Python Ckan

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Introduction to Python Programming

me = {'name': 'Phondanai Khanti', 'WORK_PLACE': 'NECTEC', 'Email': ''}


● A Very Brief History of Python ● Making Choices

● Expression and Values ● A Modular Approach to Program
● Types Organization
● Variables and Computer Memory ● Using Methods
● Designing and Using Functions ● Lists & Dictionaries
● Working with Text ● Repeating Code Using Loops
● Object-Oriented Python
● Flask Introduction
Guido van Rossum
December 1989, I was looking for a "hobby"
programming project that would keep me
occupied during the week around Christmas.
Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted,
dynamic programming language
● CPython
● IronPython
● Jython
● PyPy
● MyPy
● HyLang
What Python can do?
Scientific SciPy, NumPy, Pandas, IPython, Matplotlib
Machine Learning, AI NLTK,SciKit-Learn,OpenCV, TensorFlow
Web Development, Network Django, Flask**, Pyramid, Twisted, BeautifulSoup,
Programming Requests
DevOps Ansible, SaltStack
3D & Game Blender, PyGame
Mobile App Kivy
How Python run your code?

Python Program


Operating System

Hard Drive Monitor

Python2 or Python3? - last access 7/7/2021

Syntax, Expressions and Values
>>> 42 >>> 42 // 4
42 10

>>> 42 + 2 >>> 42 % 4
44 2

>>> 42 - 2 >>> 3 ** 4
40 81

>>> 42 * 2 >>> -42 # negation, unary operator

84 -42

>>> 42 / 2 >>> --42

21.0 42
Arithmetic : Operator Precedence

Precedence Operator

Highest **
*, /, //, %
Lowest +, -
Variables and Computer Memory
>>> meaning_of_life = 42 # assignment

>>> degrees_celsius = 24.0

>>> difference = 100 - degrees_celsius # evaluate first then assign

>>> difference
Assignment Statement

<<variable>> = <<expression>>
Memory Model


meaning_of_life id1 42


degrees_celsius id2 24.0

Memory Model (cont’)
>>> meaning_of_life = 42
meaning_of_life id1 42
>>> double = meaning_of_life * 2


double id2 84
Memory Model (cont’)
>>> meaning_of_life = 42
meaning_of_life id3 42
>>> double = meaning_of_life * 2

>>> meaning_of_life = 5.5


double id2 84


Something Went Wrong!
>>> 42 + foo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name "foo" is not defined

>>> 1 +
File "<stdin>", line 1
2 +
SyntaxError: can't assign to literal
Type Syntax example Type
bool True False
Text str
bytes b'Some ASCII'
bytes([119, 105, 107, 105]) Numeric int, float, complex

dict {'pi': 3.14, 3: False}

Sequence list, tuple, range
float 3.141592653589793
Mapping dict
integer -2 0 65535
Set set
NoneType None
Boolean bool
set {true, 0, 3.14}
Binary bytes, bytearray
str "Hello world"

tuple (3.1, 'string', False)

Design and Using Functions
Built-in Functions
abs() delattr() hash() memoryview() set() round() locals()

all() dict() help() min() setattr() max() getattr()

any() dir() hex() next() slice() hasattr() classmethod()

ascii() divmod() id() object() sorted() complex() repr()

bin() enumerate() input() oct() staticmethod() __import__() vars()

bool() eval() int() open() str() reversed() range()

breakpoint() exec() isinstance() ord() sum() map() list()

bytearray() filter() issubclass() pow() super() globals() frozenset()

bytes() float() iter() print() tuple() compile() chr()

callable() format() len() property() type() zip() - last access 2021/07/08

Functions That Python Provides
>>> abs(-42) General form
>>> abs(5.5)

>>> pow(2, 4)
Functions That Python Provides (cont’)

>>> pow(abs(-2), round(4.3))

>>> help(abs)

Help on built-in function abs in module builtins:

abs(x, /)
Return the absolute value of the argument.

>>> help(dir)
Help on built-in function dir in module builtins:

dir([object]) -> list of strings

If called without an argument, return the names in the current scope.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defining Our Own Functions
>>> convert_to_celsius(212)

>>> convert_to_celsius(78.8)

>>> convert_to_celsius(10.4)
Defining Our Own Functions (cont’)
>>> def convert_to_celsius(fahrenheit):
… return (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9

>>> convert_to_celsius(80)

def <<function_name>>(<<parameters>>):
Using Local Variables
>>> def quadratic(a, b, c, x): >>> first
… first = a * x ** 2 Traceback (most recent call last):
… second = b * x File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
… third = c NameError: name 'first' is not defined
… return first + second + third
… >>> a
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> quadratic(2, 3, 4, 0.5) File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
6.0 NameError: name 'a' is not defined
Working with Text
>>> 'slowpoke' >>> len('slowpoke')
>>> "psyduck" 8
>>> "Barry Allen' # SyntaxError >>> len("psyduck")
>>> '''This is >>> "psyduck" + " golduck"
… multi-line 'psyduck golduck'
… string'''
>>> """Me >>> len("""Me
… …
… Too!""" … Too!""") # What is the result?

>>> 'This is "slowpoke!"' >>> 'slowpoke' + 3 # TypeError

'This is "slowpoke!"'
>>> "This is 'psyduck!'" >>> 'slowpoke' * 3 # What about this?
"This is 'psyduck!'"
Printing Information
>>> print(1+1) >>> print() # ??????
>>> print("Lorem Ipsum") >>> print(1, 2, 3)
Lorem Ipsum 1 2 3
>>> print("One\nTwo\nThree")
One >>> print(1, 2, 3, sep=', ')
Two 1, 2, 3
Three >>> pokemon_name = "Slowpoke"
>>> pokedex = 79
>>> numbers = """One >>> print("Pokedex #{1} is
… Two {0}".format(pokemon_name,pokedex))
… Three"""
>>> print(numbers)
Get information from the Keyboard
>>> species = input() >>> population = int(input())
Mutant 67959000
>>> species >>> population += 42
'Mutant' 67959042

>>> population = input() >>> species = input("Please enter a

67959000 species: ")
>>> population Please enter a species: Mutant X
'67959000' >>> print(species)
>>> type(population) Mutant X
<class 'str'>
Making Choices : Boolean Type

True False
Boolean Operators
>>> not True Relational Operators
False > → Greater than
>>> not False < → Less than
True >= → Greater than or equal to
<= → Less than or equal to
>>> True and True == → Equal to
True != → Not equal to

>>> False or False >>> 42 > 32

False True
>>> 23.1 == 23
>>> type(False) False
<class 'bool'> >>> 42 != 42
Comparing Strings
>>> 'A' < 'a' >>> 'a' in 'abc'
True True
>>> 'A' > 'z'
False >>> '' in 'abc'
>>> 'abc' < 'abd' True
>>> '' in ''
>>> 'Jan' in '01 Jan 1870' True
>>> 'Feb' in '01 Jan 1870'
Choosing Which Statements to Execute

If <<condition>>:
What if . . .
>>> ph = float(input('Enter the pH level: >>> ph = float(input('Enter the pH level:
')) '))
Enter the pH level: 6.0 Enter the pH level: 8.5
>>> if ph < 7.0: >>> if ph < 7.0:
… print(ph, "is acidic.") … print(ph, "is acidic.")
… … elif ph > 7.0:
6.0 is acidic. … print(ph, "is basic.")
… else:
… print(ph, "is neutral")
8.5 is basic.
Nested if
value = input('Enter the pH level: ') Enter the pH level: 6.0
ph 6.0 is basic
if len(value) > 0:
ph = float(value) Enter the pH level: 8.7
if ph < 7.0: ph 8.7 is basic
print(ph, "is acidic.")
elif ph > 7.0: Enter the ph level:
print(ph, "is basic.") No pH was given!
print(ph, "is neutral.")
print("No pH value was given!")
A Modular Approach to Program Organization

>>> import this

Importing Modules
>>> import math
>>> type(math)
<class 'module'>

>>> help(math)

>>> sqrt(9) # NameError

>>> math.sqrt(9)
>>> math.pi = 3 # No! No! NOOOOO!
>>> radius = 5
>>> print('area is', math.pi * radius ** 2)
area is 75
Defining Your Own Modules
# def above_freezing(celsius):
""" (number) -> bool
def convert_to_celsius(fahrenheit):
""" (number) -> float Return True if temperature celsius degree is
above freezing.
Return the number of Celsius degrees
equivalent to fahrenheit degrees. >>> above_freezing(4.2)
>>> convert_to_celsius(75) >>> above_freezing(-2)
23.88888888888889 False
""" """
return (fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0 return celsius > 0

>>> import temperature

>>> temperature.convert_to_celsius(120)
>>> temperature.above_freezing(24)
Using Methods
>>> help(str) >>> str.capitalize('slowpoke')
Help on class str in module builtins: 'Slowpoke'
>>> str.count("Ever since my baby went away It's
class str(object) been the blackest day, it's been the blackest
| str(object[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str day", 'y')

>>> 'slowpoke'.capitalize()
>>> "Ever since my baby went away It's been the
blackest day, it's been the blackest
Chaining Method Calls
>>> 'Computer Science'.swapcase().endswith('ENCE')
Using Methods

# list store sequences >>> my_list[0]
>>> my_list = [] # empty list 1
>>> your_list = [3, 4, 5] >>> my_list[-1]
>>> my_list.append(1) 3
>>> my_list.append(2) >>> my_list[4] # will Raise IndexError
>>> my_list.append(4) >>> my_list[1:3]
>>> my_list.append(3) [2, 4, 3]
>>> my_list.pop() >>> my_list[::2]
>>> my_list.append(3) [1, 4]
>>> my_list[::-1]
>>> krypton = ['Krypton', 'Kr', -157.2,
>>> krypton[1]
Modifying Lists
>>> nobles = ['helium', 'none', argon', 'krypton',
'xenon', 'radon']

>>> nobles[1] = 'neon'

>>> nobles
['helium', 'neon', argon', 'krypton', 'xenon', 'radon']
Operations on Lists
>>> half_lives = [887.7, 24100.0, 6563.0, 14, >>> original = ['H', 'He', 'Li']
373300.0] >>> final = original + ['Be']
>>> len(half_lives) >>> final
5 ['H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be']
>>> max(half_lives)
>>> min(half_lives)
>>> sum(half_lives)
>>> sorted(half_lives)
[14, 887.7, 6563.0, 24100.0, 373300.0]
>>> half_lives
[887.7, 24100.0, 6563.0, 14, 373300.0]
Operations on Lists
>>> ['H', 'He', 'Li'] + 'Be' # TypeError >>> nobles = ['helium', 'neon', argon', 'krypton',
'xenon', 'radon']
>>> metals = ['Fe', 'Ni']
>>> metals * 3 >>> 'xenon' in nobles
['Fe', 'Ni', 'Fe', 'Ni', 'Fe', 'Ni'] True

>>> del metals[0]

>>> metals >>> gas = input('Enter a gas: ')
['Ni'] Enter a gas: argon
>>> if gas in nobles:
... print('{} is noble.'.format(gas))
argon is noble.
Slicing Lists
>>> celegans_markers = ["Emb", "Him", "Unc", "Lon",
"Dpy", "Sma"]

>>> celegans_markers[0:4]
["Emb", "Him", "Unc", "Lon"]
>>> usefule_makers = celegans_markers[0:4]

>>> celegans_copy = celegans_markers[:]

List Methods
>>> colors = ["red", "orange", "green"]
>>> colors.extend(["black, "blue"])
>>> colors
["red", "orange", "green", "black, "blue"]

>>> colors.append("purple")
>>> colors
["red", "orange", "green", "black, "blue", "purple"]
>>> colors.insert(2, "yellow")
>>> colors
["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "black", "blue", "purple"]
>>> colors.remove("black")
>>> colors
["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"]
List of Lists
>>> elements = [["Copper", "Cu"], ["Tellurium", "Te"]]
>>> elements[0]
["Copper", "Cu"]
>>> elements[1]
["Tellurium", "Te"]
>>> len(elements)

>>> "You're so " + (elements[0][1] + elements[1][1]).capitalize()

"You're so Cute"
Storing Data Using Dictionaries
>>> empty_dict = {}
>>> my_dict = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three", 3}
>>> my_dict["one"]
>>> list(my_dict.keys())
["two", "one", "three"]
>>> list(my_dict.values())
[2, 1, 3]
>>> for key, value in my_dict.items():
... print(key, value)
one 1
two 2
three 3
Repeating Code Using Loops
>>> velocities = [0.0, 9.81, 19.62, 29.43]
>>> for velocity in velocities:
... print("Metric:", velocity, "m/sec;",
... "Imperial:", velocity * 3.28, "ft/sec")
Metric: 0.0 m/sec; Imperial: 0.0 ft/sec
Metric: 9.81 m/sec; Imperial: 32.1768 ft/sec
Metric: 19.62 m/sec; Imperial: 64.3536 ft/sec
Metric: 29.43 m/sec; Imperial: 96.5304 ft/sec
Processing Characters in Strings
>>> country = "United Kingdom" >>> country = "United States of America"
>>> for ch in country: >>> for ch in country:
... if ch.isupper(): ... if ch.isupper():
... print(ch) ... print(ch)
... ...
Looping Over a Range of Numbers
>>> range(10) >>> list(range(10))
range(0, 10) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> list(range(3))
>>> for num in range(10): [0, 1, 2]
... print(num) >>> list(range(0))
0 []
1 >>> list(range(1, 5))
2 [1, 2, 3, 4]
4 >>> list(range(2000, 2050, 4))
5 [2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028,
6 2032, 2036, 2040,2044, 2048]
8 >>> list(range(2050, 2000, -4))
9 [2050, 2046, 2042, 2038, 2034, 2030, 2026, 2022,
2018, 2014, 2010, 2006, 2002]
Processing Lists Using Indices
>>> values = [4, 10, 3, 8, -6] >>> values = [4, 10, 3, 8, -6]
>>> for num in values: >>> for i in range(len(values)):
... num = num * 2 ... values[i] = values[i] * 2
... ...
>>> values >>> values
[4, 10, 3, 8, -6] [8, 20, 6, 16, -12]
Nesting Loops in Loops
>>> outer = ['Li', 'Na', 'K'] LiF
>>> inner = ['F', 'Cl', 'Br'] LiCl
>>> for metal in outer: LiBr
... for halogen in inner: NaF
... print(metal + halogen) NaCl
... NaBr
Controlling Loops Using Break and Continue
>>> s = "C3H7" >>> s = "C3H7"
>>> digit_index = -1 >>> total = 0
>>> for i in range(len(s)): >>> count = 0
... if s[i].isdigit(): >>> for i in range(len(s)):
... digit_index = i ... if s[i].isalpha():
... break ... continue
... ... total = total + int(s[i])
>>> digit_index ... count = count + 1
1 ...
>>> total
>>> count
Object-Oriented Programming
>>> isinstance('abc', str) >>> class Book:
True … """Information about a book."""

>>> help(object)
>>> type(Book)
<class 'type'>
>>> type(str)
<class 'type'> >>> ruby_book = Book()
>>> ruby_book.title = "Programming Ruby"
>>> python_book.authors = ['Thomas', 'Fowler',
Object-Oriented Programming (cont’d)
Writing a Method in Class Book
>>> str.capitalizing('slowpoke') class Book:
'Slowpoke' """Information about a book."""
>>> 'slowpoke'.capitalize()
'Slowpoke' def num_authors(self):
""" (Book) -> int

Return the number of authors of

>>> Book.num_authors(ruby_book)
this book.
>>> ruby_book.num_authors()
return len(self.authors)
>>> import book
>>> ruby_book = book.Book()
>>> ruby_book.title = "Programming Ruby"
>>> ruby_book.authors = ['Thomas', 'Fowler', 'Hunt']
>>> book.Book.num_authors(ruby_book)
>>> ruby_book.num_authors()
>>> isinstance(ruby_book, book.Book())
class Book: >>> sicp = Book("Structure and Interpretation of
"""Information about a book""" Computer Programs", ["Harold Abelson","Gerald Jay
Sussman","Julie Sussman"])
def __init__(self, title, authors):
""" (Book, str, list_of_str) -> NoneType >>> sicp.title
'Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Create a new book titled title, with list Programs'
of author(s)
""" >>> sicp.authors
self.title = title ['Harold Abelson', 'Gerald Jay Sussman', 'Julie
self.authors = authors Sussman']
class Member:
"""A member of university"""

def __init__(self, name, address, email):

"""(Member, str, str, str) -> NoneType

Create a new member named name, with home address and email address.
""" = name
self.address = address = email

def hello(self):
print("Hello {}".format(
Inheritance (cont’d)
class Student(Member):
"""A student member at a university."""

def __init__(self, name, address, email, student_id):

"""(Member, str, str, str, str) -> NoneType

Create a new student named name, with home address and email address,
student ID student_id, an empty list of courses taken, and an
empty list of current courses.

super().__init__(name, address, email)

self.student_id = student_id
Pip & Virtual Environment
● Package manager for Python.
○ Install
■ $ pip install Flask
■ $ pip install numpy pandas tensorflow==2.0.0
■ $ pip install -r requirements.txt # install list of package file.
○ Uninstall
■ $ pip uninstall Flask
○ Listing installed packages
■ $ pip list
■ $ pip freeze # output file can be uses by `pip install -r`
Virtual Environment
● Standalone Python environment.
● Creating virtual environment
○ $ python3 -m venv path/to/env
● Using the created environment
○ $ source /path/to/env/bin/activate # Bash/Zsh
○ $ source /path/to/env/bin/Activate.ps1 # PowerShell Core
○ C:\> path\to\env\Scripts\activate.bat # cmd
○ PS C:\> <venv>\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # PowerShell
● Micro web framework written in Python.
● CKAN is powered by Flask as a core web framework.
● Components.
○ Werkzeug - WSGI toolkits
○ Jinja - Template Engine
○ MarkupSafe- MarkupSafe escapes characters so text is safe to use in HTML and XML.
○ ItsDangerouse - Data serialization library
○ Click - Command line utility.
Flask - Extensions
● flask-sqlalchemy: Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask
● Flask-Migrate: SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications.
● flask-wtf: Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file upload and Recaptcha
● Flask-SocketIO: Socket.IO integration for Flask applications.
● flask-login: Flask user session management.
● flask-babel: i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz.
Flask - Quick start
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
return "Hello World"

* Serving Flask app "__main__" (lazy loading)

* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Free Online Books
Free Flask online resource
● The Flask mega tutorial
● Flask Quickstart
Thank You


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