RKN - Fragensammlung - 2018SS
RKN - Fragensammlung - 2018SS
RKN - Fragensammlung - 2018SS
Fragensammlung SS2018
RKN Fragenkatalog
Network foundations
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Link layer
What is LLC?
Logical link control. This is the part of the link layer which takes the packets from the network
layer and encapsulates them into Ethernet frames. Packet → Frame
What is MAC?
Media Access Control. This is the part of the link layer which defines how frames from the LLC are
transferred from one network interface to the other. Frame → Signal!
• Decentralized
• Random access
What is CSMA/CD?
Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection. This is the way the MAC protocol handles
frame collisions on the shared cable when two nodes are randomly accessing it.
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Host A does not know when host B is sending and vice versa. Only AP knows of both.
What is CSMA/CA?
Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance. In Wi-Fi the access point tells every node
when it is allowed to send.
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What is ARP?
Address Resolution Protocol. This protocol finds out which MAC address corresponds to a desired
IP address. It connects the link and network layer.
• Total Length → Total length of the fragmented data which shall be transferred
• Protocol → Names the protocol which is on the next layer/handles the payload of the IP
• Header checksum → Verified by routers. Drop if wrong
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• Source IP Address
• Destination IP Address
What is an IP subnet?
Every IP address consists of a network and host part. The size of this parts is specified by the subnet
mask or CIDR number. Hosts sharing the same subnet do not need a router to communicate. They
can use the link layer instead. Routers can connect different subnets.
What is NAT?
Network Address Translation. This technique is implemented by routers which are connected to the
Internet in order to share that connection with all their clients on the LAN. The router rewrites the
source IP address and Port to it's own and rewrites the answer packets before transmitting them to
the client again. A remote server only sees the router communicating with him.
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What is ICMPv4?
Internet Control Message Protocol Version 4. It is used to send error and other information about IP
connections using IP messages.
What is IP Unicasting?
One-to-One connection.
What is IP Multicasting?
One-to-Some connection. Send data to interested receivers.
What is IP Broadcasting?
One-to-All connection. Send data to all receivers on the subnet.
What is IP Anycasting?
One-to-Closest connection. Send data to the closest host with that IP. This is used for load
What is BGP?
Borderless Gateway Protocol. Used by ISPs to specify routes to be used by their hardware.
• Flow Label → Identifies streams. Routers can chose one route per stream to avoid
reordering on the receiver side
• Payload Length → Total Length of IPv4
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What is NDP?
Neighbor Discovery Protocol. Replaces ARP of IPv4 and provides auto configuration of addresses
What is SLAAC?
Stateless Address Auto Configuration. A mechanism of NDP to configure IPv6 Addresses. An
interface can obtain an IPv6 address without a router/server. The interface derives a link local
address from it's MAC address and checks for potential doubles on the network. After that it tries to
get another IPv6 address with a greater scope from a local router.
Transport Layer
• Destination Port
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• Destination Port
• Window Size (Flow Control Mechanism, Indicates how many bytes the sender is allowed to
send without overloading the receiver.)
• Checksum (Header + Data)
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What is REST?
Representational State Transfer. APIs are called RESTful if they use HTTP requests for
What is AJAX?
Asynchronous Javascript and XML. A technique which makes the client browser request stuff
dynamically (without) user interaction.
What is COMET?
AJAX with so called “Long polling”. The server does not answer, until it has finished something.
This was used by servers to notify the clients about asynchronous events before HTTP/2 Server
Push and WebSockets.
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• Browser History
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Web technologies
What is SOP?
Same Origin Policy. Documents can only include stuff from the same Origin if this header is set by
the web server. An Origin consists of the Scheme, Host, Port triple. In practice it is hard to use that
feature, because of the inclusion of remote APIs (Maps, Dropbox, Facebook).
What is JSONP?
JSON with Padding. By default AJAX Requests to other domains are not allowed. What can be
done is loading a whole javascript file in a script tag. To return an object this way, the data is
padded with a function call. This function must already be available on the website. E.g.:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://domain.com/Users/1234"></script>
"Name": "Foo",
"Id": 1234,
"Rank": 7
The function will be called and can store the data.
What is CORS?
Cross Origin Resource Sharing. A mechanism to define which origins are allowed to do AJAX
Requests across specified other origins.
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Origin header field in it's request. The server in turn needs to check that field and decide whether
this origin is allowed to request the data or not. It's main purpose is securing APIs on the server
What is CSP?
Content Security Policy. SOP only enables to restrict outgoing connections on the client side.
JavaScript injection is still possible. The server sets a CSP Header field which defines what the
client is allowed to do. It can prohibit loading scripts, images and other tags from other origins than
the defined ones.
What is XSS?
Cross Site Scripting. The attacker tries to inject JavaScript code into the users browser. By e.g.:
authoring content on a dynamic page which the user will later on request/read.
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What is CSRF/XSRF?
Cross Site Request Forgery. The victim is currently authenticated at mybank.com. The attacker
tricks the victim into opening the URL https://mybank.com/send?amount=1000&acct=attacker
In some more detail this typically this works by some scheme like Diffie-Hellman. Both parties
calculate a “pre master secret” out of their private keys and some publicly transmitted information.
This “pre master secret” gets never transmitted, but can be used by both parties to encrypt traffic as
both know it.
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• Authentication
• AES_128_GCM is the cipher used for encryption → AES 128 Bit in Gallious Counter Mode
What is PFS?
Perfect forward secrecy. A cipher suite has perfect forward secrecy support if it uses an ephemeral
key exchange algorithm. This means that if a TLS connection is captured by an evil third party and
this evil third party has access to a private key later on, it is still not able to decrypt the
communication. The key exchange algorithm agreed on some temporary key for encrypting the
communication, which was never stored.
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What is HSTS?
HTTP Strict Transport Security.
The server can set a HSTS header field in a response. If a client reads this field it will not connect to
that domain without HTTPS any more in the future.
What is HPKP?
HTTP Public Key Pinning. The server sends a HTTP header containing it's public key. This is also a
“Trust after first use” System like HSTS. The browser stores the header supplied pinned key. If the
browser detects, that the stored key is not the same as the one supplied in the certificate it will not
connect to the server.
What is SSLStrip?
A victim intially connects to http://domain.com and would normally be redirected to
https://domain.com. The attacker detects that, connects to https://domain.com itself and supplies it
to the victim as http://domain.com. He is then able to read the communication of the victim and the
What is DNS?
Domain Name System. This is used for resolving IPs for domain names.
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What is a TLD?
Top Level Domain. This are servers at the highest level of the DNS system. e.g. at, com, org, de.
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