Comparative Study of Carbon Footprint
Comparative Study of Carbon Footprint
Comparative Study of Carbon Footprint
1 INTRODUCTION have made a lot of achievements. The carbon footprint and as-
sessment standard is one of the most basic and crucial research
Global warming is a fact, and evolves into a full range of issues of in low-carbon research. However, due to this issue consistent
politics, economy, society, technology, environment and ecology on results have not been achieved yet, and hence, concerned re-
a global scale from a single scientific problem [1]. It becomes one of search were greatly affected. Research on the carbon footprint
the tremendous challenges for human being. Global warming and a and assessment standards has become a hot topic for govern-
series of problems have aroused intense concerns of the internation- ments and researchers.
al community. A series of international conventions like the United This paper focuses on the research methods and steps involved
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992), The in carrying out studies on different types of carbon footprints.
Kyoto Protocol (1997), Bali roadmap (2007), Copenhagen Furthermore, a comparative study of different carbon footprint
Agreement (2009) were signed, which reflect the determination assessment standards was carried out to identify their similarities,
and efforts by the government in response to global warming. differences and deficiencies.
According to consensus, countries have made commitments to
emission reductions and action plan. Thus, the innovative concepts
of low-carbon economy, low-carbon city, low-carbon life, carbon 2 BACKGROUND
trade, carbon tax, means to reduce carbon emissions become the
important development strategy of the whole world. Related 2.1 Concept of carbon footprints
research studies were carried out by governments, organizations and The carbon footprint originates from the concept of ecological
researchers on the economic, social and other aspects, and all the footprint, which is a measure of human demand on the Earth’s
stakeholders are trying to find a low-carbon development path. ecosystems. It is a standardized measure of demand for natural
Current research studies on the low-carbon issue, focused on capital that may be contrasted with the planet’s ecological cap-
emissions accounting and reduction, carbon emissions trading acity to regenerate. It represents the amount of biologically pro-
platform, carbon tax and carbon emission policy [2][3][4][5], ductive land and sea area necessary to supply the resources a
human population consumes, and to assimilate the associated The methods used to determine the carbon footprint should
waste. Using this assessment, it is possible to estimate how much not be specified in the definition. It is only necessary that the
of the Earth (or how many planet Earths) it would take to method satisfactorily meets the requirements of the definition.
support humanity if everybody followed a given lifestyle. So a carbon footprint can be analysed for various different func-
However, a widely accepted and concrete definition of a carbon tional units at different scales and using different methods.
footprint does not exist at present. But the notion of what a foot- There are three principal methods to calculate carbon emissions:
print is does exist. A mostly recognized concept was proposed by input –output (IO) analysis [10][11][12][13], life-cycle assess-
Wiedmann et al.: the carbon footprint is a measure of the total ment (LCA) [14][15] and IO –LCA.
amount of carbon dioxide emissions directly and indirectly caused The method depends on a functional unit via scale in practice
by an activity or accumulated over the life stages of a product. (Figure 2) [16]. Consumer products prefer bottom-up LCA,
Meanwhile, the carbon footprint is a measure of carbon dioxide while studies at the national level would apply top-down IO ana-
emissions [6][7]. lysis. Hybrid methods which combine the strength of both LCA
and IOA are an active area of research and are being increasingly
used in practice.
themselves. The results of assessment can only focus on the 3.2 Assessment standards of an organizational
carbon emissions inventory of sources and information of carbon footprint
greenhouse gas emissions can also be a complete carbon inven- The GHG Protocol, a collaboration of the WRI and the WBCSD
tory report to public carbon footprints of organizations. in 2004, provides the foundation for sustainable climate strat-
Currently, a terminal consumption analysis method based on egies and more efficient, resilient and profitable organizations.
the IO analysis is the major method for organizational carbon The standards follow an inclusive, consensus-based multi-
footprint evaluation. The key steps in calculating an organiza- stakeholder process with balanced participation from businesses,
tional carbon footprint are shown in Figure 3: government agencies, non-governmental organizations and aca-
demic institutions around the world. For organizations (corpor-
(1) Defining organizational boundaries: It is an important pro- ate, project), they introduced The GHG Protocol: A corporate
cedure to set clear, explicit boundaries on which parts of the accounting and reporting standard (2004). It provides sector-
organization are included in the organizational carbon foot- specific and general calculation tools and deals with the quanti-
print. Meanwhile, an organization may comprise one or fication of GHG reductions, resulting due to the adoption of
Essential information
Date 2006 2004, 2011 (revise)
Type Official official
Availability Instructional operability
Property International standard Voluntary initiatives standard
Objects Organizations Organizations
Applications Mainly used in industry enterprises Various industries, governments, (NGOs), carbon trading platform
Goal, scope and principle
Goal Specifies principles and requirements for the design, development, management, reporting and verification of an organization’s GHG
Principle Essentially the same drawing on ISO 14044, including relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy and transparency.
life cycle analysis had been done to determine which unit and procedures of the four standards are similar, there are still
processes shall be included within the product carbon foot- some differences. Table 2 shows the details of each aspect of the
print study. methodologies, the differences among the four standards.
(3) Calculating carbon footprint: The accuracy of the footprint By comparison of the four product carbon footprint assess-
relies on collating consumption data for all of the emission ment standards, we can see that the core content of the study
sources within the system boundary of the entire life cycle of and application of product carbon footprint assessment stan-
product. The key point in collecting data include material dards are still concentrated on greenhouse gas choice, system set-
amounts, activities and emission factors across all life cycle tings, quantification and carbon footprint and treatment of
stages. Calculated based on the carbon footprint equation specific emissions and removals and other aspects.
may ensure that all input, output and waste are included, Six GHGs in the Kyoto Protocol were selected in the four
without missing. standards. GHG and ISO can be applied to both B2B and
(4) Reporting and communication: Organizations should B2Ccarbon footprint assessment, and TS-Q0010 only applies to
prepare a report to report the results of the quantification of B2C carbon footprint assessment. The PCR, as outlined in ISO
the product carbon footprint and the achievement of the 14025, was preferentially recommended to settle the system
Essential information
Date 2008, 2011 2009 2011 Expected to release in 2013
Type version Official version Official version Official version CD edition
Operating Operability Operability Operability Instructional
Properties Open standard Technical regulation Voluntary initiatives International standard
Objects Product/serve
User fields Mainly used in foods, drinks, Mainly used in foods and Mainly used in foods, drinks and ——
clothing and cosmetics, etc. on a consumer goods in Japan cosmetics, etc. on a global scale
global scale
opportunities to encourage enterprises to improve production footprint, selection of date and treatment of specific emissions
efficiency and reduce resource consumption and waste, and are the most important part of the study of the carbon footprint
promote the development of innovation and technology, to help and assessment standards, especially for organizations and pro-
open new business opportunities, and promote corporate social ducts. Guidelines had been made on these issues from existing
responsibility and achieve sustainable development. assessment standards, but it still needs further improvement.
However, as carbon footprint reports are increasing in re- Because carbon emission has been commercialized, and has
sponse to business and legal requirements, most of the calcula- been found to influence businesses, legal guidelines are neces-
tions are following the GHG protocol and PAS worldwide. Since sary to guide and monitor these calculations, so that enterprise’
it has been extended to cover the natural system as well, it and their products’ carbon footprint analysis will be included in
becomes essential to deal with the unavoidable emissions. The the decision-making stage. Meanwhile, as the strong measures
type of GHG, system settings, quantification and carbon and tools for the global problem of climate warm, research of
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