Unit 4 Chromatography-II
Unit 4 Chromatography-II
Unit 4 Chromatography-II
Unit 4. Chromatography-II
4.1 Gas Chromatography
The concept of gas-liquid chromatography was first enunciated in 1941 by Martin and Synge,
who were also responsible for the development of liquid-liquid partition chromatography. More
than a decade was to elapse, however before the value of gas-liquid chromatography was
demonstrated experimentally and this technique began to be used as routine laboratory tool. In
1955, the first commercial apparatus for gas-liquid chromatography appeared on the market.
The mobile phase is called the carrier gas. The stationary phase is either inert solid adsorbent or a
non-volatile inert liquid supported on some solid material. The sample is injected through an
injection port, which is heated in an oven in order to vaporize the sample. The carrier gas carries
the sample through the column and detector. In order to keep the sample components in
vaporized form, all these components of the instrument are kept in high temperature. A
schematic for a gas chromatograph is shown in Fig. 4.1.
The basic components of a typical instrument for performing gas chromatography are shown in
Figure 4.2 and are described briefly.
Inlet pressures usually range from 10 to 50 psi greater than room pressure, which leads to flow
rate of 25 to 150 mL/min with packed columns and 1 to 25 mL/min for open tubular column.
Column temperature is an important variable that must be controlled to a few tenths of a degree
for precise work. Thus, the column is ordinarily housed in a thermostated oven. The optimum
column temperature depends on the boiling point of the sample and the degree of separation
required. Roughly, a temperature equal to or slightly above the average boiling point of a sample
results in a reasonable elution time (2 to 30 min).
For samples with a broad boiling range, it is often desirable to employ temperature
programming, whereby the column temperature is increased either continuously or in steps as
the separation proceeds.
Types of columns
The columns used in GC may be of following types.
i. Packed Columns
Modern packed columns are fabricated from glass or metal tubing. They are typically 2 to 3 m
long and have inside diameters of 2 to 4 mm. These tubes are densely packed with a uniform,
finely divided packing material, or solid support, that is coated with a thin layer (0.05 to 1 mm)
of the stationary liquid phase. The tubes are usually formed as coils with diameters of roughly 15
cm so that they can be conveniently placed in a temperature-controlled oven.
The packing, or solid support, in a packed column serves to hold the liquid stationary phase in
place so that as large a surface area as possible is exposed to the mobile phase.
Following requirements must be fulfilled by the adsorbent used for GSC:
a) It must be thermally stable at the temperature at which the column is being operated.
b) It should be inert during analysis.
c) It should have uniform particle size.
There are different kinds of solid materials which are used as stationary phase or as support for
liquid stationary phase. These include Alumina, Silica, Graphite and Diatomaceous earth.
Diatomaceous Earth:
These are the skeletal remains of the unicellular algae and known as diatoms. Diatomaceous
earth consists of hydrated Silica group. The large surface area of Diatomaceous earth is mainly
ideal for GLC on solid support.
Polar sample components are retained longer in polar liquid stationary phase as compared with
non-polar component and separation is based on the polarity of the components. While in case of
non-polar stationary liquid phase, the components are separated according to their relative
solubility in the liquid phase.
The number of positive ions is related to the number of carbon atoms present in the compound.
FID responds only to those compounds which can easily be ionized in the air-Hydrogen flame.
These properties make the flame ionization detector a most useful general detector for the
analysis of most organic samples including those that are contaminated with water and the oxides
of nitrogen and sulfur. It does not respond to the Inorganic compounds containing N2, CO2, H2O
and O2.
Advantages of FID
a. The FID exhibits a high sensitivity (10–13 g/s).
b. Large linear response range (107).
c. It is generally rugged and easy to use.
a. It destroys the sample during the combustion step and destructive in nature.
b. Inorganic compounds containing N2, O2, and CO2 cannot be detected.
the wire will be the same. But whenever a sample component is eluted with the carrier gas, a
small resistance change will occur in the effluent arm. The change in the resistance, which is
proportional to the concentration of the sample components in the carrier gas, is registered on the
recorder. The TCD diagram is shown in figure 4.4.
Figure 4.4. Schematic of (a) a thermal conductivity detector cell and (b) an arrangement of two
sample detector cells (R2 and R3) and two reference detector cells (R1 and R4).
change in the resistance occurs in the presence of sample components gases (helium is preferred
for safety reasons).
Advantages of TCD
a. TCD are simple, having large linear range dynamic range.
b. It response to both organic and inorganic species.
c. It IS nondestructive in nature, which permits collection of solutes after detection.
a. The chief limitation of this detector is its relatively low sensitivity (108 g/s solute/mL
carrier gas).
Usually, N2 or Ar is used as carrier gas which produces high number of thermal electrons.
a. ECD is highly sensitive to electrophilic molecules e.g. organic molecules containing
electronegative groups like nitro groups, phosphorous, O2 and halogen group.
b. An excellent detector for pesticides is used, mostly for trace environmental elements.
c. A selective detector and is used to detect only those compounds which have affinity towards
a. The major drawback is the use of radioactive source.
V=f t
“t” is the time, “f” is flow rate of carrier gas and “V” is the amount of carrier gas required to
elute a component from the column.
Under the same experimental condition, the qualitative analysis by G.C can be done by
comparing the retention time or retention volume of sample component with the retention
volume or retention time of standard components.
The retention volume or retention time of the sample component is measured and then compared
with retention volume or retention time of standard measured under the same experimental
The qualitative analysis can also be done by the standard addition.
Suppose we have two components “x” and “y” which give two peaks A and B as shown in figure
Now we want to identify that which peak is due to “x” and which is due to “y”.
For this purpose, we run the standard components separately and then compare their retention
time. Another method is “spiking” method. Suppose peak A is due to component “x” and we
want to confirm it. For this purpose, we add component “x” to the mixture and run the
chromatogram and if there is an increase in the peak height, then it confirms the result.
The second method (peak height) is simple as compared with the first one. In this method the
working standards of different concentrations are prepared and chromatogram is developed for
that. After measuring the peak height for each standard, it is plotted against concentration and a
calibration plot is obtained. After this the peak height for the sample of unknown concentration is
measured and the concentration is determined from the plot.
The range of applications of G.C is very wide. The ever change products of daily life have
increased the uses of G.C. Some of the applications of G.C are given as:
i. Biochemical Analysis:
Example of biochemical applications are the forensic analysis of blood and wine-alcohol level.
The sample is taken in small amount diluted and then sealed in a container. It is allowed to
equilibrate for 10-20 minutes and then the produced vapors are transported to the column by
carrier gas and by this the volatile components present in the sample are analyzed.
ii. Food Analysis:
The analysis of food materials included analysis of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, preservatives,
color contents and vitamins.
G.C is frequently used for derivatization of lipids to fatty acids, methyl ester of protein by
acid hydrolysis etc. Thus, G.C in quality control for food analysis ensures the quantity of
additives at permitted level.
Dairy products are also analyzed for volatile components to determine %age fatty acid and
milk contents.
The composition of volatile components presents in natural food stuff which give them a
characteristic odor and taste can also be analyzed.
G.C is used both for qualitative and quantitative analysis in case of drug samples for example,
the identification of the active components and contaminants in the sample.
Although some drug samples can be analyzed directly after extraction or by dissolution in a
proper solvent but many require special treatment before analysis like derivatization or
Environmental pollution is great problem for human as the technology progressed population
increased and standard of living have improved, so the environmental problems have also
The combustion of fuels, deposition of wastes and treatment of crops with pesticides and
herbicides all contribute to the problem.
The uses of G.C technique enable us to study these problems even at trace elemental level.
G.C is also important to the analysis of contaminated ground water caused due to strong
hydrogen bonding between phenols, amines and organic acids etc.
Mass spectrometry is a sophisticated instrumental technique that produces, separates, and detects
ions in the gas phase. The basic components of a mass spectrometer are shown in Figure 4.5. A
sample with a moderately high vapor pressure is introduced in an inlet system, operated under
vacuum (10-4 to 10-7 torr) and at high temperature up to 300 oC). The sample vaporizes and is
carried to the ionization sources. Nonvolatile compounds may be vaporized by means of a spark
or other source. Analyte molecules are typically neutral and must be ionized. This is
accomplished by various means but typically done by bombarding the sample with high-energy
electrons in an electron-impact source.
The ions are separated in the spectrometer by being accelerated through a mass separator.
Separation of ions occurs on the basis of their mass-to-charge (m/e) ratio.
Mass spectrometers are often used as detectors in gas-liquid chromatography to quantify analytes
as they elute from the column. Mass spectrometry is an extremely powerful technique in this
context since analytes may be both identified (from their characteristic molecular/ionic masses)
as well as being quantified.
Ionization Sources
There are numerous means of ionizing molecules or elements in a sample, the most appropriate
depending on the nature of the materials and the analytical requirements. The most important
ionization techniques are summarized below.
The most commonly used ionization source is the electron-impact (EI) source. The gaseous
molecules are bombarded by a high-energy beam of electrons, usually 70 eV, generated from a
tungsten filament. An electron that collides with a neutral vaporized analyte molecule may
impart sufficient energy to remove an electron from the molecule, resulting in a singly charged
M + e- → M+ + 2e-
Where M is the analyte molecule and M+ is the molecular ion or parent ion. These then
decompose into smaller fragments by further electron bombardment. Figure 4.6 shows a simple
EI spectrum of small molecule, methanol. Usually, peaks are normalized to the one with the
greatest abundance (relative abundance 100%); the largest peak is called the base peak. The
molecular peak is at m/z = 32, the formula weight of CH3OH. The bas peak is at m/z = 31 if from
the CH2OH+ fragment.
The EI source is called a “hard source” and may produce too much fragmentation to allow
positive identification of the analyte, and no molecular ion may be present. Chemical ionization
(CI) is a “softer” technique that does not cause much fragmentation and the molecular ion is the
dominant one in CI mass spectra.
In CI, a reagent gas such as methane, isobutene, or ammonia is introduces into the EI ionization
chamber at a high pressure (large excess, 1 to 10 torr) to react with analyte molecules to form
ions by either a proton or hydride transfer. The chemical ionization process begins by ionization
of the reagent gas. With methane, electron collisions produce CH4+ and CH3+, which further react
with CH4 to form CH5+ and C2H5+.
These react with the sample by transferring a proton (H+) or by extracting a hydride (H-) or
electron, which imparts a +1 charge on the sample molecule:
MH2+ and M+ may fragment to give the mass spectrum. No M+ ion may be observed, but the
molecular weight is readily obtained from the M + H or M-H ions formed.
Mass Analysers
Mass analysers disperse ionized samples according to differences in their mass-to-charge ratio as
they emerge from the ionization source or chamber. Ions are drawn towards and focused through
appositively charged polarized electrode slits to impart kinetic energy and, in this way; ions are
accelerated into the mass analyser. Every effort is taken in the design of the ionization chamber
to ensure that the same kinetic energy is imparted to all of the ions. The ions possess different
masses, however, and will therefore enter the mass analyser with a range of velocities. Ions with
the smallest masses will travel with the greatest velocities and ions with the greatest masses will
travel with the slowest velocities.
Identification of drugs of abuse and metabolites of drugs of abuse in blood, urine and
Testing for the presence of the drugs in blood in race horses and in Olympic athletic.
Analyser of aerosol particles.
Determination of pesticides residue in blood.
b. Environmental Monitoring and Clean up
GC-MS is becoming the tool of choice for tracking organic pollutants in the environment.
c. Criminal Forensics
GC-MS can analyze the particles from a human body in order to help link a criminal to a
GC-MS especially useful here as samples often contain very complex matrices and results
used in court.
d. Sports Antidoping Analysis
GC-MS is main tool used in sport anti-doping laboratories to test athletes urine samples for
prohibited performance of enhancing drugs.
e. Food, Beverage and Perfume Analysis
Food and beverage contain numerous aromatic compounds, some naturally present in the
raw materials and some forming during process.
GC-MS is extensively used for the analysis of these compounds which include ester, fatty
acid, alcohols, aldehydes, terpenes etc.
Mass Spectrum
The mass spectrum is the plot of mass to charge ration (m/z) of positively charged ions against
their relative abundance. The m/z ratio is taken along the abscissa, while relative abundance is
taken on ordinate.
Base peak
The most intense peak in the mass spectrum is called the base peak. Base peak is the highest
peak it is assigned a relative intensity of 100%.
Molecular Ion peak
The ion formed from a molecule by removal of one electron of lowest ionization potential is
known as molecular ion.
The molecular ion is detected as mass to charge ratio that corresponds to molecular weight of
molecule. The molecular ion peak gives the molecular weight of compounds. The molecular ion
peak is highest mass number except isotope peak.
Best of Luck
Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Allama Iqbal Open University