Audit Report 2020 2021
Audit Report 2020 2021
Audit Report 2020 2021
Chartered Accountants
Audit Report
We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of The
American India Foundation Trust, 4*3,
Fourth Floor, DLF Prime Towers, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi 110020 and the Income
Expenditure Account for the year ended on that date annexed thereto and report that
preparation of these financial statements are the responsibility of the Trust. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We have conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in
India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An
audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for
our opinion.
We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of
our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit
In our opinion, proper books of accounts have been kept by the Trust, so far as
appears from our examination of the books.
3. The Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts dealt with by this
Report are in agreement with the books of account of the Trust.
4. In our opinion and to the best of our information and explanations given to us,
the accounts give a true and fair view:
(a) In the case of the Balance Sheet of the State of affairs of the Trust as on 31*
March 2021.
(b) In the case of the Income and Expenditure Account of the Surplus for the year
ended on that date.
CA Ravinder Smgird Ac
M. No. 095973
UDIN: 21095973AAAAFC5540
Date: 24h Sept. 2021
Place: New Delhi
The American India Foundation Trust
Balance Sheet of Indian &
Forcign contribution as at 31 March 2021
(All amounts in Indian Rupes)
441,274,102 186,561,874
Fixed Assets
of Funds:
Gross Block
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 5 1,591,878 1,858,008
Net Block
368,216 469,630
1,223,662 1,388,378
198,000 198,000
Current assets, loans and
Cash& Bank Balance
Loans, Advances & 463,900,795
Deposits 188,369,919
Less: Curent Liabilities and
19,189,017 14,185,516
Provisions 483,089,812 202,555.435
Net current assets
43,237,372 17,579.939
439,852,440 184,975,496
441,274,102 186,561,874
Significant accounting policies and notes to the accounts 13
The Schedules referred to above form
an integral
part of the balance sheet.
Auditors Report
As per our report of even date
M.No. 095973
Udin: 21095973AAAAFC5540
Grants Received during the year
783,997,073 462,829,988
Grants Received in kind during the year
Interest on FCRA deposits
7,013,186 3,491,781
Miscellaneous Income
1,907 139,51
Add: Unutilized grants brought forward
153,832,861 97,893,702
Less: Unutilized grants carried forward A
Grants Utilized
401,252.315 153,832,861
543,592,712 434,051,935
Interest on lIndian deposits 10 7.457,490 5.707,009
551,050,202 439,758,944
Program Expenses 11 469,894,654 408,665.846
Administrative & General Expenses 12 73,698,057 25,386,091
543,592,711 434,051,936
Excess/ (Deficit) of Income over Expenditure for the year 7,457,491 5,707,008
Excess of Income over Expenditure brought forward
31,120,277 25,413,269
Excess of Income over Expenditure carried forward
38,577,768 31,120,277
Significant accounting policies and notes to the
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the income and expenditure account.
Auditors Report
As per our report of even date
CA Ravinder Singh
Director Finance Araadmin
Country Direc
Partner One
M.No. 095973
Udin: 21095973AAAAFC5540
Interest Received during the year 9,965,559 10,994,256 Closingbalance:
Cash In hand 665,906
Miscellaneous Income 1,907 139,512 Cash In Bank 363,258,888
FDR's 100,575,000 463,900,794 188,369,919
eAtavindes Singh
eA r n e
b) Indian Funds
Restricted Fund
Opening Balance 86,240,714 52,323,920
Add: Grants received during the year 309,929,179 156,950,960
Add: Grant received in kind 23,529,813
Less: Utilized during the year 226,965,416 146,563,979
Unutilized Balance (a) 169.204,476 86,240,714
Unrestricted Fund
Opening Balance
11,887,376 6,218,572
Add: received during the year
9,961,274 7,028,015
Add: Misc. Income
Less: Utilized during the year
1,278,780 1,359,211
Unutilized Balance (b)
20,569,870 11,887,3766
Unutilized Balance (a) + (6) 98,128,089
Grand Total
401,252,315 153,832,862
Schedule 6: Investments
Cash In Hand
Foreign Funds 54,907 63,825
Indian Funds 12,000 142,279
66,907 206,104
Bank Balances
PNB SB A/c No. 1988000102897186 450,898
Yes Bank New A/c -000293900000021 42,628,811
Kotak Bank-1714259142 140,100,951
SBI (FCRA Designated Account) 3,085,042
Fixed Deposits with Bank (Refer note. 4(a)) 80,000,000 20,000,000
223,185,993 63,079,709
'HSBC SB A/c. No. 0514991 19006 2,441,480
YES Bank-000294600001239 30,517,584 5,295,933
HDFC A/c no. 501003 12543691 189,555,311 l16,671,693
Fixed Deposits with Banks (Refer note.4(a)) 20,575,000 675,000
Total 240,647,896 125,084, 106
Grand Total 463,900,795 188,369,919
A m e
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The American India Foundation Trust
schedules to the Income & Expenditure Account for the
(All amounts in Indian Rupees) year ended 31st March 2021
h e Am
erican Americ
Sehedule 10: Other Income
Bank Interest
7,457,490 5,707 9
Miscellaneous Income 139,512
Foreign Funds
Bank Interest 7,013,186 3,491,781
Miscellaneous Income
Grand Total 9,338,302
Amer Can n
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schedule 11: Program Expenses
Foreign Funds
Indian Funds
Employee Benefit Expenses 16,941,351 247,590
Rent 3,534,093 33,913
Bank charges 2,002 130
Misc exp 255,292 6,212
Office Expenses 76,526
Tour& Travel 22,327
Total 20,831,591 287,845
73,698,057ne 25,386,091 Amenc
n e
India Foundation Trust
The American
SeheduleTo The Balance Sheet & Income & Expenditure Account
amounts in Indian Rupees)
Balance As on Addition Addition
31-03-2020 Depreciation
Duringthe year 31/03/2021
less than 180 days During The Year
01-04-2020 more than 180 days
Office Equipment's
148,259 22,239
148,259 368,216| 1,223,662
Sub Total(B) 1,591,878 1,388,378
163,500 469,630 L
40,000 1,858,008
Grand Total (A)+B) 1,388,378 155,011| 900
Previous Year
A h e
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Significant accounting policies and notes to the accounts
1. Background
The American India Foundation Trust ('the trust") is registered under the Indian Trust
Act, 1882 vide registration certificate no. 236 in Book No.4, Vol. No. 1854, under section
12A of Income Tax vide number DIT (E)/2003-04/T-80010311498 dated 17-02-04 w.e.f.
09-01-2003 further renewed on 27-05-2021 vide registration no. AAATT9160GE20206
valid till 31-03-2023, under section 8OG (5)(vi) vide number DIT(E)/2011-12/1018-DEL-
TE2298518082011dated 18-08-2011 further renewed on 27-05-2021 vide registration no.
AAATT9160GF20206 valid till 31-03-2023.
The Trust is registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 for
carrying out activities of social nature with registration no. 231660510 dated 17-11-2004
and renewed for another 5 years vide letter dated 28-01-2016 w.e.f. 01-11-2016. The
Trust has applied for FCRA renewal on 30-04-2021 for further 5 years, the renewal is
under process. Trust is regular in filing of Taxes and FCRA return and no default has
been reported during the year. The Trust is Registered in Darpan vide registration no.
The Trust registered for undertaking CSR Activities vide Registration no. CSRO0001977
dated 14-04-2021 granted by Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
2. The Accounting Standards (AS s) mentioned below are not applicable to the Trust for the
current year:
A$3- Cash Flow Statement,
AS17-Segment reporting,
AS20- Earnings Per Share,
AS21-Consolidated Financial Statements,
A$23- Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements,
AS25- Interim Financial Reporting,
AS27- Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures,
AS15-(Revised)-Employees Benefits,
AS22- Accounting for taxes on Income,
AS19- Leases,
AS28- Impairment of Assets, and
AS 29-Provisions, Contingent Liabilities
and Contingent Assets.
S h e
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Accordingly, the Trust is not required to disclose certain information in these financia
statements pursuant to the above exemptions/relaxations.
The Trust Financial Statements are prepared on a consolidated basis including Don
b) Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumption that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent
liabilities on the date of the financial statements though actual figures could differ
from those estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized
prospectively in current and future periods. Contingencies are recorded when it is
probable that a liability will be incurred, and the amount can be reasonably estimated.
TIxed assets to income and expenditure account. The same is adiusted from the capital
fund realized to fixed assets.
d) General funds
The Trusthas an opening balance of general fund which comprises of the prior period
surplus. The excess of income over expenditure during the year, being for general
purpose is carried forward for use in the future periods.
e) Restricted funds
The Trust also receives funds which are restricted in nature from foreign and Indian
sources. Revenue from the restricted fund is recognized during the year in the Income
and Expenditure Account to match the related expenditure. The balance amount is
carried forward in the restricted fund for use in the future periods.
Gifts in Kind
Gifts in kind (GIK) are recognized as income when received and their value can be
reliably estimated, Expenditure is recognized in the period in which the GIK is
distributed to the NGO partners.
g) Donations received by the Trust qualify for deductions under Section 80G of the
1961 in terms of the approvals below:
Income tax act,
h) Expenditure
i) The American India Foundation Trust is committed to catalyzing social and economic
change in India and building a lasting bridge between the United States and India
through high-impact interventions in education, livelihoods, public health, and
leadership development. Workingclosely with local communities,
AIFT partners with
NGOs to develop and test innovative solutions and with governments to create and
scalesustainableimpact. Expenditure incurred by the Trust during the year includes
grant disbursed to other local agencies in accordance with the agreements.
j) Interest Income
Interest on fixed deposits is basis taking
recognized on a time proportion ino
the amount outstanding and the rate applicable.
m) Employee benefits
The Trust's obligations towards various employee benefits have been recognized as
pu uon
Defined benefit plans: In accordance with the
Payment of Gratuity Act, 914, 1Tu
provided for Gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (the "Gratuity Plan') covering
eigible employees. The Gratuity Plan provides a lump sum payment to vested
employees at
retirement, death, incapacitation termination of employment, of
amount based on the respective employee's salary and tenure of employment.
Liabilities with regard to the Gratuity are determined as at the year end date and paid
to the LIC scheme
approved by the Government of India.
Gratuity contribution paid to LIC of India during the year is Rs.25,60,546.00
n) Lease rental in respect of operating lease is charged as expense when due as per terms
of the related agreement.
4 Notes to Accounts
) The Trust has during the year adopted accrual basis of accounting.
(1i) The Trust has charged cost of fixed assets to respective project/ expense account at
the time of purchase. At the yearend total cost of Fixed Assets purchased during the
year is transferred to Fixed Assets account with corresponding increase in Capital
Fund by way of a contra entry.
No provision for taxation has been made as the Trust is registered under Section 12 A
(i) ofthe Income Tax Act, 1961 and claims exemption under Section 1l of the Income
Tax Act, 1961. Registration No. DIT(E) 2003-04 T-800/03/1498, renewed on 27-05-
2021 vide registration no. AAATT9160GE20206valid till AY 2023-24.
Payment towards lease rental for the period of 2019-20&2020-21 was Rs.41,79,536/-
&45,83,733/- respectively.
eA eri
(v) Legal and professional expenses towards auditor (excluding GST):
Rs. 6,31,960/-
(vi) TDS Recoverable stands at Rs.22,71,707/-(Rs. 4,86,229/- for 2020-21,
and Rs. 6,68,226/-
Rs.3,81,570/-for 2017-18, Rs. 1,03,721/- for 2011-12
for 2019-20,
for years prior to 2012).
For RSMA & Company
Firm No. 028685N
ÇharteredAccountan for The American India Foundation Trust
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