2.3 - Stress Strain Relations

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Stress–Strain Relations

for Linearly Elastic
Solids 3
In the preceding two chapters we dealt with the state of stress at a point and the
state of strain at a point. The strain components were related to the displacement
components through six of Cauchy’s strain-displacement relationships. In this
chapter, the relationships between the stress and strain components will be estab-
lished. Such equations are termed constitutive equations. They depend on the
manner in which the material resists deformation.
The constitutive equations are mathematical descriptions of the physical phe-
nomena based on experimental observations and established principles.
Consequently, they are approximations of the true behavioural pattern, since an
accurate mathematical representation of the physical phenomena would be too
complicated and unworkable.
The constitutive equations describe the behaviour of a material, not the
behaviour of a body. Therefore, the equations relate the state of stress at a point
to the state of strain at the point.


Consider a uniform cylindrical rod of diameter d subjected to a tensile force P.
As is well known from experimental observations, when P is gradually
increased from zero to some positive value, the length of the rod also in-
creases. Based on experimental observations, it is postulated in elementary
strength of materials that the axial stress s is proportional to the axial strain e
up to a limit called the proportionality limit. The constant of proportionality is
the Young’s Modulus E, i.e.
e = E or s = Ee (3.1)
It is also well known that when the uniform rod elongates, its lateral dimensions,
i.e. its diameter, decreases. In elementary strength of materials, the ratio of lateral
strain to longitudinal strain was termed as Poisson’s ratio n. We now extend this
information or knowledge to relate the six rectangular components of stress to the
six rectangular components of strain. We assume that each of the six independent
98 Advanced Mechanics of Solids

components of stress may be expressed as a linear function of the six components

of strain and vice versa.
The mathematical expressions of this statement are the six stress–strain
sx = a11ε xx + a12 ε yy + a13ε zz + a14γ xy + a15γ yz + a16 γ zx

sy = a21ε xx + a22 ε yy + a23ε zz + a24γ xy + a25γ yz + a26γ zx

s z = a31ε xx + a32 ε yy + a33ε zz + a34γ xy + a35γ yz + a36γ zx (3.2)

txy = a41ε xx + a42 ε yy + a43ε zz + a44γ xy + a45γ yz + a46γ zx

tyz = a51ε xx + a52 ε yy + a53ε zz + a54γ xy + a55γ yz + a56γ zx

tzx = a61ε xx + a62 ε yy + a63ε zz + a64γ xy + a65γ yz + a66γ zx

Or conversely, six strain-stress equations of the type:

exx = b11σ x + b12σ y + b13σ z + b14τ xy + b15τ yz + b16τ zx (3.3)

eyy = . . . etc
where a11, a12, b11, b12, . . . , are constants for a given material. Solving
Eq. (3.2) as six simultaneous equations, one can get Eq. (3.3), and vice versa. For
homogeneous, linearly elastic material, the six Eqs (3.2) or (3.3) are known as
Generalised Hooke’s Law. Whether we use the set given by Eq. (3.2) or that given
by Eq. (3.3), 36 elastic constants are apparently involved.


We now make a further assumption that the ideal material we are dealing with has
the same properties in all directions so far as the stress-strain relations are con-
cerned. This means that the material we are dealing with is isotropic, i.e. it has no
directional property.
Care must be taken to distinguish between the assumption of isotropy, which
is a particular statement regarding the stress-strain properties at a given point,
and that of homogeneity, which is a statement that the stress-strain properties,
whatever they may be, are the same at all points. For example, timber of regular
grain is homogeneous but not isotropic.
Assuming that the material is isotropic, one can show that only two indepen-
dent elastic constants are involved in the generalised statement of Hooke’s law.
In Chapter 1, it was shown that at any point there are three faces (or planes) on
which the resultant stresses are wholly normal, i.e. there are no shear stresses on
these planes. These planes were termed the principal planes and the stresses
on these planes the principal stresses. In Sec. 2.14, it was shown that at any point
one can identify before strain, a small rectangular parallelepiped or a box which
remains rectangular after strain. The normals to the faces of this box were called
the principal axes of strain. Since in an isotropic material, a small rectangular box
the faces of which are subjected to pure normal stresses, will remain rectangular
Stress–Strain Relations for Linearly Elastic Solids 99
after deformation (no asymmetrical deformation), the normal to these faces
coincide with the principal strain axes. Hence, for an isotropic material, one can relate
the principal stresses s1, s2, s3 with the three principal strains e1, e2 and e3 through
suitable elastic constants. Let the axes x, y and z coincide with the principal stress and
principal strain directions. For the principal stress s1 the equation becomes
s1 = ae1 + be2 + ce3
where a, b and c are constants. But we observe that b and c should be equal since
the effect of s1 in the directions of e2 and e3, which are both at right angles to s1,
must be the same for an isotropic material. In other words, the effect of s1 in any
direction transverse to it is the same in an isotropic material. Hence, for s1 the
equation becomes
s 1 = ae1 + b(e2 + e3)
= (a – b)e1 + b(e1 + e2 + e3)
by adding and subtracting be1. But (e1 + e2 + e3) is the first invariant of strain J1
or the cubical dilatation D. Denoting b by l and (a – b) by 2m, the equation for s1
s 1 = l D + 2me1 (3.4a)
Similarly, for s2 and s3 we get
s 2 = l D + 2me2 (3.4b)
s 3 = l D + 2me3 (3.4c)
The constants l and m are called Lame’s coefficients. Thus, there are only two
elastic constants involved in the relations between the principal stresses and
principal strains for an isotropic material. As the next sections show, this can be
extended to the relations between rectangular stress and strain components also.


Let the co-ordinate axes Ox, Oy, Oz coincide with the principal stress axes. For an
isotropic body, the principal strain axes will also be along Ox, Oy, Oz. Consider
another frame of reference Ox¢, Oy¢, Oz¢, such that the direction cosines of Ox¢ are
nx1, ny1, nz1 and those of Oy¢ are nx2, ny2, nz2. Since Ox¢ and Oy¢ are at right angles
to each other.
nx1nx2 + ny1ny2 + nz1nz2 = 0 (3.5)
The normal stress sx¢ and the shear stress tx¢y¢ are obtained from Cauchy’s formula,
Eqs. (1.9). The resultant stress vector on the x¢ plane will have components as
x' x′ x′
T x = nx1σ 1 , T y = n y1σ 2 , T z = nz1σ 3
These are the components in x, y and z directions. The normal stress on this x¢ plane
is obtained as the sum of the projections of the components along the normal, i.e.
2 2 2
sn = σ x ' = nx1 σ 1 + n y1 σ 2 + nz1 σ 3 (3.6a)
Similarly, the shear stress component on this x¢ plane in y¢ direction is obtained as
the sum of the projections of the components in y¢ direction, which has direction
cosines nx2, ny2, nz2. Thus
tx¢y¢ = nx1nx 2σ1 + n y1n y 2σ 2 + nz1nz 2σ 3 (3.6b)
100 Advanced Mechanics of Solids

On the same lines, if e1, e2 and e3 are the principal strains, which are also along x,
y, z directions, the normal strain in x¢ direction, from Eq. (2.20), is
2 2 2
ex¢x¢ = nx1 ε1 + n y1 ε 2 + nz1 ε 3 (3.7a)
The shear strain gx¢y¢ is obtained from Eq. (2.36c) as

gx¢y¢ =
⎡ 2 nx1nx 2ε1 + n y1n y 2ε 2 + nz1nz 2ε 3 )
(1 + ε x′ ) (1 + ε y′ ) ⎣
+ nx1nx 2 + n y1n y 2 + nz1nz 2 ⎤⎦
Using Eq. (3.5), and observing that ex¢ and ey¢ are small compared to unity in the
gx¢y¢ = 2 (nx1nx 2ε1 + n y1n y 2ε 2 + nz1nz 2ε 3 ) (3.7b)
Substituting the values of s 1 , s 2 and s 3 from Eqs (3.4a)–(3.4c) into
Eq. (3.6b)
tx¢y¢ = nx1nx 2 (λ ∆ + 2 µ ε1 ) + n y1n y 2 (λ ∆ + 2 µ ε 2 ) + nz1nz 2 (λ ∆ + 2 µ ε 3 )

= λ ∆(nx1nx 2 + n y1n y 2 + nz1nz 2 ) + 2 µ (nx1nx 2 ε1 + n y1 n y 2 ε 2 + nz1 nz 2 ε 3 )

Hence, from Eqs (3.5) and (3.7b)
tx¢y¢ = mgx¢y¢ (3.8)
Equation (3.8) relates the rectangular shear stress component tx¢y¢ with the rectan-
gular shear strain component gx¢y¢. Comparing this with the relation used in elemen-
tary strength of materials, one observes that m is the modulus of rigidity, usually
denoted by G.
By taking another axis Oz¢ with direction cosines nx3, ny3 and nz3 and at right
angles to Ox¢ and Oy¢ (so that Ox¢y¢z¢ forms an orthogonal set of axes), one can
get equations similar to (3.6a) and (3.6b) for the other rectangular stress compo-
nents. Thus,
2 2 2
sy¢ = nx 2σ 1 + n y 2σ 2 + nz 2 σ 3 (3.9a)
sz¢ = nx 32σ 1 + n y 32σ 2 + nz 32σ 3 (3.9b)
ty¢z¢ = nx 2 nx 3σ1 + n y 2 n y 3σ 2 + nz 2 nz 3σ 3 (3.9c)
tz¢x¢ = nx 3 nx1σ1 + n y 3 n y1σ 2 + nz 3 nz1σ 3 (3.9d)
Similarly, following Eqs (3.7a) and (3.7b) for the other rectangular strain compo-
nents, one gets
2 2 2
ey¢y¢ = nx 2ε1 + n y 2ε 2 + nz 2ε 3 (3.10a)
2 2 2
ez¢z¢ = nx 3 ε1 + n y 3 ε 2 + nz 3 ε 3 (3.10b)
gy¢z¢ = 2(nx 2 nx 3ε1 + n y 2 n y 3ε 2 + nz 2 nz 3ε 3 ) (3.10c)
gz¢x¢ = 2(nx 3 nx1ε1 + n y 3n y1 ε 2 + nz 3 nz1ε 3 ) (3.10d)

From Eqs (3.6a), (3.4a)–(3.4c) and (3.7a)

2 2 2
sx¢ = nx1 σ 1 + n y1 σ 2 + nz1 σ 3
Stress–Strain Relations for Linearly Elastic Solids 101

( 2 2
( 2 2
= λ ∆ nx1 + n y1 + nz1 + 2µ ε1nx1 + ε 2 n y1 + ε 3 nz1 )
= l D + 2m ex¢x¢ (3.11a)
Similarly, one gets
sy¢ = l D + 2m ey¢y¢ (3.11b)
sz¢ = l D + 2m ez¢z¢ (3.11c)
Similar to Eq. (3.8),
ty¢z¢ = m gy¢z¢ (3.12a)
tx¢z¢ = m gz¢x¢ (3.12b)
Equations (3.11a)–(3.11c), (3.8) and (3.12a) and (3.12b) relate the six rectangular
stress components to six rectangular strain components and in these only two
elastic constants are involved. Therefore, the Hooke’s law for an isotropic mate-
rial will involve two independent elastic constants l and m (or G).


Adding equations (3.11a)–(3.11c)
σ x′ + σ y ′ + σ z ′ = 3λ∆ + 2µ (ε x′ x′ + ε y ′ y′ + ε z ′ z′ ) (3.13a)
Observing that
σ x′ + σ y′ + σ z ′ = l1 = σ1 + σ 2 + σ 3 (first invariant of stress),
ε x′x′ + ε y ′ y ′ + ε z′ z ′ = J1 = ε1 + ε 2 + ε 3 (first invariant of strain),
Eq. (3.13a) can be written in several alternative forms as
s1 + s2 + s3 = (3l + 2m)D (3.13b)
sx¢ + sy¢ + sz¢ = (3l + 2m)D (3.13c)
l 1 = (3l + 2m)J1 (3.13d)
Noting from Eq. (2.34) that D is the volumetric strain, the definition of bulk
modulus K is
pressure p
K= = (3.14a)
volumetric strain ∆
If s1 = s2 = s3 = p, then from Eq. (3.13b)
3p = (3l + 2m)D
or 3 = (3l + 2m)

and from Eq. (3.14a)

K = 1 (3l + 2m) (3.14b)

Thus, the bulk modulus for an isotropic solid is related to Lame’s constants
through Eq. (3.14b).
102 Advanced Mechanics of Solids


From Eq. (3.13b), we have
σ1 + σ 2 + σ 3
( 3λ + 2µ )
Substituting this in Eq. (3.4a)
s1 = (σ 1 + σ 2 + σ 3 ) + 2 µ ε1
( 3λ + 2µ )
λ+µ ⎡ λ ⎤
or e1 = ⎢σ 1 − (σ 2 + σ 3 ) ⎥ (3.15)
µ ( 3λ + 2µ ) ⎣ 2 (λ + µ ) ⎦
From elementary strength of materials

e 1 = 1 [σ 1 − v (σ 2 + σ 3 )]
where E is Young’s modulus, and n is Poisson’s ratio. Comparing this with
Eq. (3.15),
µ ( 3λ + 2 µ ) λ
E= ; ν= (3.16)
(λ + µ ) 2 (λ + µ )


In elementary strength of materials, we are familiar with Young’s modulus E,
Poisson’s ratio n, shear modulus or modulus of rigidity G and bulk modulus K.
Among these, only two are independent, and E and n are generally taken as the
independent constants. The other two, namely, G and K, are expressed as
G= , K= (3.17)
2 (1 + ν ) 3 (1 − 2ν )
It has been shown in this chapter, that for an isotropic material, the 36 elastic
constants involved in the Generalised Hooke’s law, can be reduced to two inde-
pendent elastic constants. These two elastic constants are Lame’s coefficients
l and m. The second coefficient m is the same as the rigidity modulus G. In terms
of these, the other elastic constants can be expressed as
µ ( 3λ + 2 µ ) λ
E= , n=
(λ + µ ) 2 (λ + µ )

(3 λ
+ 2µ )
, G ∫ m, l=
νE , (3.18)
3 (1 + ν ) (1 − 2ν )
It should be observed from Eq. (3.17) that for the bulk modulus to be positive,
the value of Poisson’s ratio n cannot exceed 1/2. This is the upper limit for n.
For n = 1/2,
3G = E and K = •
Stress–Strain Relations for Linearly Elastic Solids 103
A material having Poisson’s ratio equal to 1/2 is known as an incompressible
material, since the volumetric strain for such an isotropic material is zero.
For easy reference one can collect the equations relating stresses and strains
that have been obtained so far.
(i) In terms of principal stresses and principal strains:
s 1 = l D + 2me1
s 2 = l D + 2me2 (3.19)
s 3 = l D + 2me3
where D = e1 + e2 + e3 = J1.

λ+µ ⎡ λ ⎤
e1 = σ − (σ + σ 3 ) ⎥
µ ( 3λ + 2µ ) ⎢⎣ 1 2 ( λ + µ ) 2 ⎦

λ+µ ⎡ λ ⎤
e2 = ⎢σ 2 − (σ 3 + σ 1 ) ⎥ (3.20)
µ ( 3λ + 2µ ) ⎣ 2 ( λ + µ ) ⎦

λ+µ ⎡ λ ⎤
e3 = ⎢σ 3 − (σ 1 + σ 2 ) ⎥
µ ( 3λ + 2µ )
⎣ 2 ( λ + µ ) ⎦
(ii) In terms of rectangular stress and strain components referred to an orthogo-
nal coordinate system Oxyz:
sx = l D + 2mexx
sy = l D + 2meyy
s z = l D + 2mezz (3.21a)
where D = exx + eyy + ezz = J1.
txy = mgxy, tyz = mgyz, tzx = mgzx (3.21b)
λ+µ ⎡ λ ⎤
exx =
µ ( 3λ + 2µ ) ⎢σ x −
2 (λ + µ )
σy +σz ⎥ )
⎣ ⎦

λ+µ ⎡ λ ⎤
eyy = ⎢σ y − (σ z + σ x ) ⎥ (3.22a)
µ ( 3λ + 2µ ) ⎣ 2 (λ + µ ) ⎦

λ+µ ⎡ λ ⎤
ezz = ⎢σ z −
µ ( 3λ + 2µ ) ⎣ 2 (λ + µ )
( σ x + σ y )⎥

gxy = 1 txy, gyz = 1 tyz, gzx = 1 tzx (3.22b)

µ µ µ
In the preceeding sets of equations, l and m are Lame's constants. In terms
of the more familiar elastic constants E and n, the stress-strain relations are:
(iii) with exx + eyy + ezz = J1 = D,

sx = E ⎡ ν ⎤
∆ + ε xx ⎥

(1 + ν ) ⎣(1 − 2ν ) ⎦
= l J1 + 2Gexx
104 Advanced Mechanics of Solids

sy = E ⎡ ν ⎤
∆ + ε yy ⎥ (3.23a)

(1 + ν ) ⎣ (1 − 2ν ) ⎦
= l J1 + 2Geyy

sz = E ⎡ ν ⎤
∆ + ε zz ⎥

(1 + ν ) ⎣(1 − 2ν ) ⎦
= l J1 + 2Gezz
txy = Ggxy, tyz = Ggyz, txx = Ggzx (3.23b)

exx = 1 ⎡σ x − ν σ y + σ z ⎤
E⎣ ⎦ )
eyy = 1 ⎡⎣σ y − ν (σ z + σ x ) ⎤⎦ (3.24a)

ezz = 1 ⎡σ z − ν σ x + σ y ⎤
E ⎣ ⎦ )
gxy = 1 txy, gyz = 1 tyz, gzx = 1 tzx (3.24b)


In Chapter 1, it was shown that if a solid body is in equilibrium, the six rectangular
stress components have to satisfy the three equations of equilibrium. In this
chapter, we have shown how to relate the stress components to the strain
components using the stress-strain relations. Hence, stress equations of equilib-
rium can be converted to strain equations of equilibrium. Further, in Chapter 2, the
strain components were related to the displacement components. Therefore, the strain
equations of equilibrium can be converted to displacement equations of equilib-
rium. In this section, this result will be derived.
The first equation from Eq. (1.65) is

∂σ x ∂τ xy ∂τ zx
+ + =0
∂x ∂y ∂z
For an isotropic material
sx = λ ∆ + 2 µ ε xx ; τ xy = µ γ xy ; τ xz = µ γ xz
Hence, the above equation becomes
⎛ ∂ε ∂γ xy ∂γ xz ⎞
λ ∂∆ + µ ⎜ 2 xx + + =0
∂x ⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂ z ⎟⎠
From Cauchy’s strain-displacement relations
∂ ux ∂ ux ∂ u y ∂ ux ∂ uz
exx = , gxy = + , gzx = +
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂z ∂x
Stress–Strain Relations for Linearly Elastic Solids 105
Substituting these

⎛ ∂ 2u ∂ 2ux ∂ u y ∂ 2ux ∂ 2uz ⎞

λ ∂∆ + µ ⎜ 2 x
+ + + + ⎟ =0
∂x ⎜ ∂ x2 ∂ y 2 ∂ x∂ y ∂ z 2 ∂ x∂ z ⎟⎠

⎛ ∂ 2ux ∂ 2ux ∂ 2ux ⎞ ⎛ ∂ 2u ∂ 2u y ∂ 2uz ⎞

or λ ∂∆ + µ ⎜⎜ + + ⎟ + µ ⎜ x
+ + ⎟ =0
∂x ⎝ ∂x
∂ y2 ∂ z 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜ ∂ x 2 ∂ x∂ y ∂ x∂ z ⎟
⎝ ⎠

⎛ ∂ 2u
λ ∂∆ + µ ⎜⎜ 2x +
∂ 2ux ∂ 2ux ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂ ux + ∂ u y + ∂ uz ⎞
+ ⎟⎟ + µ
∂ x ⎜⎝ ∂ x ∂ z ⎟⎠
or =0
∂x ⎝ ∂x ∂y 2 2
∂z ⎠ ∂y

Observing that
∂ ux ∂ u y ∂ uz
D = ε xx + ε yy + ε zz = + +
∂x ∂y ∂z

⎛∂u ∂ u y ∂ uz ⎞ ⎛ ∂ 2 u x ∂ 2 u x ∂ 2u x ⎞
( λ + µ ) ∂∂x ⎜ ∂ xx + + ⎟ + µ ⎜⎜ + + ⎟=0
⎝ ∂y ∂z ⎠ ⎝ ∂x
∂ y2 ∂ z 2 ⎟⎠
This is one of the displacement equations of equilibrium. Using the notation

∂2 + ∂2 + ∂2
—2 =
∂ x2 ∂ y 2 ∂ z 2
the displacement equation of equilibrium becomes

( λ + µ ) ∂∂∆x + µ ∇ 2 u x =0 (3.25a)
Similarly, from the second and third equations of equilibrium, one gets

( λ + µ ) ∂∂∆y + µ ∇2 u y =0 (3.25b)

( λ + µ ) ∂∂∆z + µ ∇ 2 u z =0

These are known as Lame’s displacement equations of equilibrium. They involve

a synthesis of the analysis of stress, analysis of strain and the relations between
stresses and strains. These equations represent the mechanical, geometrical and
physical characteristics of an elastic solid. Consequently, Lame’s equations play
a very prominent role in the solutions of problems.

Example 3.1 A rubber cube is inserted in a cavity of the same form and size
in a steel block and the top of the cube is pressed by a steel block with a
pressure of p pascals. Considering the steel to be absolutely hard and
assuming that there is no friction between steel and rubber, find (i) the
pressure of rubber against the box walls, and (ii) the extremum shear stresses in
106 Advanced Mechanics of Solids


Fig. 3.1 Example 3.1
(i) Let l be the dimension of the cube. Since the cube is constrained in x and
y directions
exx = 0 and eyy = 0
and sz = –p

( )
exx = 1 ⎡σ x − ν σ y + σ z ⎤ = 0
E⎣ ⎦

eyy = 1 ⎡⎣σ y − ν (σ x + σ z ) ⎤⎦ = 0
ν s =– ν
sx = sy = p
1− ν z 1 −ν
If Poisson’s ratio = 0.5, then
sx = sy = sz = –p
(ii) The extremum shear stresses are
σ1 − σ 3 σ − σ2 σ − σ3
t2 = , τ3 = 1 , τ1 = 2
2 2 2
If n £0.5, then sx and sy are numerically less than or equal to sz. Since sx,
sy and sz are all compressive

s1 = sx = – ν p
1 −ν

s2 = sy = – ν p
1 −ν
s 3 = sz = –p

\ (
t1 = p 1 − ν =
1 −ν 1 −ν)
1 − 2ν
p, τ 2 =
1 − 2ν
1 −ν
p, τ 3 = 0

If n = 0.5, the shear stresses are zero.

Example 3.2 A cubical element is subjected to the following state of stress.

sx = 100 MPa, sy = –20 MPa, sz = – 40 Mpa, txy = tyz = tzx = 0
Stress–Strain Relations for Linearly Elastic Solids 107

Assuming the material to be homogeneous and isotropic, determine the prin-

cipal shear strains and the octahedral shear strain, if E = 2 ¥ 10 5 MPa and
n = 0.25.

Solution Since the shear stresses on x, y and z planes are zero, the given stresses are
principal stresses. Arranging such that s 1 > _ s 2 _> s 3
s 1 = 100 MPa, s2 = –20 MPa, s3 = – 40 MPa
The extremal shear stresses are

t1 = 1 (s2 – s3) = 1 (–20 + 40) = 10 Mpa

2 2

t2 = 1 (s3 – s1) = 1 (–40 – 100) = –70 Mpa

2 2

t 3 = 1 (s1 – s2) = 1 (100 + 20) = 60 Mpa

2 2
The modulus of rigidity G is

E 2 × 105
G= = = 8 ¥ 104 MPa
2 (1 + ν ) 2 × 1.25
The principal shear strains are therefore
τ1 10
g1 = = = 1.25 ¥ 10–4
G 8 × 104

τ2 70 = − 8.75 × 10−4
g2 = =−
G 8 × 104

τ3 60
g3 = = = 7.5 ¥ 10–4
G 8 × 104
From Eq. (1.44a), the octahedral shear stress is

t0 = 1 [(s1 – s2)2 + (s2 – s3)2 + (s3 – s1)2]1/2


= 1 [1202 + 202 + 1402]1/2 = 61.8 MPa

The octahedral shear strain is therefore
g0 = = 61.8 4 = 7.73 ¥ 10–4
G 8 × 10

3.1 Compute Lame’s coefficients l and m for

(a) steel having E = 207 ¥ 106 kPa (2.1 ¥ 106 kgf/cm2) and n = 0.3.
(b) concrete having E = 28 ¥ 106 kPa (2.85 ¥ 105 kgf/cm2) and n = 0.2.

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108 Advanced Mechanics of Solids

⎡ Ans. (a) 120 ¥ 106 kPa (1.22 ¥ 106 kgf/cm2), 80 ¥ 106 kPa ⎡
⎢ (8.1680 ¥ 105 kgf/cm2) ⎢
⎢ (b) 7.8 ¥10 kPa (7.96 ¥ 10 kgf/cm2), 11.7 ¥ 106 kPa ⎢
6 4
⎢ ⎢
⎣ (1.2 ¥ 105 kgf/cm2) ⎣
3.2 For steel, the following data is applicable:
E = 207 ¥ 106 kPa (2.1 ¥ 106 kgf/cm2),
and G = 80 ¥ 106 kPa (0.82 ¥ 106 kgf/cm2)
For the given strain matrix at a point, determine the stress matrix.

⎡ 0.001 0 −0.002 ⎤
[eij] = ⎢ 0 −0.003 0.0003⎥⎥

⎢⎣ −0.002 0.003 0 ⎥⎦

⎡ ⎡ −68.4 0 −160⎤ ⎡
⎢ ⎢ 0 −708.4 24 ⎥ ⎢
⎢ Ans. [tij] = ⎢ ⎥ ¥ 10 kPa ⎢

⎢ ⎣⎢ −160 24 −228.4⎦⎥ ⎢
⎣ ⎣
3.3 A thin rubber sheet is enclosed between two fixed hard steel plates (see
Fig. 3.2). Friction between the rubber and steel faces is negligible. If
the rubber plate is subjected to stresses sx and sy as shown, determine the
strains exx and eyy, and also the stress ezz
z ⎤ Ans. sz = +n (sx + sy) ⎤
⎥ ⎥
⎥ exx = + 1 + ν [(1 – n)sx – nsy] ⎥
y ⎥ E ⎥
⎥ ⎥
⎥ e = + 1 + ν [(1 – n)s ns ] ⎥
sx ⎥⎦ yy E y x ⎥⎦
Fig. 3.2 Example 3.2

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy