Define Your Purpose
Define Your Purpose
Define Your Purpose
To be God's Friend
God says that He made me to know and love Him. The Bible says, 'God is love' and He made
you simply to love you. God wants to be our 'friend'. See Lk.7:34. John 15:13-15. James 2:23.
Matthew 22 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and
greatest commandment.' He says this is top priority. He says if you don't do anything else in life,
you need to learn to know God and love God.
God the Father has called you to Himself. He desires an intimate relationship with you. You are
called to be a part of His family. You are His son or daughter. He wants to love, care, provide for
and protect you. He wants to spend time with you. This is our highest purpose or calling and it is
to be the foundation for any other "ministry".
To Help Others
First, you are to be God's friend. He wants a personal relationship with you. Then, God wants
you to begin 'doing' His will by helping others. What will be the contribution of my life? In other
words, what am I going to do with my God given talents?
Eph.2:10 says, 'We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works (not watch
TV), which God prepared in advance for us to do.' 'Good works' are things done in love for the
benefit of other people. Our motive is not to earn salvation or to promote ourselves but to benefit
others because of God's love in our hearts.
You were put on this earth to make a contribution, not just to take up space. You were put on this
earth to leave it a better place, to make some kind of contribution with your life. God planned
you before you were born. You were made for a purpose.
1 Peter 4:10 'God has given each of you some special abilities. Be sure to use them to help each
other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings.' We're here to help each other.
The Christian life is to be one of 'servanthood'. This is the key to true greatness. A servant sees
themselves as 'under' others and seeks to promote and make other people successful (Mark 9:33-
37). Jesus was a servant. He came as a servant to serve and to give to his life for us. Jesus told
the disciples that they were also called to serve. 'Do as I have done unto you' (John 13:15). His
mission was that of a servant and so is ours (Mark 10:42-45).
God's family ' our priority. Gal 6:10. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all
people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers ('household of faith'). (NIV)
Together, we are His 'body'. Each person is a member, has a gift and a job to do. The health and
growth of the church is dependent on your contribution. We will be rewarded for the contribution
we make.
Mark 16:15. He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
Go into all the world and proclaim the 'good news' about Jesus Christ. The 'world' includes all
aspects and places where people live and interact.
Jesus lived 'in the world'. He moved around different parts of society - religious leaders, tax
collectors, children, needy people, sinners, all kinds of people from all walks of life and different
sections of society. He was a 'friend of sinners' (Mt.11:19). He spent time with them. They saw
his life, heard his words, felt his heart. He was comfortable around them, yet he did not
compromise his lifestyle or his character. See also Lk.5:27-32.
Making it Happen
'Incongruent values' are a major source of stress - believing one thing and living another. Three
areas reflect our values:
Our schedule - where do you spend your time? Daily quiet time, church meetings? We all
have the same amount of time each week - 168 hours. Everybody in this room has the
same amount of hours - 168 hours a week. In that week, the difference between those
who really make their lives count and those who don't is management. We all have the
same amount of time, it's just the way you use it.
Our budget - where do you spend your money? Tithes, giving?
Our relationships - who do you run with? Family, church, unchurched?
Eliminate worthless things that don't matter. Stop doing what isn't important so you've got time,
money and energy to do the things that count.
Intro: The average lifespan is about 25,520 days (Psa. 90:10). In light of this, don’t you think it
would be so wise to use those days fulfilling God’s purpose for your life? God has a purpose for
you that is greater than your wishes, ambition, occupation or even your happiness. The word
“purpose” in its various forms is mentioned at least 42 times in the Bible. Look around and see
many things with a purpose. Have you ever asked yourself, why are you here? What’s your
purpose of living? Where do you go from here?
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1. You were created for God’s pleasure—WORSHIP (John 4:24; Rev. 4:11). Being a true
worshipper of God is one of the highest honors and greatest privileges you can ever have.
Worship simply means bringing pleasure to God. It is our act of ADORATION, LOVE,
DEVOTION, RESPECT, HONOR, and REVERENCE for our Heavenly Father. Every Christian
should worship God in at least three ways, as: (1) an INDIVIDUAL; (2) a FAMILY; (3) a
CONGREGATION. Many are cold and bored in Sunday worship because they failed to worship
God as an individual and family during the week!
2. You were made for God’s family—FELLOWSHIP (I Cor. 1:9). A life of fellowship with God
is one of perfect joy and peace, seeking to glorify the Lord in every action, plan, and enjoying
consistent communion with him (Psa. 16:11). God’s purpose and intention for us in this life is to
provide for our greatest good, usefulness and joy (I Cor. 2:9).
3. You were created to become like Christ—DISCIPLESHIP (Luke 14:27; I Pet. 2:21). Observe
that God’s ultimate goal for your life is not just your comfort or happiness (Luke 12:15) but your
holiness and godliness (Tit. 2:11-12). Jesus suffered and died not just to make you a happy
person! He saved you from both penalty and power of sin in your life! Real godliness is great
gain (I Tim. 6:6). To be spiritually mature is to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ
and become like Him (Eph 4:13).
4. You were made for serving God—MINISTRY (I Cor. 3:9). Spiritual growth and maturity are
never the end of Christian life. The word “Saviour” means Christ gave Himself for us and the
word “Lord” implies that we give ourselves to Him in return. We grow in Christ so we can give
as Christ. Aside from Bible reading, prayer, attendance, and giving…what can you say your
ministry is? It’s not enough to say that you have not forgotten about God… serve Him!
5. You were created for a mission—EVANGELISM (John 15:8, 16a). A good tree is known by
its fruits. Life begets life. A Christian begets another Christian through the giving of the Gospel
of Christ. Only when we have attained #1-4 and have continuously reproduced our kind can we
honestly say that we have fulfilled our divine purpose.
Rom. 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them
who are the called according to his purpose.”
In Acts 13:36a, the Bible states that David accomplished God’s purpose in serving his generation
by fulfilling God’s will. David dedicated his life to fulfilling God’s purposes for him while he
was alive on earth. God is still looking for Christians who will live on godly purpose. Consecrate
yourself to do God’s will in your time and generation. That is what the purpose of life is all
about. “Only one life it will soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last!” Will you live
faithfully for God and serve Him in your generation?
Conclusion: Life on earth is not just WORK, EAT, DRINK, then die like an animal! God has a
more excellent purpose in your life that is greater than your own personal wishes, ambition,
occupation, or even your happiness. To know why you exist, you must first personally know the
God of the Bible who created you. Friend, it’s not too late to discover God’s real purpose for
your life. You can still make the remaining days of your earthly life the best part of your life.
Yes, you can do it and start right now by personally trusting Jesus Christ as your Lord and
Saviour today (Rev. 3:20)