(ACCCOB2) Reflection Paper
(ACCCOB2) Reflection Paper
(ACCCOB2) Reflection Paper
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Universal Robina Corporation classifies its investments at fair value and initial
recognition and subsequently measures them at amortized cost, fair value through other
comprehensive income, and fair value through profit or loss. Such classification of their
financial assets depend on the latter’s contractual cash flow components and the
corporation’s business model for managing them when it comes to initial recognition.
However, given the exception of trade receivables that do not have a significant financing
component, URC initially measures a financial asset at its fair value; and in the case wherein
such asset is not at FVTPL, it is measured at transaction costs. The financial assets of the
company as of December 31, 2019 and 2018 consist of financial assets at amortized cost,
financial assets designated at FVOCI with no recycling of cumulative gains and losses upon
derecognition (equity instruments), derivative assets at FVOCI and financial assets at
FVTPL (equity instruments). To emphasize when it comes to debt instruments, the
corporation classifies such at amortized cost or FVOCI, but they also described that they
may be designated at FVTPL on initial recognition to reduce any sort of accounting
mismatch if the situation so provides.
The company’s investment properties consist of properties that are held to earn
rentals or for capital appreciation or both, and those which are not occupied by entities in
the Group. Investment properties, except for land, are carried at cost less accumulated
depreciation and any impairment loss, if any. Land is carried at cost less any impairment
loss, if any. The carrying amount includes the cost of replacing part of an existing
investment property at the time that cost is incurred if the recognition criteria are met, and
excludes the cost of day-to-day servicing of an investment property.
Additionally, they have also invested in joint ventures wherein they use the equity
method of accounting. In the arrival of the event wherein there has been a change
recognized directly in the investees’ equity, the company recognizes its share of any
changes and discloses this, when applicable, in the other comprehensive income in the
consolidated statement of changes in equity. Profits and losses arising from transactions
between URC and the joint ventures are eliminated to the extent of the interest in the joint
Found in p.25 of their financial statement, it was stated that inventories, including
goods-in-process, are recorded at cost and subsequently valued at the lower of cost and net
realizable value.
The corporation accounts for the costs incurred in bringing products to the present location
and conditions as follows:
b) Materials in-transit
● Cost is determined using the specific identification basis.
Finally, their inventory account consists of raw materials, finished goods, spare parts
and supplies, containers/packaging materials, and goods-in-process.
*additional appendix