FS 1 Episode 10
FS 1 Episode 10
FS 1 Episode 10
Name: Puebla, Lovely Mae & Respecia, Preciana Date: JUNE 29,2021
Year and Section: BTLED HE3 Score:
The community in which the school is located has high potential value as a learning
resource. It offers many opportunities for purposeful learning experience that connect the
basic skills taught in the school with application in the context of the community.
Learning Activities:
Now you are ready to conduct a formal observation of the school community near to
you. You may inquire from the barangay and other agencies or interview resource persons to
supplement your community walk. Be sure to follow the health protocol required by the
IATF for your safety.
As we observe in the Businesses part usually focus on providing
room for students or called “boarding house and lodging for students
and worker came come far places and province , other businesses
belongs to food service, bakery, pastry, gasoline station, wet and dry
market and merchandise , rise retailers, pharmacies, hardware,
motel, KTV BAR, and grocery store. This following business help
improve the community.
Shops Upon observing there are lots of shops, and marketing copy that
explains what is the product and why it’s worth for purchasing. The
main purpose of a product description is to give and supply
customers important information about the features, characteristics
and benefits of the product so they’re will encourage to buy.
Public Buildings As we observe in part of the Public building including , the
municipality hall, LGU building , municipal gymnasium, Hospital,
Terminal, Church , public market , public schools, and college
building(ASSCAT). They are all well manage and well design.
Community Centers In part of the community center the Barangay hall in every barangay,
Barangay Heath center , Basketball court, Evacuation
center ,Shelters Quarantine Facilities, Manobo house of Handicrafts.
They are all constructed good and well manage .
Places of Worship As we observe there a lot of places of worship name the follwing :
Catholic Church, Iglesia ni Cristo church, Pentecostal Church,
Baptism Church , Seven Day Adventist Church, and other worship
places around the locality or community that give a peace of mind
and soul to the people.
Other Demographic Other demographic features are; the beautiful view inside the
Features municipality building with a beautiful water fountain, Bridge, and
the other tourist spot like Agusan river, masapya, mainit,,water fall,
and hot spring that will make your heart peace.
What events are scheduled in the community that can reinforce classroom instruction?
Events Sponsor Purpose
Political Events A process by which the
people of a country
choose their
Election Local Government Unit representative, it’s the
people’s right, power or
privilege of making a
Cultural Events Is often periodic
celebration or program
of events, also an
Festival Local Government unit entertainment having a
specified focus.
Answer: the learning resources that is available in the school community includes the
teachers in the school, the library that gives and provide information, school buildings
that help students learning progress.
Answer: the major concerns in the community that need assistance are adolescent
pregnancy, access to clean drinking water, child abuse and neglect, crime, drug use,
hunger, and inadequate emergency services that needs assistance.
3. Describe the means by which the school can help the community?
Answer: the schools community offer a personalized curriculum that emphasizes real-
world learning and actively cultivated respectful, supportive relationships among
students, teachers and parents. The supportive relationship are the heart of the
From your observation of the school and its learning resources and concerns, develop
an action community program on how the school and its community work together to
improve learning.
Community Action helps families in crisis to meet their basic needs, helps individuals attain
their educational and employment goals and ultimately helps people. Promote any activity
that increases the understanding, engagement and empowerment of communities in the
design and delivery of local services.
Community Projects
In our various communities, we have initiated pilot programs that aim to provide aid and
support to the members.
1. ) Social Actions
Under social actions, we undertake activities that are not directly part of the regular programs
but as our global effort to give people access to basic human rights.
2. ) Sulong Program
In the communities, the families have struggled to find work or earn an income to have basic
necessities like shelter,food,medicine, and education for their child.
The sulong project is a savings and livelihood project. Trained people for various skills that
will help them find jobs. The projects also sought the participant of the more excluded
Criterion: Clarity of Understanding
Score Description
91-100 Student shows very clear understanding of school-community collaboration.
81-90 Student has some understanding of how collaboration between school and
community can be achieved.
71-80 Student is just starting to acquire understanding of school community
61-70 Student is finding difficulty in connecting the community with the school.
51-69 Student cannot see the need for school-community relationship.