Team Evaluation Form
Team Evaluation Form
Team Evaluation Form
Personal Information
Please complete this form as accurately and comprehensively as possible. The instructor
cannot give you a grade without receiving a completed form. The quality and integrity of
your responses are of critical importance to the completion of this form. Please note that
all contents and/or responses will be kept confidential.
The objective of this exercise is to determine, to the extent possible, how well each of
you and your teammates worked, both separately and together as a team throughout the
various cases assigned. Our objective as a School is to evaluate whether our current
students are effective team players. We are doing this in an effort to further enhance
team-group behavior as a key differentiator of in our graduates.
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Section I
Please rank-order your teammates in terms of overall quality, importance of having the team member on the team and contribution to
the team effort from highest (1) to lowest (6):
Rank Name
Please note that only one name may be assigned to one slot. We recognize that some of your teammates may have contributed to the
same level however, we ask you to make a choice/ “judgment call” here.
You will be asked to identify the key reasons for your rankings in the next section.
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Section II
Part A
1. Please indicate the name of the team member you ranked the highest:
Rank Name
2. For this team member, please complete the score column for each criterion in the table below:
1 - Does not meet expectations; 2 - Meets expectations; 3 - Exceeds expectations
Use details column to write any details about the team member performance on the criteria of the same line
Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations (2) Exceeds Expectations (3) Score Details
(1) (1-3)
Contribution Does not adequately fulfill Fulfills responsibilities for Goes beyond simply fulfilling
to Substance responsibilities for individual individual contribution by responsibilities for individual contribution
contribution. Does not adequately completing work by completing work for which he/she is
adequately complete work for for which he/she is accountable – ensures own work is to
which s/he is accountable. accountable. standard of team members and follows up
on its appropriate integration into the final
team product.
Contribution Does not fulfill responsibilities Fulfills responsibilities to Goes beyond simply fulfilling
to Logistics/ to meet with team members. meet with team members and responsibilities to meet with team
Team Effort Does not make contributions to makes contributions to the members and to make contributions to the
the final team effort and/or to final team effort and/or to the final team effort and/or to the effort of
the effort of others in the team. effort of others in the team. others in the team ensures work. Plays a
key role in integrating all the pieces
together into a cohesive, high-quality final
team product.
Level of Does not show any interest, Show moderate level of Shows extremely high level of interest,
Motivation enthusiasm and initiative in the interest, enthusiasm and enthusiasm and initiative in the group
group exercise (e.g. rushes to initiative in the group exercise – exhibits pride for and
deliver anything, no matter exercise. ownership of team product.
what the quality.
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Collaboratio Works collaboratively with Works collaboratively with team members
n Does not work collaboratively team members – encourages – encourages and solicits the input and
with team members – does not and solicits the input and opinion of others and proactively mediates
encourage and solicit the input opinion of others not between various viewpoints to resolve any
and opinion of others. insisting solely on his/her inter-group conflicts/disagreements,
own viewpoint. consulting with instructor if need be.
3. If given a choice, would you like to be on the same team as this team member? (Y/N) Why/Why Not?
Part B
1. Please indicate the name of the team member you ranked second highest:
Rank Name
2. For this team member, please complete the score column for each criterion in the table below:
1 - Does not meet expectations; 2 - Meets expectations; 3 - Exceeds expectations
Use details column to write any details about the team member performance on the criteria of the same line
Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations (2) Exceeds Expectations (3) Score Details
(1) (1-3)
Contribution Does not adequately fulfill Fulfills responsibilities for Goes beyond simply fulfilling
to Substance responsibilities for individual individual contribution by responsibilities for individual contribution
contribution. Does not adequately completing work by completing work for which he/she is
adequately complete work for for which he/she is accountable – ensures own work is to
which s/he is accountable. accountable. standard of team members and follows up
on its appropriate integration into the final
team product.
Contribution Does not fulfill responsibilities Fulfills responsibilities to Goes beyond simply fulfilling
to Logistics/ to meet with team members. meet with team members and responsibilities to meet with team
Team Effort Does not make contributions to makes contributions to the members and to make contributions to the
the final team effort and/or to final team effort and/or to the final team effort and/or to the effort of
the effort of others in the team. effort of others in the team. others in the team ensures work. Plays a
key role in integrating all the pieces
together into a cohesive, high-quality final
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team product.
Level of Does not show any interest, Show moderate level of Shows extremely high level of interest,
Motivation enthusiasm and initiative in the interest, enthusiasm and enthusiasm and initiative in the group
group exercise (e.g. rushes to initiative in the group exercise – exhibits pride for and
deliver anything, no matter exercise. ownership of team product.
what the quality.
3. If given a choice, would you like to be on the same team as this team member? (Y/N) Why/Why Not?
Part C
1. Please indicate the name of the team member you ranked the third highest:
Rank Name
2. For this team member, please complete the score column for each criterion in the table below:
1 - Does not meet expectations; 2 - Meets expectations; 3 - Exceeds expectations
Use details column to write any details about the team member performance on the criteria of the same line
Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations (2) Exceeds Expectations (3) Score Details
(1) (1-3)
Contribution Does not adequately fulfill Fulfills responsibilities for Goes beyond simply fulfilling
to Substance responsibilities for individual individual contribution by responsibilities for individual contribution
contribution. Does not adequately completing work by completing work for which he/she is
adequately complete work for for which he/she is accountable – ensures own work is to
which s/he is accountable. accountable. standard of team members and follows up
on its appropriate integration into the final
team product.
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Contribution Does not fulfill responsibilities Fulfills responsibilities to Goes beyond simply fulfilling
to Logistics/ to meet with team members. meet with team members and responsibilities to meet with team
Team Effort Does not make contributions to makes contributions to the members and to make contributions to the
the final team effort and/or to final team effort and/or to the final team effort and/or to the effort of
the effort of others in the team. effort of others in the team. others in the team ensures work. Plays a
key role in integrating all the pieces
together into a cohesive, high-quality final
team product.
Level of Does not show any interest, Show moderate level of Shows extremely high level of interest,
Motivation enthusiasm and initiative in the interest, enthusiasm and enthusiasm and initiative in the group
group exercise (e.g. rushes to initiative in the group exercise – exhibits pride for and
deliver anything, no matter exercise. ownership of team product.
what the quality.
3. If given a choice, would you like to be on the same team as this team member? (Y/N) Why/Why Not?
Part D
1. Please indicate the name of the team member you ranked the fourth highest:
Rank Name
2. For this team member, please complete the score column for each criterion in the table below:
1 - Does not meet expectations; 2 - Meets expectations; 3 - Exceeds expectations
Use details column to write any details about the team member performance on the criteria of the same line
Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations (2) Exceeds Expectations (3) Score Details
(1) (1-3)
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Contribution Does not adequately fulfill Fulfills responsibilities for Goes beyond simply fulfilling
to Substance responsibilities for individual individual contribution by responsibilities for individual contribution
contribution. Does not adequately completing work by completing work for which he/she is
adequately complete work for for which he/she is accountable – ensures own work is to
which s/he is accountable. accountable. standard of team members and follows up
on its appropriate integration into the final
team product.
Contribution Does not fulfill responsibilities Fulfills responsibilities to Goes beyond simply fulfilling
to Logistics/ to meet with team members. meet with team members and responsibilities to meet with team
Team Effort Does not make contributions to makes contributions to the members and to make contributions to the
the final team effort and/or to final team effort and/or to the final team effort and/or to the effort of
the effort of others in the team. effort of others in the team. others in the team ensures work. Plays a
key role in integrating all the pieces
together into a cohesive, high-quality final
team product.
Level of Does not show any interest, Show moderate level of Shows extremely high level of interest,
Motivation enthusiasm and initiative in the interest, enthusiasm and enthusiasm and initiative in the group
group exercise (e.g. rushes to initiative in the group exercise – exhibits pride for and
deliver anything, no matter exercise. ownership of team product.
what the quality.
3. If given a choice, would you like to be on the same team as this team member? (Y/N) Why/Why Not?
Section III
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What role do you feel you played on this team?
What parts of the assignments were you responsible for on the team?
Question 2
What parts of the assignments do you feel you contributed to the most?
Question 2
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