Lets Face It - Physical Appearance
Lets Face It - Physical Appearance
Lets Face It - Physical Appearance
Divide the students into pairs (Student A and B).
Describing facial features,
hair colour, hair type, hair
Give each student a corresponding worksheet.
style, facial hair and age
Appearance adjectives Tell the students not to show their worksheet to their partner. If
possible, have the pairs sit back to back.
Has got
Explain that the students are going to take it in turns to name
and describe the people on their worksheet for their partner to
Aim identify.
To name and describe
Each description should talk about the person's facial features,
people for your partner to
hair colour, hair type, hair style, facial hair and age.
Their partner's task is to listen carefully and identify the person
on their worksheet, labelling the picture with the correct name.
Make one copy of the two Their partner then checks they have the correct person by asking
worksheets for each pair questions, e.g. 'Does Samuel have wavy hair?'
of students.
The students continue taking it in turns to name and describe the
people on their worksheet until both worksheets are complete.
Afterwards, the students compare their worksheets to check their
Intermediate (B1)
25 minutes
Student A
Samuel Layla
Audrey Bella
Isabel Sarah
Student B
Luna Owen
Luke Caleb
Victor Craig