Foreword To The SS Psychosocial Strategy Manual
Foreword To The SS Psychosocial Strategy Manual
Foreword To The SS Psychosocial Strategy Manual
Next: Prologue to the SS Psychosocial Strategy Manual written by "Nimrod de Rosario" ( Luis Felipe
Moyano ). Moyano was an advisor on National and International Policy for the government of the
Argentine nation, an intelligence and contentelligence agent, scientist, researcher, revisionist historian
and writer.
This manual has been developed to update the comrades of WEWELLSBURG in new aspects of the
strategy S.S. It is the result of a long effort made by specialists from various branches of the know all
oriented towards a precise objective: to establish a SYSTEMATIC of the strategyS.S.
The benefits of such an effort they are clearly evident: if it is possible to SYSTEMATIZE the strategyS.S.
much of this could be presented in the manner of axiomatic science and would then enable intellectual
access to profane people. Until now to master elements of the S.S Strategy., it was necessary to receive
the initiationHyperborean in Wewellsburg but, before the imminence of warTotal, we have persuaded to
consider the possibility of instructing this one time a comrades NOT INITIATED.
This is how, attending to the mission entrusted by the Führer, to the S.S., we title Psychosocial Strategy to
the science we present here for your consideration. But such a title should not call deception: the only “
Strategy ” of the Third Reich is the strategyGeneral from the Führer. The strategyPsychosocialof the S.S. is
a particular or “ field ” strategy, only applicable within the framework of said General strategy, under the
leadership of the Führer and thanks to conceptions racial that provides the wisdom Hyperboreanof the
Thulegesellschaft. As several are noticed are the conditions for this effort to bear fruit, as explained more
widely in various incis of this manual.
Until the end of the 18th century, and even Clausewitz, all the military theorists made strategy a “ war
law ” preferring to call “ political ” the set of actions coordinated by a nation in peacetime. This dualistic
conception arose of the erroneous belief that only war implied the existence of the CONFLICT, in other
words, it was recognized the CRISIS when this was inevitable. Therefore strenuous efforts were made to
maintain the “ peace ”, that is, avoid armed conflict, but everything that emerged from diplomacy was a
dead letter from the hostilities for being manually and artificially separated, two states “ ideals ”: war
and peace. The Latin proverb SI VIS PACEM, FOR BELLUM ( "If you want peace, prepare for war" ) was, of
course, considered immoral.
- The first originates from REVOLUTIONFrench and the Napoleonic Wars when, lighting the appearance
of “ nationalism ” in Europe, peoples break in to participate actively from war, More than the iron
discipline of the troops, professional and traditionally in command of a Noble or Lord, now matters the “
moral ” and the soldier's “ patriotic fervor ”, however considered as mass or crowd. The mercenary
combatant disappears, swept by fervent peoples who want to participate in the contests to “ defend its
borders ”, its “ flags and national symbols ”, or its “ national traditions ”, all concepts that a day before
nobody knew. As a consequence of this popular participation wars go on to be “ totals ”, involving in the
conflict a the entire population.
- The second fact constitutes it the philosophical and doctrinal formulation postulated by Carlos Marx
and Federico Engels to pose the lunchOF CLASSES, as a permanent conflict in the history, and its “
synthesis ” dialectic: the dictatorship of the proletariat.
According to said authors, the accumulation of wealth in the hands of an increasingly avid bourgeoisie
strengthens that social sector or “ class ” which generates, due to the ruthless exploitation that must
make the producer worker and by surplus value laws proper to financial capitalism, a miserable new
class and “ dispossessed ”: the proletariat. As it is according to Marx, a “ law of nature ”, such as “
Ampere's law of gravity or law, the “ proletarian class ” and the “ class capitalist ”, dialectically opposed,
end up facing what is the way in which the “ opposites ” resolve their conflict. Of this confrontation
between a thesis ( capitalism ) and an antithesis ( socialism ) the synthesis arises, that is, the scientific
socialism or communism with its inexorable political consequences:the destruction of the capitalist class
and the seizure of power by the proletarian party. Both facts, the advent of “ nationalism bourgeois ”,
and “ scientific socialism ”, are part of a satanic plan that systematically applies from all corners of
human society by thousands of members of the Sinarchic Secret Societies and by the Jews, “ chosen race
” of Jehovah-Satan.
¿What is the objective of synarchic plan when raising the two facts mentioned? Force SOCIAL SALT of the
EVOLUTION to REVOLUTION.Is say that, with “ evolution ” being a law governing “ creation ” Jehovah-
Satan material, the “ revolution ” is intended to accelerate evolutionary processes previous, “ matured
by the action of time ”: y arrive at permanent social changes “ that facilitate the conclusion of the
synarchic plan with the foundation of World Government of the Sinarchía.
A clarification: these “ changes ” revolutionaries are purely MECHANICAL and have nothing to do with “
charismatic mutations ”, extracted from the wisdomHyperborean, that we will study in Psychocial
Returning to the two facts mentioned can be understood, in the light of the same, that the traditional
concepts of “ war ” and “ peace ” are upset. The “ nationalism ”, the perception by the mass of the
people of the BE NATIONAL, your active participation, ALTERAN EL DISCIPLINED AND GEOMETRIC
DEVELOPMENT OF WARuntil then giving rise to the apparition of annihilation battles, with disorderly but
very numerous troops.
The “ social revolution ”, the uprising of the proletarian and peasant masses, the “ red unions ”, all the
subversive and revolutionary machinery of Marxism, ALTER THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEACE up to then
giving rise to the appearance of the “ combatant proletarian ” and its “ tactic of struggle ”: terrorism. If
any citizen can become a “ revolutionary ” and fight against the State, it is understood that a living
society, from Marx, in a state of permanent war since the “ defense ” is a mode of war and every modern
state will arrange how to defend itself from its internal enemies in “ times of peace ”.
New ways of doing the war between nations and a worldwide agitation of the masses, induced to
unleash the revolutionary war called just international, speak of the disappearance of the precise limits
in which war and peace. It is a new strategic conception that prevails in the 19th century whose
characteristic is the change in the objective of the fight: before it was common combat for the right to
territorial sovereignty and the emerging power of such force situations, an objective that hardly varied in
the “ wars of religion ”. From the two facts named the confrontation will be for IDEOLOGIES.
Strategy happened like this to play an important role in nations that have lost sight of the boundaries
between state of peace and war and that they fight to impose their ideologies on the adversary or free
oneself from enemy ideologies. Totalizing strategies of modern powers, at the end of the 19th century,
have absorbed politics economy, military action etc. and make up large and complex plans of action in
order to meet national or sinarchic objectives. Could to say, taking into account this new dimension of
the strategy, that “ the a nation's external conduct is a faithful expression of its totalizing strategy general
From what has been seen so far infer that to theater of operations of a war modern has been annexed a
space that previously did not have: the scope “ civil ” on the physical plane and the mental “ realm ” on
the psychic plane. The fight changes continuously from the field or, rather, invades other planes: the soul
of the nations, the collective psyche, the personal unconscious, all suitable lands for new strategies the “
conviction ” of the “ man mass ”, with his behavior in “ organized crowds ”.
NEW ones arise like this WEAPONS for this modern war of ideologies: propaganda, psychological action
agitation, etc. Their tactical objective it is no longer killing the body but the spirit; overwhelm him with
the “ power of contagion ” of subversive and revolutionary or nationalist ideologies bourgeois; implant in
the “ interior of man ” recurring ideas that work mechanically making this a slave more abject than
slavery proletarian that Marxism tries to conjure.
And these weapons, fearsome, they are no longer created by military engineers but by thinkers:
philosophers, psychologists, psychologists, sociologists, etc. investigating gregarious phenomena,
discover relationships and apply laws. It is stated, for example, that the collective conduct of the masses
is due to impulses emerging from the INCONSCIOUS and, being the CONTENT of the unconscious
composed of a SIMBOLIC material, it is necessary to resort to ANALOGY laws for your interpretation and
praxis. With this INSTRUMENT OF ANALYSIS, the interpretation analog of semiotics, a COMMON element
is sought for members of the mass to OPERATE ON IT or REPLACE IT if possible.
This element common, whose understanding and dominance would give unsuspected power to village
drivers, it's the Myth. But not only the Myth is an important object of study but also its “ scope of action
”, the “ collective soul ” ( G. Le Bon ), called also “ gregarious spirit ” ( L. Champertur ), “ collective
psychoid unconscious ” ( C. G. Jung ), “ egregaro ” ( E. Levi ), “ group soul ” ( Max Heindel, R. Steiner u
other sinarcas ), linga sharira ( Vivekanda and Pantajali ).
The Sinarquía, which decides to launch its final offensive in the 20th century, presents a front strategic
composed of three tactical wings: to the right the liberal wing or liberal jude with its Masonic Secret
Societies and political apparatus exterior; in the center the Zionist wing that is eminently Judaic and
groups hundreds of secret organizations of the type of B´ NEI BRITH; and on the left, the Marxist wing or
communist with the entire apparatus of subersive and revolutionary terrorism world.
This formidable front The main objective of the strategic is to take over, physically and ideologically, of
the nations and peoples of the world to organize, at the end of the 20th century, the World Government
of the Sinarquía. In the execution of the Synarchic Plan includes all the variants “ black ” of modern
warfare, from the collective idiocy of nations “ bellicose ” by means of mass drug administration, even
plain and simple genocide going through the always useful communist Bolshevization, how good results
gave so far.
All this is possible because the Sinarquíadominates really effective psychological action techniques, have
“ Myths ” contagious such as the “ general strike ” or the “ social equality ” and has the invaluable help
of secret societies entrenched in everything the social fabric of humanity. And also because of the “
hierarchy character hides ” from Jehovah Satan who boasts the Sinarquía, which is already, in fact, a
Government Secret in the earth, from its center “ Shambalá ”.
Against this Plan devilishthe Hyperborean Siddhas THEY WOULD NOT INTERVEND except for mediation
of the most enlightened viryas of the humanity crying out, in the mystery of the Minne, for heaven lost.
Wisdom Hyperborean says that even if it is only one, enter millions of lost viryas, the one who cries out
to the Siddhas and Christ Lucifer, will be guided in the eternal return to an inner path of redemption. In
this case is a whole race that tries to transmute its miserable condition of slaves to whom he has
subjected them the Demiurge Jehovah Satan and the one who has CHOSEN a Führer to lead her to the
But this hyperborean race, that claims his luciferic redemption, is no longer the “ aria race ” but almost
all branches that make up the large Indo-German white trunk and some parts of the yellow and black
race. And the Führer, recognized for all as the driver of the hyperborean peoples, he is the bearer of the
General Strategy that ensures final success.
We have reviewed the appearance of a “ new strategy ” synarchic, in the 19th century, characterized by a
ideological confrontation, that is to say that the goal of modern warfare is no longer “ annihilation ”
( Napoleon ) or “ impose by an act of force our will on the enemy ” ( Clausewitz ) but “ impose our
ideology ” on the enemy; topic that will characterize modern conflicts where the synarchic indoctrination
of the masses will be considered essential. This “ fight ”, as we said, is forced by the Sinarquía to
generate the dialectical game of the ideological opposition and thrive on the resulting synthesis.
The Führer has decided on this circumstance, wage a total war against the Sinarquía in his three wings
but accepting the “ laws of the game ” raised, that is: the fight ideological, without revealing the real
objective of its General Strategy. East highly secret objective is also incomprehensible to the pasú and
others members of the Sinarquía it consists of the dual purpose of seeking the collective mutation of the
race and end the Kaly Yuga.
Then it will not be an opposition ideological the one raised but a conflict of ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES: the
wisdomHyperborean opposite to the Sinarquía satanic.
The general strategy of the Führer is only known in its entirety by him and, all other strategies, political,
economic, diplomatic, PSYCHOSOCIAL or military, they are partial strategies that can only be answered
by themselves plans and tactics set to achieve your own goals. The objectives of each particular or “ field
” strategy is set by Führer in accordance with the SECRET PRINCIPLES of its General Strategy and are
carried out by social bodies duly constituted for this purpose; a Foreign Service to fulfill a “ diplomatic
strategy ”; a Ministry of Agriculture for part of a “ economic strategy ”; a Race and Colonization for a “
social strategy ”; a Ministry of Youthfor a “ political strategy ”, etc.
In this context of field strategies, must be located the strategyPsychosocial of the S.S. that we will study
in this manual, and that has the objective of ESTABLECER TECHNICIANS AND CONTROL MEASURES OF
the synarchic stratgia.
This manual is about, now we can say it more precisely, of the principles and the laws of the strategyS.S.
developing topics from levels of easy understanding to deepen the most complex concepts of the
wisdomHyperborean. We hope, then, that it is to the liking of the comrades of wewellsburg and fill out,
at the end of your reading, the attached file to know your opinion, remembering again that if it is the
same positive proceed to address the disclosure, to uninitiated officers, of these techniques secret.