1996 Diaz-Andreu & Champion
1996 Diaz-Andreu & Champion
1996 Diaz-Andreu & Champion
We have all been surprised by the growth of a series of ideologies in recent years that we thought had been definitively buried after the drama of the Second World War. These ideologies now affect the lives of millions of people. At the same time, countries we felt were eternal are now divided, some happily and others as a result of vicious armed conflicts. On the other hand countries that were divided in the first place the two Germanies, one of the detonators of the whole process have been united under one government. Other countries have radically altered their concept of the state. This, for example, is the case in Spain, which has passed from a centralized unitary definition of government to a pluralist one that accepts other national identities, such as Catalan and Basque, along with Spanish. All of this has been done in the name of nationalism, an ideology virtually censored during almost four decades and which no one felt was useful to reconsider. Archaeology has just passed through a phase in which the application of mathematical techniques and other methods borrowed from the natural sciences led archaeologists to believe in the scientific objectivity of their subject and in its objectivity in respect to political change. However, events of recent years have shown that this is not the case and, in consequence, comments such as the following have become not infrequent: I think we should drop the pretence of absolute objectivity. Further, I suggest that drawing on present experience and interests is hardly unscientific and that it strengthens, rather than weakens, our work. The connection between present and past is a source of power, the power to offer legitimacy or attack Ra ther than condemning those who pervert the past to their own political purposes, we should acknowledge that there is no neutral, value-free, or non-political past
that if we take the present out of the past we are left with a dry empty husk. (Wilk 1985: 319) {end of page 1} And if there is no such thing as a non-political, value-free archaeology, one of the ideologies that has had most influence in its development is nationalism. Certainly it is possible to see the relationship between archaeology and nationalism in negative terms and, in the words of Wilk, to denounce the attempt to pervert the past. For some time now in connection with the rise of nationalism there have been frequent denunciations of the manipulations that, in some places more than others, the archaeological record is suffering. Moreover, this manipulation is being carried out not only by persons outside the profession but in some cases by archaeologists themselves (Kohl 1993, Slapsak 1993). In contrast to the apparent neutrality of previous decades, we are faced with the question of how to interpret this politicization. Is it something new or has archaeology come up against similar situations in the past, which in the optimistic post-war atmosphere were ignored because they were considered unrepeatable? On the other hand, can archaeology be seen as an exception among the sciences in its political involvement? Our disquiet with respect to the present situation and the need to answer these questions is the first reason for having produced the present book. Reflections on the negative effects of the connection between politics and science, or more specifically between politics and history, is not new. Khnls discussion of science during the Weimar Republic is a good example of this attitude: A history book is never limited to the aseptic narration of facts or neutral information of events. The simple selection of the facts by itself requires a judgement of what is and what is not essential. All historical exposition contains, explicitly or implicitly, a specific interpretation of the causes, conditioning factors and forces which pushed forward or put a brake on historical development. ... That is to say, a purely scientific historical exposition does not exist, because all discourses and expositions have political implications (Khnl 1985: 7-8). It would be an exaggeration to say that archaeologists have totally ignored this relationship. There are several works that analyze the use which the Nazis and to a lesser extent the Italian fascists made of archaeology (Clark 1957: 257-61; Bollmus 1970; Daniel 1985: 323; Losemann 1977; Schnapp 1977, 1980; Guidi 1988: 63-70; Veit 1988; Arnold 1990; Torelli 1991; and other articles cited by Guidi and Wiwjorra in this volume). Himmelman (1976) goes further and adds examples from Israel, Mexico, Turkey, France and the USA, and Sklenr (1981) from Czechoslovakia. In other works on colonialism there tend to be tangential references to nationalism (Bray & {end of page 2} Glover 1987, Kaarsholm 1989, Holl 1990, Petricioli 1990). Reference is in general made to the influence nationalism has had on the interpretations and, on occasion, the development of specific archaeological undertakings in colonial areas. But, from our perspective, these authors still provide a very incomplete account of the relationship between archaeology and nationalism, whose influence has been far more fundamental than has been admitted until now. The appearance of nationalism stimulated the very creation of
archaeology as a science, and informed not only the organization of archaeological knowledge but also its very infrastructure. Without the existence of nationalism, archaeology or the study of the past might never have advanced beyond the status of a hobby or a pastime. This profound interconnection between a political ideology and a scientific discipline needs to be recognized by professionals of the discipline in order to be able to understand and contextualize our work. It is, therefore, the intention of this book to show that nationalism was not only influential in the archaeological interpretations of a specific period of German or Italian history; or in colonial archaeology; but that it is deeply embedded in the very concept of archaeology, in its institutionalization and development. And this has been the case not only in countries such as Denmark, where archaeology developed at a very early date (Daniel 1975: 52; Srensen 1986), but it can be seen as a generalized phenomenon, affecting each and every country over the past 200 years. The close tie between nationalism and archaeology is founded upon the concept of the nation. The nation, the idea on which political nationalism is based, is conceived of as the natural unit of a human group, which by its very nature has the right to constitute a political entity Hence, by definition, the simple existence of nations implies the existence of a past which, for their own good and that of the individuals who belong to them, should be known and propagated. Therefore, the emergence of political nationalism at the end of the eighteenth century converted the production of this history into a patriotic duty History acquired a considerable political importance. States organized institutions to create and educate citizens, which legitimated state existence on the basis of its identification with a nation. Institutions (museums, monuments commissions, universities), organized on the political territory of the nation-state, served to justify it, as they took this territory as the basis for the history of the nation. The histories produced by their personnel claimed to chart the origins and development characteristic of each individual nation, and its particular spirit at each stage of its evolution. This was a closed circle. The nation was at the same time the basis and the aim of research. Nationalism as a political ideology owes its strength not only to its {end of page 3} importance as the essence of liberalism, and therefore its adoption as the motor for the functioning of the - state and of its institutions - but also to its popular base. The nation is not only something invented by nationalists, but as Anderson (1991) argues, it is something that is felt or imagined by many citizens. The growing number of intellectuals responsible for the extensive apologetic historical literature produced in each nation certainly saw themselves as patriots. Nationalism was born among intellectuals who searched for a place in a social world dominated by the Monarchy and Church. The decadence of these two institutions was at the same time the cause (Anderson 1991: ch. 2) and the consequence of the success of nationalism as a political doctrine. At first, intellectuals usually organized themselves in groups, but they were isolated and without any prevalent social influence. After a second phase of patriotic agitation, in which these groups
acquired a growing importance, the nationalist ideology spread through the whole of the population. These three phases defined by Hroch (1985: 22-3) can be seen in archaeology. In the first phase only a few individuals centred their interest on the past in a way still greatly influenced by the Enlightenment, that is, not having the nationalist language which was developed afterwards. The first country to enter into the second phase was probably Denmark. The rapid increase in interest in antiquities among lower middle-class individuals at the beginning of the nineteenth century shows the central importance of antiquity in the construction of Danish nationalism. The rest of Danish society followed soon afterwards. Other nationalisms in which antiquity was not so central needed more time to attract the great masses either to the study of or to an interest in the past. But today it is completely accepted that the past history is of central importance to the present, a past shaped by the limits of the nation. The diverse definition of the elements that make up the nation gives us a clue to the specific interests that have guided archaeologists in Europe and the rest of the world. The concept of the political nation, which grew out of the French Revolution, had as its root the right of citizens to show their wishes regarding the type of government they wanted (Kedourie 1960: 43). But it was rapidly taken up and transformed by a line of thought developed in the eighteenth century by philosophers such as Johann Gottfried Herder. This was based on the cult of diversity, in the belief that each nation possessed something that made it unique and irreplaceable. But this unique and irreplaceable (i.e. essential) element, which forms the basis of the nation, is not something fixed but, depending on the nation, which can be cultural, linguistic, ethnic or racial. These two last elements are usually closely interrelated, although ethnicity is the weaker term. The former, culture, is an ambiguous and versatile concept, whose appearance is profoundly related to the development of nationalism (Daz-Andreu forthcoming) and its need to {end of page 4} utilize a wide and non-exclusive term, which made possible the growing complexity of the human component in each nation. Archaeological interpretations demonstrate the complexity of nationalism and the concept of the nation. Hence archaeologists, above all from eastern European countries, have emphasized the ethnic or linguistic component of their past. In the case of Russia and Poland, Slavic origins have been emphasized and Baltic origins in the case of Lithuania. In the case of Slovenia it was the countrys linguistic homogeneity that was pushed to the forefront. In Germany, from the late nineteenth century, the elements of nation, race and language were interwoven through the identification of the archaeological remains found with the original Indo-European race, and this was then used as the basis to justify the superiority of the German nation. The religious element of nineteenth-century Spanish nationalism was taken into account by Spanish archaeologists, when they argued that the Muslims who occupied the Iberian Peninsula for seven centuries were not Spanish.
The versatility of the meaning of the nation in each particular case results in our being able to use works that are not specifically focused on the relationship between archaeology and nationalism in order to be able to understand the problem. A clear example of this is the recent interest in ethnicity (see especially works by Smith 1986, Shennan 1988 and Chapman 1992). This is also the case with works already mentioned in the context of the relationship between colonialism and imperialism and archaeology, such as Evans & Meggers (1973), Lorenzo (1976), Trigger (1984), Bray & Glover (1987), Holl (1990) and Petricioli (1990). The question of nationalism also frequently raises its head in more general works on the relationship between politics and archaeology such as Canfora (1980), Garlake (1982), Kristiansen (1992), Fleury-Ilett (1993), Fowler (1987) or the books edited by Layton (1988, 1989; see, for example, Mangi 1988) and by Gathercole & Lowenthal (1990). At present there is a renewed interest in the subject of nationalism, and some new publications, some of which have already been cited, deal with the question directly.
of the territorial origin or ethnic or religious identification of archaeologists. It can be very revealing to look at the area in the country from which came the archaeologists who collaborated in the historical construction of state or regional identities (this can be useful in uncovering an appropriation of the past by individuals from particular regions), or the changes in the level of contribution from individuals coming from a particular region. It could also be interesting to look at the relationship between ethnic minorities and archaeology: the number of archaeologists who belonged to any ethnic minority (e.g. Jewish or Gipsy), the number of excavations on any ethnic minoritys past enclave (e.g. a Gipsy camp), or the archaeologists attitude towards any particular past ethnic or religious presence in a country (e.g. the treatment of Islamic archaeology in Spain). These are the fundamental questions that will be discussed in this book. The results are synthesized and discussed in the following sections. {end of page 6}
Our history begins with the Renaissance and is closely bound up with the appearance of humanism in the fifteenth century in Italy and in the sixteenth century in the rest of Europe. This change in mentality, in contrast to the Middle Ages, is closely related to the appearance of strong states grounded in monarchies whose powerbase was evidently more solid than in the previous period and supported by a growing bourgeois class in the cities. In Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the fragmented political mosaic was simplified with the emergence of six states, and the transformation was justified through recourse to the past. Antiquity became a measure of the importance and reputation of things. A city became important if it had a past {end of page 7} and especially if it was rooted in the classical era. Nobles could better symbolize their position if various ancient objects and works of art were on display in their houses. Members of the clerical establishment were also affected and they showed an interest in the past. There is, therefore, a political usage of the past, and this was exemplified by a series of archaeological forgeries. Gasc (1993) gives a good example of these forgeries carried out on inscriptions. Inscriptions were forged to demonstrate that a particular city that was being exalted was the one in the sources, and on occasion these sources were even invented. And these new tendencies found in the printing press a powerful new vehicle to support them. Political nationalism appeared at the end of the eighteenth century at the time of the French Revolution. In continental Europe the revolution and its aftermath resulted in the replacement of the social organization of the Ancien Rgime, which was based on estates (nobles, clergy and Third Estate), by new class divisions within society. A nation was conceived of as a union of individuals governed by one law, and represented by the same law-giving assembly (Siyes quoted in Kedourie 1960: 5). Therefore, the basis of the nation as conceived by the French Revolution was the previous state unit. Nation was seen as equivalent to state, without (at least theoretically) any reference to its cultural origin. Yet Napoleon already used the potential of the term nation, which since Herder had had an essentialist component, in order to divide the enemy states during his colonial drive. He convinced particular regions with a strong identity that they were nations in the new sense of the word, and therefore they could ask for independence. This redefinition of the concept of the nation gives any group of individuals who for whatever reason, be it territorial, ethnic, religious, linguistic or cultural, imagine they belong to the same homogeneous community, the right to call for political selfgovernment. The demonstration of the existence of a nation requires a past that needs to be described. This totally changed the concept of history. It was only at the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century that history was transformed from an artistic and literary pursuit into a scientific discipline. This re-ordering first took place in Germany, where the foremost figures were Barthold Georg Niebuhr (1 776-1831) and Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886) (Moradiellos 1992). The former was the instigator of the historical-critical method, which consisted of the examination and critical analysis of the
historical documents and materials, and he used them systematically as the basis for the subsequent narration. The connection with nationalism is a result of the historicist nature of Rankes work. Hence, according to Ranke, in contrast to Enlightenment beliefs, all past historical events and situations are unique and unrepeatable {end of page 8} and cannot be understood through universal categories but only through the study of its own particular circumstances (Moradiellos 1992). In this manner Ranke rejected universalist rationalism, and maintained that all human phenomena, be they at the level of the individual or of cultural institutions (states, religions, etc.), were guided by a radical historicity. That is to say, they were all unique and unrepeatable in time and space. They evolved in accord with their own principles and, therefore, had to be understood in terms of their singularity and not through recourse to universal laws. The history of each nation became the main aim of historical research. The connection with nationalism affected archaeology. Until the nineteenth century, archaeology had been merely anecdotal. Antiquities had been studied during the Renaissance, but only in the nineteenth century were they considered important enough to be organized as a discipline. This could be seen in various respects. Museums were created, a professional corps was formed, archaeology entered higher education (universities or coles suprieures) and a body of legislation was put in place to protect antiquities and organize archaeological work. The creation of museums was closely linked with the opening of archives and libraries, sources which, as we have seen, the German school of Niebuhr and Ranke considered indispensable as the basis for historical knowledge. The object was to store the original documents, considered the pristine sources of knowledge, selected and ordered in accordance with the objective sought: the creation of a national history. Not every country opened national museums at the same pace. This in part depended on the specific symbols adopted as the basis for the definition of the nation. In those countries in which it was related to antiquity, it was not long before museums were built and the infrastructure needed for the study of antiquities set up. This was the case in Denmark where, as Marie Louise Srensen explains, the farmers formed a new economic and political group following the early nineteenth century agrarian reforms. The farmers identified with the prehistoric monuments common on their fields and transferred their image to the new liberal state. The presence of archaeology was progressively consolidated during the first half of the nineteenth century. Researchers were not unaware of the significance of these developments. As the pioneering Danish archaeologist Worsaae stated in a speech to the Royal Irish Academy in 1846, he thought that the French Revolution had had a great deal to do with the development of archaeology and prehistory in the early nineteenth century; with a greater respect for the political rights of the people, there awakened in the nations (our italics) themselves a deeper interest in their own history, language and nationality (Worsaae in Daniel 1975: 52). He continued by explaining that the Danes had turned to the study of ancient history after {end of page 9} having suffered a series of national disasters as a time from the contemplation of which their
spirit of nationality might gain support and in whose memories they found the hope of a new and equally glorious era (Worsaae in Daniel 1975: 52). The consolidation of liberalism in the second half of the nineteenth century ensured the definitive institutionalization of archaeology. It was at this time that the majority of countries created a network of museums, the work of the antiquarian and archaeologist was professionalized and the new discipline entered higher education. Furthermore, the number of congresses multiplied and many journals were set up. At the same time, the erection of statues for instance of Gauls in France (Pingeot 1982) gave symbolic expression to the articulation of a new nationalist landscape. Moreover, nationalism underwent an important change that would also affect archaeology. With the unification of Italy in 1870 and Germany in 1871, the essentialist conception of the nation definitively triumphed. As a result the search for and justification of the ethnic or racist and linguistic roots of the nation were intensified. As Eric Hobsbawm (1990: 102) states, in consequence of this multiplication of potential unhistorical nations, ethnicity and language became the central, increasingly the decisive or even the only criteria of potential nationhood. This not only affected Europe but could be seen throughout the world (for the case of Argentina see Quijada Maurio forthcoming). The institutionalization of archaeology served to strengthen these tendencies. Congresses were a case in point. For example, as Shnirelman shows (this volume), nationalism was embedded into the strategy of the organization of the pan-Russian archaeological congresses. The main goal was to search for the most ancient traces of the Russian Slays and Christianity. Another example was the appearance during this period of associations that related anthropology and ethnology to prehistoric archaeology, such as the Society for Archaeology, History and Ethnography at Kazan University, founded in Russia in 1878. Another consequence of the consolidation of essentialist nationalism was the growth of non-state nationalist archaeologies. It was these years that saw an important increase in the formation of cultural associations, for example archaeological or excursion societies, in cities outside the state capital. These societies had a popular base, and they served to support and foment nationalist movements such as Catalanism in the Spanish case. It was during the interwar years that the part played by archaeology in the construction of nationalism was most explicit. The examples of German and Italian archaeology are but two cases among many. They are two extreme cases, and therefore they have to be condemned for their role in the justification of territorial invasion and racial extermination. But, as the chapters in {end of page 10} this book demonstrate, in all countries without exception, archaeologists looked to justify the ethnic, racial, linguistic, religious and/or cultural bases of their nation. As a consequence of the horrors of the Second World War the various scientific disciplines, among them archaeologist, tried to wash away the stain of nationalist implications and interpretations and sought refuge in an aseptic objectivity which was supposedly achieved through publications that were purely descriptive (although on racism, nationalism and archaeology in this
period see Schnapp & Svenbro 1980, and Zerubavel 1994 on Israeli nationalism and Masada). However, in reality the problem was neve r tackled at root. Far from distancing itself from nationalism, archaeology continued to be nationalist in terms of its organization and structuring of the data. It is easy to understand why this should be. The state administered the study, teaching and research of history, and so it remained incorporated within and served nationalist structures. This is something assumed to be so natural that few archaeologists are conscious of it. At the same time, archaeologists continued to c1assi~ data according to cultures. This term was only adopted during the apogee of nationalism and has, in fact, a clear political significance, and presupposes a specific, Politicized and nationalist reading of the history of the past 200 years (Daz-Andreu forthcoming). The uncritical maintenance of this practice has made possible the return to the old abuses in present archaeological thought. The past few years have witnessed a certain renaissance of nationalism in archaeological interpretations. The scale of this rebirth cannot, at least in the case of Europe, be compared to the situation in the inter-war years. This is clear in a European context, where one can criticize certain abuses such as, for example, the invention of a Celtic past and its connection with the construction of a pan-European identity (Champion, this volume), along with other misrepresentations on a more limited geographical scale (Slapsak 1993; see Daz-Andreu (this volume) for the use of the Islamic past by Andalusian, Valencian and Balearic nationalisms against Catalan and Spanish nationalisms). Outside Europe in some areas the situation is frankly worrying (Kohl 1993) and reminds one of the tone of debates in interwar Europe. However, we now have at hand the possibility of criticizing the past and are conscious of the political implications of this type of manipulation. But, above all, it is the intention of this book to make clear that in no country has archaeology been totally free from nationalist influence, while this has been the dominant theory in the political ordering of the world during the past two centuries. {end of page 11}
western and eastern Europe. This is a result of the fact that various potential contributors from eastern Europe did not submit contributions because they feared the effect such publications could have had on their professional careers. This is in itself a further symptom of the present importance of the subject treated in this book. Each of the chapters deals with a nation-state. This decision can be controversial because a nation-state is not always accompanied by a successful national identity. Besides, there are nation-states where other national identifications exist (e.g. British against English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish; French against Catalan, Basque, Breton; etc.). The degree of success of the different national identifications (state against regional) depends on the countries and even on the different regions in those countries (for instance, the identification of state and nation differs greatly from England to Scotland). In addition, with the exception of a few long-established countries in Europe (e.g. Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal) the remaining nation-states have appeared in the past two centuries, and this is reflected in the national identifications. Moreover, although ethnic identifications sometimes coincide with nationalist identifications (e.g. Welsh, Catalan), at other times this is not the case (e.g. Jewish, Gipsy, Afro-Caribbean). The development of archaeology and its relationship to politics have varied greatly from one nation to another. According to Marie Louise Stig Srensen, there are various aspects to the relationship between archaeology and nationalism. First, archaeology is only institutionalized when it becomes politically useful. Secondly, it is only then that it appears in the public sphere. Thirdly, it attained importance in certain political decisions, and fourthly it {end of page 12} became popularised with the addition of new messages. Srensen analyzes how, in the Danish case, archaeology became a vehicle for images and objects that served the nationalist discourse. She maintains that the objects and events of the past that filtered through to popular culture had been selected and used to represent national virtues. With the crisis produced by the loss of a major part of the country at the beginning of the nineteenth century, there was a tendency to seek consolation through the search for a prehistoric golden age, which was limited to the remaining territories. This was the reason why Danish archaeology was already being professionalized in the 1820s and became progressively incorporated into the search for a national identity Hence, although during the Napoleonic Wars only a few intellectuals were interested in the past, by the 1860s archaeological data had been widely diffused and it served as the unquestionable basis of the explanation of the Danish nation. The data were selected to emphasize moments of collective endeavour and to promote the freehold peasantry. In this process, archaeological symbols passed from high culture to low culture, and on occasion their significance was at the same time transformed. As a result, the past became a means of social communication and as such could not be objective and natural, and its emotional charge could make it very powerful and even dangerous. The birth of archaeology in France was marked by a lack of widespread interest and an unbalanced emphasis on history The Revolution fostered the
appearance of the notion of national antiquities and the spread of the concept of archaeology. However, although the Romantic movement chose an ancient people the Gauls and an historical event the defeat of Gauls by the Romans at Alsia as symbols of the French nation, these symbols were not successful. As Alain Schnapp states, neoclassic tradition continued to give more importance to Romans than to Gauls. Archaeology was not essential to the construction of the French nation. The first institutions created in order to study the past took into account not archaeology but history and monuments. It was only in the second half of the nineteenth century that archaeology became important. The funding of the excavations at Alsia and Bibracte in the 1860s began a trend of nationalist archaeology increasingly stressed after the French defeat by Prussia in 1870. However, in contrast to the German example, the bulk of intellectuals worked on the construction of a French nationality based not on race or ethnie but on history and culture. Perhaps because of this, Schnapp argues that national antiquities were left aside from 1871 to 1939; there was in France no activity corresponding to the creation of museums and archaeological services in Germany or Scandinavia, and even a law on antiquities was not passed until 1941. Even then, the organization of antiquities thus created was deeply embedded in an {end of page 13} authoritarian ideology. French archaeology has continued its institutionalization thereafter and, as is to be expected in France, it is characterized by its centralization. The author ends his chapter by emphasizing the present neutralization of French archaeology. The relationship between religion and nationalism is the basis of DazAndreus chapter. The definition of Spain as a Catholic nation led to the alienation of the Muslim past in the narration of her history. The first studies of Islamic archaeology stressed their foreign nature and lack of importance for the Spanish past, thereby producing a poor analysis of the relationship with Christian medieval Spain. One of the major areas of research on the Islamic period was the study of archaeological remains of Christian churches in Islamic territory. However, contradictory nationalisms in the Spanish state, the influence of the admiration of exotic Islamic monuments by other Europeans, and colonial activity in North Africa, provided an opportunity for the historical and archaeological study of Islam in Spain. Nevertheless, this was undertaken through a Europeanization and a loss of the religious significance of the Islamic past. Medieval archaeology has been one of the areas that has most clearly shown its weakness when faced with political pressures during the turbulent history in the twentieth century, and the two poles of the Spanish medieval past clearly exemplify this. However, thanks to the secularization of Spanish life, it has become far easier to use images resulting from the Islamic past, and this has converted them into powerful symbols for the creation of pasts and the legitimation of the various nationalisms nowadays present in a quasi-federalist Spanish state. The Portuguese case serves, as Carlos Fabio suggests, as the opposite of successful national archaeologies. The leading nationalist image of Portugal is of a nation born in medieval times, perceived through the portrait of rural villages and castles. This left previous periods, and therefore archaeology, in an inferior position. This does not mean that archaeologists did not develop
various arguments based on megaliths, the northwestern hill-forts, Viriatus and Lusitania in favour of a remote origin for the Portuguese nation. However, their efforts, although to a certain extent productive, did not prove fruitful in practical terms in combating the predominant version. Even if laws for the national archaeological heritage were made, they were scarcely applied, and archaeological proposals had little or no funds. Once the legend had been accepted, it was not useful to invest in order to corroborate or research into it. In short, archaeology was considered as counterproductive for nationalist purposes. Alessandro Guidi sees the interrelationship between nationalism and archaeology in Italy as clearly negative. Both prehistoric and classical archaeology were powerfully influenced by nationalism. In the first case this {end of page 14} relationship can be seen in the dates at which the profession was institutionalized, in the interest shown by politicians in the new discoveries, and in the interpretations advanced. These stressed that it had been the north of the country (which had also been the supporter of unification) that had civilized the south in prehistoric times. The rise of fascism stimulated the study not of prehistory but of classical archaeology; which then promoted an identification between classical Rome and modern Italy. This interest led to the massive expansion in university professorships and the generous financing of excavations, the most important of which were the Roman forum and others undertaken in Italian colonies. From the Second World War, on the other hand, there has been a tendency towards dispersion which, the author maintains, has accelerated in recent years. Britain is an example of a country with competing nationalisms, as Timothy Champion explains, but archaeology has seldom been invoked to legitimate them. England has rarely been seriously threatened since its unification in the eleventh century AD, and English nationalism is very weakly developed. As a result, there is little sign of a purely English archaeology; no national museum, no national journal, no single national association, no synthetic reviews. Scotland, on the other hand, showed an early development of archaeology in the eighteenth century, centrally organized and carried out on a national scale. Despite Scotlands political domination by England, Scottish nationalism existed alongside an acceptance of the Act of Union, and national archaeology contributed to Scottish cultural self-awareness rather than to political separatism. Wales was different again; it so far lacked political and cultural institutions that archaeology was scarcely able to take root before the beginning of the twentieth century. In both countries, twentieth-century nationalist movements have focused on political and economic issues, and a separate cultural identity has been established through language and literature rather than archaeology. Overarching these three national identities has been the concept of Britain, particularly from the eighteenth century a useful concept for emphasizing the cultural identity of the unified kingdom. The late development of the states involvement in archaeology has meant, however, that an increasingly professional discipline has been less amenable to the political uses of the archaeological past.
In Ireland, by contrast, as Gabriel Cooney explains, the archaeological past has been an important element in the construction of a national identity and linked in a complex and changing pattern of relationships with political nationalist programmes. A flourishing period of archaeological research in the middle of the nineteenth century provided a wealth of evidence for the cultural achievements of the Irish past, and laid the foundations for a perception of a separate Irish cultural identity; this, however, contrasted markedly {end of page 15} with the misty mythological gloss given to the past in the later nineteenth century Celtic revival. Archaeology has been used as part of the debate about the nature of Ireland and Irish nationalism, and this is still true of the present. The partition of Ireland symbolizes and enforces the existence of confficting identities within Ireland, and has influenced the way that some archaeological debates have been initiated and perpetuated. In his chapter on Germany, Ingo Wiwjorra distinguishes two types of archaeology in the nineteenth century, based on philology and anthropology, and three types of authors: professionals, amateurs and pseudo-scientists. The early nineteenth century saw an idealization of German prehistory, knowledge of which came predominantly from written sources that were used to complement the growing archaeological finds. Theories that indicated a foreign influence in the German past whether they stressed the provenance of the Germans from the Caucasus and therefore their barbarism in prehistoric times, or centred their attention on the classical world were progressively rejected. On the contrary, so-called anthropological archaeology linked the idea of a German race with prehistoric cultures. This connection was already common in the 1880s and it identified the Germans with the pure Indo-European race. Amateurs such as Ludwig Wilser and Will Pastor were at the forefront of this tendency, but it was then professionalized by figures such as Gustaf Kossinna through the methods of settlement archaeology combined with a belief in the superiority of the German race. Contemporaneously archaeology was employed to justify German expansion in the east. During the National Socialist period there was a massive creation of professorships and a justification of National Socialist policies in archaeological circles. After the Second World War a divide has opened up between the arid scientificism of professionals who ignored the previous period and pseudo-scientific ideology in which elements of the pre-war discourse can still be seen. Interest in the past increased greatly in Poland after her loss of independence in 1795 and antiquarianism became one of the pillars of the Polish national movement, as Wlodzimierz Raczkowski illustrates. Archaeological remains were identified with the Slays. Importance was given to archaeology as a way to fix a territorial border between Germans and Slays, i.e. between Prussia and Poland. However, because of the might of pan-Slavism, there was no similar attempt in relation to the other borders, as Lithuanians, Byelorussians and Ukrainians were considered as Slays. The former discussion continued after the independence of Poland in 1918 and had two major representatives, Kostrzewski and von Richthofen for the Polish and the German sides respectively. The Slav past, and its territory, was promoted via newspapers and other popular media, and in popular lectures and courses for {end of page 16} teachers. The Polish past was, furthermore, symbolized by the
archaeological site of Biskupin. Archaeology was again used as a way to legitimize the newly created Polish borders after 1945, at least until the late 1960s and early 1970s when the borders were internationally accepted; archaeology therefore lost part of its importance, although dominant views are still present in school manuals and guide books of the site of Biskupin, the key symbol of the Slavic past. Ethnicity is the main focus of Viktor Shnirelmans chapter on Russia. As the author states, nationalism in Russian and Soviet archaeology expressed itself mainly in ethnogenetic studies. In Hobsbawms words, archaeologists, like historians, were and are contributing consciously or not, to the creation, dismantling and restructuring of images of the past which belong not only to the world of specialist investigation but to the public sphere of man [i.e. the human being] as a political being (Hobsbawm 1983: 13). Russian archaeology changed its object of study from classical remains to local Slav antiquities mainly from the 1840s. Slavic-Russian interpretations began to be fostered by other ethnic (i.e. non-Russian) intellectuals from 1917, a trend allowed by the state because of its powerful symbolic opposition to the defeated Old Russia. This situation changed drastically for a short period in the late 1920s and early 1930s, because of the introduction of Marxism to Soviet science and the consideration of previous research as bourgeois. The search for past ethnic roots was forbidden and changes in the archaeological record were considered as socio-economic stages. Soviet nationalism, a nationalism of a theoretical multi-ethnic base, was born by 1934-6 and ethnicity was thereby re-installed. Soviet nationhood was, however, being constructed on the base of a Slavic (Russian) past. This situation led from the 1950s to competing views between Russian and non-Russian archaeologists and to the politicization and mythologization of the ethnic origin of peoples of the former USSR. Lithuanian archaeology is another good example of the relationship between archaeology and nationalism. As Puodziunas and Girininkas explain, after the closure of Vilnius University in 1831, intellectuals turned to the collection of antiquities as a way to prove their right to demand an independent LithuanianPolish state. As a result, after the 1863 uprising, one of the actions by the governor of Vilnius was to ban the Archaeological Commission and to take measures to control the Museum of Antiquities. From this date through to the First World War it was mainly Russian and some Polish archaeologists who carried out archaeological work, and this resulted in the bulk of theories pointing to a non-Lithuanian origin of the archaeological remains. The lifting of the ban was followed by the appearance of Lithuanian scientific societies. However, the USSR scientific policy enforced the {end of page 17} manipulation of data in order to Russify interpretations, although archaeologists were less oppressed than historians. Since independence, the dominant archaeological interpretation has defended the Baltic ethnogenesis ofLithuanians, stressing in this way an origin distinct from that of their more powerful Slav neighbours. The Slovenian case has been analyzed by Boidar Slapak and Predrag Novakovic. They conclude that there was no indication before the Second
World War of the involvement of archaeology in nationalist discourse. In this case, language and not history was the basis of Slovenian nationalism and, accordingly, archaeology only played a secondary role. The history of Slovenian archaeology was therefore one of weakness, poor institutionalization and underdevelopment. Personal matters were also influential. The Museum of Ljubljana was run by a pro-German for almost 30 years from the 1850s to the 1880s, a fact that bestowed on archaeology the stigma of a suspicious discipline in nationalist eyes. The Second World War saw the introduction of ethnic-nationalist theories in the archaeology carried out in Slovenian territory. Ethnicity continued to be linked to Slovenian archaeology after the war, although opposed by the historian Grafenauer and the von Merhard school of prehistoric research. The non-involvement of academic archaeology in the nationalist struggle of the late 1980s and early 1990s has been criticized. The authors conclude that while academic archaeology can avoid nationalism, nationalism cannot do without archaeology in its myth creation and search for identity, and that can create a lot of pressure.
knowledge of the past to the point where the more extravagant claims could be confronted by firm archaeological arguments. The growth of a professional archaeology; mostly in institutions established by the nation-states themselves, and the eventual application of new techniques and scientific methods, have created a more robust body of evidence. Secondly, archaeological evidence can be very old. Outside the classical world of the Mediterranean, the documentary historical tradition does not reach far back in time. If nationalist claims, especially claims to territory once occupied and now lost, we re to be based on the antiquity and longevity of occupation, then only archaeology could supply the proof. This demanded a method for fixing the relative sequence of material in order to show antiquity; and a means of establishing a connection with the modern nation. The Three Age system, and the culture-historical tradition more generally, were ideally suited to the first of these aims. The chronological ordering of the evidence, which has supplied the basis for all future work, and the emphasis on continuity and development of material culture, underpinned arguments for the continuity of settlement. But this had to be matched by an identification of certain traits as distinctively those of a nation or its predecessors: Slavic pottery or German burial rites. This identification was the most powerful and most emotive link in the chain of argument, and it is also the one that has suffered most from recent developments in archaeological theory. Our understanding of material culture and its social uses makes us much less ready to accept such simple correlations of an artefact type or a cultural practice with a single ethnic group or nation. Such identifications are, however, very resilient and they tend to survive well in more popular literature, long after they have been questioned by archaeologists. { nd of page 19} e Next, archaeological evidence is physical. Until the emergence of antiquarian studies in the Renaissance, the status of the written word as the sole authority on the past was unchallenged. By the nineteenth century, however, the growing body of physical evidence collected by antiquarians and archaeologists had begun to offer an alternative source of knowledge, and one that could be experienced in many different ways. Historical knowledge can be transmitted only via the written or spoken word, but the physical evidence offered by archaeology opens up many new possibilities for engaging with the past. Archaeological objects can be more than just an illustration of the knowledge provided by the written word, and can constitute an independent source for understanding the past. Many such collections of objects were originally made by amateur antiquarians, but, from the eighteenth century, state museums were increasingly founded to accommodate them; the collections were transformed from symbols of the enthusiasm, learning and taste of the individual to symbols of the history and achievements of the nation. The visible evidence of the past supplied by museums opened up an important new means of understanding the past, and museum visiting became an important cultural and educational practice for some sectors of society. Equally important were the opportunities offered by archaeological sites and monuments. In some countries, such as Denmark, the entire landscape became historicized as a metaphor for the nation itself. In others, single sites took on a critical significance for their key role in the nations history: Tara in Ireland, Numantia in Spain, or Alsia in France,
although both the latter were the sites of ultimate defeat. In other cases, a site without specific historical significance was adopted as a sign of the nation, often, like Biskupin in Poland, because of the role it played in the development of archaeology and its role in recent politics. The potential of such sites can be exploited in many ways. They can be used for political meetings, as was Tara; or for regular ceremonial events to enforce social memory of the nations history; for archaeological excavations, to improve knowledge and heighten awareness of the past; or for educational visits, whether by individuals, or schools or archaeological societies; more and more in the twentieth century they have been exploited for an increasingly commercialized tourist industry. The exploitation of these new opportunities depended greatly on technological progress in the nineteenth century. Sites are of little ideological use if they cannot be visited, and improvements in transport were vital in permitting the sort of systematic site-seeing that was the main activity of many archaeological societies in the last century. Both sites and objects also provided many new images that could be disseminated by the rapid improvements in the printing industry. The graphic illustrations of the past, repeated {end of page 20} in books, magazines, newspapers and pictures, took on a power of their own. The rising standards of literacy and education, often sponsored by the state while it was supporting the development of archaeology ensured that this flood of new material reached a wider audience where its message could be assimilated. Smith (1986: 192) has identified some of the recurring features in any national mythology or myth of ethnic origins: myths of origins in time or space; of ancestry, migration and liberation; of golden ages, decline and rebirth. Archaeological material and monuments can be very successfully exploited to provide evidence for such myths and to provide them with authenticity; myths can merge into history. Archaeology was particularly good for the documentation of origin myths. Timescales could not be established with any confidence in absolute terms, but archaeology could at least demonstrate that things were comparatively old in historical terms. Origins in space were much easier to show, once the treacherous identification of nation and artefact had been accepted, and were of central importance to modern disputes about territorial control. Archaeology has also been able to provide the visible evidence for past golden ages. For some nations, these were periods of military and political power, or great territorial domination; for others, technological and artistic achievement; for others again, idyllic rural prosperity For all these variants, archaeology can be pressed into service to provide the evidence. It can also provide the evidence for heroes and, less frequently, heroines, to populate the golden ages. The earliest years of recorded history have proved a fertile source of named individuals, often associated with great events or important sites, who can be brought to life through archaeology. France has Vercingetorix, Portugal Viriatus, Germany Arminius; all have become national
heroes, essential elements in the national myth, historically documented and authenticated by archaeology Archaeology has thus for the past 200 years been inextricably intertwined with nationalism. It would be pointless to speculate how antiquarianism would have developed without the influence of nationalism, but one of the consequences of its growth has been its increasing maturity as a professional discipline. Not only can it now survive without nationalist support, but it can, as the authors in this volume demonstrate, turn a self-critical eye on its own development and evaluate its own involvement in 200 years of social and political change in Europe. {end of page 21}
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