COS 341: Discrete Mathematics
COS 341: Discrete Mathematics
COS 341: Discrete Mathematics
See instructions on the “assignments” web-page on how and when to turn in homework,
and be sure to read the collaboration and late policy for this course. Approximate point
values are given in parentheses.
2. (10) Use induction (or strong induction) to prove that it is possible using only 4-cent
and 7-cent stamps to form exact postage of n cents for any n ≥ 18.
4. (10) The game of chomp is played on an m × n grid between two players, Alice and
Bob, with Alice going first. Initially the grid is filled with cookies, as shown in the left
figure below, in this case, on a 4 × 5 grid. The top left cookie is poison, and whoever eats
it, loses the game. The players take turns eating cookies, and at least one of the remaining
cookies must be eaten on every turn. A player can choose to eat any remaining cookie, but
doing so causes all of the remaining cookies below or to the right of the chosen cookie to
also be eaten. For instance, in the center figure below, Alice has eaten the cookie in the
blackened square, causing the five cookies below or to its right also to be eaten. Similarly,
in the right figure, Bob has eaten the cookie in the blackened square of that figure, causing
the three remaining cookies below or to its right also to be eaten.
Suppose the game is played on a 2 × n grid (that is, with two rows and n columns),
where n ≥ 1. Find a winning strategy for Alice. In other words, show how Alice can play
in such a way that she is guaranteed to win. Be sure to prove that your strategy always
causes Alice to win, regardless of how Bob plays.
5. (10) Use induction to prove that the natural numbers are well ordered. That is, use
induction (or strong induction) to show that for any subset S of N, if S is non-empty, then
S has a least element. Or equivalently, you can prove the contrapositive of this statement,
namely, that if S does not have a least element, then S is empty.
(We say that x is a least element of a set S if x ∈ S and if x ≤ y for every y ∈ S. Not
all sets have least elements, for instance, the set of all negative integers, or the set of all
(strictly) positive real numbers.)