Account Statement

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Savings Account Statement

VILAKAZI Tax Invoice
2554 P SHABALALA ROAD VAT Registration Number
CLERMONT 4680173723
3610 Capitec B Capitec Bank Limited
5 Neutron Road
09/10/202 0 Techno Park
7001 Stellenbosch
Branch: 4 03 7600
Device: 9
From Date: 01/07/2023
To Date: 09/10/2023
Print Date: 09/10/2023

Account Number: 1765779586

Validate document using SkyQR

Posting Date Transaction Description Money In (R) Money Out (R) Balance (R)
01/07/2023 30/06/2023 Banking App Payment Tale -1 000.00 906.24
01/07/2023 30/06/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 905.24
01/07/2023 01/07/2023 Live Better Interest Sweep -1.16 904.08
01/07/2023 01/07/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******017 -510.00 394.08
01/07/2023 01/07/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 384.58
01/07/2023 01/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.60 383.98
02/07/2023 02/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.60 383.38
03/07/2023 03/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Ci02 1729 31st Avenue, Clermont -100.00 283.38
03/07/2023 03/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.50 272.88
03/07/2023 03/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 272.58
05/07/2023 01/07/2023 Mso Tavern Durban (Card 9781) -112.00 160.58
05/07/2023 30/06/2023 McDonalds Pinetown (Card 9781) -50.40 110.18
05/07/2023 01/07/2023 McDonalds Pinetown (Card 9781) -24.90 85.28
05/07/2023 02/07/2023 McDonalds Pinetown (Card 9781) -49.80 35.48
09/07/2023 09/07/2023 Payment Received N Mthethwa 100.00 135.48
09/07/2023 09/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Ci02 1729 31st Avenue, Clermont -100.00 35.48
09/07/2023 09/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.50 24.98
09/07/2023 09/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.60 24.38
12/07/2023 12/07/2023 Payment Received T Ngcongo 100.00 124.38
12/07/2023 12/07/2023 Banking App Transfer Received from V Clark (2137908960) 0.69 125.07
12/07/2023 12/07/2023 Banking App Transfer from Live Better Savings Account 3.67 128.74
12/07/2023 12/07/2023 Banking App Transfer Received from V Clark (2137908960) 0.14 128.88
12/07/2023 12/07/2023 Payment Received 100.00 228.88
12/07/2023 12/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Ci02 1729 31st Avenue, Clermont -100.00 128.88
12/07/2023 12/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.50 118.38
12/07/2023 12/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 3 notification(s) -0.90 117.48
13/07/2023 12/07/2023 S2s*tototuckshop Clermont (Card 9781) -27.00 90.48
13/07/2023 13/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Engen Sarnia Pinetown -50.00 40.48
13/07/2023 13/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.50 29.98
13/07/2023 13/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 29.68
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 Payment Received: Msa Devco Transfer 2 629.45 2 659.13
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -3.00 2 656.13
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 Prepaid Purchase 8TA -50.00 2 606.13
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 2 605.63
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 Banking App Payment T Ngcongo -1 000.00 1 605.63

24hr Client Care Centre 0860 10 20 43 E

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 1 of 5

Unique Document No.: 22d60e3b-e360-414b-912c-a7dd4c25e6dc / 204 / V7.0 - 01/04/2018 (ddmmccyy)

14/07/2023 14/07/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 1 604.63
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Ci02 1729 31st Avenue, Clermont -200.00 1 404.63
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.50 1 394.13
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Ci02 1729 31st Avenue, Clermont -600.00 794.13
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.50 783.63
14/07/2023 14/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 6 notification(s) -1.50 782.13
15/07/2023 15/07/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******834 -250.00 532.13
15/07/2023 15/07/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 522.63
15/07/2023 15/07/2023 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Engen Sarnia Pinetown -100.00 422.63
ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee
SMS Notification Fee: 4 notification(s)
Capitec B -10.50
16/07/2023 14/07/2023 McDonalds Pinetown (Card 9781) -29.90 381.03
16/07/2023 14/07/2023 McDonalds Pinetown (Card 9781)
09/10/202 0 -24.90 356.13
16/07/2023 16/07/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******595 70 01 -50.00 306.13
16/07/2023 16/07/2023 Cash Sent Fee Branch: 4 03 -9.50 296.63
16/07/2023 16/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) Device: 9 -0.60 296.03
17/07/2023 16/07/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
17/07/2023 16/07/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 295.63
17/07/2023 17/07/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -5.20 290.43
17/07/2023 14/07/2023 Engen Pinetown (Card 9781) -56.50 233.93
17/07/2023 17/07/2023 Banking App Transfer from Live Better Savings Account 8.20 242.13
17/07/2023 17/07/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******205 -50.00 192.13
17/07/2023 17/07/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 182.63
17/07/2023 17/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 182.33
18/07/2023 15/07/2023 Engen Pinetown (Card 9781) -95.60 86.73
19/07/2023 18/07/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
19/07/2023 18/07/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 86.33
19/07/2023 14/07/2023 Mso Tavern Durban (Card 9781) -65.00 21.33
21/07/2023 20/07/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
21/07/2023 20/07/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 20.93
23/07/2023 22/07/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
23/07/2023 22/07/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 20.53
25/07/2023 24/07/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
25/07/2023 24/07/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 20.13
26/07/2023 26/07/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 17.13 Los Gatos Nl
26/07/2023 26/07/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 14.13 Amsterdam Nl
27/07/2023 26/07/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
27/07/2023 26/07/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 13.73
27/07/2023 27/07/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 10.73 866-579-7172 Nl
28/07/2023 27/07/2023 Payment Received: Msa Devco Transfer 2 219.14 2 229.87
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -50.00 2 179.87
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 2 179.37
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 Banking App Payment Samke Mbhele -1 000.00 1 179.37
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 1 178.37
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 Banking App Payment Mama -500.00 678.37
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 677.37
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******929 -300.00 377.37
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 367.87
28/07/2023 28/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 6 notification(s) -1.50 366.37
29/07/2023 28/07/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******059 -150.00 216.37
29/07/2023 28/07/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 206.87
29/07/2023 29/07/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 3 notification(s) -0.90 205.97
30/07/2023 28/07/2023 Recurring Card Purchase: Netflix Los Gatos (Card 9781) -49.00 156.97
30/07/2023 28/07/2023 International Processing Recurring Card Purchase Fee: -3.00 153.97
31/07/2023 30/07/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 133.97
31/07/2023 30/07/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 133.47
31/07/2023 31/07/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -1.00 132.47
31/07/2023 28/07/2023 Recurring Card Purchase: Showmax Randburg (Card 9781) -99.00 33.47
31/07/2023 31/07/2023 Interest Received 0.42 33.89

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 2 of 5

Unique Document No.: 22d60e3b-e360-414b-912c-a7dd4c25e6dc / 204 / V7.0 - 01/04/2018 (ddmmccyy)

31/07/2023 31/07/2023 Monthly Account Admin Fee -7.00 26.89
01/08/2023 01/08/2023 Payment Received N Mthethwa 0.20 27.09
11/08/2023 10/08/2023 Payment Received: Msa Devco Transfer 2 215.31 2 242.40
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 Payment Received 950.00 3 192.40
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******929 -700.00 2 492.40
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 2 482.90
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -50.00 2 432.90
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 2 432.40
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 Payment Received S Mbhele 1 000.00 3 432.40
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 Payment: Easyequities: Abg -183.61 3 248.79
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 Payment Fee
ank -2.00 3 246.79
Banking App Payment Mah
Payment Fee
Capitec B -3 000.00
11/08/2023 11/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 8 notification(s) -2.10 243.69
12/08/2023 12/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase 09/10/202 0 -50.00 193.69
12/08/2023 12/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee 70 01
Branch: 4 03
-0.50 193.19
12/08/2023 12/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) 0 -0.30 192.89
13/08/2023 13/08/2023 Immediate Payment (RTC): Easyequities: Msp Device: 9 -22.00 170.89
13/08/2023 13/08/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 163.39
14/08/2023 13/08/2023 Banking App Payment Nhlanhla -100.00 63.39
14/08/2023 13/08/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 62.39
14/08/2023 13/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -30.00 32.39
14/08/2023 13/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 31.89
14/08/2023 14/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.60 31.29
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Payment Received: Msa Devco Transfer 2 275.75 2 307.04
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Immediate Payment (RTC): Easyequities: Abg -150.00 2 157.04
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Immediate Payment Fee (RTC) -7.50 2 149.54
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -10.00 2 139.54
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 2 139.04
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Banking App Payment Zolani -150.00 1 989.04
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 1 988.04
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Banking App Payment: Mxo -1 000.00 988.04
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Payment Fee -2.00 986.04
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -50.00 936.04
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 935.54
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Banking App Payment Perfumes -400.00 535.54
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 534.54
25/08/2023 25/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 7 notification(s) -1.80 532.74
26/08/2023 25/08/2023 Payment Received M Ndovela 1 000.00 1 532.74
26/08/2023 25/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -50.00 1 482.74
26/08/2023 25/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 1 482.24
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******798 -350.00 1 132.24
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 1 122.74
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 Banking App Payment Tale -1 000.00 122.74
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 121.74
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 101.74
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 101.24
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 81.24
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 80.74
26/08/2023 26/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 6 notification(s) -1.50 79.24
27/08/2023 26/08/2023 Recurring Card Purchase: Netflix Amsterdam (Card 9781) -49.00 30.24
27/08/2023 26/08/2023 International Processing Recurring Card Purchase Fee: -3.00 27.24
27/08/2023 27/08/2023 Payment Received 250.00 277.24
27/08/2023 27/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 276.94
28/08/2023 28/08/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -1.00 275.94
28/08/2023 28/08/2023 Payment Received: Cashfocus Ee Withdrawal Transfer 150.00 425.94
28/08/2023 28/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 425.64
29/08/2023 29/08/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -46.00 379.64
29/08/2023 29/08/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 379.14
29/08/2023 29/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.60 378.54
30/08/2023 30/08/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******501 -100.00 278.54
30/08/2023 30/08/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 269.04
30/08/2023 30/08/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 268.74
31/08/2023 28/08/2023 Recurring Card Purchase: Showmax Randburg (Card 9781) -99.00 169.74
31/08/2023 31/08/2023 Interest Received 0.32 170.06
31/08/2023 31/08/2023 Monthly Account Admin Fee -7.00 163.06
01/09/2023 01/09/2023 Live Better Interest Sweep -0.32 162.74
01/09/2023 01/09/2023 Live Better Round-up Transfer -1.00 161.74
01/09/2023 01/09/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******562 -100.00 61.74
01/09/2023 01/09/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 52.24

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 3 of 5

Unique Document No.: 22d60e3b-e360-414b-912c-a7dd4c25e6dc / 204 / V7.0 - 01/04/2018 (ddmmccyy)

01/09/2023 01/09/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -22.00 30.24
01/09/2023 01/09/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 29.74
01/09/2023 01/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 29.44
04/09/2023 04/09/2023 Payment Received: Cashfocus Ee Withdrawal Transfer 206.00 235.44
04/09/2023 04/09/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -55.00 180.44
04/09/2023 04/09/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 179.94
04/09/2023 04/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.60 179.34
07/09/2023 06/09/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******243 -140.00 39.34
07/09/2023 06/09/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 29.84
07/09/2023 07/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 29.54
08/09/2023 08/09/2023 Payment Received: Msa Devco Transfer 2 341.01
ank 2 370.55

08/09/2023 08/09/2023
Banking App Prepaid Purchase
Capitec B -20.00 2 350.55
08/09/2023 08/09/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 2 350.05
08/09/2023 08/09/2023 Banking App Payment T Ngcongo 09/10/202 0 -1 000.00 1 350.05
08/09/2023 08/09/2023 Payment Fee 70 01 -1.00 1 349.05
08/09/2023 08/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) Branch: 4 03 -0.60 1 348.45
09/09/2023 08/09/2023 Banking App Payment Mr Nzama Device: 9 -585.00 763.45
09/09/2023 08/09/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 762.45
09/09/2023 09/09/2023 Banking App Payment Mmmm -700.00 62.45
09/09/2023 09/09/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 61.45
09/09/2023 09/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.60 60.85
10/09/2023 09/09/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -30.00 30.85
10/09/2023 09/09/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 30.35
10/09/2023 10/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 30.05
22/09/2023 21/09/2023 Payment Received: Msa Devco Transfer 2 538.96 2 569.01
22/09/2023 21/09/2023 Banking App Transfer from Live Better Savings Account 3.33 2 572.34
22/09/2023 21/09/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -30.00 2 542.34
22/09/2023 21/09/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 2 541.84
22/09/2023 22/09/2023 Banking App Payment Samke Mbhele -1 000.00 1 541.84
22/09/2023 22/09/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 1 540.84
22/09/2023 22/09/2023 Banking App Payment Awande -1 500.00 40.84
22/09/2023 22/09/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 39.84
22/09/2023 22/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 4 notification(s) -1.20 38.64
23/09/2023 23/09/2023 Prepaid Purchase 8TA -8.00 30.64
23/09/2023 23/09/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 30.14
26/09/2023 26/09/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 27.14 Amsterdam Nl
26/09/2023 26/09/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 24.14 Los Gatos Nl
26/09/2023 26/09/2023 Payment Received B Mkhize 300.00 324.14
26/09/2023 26/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.30 323.84
27/09/2023 26/09/2023 Banking App Payment Wise -250.00 73.84
27/09/2023 26/09/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 72.84
27/09/2023 26/09/2023 Prepaid Purchase 8TA -43.00 29.84
27/09/2023 26/09/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 29.34
27/09/2023 27/09/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.60 28.74
28/09/2023 28/09/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 25.74 Los Gatos Nl
29/09/2023 28/09/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
29/09/2023 28/09/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 25.34
29/09/2023 29/09/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 22.34 866-579-7172 Nl
30/09/2023 30/09/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 19.34 866-579-7172 Nl
30/09/2023 30/09/2023 Interest Received 0.29 19.63
30/09/2023 30/09/2023 Monthly Account Admin Fee -7.00 12.63
01/10/2023 01/10/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
01/10/2023 30/09/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 12.23
02/10/2023 02/10/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 9.23 Los Gatos Nl
03/10/2023 03/10/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
03/10/2023 02/10/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 8.83
05/10/2023 04/10/2023 Insf. Funds Showmax Rand 0.00
05/10/2023 04/10/2023 Card Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: Showmax -0.40 8.43
05/10/2023 05/10/2023 International Online Purchase Insufficient Funds Fee: -3.00 5.43 866-579-7172 Nl

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 4 of 5

Unique Document No.: 22d60e3b-e360-414b-912c-a7dd4c25e6dc / 204 / V7.0 - 01/04/2018 (ddmmccyy)

06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Payment Received: Msa Devco Transfer 2 954.42 2 959.85
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******646 -600.00 2 359.85
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 2 350.35
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Prepaid Purchase 8TA -15.00 2 335.35
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 2 334.85
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Banking App Payment Zolani -300.00 2 034.85
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 2 033.85
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Banking App Payment T Ngcongo -250.00 1 783.85
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 1 782.85
06/10/2023 06/10/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 4 notification(s) -1.20 1 781.65
07/10/2023 06/10/2023 Banking App Payment Awande
ank -400.00 1 381.65
Payment Fee
Banking App Prepaid Purchase
Capitec B -1.00
1 380.65
1 330.65
07/10/2023 06/10/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 1 330.15
07/10/2023 07/10/2023 Banking App Payment Mr Nzama 09/10/202 0 -650.00 680.15
07/10/2023 07/10/2023 Payment Fee 70 01
Branch: 4 03
-1.00 679.15
07/10/2023 07/10/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 6 notification(s) 0 -1.50 677.65
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Banking App Payment Tale Device: 9 -250.00 427.65
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Payment Fee -1.00 426.65
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -45.00 381.65
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 381.15
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Banking App Cash Sent C*******115 -150.00 231.15
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Cash Sent Fee -9.50 221.65
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -40.00 181.65
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 181.15
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 Recurring Card Purchase: Netflix 866-579-7172 (Card 9781) -49.00 132.15
08/10/2023 07/10/2023 International Processing Recurring Card Purchase Fee: -3.00 129.15
08/10/2023 08/10/2023 SMS Notification Fee: 4 notification(s) -1.20 127.95
09/10/2023 06/10/2023 Recurring Card Purchase: Showmax Randburg (Card 9781) -99.00 28.95

Transactions not yet processed on your account up to 09/10/2023
There are no Unprocessed Transaction Items

* Transactions before 1 April 2018: amount inclusive of 14% VAT

* Transactions from 1 April 2018: amount inclusive of 15% VAT
Cheques not yet processed on your account up to 09/10/2023
There are no Unprocessed Cheque Items

Available Balance: 0.00

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 5 of 5

Unique Document No.: 22d60e3b-e360-414b-912c-a7dd4c25e6dc / 204 / V7.0 - 01/04/2018 (ddmmccyy)

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pFad v3 Proxy

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