digit week of month (1-4). The week begins on Sunday. Two digit week of year (01-52). Delimiting character.
To add character extensions to the values that represent counting, such as ST, ND, RD, or TH, simply add th to any uppercase digit mask. The function correctly interprets the extension based on the last digit and the case based on the masks case. Put embedding characters that are valid masks inside double quotes ("). The default mask is DD-MON-YY.
7.6.30 TO_DATE
Returns the datetime representation of expr based on the fmt string or the default for exprs data type. If expr is already a datetime, then the value is not converted. The expr can be an integer or numeric value. If it is an integer value, it represents the number of days since year zero. If expr is a numeric, then the integer portion represents the number of days since year zero and the fractional portion represents the part of the last day.
7.6.31 TO_NUMBER
Returns the numeric representation of expr based on the fmt string or the default for exprs data type. If expr is already a numeric, then the value is not converted. If expr is a char value, then fmt can be:
% $ B 0 Percent sign at right of number. Dollar sign at left of number. Display zero as blank. Display leading zeros.
9 other
The default mask is as many nines (9s) as required for the numbers precision and scale. If expr is a date value, then the returned numeric represents the number of days since year 0 and the portion of the last day.
Returns char with all characters in from replaced with the corresponding ones in to. If the number of characters in to is a multiple of the number of characters in from, for each character in from, that multiple of characters from to replaces that single character. If to is empty, all characters found in from are deleted.
7.6.33 TRUNC
Returns the truncated value. If value is of type datetime then the hours, minutes, and seconds are set to zero. Otherwise it is treated as a number and the fractional part is removed.
7.6.34 UCASE
7.6.35 USER
Key Topics
Working With Windows Applications................................................... 8-2 Accessing Data From Word 2000........................................................... 8-2 Accessing Data From Word 2003......................................................... 8-10 Accessing Data From Excel 2000 and 2003......................................... 8-20 Accessing Data From Access 2000 and 2003....................................... 8-26 Working with Java Applications......................................................... 8-32
Select Mail Merge from the Tools menu. If your Microsoft Office menus are set to Show recently used commands first, you may need to click on the expansion arrows at the bottom of the Tools menu to see the Mail Merge option.
The Mail Merge Helper dialog box appears. 3. Under Main Document, click Create and select Form Letters.
Because you are already working in the document into which you want to insert data, click Active Window.
You are then returned to the Mail Merge Helper dialog box. 5. Under Data Source, click Get Data, and select Open Data Source.
Click MS Query in the Open Data Source dialog box. (If you do not have an MS Query button, you need to install Microsoft Query on your machine.)
This starts Microsoft Query, and opens the Choose Data Source dialog box. If you want to use Microsoft Querys Query Wizard to create your SQL query, leave the Use Query Wizard check box selected. Refer to Microsoft Querys online documentation for instructions on using the Query Wizard. For simplicity, clear the Query Wizard check box.
Select the DSN corresponding to the data source you want to access and click OK. (Refer to section 5.8, Setting Up Data Source Names (DSNs) on Client, for instructions on creating DSNs.).
If you do not see your DSN listed, do one of the following: Click Browse and navigate to c:\Program Files\Common Files\ odbc\DataSources, then double-click the name of your DSN. This adds the DSN to the list. Click Options and enter the path to the directory containing your DSN, then click Add. Now the contents of that directory will be listed. For more information, see the Microsoft Query documentation.
The AcuXDBC Login dialog box appears if you or an administrator established database security methods during AcuXDBC setup Enter a valid User ID and Password, and click OK. If no security methods have been established, a User ID and Password are not required and the login dialog box will not appear.
Select the table or tables that you want to add (for example, clients), and then click Add. Close the box when youre done.
For each table you selected, a list box is displayed on the Microsoft Query screen. This box lists all of the columns in the associated table. 10. Double-click each column that you want to read into your Word document, and that column appears on the screen. If you want to add all columns, double-click the * at the top of the list box.
If you prefer, you can select columns or further refine your query by clicking the SQL button and entering your own SQL statements such as the one shown below.
Click OK when youre done. (For a description of the SQL commands supported by AcuXDBC, refer to Chapter 7, section 7.4) 11. Select Return Data to Microsoft Word from the Microsoft Query File menu. 12. If no database security methods have been established, the AcuXDBC Login dialog box does not appear. If database security methods have been established and you previously supplied a correct user ID and password, this step will not be necessary. 13. Click Edit Main Document to continue preparing your document. Notice that new mail merge buttons are added to the toolbar.
14. Place the cursor in your document where you want to insert the data. Click Insert Merge Field to see a drop-down list of table columns. These are the columns that you selected in Microsoft Query.
15. Select the merge field you wish to insert. The control characters for this field are placed in your document.
16. To display the data that corresponds to each field code, click the <<ABC>> button on the Mail Merge toolbar. Use the control buttons on the Mail Merge toolbar to move to the next, previous, first, or last record in the table.
17. Finish your document as you normally would. Whenever you want to insert a data field, click Insert Merge Field once again and select the appropriate field. For more instructions on using Words mail merge feature, refer to your Microsoft documentation.
1. 2.
Start Microsoft Word and open a new document, or if you have a form letter already prepared, open that document. Select Letters and Mailings from the Tools menu and then Mail Merge from the submenu. If your Microsoft Office menus are set to Show recently used commands first, you may need to click the expansion arrows at the bottom of the Tools menu to see the Letters and Mailings option.
The Mail Merge task pane appears. Select the Letters radio button, then click Next at the bottom of the pane.
The Select Data Source dialog box appears. From this dialog box, select the Tools menu, then select MS Query. (If you do not have an MS Query option, you need to install MS Query on your machine.)
This starts Microsoft Query, and opens the Choose Data Source dialog box. 7. For simplicity, clear the Use the Query Wizard check box if it is checked. Select the DSN that corresponds to the data source you want to access and click OK. (Refer to section 5.8, Setting Up Data Source Names (DSNs) on Client, for instructions on creating DSNs.)
If you do not see your DSN listed, do one of the following: Click Browse and navigate to c:\Program Files\Common Files\ odbc\DataSources, then double-click the name of your DSN. This adds the DSN to the list. Click Options and enter the path to the directory containing your DSN, then click Add. Now the contents of that directory will be listed. For more information, see the Microsoft Query documentation.
The AcuXDBC Login dialog box appears if you or an administrator established database security methods during AcuXDBC setup. Enter a valid User ID and Password, and click OK. If no security methods have been established, a User ID and Password are not required, and the login dialog box does not appear. The Add Tables dialog box appears. Select the table or tables that you want to add (for example, clients), and then click Add. Close the box when youre done.
Tip: You can display just tables of a given user by selecting from the owner drop-down-list.
For each table you selected, a list box is displayed on the Microsoft Query screen. This box lists all of the columns in the associated table.
10. Double-click each column that you want to read into your Word document, and that column appears on the screen. If you want to add all columns, double-click the * at the top of the list box.
If you prefer, you can select columns or further refine your query by clicking the SQL button and entering your own SQL statements such as the one shown below.
Click OK when youre done. (For a description of the SQL commands supported by AcuXDBC, refer to Chapter 7, section 7.4.)
11. Select Return Data to Microsoft Word from the Microsoft Query File menu. 12. If no database security methods have been established, (the database is open to all users) the AcuXDBC Login dialog box reappears. Simply click OK. If database security methods have been established and you previously supplied a correct user ID and password, this step will not be necessary. 13. The Mail Merge Recipient dialog box appears. Make sure all the records are checked and click OK. Note that no records actually appear after you click OK. This is expected behavior, as this step is simply making the data records available to Microsoft Word. Additional steps are necessary to actually insert the data records into your document.
The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box provides options for refining your mail merge list. For example, you can add or delete records, and specify certain record criteria. Refer to Microsoft Word documentation for help on using the commands appearing in this dialog box. 14. Click Next on the Mail Merge task pane and continue preparing the body of your letter as needed.
15. Place the cursor in your document where you want your customer data to appear. Click More items on the Mail Merge task pane. 16. The Insert Merged Field dialog box appears. Make sure the Database Fields radio button is selected. Click on the field name you want to appear first in your document and click Insert. Click on the next field you want and click Insert again. Repeat this process for each field that you want to add to your document. Once you have added all desired fields, Close the Insert Merge Field dialog box. Note: This dialog box does not allow you to select multiple fields and insert them all at once. You must select and insert them individually.
17. Format your fields as desired, then click Next on the Mail Merge task pane.
18. The data corresponding to each field is displayed. Notice the options on the Mail Merge task pane to preview or edit your letters. Once satisfied with your letters, click Next on the Mail Merge task pane.
19. Click Edit Individual Letters on the Mail Merge task pane.
20. The Merge to New Document dialog box appears. Notice your options for selecting which records to merge. Select All, then click OK.
21. A new document containing individual letters for each record is created. Edit and save your letter document as you normally would. You can also save your original document containing the mail merge query and reuse it to create additional mail merge letters. For more instructions on using Words mail merge feature, refer to your Microsoft documentation.
Excel 2000 users select Add-Ins from the Tools menu. Excel 2003 users go to step 4. If your Microsoft Office menus are set to Show recently used commands first, you may need to click the expansion arrows at the bottom of the Tools menu to see the Add-Ins option.
In the Add-Ins dialog box, select the MS Query Add-In check box, and click OK. If this add-in does not appear on your list, reinstall Excel, being sure to select MS Query from the list of functions to install.
From the Data menu, select Import External Data or Get External Data, and then New Database Query from the submenu.
This starts Microsoft Query and opens the Choose Data Source dialog box. If you want to use Microsoft Query Query Wizard to create your SQL query, leave the Use Query Wizard check box selected. Refer to Microsoft Querys online documentation for instructions on using the Query Wizard. For this exercise, deselect the Query Wizard check box.
Select the DSN that corresponds to the data source you want to access and click OK. (Refer to section 5.8, Setting Up Data Source Names (DSNs) on Client, for instructions on creating DSNs.)
The AcuXDBC Login dialog box appears if you or an administrator established database security methods during AcuXDBC setup. Enter a valid User ID and Password, and click OK. If no security methods have been established, a User ID and Password are not required, and the login dialog box will not appear. From the Add Tables dialog box, select the table or tables that you want to add (for example, pets), and click Add. Close the box when youre done.
For each table you selected, a list box is displayed on the Microsoft Query screen. This list box lists all of the columns in the associated table.
Double-click each column that you want to read into your Excel spreadsheet, and that column is displayed on the screen. If you want to add all columns, double-click the * at the top of the list box.
If you prefer, you can select columns or further refine your query by clicking the SQL button and entering your own SQL statements such as the one shown below.
Click OK when youre done. (For a description of the SQL commands supported by AcuXDBC, refer to section 7.5, Detailed SQL Support Descriptions.) 9. Select Return Data to Microsoft Excel from the Microsoft Query File menu.
10. The Import Data dialog box appears. Select where to put the data, and then click OK. If you want to select further options, click Properties.
11. If no database security methods have been established, the AcuXDBC Login dialog box will not appear. If database security methods have been established and you previously supplied a correct user ID and password, this step will not be necessary.
You are returned to Excel. The data you selected is displayed in the current Excel spreadsheet.
Select Get External Data from the File menu then select Import or Link Tables.
Heres a brief comparison of working with imported or linked data. For more information, refer to your Microsoft Access documentation.
Imported Tables Data is local. The entire contents of an imported table is read into a copy on local storage. Linked Tables Data is remote. Only rows requested from the linked table are read into local storage. Note that you can link to a local table, rather than creating a second copy by importing it. Importing can take several seconds, or minutes, depending on the size of the database. Space is required for local copies of imported tables. Creating a link is almost instantaneous, depending on the network connection. The link requires very little local storage.
Imported Tables Data is static. If there are changes to the database, they are not reflected in local data. If the database is subject to frequent changes, linking can be preferable. If the network connection is broken, users still have access to data. Users cannot write to the Vision source.
If network connection is broken, users have no access to data until connection is restored. Users can write to the Vision source if the DSN is read/write and the user has INSERT and/or UPDATE permissions on the object.
As a guideline, re-linking or re-importing is required when the table structure (such as the number of columns, or their names, sizes, and types) changes. Note that in the examples shown in this section, the data is imported, not linked.
In the Import dialog box, select ODBC Databases from the Files of type list box.
In the Select Data Source dialog box, select the DSN that you established, and click OK. If you created System or User DSNs, they will appear under the Machine Data Source tab. (Click New to create a new DSN. Refer to section 5.8, Setting Up Data Source Names (DSNs) on Client, for instructions.)
The AcuXDBC Login dialog box appears if you or an administrator established database security methods during AcuXDBC setup. Enter a valid User ID and Password, and click OK. If no security methods have been established, a User ID and Password are not required, and the login dialog box will not appear. The Import Objects dialog box opens. Select the table or tables that you want to read into Access, and click OK.
Click Select All to add all of the listed tables to your Access database. 8. Double-click the table icon to open the table in Access.
If you have imported the data, the table name or names you selected appear on the Access screen next to an icon of a table. You will see a different icon next to the table names if you have linked the data.
import java.sql.*; class sample { public static void main (String argv[]) { try { /* Note: The format is
jdbc:vortex:userid//password/driver:configfile@port:hostname!databaseid For example (using defaults for driver, configfile, port, and databaseid): jdbc:vortex:system//manager/xvision:acuxdbc.cfg@20222:myserver!acuxdbc04 */ String connectionURL = "jdbc:vortex://system/manager/xvision:" + "acuxdbc.cfg" + "" + "!acuxdbc04"; String sqlStatement = " SELECT " patient_id, " patient_name, " animal_type " FROM pets " WHERE " LCASE(animal_type) = 'dog' " ORDER BY patient_name";
+ + + + + + +
System.out.println("\nConnection URL: \n" + connectionURL); System.out.println("\nSQL Statement: \n" + sqlStatement); Class.forName("vortex.sql.vortexDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(
"Patient ID Patient Name Animal Type\n" + "============ ==================== ====================\n"); while ( { System.out.printf( "%-12s %-20s %-20s\n", data.getString(1), data.getString(2), data.getString(3)); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Note: You must have read and execute permission on vortex.jar in order to run your program. If you get the error message, vortex driver, check the permissions that you have on vortex.jar.
Key Topics
Introduction ............................................................................................. 9-2 AcuXDBC Client Error Messages ......................................................... 9-2 AcuXDBC Server Error Messages ........................................................ 9-6 AcuXDBC SQL Processing Error Messages......................................... 9-9 Vision File System Error Messages...................................................... 9-14 Application Errors ............................................................................... 9-15
9.1 Introduction
When installing, configuring, or using AcuXDBC components, you may encounter error messages along the way. This chapter can help you find the cause of the error by explaining what the error message means. If you encounter an error message, locate it in this chapter and see if the information provided can help you uncover the underlying cause of the error. If you still cannot determine the cause, use the logging features of AcuXDBC to trace AcuXDBC and Vision activities. Refer to Chapter 4, section 4.2.1 for details on using the logging features. Error messages may originate from the following sources: AcuXDBC Client AcuXDBC Server AcuXDBC SQL Processor Vision File System Client Applications
Message CANCEL
Description Cause: Operation was cancelled by the driver manager. Action: Informational message; no action necessary.
Cause: No processing was being done on the statement, so the call was treated as a call to SQLFreeStmt with the SQL_CLOSE option. Function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Action: Informational message; no action is necessary.
Cause: The cursor name is already in use. Action: Specify a different name.
Cause: Data has been truncated. Either the data specified is too long or supplied output buffers are too small. Action: Modify the size of the output buffers.
Cause: The connect dialog failed. Action: Notify your system administrator.
Cause: The sequence of functions called is invalid. Action: Make sure that you follow the sequence specified by the ODBC documentation.
This version only supports GENESIS. Cause: This version of AcuXDBC only supports GENESIS. Action: Make sure you are attempting to connect to a Vision database.
Cause: Invalid arguments specified. Action: Consult the ODBC documentation for the correct syntax.
Cause: User not authorized to connect to specified data source. Action: Check your userid and password or contact your system administrator.
Cause: The string or buffer length specified is invalid. Negative values such as SQL_NTS have special meaning, but not all negative values are valid. Action: Check the ODBC documentation for valid length specifiers.
Description Cause: The specified column number is out of range. Action: Verify that the correct column number is being used.
Cause: The specified cursor name is invalid. Action: See the ODBC documentation for the maximum allowed length.
Cause: The state of the cursor (OPENed, CLOSEd, etc.) is not valid for the current operation. Action: Make sure youve executed the necessary steps before calling this function.
Cause: The data for the specified operation is invalid. Action: Verify that the data being used is correct.
Cause: The concurrent connections limit has been exceeded. Action: Reduce the number of concurrent connections.
Cause: The number of allowable statements has been exceeded. Action: Either increase the limit in the Advanced tab of the Setup Dialog screen, or free any statements you are not using or do not need.
Cause: The environment variable (registry entry on Windows) GENESIS_HOME is missing. Action: Set the GENESIS_HOME environment variable/ registry entry.
Cause: NULL data supplied without an indicator variable. If the data is NULL, an address of an indicator variable must be supplied. Action: Supply an address for the indicator variable.
Cause: No connection established. A connect must be performed before any other operations. Action: Connect to the data source before attempting any database operations.
Cause: Cursor name was never assigned. Action: Assign a cursor name.
Message NODRV
Description Cause: No AcuXDBC driver was specified in the connect. Action: Verify that the connect string specifies the AcuXDBC driver.
Cause: The Data Source Name (DSN) was not specified. Action: Verify that the connect string specifies the DSN.
Cause: A memory allocation failed. This is a fatal error. Either there is no more heap memory available (rare) or the heaps have been corrupted. Action: Notify your system administrator immediately.
Cause: AcuXDBC does not support the requested capability. Action: Modify your program to not request this capability.
Cause: The feature has not been implemented yet. Action: Submit an enhancement request to Technical Support.
No window handle available. Cause: No window handle available to open connect dialog. Action: Notify your system administrator.
Cause: A value of an option has been changed. Action: Informational message. No action required.
Cause: The number of parameters specified does not match the number of parameters required by the statement. Action: Modify your program to use the correct number of parameters for the statement.
Cause: The data type specified for the parameter is unknown. Action: Consult the ODBC documentation for valid data types.
Cause: The parameter number specified is out of range. Action: Verify that your program uses the correct parameter number.
Cause: Another thread is currently using the statement. Action: Verify that your program does not use the same statement as is being used in another thread.
Description Cause: The fDescType for SQLColAttributes() is unknown. Action: Modify your program to use the correct descriptor.
Cause: Unknown fetch type. Currently only SQL_FETCH_NEXT is supported. Action: Modify your program to use only SQL_FETCH_NEXT.
Cause: The Info Type is unsupported. Action: Consult the ODBC documentation for valid values.
Cause: The option is unknown. Action: Consult the ODBC documentation for valid options.
Cause: The Uniqueness option is unknown. Action: Consult the ODBC documentation for valid values.
Cause: The transaction operation is unknown. Action: Consult the ODBC documentation for valid values.
Message BADINI
Description Cause: The net.ini file is missing or is an invalid file. Action: Verify that net.ini exists and is valid.
Cause: This assertion error notifies you that the first call must always be a CONFIG. Action: Make sure a CONFIG call precedes any other call.
Cause: The loaded DLL or shared library does not contain the expected entry point. This error occur only on machines that support DLLs or shared libraries and usually signals that the wrong DLL has been loaded. Action: Verify that the AcuXDBC DLLs have not been overwritten by other DLLs or that there are not other DLLs in the path with the same name.
Cause: Could not load the specified DLL or shared library. The DLL is either missing or invalid. This error occurs only on machines that support DLLs. Action: Ensure that the DLL or shared library specification is correct (including spelling) and check that the correct DLL is installed.
Cause: Loaded DLL is not thread safe. Not all database drivers are thread safe. Action: To avoid this error, run the single-threaded daemon: xdbcsrvr.exe.
Cause: The evaluation license ID has been corrupted. Action: Download the evaluation software from the Web site again or contact Micro Focus to purchase the software.
Cause: The evaluation license has expired. The timeout period is 4 hours. Action: To continue the evaluation, restart the AcuXDBC daemon. If you want a copy of the software that doesnt expire, contact Micro Focus to purchase the software.
Description Cause: Exec name failed on host name. The service (program) specified in the network connection string could not be started. This error occurs if the service could not be found, does not have the correct permissions, or is not listed as a valid service. Action: Check that the service exists, is listed as a valid service, and that you are connecting with the correct user name and password.
Cause: The host name you are trying to connect to is not found. Action: Make sure the spelling of the host is correct and that it really exists.
Cause: The host/service syntax is invalid. Action: Review the connect string documentation in Chapter 5, section 5.3.1 of this manual..
Cause: NET version mismatch (host: number, client: number). The version of AcuXDBC server is not the same as AcuXDBC client. Action: Make sure that both sides of the network connection are at the same version level.
Cause: This assertion error indicates that the socket option KEEPALIVE failed or was not set. Action: Notify Micro Focus Technical Support or your system administrator.
Cause: This assertion error indicates that the socket option LINGER failed or was not set. Action: Notify Micro Focus support or your system administrator.
Cause: Your program requested a cancel operation. The host you are trying to cancel cannot handle interrupts. Action: Modify your program so that it does not call the cancel operation.
Message NOMEM
Description Cause: A memory allocation failed. This is a fatal error. Either there is no more heap memory available (rare) or the heaps have been corrupted. Action: Notify your system administrator immediately.
Cause: The service and/or protocol name cannot be found. Action: Ensure that xdbcsrvr is specified in /etc/services. If it is not, you must add it, or explicitly specify the port number in the connect string. Cause: Call to the socket() function failed. The operating system may have run out of file descriptors. Action: Notify your system administrator.
Cause: Unknown database ID specified in net.ini. Action: Use a valid database ID (from 0 to 3) in net.ini.
Description Cause: The SQL CREATE TABLE/VIEW statement has duplicate column names. Action: Correct the statement.
Cause: The SQL statement refers to a column that is not defined in the catalog. Action: Correct the statement or define the column/ table in the catalog.
Cause: The SQL CREATE VIEW statements column list does not match the number of columns in the SELECT statements select list. Action: Correct the statement.
Cause: Data was truncated. Action: Notify Micro Focus Technical Support. Cause: The SQL statement ended prematurely. Action: Check the syntax for the command you are using.
Cause: The SQL statement is missing an ending quote. Action: Add the missing quote.
Cause: Not implemented yet. Action: Contact Micro Focus with an enhancement request. Cause: The GENESIS_HOME environment variable (registry entry on Windows) is not set. Action: Set the GENESIS_HOME environment variable, following instructions in the installation procedure. Cause: The SQL statement contains an identifier that is too long. Identifiers are limited to 30 characters. Action: Rename the identifier.
Message If any numeric operand is NULL then only == and != are valid Illegal character
Description Cause: The SQL statements WHERE clause is using an invalid operator with a NULL value. Action: Correct the statement. Cause: The SQL statement contains an illegal character at the given position. Action: Check the statement for legality.
Cause: The SQL statement has the wrong number of parameters for the built-in function. Action: Correct the statement. Cause: The AcuXDBC COMMAND sent an invalid parameter for the specified command. Action: Verify that the parameters you use are all valid.
Invalid password
Cause: The connection password is incorrect. Action: Ensure that you are using a valid password. Contact your DBA.
Cause: The SQL statements WHERE clause returned a NULL or invalid datatype result. Action: Correct the statement. Cause: The connect string does not contain a data source specification. Action: Make sure you supplied a valid data source name. If you didnt create a data source name, refer to Chapter 5, section 5.8 of this manual for information on creating a data source name.
Description Cause: This sometimes happens when you link a file into Microsoft Access and perform an update that affects a large number of rows. Action: If the number of records affected by an update is less than 8191, set the configuration options MAX_LOCKS and/or LOCKS_PER_FILE to a value slightly higher then the number of records. The maximum setting is 8191. If the number of records is higher than 8191, set the TRANSACTIONS variable to FALSE. This causes the interface to ignore the transaction command and update the records individually.
Cause: The SQL SELECT statement contains aggregate and non-aggregate select list items and this requires a GROUP BY expression. Action: Edit the statement and use GROUP BY or change the statements structure.
Cause: The SQL INSERT/UPDATE statement is using a NULL value for a not-NULL column. Action: Correct the statement.
Cause: The SQL INSERT statements values do not match the number of columns defined for the table or listed in the column list. Action: Correct the statement.
Cause: The SQL statement requires the specified authorization. Action: Ensure that you have authority to issue the statement. Contact your DBA.
Cause: The SQL SELECT statements ORDER BY clause refers to a column number that is out of range. Action: Correct the statement.
Description Cause: The SQL statement contains a string constant that is too long. Action: Use a bind variable.
Cause: The SQL statement contains a sub-query whose select list has more than one column. Action: Correct the statement.
Cause: The SQL statement refers to a table that is not defined in the catalog. Action: Correct the statement to refer to a defined table or define the table in the catalog.
to_char/date/ numbers format mask must be a constant string Too many columns number (max: number)
Cause: The SQL statement uses a data conversion function with a non-constant format mask string. Action: Correct the statement. Cause: The SQL statement refers to a table with too many columns. Action: Correct the statement.
Cause: The SQL statement has too many columns defined. Action: Correct the statement.
Cause: Your application has too many concurrently opened cursors. Action: Explicitly close cursors when they are no longer needed. If this action does not solve the problem, notify Micro Focus Technical Support.
Cause: The SQL SELECT statement has too many columns in the ORDER BY clause. Action: Reduce the number of columns in the ORDER BY clause.
Cause: The SQL statement contains too many sub-queries. Action: Correct the statement.
Description Cause: The SQL SELECT statement contains too many tables. Action: Correct the statement.
Cause: Internal error. Action: Notify Micro Focus Technical Support. Cause: The SQL statement cannot be parsed correctly. Action: Check for invalid keywords.
S1003 is the SQLSTATE ODBC error number, and 102 is the native Vision error number.
Error Code 100 102 Description
A duplicate key was detected where duplicates are not allowed. This indicates that a routine was called with an illegal parameter. For example, specifying a key number that is larger than the number of keys in the file would result in this error.
Application Errors
An attempt was made to open more files than the system allows open at once. The index file is corrupt or the physical disk file does not match the type of file being opened. If the index file is corrupt, it should be reconstructed using the appropriate host system utility. The requested record is locked by another process or (for some systems) by another file handle used by this process. The requested record was not found. The current key of reference was in the undefined state when the i_next or i_previous routines were called. There is no current record from which to read forwards or backwards. The file is locked against the current open mode. The system ran out of dynamic memory. An operation was requested that the current open mode doesnt allow. For example, attempting to add a record to a file that is open for input-only results in this error. The requested operation is not supported by this host system. The disk became full while adding a new record. The size of the new record doesnt match the type of file being opened. The system ran out of lock-table entries. The file is missing. Invalid permission for the operation.
If you receive an error like this, try removing and re-adding your DSN in the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Occasionally, the application may have difficulty recognizing the DSN, particularly if you have upgraded from a previous version of AcuODBC. Recreating the DSN should solve the problem. For specific information regarding other application-specific errors, refer to your applications user documentation or on-line help.
Compatibility Guide
Key Topics
Migrating from AcuODBC to AcuXDBC ............................................ A-2 AcuODBC Configuration Screen Changes ......................................... A-4
Compatibility Guide
Differences AcuXDBC uses Microsoft Installer. Refer to Chapter 5, section 5.2 for AcuXDBC installation instructions. No major difference in the method used for creating your XFDs. If you already have XFDs from previous versions of AcuODBC or other products, these can be reused. To simplify client setup and enable universal configuration, AcuXDBC is configured via a configuration file rather than on each client machine during DSN setup. Many of the options previously configured on the AcuODBC screens are now configured variables that you set in acuxdbc.cfg. This method allows you to use the same configuration file for the entire network by just pointing to the configuration file from each clients DSN setup screen. Refer to Section A.2 of this appendix for information on variable locations.
Create XFDs.
Create XFDs.
AcuXDBC Create a system catalog and load it with information from the XFD.
Differences In order to provide greater relational database functionality, AcuXDBC refers to the system catalog to construct and display your Vision tables. After this loading phase, your XFDs are no longer needed by AcuXDBC. Refer to Chapter 6, section 6.2.for a detailed descripion of the system catalog and the role of XFDs. The AcuAccess file and manager utility are no longer used with AcuXDBC. Instead, the SQL GRANT command and its variants are used to manage database security. Refer to Chapter 5, section 5.4. If you are migrating from AcuODBC, you need to create new DSNs. You accomplish this in generally the same manner in AcuXDBC; however, many of the variables that once appeared on the AcuODBC configuration screen now appear in the AcuXDBC configuration file (acuxdbc.cfg). This process allows for universal settings for DSNs and simplifies the process of setting up multiple clients in a network setting. For large network installs, you can also create a .reg file and download the DSN information to your clients. Refer to Section A.2 of this appendix for details on DSN-related variable locations.
Set up DSNs.
Set up DSNs.
Compatibility Guide
None None
Table Name Cache File Use DOUBLE for Numeric Key Data
None None
Compatibility Guide
Compatibility Guide
Compatibility Guide
User name/Password
AcuXDBC Setup screen, General tab. AcuXDBC uses a security method based on SQL standards, which involves establishing user IDs and passwords. Refer to Chapter 5, section 5.4.
NT Security
AcuServer Port
$, directive syntax 3-14 *, directive syntax 3-14
abridged logging 5-37 Access 2000, accessing data from 8-26 AcuODBC configuration screen changes A-4 directives 3-19 migrating from A-2 AcuServer configuration 4-26 AcuServer setup options 4-26 AcuServer tab A-10 AcuServer with AcuXDBC 2-6 ACUSERVER_PASSWORD configuration variable 4-26 ACUSERVER_PORT configuration variable 4-26 AcuXDBC Server starting 5-27 acuxdbc.cfg file 4-2, 4-3 sample 4-20 ACUXDBC_HOST_LOGFILE_pid.log 5-37 acuxdbcs, stopping (command line) 5-28 addfile script 5-20 adding data source names (DSNs) 5-30 advanced options, configuration variables 4-3 Advanced tab A-5 AcuXDBC Setup 5-34 ainit script 5-14 aliases, setting up 5-22
ALPHA directive 3-16 alphanumeric data as input 4-15, 4-16 as output 4-15, 4-17 ANSI-compliant directives 3-14 application errors 9-15 architecture 2-4 ASCII functions supported 7-36 file 6-10 ASSIGN clause 5-22 assignment errors 4-10
BINARY directive 3-17 buffer size, transaction log file 4-12 buffer, packet size 4-24 buffers, indexed block 4-19
case, Vision filenames 4-7 catalog path 5-14 changing a users password 7-33 CHAR data type 7-8 CHAR_LENGTH function 7-36 CHECK constraint 7-4 CHR function 7-36 $CLASSPATH environment variable 5-11 client error messages 9-2 columns, making read-only 3-34 command-line query tool. See xdbcquery COMMENT directive 3-18 comments in SQL scripts 6-12
comparing values 7-38 components 2-2 CONCAT function 7-36 configuration AcuServer 4-26 server 4-23 Configuration File field 5-33 configuration files acuxdbc.cfg 4-2 creating new 4-5 introduction 4-2 net.ini 4-2 server 4-23 configuration variables AcuServer 4-26 advanced options 4-3 general setup 4-3 listed 4-3 listed for server 4-24 logging setup options 4-5 transaction processing options 4-4 Vision options 4-4 configuration variables, list of ACUSERVER_PASSWORD 4-26 ACUSERVER_PORT 4-26 DEBUG_LOGFILE 4-6 DEBUG_LOGLEVEL 4-6 DEFAULT_MAP_FILE 4-27 DICTSOURCE 4-7, 4-8 FILE_CASE 4-7 FILE_PREFIX 4-7, 4-8 FILE_SUFFIX 4-9 FILENAME_WILDCARD 4-8 INVALID_NUMERIC_DATA 4-10 JULIAN_BASE_DATE 4-11
CREATE SYNONYM command 7-7 CREATE TABLE command 7-8 CREATE VIEW command 7-10 CREATE VIEW statement 2-9 creating XFD files 3-2 CURDATE function 7-37 CURTIME function 7-37
Data Definition Language 1-3 data file path 4-8 data filename extensions on UNIX servers 4-9 Data Manipulation Language 1-3 data sets managing multiple 5-23 See also multi-company support Data Source Administrator DSNs managed by ODBC 5-30 Data Source Administrator, ODBC overview 5-30 Data Source Name field 5-33 data source names 5-29 adding 5-30 compatibility with earlier releases 5-30 file 5-31 system 5-30 user 5-30 data sources, non-numeric data in numeric fields 4-10 DATABASE function 7-38 database privileges granting 7-16 database security 2-8 database tables, mapped to COBOL files 3-26
datatypes, valid 7-8 DATE directive 3-19 FY and RY formats 3-24 group items 3-21 Julian dates 3-20 date types, incomplete 3-20 dates, Julian 3-20 DATETIME data type 7-8 datetimes, converting 7-44 DAYNAME function 7-38 DB cursors 5-35 debug log 4-6 DEBUG_LOGFILE configuration variable 4-6 DEBUG_LOGLEVEL configuration variable 4-6 DECIMAL data type 7-8 DECODE function 7-38 DEFAULT_MAP_FILE configuration variable 4-27 defaults, XFD files 3-5 definitions, multiple record 3-6, 3-39 DELETE command 7-12 deleted records 4-11 deleting positioned 7-13 searched 7-13 demonstration program 5-2 Description field 5-33 DICTSOURCE configuration variable 4-7 system catalog, specifying location of 4-8 directives, list of ALPHA 3-16 BINARY 3-17 USE GROUP 3-17 VAR_LENGTH 3-17, 3-39 directives, XFD files $ in indicator area 3-14
* in indicator area 3-14 syntax 3-14 USE GROUP 3-37 using 3-11 directives, XFD files, list of ANSI compliant 3-14 COMMENT 3-18 DATE 3-19 FILE 3-25 HIDDEN 3-27 NAME 3-29 NUMERIC 3-33 READ-ONLY 3-34 SUBTABLE 3-36 USE GROUP 3-21 WHEN 3-39 XSL 3-48 directory, data file 4-8 DOUBLE data type 7-8 DROP INDEX command 7-14 DROP SYNONYM command 7-14 DROP TABLE command 7-15 DROP VIEW command 7-16 DSNs (data source names) 5-29 adding 5-30 three types of managed by ODBC Data Source Administrator 5-30 DUAL table 6-8 dynamic configuration 4-2
encryption 4-13 password 4-24 environment variables
$CLASSPATH 5-11 GENESIS_HOME 4-2 environment variables, list of GENESIS_HOME 5-6 error code, OS 4-25 error messages client errors 9-2 server errors 9-6 SQL processing errors 9-9 Vision errors 9-14 examples, XFD formation 3-8 Excel 2000 and 2003, accessing data from 8-20 extensions, data file 4-9
Fetch Buffer Size field 5-34 fields identical names in 3-8 making read-only 3-34 mapping with XFD files 3-3 summary of XFD 3-9 unique names in 3-30 File Alias tab A-9 file aliases 5-22 FILE directive 3-25, 5-22 file DSN 5-31 file extensions, data files 4-9 FILE_CASE configuration variable 4-7 FILE_PREFIX configuration variable 4-8 Vision data files, specifying location of 4-7 FILE_SUFFIX configuration variable 4-9 filename extensions, data files 4-9 FILENAME_WILDCARD configuration variable 4-8
files creating XFD 3-2 samples demonstrating directives 3-12 files, XFD comments in 3-18 defaults 3-5 FILLER data items 3-6 group items 3-6 identical field names 3-8 KEY IS phrase 3-5 locating 3-11 mapping fields 3-3 multiple record definitions 3-6 naming 3-10 OCCURS clause 3-7 REDEFINES clause 3-6 FILLER clause, WHEN directive 3-44 FILLER data items, XFD files 3-6 FLOAT data type 7-8 -Fo option 3-2 formation data dictionaries 3-8 FROM clause 7-26 Full Logging field 5-37 functions ASCII 7-36 CHAR_LENGTH 7-36 CHR 7-36 CONCAT 7-36 CONVERT 7-37 CURDATE 7-37 CURTIME 7-37 DATABASE 7-38 DAYNAME 7-38 DECODE 7-38
HOUR 7-38 IFNULL 7-38 INSTR 7-39 LCASE 7-40 LEFT 7-39 LENGTH 7-39 LOCATE 7-39 LTRIM 7-40 NOW 7-40 NVL 7-40 POSITION 7-40 RIGHT 7-41 ROUND 7-41 RTRIM 7-41 SQRT 7-42 SUBSTR 7-42 SUBSTRING 7-42 SYSDATE 7-42 TO_CHAR 7-42 TO_DATE 7-44 TO_NUMBER 7-45 TRANSLATE 7-46 TRUNC 7-46 UCASE 7-46 USER 7-46
General tab A-4 AcuXDBC Setup 5-32 GENESIS tables, listed 6-4 GENESIS_AUTH table 2-8 GENESIS_AUTHS table 5-26 GENESIS_HOME environment variable 4-2, 5-6
GENESIS_USERS table 2-8 genxconf.bat file 4-5 GRANT (database privileges) command 7-16 GRANT (object privileges) command 7-17 GRANT statement 2-8, 5-26 granting database privileges 7-16 granting object privileges 7-17 GROUP BY clause (SELECT statement) 7-29 group items DATE directive 3-21 XFD files 3-6
HAVING clause (SELECT statement) 7-30 HIDDEN directive 3-27 Hide Errors field 5-37 Hide GPF Errors field 5-37 Hostname field 5-33 HOUR function 7-38 how XFDs are formed 3-8
identical field names, XFD files 3-8 IFNULL function 7-38 IGNORE_OWNER configuration variable 4-9 importing tables in Microsoft Access 8-27 Include Time field 5-37 incomplete date types 3-20 indexed block buffers 4-19 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 6-5 COLUMNS table 6-7 TABLES table 6-7
VIEWS table 6-8 inner joins 7-26 INSERT command 7-19 installation directory 5-6 installing AcuXDBC stand-alone 5-3 with AcuServer 5-5 with AcuXDBC Server 5-4 INSTR function 7-39 INTEGER data type 7-8 integers converting to datetimes 7-44 returning char value 7-36 unsigned 3-33 INVALID_NUMERIC_DATA configuration variable 4-10 items FILLER 3-6 group 3-6
Java applications accessing data 8-32 source file sample 8-32 String URL syntax 8-32 JDBC access to 5-11 defined 1-7 joins 7-26 outer 7-27 Julian dates 4-11 DATE directive 3-20 JULIAN_BASE_DATE configuration variable 4-11
-k option 4-24 KEY IS phrase, XFD files 3-5 KEY_CONNECT configuration variable 2-8, 4-24, 5-28 kill process 5-28
LCASE function 7-40 LEFT function 7-39 LENGTH function 7-39 linking tables in Microsoft Access 8-27 list.txt file 5-20, 5-21, 5-23 loading XFDs using a script 5-20 using xdbcutil 5-20 local processing configuration 2-4 LOCATE function 7-39 locating XFD files 3-11 LOCKS_PER_FILE configuration variable 4-12 log file 5-28 debug log 4-6 encryption 4-13 transaction log buffer size 4-12 transaction log device 4-12 transaction log encryption 4-13 Vision logging 4-19 Log Filename field 5-36, 5-37 LOG_BUFFER_SIZE configuration variable 4-12 LOG_DEVICE configuration variable 4-12 LOG_ENCRYPT configuration variable 4-13 LOG_FILE configuration variable 4-13 logging 5-28 transaction management 4-14
Vision 4-19, 4-20 LOGGING configuration variable 4-14 logging setup options, configuration variables 4-5 Logging tab, AcuXDBC Setup 5-36 logical cursors 5-35 LOGON mode of security, AcuServer 4-28 lowercase filenames 4-7 LOW-VALUES as input 4-15, 4-16 as output 4-15, 4-17 LTRIM function 7-40
map file, path 4-27 mapping fields, XFD files 3-3 masking key 4-24, 5-28 MAX_FILES configuration variable 4-14 MAX_LOCKS configuration variable 4-14 Maximum Columns field 5-35 Maximum Cursors field 5-35 maximum files opened by AcuXDBC 4-14 Maximum Statements field 5-35 Memory Sort Pages field 5-34 Merge Buffer Size field 5-34 metadata 2-2 Microsoft Office accessing data from Access 8-26 accessing data from Excel 8-20 accessing data from Word 8-2 mixed-case filenames 4-7 multi-company DSNs 5-25 multi-company support 5-23 wildcards 4-8
Multi-company tab A-9 multiple company data 5-23 multiple record definitions 3-6, 3-39
NAME directive 3-29 NAMED-PIPE mode of security, AcuServer 4-28 names, field identical 3-8 unique 3-30 naming objects 7-3 naming XFD files 3-10 native system security, AcuServer 4-28 net.ini file 4-2, 4-23 sample 4-25 Network driver field 5-33 network security 2-8 non-numeric data 4-10 NOT NULL constraint 7-4 NOW function 7-40 null processing LOW-VALUES as input 4-15, 4-16 LOW-VALUES as output 4-15, 4-17 SPACES as input 4-15, 4-16 SPACES as output 4-15, 4-17 NULL values, WHEN directive 3-47 NULL_ALPHA_READ configuration variable 4-14 NULL_ALPHA_WRITE configuration variable 4-15 NULL_NUMERIC_PROCESSING configuration variable 4-16 NULL_NUMERIC_WRITE configuration variable 4-17 numeric data as input 4-15, 4-16 as output 4-15, 4-17
NUMERIC directive 3-33 numerics converting to char 7-42 converting to datetimes 7-44 NVL function 7-40
object permissions catalog 5-15 object privileges 4-18 granting 7-17 revoking 7-21 OCCURS clause, XFD files 3-7 ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) 1-7 Data Source Administrator 5-30 ORDER BY clause (SELECT statement) 7-30 OTHER clause, WHEN directive 3-43 outer joins 7-27 output alphanumeric data 4-15, 4-17 numeric data 4-15, 4-17 overview ODBC Data Source Administrator 5-30 WHEN directive 3-39
packet size, buffer 4-24 PACKETSIZE configuration variable 4-24 password encryption 2-8 Password field 5-33 password, changing the users 7-33 passwords, AcuServer 4-26 path
data file 4-8 map file, AcuServer 4-27 performance 1-4 permissions on tables 5-26 phrases FILLER, WHEN directive 3-44 OTHER, WHEN directive 3-43 REDEFINES, WHEN directive 3-39, 3-45 phrases, XFD files KEY IS 3-5 OCCURS clause 3-7 REDEFINES clause 3-6 pinging AcuXDBC Server 5-28 Port field 5-33 port number 5-28 AcuServer 4-26 POSITION function 7-40 possibly nondeterministic queries 7-30 predicates 7-3 listed 7-27 PRIMARY KEY constraint 7-4 primary keys, number supported 8-2 privileges, revoking 7-21 PUBLIC domain 6-4
query tool 1-4 See also xdbcquery
read/write permissions 2-8, 4-18
READ_ONLY configuration variable 2-8, 4-18 READ_TIMEOUT configuration variable 4-25 READ-ONLY directive 2-8, 3-34 REAL data type 7-8 record definitions, multiple 3-39 record locking 4-12, 4-14 REDEFINES clause WHEN directive 3-39, 3-45 XFD files 3-6 remote access/local processing 2-6 remote name notation 4-13 remote processing configuration 2-5 RETURN_ERRNO configuration variable 4-25 REVOKE (database privileges) command 7-21 REVOKE (object privileges) command 7-21 RIGHT function 7-41 ROUND function 7-41 rounding values 7-41 rows, inserting into a table 7-19 RTRIM function 7-41
sample files for directives 3-12 samples acuxdbc.cfg file 4-20 net.ini file 4-25 scripts addfile 5-20 anit 5-14 running with xdbcquery 6-12 security 1-3, 2-7 database 2-8 network 2-8
security method, AcuServer 4-28 SECURITY_METHOD configuration variable 4-28 SELECT command 7-23 SELECT list (SELECT statement) 7-25 SELECT, FROM clause 7-26 server configuration 4-23 server error messages 9-6 Server tab A-8 SET OPTION command 7-31 SET PASSWORD statement 7-33 setup options, AcuServer 4-26 setup.exe 5-6 single-instance server 2-6 SMALLINT data type 7-8 SPACES as input 4-15, 4-16 as output 4-15, 4-17 special characters, mapping to decimal or hexadecimal equivalents 4-27 SQL constraints 7-4 FROM clause (SELECT statemet) 7-26 GROUP BY clause (SELECT statement) 7-29 HAVING clause (SELECT statement) 7-30 joins 7-26 ORDER BY clause (SELECT statement) 7-30 predicates 7-3 SELECT list 7-25 WHERE clause (SELECT statement) 7-27 SQL commands, list of CREATE SYNONYM 7-7 CREATE TABLE 7-8 CREATE VIEW 7-10 DELETE 7-12 DROP INDEX 7-14 DROP SYNONYM 7-14
DROP TABLE 7-15 DROP VIEW 7-16 GRANT 7-16 INSERT 7-19 REVOKE (database privileges) 7-21 REVOKE (object privileges) 7-21 SELECT 7-23 SET OPTION 7-31 UPDATE 7-33 SQL Logging field 5-37 SQL processing errors 9-9 SQL query tool 1-4 SQL statements CREATE VIEW 2-9 GRANT 2-8 SQL syntax conventions, listed 7-2 SQRT function 7-42 square root function 7-42 stand-alone configuration 2-4 starting AcuXDBC Server 5-27 stopping AcuXDBC Server 5-28 stopping acuxdbcs (command line) 5-28 String URL syntax 8-32 stylesheet reference, including in XFD files 3-48 substitution characters 4-8, 5-23 SUBSTR function 7-42 SUBSTRING function 7-42 SUBTABLE directive 3-36 summary of XFD fields 3-9 SYNONYM 7-7, 7-14 syntax directives and XFD files 3-14 xdbcsrvr 5-27 SYSDATE function 7-42 system architecture 2-4 system catalog 1-3, 1-5, 2-2 creating 5-13
DUAL table 6-8 GENESIS tables 6-4 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 6-5 loading with XFDs 5-19 overview 6-2 PUBLIC domain 6-4 structure of 6-3 system DSN 5-30 SYSTEM tables DUAL 6-8 GENESIS 6-4
table ownership 5-25 table permissions 5-26 table rows, inserting 7-19 tables constraints 7-4 creating 7-8 deleting rows from 7-12 dropping 7-15 linking versus importing in Microsoft Access 8-27 naming 7-3 TEMP_DIR configuration variable 4-19 terminate process 5-29 timeout read 4-25 write 4-25 TO_CHAR function 7-42 TO_DATE function 7-44 TO_NUMBER function 7-45 tool, query 1-4 Total Sort Pages field 5-35
trace file, Vision 4-20 Tracing tab A-7 transaction management logging enabling 4-13 specifying name of log file for 4-13 transaction processing options, configuration variables 4-4 transaction processing support 4-19 TRANSACTION_PROCESSING configuration variable 4-19 TRANSACTIONS configuration variable 4-19 TRANSLATE function 7-46 translating values 7-46 TRUNC function 7-46 truncating data 4-10 truncating values 7-46
UCASE function 7-46 UNIQUE constraint 7-4 unique field names 3-30 Unique Filenames field 5-37 universal configuration 4-2 UNIX servers, data file name extensions 4-9 unsigned integers, NUMERIC directive 3-33 UPDATE command 7-33 uppercase filenames 4-7 USE GROUP directive 3-17, 3-21, 3-37 user DSN 5-30 USER function 7-46 user/group catalog 5-15 Username field 5-33 using AcuXDBC 5-6
V_BUFFERS configuration variable 4-19 VAR_LENGTH directive 3-17, 3-39 VARCHAR 7-8 variables. See configuration variables views creating 7-10 dropping 7-16 Vision error messages 9-14 Vision logging 4-19, 4-20 Vision options, configuration variables 4-4 Vision tab A-6 VISION_LOGGING_FILE configuration variable 4-19 VISION_LOGGING_LEVEL configuration variable 4-20 vortex.jar specifying in CLASSPATH 8-32 vortex.jar file 5-11
WHEN directive FILLER clause 3-44 NULL values 3-47 OTHER clause 3-43 overview 3-39 REDEFINES clause 3-39, 3-45 WHERE clause (SELECT statement) 7-27 WHERE CURRENT OF 7-13 wildcards multi-company support 4-8, 5-23 substitution 5-23 Word 2000 and 2003, accessing data 8-2 writable data sources and non-numeric data in numeric fields 4-10 WRITE_TIMEOUT configuration variable 4-25
xdbcquery 1-4 connecting using asql.bat/asql.shon 6-10 running scripts 6-12 use of 6-9 XDBCQuery commands 6-11 xdbcsrvr daemon 5-27 xdbcsrvr, syntax 5-27 xdbcutil utility 5-13 command syntax 5-14 using to load XFDs 5-20 XFD files creating 3-2 defaults 3-5 FILLER data items 3-6 group items 3-6 identical field names 3-8 KEY IS phrase 3-5 locating 3-11 mapping fields 3-3 multiple record definitions 3-6 naming 3-10 OCCURS clause 3-7 REDEFINES clause 3-6 XML-style headers 3-48 XFDs 2-2 formation of 3-4, 3-8 loading into system catalog 5-19 summary of fields 3-9