Evolution Questionnaire With Answers
Evolution Questionnaire With Answers
Evolution Questionnaire With Answers
Describe the difference between evolutionary theory (ET) and creationist theory (CT)
R= TE: species change and adapt over time. TC: species do not change, they are preserved as they were
One of the risks of transgenic foods is that when these crops pollinate other non-transgenic crops, there is
genetic contamination, which can generate__________________________
R= coexistence between transgenic and non-transgenic foods.
According to Sociology, there are reasons or causes that motivate the emergence of racial conflicts. What
are these causes?
R=Discrimination and violation of human rights
Complete the following text with the missing words in the spaces:
According to American bioethics, the principle called_______________________________ says it is
obligation of the doctor to respect the decisions of the patient or experimental subject regarding whether
or not to take a certain therapy or treatment. For the patient to make a morally responsible decision, they
must have all the relevant information about the case to____________________________
R= patient autonomy, issue informed consent.
Luis is a young doctor who finds it necessary to inform a patient that the medication administered to
him for the treatment of his illness can cause side effects such as neurological damage. His boss
advises him not to go into details with his patient as it will create uncertainty, assuming Luis will listen
to his colleague's advice.
The mastery of an activity such as the maintenance of industrial machines and equipment that is
achieved based on experience is an example of knowledge.___
R= empirical What is the concept that includes several levels of biological organization, encompasses
species of plants and animals that live in a place, their genetic variability, the ecosystems of which these
species are part and the landscapes or regions in which they are part? where the ecosystems are located
and also; Does it include the ecological and evolutionary processes that occur at the level of genes,
species, ecosystems and landscapes?
R= biome What is the name of the process that allows recording the flow of blood through the cavities and
valves of the heart and blood vessels and that is useful to detect cardiac problems in the fetus? R=
What is the name of the high frequency wave (greater than 20,000 Hz) that is not perceptible to the
human ear, which, when encountering an obstacle, will be partially reflected and the part that penetrates
will do so until the next obstacle? and is it a technique used in medical diagnoses?
R= Ultrasound
A phenotypic ratio of 3:1 in the offspring of a cross of two organisms heterozygous for a single trait occurs
R = The attali are segregated independently in meiosis
What do you do when someone is talking about neo-Darwinian theory and they make a mistake in what
they say about your presence?
R= Nothing, because he thinks it is not worth highlighting at that moment
When you acquire a disease, for example a flu infection, the body incorporates antigens naturally. This
process causes the individual to acquire immunity_____________________________
R= active
A __________, as pollen is a substance that triggers the formation of antibodies and can
generate an immune response.
R= antigen
A modern practice that has developed in industrialized countries and that have a tradition in genetic and
metric research is related to the alteration of the process of evolution. Is about
R= cloning
What is the name of the process by which a strand of genetic material (DNA or RNA) is broken and joined
to a molecule of different genetic material?
R= Genetic recombination
Eugenics is a social philosophy that defends the improvement of human hereditary traits through different
forms. Which of the following options refers to the objectives or goals of said philosophy?
1. Creating healthier, smarter people
2. Promote racial hygiene.
3. The relief of human suffering.
4. the elimination of hereditary diseases.
R= 1,2 and 4
What is the name of the scientist who carried out the following experiment? He chose two pea plants that
differed in one character; one plant produced yellow seeds and another green seeds. Once I cross both plants I
call them parental generation (P).
R = Gregor Mendel
A cross is made between a homozygous individual with black feathers and another homozygous individual with
white feathers and offspring with blue-gray plumage are obtained. It can be said that it presents because
R = co-dominance, both alleles are expressed at the same time
What is the name of the offspring of two different varieties, for example tall plants and short plants obtained in a
first cross?
R= Dihybrids
Our species ______________It belongs to the family of hominids, order of primates, class of
______________subphylum of vertebrates and animal kingdom.
R Homo sapiens, mammals
The classic example of the theory of evolution of_______________It is the one on the neck of the giraffe,
who at the same time
continually stretching their necks to get food, they managed to lengthen it, subsequently generating
offspring with slightly longer necks.
R Lamarck
The development of the Andi Monkey was the result of the use of the method called:______________
R= Assisted reproduction
The ______________It is the set of all living beings and species that exist on earth and to their
interaction and is the result of the_____________ of life over millions of years
R= biodiversity, evolution
The demographic theory developed by Malthus during the industrial revolution considered that population
growth responds to a progression _____________________________________while the rhythm of
increase in survival resources maintains a progression
R= geometric, arithmetic
What is the science that studies the reconstruction of phylogeny or evolutionary history?
R= Taxonomy
If you are asked to apply your knowledge of Mendel's laws in some aspect of your daily life, can you do it?
A Yes, because you think you have the ability to relate concepts to your daily life.
Who was the preacher who spread and transmitted the concept of the Aryan race in Nazi Germany?
R Adolf Hitler
Which of the following nitrogenous bases are common in the structure of ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic
1. Adenine
2. Thiamin
3. Guanine
4. Cytosine
5. Uracil
R= 1, 3, 4
How many years did Charles Darwin's journey aboard the Beagle last considering that his route included
several continents, countries and regions?
R= 3 years. I know that it is 5 years, it sailed on December 27, 1831 from Plymouth (England) and ended its
journey on October 2, 1836 in Falmouth, also on the English coast. That is: almost five years. 1,739 days
How do you act when you talk to someone about genetically engineered foods for human consumption?
R= You express your opinions and respect those of others even when they do not coincide
Based on principles and values of medical ethics, Special Bioethics analyzes the: ______________
R = use of techniques to prolong life
When you are presented with a situation where you need to define a position for or against assisted sterilization
in animals and argue your decision, generally:___________________________________________
A= You listen to the points of view of others and prepare yours to debate them.
What is the representation of human chromosomes called, when they are arranged in pairs starting with
the longest of them in a microphotograph?
R Karyotype
The history of life on Earth dates back more than three and a half billion years, our species homo sapiens
is barely 160,000 years old, there are various characteristics that distinguish human beings from other
hominids, the most obvious of which is they are:
R= the erect posture with walking on the hind limbs.
To conduct his experiments, Morgan selected a species of fruit fly called Drosaphila Melanogaster.
Which of the following options are advantages in choosing said species?
1, It is a common insect, generally harmless
2, It only has 5 pairs of chromosomes
3, It is a species that reproduces prolifically.
4, It only has 4 pairs of chromosomes
5, the existence of a large number of different varieties
R 1,3,4
Mendel in his experiments crossed peas (or peas) with smooth seeds and peas (or peas) with rough
seeds, the dominant characteristic being the smooth seed. He collected seeds from this cross and
planted them, obtaining the F1 generation of plants. Then he let them self-pollinate to form a second
What was the result of said experiment?
R All seeds of the Fl generation and 75% of F2 were smooth.
What do you call the evolutionary force that acts together with natural selection, changing the
characteristics of species over time?
R= Mutation.
Select the option that contains the words that complete the following sentence:
Our species_________________________________Does it belong to the family of hominids?, order of
primates, class of ________________, subphylum of vertebrates and animal kingdom.
R= Homo sapiens, mammals
Which of the following behaviors are ethical in research if you have doubts about the topic of genetics and
mutations in humans, once you have reviewed it?
1. Review scientific publications.
2. Cite authors when doing research
3. Paraphrase quotes or texts to integrate them into my research,
4. Ask people at my level of knowledge and use their ideas.
5. Use a thesis or someone else's work as your own.
R= 1,2 and 3
Which of the following words correctly complete the sentence presented below?
A population in evolutionary trance has a genetic pool subject to change, which will vary due to mutations,
hybridization or natural selection. In large localities the effects of chance on the evolution of
species are__________________________________, while in small towns, the accumulation
genetic changes more_____________________that for __________________________________ R=
older, chance, natural selection
Can it be stated that the coccyx bone or caudal bone in Man, which lacks any function, is an example of a
homologous structure?
A Yes, because it is a similar basic structure with a common embryonic origin.
Thomas Morgan, in his contribution to the study of Genetics, carried out experiments with Drosophila
melanogaster (the fruit fly), with which he reached fundamental conclusions. Which are?
R= The character must reside on both the X chromosome and the Y chromosome
The ____________________It was proposed by Augusto Comte and it proposes that humanity as a
whole and the individual is determined to go through different social states corresponding to different
degrees of development; Intellectual, metaphysical and scientific
R= Law of the three states
The synthetic theory involves the integration of the unit of evolution that is ___________________with the
mechanism of evolution, which refers to ____________________
R= genes, natural selection
Can you make a timeline (graphic representation of a period of time of the main events that gave rise to
the Darwin-Wallace theory of evolution?
A= Not with exact dates, but I can locate the different technological events that gave rise to the
communication that is now used
How are genetic characters transmitted from parents to children of sexually reproducing organisms? R By
dependent segregation during the genetic recombination process during meiosis.