Suicide Attempts, Suicide and Their Association With Socio-Demographic Variables in Iran: A Retrospective, Registry-Based, COHORT STUDY (2016-2021)
Suicide Attempts, Suicide and Their Association With Socio-Demographic Variables in Iran: A Retrospective, Registry-Based, COHORT STUDY (2016-2021)
Suicide Attempts, Suicide and Their Association With Socio-Demographic Variables in Iran: A Retrospective, Registry-Based, COHORT STUDY (2016-2021)
INTRODUCTION: Suicide is recognized as one of the most significant concerns in healthcare and a serious
psychological health issue in many countries throughout the world. Suicide attempts occur in all social
sectors and demographics. It is important to know what are the causes for people to try to commit suicide
for an effective prevention and control. The aim of this review was to find out the levels and predictors
of suicide attempts.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive-analytical research looked for suicide attempt re-
ported cases at Dr. Moaven Hospital in Sahneh, Iran, during the 2016–2021 period. Data was collected via
checklists completed by supervisors during referrals and subsequently analyzed using the SPSS Statistics
software tool (version 24). Descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test were used. A significance threshold
of 0.05 was used.
RESULTS: A total of 1,059 cases of suicide attempts were found. The highest prevalence rate was reported
in the group ages 16–25. Males had higher rates of cases (57.4%), which were twice more prevalent in
cities and more common in lower-socioeconomic-status families Furthermore, the most common method
used (79.5%) was medication intake. There was also a significant association between marital status, job,
and suicide-attempt rates (p < 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Suicide attempts are among the most important issues in terms of psychosocial healthcare
in all countries and communities, and their prevalence rates may be determined by a variety of factors, such
as mental health status, family and living conditions, financial problems and unemployment rate. Preventive
control of these factors can contribute to reducing the prevalence of these acts.
KEY WORDS: suicide; suicide attempt; prevalence rate; risk factor; prevention
Disaster Emerg Med J 2023; 8(1): 27–32
Arash Ziapour et al., Investigating the prevalence rate of suicide attempts and their associated risk factors
to be included in this study and were administered cioeconomic conditions, people with poor financial
a medical interview and a questionnaire containing status (31.8%) attempted suicide more than others.
socio-demographic information (age, gender, fam- In one-third of the cases (30.7%) a mental
ily size, income, and educational levels) as well as disorder was diagnosed, and in more than half
medical information about general and psychiatric of the cases (54%), marital disputes were reported
disorders. Furthermore, means and outcomes of su- as the only life stressful event before the attempt.
icide attempts were drawn by medical interviews to In most cases (80.2%), we reported the first suicide
patients and witnesses. attempt and almost all patients (94.5%) did not have
In this research, the influence of socio- relatives attempting suicides in their medical history.
-demographic variables and the presence of psychi- In nearly two third of the cases (67.8%), without sig-
atric disorders and suicide attempts was explored, nificant differences between males and females, the
and the prevalence of this phenomenon was report- suicide attempts failed. The chi-square test revealed
ed the SPSS Statistics software program (version 24) a positive association between suicide attempts and
was used for elaborating frequency, percentages, gender (p = 0.037), employment status (p = 0.0001),
and descriptive statistics. Chi-square tests between and marital status (p = 0.001) (Tab. 1).
independent and dependent variables were carried
out. A significance level of 0.05 was fixed.
Our findings showed a higher prevalence of sui-
RESULTS cide attempts among adolescents and young peo-
Sociodemographic characteristics ple in Iran, in agreement with previous literature
From 2016 to 2021, a total of 1,059 cases of su- [1, 8, 11, 12, 26–28]. In this study, two-thirds
icide attempts were recorded at the Dr. Moaven of suicide attempts failed. Furthermore, we found
Hospital in Sahneh, Iran. 50.6% of the attempts an association between low socio-economic status
were made by people between the ages of 16 and suicide attempts, consistently with Moradi and
and 25, and 57.4% of them were males. Only 8.9% Mostafayi [29]. Prevalence rates of suicide attempts
of the participants had a university degree, while were higher in males than in females, in disagree-
the majority of them (31.1%) had a high school di- ment with some authors [29], and in agreement
ploma or lower educational level. Inhabitants of Sah- with other scholars [29]. As shown in the literature,
neh’s metropolitan regions tried suicide twice com- young males are more likely to commit self-injury
pared to those who lived in rural areas. In terms of so- and violent acts against third parties, due to their 29
10 2,6 2,5
2,4 0,4 0,5 1
impulsivity, especially during the puberty stage of more likely to commit suicide than single, divorced,
their life [29]. and widowed people because marriage is associat-
Our findings agreed with global reports as well ed with a variety of problems, such as unemploy-
as the findings by Salari Lak in West Azerbaijan ment, housing, and financial issues which could put
Province [30], Iran, and Hosseini et al. [11], Behirooz an additional psychological burden on them. Salari
and Haghayegh [4], Gholami Zarini et al. [21], Gho- Lak [30], Khazaei et al. [34], Emad and Hadianfard
drati and Taklavi [1], Bertolote and Fleischmann [9], [35], Ghalambor et al. [21], and Stefan-Dabson et al.
Kim et al. [25], and Gordon et al. [31] in other high- [23]. Our study has some limitations, as we analyzed
risk regions. In terms of literacy and education level, only some socio-demographic characteristics in our
patients with less education levels had greater inci- sample. In literature, suicide ideation has been also
dence rates of suicide attempts, which corroborated associated with a wide number of factors, including
with earlier findings in Iranian research, such as a family history of violence and child abuse, a history
the Miveban survey [32]. of mental health problems, traumatic events such as
Furthermore, medication intake (swallow- experiences of sexual assaults and rapes, workplace
ing medications indicated as “pills” in Fig. 1) was bullying, or traumatic life events and other stress-
the most common means of suicide attempt (79.3%), -related events [36]. All these factors should be con-
in agreement with previous research this fact is con- sidered in future studies as potential risk factors for
sistent with previous research that reported 88.5% suicide attempts, even if the relationship between
[32]. In our study, men were more likely than wom- suicide ideation and suicide attempts is complex.
en to use irreversible methods of suicide, such as Furthermore, the role of the COVID-19 pandem-
hanging, by confirming findings by Yasemi et al. [33] ic due to restrictions and lockdown measures,
in Kerman Province, Iran. fear of contagion, and the high burden of stress-
In agreement with Yasemi et al. [33], the relation- -related disorders among healthcare workers and
ship between the location of the suicides and gen- other essential workers should be considered in fu-
der was not significant, whereas their work positions ture studies. While increased levels of pandemic-
were strongly correlated with suicide attempts. Cu- -related anxiety and depression have been described
riously, unemployed males and housekeepers were among young and old people around the world, among
more likely to commit suicide, consistent with those living alone and the so-called “fragile”, who
the findings from Yasemi et al. [33]. are people affected by pre-existing mental health
A substantial association was also found be- problems, increasingly rates of adjustment disor-
tween marital status and the likelihood of suicide at- ders and post-traumatic stress disorders have been
tempt, showing how married women and men are also described among healthcare workers, who were
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