ASM - Before HOL
ASM - Before HOL
ASM - Before HOL
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Azure Security and Management before the hands-on lab setup guide
o Requirements
o Before the hands-on lab
Task 1: Build a lab Virtual Machine in Azure
Task 2: Connect to LABVM and download and unzip student files
Task 3: Create a new Azure portal dashboard
Before attending the HOL, you should follow these steps to prepare your
environment for an efficient day. Your first task will be to build a LABVM to use for
the HOL and download some student files that will be used. Then, you will create a
new Azure Dashboard to use during the HOL.
Task 1: Build a lab Virtual Machine in Azure
1. Launch a browser and navigate to Once prompted,
login with your Microsoft Azure credentials. If prompted, choose whether your
account is an organization account or just a Microsoft Account.
Note: You may need to launch an "in-private" session in your browser if you
have multiple Microsoft Accounts.
2. Select +Create a resource, and in the search box, type in Visual Studio
Community 2017, and press enter. Select the Visual Studio Community 2017
image running on Windows Server 2016.
3. Leave the default of Resource Manager deployment model and select Create.
4. Set the following configuration on the Basics tab and select OK:
o Name: LABVM
o Password: demo@pass123
o Subscription: If you have multiple subscriptions, choose the
subscription to execute your labs in.
5. Choose the DS2_V2 or D2S_V3 Standard instance size on the Size blade. Use
the 'Search' filter to help find the size you need.
6. On the Inbound Port Rules section, Choose the Allow Selected ports drop-
down (if shown) and select RDP.
7. Leave the other settings at their default values, and select Review +
Create on the Summary blade. The deployment should begin provisioning. It
may take 10+ minutes for the virtual machine to complete provisioning.
a. User: demouser
b. Password: demo@pass123
11. In the URL address window enter the below URL and hit the Enter key. This will
download the class files (in a .zip format) needed for the remaining
14. The Downloads folder opens. Right-click the zip file and select Extract All. In
the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folderswindow, enter C:\HOL in
the Select a Destination and Extract Files dialog. select the Extract button.
3. Once you are at the Azure Portal Dashboard select New Dashboard, and type
the name My Dashboard, then select done customizing.
4. Then navigate to your LABVM blade and use the "Pin" to add it to My
Dashboard. This Dashboard will be used for the rest of this HOL.
5. If you're going to be finishing this lab today, then continue to the next
exercise. Otherwise, if you won't be finishing the rest of the lab today, then it
may be helpful to select Stop on your LABVM within the Azure Portal. This
will put the VM into a Stopped / Deallocated state and save money until it's
needed again. When you're ready to continue with the lab, then navigate back
to the LABVM blade and select Start to start it back up again.
You should follow all steps provided before attending the Hands-on lab.