9-Fillmore - Frame Semantics
9-Fillmore - Frame Semantics
9-Fillmore - Frame Semantics
Dirk Geeraerts
René Dirven
John R. Taylor
Honorary editor
Ronald W. Langacker
Mouton de Gruyter
Berlin · New York
Chapter 10
Frame semantics
Frame semantics
Charles J. Fillmore
1. Introduction
With the term ‘frame semantics’ I have in mind a research program in empirical
semantics and a descriptive framework for presenting the results of such research.
Frame semantics offers a particular way of looking at word meanings, as well as
a way of characterizing principles for creating new words and phrases, for add-
ing new meanings to words, and for assembling the meanings of elements in a
text into the total meaning of the text. By the term ‘frame’ I have in mind any
system of concepts related in such a way that to understand any one of them you
have to understand the whole structure in which it fits; when one of the things in
such a structure is introduced into a text, or into a conversation, all of the others
are automatically made available. I intend the word ‘frame’ as used here to be a
general cover term for the set of concepts variously known, in the literature on
natural language understanding, as ‘schema’, ‘script’, ‘scenario’, ‘ideational scaf-
folding’, ‘cognitive model’, or ‘folk theory’.1
Frame semantics comes out of traditions of empirical semantics rather than
formal semantics. It is most akin to ethnographic semantics, the work of the
anthropologist who moves into an alien culture and asks such questions as, ‘What
categories of experience are encoded by the members of this speech community
through the linguistic choices that they make when they talk?’ A frame semantics
outlook is not (or is not necessarily) incompatible with work and results in formal
semantics; but it differs importantly from formal semantics in emphasizing the
continuities, rather than the discontinuities, between language and experience.
The ideas I will be presenting in this paper represent not so much a genuine theory
of empirical semantics as a set of warnings about the kinds of problems such a
theory will have to deal with. If we wish, we can think of the remarks I make
as ‘pre-formal’ rather than ‘non-formalist’; I claim to be listing, and as well as I
can to be describing, phenomena which must be well understood and carefully
described before serious formal theorizing about them can become possible.
In the view I am presenting, words represent categorizations of experience, and
Originally published in 1982 in Linguistics in the Morning Calm, Linguistic Society of Korea (ed.),
111–137. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company. Reprinted with permission.
374 Carles. J. Fillmore
tures with which verbs were initially associated were described in terms of the
semantic roles of their associated arguments. I had become aware of certain
American and European work on dependency grammar and valence theory, and it
seemed clear to me that what was really important about a verb was its ‘semantic
valence’ (as one might call it), a description of the semantic role of its arguments.
Valence theory and dependency grammar did not assign the same classificatory
role to the ‘predicate’ (or ‘VP’) that one found in transformationalist work (see,
e.g., Tesnière 1959); the kind of semantic classifications that I needed could be
made more complete and sensible, I believed, if, instead of relying on theoreti-
cally separate kinds of distributional statements such as ‘strict subcategorization
features’ and ‘selectional features,’ one could take into account the semantic roles
of all arguments of a predication, that of the ‘subject’ being simply one of them.
Questioning, ultimately, the relevance of the assumed basic immediate-constitu-
ency cut between subject and predicate, I proposed that verbs could be seen as
basically having two kinds of features relevant to their distribution in sentences:
the first a deep-structure valence description expressed in terms of what I called
‘case frames’, the second a description in terms of rule features. What I called
‘case frames’ amounted to descriptions of predicating words that communicated
such information as the following: ‘Such-and-such a verb occurs in expressions
containing three nominals, one designating an actor who performs the act desig-
nated by the verb, one designating an object on which the actor’s act has a state-
changing influence, and one designating an object through the manipulation of
which the actor brings about the mentioned state change.’ In symbols this state-
ment could be represented as [— A P I], the letters standing for ‘Agent’, ‘Patient’
and ‘Instrument’. Actually, the kind of description I sought distinguished ‘case
frames’ as the structures in actual individual sentences in which the verbs could
appear from ‘case frame features’ as representations of the class of ‘case frames’
into which particular verbs could be inserted. In the description of ‘case frame
features’ it was possible to notice which of the ‘cases’ were obligatory, which
were optional, what selectional dependencies obtained among them, and so on
(see Fillmore 1968).
We were developing a kind of mixed syntactic-semantic valence description
of verbs, and we noticed that the separate valence patterns seemed to character-
ize semantic types of verbs, such as verbs of perception, causation, movement,
etc. Within these syntactic valence types, however, it seemed that some semantic
generalizations were lost. There seemed to be important differences between give
it to john and send it to chicago that could not be illuminated merely by showing
what syntactic rules separate give from send, just as there seemed to be semantic
commonalities between rob and steal ¬buy and sell ¬enjoy and amuse, etc., which
were lost in the syntactic class separation of these verbs.
My ultimate goal in this work in ‘case grammar’ (as the framework came
Chapter 10: Frame semantics 377
Judge to make a judgment (I called this person the Defendant); and some situa-
tion concerning which it seemed relevant for the Judge to be making a Judgment
(and this I called simply the Situation). In terms of this framework, then, I chose
to describe accuse as a verb usable for asserting that the Judge, presupposing the
badness of the Situation, claimed that the Defendant was responsible for the Situ-
ation; I described criticize as usable for asserting that the Judge, presupposing
the Defendant’s responsibility for the Situation, presented arguments for believ-
ing that the Situation was in some way blameworthy. The details of my descrip-
tion have been ‘criticized’ (see esp. McCawley 1975), but the point remains that
we have here not just a group of individual words, but a ‘domain’ of vocabulary
whose elements somehow presuppose a schematization of human judgment and
behavior involving notions of worth, responsibility, judgment, etc., such that one
would want to say that nobody can really understand the meanings of the words
in that domain who does not understand the social institutions or the structures
of experience which they presuppose.
A second domain in which I attempted to characterize a cognitive ‘scene’ with
the same function was that of the ‘commercial event’ (see Fillmore 1977b). In
particular, I tried to show that a large and important set of English verbs could
be seen as semantically related to each other by virtue of the different ways in
which they ‘indexed’ or ‘evoked’ the same general ‘scene’. The elements of this
schematic scene included a person interested in exchanging money for goods (the
Buyer), a person interested in exchanging goods for money (the Seller), the goods
which the Buyer did or could acquire (the Goods), and the money acquired (or
sought) by the seller (the Money). Using the terms of this framework, it was then
possible to say that the verb buy focuses on the actions of the Buyer with respect
to the Goods, backgrounding the Seller and the Money; that the verb sell focuses
on the actions of the Seller with respect to the Goods, backgrounding the Buyer
and the Money; that the verb pay focuses on the actions of the Buyer with respect
to both the Money and the Seller, backgrounding the Goods, and so on, with such
verbs as spend, cost, charge, and a number of others somewhat more peripheral to
these. Again, the point of the description was to argue that nobody could be said
to know the meanings of these verbs who did not know the details of the kind of
scene which provided the background and motivation for the categories which
these words represent. Using the word ‘frame’ for the structured way in which
the scene is presented or remembered, we can say that the frame structures the
word-meanings, and that the word ‘evokes’ the frame.
The structures I have mentioned so far can be thought of as motivating the
categories speakers wish to bring into play when describing situations that
might be independent of the actual speech situation, the conversational con-
text. A second and equally important kind of framing is the framing of the
actual communication situation. When we understand a piece of language, we
Chapter 10: Frame semantics 379
bring to the task both our ability to assign schematizations of the phases or
components of the ‘world’ that the text somehow characterizes, and our ability
to schematize the situation in which this piece of language is being produced.
We have both ‘cognitive frames’ and ‘interactional frames’, the latter having
to do with how we conceptualize what is going on between the speaker and
the hearer, or between the author and the reader. By the early seventies I had
become influenced by work on speech acts, performativity, and pragmatics in
general, and had begun contributing to this field in the form of a number of
writings on presuppositions and deixis (see, e.g., Fillmore 1975). Knowledge of
deictic categories requires an understanding of the ways in which tenses, person
marking morphemes, demonstrative categories, etc., schematize the communi-
cating situation; knowledge of illocutionary points, principles of conversational
cooperation, and routinized speech events, contribute to the full understand-
ing of most conversational exchanges. Further, knowing that a text is, say, an
obituary, a proposal of marriage, a business contract, or a folktale, provides
knowledge about how to interpret particular passages in it, how to expect the
text to develop, and how to know when it is finished. It is frequently the case
that such expectations combine with the actual material of the text to lead to the
text’s correct interpretation. And once again this is accomplished by having in
mind an abstract structure of expectations which brings with it roles, purposes,
natural or conventionalized sequences of event types, and all the rest of the
apparatus that we wish to associate with the notion of ‘frame’.
In the mid-seventies I came into contact with the work of Eleanor Rosch (Rosch
1973) and that of Brent Berlin and Paul Kay (Berlin and Kay 1969) and began
to see the importance of the notion of ‘prototype’ in understanding the nature of
human categorization. Through the work of Karl Zimmer (Zimmer 1971) and
Pamela Downing (Downing 1977) on the relevance of categorizing contexts to
principles of word-formation and, in work that reflects fruitful collaboration with
Paul Kay and George Lakoff, I began to propose descriptions of word meanings
that made use of the prototype notion. One generalization that seemed valid was
that very often the frame or background against which the meaning of a word is
defined and understood is a fairly large slice of the surrounding culture, and this
background understanding is best understood as a ‘prototype’ rather than as a
genuine body of assumptions about what the world is like. It is frequently useful,
when trying to state truth conditions for the appropriateness of predicating the
word of something, to construct a simple definition of the word, allowing the com-
plexity of fit between uses of the word and real world situations to be attributed
to the details of the prototype background frame rather than to the details of the
word’s meaning. Thus we could define an orphan as a child whose parents are no
longer living, and then understand the category as motivated against a background
of a particular kind: in this assumed background world, children depend on their
380 Carles. J. Fillmore
parents for care and guidance and parents accept the responsibility of providing
this care and guidance without question; a person without parents has a special
status, for society, only up to a particular age, because during this period a society
needs to provide some special way of providing care and instruction. The category
orphan does not have ‘built into it’ any specification of the age after which it is no
longer relevant to speak of somebody as an orphan, because that understanding
is a part of the background prototype; a boy in his twenties is generally regarded
as being able to take care of himself and to have passed the age where the main
guidance is expected to come from his family. It is that background informa-
tion which determines the fact that the word orphan would not be appropriately
used of such a boy, rather than information that is to be separately built into a
description of the word’s meaning. In the prototype situation, an orphan is seen
as somebody deserving of pity and concern; hence the point of the joke about the
young man on trial for the murder of his parents who asked the court for mercy
on the grounds that he was an orphan: the prototype scene against which society
has a reason to categorize some children as orphans does not take into account
the case in which a child orphans himself.
As a second example of a category that has to be fitted onto a background
of institutions and practices we can consider the word breakfast. To understand
this word is to understand the practice in our culture of having three meals a day,
at more or less conventionally established times of the day, and for one of these
meals to be the one which is eaten early in the day, after a period of sleep, and
for it to consist of a somewhat unique menu (the details of which can vary from
community to community). What is interesting about the word breakfast is that
each of the three conditions most typically associated with it can be independently
absent still allowing native speakers to use the word. The fact that someone can
work through the night without sleep, and then at sun-up have a meal of eggs,
toast, coffee and orange juice, and call that meal breakfast, shows clearly that the
‘post-sleep’ character of the category is not criterial; the fact that someone can
sleep through the morning, wake up at three o‘clock in the afternoon, and sit down
to a meal of eggs, toast, coffee and orange juice, and call that meal breakfast,
shows that the ‘early morning’ character of the category is also not criterial; and
lastly, the fact that a person can sleep through the night, wake up in the morning,
have cabbage soup and chocolate pie ‘for breakfast’, shows that the ‘breakfast
menu’ character of the concept is also not criterial. (This in spite of the fact that
an American restaurant that advertises its willingness to serve breakfast at any
time is referring precisely to the stereotyped breakfast ingredients.) What we
want to say, when we observe usage phenomena like that, is not that we have so
far failed to capture the true core of the word’s meaning, but rather that the word
gives us a category which can be used in many different contexts, this range of
contexts determined by the multiple aspects of its prototypic use – the use it has
Chapter 10: Frame semantics 381
when the conditions of the background situation more or less exactly match the
defining prototype.
The descriptive framework which is in the process of evolving out of all of
the above considerations is one in which words and other linguistic forms and
categories are seen as indexing semantic or cognitive categories which are them-
selves recognized as participating in larger conceptual structures of some sort,
all of this made intelligible by knowing something about the kinds of settings or
contexts in which a community found a need to make such categories available to
its participants, the background of experiences and practices within which such
contexts could arise, the categories, the contexts, and the backgrounds themselves
all understood in terms of prototypes.
negatively as a bird that does not spend any time in water; a bird that ‘spends its
life on the ground’ is being described negatively as a bird that does not fly.
Though the details are a bit tricky, the two English words shore and coast (not
differently translatable in many languages) seem to differ from each other in that
while the shore is the boundary between land and water from the water’s point of
view, the coast is the boundary between land and water from the land’s point of
view. A trip that took four hours ‘from shore to shore’ is a trip across a body of
water; a trip that took four hours ‘from coast to coast’ is a trip across a land mass.
“We will soon reach the coast” is a natural way to say something about a journey
on land; “we will soon reach the shore” is a natural way to say something about
a sea journey. Our perception of these nuances derives from our recognition of
the different ways in which the two words schematize the world.
The Japanese adjective nurui is another example of a framing word. Although
not all Japanese-speaking informants support this judgment, enough do to make
the example worth giving. In the usage that supports my point, nurui, used to
describe the temperature of a liquid means ‘at room temperature’, but it is said
mainly of liquids that are ideally hot. Kono ocha ga nurui (this tea is lukewarm)
is an acceptable sentence in the idiolects that support my point, but kono biiru
ga nurui (this beer is lukewarm) is not. It will be noticed that the English word
lukewarm does not ‘frame’ its object in the same way. A cold liquid and a hot
liquid can both become lukewarm when left standing long enough; but only the
liquid that was supposed to be hot can be described as ‘nurui’.
A large number of framing words appear only in highly specialized contexts,
such as the term flip strength discussed earlier. The legal term decedent gives us
another example of such context specialization. According to my legal informants
(and my available law dictionaries) the word decedent is used to identify a dead
person in the context of a discussion of the inheritance of that person’s property.
(The word deceased, as in the phrase ‘the deceased’, is also limited to legal or
journalistic contexts, but it is not limited to any particular subdomain within the
law.) Another example is mufti. Mufti, in the sense it once had in the military
service, refers to ordinary clothing when worn by somebody who regularly wears
a military uniform. If we see two men wearing identical suits, we can, referring
to their clothing, say that one of them is ‘in mufti’ if that one is a military officer.
The property of being ‘in mufti’ is obviously a property that has relevance only
in the context of a military community.
Given all these examples of clear cases of terms linked to highly specific
cognitive frames, we can see that the process of understanding a text involves
retrieving or perceiving the frames evoked by the text’s lexical content and assem-
bling this kind of schematic knowledge (in some way which cannot be easily
formalized) into some sort of ‘envisionment’ of the ‘world’ of the text. If I tell
you (to be somewhat ridiculous) that the decedent while on land and in mufti
384 Carles. J. Fillmore
last weekend ate a typical breakfast and read a novel high in flip strength, you
know that I am talking about a now-dead naval officer who during the period
including last Saturday and Sunday read a pornographic novel; and you know a
few other things about the man, about how he spent his time, and about the set-
ting in which this report of his activities is given. The sentence did not give you
this information directly; you had to ‘compute’ some of it by constructing, in
your imagination, a complex context within which each of the lexically signaled
framings was motivated. We see in this way that there is a very tight connection
between lexical semantics and text semantics, or, to speak more carefully, between
lexical semantics and the process of text comprehension. The framing words in
a text reveal the multiple ways in which the speaker or author schematizes the
situation and induce the hearer to construct that envisionment of the text world
which would motivate or explain the categorization acts expressed by the lexical
choices observed in the text.
The interpreter’s envisionment of the text world assigns that world both a per-
spective and a history. A report of somebody buying something evokes the frame
of the commercial event, but sees that event, for the moment at least, from the
point of view of one of its participants. Describing somebody as being on land
locates the scene in the history of a sea voyage, by noticing that it is relevant to
describe the location in this way only if this period is seen as an interruption of
a period of sea travel. Saying that somebody is at bat locates an event as one part
of a particular baseball game. Describing coffee, in Japanese, as nurui recognizes
that it was once hot and has been allowed to ‘cool’. One knows that the coffee
is currently at room temperature, but also that it did not get that way by starting
out as iced coffee.
Sometimes the perspective which a word assigns is not a perspective on the
current scene – something that might be visible in a pictorial representation of
the scene – but is that of a much larger framework. Thus, the description of some-
one as a heretic presupposes an established religion, or a religious community
which has a well-defined notion of doctrinal correctness. In a community lacking
such beliefs or practices, the word has no purpose. Sometimes a word situates
an event in a history wider than the history of the ongoing narrative. In speaking
of locations within North America, the expressions out west and back east are
frequently used. The terms have the form they do because for a large portion of
American families the settlement history of the country traced its way from the
east coast to the west coast. European immigrants first landed on the east coast;
some of them, or some of their descendants, gradually migrated westward. The
eastern part of the country, where these immigrants or their ancestors once were,
was back east; the western part of the country, not yet reached, was out west.
The expressions are used today by people whose families did not share in this
Chapter 10: Frame semantics 385
general westward movement themselves, but the terms recall the historical basis
of their creation.
Earlier I spoke of the notion of deep cases as offering an account of the seman-
tic aspects of single-clause predications which figured in the basic grammatical
structure of clauses. A broader view of the semantics of grammar, one which
owes a great deal to the work of Leonard Talmy (see Talmy 1980) and Ronald
Langacker (Langacker 1987), sees lexical framing providing the ‘content’ upon
which grammatical structure performs a ‘configuring’ function. Thinking in
this way, we can see that any grammatical category or pattern imposes its own
‘frame’ on the material it structures. For example, the English pluperfect can be
described as having as its role, in structuring the ‘history’ of the text world, that
of characterizing the situation at a particular time (the narrative time) as being
partly explained by the occurrence of an event or situation that occurred or existed
earlier on. The progressive aspect, in its turn, schematizes a situation as one which
is continuing or iterating across a span of time. Thus, a sentence in a narrative of
the form She had been running, a form which combines the progressive and the
pluperfect forms, can have the function of explaining why, at the narrative time
point, “she” was panting, or sweating, or tired. Thus we see that the cognitive
frames which inform and shape our understanding of language can differ greatly
in respect to their generality or specificity: a lexical verb like run can give us a
specific kind of physical activity image, while the pluperfect and the progressive
combine, each in a general and abstract way, to shape the image of running in a
way that fits the current situation and to situate the event of running both tempo-
rally and in ‘relevance’ into the ongoing history of the text world.
It is necessary to distinguish two importantly different ways in which the cog-
nitive frames we call on to help us interpret linguistic texts get introduced into
the interpretation process. On the one hand, we have cases in which the lexical
and grammatical material observable in the text ‘evokes’ the relevant frames in
the mind of the interpreter by virtue of the fact that these lexical forms or these
grammatical structures or categories exist as indices of these frames; on the other
hand, we have cases in which the interpreter assigns coherence to a text by ‘invok-
ing’ a particular interpretive frame. An extremely important difference between
frames that are evoked by material in the text and frames that are invoked by the
interpreter is that in the latter case an ‘outsider’ has no reason to suspect, beyond
a general sense of irrelevance or pointlessness in the text, that anything is miss-
ing. To repeat an example that I have used elsewhere, a Japanese personal letter in
the traditional style is supposed to begin with a comment on the current season.
Somebody who knows this tradition is able to sense the relevance of an opening
sentence in a letter which speaks of the garden floor covered with leaves. The
kind of understanding which allows such an interpretation comes from outside
of the text itself.
386 Carles. J. Fillmore
Invoked frames can come from general knowledge, knowledge that exists
independently of the text at hand, or from the ongoing text itself.
4.1 Polysemy arising from alternative framings of the same lexical item
For many instances of polysemy it is possible to say that a given lexical item prop-
erly fits either of two different cognitive frames. One possibility is that a word
has a general use in the everyday language but has been given a separate use in
technical language. For example, we might wish to say that the English word
angle is understood in connection with a perceptual frame as a figure made by
two lines joined at a point in a way suggested by a bent stick. Presented in terms
of a competing procedural frame, an angle is thought of in terms of the rotation
of a line about a point, the angle itself visually represented as the line before and
after its rotation. In the procedural frame the notion of a 180 degree angle is intel-
ligible, as is the notion of a 360 degree angle. Within the perceptual frame such
notions do not fit. (The example is from Arnheim 1969: 182f.)
at which females are classified as woman. A number of people, sensing that this
usage pattern revealed attitudes toward females (or a history of attitudes toward
females reflected in current conventional usage possibly in independence of the
user’s own attitudes) which ought to be corrected. A number of speakers have
succeeded in modifying their usage in a way which established the age bound-
ary between the boy to man transition at the same place as that between the girl
to woman transition. The semantic change in this case is a real one, which needs
to be explained. But it would not be satisfying to see the explanation solely in
changes of the meaning of the words girl and woman; the full explanation must
assign the change to the underlying schematization on the part of the language
user. The realities (of people of both sexes getting older) have not changed, nor
have the available choices of linguistic material; what has changed (in some
speakers) is the underlying schematization, the circumstances motivating the
category contrasts.
frame would not result in some of the frequent mistakes people make in the use
of the word suspect. The word suspect is supposed to be used of a person who
is suspected of committing the crime in question; for it to be used appropriately,
there has to be some specific person of whom it can be said that that person is
suspected by someone of committing the crime. The current journalistic use of
suspect even when nobody has been accused of the crime shows that the change
is of the superficial kind, following the application of a rule of thumb that says,
“Wherever I am inclined to say culprit (etc.), I should instead say suspect.” I
have in mind such usages as can be found in reports like “Police investigating
the murder have found no clues as to the identity of the suspect.”
which depart from the prototype the law has needed to determine which aspect
of the prototype contrast is legally the most salient (the presence or absence of
the signatures supporting a written document) and let that be the criterion which
specifies the contrast.
In this section I examine a small number of topics that one traditionally finds in
standard treatises on technical semantics: proportionality, paradigms, taxonomies,
syncategorematicity, the supposed contrast between ‘dictionary’ and ‘encyclope-
dia’, the goal of descriptive simplicity and redundancy elimination, and, lastly,
the troubled notion of ‘lexical presupposition’.
5.1. Proportionality
One of the most frequently used heuristic devices for discovering and demonstrat-
ing the existence of semantic features in the vocabulary of a language is that of
setting up a proportionality involving four words and asking for intuitive agree-
ment about the identity of pairwise differences among them. Believing that man
is to woman as boy is to girl, we set up the ratio man: woman :: boy: girl. Others
Chapter 10: Frame semantics 393
frequently used are come: go :: bring: take, look: see :: glance: glimpse, inhale:
exhale :: sniff: snort, and man: woman :: bachelor: spinster. The approach which
sees the basic semantic relations as holding among words taken in isolation fails
to help us become aware of the possibly quite separate ways in which individual
members of these proportions are fitted onto, or frame, their reality. I have already
pointed out that in many people’s speech the differentiating criterion for boy vs.
man might be importantly different from that for girl vs. woman; bring is separate
enough in its semantics from come for it to have acquired quite separate patterns
of dialect variation; and the motivation for the categories bachelor and spinster
appear to be considerably different, in spite of one’s inclination, as a systematizer,
to put the two words together. One might wish to propose that the abstract struc-
tural patterns underlying these word groups are simple and straightforward, in
the ways suggested by the proportions, even though certain facts about the world
make the domain look less orderly. I think such a proposal is not helpful, because
it is not one which asks the analyst to look for the background and motivating
situations which separately give reasons for the existence of the individual cat-
egories, one by one.
5.2. Paradigms
A prime example of semantic structure among lexical items is the ‘paradigm’;
and the best example of a lexical-semantic paradigm is the kind of display of
livestock terms represented by Table 1.
Table 1.
Here the proposal that we have a closed system of terms tied together by such
features as General, Female, Male, and Neuter, cross-cut by features identifying
species (Bovine, Ovine, Equine, Porcine), seems very attractive. Unfortunately
the display disguises many facts about both these words and the domain which
they appear to cover. cattle and swine are plurals; sheep and horse are not. The
words wether and barrow are known only to specialists. In the case of cattle,
cow and bull appear to have the status of ‘basic level objects’ (in the sense of
Rosch 1973), whereas the general terms have that function in the case of sheep
394 Carles. J. Fillmore
and horse. In the case of swine, a word not in the table, namely pig, is the best
candidate for ‘basic level object’ status.
In short, the regularities apparent in the paradigm (and this set of terms –
together with terms for young, newborn, etc. – make up what is generally accepted
as the best example of a semantic paradigm) are misleading. To which we ought
to add the Neuter category of the words in the bottom row is not just a ‘neutral’
category operating in the same line of business as the categories Female and Male.
The category is differently motivated in the different species, which is another
way of saying that one has different reasons for castrating a bull and a horse, one
might do it at different (relative) ages, etc,
5.3. Taxonomies
The next most common kind of lexical semantic formal structure is the ‘semantic
taxonomy’, a semantic network founded on the relation ‘is a kind of’. Scientific
taxonomies have obvious uses in scientific discourse, and research that has led to
the uncovering of folk taxonomies has been among the most important empirical
semantic research yet done. But there are two aspects of taxonomic structures that
argue against regarding them as representing merely a formal system of relation-
ships founded on a single clear semantic relation. The first is that at different levels
in a taxonomy the community might have had different reasons for introducing
the categories; the second is that the usual tree-form display of the elements of a
taxonomy does not show how it is that particular elements in the taxonomy are
‘cognitively privileged categories’ in important ways. Both of these points can be
illustrated with a ‘path’ in a taxonomy of zoological terms in English, namely
Of this set of words, dog and animal seem to be the cognitively privileged cat-
egories, privileged in the sense that they are the words that would most ordinar-
ily be used when in everyday natural talk one is describing one’s experiences.
vertebrate and mammal are terms whose employment fits a particular kind of
interactional or contextual schema (that of scientific discourse),while retriever as
a category occurs most naturally as an answer to a question about what kind of
a dog one has. Suppose that you, hearing a splash in my back yard, were to ask
me what that noise was, and suppose the fact is that my pet retriever fell in the
family swimming pool. As a way of explaining the source of the noise, it would
be natural for me to say “An animal fell in the pool” or “A dog fell in the pool”,
Chapter 10: Frame semantics 395
but it would be very unnatural for me to say “A vertebrate fell in the pool” or
“A mammal fell in the pool”, and unnatural in a different way for me to say “A
retriever fell in the pool”. The latter three terms seem to appear more natural in
utterances used in acts of classifying, but seem unnatural when used in acts of
referring. This functional difference is not revealed within the logic of a standard
taxonomic tree.
which presupposes the analyst’s ability to have an overview of the entire lexical
repertory of the language. Such a goal is completely antithetical to the goals of
frame semantics, since frame semantics aims at discovering what categorizing
functions the word serves in the contexts in which its use is motivated. This kind
of knowledge is in principle attainable independently of knowledge about other
words in the language, except for those relatively few cases in which the ‘mosaic’
image is appropriate, the image by which the meaning given to any one word is
dependent on the meanings of its neighboring words (as in Trier 1931).
5.8. Presupposition
Claims about ‘presuppositional’ information being associated with individual
lexical items have not received a good press. I find that within frame semantics,
the concept of lexical presupposition does not seem unjustified. Consider the case
of a verb like English chase, a verb for which a lexical presuppositionist might be
inclined to say that when it is used of two beings moving in the same course, the
movement of the one in front is presupposed, independently of whether the move-
ment of the individual designated by the subject of the verb is asserted, denied,
questioned, or supposed. In a setting in which one person is running, especially
where it is understood that that person is fleeing, it is relevant to consider whether
some other person is or is not going to try to prevent that first person from getting
away. (My illustration is with people, but that’s not an important condition.) The
verb chase exists as a category by recognition of such relevance. If I ask, “Did
anybody chase him?”, or if I say “We didn’t chase him”, our reason for understand-
ing that ‘he’ was running (fleeing) is that we know the kind of situation against
which the category chase has a reason for being. It is in that sense, it seems to
me, that one can talk about lexical presuppostions.
6. Concluding remarks
In this paper I have argued for a view of the description of meaning-bearing ele-
ments in a language according to which words (etc.) come into being only for a
reason, that reason being anchored in human experiences and human institutions.
In this view, the only way in which people can truly be said to understand the use
to which these meaning-bearing elements are being put in actual utterances is to
understand those experiences and institutions and to know why such experiences
and institutions gave people reasons to create the categories expressed by the
words. The semanticist’s job is to tease out the precise nature of the relationship
between the word and the category, and the precise nature of the relationships
between the category and the background. I believe that some of the examples I
have offered have shown the advantages of looking at language in this way.
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