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Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad

10th May 2008

input standard input
output interaction standard output
time limit 2 second 1 second 1 second
memory limit 256 MB 128 MB 128 MB
100 100 100

Language Compiler Directive

C gcc -o abc abc.c -std=c99 -O2 -DCONTEST -s -static -lm
C++ g++ -o abc abc.cpp -O2 -DCONTEST -s -static
Pascal fpc -O1 -XS -dCONTEST abc.pas

Duration: 5 hours
3 problems
All problems should be attempted.
Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad 2008


Professor X has recently revealed his latest invention to the world: the Ultimate Bead Swapper (UBS).
As the name implies, it can make a sequence of beads much more interesting by swapping some beads
in it!
The UBS has N conveyor belts placed in north-south direction in parallel. The conveyor belts are
numbered 1 to N from left to right. Every belt moves from north to south at the same speed. There
are M swappers placed between adjacent conveyors. No two swappers are equally far from the north
end of the UBS. (In other words, they can be totally ordered according to how far they are from the
north end.) The swappers are numbered 1 to M from north to south. Figure 1 shows the UBS when
viewed from above.
Belt 1 Belt 2 Belt 3 Belt 4 Belt 5

Swapper 1

Swapper 2

Swapper 3

Swapper 4

Swapper 5

Figure 1: An Ultimate Bead Swapper with 5 conveyor belts and 5 swappers.

To use the UBS, N beads are placed at the north end of the conveyor belts at the same time so that
they form a horizontal row as they move along the belt. When two beads come under a swapper, the
bead on the right conveyor belt is moved to the left conveyor belt, and the bead on the left conveyor
belt is moved to the right conveyor. After being swapped, the two beads do not break the horizontal
row. Figure 2 illustrates the behavior of a swapper.

Write a program that, given the number of conveyor belts N , the number of swappers M , and the
positions of each swapper, answer questions of the form:

Given K and J, for the bead that is placed on Belt K at the north end of the UBS, which
belt is the bead on after all beads just move past Swapper J?

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1 2 3 4


1 3 2 4

(a) (b)

Figure 2: (a) Four beads move along the conveyor belts. (b) Bead 2 and 3 trade places after going
under the swapper.

Your program should read from standard input. The first line contains the number of conveyor belts
N (1 ≤ N ≤ 300, 000) and the number of swappers M (1 ≤ M ≤ 300, 000).
Swappers are listed from north to south in the following M lines. Each line contains one integer
P (1 ≤ P ≤ M − 1), meaning that there is a swapper over conveyor belt P and P + 1.

After reading the input above, your program should call functions from the following library specified
in Table 1. The functions must be called in the following order:

1. It calls the function getNumQuestions to retrieve Q(1 ≤ Q ≤ 300, 000), the number of questions
it will be asked.

2. For Q times, it should:

(a) Call the function getQuestion to receive one question.

(b) Call the function answer to answer the question it just received.

We emphasize that getNumQuestions must be called first and only once. getQuestion and answer
must be called alternately: after calling one getQuestion, your program may not call getQuestion
until it calls answer, and vice versa. If your program violates this convention when running a test
scenario, you will receive a 0% score for that test scenario.

Programming Instructions
If you submit a Pascal source code, the source code must contain the statement:
uses beadslib;
If you submit a C or C++ source code, the source code must contain the line:
#include "beadslib.h"

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Function Prototype Description

function getNumQuestions():longint Return the number of questions your pro-
C and C++ gram is going to be asked.
int getNumQuestions()

procedure getQuestion(var K:longint; var J:longint) K is set to the number of the conveyor belt
C that the bead is placed at the north end of
void getQuestion(int *K, int *J) the UBS.

C++ J is set to the number of the swapper.

void getQuestion(int &K, int &J)

procedure answer(x:longint) Report that the answer to the question cor-
C and C++ responding to the last getQuestion is x.
void answer(int x)

Table 1: Interaction library.

Mock Libraries and Sample Programs

You will be provided a zip file containing source code of sample libraries and programs. The file
contains three directories — pascal, c, and cpp — for source code in Pascal, C, and C++, respectively.
Each directory will contain a source code of a mock interaction library, and the source code of a program
that calls the library functions in the correct order.
For Pascal, the mock interaction library is contained in the unit beadslib, whose source code is
given in beadslib.pas. The file sample.pas is the source code of the program that uses the library
For C, the prototypes of the mock library functions are given in beadslib.h. The functions are
specified in beadslib.c. The file sample.c is the source code of the program that uses the library
For C++, the prototypes of the mock library functions are also given in beadslib.h (but the file
is not the same as the one for C). The functions are specified in beadslib.cpp. The file sample.cpp
is the source code of the program that uses the library correctly.
The mock library behaves as follows:
• When getNumQuestions of the mock library is called, it opens the file questions.txt, reads
the number of questions, and returns what is read.
• When getQuestion is called, it reads K and J from questions.txt.
• When answer is called, it prints the argument x to standard output.
• The library prints an error message to standard output every time a function is called out of the
correct order.
The file questions.txt has the following format. The first line contains the number of questions
Q. Each of the next Q lines contains two integers K, the number of a conveyor belt, and J, the
number of a swapper.

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Sample Input Sample Content of questions.txt

5 5 2
2 3 4
4 5 5

(This input agrees with Figure 1)

Sample Interaction
Function Call Return Value(s) and Explanation
The program will be asked two questions.

getQuestion(K, J);
K=3, J=4
For the bead that is placed on Belt 3 at the north end of the UBS, which
getQuestion(&K, &J);
belt is the bead on after all beads just move past Swapper 4?
getQuestion(K, J);

answer(1); After every bead passes Swapper 4, the bead in question is on Belt 1.

getQuestion(K, J);
K=5, J=5
For the bead that is placed on Belt 5 at the north end of the UBS, which
getQuestion(&K, &J);
belt is the bead on after all beads just move past Swapper 5?
getQuestion(K, J);

answer(4); After every bead passes Swapper 5, the bead in question is on Belt 4.

Time and Memory Limits

Your program must terminate in 2 seconds and use no more than 256 MB of memory.

The score for each input scenario will be 100% if your program follows the function calling convention
above and answers every question correctly, and 0% otherwise.
In test scenarios worthing 20 points, M , and Q will be at most 10, 000.

English — version 1.5

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The Kingdom of New Asia contains N villages connected by M roads. Some roads are made of
cobblestones, and others are made of concrete. Keeping roads free-of-charge needs a lot of money, and
it seems impossible for the Kingdom to maintain every road. A new road maintaining plan is needed.
The King has decided that the Kingdom will keep as few free roads as possible, but every two
distinct villages must be connected by one and only one path of free roads. Also, although concrete
roads are more suitable for modern traffic, the King thinks walking on cobblestones is interesting. As
a result, he decides that exactly K cobblestone roads will be kept free.
For example, suppose the villages and the roads in New Asia are as in Figure 1a. If the King wants
to keep two cobblestone roads free, then the Kingdom can keep roads (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), and (3,5) free
as in Figure 1b. This plan satisfies the King’s criteria because (1) every two villages are connected
via one and only one path of free roads, (2) there are as few free roads as possible, and (3) there are
exactly two cobblestone roads: (2,3) and (3,4).

1 1
2 2

3 4 3 4

5 5

(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) An example configuration of villages and roads in the Kingdom of New Asia. Solid lines
denote concrete roads, and dashed lines denote cobblestone roads. (b) A road maintaining plan that
keeps two cobblestone roads free. Only free roads are shown.

Given a description of roads in New Asia and the number of cobblestone roads that the King wants
to keep free, write a program to determine if there is a road maintaining plan that satisfies the King’s
criteria, and output a valid plan if there is one.

The first line contains three integers separated by one space:

• N , the number of villages (1 ≤ N ≤ 20, 000),

• M , the number of roads (1 ≤ M ≤ 100, 000), and

• K, the number of cobblestone roads the King wants to keep free (0 ≤ K ≤ N − 1).

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The following M lines describes the roads in New Asia, which are numbered 1 to M . The (i + 1)st
line describes Road i. It contains three intergers separated by one space:

• ui and vi , the two villages connected by Road i. Villages are numbered 1 to N , and

• ci , the type of Road i; ci = 0 if Road i is made of cobblestone, and ci = 1 if it is made of


There will be no more than one road connecting a pair of villages.

If there is no road maintaining plan that satisfies the King’s criteria, your program should print no
solution on the first line of the output.
Otherwise, your program should output a valid road maintaining plan by listing roads that will
be kept free, one road per line. To list a road, print the line in the input that describes it. The roads
can be listed in any order. If there are more than one valid plan, you can output any such plan.

Sample Input Sample Output

5 7 2 3 2 0
1 3 0 4 3 0
4 5 1 1 2 1
3 2 0 5 3 1
5 3 1
4 3 0 (This output agrees with Figure 1b.)
1 2 1
4 2 1

(This input agrees with Figure 1a.)

Time and Memory Limits

Your program must terminate in 1 second and use no more than 128 MB of memory.

The score for each input scenario will be 100% if the correct answer is outputed and 0% otherwise.
In test scenarios worthing 20 points, K will be at most 10.

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Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad 2008


One interesting use of computer is to analyze biological data such as DNA sequences. Biologically,
a strand of DNA is a chain of nucleotides Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine. The four
nucleotides are represented by characters A, C, G, and T, respectively. Thus, a strand of DNA can be
represented by a string of these four characters. We call such a string a DNA sequence.
It is possible that the biologists cannot determine some nucleotides in a DNA strand. In such
a case, the character N is used to represent an unknown nucleotides in the DNA sequence of the
strand. In other words, N is a wildcard character for any one character among A, C, G or T. We
call a DNA sequence with one or more character N an incomplete sequence; otherwise, it is called a
complete sequence. A complete sequence is said to agree with an incomplete sequence if it is a result of
substituting each N in the incomplete sequence with one of the four nucleotides. For example, ACCCT
agrees with ACNNT, but AGGAT does not.
Researchers often order the four nucleotides the way we order the English alphabets: A comes before
C, C comes before G, G comes before T. A DNA sequence is classified as form-1 if every nucleotide in
it is the same as or comes before the nucleotides immediately to its right. For example, AACCGT is
form-1, but AACGTC is not.
In general, a sequence is form-j, for j > 1, if it is a form-(j − 1) or it is a concatenation of a
form-(j − 1) sequence and a form-1 sequence. For example, AACCC, ACACC, and ACACA are form-3, but
GCACAC and ACACACA are not.
Again, researchers order DNA sequences lexicographically the way we order words in a dictionary.
As such, the first form-3 sequence of length 5 is AAAAA, and the last is TTTTT. As another example,
consider the incomplete sequence ACANNCNNG. The first seven form-3 sequences that agree with it are:


Write a program to find the Rth form-K sequence that agrees with the given incomplete sequence of
length M .

The first line contains three integers separated by one space: M (1 ≤ M ≤ 50, 000), K(1 ≤ K ≤ 10),
and R (1 ≤ R ≤ 2 × 1012 ). The second line contains a string of length M , which is the incomplete
sequence. It is guaranteed that the number of form-K sequences that agrees with the incomplete
sequence is not greater than 4 × 1018 , so it can be represented by a long long in C and C++ or an
Int64 in Pascal. Moreover, R does not exceed the number of form-K sequences that agree with the
given incomplete sequence.

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On the first line, print the Rth form-K sequence that agrees with the incomplete sequence in the

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2

5 4 10 ACAGC

Programming Remark
In C and C++, you should use long long data type. The following piece of code show how to read
and write a long long from and to standard input/output:

long long a;

In Pascal, you should use Int64. No special instructions are needed to manipulate data of this

Time and Memory Limits

Your program must terminate in 1 second and use no more than 128 MB of memory.

The score for each input scenario will be 100% if the correct answer is outputed and 0% otherwise.
In test scenarios worthing 20 points, M will be at most 10.

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