PY6030 Term 1
PY6030 Term 1
PY6030 Term 1
If Pt has no access to PCI within 90 minutes, give thrombolytic. Ideally should be done LONG TERM MANAGEMENT:
within 12 hrs. ACEi /ARBS
Reduced mortality regardless of bp.
ARRHYTMIAS & ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (AF): Risk Factors of AF: N+V, taste disturbances are commonly experienced by reduced when dose is
Modifiable Unmodifiable reduced.
Cardiac Arrhythmia – Age High BP Neurological Sx tremor, ataxia. Usually occurs when loading dose is
abnormal rhythms of the Congenital Sleep apnoea – hypoxia can cause cell abnormalities – cells administered by improve when maintenance dose is started.
heart causing ineffective heart defects which are non- pacemaker cells generate an action
pumping / disturbance of the Genetics potential DRONEDARONE:
electrical rhythm of the Hx of Heart Diabetes – high glucose levels can damage myocytes Similar structure to amiodarone but considered as less effective. However, this
heart. disease Obesity seems to be better tolerated with fewer S/E.
Prior open- Thyroid problems
Some arrhythmias are benign heart surgery Exposure to stimulants FLECAINIDE 300mg/ PROPAFENONE600mg:
but some can be dangerous ‘pill in the pocket’
and require immediate suitable for those with paroxysmal AF with no LVSD and IHD.
treatment to prevent cardiac Systolic BP >100bpm and Diastolic >70bpm
arrest / haemodynamic PATIENT ADVICE: Take if AF is lasting for >5min. Go to hospital if not resolved
Palpitations and Irregular pulse
compromise. within 6-8 hrs or new Sx develop. MAX DOSE IS ONE IN 24HRS. Inform GP.
Difficulty in breathing (dysponea)
Shortness of breath and dizziness Not for Pt with known IHD/ HF.
CLASSIFICATION OF ARRHYTHMIAS: S/E: Flecainide: visual disturbances – blurred vision.
Tiredness/ fatigue – due to insufficient blood flow = less O2 being delivered to
1. Heart Rate: Propafenone: constripation.
Tachycardic – over 100bpm
Patient may have syncope – sudden fainting
Bradycardic – less than 60 bpm RATE CONTROL
Generalised weakness and poor exercise intolerance
Arrhythmia is not terminated but the ventricular response in controlled.
2. Origin: Common Tx for older patients or those with a long Hx of AF and those with persistent AF
Atria – Supraventricular MANAGEMENT:
NICE Guidelines prevent thromboembolic events; relieve symptoms; restore and (cannot interfere w/ rhythm)
Ventricles – ventricular
maintain sinus rhythm and reduce and control rapid HR. Identify underlying cause.
1st Line:
3. Time Course: Rate control is preferred as maintaining sinus rhythm is difficult and drugs used to do BETA BLOCKERS (Class II) (excluding sotalol) or RATE LIMITING CCB (Diltiazem – off
Paroxysmal – intermittent and terminates by itself this have plenty of S/E. label or verapamil)
Persistent – Does not terminate when they occur. Requires electrical or DIGOXIN: Only consider monotherapy with digoxin for Pts with non-paroxysmal AF
pharmacological intervention. ≥ 2 episodes. RHYTHM CONTROL or ‘Cardioversion’ if they are sedentary. Mechanism of this is not completely understood. – said to
Permanent – arrhythmia continues despite intervention. > 1 year Aimed at restoring and maintaining sinus rhythm. bind to Na/K/ATPase pump in myocyte.
Recommended for younger Pts / or those with new onset AF – prevention of life-long AF.
CARDIAC ACTION POTENTIAL: Can be done pharmacologically for those who are medically stable. Give 2nd Line:
Phase 4 – resting potential amiodarone or flecainide. Combination of two
Normally at -90mV. There is an equilibrium in ions Flecainide – younger patients and those who DO NOT HAVE IHD.
entering and leaving the cell. Cells are waiting for Amiodarone – more elderly patients at risk of IHD. Which one should be used?
stimulus to depolarise. NOTE: Amiodarone S/E include lung disease, can cause thyroid issues and corneal IHD HPT HF OTHER
-70mV – sodium channels open = depolarisation. deposits photosensitivity. BETA ++ +/- ++ Thyrotoxicosis
If Pt is medically unstable (chest pain, low BP, syncope and evidence of HF) BLOCKER Post MI
Phase 0 – Na+ influx Electrical electrodes with pads CCB + ++ - not used as it COPD
reduces force of Bronchospasm
Phase 1 – K+ efflux Vaughan – Williams classification: contraction
Sodium channels close – leakage of K+ out of cell. Class Drug DIGOXIN +/- +/- + Sedentary
1a - Na+ channel Quinidine Lifestyle(monotherapy)
Phase 2 – Ca2+ influx blockers Procainamide
Plateu phase. Resulting in contraction due to Ca2+ entry/ This is when the cell contracts. How do they work?
1c – Na+ channel Propafenone
Phase 3 – K+ efflux BETA BLOCKERS:
blockers Flecainide
*0-3 is called the refractory period.* Inhibits sympathetic activation.
2 – B Blockers Beta- blockers
Phase 4 – Resting potential allows ventricles to fill. Decrease SAN activity = decreases sinus rate.
3 – K+ion channel Amiodarone
blockade Phase 3 Sotalol – has proarrhythmic effect - not be used in minor cases. Decrease conduction velocity and inhibit abnormal pacemaker activity.
Atrial fibrillation is the common type of arrhythmia.
Dronedarone Beta blockers can also increase refractory period and AP duration. = can block
No.1 cause for hospital admission regarding cardiac arrhythmia.
4 - CCB Verapamil arrhythmias.
Prevalence increases in older patients.
Diltiazem The choice of beta blockers can depend on the pt’s co-morbidities, local policy and cost.
AF = originates from the ATRIA. form of supraventricular arrhythmia.
Pt w/ AF alone = atenolol 50-100mg od.
Long-term rhythm control: Pt with HF: Bisoprolol, carvedilol or nebivolol. licensed for use in HF.
Atrial rhythm is irregular – HR 300 – 500 bpm = tachycardiac
AV node slows down speed therefore ventricular rate is not as fast as atrial rate.
Pt w/ DM: Cardio-selective beta blockers (e.g atenolol, bisprolol, metoprolol and nebivolol)
Beta Blockers is preferred.
Cardiac: Non-cardiac: Drugs S/E: bradycardia, cold extremities, sleep
Common. AF usually Hyperthyroidism, acute E.g Beta 2 agonists Check Pt’s pulse and bp 1 week disturbances or nightmares (in these cases consider
2nd Choice:
occurs following damage to infections, e- abnormalities Thyroxine – tx for after each dose titration to switching to a water-soluble B-Blocker as this does
Flecainide or propafenone – if Pt has no IHD or CHF
the heart e.g in MI / (Ca2+, Na+ and K+) hypothyroidism assess response to Tx. not cross BBB), fatigue, sexual dysfunction.
Dronedarone – suitable if no LV systolic dysfunction or CHF
infarction Alcohol
Caffeine Amiodarone – Suitable if Pt has LVSD or CHF.
AMIODARONE: Contraindications and cautions: Hx of obstructive airways disease, severe bradycardia,
Long T1/2, uncontrolled HF, severe hypotension, frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia.
Some cells that are not normally pacemaker cells sends electrical signals
Slow onset but long duration of action
RATE LIMITING CCB (Diltiazem and verapamil): ANTICOAGULATION FOR STROKE PREVENTION IN AF (DR KHONG): TTR – Time in Therapeutic Range = check if Pt is taking enough warfarin. Poor TTR = more
Binds to L-type Ca channels located on cardiac myocytes and cardial nodal tissue Stroke if a fatal consequence of AF. strokes and greater risk of bleeding. Strokes DO happen on warfarin.
(SAN and AVN). These channels are important in regulating influx of Ca2+ which
stimulates cardiac contraction. Prevalence of AF increases with age. Patients with AF have a greater risk of developing a DIRECT ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS (DOAC):
CCB blocks Ca entry decrease in myocardial force of contraction (-ve ionotropy) stroke (4-5x more likely) strokes as a result of AF are usually more severe. There are a number of new DOACs and they act on different parts of the coagulation
Decrease HR (-ve chronotropy) cascade.
Decrease conduction velocity within the heart (-ve dromotropy), particularly in the HPT is common cause of AF. A study carried out amongst Norwegian men over 35 years
AVN. showed that AF is related to BP. High BP = more likely to develop AF. HPT is also a major
CCBs can decrease the firing rate of abnormal pacemaker sites within the heart but determinant of stroke risks in AF.
are also related to their ability to decrease conduction velocity which prolongs
repolarization, especially in the AVN. AFFIRM Study on Rhythm Control vs Rate Control:
No survival advantage but there is a greater risk of hospitalisation with rhythm
Start w/ low dose and titrate up until AF is controlled. control – 80.1% vs 73% (p<0.001)
Diltiazem – not licensed for AF therefore use is off- Rate control may be a safer Tx option.
Check the Pt’s pulse and BP 1 label.
week after each dose titration 60 -180mg tds. If MR is prescribed – specify brand as CHA2DS2 – VASc
to assess response to Tx. brands are not interchangeable. Quantifies risk of stroke.
CHA2DS2 – VASc criteria Score
Verapamil – doses 40mg – 120mg tds. Congestive HF / left ventricular dysfunction 1
S/E: Bradycardia, vasodilatory adverse effect, verapamil causes constipation, diltiazem Age (over 75) 2
causes dizziness, atrioventricular block, palpitations, GI disorders, erythema, and fatigue. Diabetes mellitus 1
Stroke / ischaemic attack / TE 2
CI and cautions: congestive HF, severe hypotension, caution with pregnant women and Vascular disease (prior to MI, peripheral artery disease or aortic plaque 1
women of childbearing age. Age 65 - 74 1
Sex category (Female) 1 Remember cascade and which part of the
DIGOXIN: cascade the drug acts on.
*>2 = High risk.
Blocks the Na+/K+ pump. Mechanisms are unknown.
Reduces SAN firing rate. = decreasing HR, -ve chronotropy) ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS:
Conduction velocity of electrical impulses through the AVN. Trials of New Oral Anticoagulants:
Loading dose: 250 mcg to 750 mcg for 7 days. Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban
Coumarin derivative
Maintenance dose: 125mcg to 250 mcg od. Brand Pradaxa Xarelto Eliquis
Mechanism: Inhibits the reactivation of Vit K in the liver and therefore inhibits the
Dose should be adjusted according to renal function, initial lading dose and HR response. Clinical RE-LY ROCKET- AF ARTISTOTLE
formation of clotting factors. Specifically, II, VII, IX and X; Protein C and S.
Protein C and S are anti thrombotic factors complications with warfarin can also Trial
S/E: cardiac adverse effects usually associated with overdose, n+v, visual abnormalities. Therapeutic Thrombin Factor Xa Factor Xa
cause a thrombus. – paradoxical effect.
CI and cautions: supraventricular arrhythmias, caution with renal impairment, Target
Warfarin is only effective if Pt’s INR is between 2 and 3 = therapeutic window.
hypokalaemia, elderly people. Dosing 150mg or 110mg bd 20mg od 5mg bd
Above this, Pt can suffer from haemorrhage/ ischaemic stroke.
S/E: Bleeding, fetal warfarin syndrome, n+v, pancreatitis, diarrhoea and rash T1/2 8-7 hours 5-9 hours 9-14 hours
Interactions: TCAs, diuretics, St John’s wort. May increase plasma conc. Amiodarone, CCB Renal 80% 33% 25%
Advatages: Can reduce stroke risks by 64%.
and spironolactone. Medicines can cause K+ loss. Metabolism
Can interact with food and other drugs. Hepatic 20% 75% 67%
Monitoring: Routine monitoring of serum is not recommended. Metabolism
Requires regular monitoring
Consider checking levels if signs of toxicity occur such as confusion, nausea, visual Unpredictable pharmacology (can also cause thrombus formation) NOTES: 150mg Similar risk of stroke Decreases risk of
disturbances and anorexia or if poor adherence is suspected. Pharmacokinetics: Risk of stroke down by Decrease in risk of stroke by 21%
Take blood samples 6 hrs after previous dose but ideally 8-12 hrs afterwards. Readily absorbed but 97% is protein bound = inactive. 34% intracranial Reduced risk of
Metabolised by CYP450 Decrease in risk of haemorrhage by major bleeding by
Check blood chemistry (electrolytes, urea and creatinine) annually or frequently in NOT FOR USE IN PREGNANCY – can distribute to the breast and can also cross intracranial 33% 31%
elderly people or for those with renal impairment. the placenta. haemorrhage by 74% Risk of GI bleeding Reduced risk of
Drug Interactions: Risk of major bleeding intracranial
Inhibitors of CYP (+ve effect) Inducers of CYP (-ve effect) 110mg haemorrhage by
If drug Tx is unsuitable/has failed to control Sx – ablation can be considered.
Alcohol (acute) Carbamazepine risk of intracranial 49%
Ablation destroy abnormal sources or electrical impulses that may be causing AF.
Allopurinol Rifampicin haemorrhage by 69%
Amiodarone Alcohol (chronic) risk of major bleeding
Consider a pacemaker and atrioventricular node ablation for people with permanent AF
with Sx of left ventricular dysfunction caused by high ventricular rates. Omeprazole Phenytoin
Advantages: Unresolved Issues:
Phenytoin Barbiturates
Pharmacology: Potential Issues:
ANTICOAGULATION: Statins Oral Contraceptives
Predictable Long – term safety
Inefficient blood flow = pooling. This can result is formation of thrombus. Tamoxifen
High specificity Agents haven’t been compared against each
Pt with AF 5x more likely to suffer from a stroke. Erythromycin
Rapid onset of action other
Fewer drug interactions Lack of antidote to cure bleeding issues
Reduce risk by Cardioversion OR anticoagulants (warfarin or DOAC) Metronidazole
Drugs w/ high protein – binding affinity can compete with warfarin and
Fixed daily dose Monitoring:
CHA2DS2 – VASc if score ≥2 then patient needs an anticoagulant. displace it
No need for monitoring Adherence?
HASBLED ≥ 3 indicated ‘high risk’ NSAIDs, Diazepam, Amitriptyline, Phenytoin, Propanolol,
Patient: How to detect accumulation or overdose?
Chlorpromazine, Chlordizepoxide, Tolbutamide
Good efficacy/ tolerable Monitoring may be good for Pt reassurance
What are the consequences of AF?
Cardiac output is decreased and therefore can result in HF. Minimal/no food interactions
PROTECTING PATIENT’S AT RISK OF THROMBOEMBOLISM: Ask for more info if needed Plasminogen activators (streptokinase/alteplase/retaplase)
Thrombo = clot; Embolism = blockage Lifestyle advice *refer to cardioresp prac* Glycoprotein IIb/IIa inhibitor (abciximab/tirofiban)
Heparin – unfractionated /LMW
Diseases that arise from thrombus formation in BV include stroke, MI, and venous HASBLED – assessing risk of bleeding:
thromboembolism. Commonly used in the UK. Plasminogen Activators:
HASBLED Criteria Score Plasminogen plasmin = degrade fibrin and therefore breaks up clot.
Components of a blood clot: Hypertension 1 Streptokinase and alteplase have been shown to reduce mortality regardless of age
Fibrin – stabilises the clot and stops it falling apart; forms a mesh that traps RBC. (more Abnormal Renal/ Liver function 1 Reteplase and tenecteplase -licensed for acute myocardial infarction.
important in clots that form in veins (slow moving blood) – although it still plays a role in Stroke 1 Trials have shown that the benefit is greatest in those with ECG changes that include
arterial blood clots.) Bleeding 1 ST segment elevation (especially in those with anterior infarction) and in patients with
Platelets – type of blood cells that clumps; adds to mass of the thrombus (more Labile INR 1 bundle branch block.
important component that form in arteries.) Elderly (>65) 1 Alteplase should be given within 6–12 hours of symptom onset,
Drugs or Alcohol 1 Reteplase and Streptokinase within 12 hours of symptom onset, but ideally all should
2 classes of Antithrombotic drugs: be given within 1 hour
Anticoagulants – slow down blood clotting – reduces fibrin formation Modifiable risks: Tenecteplase should be given as early as possible and usually within 6 hours of
(E.g. heparins, fondaparinux, warfarin, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, edoxaban and apixaban) HPT, INR, medications and alcohol intake symptom onset.
Antiplatelet – prevent platelet aggregation prevent thrombus formation Alteplase, streptokinase and urokinase can be used for other thromboembolic
(E.g aspirin, clopidogrel, prasugel, ticagrelor and dipyridamole) Potentially modifiable: disorders such as deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Alteplase is also
Blood platelets are inactive until damage to bv or blood coagulation causes then to Anaemia, renal function, liver function, platelet count/function used for acute ischaemic stroke.
explode into sticky irregular cells and aggregate. Urokinase is also licensed to restore the patency of occluded intravenous catheters
Non-modifiable: and cannulas blocked with fibrin clots.
Ag, Hx, Genetics, Liver disease
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors (clopidogrel, prasugel, ticagrelor):
Reducing bleeding risks: Prevents platelet aggregation and thrombus formation bu inhibition of GP iib/IIz
Control BP receptor on platelet surface.
Antithrombotic therapy is associated with bleeding…
Review benefits and risks of using anticoags AND antiplatelets Used in combination w/ aspirin and unfractionated heparin for prevention or early MI
Applies to both anticoagulants and antiplatelet.
The risk of bleeding is greater during the first 90 days of oral anticoag therapy. in Pt w/ unstable angina/NSTEMI.
Taking a combination of both (e.g in ACS treatment) can further increase this risk.
GI bleeding – dark or bright red blood in stool or black stools associated with SOB and Review DHx – interactions? (SSRIs also predispose Pt to bleeding)
Consider a PPI – bleeding commonly occurs in the GI Heparin:
Heparin binds to the enzyme inhibitor antithrombin III (AT).This activated AT then
Bleeding in the brain (intracerebral haemorrhage) – sudden onset of severe headache,
Pharmacist’s Role and antithrombotic treatment: inactivates thrombin, factor Xa and other proteases thus inhibiting
loss of vision, slurred speech, trouble swallowing, loss of balance, sudden weakness or
Inform Pt about antiplatelet and anticoagulants = help select appropriate Tx. Unfractionated Heparin -short half life - stop with immediate affect
face arm and leg possibly on one side.
Review the risks and benefits of continuing therapy. Patients should be aware of Low molecular Weight Heparins(Dalteparin/Enoxaparin/Tinzaparin)-Longer half life
Bruising is also common.
Abcimab and Tirofiban = bleeding risks. LMW forming a complex with antithrombin (AT) catalysing the inhibition of several
stops fibrinogen bridge Support – check if they’re adhering to Tx. activated blood coagulation factors: thrombin (factor IIa), factor IXa, Xa, XIa and XIIa.
Optimise therapy to prevent emboli and Counselling normally takes 30 mins – a lot When is, it used and what are the factors which governs choice?
forming – stops
bleeds. – NMS Service of info. Make sure Pt understands – let Treatment of DVT/ unstable angina and NSTEMI – prophylaxis against
coagulation. venous thromboembolism
them ask Qs during follow up .
What can affect Pt adherence? Unfractionated – poor bioavailability and short half-life therefore LMWH -
Review suitability and scores plan for
Clopidogrel, Ticagrelor Patient perception of meds (warfarin is preferred
and Prasugel – works on also used as rat poison)
P2Y12 and stops ADP Complexity of regimen – establish routine LMW Heparin:
inhibits coagulation. Lifestyle factors – dietary, alcohol and travel LMWHs have high absorption, high bioavailability, and long half-lives enabling once-
S/E and tolerability issues. or twice-daily dosing with predictable dose-response relationships
Psychological problems These factors enable the LMWHs to be used without laboratory monitoring and at
Cognitive impairment home for acute DVT management
Studies continue to show that LMWH preparations effective as Unfractionated form
Promoting adherence: VTE disease prophylaxis, management of acute VTE disease, unstable angina, and
Within 7 days from initiation – Pt should be referred to qualified professional. NSTEMI
1-10 days = primary care Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is less of a problem with LMWHs.
Where are antithrombotic initiated? 2-4 weeks = follow up Pt – they might have stopped taking it. Use of LMWHs has resulted in cost benefits in the treatment of acute DVT/Unstable
A&E for Pt with newly Dx PE/DVT Follow up 3 months’ after Angina and NSTEMI as well as in prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism
Cardiac/stroke wards/hospitals – Pt with new metallic heart valve with Pt Dx w/ AF or Always check adherence when dispensing. NMS service utilise (improves adherence by
stroke or VTE. you can get slow blood flow around metallic valve. They will be 10%) Measure Pt’s platelet count before Tx w/ LMWH or Heparin.
referred and followed up in an anticoagulation clinic. Management: clinic appointments, MUR, blood tests – check scores and INR
Pt Dx w/ AF – often have GP referral unless GP is trained to initiate anticoagulation HEPARIN-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA (HIT):
Pt requiring primary/secondary prevention of IHD. Management during hospital admission: Low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) due to heparin administration.
Always check indication for warfarin – medicines reconciliation HIT is caused by formation of abnormal antibodies against platelets.
Initiating Oral Anticoagulation: Recalculate CHA2DS2-VASc and HASBLED scores Doesn’t happen to a huge no. of Pt.
Explain to Pt: Support Jr Doctors as they may be unsure. Less of a problem in LMWH
What an anticoagulant is and how it works On discharge document and communicate dose and strength – refer to Pt’s usual clinic Give Argatroban instead.
Go through warfarin/DOAC counselling checklist – *refer to CardioResp Practical book* Document and communicate any changes to medication
Give resources such as yellow book, leaflets and decision aids Provide info leaflets to family/careers as well as Pt.
Some Pt have more choices than other. For example, AF patients can take warfarin or * Familiarise with anticoagulation therapy – interactions and routine monitoring* ISCHAEMIA:
DOACs but Pt with metallic valve can only take warfarin. IV THROMBOLYTICS:
Act on symptoms on bleeding Types of thrombolytic drugs used for MI: What is ischaemia?
Supply and demand imbalance. May be as a result of coronary artery occlusion, open heart Bi- directional – can work in reverse mode REPURFUSION – Restoring blood flow:
surgery, cardiac transplantation, angina? Na+ : Ca2+ 23Na NMR shows no further increase in [Na]i
Forward mode – 3 in :1 out Sodium channel – back to normal conductivity
To understand ischaemia, we need to understand the ionic homeostasis in myocardial cells. Reverse mode – 1 out : one in Na+/K+ pump – rapidly become reactivated
Electrogenic – activated by membrane potential during an AP NHE – reperfusion removes extracellular acidosis.
In a cardiac myocyte, an ATPase pump moves 3Na+ ions out of the cell and 2K+ in. Transports Ca2+ in during depolarisation and out during repolarisation Issue occurs proton accumulation lead to proton leakage to extracellular space
Ischaemia leads to a drop in ATP levels and therefore the ionic haemostasis is affected. Phosphorylated by PKA and PKC reperfusion washes acidity in extracellular space extracellular = normal but
intracellular = acidic this leads to a large proton gradient NHE works and
[K+]e accumulation in ischaemia Ca2+ Channels: therefore Na can accumulate inside the cell
This is due to the fact that Na+ is not effluxed as a result of low ATPase activity. Alpha 1 unit – pore forming S1 – S6 This is corrected by NCX working in reverse mode.
30 mins of global ischaemia (interrupting entire blood flow to the heart) can induce Auxiliary subunits = Beta, alpha2delta, gamma = open for modification by other KB-R7943 is an inhibitor of the NCX channel BUT ONLY IN REVERSE MODE
a 15-20mM increase in [K+]. molecules. affecting calcium influx. This is because calcium accumulation can be damaging to
Using the Nernst Equation for K+ approximates the resting membrane potential S5 and S6 are selective = only calcium can enter the cell cardiac myocytes.
which is around -85mV. BASAL S1, S2, S3 and S4 = voltage sensors
There are 7 isoforms CALCIUM ACCUMULATION:
Na+/K+ ATPase pump CaV 1.1 – 1.4 Can activate proteases that are calcium sensitive break down of proteins in
ATP dependent. CaV 2.1 – 2.3 cardiac cell.
Main Na+ efflux pathway in cardiac cells. Increase in [Na+]i as a result of the CaV 1.2 alpha 1c – found in Depending on cytosol conc, there can be Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria
ATPase pump drives NCX to pump Ca+ in contractility. ventricular myocytes. can activate mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) collapse
Has 3 alpha and 2 beta subunits. Sodium has different affinities for these subunits. L-type Ca2+ channels have membrane potential and interfere with ATP synthesis
The pump is regulated by PHOSPHOLEMMAN (PLM) which acts as an inhibitor. two forms depending on Increase in Ca can also cause Ca2+ accumulation inside mitochondria – can
If PLM becomes phosphorylated = inhibited. (The inhibitor becomes inhibited) activity – the largest is 240 combine with phosphates = calcium phosphate – insoluble forms crystals
Inhibition of PLM speeds up the activity of the pump and therefore speeds up the kDA big. interfere with ATP synthesis
contractility. (NCX activity) If a part is cleaved (loop in CELL DEATH and IRREVERSIBLE INJURY
intracellular space) the channel is 190kDa in size.
Na+ Channels Ca2+ channels are activated by depolarisation – open during Phase 0
Alpha subunit forms a pore where sodium ions can enter. Also has a ‘window’ current which is around -25mv to ~0mV
Na+ channels have 4 domains each consisting of 6 transmembrane domains.
Sodium channels have different isoforms found in different areas of the body: INTRACELLULAR SODIUM – BASAL CONDITIONS:
Nav 1.1 – 1.3, 1.6 and 1.7 =
Neuronal There are multiple methods used to measure [Na]i:
Nav 1.4 = skeletal 1. Radioactive 24Na – unsafe – not widely used
Nav 1.5 = cardiac encoded 2. Sodium selective microelectrodes – stab cells with 2 pieces of glass – difficult to do
by SCN 5 gene. 3. 23Na NMR – commonly used
Studies have shown 1.1 and
1.3 is also found in cardiac Fluorescent dyes can also be used:
cells but 1.5 is predominant. SBFI
There are intra and extracellular CoroNa Green – track Na in CYTOPLASM
loops which contain AA that can be CoroNa Red – track Na in mitochondria
phosphorylated by protein kinases (A + C). This increases the conductance of
sodium through the cell meaning faster re-uptake. NAdr – can do this. Sodium influx occurs via many routes:
TETRODOTOXIN (TTX): found in pufferfish – toxin which inhibit Na+ channels. Sodium channels
TTX has a higher affinity for Na+ channels in the brain than in cardiac cells. Important in disease and are
3Na+/Ca+ exchanger (NCX)
However, this toxin can still be fatal. studied commonly.
Na+/H+ exchanges (NHE)
Mutations in Na+ channels can cause a long QT syndrome – this can be dangerous Na+/HCO3- symport
as it leads to arrhythmias and is characterised by sudden fainting. (QRS wave = Na+/K+/Cl- co transporter
Ventricles contracting; T wave = ventricles relaxing) 2NA+/Mg2+ exchange
Gates: Sodium channels have gates and are open depending on voltage. LIPOPROTEINS AND HEART DISEASE
30mins of ischaemia can increase [K+]e to ~25mM using the Nernst equation Mitochondria:
the membrane potential increase from -85mV to ~-50mV depolarisation. NHE is more active here than in the cell. Physiology of Lipid metabolism:
SODIUM ‘WINDOW’ CURRENT = -60mV to -10MV = channels are open and are able E- Transport chain (requires O2) – protons are effluxed therefore the mitochondrial 1. Fats from diet arrive in the small intestine as lipid droplets
to conduct sodium in the cell. matrix is more alkaline than the cytosol. 2. Lipid droplets are digested into micelles and absorbed into intestinal cells and
Sodium conc. Is slightly lower compared to cytosol ~6nM. monoglycerides and fatty acids. Cholesterol is also absorbed
Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE1/SLC9A1) 3. Intestinal cells package fatty acids, monoglycerides, cholesterol and apoproteins
Not energy dependent – stimulated by acidic pH. into cholymicrons. Chylomicrons consists of little proteins but is predominantly
Inactive at physiological pH – quiescent. IN ISCHAEMIA: made up of lipids.
Exchanges one H+ for one Na+ 23Na NMR shows that [Na+]i can increase 3 -4 fold. Due to to increase in Na+ influx 4. Cholymicrons move to lympathic system before moving to bv. Go to liver but can
9 isoforms and decrease in Na+ efflux. go to adipose tissues.
involved in cell volume and cytoskeletal organisation. Na+/K+ - decrease in ATP inhibits pump accumulation of K+ outside the cell. 5. These deliver lipids and triglyceride to tissues and the remains go to the liver.
In ischaemia, there is a lack of ATP due to incomplete glucose breakdown, shut Na+ channel – Sodium window current due to accumulation of K+ in extracellular
down of e- transport chain. proteins are not shuttled and ATP is not made. space. Membrane potential increases and sodium leaks inside the cells via sodium There are two types of lipoproteins:
Protons accumulate = cells become acidic. channels. Triglyceride rich lipoproteins VLDL – transport of fatty acids to body tissues.
Na+/Ca+ exchanger (NCX) NHE – contributes to sodium accumulation within the cell. Cholesterol rich lipoproteins LDL and HDL (pick up excess cholesterol and brings it to
Important in controlling calcium. liver
Sodium accumulation affects calcium balance inside the cell.
The cardiac isoform is NCX1. Consists of 970 AA and 110 kDa. HDL: LDL:
NCX works in reverse mode – Na+ efflux and Ca2+ influx.
Has 9 transmembrane domains – responsible for ion exchange and transpo HDL protective effect for CHD LDL – strongly assoiated w/
artherosclerosis and CHD –
Lower HDL = high CHD risk Tube passed through nasal cavity
HDL is lowered by smoking, obesity and physical inactivity Pathophysiology: pH measures 5cm above LOS
Imbalance between defensive factors and aggressive factors: Monitors every 4-6 seconds
Clinical Presentation:
Hx: On Examination: Oesophageal manometry – pressures monitored within oesophagus
Diabetes Xanthoma (fatty growths Barium swallow – determines cause of dysphagia, barium sulfate – shows up on X-Rays.
Smoking – major risk factor under skin)
FHx of IHD BMI increase Surgery: If PPIs are not tolerated/ineffective.
Previous CVD High BP Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication: common procedure
Upper portion of stomach wrapped around distal oesophagus, common S/E; dysphagia,
Classification: belching, bloating, flatulence.
Hyperlipidaemia can be inherited.
Treatment: PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE is also diagnosed via endoscopy (ulcers in stomach or duodenum)
Lifestyle changes: Epigastric pain (pain below ribs, upper abdomen)
Check Pt:
Alter eating habits: eat small meals, remain upright after meals, avoid bedtime usually postprandial (after dinner/lunch)
Diabetes control,
snacks Associated with Nausea, heartburn.
Case of hypothyroidism?
Secondary causes Change diet: avoid fatty foods, limit intake of chocolate, peppermint and alcohol. Sx relieved with antacids
Renal disease
Reduce citrus fruits and tomato-based products.
Liver disease? Pain may be relieved by food.
Reduce weight
Alcohol consumption? Aetiology is same as GORD PLUS the presence of
Wear lose fitting clothing H.pylori.
Smoking cessation
Weight loss
Change posture during sleep – elevate head and sleep on left side Helicobacter pylori:
Lifestyle modifications; diet, increase exercise
Gram –ve, associated w/ dyspepsia and GORD.
Antacids: Common cause of ulcers.
Medication: Statins, Ezetimbe and Fibrate
Sodium bicarb, calcium bicarb, magnesium/aluminium salts Increases risk of GI cancers.
These act as a buffer for stomach acids. 80% of people w/ H. pylori are asymptomatic.
Statin: Inhibit HMG CoA reductase involved in making cholesterol
Can significantly decrease LDL levels by 24-50%, increases HDL by 6-12% NOTE: Mg has laxative effect and aluminium can cause constipation. Test: Urea breath test – swallow radioactive urea detect CO2 exhaled
Antacids with Al+Mg reduce undesirable constipation or diarrhoea. Stool antigen test
Ezetimbe: Blocks cholesterol absorption Can decrease Invasive test: rapid urease test; sample from mucosa and apply to slide w/ urea –
Alginate raft
Decreases LDL levels by 18% and increases HDL levels by 1% TG levels. Alginates: colour change if bac is present.
Sodium alginate
Fibrate: increases lipolysis and elimation of TG rish particles by activing lipoprotein Act by increasing viscosity of stomach contents Tx: PPI plus 2 a/biotics for ONE WEEK
lipase and reducing apoprotein C-3 activity which forms a protective raft
PCSK9i: PCSK9 regulates LDL receptors in response to cholesterol levels H2 receptor antagonist: SUMMARY:
Binds to receptors and allows LDL to enter cells. Competitive antagonist of histamine at H2
Alirocumab receptors in parietal cells.w
Range: When Sx is severe or resitant to OTC Tx.
LDL levels – less than 100mg/dL or 0.7mmol/L to 1.4 mmol/L Tx example:
Possibility of cancer: Lanzo 30mg every 12 hrs
Aged 55 and over with NEW onset dyspepsia Clarithromycin 500mg every 12hrs
Dysphagia – difficulty in swallowing Amo 1g every 8hrs.
Haematemisis – blood in vomit; malaena – black stool due to digested blood HEART FAILURE NOTES (FREESTONE)
DYSPEPSIA – collection of Sx, not a diagnosis in itself. If Pt’s Sx is severe or suggestive of cancer – refer to endoscopy.
20-40% of the UK have dyspepsia; 68m Rx in UK per year. GP advice: Four weeks of full dose H2 antagonist or four weeks of PPI Tx.
Upper abdominal pain, discomfort If Sx do not improve – send to endoscopy
Most people will experience these Sx STOP drug Tx two weeks before endoscopy.
Heartburn occasionally but not have the disease.
Gastric reflux LA classification of reflux oesophagitis:
Criteria – more than one episode/week Grade Description
If symptoms of gastro-oesophageal are severe/frequent and have significant impacts A One or more mucosal lesions; max size 5mm.
reflux disease. B One or more mucosal breaks, max length >5mm but not continuous across
mucosal folds.
GORD – diagnosed on endoscopy/pH studies showing inflammation in oesophagus C Mucosal breaks between more than two mucosal folds but less than 75% of
circumference is involved.
Risk factors: D Mucosal breaks more than 75% of oesophageal circumference.
Genetic Demographic Behaviour
GI disease/Sx in immediate Pregnancy Smoking PPIs: Only 60-70% of patients take PPIs correctly
relative Age Alcohol There is poor compliance e.g. not taking it on an empty stomach.
BMI Drugs: anticholinergic, NSAIDs,
Aspirin, Oral steroids and nitrates Oesophageal pH monitoring:
Blood pressure: measurement of the force against the walls of the arteries as the heart
pump blood around the body; arterial BP.
Cardiac Output x Total Peripheral Resistance = BP
Indirect: sphygmomanometer and auscultating (listening)
with a stethoscope. The sounds are called Korotkoff sounds.
Investigation: CXR, ECG – sinus tachycardia, D-dimers (normal <0.3mg/l), troponin levels 67
Chest pain – worse when inhaling.
Sudden SOB
Coughing up blood
Isolated systolic HPT - systolic BP over 160mmHg and diastolic is less than 90mmHg.
Occurs in the elderly. Related to stiffening of arteries and loss of elasticity.
Investigation: Test for proteinuria and haematuria, ECG, if no target organ damage –
measure BP in 7 days. Estimate CVD risk. QRisk
Look at BP Tx notes
Alpha blockers:
Fludrocortisone: widely used
Not to be used long-term
Store in the fridge
Initial dose 50mcg and build up
Check Pt for signs of hypokalaemia
S/E: oedema and fluid retention
*presyncope = prodrome such as heachache, dizziness and visual disturbances but does not Droxipoda: significant improvement in dizziness
result in syncope * Significant reduction in falls
Pure autonomic failure: Check supine and standing BP
Known as idiopathic orthostatic hypotension. Monitor standing HR
Happens in 55-75 y/o
More common in men
Concealed for years due to compensatory mechanism
Generalised weakness and dizziness
Gait disturbance
*Simple faint:
N+V and Excessive sweating