Syllabus On Educ 200 Methodology of Research
Syllabus On Educ 200 Methodology of Research
Syllabus On Educ 200 Methodology of Research
Graduate School
Master of Arts in Education
Major: Educational Management
The course focuses on the basic ideas, concepts and principles of research methodology. Likewise it aims to include analyzing the
different kinds of research designs, preparation of research instruments, interpretation of data, and formulating of significant findings,
summary and recommendations.
Time Frame Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teacher-Learner Activities
I. Introduction of Research
The students will be able to:
1.1 Definition, Purposes, State the meaning of Conduct brain storming session Administer summative test.
Characteristics, research how technology, new brand of
Kinds, and products such as medicines,
Classifications of Explain the purposes and beauty products emerged.
January 9 to characteristics of research
23, 2021
1.2 Qualities of good Differentiate the kinds of Discussion on the meaning, Conduct graded recitation.
research research purposes, characteristics, kinds
and qualities of good research.
1.3 Values of research to Discuss the qualities of good Reporting and interaction
men between and among students. Giving of insights and
Time Frame Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teacher-Learner Activities
II. The Research Problem
The students will be able to:
2.1 Characteristics of a Interpret the characteristics Give/present sample of a Ask students submit at least
January 30 to research problem of a research problems research problem. Ask students 3 research problems with
February 13, analyze and give their their evaluation of such
2021 assessments. problems.
2.2 Sources of research Determine the good sources Discuss the good sources of a
problem of a research problem research problem. The students will be given a
2.3 The research Formulate research Provide student samples of problem.
objectives objectives completed research or ask They will be asked to do the
students to provide themselves following:
2.4 Statement of the State specific problems copy of completed research for 1. Formulate the general
problem/objectives with the appropriate and specific problems
their analysis after listening to
research problems
the discussion or reports on the 2. Present the
2.5 Theoretical Framework Construct a theoretical and
different parts of Chapter I. theoretical/conceptual
and Conceptual conceptual framework
Framework framework of the study
with paradigm of the
2.6 Hypothesis Explain how to formulate Giving of generalization. study
hypothesis 3. State the
2.7 Significance of the Come up with a hypothesis/hypotheses of
study comprehensive the study
2.8 Scope and delimitation “significance of the study” 4. Come up with a
of the study Explain the composition of comprehensive discussion
the scope and delimitation of “why” and for whom the
of the study study in significant
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum morally
all others through Education. upright, committed and competent graduates
capable of meeting the growing human resources
needs in the profession, government, business,
Tomas Del Rosario College industry and home.
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City
Telefax No: (047) 237-31-15; Tele No: (047) 791-6082
Time Frame Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teacher-Learner Activities
III. Related Literature and Studies
The students will be able to:
3.1 Importance of related Justify the inclusion of Students will collect at least 3 Students will answer
February 20 to literature related literature and related literature and 3 related practice exercise to
27, 2021 studies in a research work studies determine which of the
3.2 Purposes and functions given discussions are
of related studies Describe the characteristics Students will compare the related literature or related
of related literature and characteristics of related studies
3.3 Characteristics of studies
related literature and literature and related studies
3.4 Topics and where to Determine the sources of Provide students samples of legal Students compilation of
(Mid-term locate the sources legal basis, related basis, related literature and sample legal basis, related
Exam) literature and related related studies literature and related
3.5 Related Legal basis, studies Reporting and discussion of the studies
related literature and topics
studies (local and
March 6 to 13, foreign)
2021 Students will be required to
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum morally
all others through Education. upright, committed and competent graduates
capable of meeting the growing human resources
needs in the profession, government, business,
Tomas Del Rosario College industry and home.
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City
Telefax No: (047) 237-31-15; Tele No: (047) 791-6082
3.6 Definition of terms: Distinguish and Given exercises/samples of define some terms
Conceptual and differentiate conceptual and conceptual and operational operationally and
Operational operational definition definitions the teacher/reporter conceptually
guide students to differentiate
the 2 terms
Time Frame Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teacher-Learner Activities
IV. Research Methods/Research Design
The students will be able to:
Final Period 4.1 Historical Design Reporting of topics by the Generalizations about
4.1.1 Uses of historical Describe historical research reporters historical research are to
March 13, 2021 be shared by students
4.1.2 Major steps of Explain the major steps of Additional inputs to be given by
historical design historical design the teacher
Time Frame Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teacher-Learner Activities
V. Sampling Designs
The students will be able to:
5.1 Definition, purpose Explain the meaning of Student’s report on the topic Answer worksheets
terminologies, sampling designs in their using the 4A’s (activity, analysis, exercise with rubrics
March 27, 2021 own words abstraction and application)
advantages and
disadvantages of
5.2 Determination of sample State the advantages and
size disadvantages of sampling
5.3 Sampling Designs Discuss how to get a
sample size for the
respondents of the study
VI. Collection of Data
The students will be able to:
6.1 Classification of Data Classify data according to Teacher will give on bird’s eye Identification of data
April 3, 2021 encoding to source source view of the topic on data gathering instrument as
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum morally
all others through Education. upright, committed and competent graduates
capable of meeting the growing human resources
needs in the profession, government, business,
Tomas Del Rosario College industry and home.
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City
Telefax No: (047) 237-31-15; Tele No: (047) 791-6082
6.2 Selecting method of Determine the appropriate gathering process described in a given
collecting data method how to gather data statements
6.3 Research Instruments Identify the different Student’s presentation of their
or Tools instruments or tools in assigned reports
data gathering
Time Frame Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teacher-Learner Activities
6.2 The Questionnaire Interpret the meaning of Present sets of questions as Students will be asked to
6.2.1 Definition questionnaire research instrument construct sample
6.2.2 Advantages and Appraise the pros or cons Giving of personal reactions about questionnaire and have
Disadvantages of questionnaire the advantages and class assessments on the
April 10, 2021 disadvantages of questionnaire outputs
6.2.3 Construction of Prepare a questionnaire
(Asynchronous) questionnaire Assess samples of
6.2.4 Evaluating of questionnaire
6.2.5 Sample
6.3 The Interview Paraphrase the meaning, Guided discussions to come up Construct interview
6.3.1 Purposes and uses purposes and uses of with the meaning, purposes and questions-structured or
of interview interview uses of interview, its advantages unstructured following.
6.3.2 Advantages and Analyze the advantages and and disadvantages and kinds of
Disadvantages disadvantages of interview interview
6.3.3 Types of classes of Construct samples of Students’ presentation of reports Assessment of interview
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum morally
all others through Education. upright, committed and competent graduates
capable of meeting the growing human resources
needs in the profession, government, business,
Tomas Del Rosario College industry and home.
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City
Telefax No: (047) 237-31-15; Tele No: (047) 791-6082
Time Frame Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teacher-Learner Activities
VII. Data Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation of Data
7.1 Data Analysis Explain complex categories Conduct pre-test exercises Administered post-test
April 17 to 24, for data analysis
7.2 Presentation of Data Determine the ways of Given different ways of data
analysis, students will be asked Given sample data,
7.2.1 Textual presenting data
to interpret data students will be asked to
7.2.2 Tabular
interpret them.
7.2.3 Graphical
7.3 Purpose of Graphing Discuss and classify the
7.4 Advantages and purposes, advantages and
Limitations of Graphs limitations of graph
7.5 Types of Graph
VIII. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
8.1 Summary of findings Explain the correct way of The teacher will lead students to Given samples summary of
8.2 Conclusions and some presenting summary of have brainstorming on how to findings, conclusions and
dangers in drawing up summarize findings, give recommendations,
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum morally
all others through Education. upright, committed and competent graduates
capable of meeting the growing human resources
needs in the profession, government, business,
Tomas Del Rosario College industry and home.
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City
Telefax No: (047) 237-31-15; Tele No: (047) 791-6082
conclusions findings, conclusions and conclusions and students will give their
8.3 Recommendations recommendations recommendations. evaluations as summative
Students’ Reporting
Time Frame Topics Intended Learning Outcomes Teacher-Learner Activities
IX. Thesis Proposal
Writing and Proposal Defense
May 8 to 22, 9.1 Writing Requirements State and discuss the parts Conduct research on the Written report on the parts
2021 9.2 Content and Structure/ of a research paper composition of a research paper of a research paper.
Format of Thesis Proposal Come up with a research and what should be included in
9.3 Presentation and proposal each part
Critiquing of finished
chapters 1-3 of research. Guided writing of a thesis Individual presentation of
proposal thesis paper before the
(Asynchronous) panelist.
VIII. References
Amy, et al. (2014) Introduction to Research in Education, United States: Wadsworth, Engage Learning.
Atkins, Luz and Wallace, Susan. (2012) Qualitative Research in Education, California: Sage Publication Limited.
Crane, William, et al. (2015) Principles and Methods of Social Research, III Third Avenue, New York 10017
Frankael, et al. (2012) How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Prepared by:
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum morally
all others through Education. upright, committed and competent graduates
capable of meeting the growing human resources
needs in the profession, government, business,
Tomas Del Rosario College industry and home.
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City
Telefax No: (047) 237-31-15; Tele No: (047) 791-6082