Sources of History

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Chapter 1 v Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora

History: Its Meaning were the secular martyred priests.

History is the knowledge of study of the past. It is the story v They were executed by garrote on February 17, 1872
of the past and a form of collective memory. History is the “HISTORY AFFECTS ALL OF US DOWN TO THE
story of who we are, where we came from, and can PERSONAL LEVEL.”
potentially reveal where we are headed. v When you are young, your parents may went to know
Ø Human Triumph who your friends are.
v Advancement in various fields like technology, v When one falls inlove and has his own girlfriend or
transportation, medicine, communication. boyfriend, the same parents may want to know.
v Peace, international relations, transnationalism, about their son's or daughter's lover.
human rights. v If you are engaged, you may also want to know the
Ø Human Defeat history of your fiancee if you are going to live as
v Warfare, Famine, Chaos husband and wife.
v Fall of civilizations, barbarism, colonialism
Definitions and nature of history SOURCES OF HISTORY
v Etymology: "Historia" denotes asking questions or v The source of historical information is the document. A
investigation of the past. An inquiry into the past document is a written material that says about a
based evidence. historical event. The document can be narration, a
v History has always been known as the study of the copy of a speech, a letter, a receipt, a report, an
past. eyewitness account, or a book.
v History covers all aspects of human life v Some sources are not written bout can be
v It is the documented record of man's experiences and authoritative. These are relics, memorabilia,
his society. pictures, drawings, sketches, fossils, and remains.
v A chronological storytelling in its finest form, Also, there are sources who are living individuals.
sequentially weaves together many related HISTORICAL SOURCES
historical and contemporary events and ideas that ü originators of information and data,
are linked to alarger story. ü categorized into four:
v People concerned with writing, recording, or tabulating v documents
records about past events are called historians. v numerical records
v Therefore, history is the study and interpretation on v oral statements.
the data and other source of the past human v relics
activity, people societies and civilizations leading to Ø medium for the historians/researches to relook at the
the present day. past; and
v To be considered a history, it must be a documented. Ø One of a kind
records of events that traces the development, rise MAJOR CLASSIFICATION
and fall or rebirth of a person, persons, society ü Primary
Significance of study history. ü Secondary
Ø History is an eye opener to understand ones culture, BATIS
language, people and societies. In the terminology of Philippine historiography,
Ø History increases our understanding of national
idetities. historical sources are called batis. A batis in Philippine
Ø History help us understand change. historiography means the source of historical information.
Ø History teaches one many critical skills. TYPES OF HISTORICAL SOURCES
Ø Primary- the first type is called a primary source. This
Why do we study history? materials directly point or discusses the subject
Ø Comprehend more our world matter.
History gives us a very clear picture of how the Various v These are produced by someone who was participant
aspects of society-such as technology, governmental or direct witness to an event;
systems, and even society as a whole-worked in the past so v provides original evidence about an event;
we understand. how it come to work the way it is now. v serves as the raw materials historians use to interpret
Ø Understand society and people and analyze the past; and
History allows us to observe and understand how people v enables historians/researches to get as close. as
and societies behaved. possible to what actually happened during a
Ø What is your insights on this statement that historical event or time period.
"humans are the exceptional creatures among
other living things in the world"? Examples:
v Only man is capable of rational thinking and with that v Autobiographies
being said the humans are able to derive deeper v Speeches
meanings from history. v Essays by persons expressing his own view
v History can have a cathartic effect creating more v Receipts
mature, more purified effect as a result of an v Letter to the Editor expressing the writer's views
experience in the past life. v Laws, ordinances, letters of instructions, decrees
Ø CATHARTIC EFFECT v Books containing direct quotations of the events
v It is the act or process of releasing a strong emotion v Newspaper articles reporting directly about the event
especially by expressing it in an art form. v Diaries and journals
v Historical literature may create a profound change in a v Reports
person by changing his perspective of the world, v Eyewitness accounts
his surroundings and society. Such profound v Letters
change affects his emotions, his deals, and his v Editorials
philosophy in life. v Transcripts of record
v Eyewitness accounts
Ø Example of Catharsis
ü Execution of Gomburza
Ø Secondary- The second type of historical sources is v Internal Criticism is concerned with the analysis and
the secondary source. This are made by individuals study of the real meanings in text as meanings can
who are not a direct participants to the event or vary and connotations may be elusive.
people who got the information from somebody v It can only be applied where the historians are dealing
else. with writing, whether in documents or inscriptions.
v These are documents or works made by individuals v Goal is to test the credibility of the information or
who are not directly involved in the events or source.
obtained the information from another person. v For source to be valid, its content must be reasonable
v Contains opinions or an argument about the past and historically precice. Content & contexual
events. Analysis
v These are interpretations of the past written by v are methods of data analysis in historical research.
historians often based on primary sources. Content Analysis
Examples: v Content is the major point or meaning of the source
v Textbooks v In simple terms, it is the analysis of what is being said,
v Encyclopedia entries written, or recorded.
v Magazine articles about a topic v It is a systematic research method for analyzing
v Teachers' reports on student behavior as reported to textual information in a standardized way that
school counselors allows researchers or students to make inferences
v Reports from a person talking about the subject matter about the information.
v Bibliographies To classify a document's key ideas, the researchers or
v Edited works students identifies the following:
v Commentaries v Theme or topics
v Indexes and abstract v Issues; and
v Reference books v Detect subtle differences.
v Online data or sources In content analysis, students will be asked:
v Works of criticism v to identify the author's main argument or thesis;
Ø Tertiary - There is another source which can be v to determine points of view and biases; and to
considered a tertiary source and these are called evaluate the author's claim based on the evidences
general references. General references help paint presented or other available evidence at the time.
to the reader to a primary or secondary source. * Purpose of Content Analysis
ü Primary source materials are considered more v to summarize long narration;
authoritative than secondary source materials v to identify important aspects of the content.
because they contain information that directly v to describe characteristics of the content;
discusses the subject matter. v to present important aspects of the content clearly and
Evaluating Historical Sources effectively; and
v Historical Criticism is a branch of criticism that v to support some argument.
investigates the origin of text or source in order to Contextual Analysis
understand the word behind the text. v Context is the historical situations in which the source
Aims of historical criticism. was produced.
to find out whether a given document or idea is acceptable v A contextual analysis is an assessment of a genre to
as authentic and credible or not; evaluate the historical and cultural settings.
to eliminate errors and to know the truth; and Purpose:
to seek greater understanding to the texts by analyzing the v to examine the socio cultural conditions that were in
historical and social contents in which they developed. place at the time and place when the that text was
To scrutinize historical sources, historians utilize external created.
and internal criticism. v to access the roles of author, readers and
Two Types of criticism. commentators on the text.
External criticism is the practice of verifying the authenticity v to situate the text within the milen of its time.
of evidence by examining its physical characteristics; In the process, students will be asked to evaluate the
consistency with historical characteristics of the time when it following:
was produced; materials used for evidence. v the author's background, intent (to the extent
On physical characteristics. discernible) and authority on the subject;
The following are being examined: v the historical context of the source
v quality of paper; v (time and place it was written and the situation at the
v medium of the source; time); and
v appearance of the source; and v the sources relevance and meaning today.
v the grammar, hand writing, signature of the author/
creator. Customs of the Tagalog
Purpose is to determine forgery or fakeness Ø Contextual Analysis
On historical characteristics Author's Background
To evaluate the authenticity of the document the v He was assigned to do mission works in the Southern
following are key considerations: Tagalog area.
v establishment of the authorship of the doonment; v Plasencia helped in the foundation and organizations
v determination of the place of the document from of numerous towns in Quezon, Laguna, Rizal, and
where it originated; and Bulacan.
v the fixation of the time of the document. v As his biographers testify, his life was characterized
Internal Criticism is the method of determining whether by zeal, prayer, and dedicated service.
the contents of historical information are accurate. This v He was acknowledge as the founders of numerous
process is concerned with what the document says. towns in Luzon using the method of reducion.
v Once the sources has been authenticated by the v Plasencia wrote the Doctrina Christiana en Lengua.
historian, internal criticism comes in. Espanola y Tagala which later became the first
printed book in the Philippines in 1593.
v After several dedicated years of hard work, converting v Servants who are born in the house of their master
the natives, teaching catechisms, and organizing are rarely, if ever sold.
towns and barangays, he finally succumbed to v commonly, slaves are war captives.
sister death. He passed away in Lilio (Liliw), in the Cultural Aspect
Province of Laguna in the year 1590. Ø Marriage
Addition in the Author's Background (contextual) v regardless of case /status, anyone can marry; dowry
v Fray Juan was born to the illustrious family of the is an important marriage practices of the Tagalogs.
Portocarreros in Plasencia in the region. of v division of children and dowries are highly practices.
Extremadura, Spain in the early 16th century. His Ø Inheritances
father is Don Pedro Portocarrero, was a captain of v golds, pieces of lands, agriculture's land, property
a Spanish schooner who died in Naples, Italy in Relevance of the document in the modern times.
1574 v Vividly describes the way of life of the Filipinos before
v He was a member of the Franciscan Order who came spanish and Christian influences;
together with their first batch of missionaries to the v Disproves that Filipinos are uncivilized;
Philippines in 1578. He and a fellow, Franciscan v A reference in a research;
Fray Diego de Oropesa. v Increase cultural and traditional awareness of own
Historical Background of the document heritage;
v His continuous interaction with the people he v Evidence of self-identity of the Tagalogs;
converted to Christianity enabled him to write a v Preserves and popularizes the unwritten customs,
work titled Relation de las costumbres de Los traditions, and religious and superstitions beliefs of
Tagalogs (costums of the Tagalog, 1589) the Filipinos.
v The original docament of the customs of the Tagologs
is currently kept in the Archivo FATHER CHIRINO’S ACCOUNT OF THE SPANISH
v General de Indias (A.G.1) in Seville Spain. -A FILIPINOS AND THEIR CIVILIZATION (1604)
duplicate copy of it is kept in the Archivo Father Chirino - He is one the Spanish writers, who
Franciscano Ibero-Oriental (A.F.1.0) in Madrid, observed the civilization of the Filipino people before it
Spain. vanished due to the impact of the Hispanic civilization. He
authored Relacion de las Islas Filipinas which he finished in
v The English translation appeared in Volume VII of the 1603 and published in Rome 1604. This book was a story of
Blair and Robertson's The Philippine Islands. the apostolic achievements of the Jesuit Society in the
Content Analysis
v Political Aspect OF THE BATH
Ø Barangay System. v from their birth, Filipinos are brought up in the
v hundreds houses, sometimes even less than thirty; water;they swim like fishes.
v headed by chieftain (datu/dato) v they bathed themselves at all hours for cleanliness
v captain of wars and recreation.
v people who committed any offense against them, or v even when not bathing, they are accustomed to
spoke but a word to their wives and children, was anointing their heads for comfort and adornment.
severly Punished. v they also employ baths as medicine.
Ø Justice system
v Fair Judgement or trial is being practiced long before; - The most general hour of bathing is at the setting of the
v The trial is done in public. sun, because at that time they have finished their labors, and
v The punishments are based on the degree of the bathe in the river to rest and refresh themselves; on the way,
committed crime/acts. they usually carry some vessel for bearing water to use in
Ø Excerpt from Plasencia's Code their domestic duties. After the burial ceremony, they hasten
v Investigations made and sentences passed by the to the
datu must take place in the presence of those of river upon leaving the church and bathe there. (most helpful
his barangay. and famous; Bay Laguna Province; Laguna de Bay).
v If any of the litigants felt himself aggrieved. an arbiter
was unanimously named from another village or OF THE LANGUAGE
barangay, whether he were a datu or not. v there is no single or general language of the Filipinos.
Ø Economic policies v the languages most used and widely spread are the
v Maharli gas are exemted from paying taxes; Tagal and the Bisayan.
v Taxes are used to run the government. v 4 greatest languages of the world: Hebrew, Greek,
Ø Social Aspect Latin, and Spanish.
v Inequality is manifested on the existing social v It is mentioned that there are 183 living languages
stratification; currently spoken in the Philippines, the vast
v Nobles, commoners are given more rights and majority of which are indigenous tongues. (ex.
Opportunities while slaves have little or no. Bikol, Cebuano, Hiligaynon (Ilonggo), Ilocano,
privilleges and rights at all. Kapampangan, Pangasinan, Tagalog, and Waray)
v Maharlicas - they did not pay tax or tribute to the datu,
but must accompany him in war, at their own - Negrillos is very different from the rest, Tagal and Bisayan
expense. are the most widely spread language but Tagal is more
v Aliping Namamahay- they are married, and serve their admired by Fr. Chirino. Another tongue is also prevalent,
masters, whether he be a datu or not; called Harayan. In the Tagal language, he found 4 qualities
v They live in their own houses, and are lords of their of the 4 greatest languages of the world: Hebrew (the
property and gold; abstruseness and obscurity) Greek (the articles and
v They accompanied him (master) whenever he went distinctions in proper) Latin (fullness and elegance) Spanish
beyond the island and rowed for him. (refinement, polish, and courtesy).
Ø Aliping Saguiguilid
v They serve their master in his house and on his
cultivated lands, and may be sold.
OF THE LETTERS • In the marriage figures a dowry, and the surrender of the
v all these islanders are much given to reading and woman, with consent for the present, but not perpetual.
writing. • The husband gives the wife dowry - an amount agreed
v 3 vowels = 5 vowels; 12 consonants upon on his means; to purchase women as their wives.
v formerly, they wrote from top to bottom placing the first • The marriage lasted no longer than did peace between
line on the left and continuing the rest at right. them; for they are divorced on the slightest occasion.
v The letter alone with no point above or below it, is • In case of divorce, the children are divided equally between
pronounced with the vowel - sound A; the two.
v By placing the point above each is pronounced with
the vowel - sound E or I; - A Spaniard once said that in a certain part of Mindanao,
v By placing the point below, they are pronounced with toward dapitan, it was the custom for the Bisayan women to
the vowel - sound O or U. marry 2 husbands, however it is not a general custom in the
Philippines to marry more than 1 wife, and the most common
- There is hardly a man, and much less a woman, who does and general usage is to marry one woman. Upon
not read and write in the letters used in the island of Manila. surrendering the woman, dowry will be given. In case of a
Write on reeds and palm leaves;sharpened quill; Tigbauan; divorce for a reason of the woman will leave the husband for
very young boy. another man, the dowry will be restored to the husband,
however if the woman left not for other men, the dowry will
v the Filipinos are not so ceremonious in their THE MANNER WHICH THE FILIPINAS HAD OF
v ceremonies but have their politeness and good SHROUNDING AND BUYING THEIR DEAD
v breeding esp. Tagalogs. • The first and last concern of Filipinos in cases of sickness
v when meeting one another, they practice uncovering was to offer some sacrifices to anitos or diwatas, which were
the head. their gods.
v 3 most vulnerable tongues: Hebrew, Greek, Latin. • when the catalona or bailana was exerting more force, all
v the Bisayans are more rustic and less civil in manners, at once stopped at the death of a sick person.
just as their language is harsher and less polished. • after death, followed new music, the dirges, and
- Upon meeting one another, they practice our custom of • after mourning for 3 days, they bury the body; other
uncovering the head- they wore a piece of cloth like a towel, anointed with aromatic balsams.
some three or four palmos long, which they wound around • Widow or widower expressed their sorrows by fasting,
the head in becoming fashion, like ancient crown. abstaining meat, fish, and other viands.

- It is not courtesy to remain standing before a person whom - Others anointed the body with aromatic balsams which
they respect, they seat themselves upon the ground or prevent corruption, especially with the juice of a sort of ivy
rather on their heel bones. Seated in this way, with hand which grows there abundantly, and is truly a very valuable
uncovered and the potong thrown like a towel over the left drug, which they call buyo.
- It is very pungent and for the living notable stimulant, also
- They never speak to one but always use third person strengthening the teeth, hardening the gums and sweetening
the breath.
- Bisayans are more rustic and less civil in manners
- Consequently, both Spaniards and Indians make much.
CONCERNING THE FALSE HEATHEN RELIGION, - use of it, and always carry it in their mouth, as they use the
SUPERSTITIONS OF FILIPINOS coca on Peru. With the juice of this plant, then, they anointed
3 FALSE HEATHEN BELIEFS the dead body, and so injected it through the mouth that it
1. The divinity of their idols penetrated the whole body.
2. Priest and priestesses
3. Sacrifices and superstitions - They placed gold in the mouths of the corpses and buried
• All their government and religion are founded on tradition the, under the house. In former times, they would not let
and on custom introduced by the DEVIL himself. them depart to the other world alone but gave male and
• they preserve it on songs; sung when they are sailing or female slaves to accompany the dead. The slaves, having
tilling their fields, feast or rejoicing, etc. first eaten a hearty meal were immediately killed, that they
• this deity the Tagalogs call Bathala Mei capal “God the might go with the dead man.
creator or maker”.
• the Bisayans call him Laon, which denotes antiquity. - Upon the death of a chief, silence must be observed in the
• Larawan, signifies “idol or statue”; offering to them village during the period of mourning until the interdict was
barbarous sacrifices. raised- a longer or shorter time, according to his rank; and
• they also worshipped animals and birds; like Assyrians, the during the time no sound or a blow or other noise might be
sun and moon; a sort of divinity to the rainbow. heard in any house under penalty of some misfortune.

• the Tagalogs adored a blue bird, calls it Bathala. OF FEASTING AND INTOXICATION
• The time for their feast, wherein they ate and drank excess
• also worshipped the crow, bores the name of Mei lupa, upon occasions of illness, death, and mourning.
signifies “master of the soil”.
• Everyone is welcomed upon these occasions.
• they held the cayman in veneration; and made any
statement about it, they described it in water and called it OF USURY AND SLAVERY
Nono means “grandfather”.
• Among other vicious practices common to natives and
OF MARRIAGES, DOWRIES AND DIVORCES proceeding from that fountain and abyss of evil, idolatry, one
• It is a custom for Bisayan women to marry 2 husbands.
was mentioned by the evangelist St. John as one of the kaniyang mahigpit at kaniyang pagmamalupit na siyang
three which tyrannize over the world. naging dahilan ng pag-aaklas sa Kabite (Cavite Mutiny).

• Whenever they made loans (most common are: rice, bells, - Ang Cavite Mutiny o Pag-aaklas sa Kabite noong January
gold), they must always agree upon profit which should be 20, 1872 ay isang pag-aaklas ng mga Pilipinong militar.
paid in addition to the sum that was lent. Nangyari
ito sa Fort San Felipe, Cavite sa arsenal (pagawaan ng mga
• The debt was charged to person thus becoming a slave armas at bala) ng mga Espanyol. Humigit-kumulang 200
from that time forth all his descendants were also slaves. sundalo at manggagawa ang nakiisa at lumaban sa
paniniwalang ito ay mag-bubunga sa isang pambansang
• Slaves were made through tyranny and cruelty by way of pag- aalsa. Hindi nagtagumpay ang pag-aalsa, at pinatay ng
revenue & punishment for offenses. mga sundalo ng gobyerno ng Espanya ang marami sa mga
kalahok. Kanila ring pinahinto ang nagsisimulang kilusang
• Consequently, they have large numbers of slaves which is nasyonalista
the greatest treasure for them. sa Pilipinas.
They also captured slaves in war by means of ambuscades
and attacks, keeping as much all those whom they did not • Uprising of military personnel of Fort San Felipe (the
wish to kill. Spanish arsenal in Cavite, Philippines) on January 20, 1872.

THE MANNER IN WHICH NAMES ARE CONFERRED • Around 200 soldiers and laborers rose up in the belief that
AMONG THE FILIPINOS it would elevate to a national
uprising. The mutiny was unsuccessful, and
• When a child is born, it is the mother’s duty to give it a government soldiers executed many of the
name. participants.
• The names are most often conferred on account of certain
circumstances as for example: Spanish Version of Cavite Mutiny of 1872
• Malivag means “difficult” Jose Montero y Vidal
• Malacas means “man of strength”
• In some cases, they name it without any symbolism but • Spanish historian
with the first word which occurs to them such as: • His account centered on how the event was an attempt in
• Daan “road”, Babui “pig”, Manug “fowl”. overthrowing the Spanish government in the Philippines.
• The first born son or daughter gives his or her name to the • His account on mutiny was criticized as woefully biased.
parents; for until they die they call the father AmaniCoan • 200 men was lead by Sergeant Fernando La
“Father of so-and so” and the mother AmaniCoan “Mother of Madrid, attacked the arsenal.
so-and so”. • Izquierdo, upon learning the attack, ordered
reinforcement of the Spanish forces in Cavite to quell the

1774 SECULARIZATON - Ang Cavite Mutiny ay may dalawang perspective, ang

- Noong panahong ito ay may dalawang uri ng pari- ang Spanish at Filipino Perspective. Para sa perspective ng mga
regular at secular. Ang paring regular ay ang kinabibilangan Spanish ay ating tatalakayin ang version ni Jose Montero y
ng halos mga prayleng Espanyol. Ito ang mga paring Vidal. Si Jose Montero y Vidal ay isang Spanish historian.
kabilang sa Ang kaniyang
mga ordeng relihiyoso tulad ng mga Agustino, Dominikano, version ng Cavite Mutiny ay tinaguriang bias sa panig ng
at Heswita. Sa kabilang banda, ang mga paring sekular mga Espanyol. Ang kaniyang ideya ay naka-sentro sa
naman ay ang mga paring Pilipino na hindi kabilang sa mga pagsasabing
ordeng relihiyoso na siyang katulong lamang ng mga paring ang Cavite Mutiny ay isang inorganisang plano at paraan ng
regular sa mga parokya. To make the story short, ninais mga Pilipino upang patalsikin ang gobyerno ng mga
lamang ng mga Espanyol sa Pilipinas. Nakasaad din sa kaniyang pagtalakay
Pilipinong secular na pari na depensahan at ipaglaban ang na itong
kanilang karapatan na maglingkod sa simbahan ng Pilipinas. Cavite Mutiny ay kinalahukan ng mga Pilipinong ilustrado sa
Nagplano silang bumuo ng isang samahan na tinawag na Europa at kaalido ang mga kaaway ng gobyerno ng
"Secularization" at pinamunuan ni Fr. Pedro Palaez, na siya Espanya.
ring sinuportahan ng karamihan sa mga mamamayang
Pilipino. Nabahala at natakot ang mga regular na pari dahil - Ayon din sa perpektibo ni Vidal ay binalak ni Fr. Jose
dito. Pinagpatuloy naman ni Fr. Jose Burgos ang kilusang ito Burgos ang mamuno sa Pilipinas kaya isinigawa ng mga
matapos mamatay ng unang namuno. Pilipino itong pag-aaklas sa Kabite.

1869-1871: DE LA TORRE ADMINISTRATION - Montero’s account detail that on January 20, 1872, the
- Si Carlos Maria Dela Torre y Nevacerrada ang pang 82 district of Sampaloc celebrated the feast of the Virgin Loreto,
Gobernador-Heneral ng Pilipinas. Ang kaniyang came with it were some fireworks display.
administrasyon ay nagbigay sa mga Pilipino ng masaya at - The Caviteño mistook this as the signal to commence with
kuntentong pamumuhay. Siya ay kabaliktaran ni the attack.
Gobernador- Heneral De Izquierdo na siyang sumunod sa
pumalit sa kaniya - In the immediate aftermath, some Filipino soldiers were
disarmed and later sent into exile on the southern island of
1871-1873: DE IZQUIERDO ADMINISTRATION Mindanao. Those suspected of directly supporting the
- Si Rafael Geronimo Cayetano de Izquierdo ay namuno mutineers were arrested and executed.
bilang pang-83 Spanish Gobernador-Heneral ng Pilipinas
mula 1871- 1873. Pinawalang bisa niya ang liberal, reporma - Izquierdo blamed the unruly Spanish Press for “stockpiling”
at pagbibigay tuon sa karapatan ng mga mamayang Pilipino. malicious propagandas grasped by the Filipinos. He reported
Ang kaning pamamahala ay tinaguriang "iron fist" dahil sa to the King of Spain that the “rebels” wanted to overthrow the
Spanish government to install a new “hari” in the likes of rin ang falla, ang multa na binayaran para ma-libre sa
Fathers Burgos and Zamora. sapilitang paggawa, ay ibinawas sa kanilang mga suweldo.

- Fathers Gomez, Burgos, & Zamora were tried by a court- Story Behind the Cavite Mutiny
martial and sentenced to be executed. (Ang pag-aalsa ay - Sa Spanish version na siyang akda ni Montero y Vidal,
ginamit ng kolonyal na pamahalaan at mga prayleng isinalaysay na hinatulan ng kamatayan ang tatlong paring
Espanyol upang isangkot ang tatlong sekular na pari, sina GOMBURZA. Ang katotohanan sa likod ng pangyayaring
Mariano Gómez, José Burgos, at Jacinto Zamora, na iyon ay inosente naman talaga ang tatlong pari. Ginamit lang
pinagsama-samang kilala bilang Gomburza . Sila ay pinatay ng mga prayreng espanyol ang kaguluhang dulot ng
sa pamamagitan ng garote sa Luneta, sa kadahilanang sila pag-aalsa upang mapapatay ang tatlong paring ito sapagkat
ang itinuring na namuno sa pag-aalsang ito. Pinaniwalaang nangamba sila sa impluwensiya ng mga ito. Ginamit nila si
nilang ninais ng mga paring ito na mapasakamay sa kanila Francisco Zaldua, isa sa mga nahuli sa mga nag-alsa,
ang upang magsalita laban sa tatlong pari. Ang mga prayleng ito
pamumuno sa bansa) ay nagpadala ng isang prayleng Pransiskano upang
magkunwaring Burgos at akuin ang pagiging pinuno ng
FILIPINO VERSION OF CAVITE MUTINY OF 1872 pag-aalsa. Gayunpaman, si Francisco Zaldua ay hinatulan
• TRINIDAD PARDO DE TAVERA’S ACCOUNT OF THE kasama ng tatlong pari. Siya ang unang pinatay sa kanila
CAVITE MUTINY noong Pebrero 17, 1872.

• EDMUND PLAUCHUT’S ACCOUNT OF THE CAVITE - Dahil sa kaganapang Cavite Mutiny noong 1872 ay
MUTINY nasangkot at namatay ang tatlong paring GOMBURZA. Si
Paciano ay isang
Dr. Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo De Tavera malapit na mag-aaral ni Padre Jose Burgos, isa sa mga
paring GOMBURZA. Kaniyang binahagi ang sinapit ni Padre
• A Filipino scholar and researcher Burgos kay Jose Rizal na siyang 10 taong gulang ng
panahong iyon. Ninais noon ni Rizal na maging pari ngunit
• Wrote a Filipino version of the bloody incident ang sinapit ng tatlong pari ay bumuhay sa kaniyang
in Cavite. nasyonalismo. Ang GOMBURZA ang nagbigay ng
inspirasyon kay Rizal sa kaniyang akdang El Filibusterismo,
- the incident was merely a mutiny by Filipino soldiers and na siyang bumuhay rin sa nasyonalismo ng mga mamayang
laborers of the Cavite arsenal to the dissatisfaction arising Filipino nakabasa ng kaniyanga akda. Nagresulta ito sa
from the draconian policies of Izquierdo (abolition of 1896 Revolution na kung saan ang mga Pilipino ay namulat
priveleges and prohibition of the founding of the school arts na sa kalupitan ng mga Espanyol at ipinaglaban ang
and trades) (Ayon nga kay Fr. Pardo de Tavera, ang kanilang kalayaan kaya naman ay nakamit natin ang
kaganapan ay isang simpleng pag-aalsa lamang dahil kapayapaan hanggang sa panahon ngayon. Kaya kung hindi
hanggang sa panahong iyon ang mga Pilipino ay walang naganap ang Cavite Mutiny ay hindi malabong nasa ilalim pa
intensyon na humiwalay sa Espanya. Ninais lang ng mga rin tayo ng Pamahalaang Espanyol.
Pilipino, sa pangunguna ng
Gomburza, na magkaroon ang mga paring Pilipino ng
karapatang makibahagi sa pamahalaang sibil at sa THE FIRST VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD BY
pamamahala at paghawak sa mga unibersidad.) MAGELLAN: BY ANTONIO PIGAFETTA


IN THE AFFAIRS OF THEIR COUNTRY...” v · Born in 1491 in Vicenza, Venice Italy.
v · studied astronomy, geography and cartography
“...THE FRIARS FEARED THAT THEIR POWER IN THE v · worked in ships owned by Knights of Rhodes
COLONY WOULD SOON BE COMPLETE A THING OF v · known as well-educated young man, possessing
THE PAST.” avid curiosity of the world around him.
v Because of his talent, In 1519, he acquainted with
Edmund Plauchut lucrative spice trade and heard the news of the
voyage to be undertaken by Ferdinand Magellan.
• A French writer v He joined the expedition and survived the challenges
• Complemented Tavera’s account and analyzed the along the way.
motivation of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny v Returned to Spain On September 6, 1522 aboard the
“...THE ARRIVAL IN MANILA OF GEN. IZQUIERDO PUT A Victoria with Juan Sebastian Elcano and other
POLICY v Presented to Charles V, a book he wrote, in which
MUST REALLY END IN A STRONG DESIRE ON THE PART were set down the things that happened from day
OF THE OTHER TO REPRESS CRUELLY..” to day of their voyage.

- Ayon naman kay Edmund Plauchut, ang pangunahing HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE DOCUMENT
sanhi ng pag-aalsa ay pinaniniwalaang "isang utos mula kay v Spices were in high demand among Europeans due to
Gobernador Heneral Carlos na patawan ang mga sundalo their many uses, including food preservations,
ng mga personal na buwis, kung saan sila ay dati nang flavor improvement and medicines.
walang bayad sapagkat sila nga ay naglilingkod na para sa v Both Portugal and Spain were locked in a competition
pamahalaan. Ang mga buwis ay nangangailangan na sila ay of who will first discover a new land to supply the
magbayad ng isang halaga ng pera. Dagdag pa rito, sila rin need of spices.
ay sapilitang pinaggawa ng trabahong sibil gaya na lamang v After all, Magellan abandoned his Portuguese loyalty
ng pagtatayo ng mga estraktura at mga daan, na tinatawag and transferred his alliance with Spain through
na, polo y servicio . Nagsimula ang pag-aalsa noong Enero King Charles.
20, 1872 nang matanggap ng mga manggagawa ang v The Spaniards approved Magellans’s plan to go to
kanilang suweldo at napagtanto na ang mga buwis pati na East via Westward direction after Portugal turned
down Magellan’s plan. Magellan led an expedition KARTILYA NG KATIPUNAN
of five ships with 237 men;
2. Santiago
3. Conception • Born in Tondo, Manila, Emilio Jacinto was proficient in both
4. Victoria Spanish and Tagalog. He attended San Juan de Letran
5. Trinidad College, and later transferred to the University of Santo
v However, only one ship returned to Spain after the Tomas to study law. Manuel Quezon, Sergio Osmeña and
expedition, which is the Victoria. Juan Sumulong were his classmates. He did not finish
college and, at the age of 19, joined the secret society called
v The agreement between the Spain and Portugal to
settle the conflicts over lands discovered by • Brain of the Society
Christopher Columbus.
v Year 1505, Magellan, in service to Portugal joined the KKK (Supreme, Honorable Katipunan ng Anak Nag Bayan)
fights, travelling to India, Malaysia and Indonesia.
• Emilio Jacinto y Dizon, was a Filipino general during the
CONTENT AND CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF THE Philippine Revolution. He was one of the highest-ranking
DOCUMENT officers In the Philippine Revolution and was one of the
v On March 16, 1521, Magellan and his crew arrived in highest-ranking officers of the revolutionary society. The
the Philippines Island or what they called Island of Katipunan was founded on July 7, 1892, whose main goal
Ladroni. They reached the island of Zamal (Samar) was to achieve independence from Spain through revolution.
v On March 18, 1521, some natives giving signs of joy In carrying out their struggle, the Katipuneros created a
of the presence of the crew of Magellan. complex structure that would guide the organization as a
v Magellan named the place Island of Humunu as the collective pursuing a common goal. This was the document
Archipelago of San Lazars due to several islands called "Kartilya ng Katipunan".
located in that district.
v Magellan succeeds in his plan to influence the faith of • The term "cartilla" comes from the Spanish word "cartilla"
the people on the island he has conquered. (kar-ti-ya) which means "a basic book of elementary school
v The first mass in the Philippines happened on March students" in Spain.
31 and Eastern Day.
v The naïve Filipinos have their idols before and a God, 14 RULES OF KARTILYA NG KATIPUNAN NI EMILIO
which they called “Abba” but the threw this belief JACINTO
away as they embraced Christianity which the
Spaniards introduced. 1. The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable
v Magellan with his crew went to Zubu (Cebu) on April purpose is a tree without a shade if not a poisonous weed.
7, upon hearing good reports about the island from (Ang buhay na hindi ginugugol sa isang malaki at banal na
the King of Mazaua. kadahilanan ay kahoy na walang lilim, kundi damong
v There was a negotiation through a notary. The King of makamandag.).sinasabi dito na dapat may purpose yung
Zubu asked for a drop of their blood as sign of their buhay natin. kasi di naman tayo nandito sa mundo para sa
friendship, both agreed. wala lang, di pedeng mabuhay ka lang ng meaningless.
v On April 14th , Magellan spoke to the king and dapat alam mo yung goal mo, alam mo kung ano ang gusto
encourage him to be good Christian by burning all mong marating.
the idols, worship the cross instead.
2. To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is
Magellan’s slave and interpreter named Henry betrayed not virtue (Ang gawang magaling na nagbubuhat sa
them and told the King of Cebu that they intended to leave pagpipita sa sarili, at hindi talagang nasang gumawa ng
as soon as possible. Henry and the King conspired and kagalingan, ay di kabaitan.) This means that we must not be
betrayed what was left of Magellan’s men. The King invited selfish. We must do good deeds not to earn praise but to
these men to a gathering where he said he would present show it with our whole heart because a deed done only for
the jewels what he would send for the King of Spain. fame is not worthy to be called good.
Pigafetta was left on board and was not able to join the 24
men who went to the gathering because he was nursing the 3. It is rational to be charitable and love one's fellow
battler wounds. creature, and to adjust one's conduct, acts, and words to
what is in itself reasonable. (Ang tunay na kabanalan ay ang
CONTRIBUTIONS AND RELEVANCE OF THE pagkakawanggawa, ang pag-ibig sa kapwa at ang isukat
DOCUMENT ang bawat kilos, gawa't pangungusap sa talagang
v The account is a proof of richness, governance and Katuwiran.) hindi tama ang pagbubuhat ng bangko,
independence of the Philippines in the pre-colonial kumbaga walang sense yung pagsasabi mo na mabait ka
era. kung iba naman nakikita sa actions mo.
v Christianity, as the largest religion in the world, was
propagated in the Philippines by Ferdinand 4. Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal:
Magellan. superiority in knowledge, wealth and beauty are to be
v He proves to other explorers and the peoples understood, but not superiority by nature. (Maitim man at
circumnavigating the world was possible. maputi ang kulay ng balat, lahat ng tao'y magkakapantay:
v They discovered a large body of water on the side of mangyayaring ang isa'y higtan sa dunong, sa yaman, sa
America Continent which they named Pacific ganda..., ngunit di mahihigtan sa pagkatao.) The 4th rule
Ocean highlights EQUALITY. We are all born to be equal no matter
v They found a strait that connected the atlantic and what race, status, and educational background we have. Our
Pacific Oceans and called it the Strait of Magellan society may have divided us into groups but we must all
understand that no one is superior of anyone.
5. The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain; the kahit sino so dapat ganon mo rin itrato ang magiging babae
scoundrel, gain to honor. (Ang may mataas na kalooban, mo.
inuuna ang (dangal o) puri kaysa pagpipita sa sarili; ang may
hamak na kalooban, inuuna ang pagpipita sa sarili sa puri.) 12. What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children,
eto naman is about sa mga taong ginagawa lang yung mga brothers and sisters, that do not unto the wife, children,
kabutihan kasi may nakukuha sila na benefit in return. brothers and sisters of thy neighbor. (Ang di mo ibig na
parang yung kabutihan na pinapakita is for show lang na gawin sa asawa mo, anak at kapatid, ay huag mong
hindi naman talaga sila ganon. gagawin sa asawa, anak at kapatid ng iba.)
Every action that any man do is important. Every action has
6. To the honorable man, his word is sacred. (Sa taong may its own consequences. We must not do bad things against
hiya, salita'y panunumpa.) other people if we don't want other people to do bad things
The rule 6 tells us that we must be a man of our own words. against us.
Whatever said must be done. We must do things that we
promised because we can never take back what we have 13. Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his
been said so" walk the talk". nose is aquiline, and his color white, not because he is a
priest, a servant of God, nor because of the high prerogative
7. Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not that he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth most who is a man
time lost. of proven and real value, who does good, keeps his words,
(Huwag mong sayangin ang panahon; ang yamang nawala'y is worthy and honest; he who does not oppress nor consent
mangyayaring magbalik; ngunit panahong nagdaan nay di to being oppressed, he who lovesand cherishes his
na muli pang magdadaan.)it is about the importance of time. fatherland, though he be born in the wilderness and know no
kasi sa panahon ngayon parang nakafocus tayong lahat sa tongue but his own. (Ang kamahalan ng tao'y wala sa
material na bagay e na hindi natin namamalayan na pagkahari, wala sa tangos no ilong at puti ng mukha, wala
itreasure yung every moment na meron tayo. kumbaga sa pagkaparing kahalili ng Diyos, wala sa mataas na
dapat sulitin na natin yung oras ngayon kasi hindi na natin kalagayan sa balat ng lupa: wagas at tunay na mahal na tao,
maibabalik. like kunwari may birthday yung anak mo tapos kahit laking gubat at walang nababatid kundi sariling wika,
may trabaho ka dapat unahin mo yung birthday kasi ang yaong may magandang asal, may isang pangungusap, may
pera mapagtratrabahuhan mo pa uli pero yung moment hindi dangal at puri, yaong di nagpaaapi't di nakikiapi; yaong
mo na mababalik. marunong magdamdam at marunong lumingap sa bayang
tinubuan.) It is about having good values. Hindi nasusukat sa
8. Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the kung sino ka, anong status mo sa buhay, kung anong itsura
law or in the field. (Ipagtanggol mo ang inaapi; kabakahin mo o kung ano pa man basta nagiging totoo ka sa sarili mo
ang umaapi.) We don't have the same strenghts but we can na andoon yung pagmamahal mo sa iyong bayan.
help one another. We must choose to fight for what is right -
Fight with the weak people who needs your help and comfort 14. When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the
and Fight those people who keep on putting others down by longed-for sun of Liberty shall rise brilliant over this most
oppressing them. unhappy portion of the globe and its rays shall diffuse
everlasting joy among the confederated brethren of the
9. The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in same rays, the lives of those who have gone before, the
keeping secrets. (Ang taong matalino'y ang may pag-iingat fatigues and the well-paid sufferings will remain. If he who
sa bawat sasabihin; matutong ipaglihim ang dapat desires to enter (the Katipunan) has informed himself of all
ipaglihim.) iniisip niya muna yung mga words na sasabihin this and believes he will be able to perform what will be his
niya duties, he may fill out the application for admission.
(Paglagalap ng mga aral na itoat maningning na sumikat ang
10. On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman araw ng mahal na Kalayaan dito sa kaabaabang
and the children, and if the guide leads to the precipice, Sangkapuluan, at sabugan ng matamis niyang liwanag ang
those whom he guides will also go there. (Sa daang matinik nangagkaisang magkakalahi't magkakapatid na ligayang
ng kabuhayan, lalaki ay siyang patugot ng asawa't mga walang katapusan, ang mga ginugol na buhay, pagud, at
anak: kung ang umaakay ay tungo sa sama, ang mga tiniis na kahirapa'y labis nang natumbasan.)
pagtutunguhan ng inaakay ay kasamaan din.)All of us needs
to be a model for everyone because whatever they see in us The last code of conduct shows the desire of Emilio
will also be followed by the people who see us. And a true Aguinaldo.
man leads his family to the right path by showing them that
11. Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything,
but as a faithful companion who will share with thee the The Kartilya ng Katipunan was able to constitute patriotism
penalties of life; her (physical) weakness will increase thy and nationalism.
interest in her and she will remind thee of the mother who
bore thee and reared thee. (Ang babae ay huwag mong The Katipunan was one of the many movements which were
tingnang isang bagay nalibangan lamang, kundi isang established in order to defend our freedom. With their
katuwang at karamay (ng lalaki) sa mga kahirapan nitong sacrifices, we were able to obtain the life that we had. The
buhay; gamitin mo nang buong pagpipitagan ang kanyang document demonstrated the values and beliefs our heroes
(pisikal na) kahinaan, alalahanin ang inang pinagbuhatan at had before which we can learn so much from.
nagiwi sa iyong kasanggulan.)kapag tinitingnan natin yung
mga babae, hindi mo lang siya "ay gusto ko to jowain kasi CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS
maganda or sexy" dapat yung mindset natin is gusto natin
silang maging katuwang sa buhay. Kumbaga wag nstin The Kartilya ng Katipunan was written in order to maintain
abusuhin yung kahinaan nila kasi hindi sila basta babae lang the standard of what it is to be A Katipunero. Being part of
dahil babae sila. Kung may naiisip ka mang gawing masama the association would mean adhering to the rules and
sa kanila like lokohin sila ganon, isipin mo na mayroon kang exhibiting a virtuous life. Jacinto also aimed to educate The
nanay. Nanay mo na hindi dapat niloloko o sinasaktan ng Filipinos about what a true Katipunero stands for and that is
becoming a person with integrity, and courage, standing for
equality, and overall bearing the teaching of living life Also, it is about the early Spanish expeditions/conquests and
purposively and contribute to the greater good. mentions many names of Chiefs of every island that was
connected to Spaniards. It also includes how the Philippines
MGA GUNITA NG HIMAGSIKAN got its name by deriving it from Prince Philip, later King Philip
II of Spain. Rise of Spanish liberalism and the revolution of
EMILIO AGUINALDO AKA KAPITAN MINONG (March 22, Filipinos against Spain.
1869 - February 6, 1964)
The Act declared that the Filipinos "are and have the right to
Also, Emilio Aguinaldo became the Cabeza de Barangay of be free and independent," and that the nation from "this day
Binakayan and also became Gobernadorcillo (1894) of Kawit commences to have a life of its own, with every political tie
later on. He joined freemasonry and joined the Katipunan as between Filipinas and Spain severed and annulled"
a member of the Magdalo Chapter. The Filipino-American
war led him to swore allegiance to the United States and be Independence was proclaimed on June 12, 1898, between
active in politics. four and five in the afternoon in Cavite el Viejo (Kawit,
Cavite), Philippines. Filipino revolutionary forces under
Son of Carlos Jamir Aguinaldo and Trinidad Valerio Famy. General Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the sovereignty and
independence of the Philippine islands from Spanish

He was called Supremo Andres Bonifacio and was given the • The Philippine Declaration was signed by ninety-eight
title 'Haring Bayan' that was temporarily led by Heneral persons, among them is an American army officer who
Mariano Alvarez. witnessed the proclamation. The final paragraph states that
there was a "stranger" (stranger in English translation-
He was appointed as the head of Katipunan. The members extranjero in the original Spanish, meaning foreigner) who
of Katipunan celebrated by waving various flags and attended the proceedings, Mr. L. M. Johnson, described as
congratulating Andres Bonifacio. There was also a band and "a citizen of the U.S.A, a Colonel of Artillery"
music to greet him. The officials of the said council were also
dressed up to welcome the new Supremo, who will complete Philippine Flag
the set of officers of Katipunan.
RED-Patriotism & Valor

TEJEROS CONVENTION 8 Rays-8 province that have fought again st Spanish:

• It is an assembly of Katipunan's Magdiwang and Magdalo BLUE-Peace. Truth and Justice White-Peace and Purity
Chapters. It was headed by Andres Bonifacio to select a Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Pampanga, Rizal (Murong) Laguna,
'Kataas-taasang Puno' and other officials to lead the Batangas and Nueva Ecija. Stars: Luzon, Visayas (Panay),
revolution. Mindanao Triangle - The Emblem of Katipunan & Liberty,
Equailty, & Fraternity
Bonifacio was defeated in the presidential, vice presidential,
and Kapitan heneral nominations. But he was nominated as •The Philippine national flag was designed by Emilio
the Secretary of the Interior Government. However, Heneral Aguinaldo. It was first displayed in the Battle of Alapan on
Daniel Tirona objected because Bonifacio was not a lawyer. May 28, 1898, after the Spaniards were defeated and
Tirona said that Atty. Jose Del Rosario is a suitable nominee surrendered to Aguinaldo.
as he was a lawyer. Then Bonifacio and Tirona got into a
dispute, and Bonifacio almost shot Tirona. Bonifacio was
about about to leave when Santiago Rillo stopped him, but
he still left. The assembly was then led by Santiago Rillo in
order to have a peaceful meeting.


This historic celebration was highlighted by the hoisting of

the new Filipino Flag, which was sewn by Mrs. Felipe
Agoncillo in Hongkong, at the balcony of General
Aguinaldo's home, to the stirring tune of the Philippine
National Anthem composed by Julian Felipe, a patriotic
Caviteño music maestro. After the flag ceremony, Atty.
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista, Aguinaldo's adviser, solemnly
read the Philippine Declaration of Independence which he
had written in Spanish. The significant document is titled Act
of Proclamation of Independence by the People.

The Act of Proclamation of Independence by the People

includes a list of grievances against the Spanish government
stretching back to Ferdinand Magellan's arrival in 1521 and
confers upon "our famous Dictator Emilio Aguinaldo all the
powers necessary to enable him to discharge the duties of
Government, including the prerogatives of granting pardon
and amnesty. Furthermore, it is about how Spanish
domination affected the people of the Philippines and how
Spaniards abused and caused death for many Filipinos.

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