TE 1429 Web
TE 1429 Web
TE 1429 Web
January 2005
January 2005
The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was:
Radiometrics Laboratory
International Atomic Energy Agency
Marine Environment Laboratory
B.P. 800
MC 98012 Monaco Cedex
The specific objectives of the CRP were to: identify the major sources of anthropogenic
radionuclides in the world ocean; develop present knowledge of the distributions of key
radionuclides (90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu) in water and sediment of the world ocean; and study
the development of radionuclide concentrations in water with time using good quality
historical data (e.g. from the GEOSECS programme of the mid-1970s and new data sets
collected recently).
Two research coordination meetings were held (IAEA-MEL Monaco, 1999; Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA, 2000) during which the objectives of the
CRP, the organization, data compilation, evaluation and synthesis were discussed. The
presentations and discussions covered both the development of average radionuclide
concentrations in surface water and in water profiles over the last twenty years. A. Aarkrog of
Denmark chaired the Research Co-ordination Meetings. The Scientific Secretary was P. P.
The topics covered were: Atlantic and Indian Oceans and their marginal seas (Working
Group 1); Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas (Working Group 2); Marine Processes
(Working Group 3).
The success of the CRP was due to the active collaboration of the chief scientific
investigators and the participating institutions as well as numerous other marine institutions
which provided radionuclide data for storage and evaluation for the project in the framework
of the development of the IAEA's Global Marine Radioactivity Database (GLOMARD). The
IAEA would like to express its gratitude for the information provided and for the very fruitful
The IAEA officer responsible for this publication was P.P. Povinec of the IAEA Marine
Environment Laboratory, Monaco.
The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the
publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and
institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does
not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement
or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 3
REFERENCES....................................................................................................................... 145
The interest in, and relevance of knowledge of the behaviour of radionuclides in the
ocean derives from a variety of issues. Firstly, the fate of radionuclides needs to be well
understood to provide the basis for an assessment of adverse environmental or human health
consequences, real or perceived. Then, this accumulated knowledge provides a critical basis
for rapid assessment of the impact of future releases — especially unplanned ones. These
include accidents involving radionuclide releases from such sources as coastal nuclear
facilities, nuclear waste disposal sites or from maritime transport of nuclear fuel or nuclear
wastes. Finally, radionuclides are powerful tracers providing basic insights into a variety of
oceanic processes. For example, plutonium as a particle active radio-element, is readily
incorporated into several compartments of the ocean carbon cycle. Because of the relatively
well defined temporal and spatial aspects of its introduction to the ocean, its movement within
the ocean provides many insights into a large number of processes in the oceanic water
column, and in biological and sedimentary systems.
of the present distributions and inventories of the main radionuclides of interest (3H, 14C, 90Sr,
Cs and Pu isotopes) in the world’s oceans and seas as well as possible predictions of their
concentrations in the near future.
The main aim of the CRP was to develop an understanding of the present open ocean
distribution of radionuclides in the water column and sediment and thus predict the
radiological impact to be addressed. Further, to encourage and support marine radioactivity
studies in Member States by methodological assistance and total analytical control
management. The project was designed to review and contribute to scientific knowledge of
the processes affecting radionuclide distributions and the sources which have introduced
radionuclides to the world ocean.
Three anthropogenic radionuclides (90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu) were chosen as the most
important and radiologically typical for beta-, gamma- and alpha-emitters. They are the most
abundant anthropogenic radionuclides of each class present in the marine environment and
can lead to the highest radiation doses to humans and marine biota.
The CRP participants collected large amounts of data from their respective regions of
interest as well as from other regions, consideration being given to the entire coverage of the
oceans of the world. In addition, specific tasks were assigned to collect information from
countries not participating in the CRP so that these data could also be included in the Global
Marine Radioactivity Database (GLOMARD), which is under development in the
Radiometrics Laboratory at IAEA-MEL.
The information collected is of high scientific value and represents a reference source
on average radionuclide levels in the marine environment. The present report summarizes the
results obtained in the framework of the CRP.
The world ocean covers an area of 361.11·106 km2 or 70.8% of the total surface of the
Earth [1]. Hence, the ocean is a major recipient of anthropogenic radionuclides released to the
environment by atmospheric as well as aquatic pathways.
The oceans may receive radioactive fallout directly from the atmosphere and indirectly
as runoff from rivers. Radionuclides may, however, also be discharged directly into the ocean
as liquid waste or from dumped solid wastes. Some radionuclides will behave conservatively
and stay in the water in soluble form, whereas others will be insoluble or adhere to particles
and thus, sooner or later, be transferred to marine sediments.
The three main sources of anthropogenic radionuclides are nuclear weapons testing in
the atmosphere, the Chernobyl accident and water-borne discharges from nuclear reprocessing
plants, notably Sellafield in the UK and Cap de la Hague in France [2]. Other sources e.g. sea
dumping of nuclear waste, routine discharges from nuclear power plants, sunken nuclear
submarines, satellite losses, lost nuclear weapons and the use of radioisotopes in medicine,
industry and science, contribute orders of magnitude less to the contamination of the world
ocean than the three major sources.
The aim of this chapter is, on the basis of the most recent information [2] to present an
estimate of the input of anthropogenic radionuclides to the world ocean, and to calculate the
inventories of these radionuclides as of the year 2000. As 90Sr and in particular 137Cs are the
main contributors to the present radiation doses from man-made sources in the environment
[3], the focus is on these two radionuclides.
Atmospheric nuclear test explosions have contaminated the Earth globally with
radioactive debris. The weapons tested from 1945 to 1951 were fission weapons in the 20–
100 kilotons TNT range. They produced mainly tropospheric fallout, i.e. the debris remained
below the tropopause and was not dispersed globally, but was deposited around the latitude
band of the test site. However, in 1952 the United States and in 1953 the former Soviet Union
(FSU) tested their first thermonuclear devices (megatons TNT range) and fallout from these
explosions occurred worldwide. In the following years and up until the early sixties the major
inputs of radionuclides from nuclear weapons testing occurred at Novaya Zemlya Island in the
Arctic Ocean (80.89 Mt fission yield) and at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean (42.2 Mt fission
yield). Other important locations in this respect have been Enewetak and Johnston Atolls in
the North Pacific (26 Mt), Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean (15.5 Mt), Lop Nor in China
(12.2 Mt), Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls in the South Pacific (6.1 Mt) and Semipalatinsk in
Kazakhstan (3.7 Mt).
The distribution of global fallout (based on data from [2]) is shown in Fig. 1. The data
are from a worldwide network of land-based measuring stations for 90Sr in fallout. The global
fallout pattern first of all reflects the atmospheric transport of debris from the stratosphere to
the troposphere with maximum transfer at the mid-latitudes. The global precipitation pattern
and the locations of the test sites also influence the global distribution of weapons fallout. The
significantly lower amount of fallout in the Southern hemisphere is due to the relatively low
number of test explosions there, but also to the limited atmospheric exchange between the
northern and southern stratospheres.
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Table I shows the inputs of 90Sr and 137Cs from global fallout to the various parts of the
world ocean based on fallout over land. The 137Cs data were obtained from 90Sr data by
multiplying by 1.6 [2]. The deposition densities (Bq/m2) in the various latitude bands were
from [2] and the ocean areas were obtained from [1]. Figure 2 shows the relative input of 90Sr
from global fallout to the various parts of the world ocean. The relative areas of the four
oceans compared to the total area of the world ocean are for the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and
Arctic Oceans: 50%, 26%, 20% and 4%, respectively. Hence, the Indian and Arctic Oceans
have received less input of 90Sr from global fallout than could be expected from their
respective areas, whereas the Atlantic has received about 25% more than expected. The
discrepancies are explained by the lower fallout to the Arctic and Southern hemisphere than to
the temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere (see also Fig. 3 where the latitudinal
distribution of 90Sr input in PBq is shown). In this context it should be noted that present
radionuclide inventories in the Arctic Ocean are higher than those expected from direct input
due to transport from temperate latitudes in the North Atlantic via the Norwegian Coastal
In order to obtain the actual (year 2000) inventories in the world ocean, the values in
Table I should be decay-corrected by a factor of 0.40. The same decay factor has been used
for both 90Sr and 137Cs.
UNSCEAR [2] has, based on the fission yields of the nuclear weapons tested, reported
the global release (PBq) of those radionuclides which have been globally dispersed in
atmospheric nuclear testing. Table II shows those still present in the environment.
A rctic
A tla n tic
P a cific
In d ia n
FIG. 2. Relative input of 90Sr from global fallout to the world ocean.
The inputs to the ocean for 90Sr and 137Cs were taken from Table I. The other radionuclides
were calculated from 90Sr and their release ratios to 90Sr. As 241Pu decays to 241Am with a
half-life of 14.35 years, most of the 241Pu deposited in the ocean (and elsewhere) has already
decayed to 241Am.
According to [2] the total fission yield of atmospheric nuclear test explosions is 189 Mt
(TNT). The production estimate of 90Sr is 3.88 PBq Mt-1. Hence, the total production of 90Sr
from nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere is 733 PBq. However, 29 Mt (corresponding
to 113 PBq 90Sr) were not globally dispersed, but were deposited as local fallout close to the
test sites. Hence, only 160 Mt or 622 PBq 90Sr became global fallout. Since about 2–3% of
Sr decayed before deposition, the total amount deposited is calculated to be 605 PBq 90Sr.
From measurements of the global deposition of 90Sr (Fig. 1), the global input from nuclear
weapons testing in the atmosphere is calculated to be 604 PBq 90Sr. It may thus be concluded
that measurements and calculations from fission yields agree.
As nearly all local fallout (28 Mt fission) occurred at the US test sites at Bikini and
Enewetak Atolls in the Pacific Ocean (0–30˚N latitude belt), it is assumed that this part of the
Pacific Ocean may have received about 113 PBq 90Sr besides the 66 PBq 90Sr (see Table I)
received from global fallout. However, the 113 PBq may not be fully dispersed in sea water as
some of it is imbedded in minerals (corals). Hence, it is difficult to estimate to what extent the
inventory of 90Sr in the world ocean has increased from this source. It is even more difficult to
estimate the contribution from local fallout for the other radionuclides mentioned in Table II.
Only actual environmental measurements in this part of the Pacific Ocean can give an
indication of the possible contamination to the world ocean from local fallout at Bikini and
Local fallout from the Novaya Zemlya test site has probably not contributed
significantly to the radionuclide inventories in the ocean. According to [2], the debris from
these tests went almost entirely (96%) to the stratosphere. Less than 0.5% was distributed as
local and regional fallout and the remaining part was deposited as tropospheric fallout.
Reprocessing is carried out to recover U and Pu from spent fuel for reuse in reactors.
The major reprocessing plants are in the United Kingdom (Sellafield), France (Cap de La
Hague) and Japan (Tokai). Sellafield has been the major source of radioactive contamination
of the marine environment. In the 1970s British Nuclear Fuel Ltd., Sellafield (earlier
Windscale), began to substantially increase its authorized water-borne radioactive discharges
to the Irish Sea. These discharges, first of all of 137Cs, but also other radionuclides, notably
plutonium isotopes, americium and technetium, have become measurable in most parts of the
NE Atlantic and to a large extent in the Arctic Ocean. Table III and Figs 4 and 5 show the
annual liquid discharges of 137Cs and 90Sr from Sellafield and Cap de La Hague, respectively.
Furthermore, the decay-corrected amounts (to year 2000) are shown. While the 90Sr
discharges from Cap de la Hague amounted to 20% of those from Sellafield, the discharges of
Cs were less than 3% of the corresponding Sellafield releases. Apart from the 40 PBq 137Cs
and 6.5 PBq 90Sr released from the two European reprocessing plants, 126 PBq 3H, 1 PBq
Tc and 0.015 PBq 129I contribute to the contamination of the ocean at present and the NE
Atlantic (30-90°N) in particular. Whereas the input of 3H from reprocessing is negligible
compared with that from global fallout (see Table II), Sellafield and La Hague are major
sources to the oceanic inventories of 99Tc and 129I. These two very long lived radionuclides
(half-lives: 213,000 and 1,570,000 years, respectively) will remain in the marine environment
long after all the other radionuclides mentioned in this context (Table II) have disappeared.
Approximately two thirds of the ~100 PBq 137Cs released by the Chernobyl accident in
1986 were deposited outside the former Soviet Union [4]. Although most of this activity fell
over land, a significant part went to the sea. In particular, the European marginal seas received
a substantial amount of the Chernobyl debris. The Baltic Sea was the most contaminated. The
total inventory from the accident was calculated to be 4.5 PBq 137Cs [5]. Since Chernobyl, the
Baltic Sea has been a main source of fresh inflow of 137Cs to the NE Atlantic Ocean.
The Black Sea received 2–3 PBq 137Cs from the Chernobyl accident [6]. The outflow
from the Black Sea is the main source of “new” 137Cs in the Mediterranean Sea. However, the
inflow is less than the decay of the present 137Cs Chernobyl Mediterranean Sea inventory of
3–5 PBq. The Mediterranean Sea also received direct fallout from the accident. From German
and British measurements it has been estimated [7], that the North Sea received 1.2 PBq 137Cs
from Chernobyl. The Chernobyl inventory in the NE Atlantic was estimated at about 6 PBq
Cs. In the summer of 1987, surface sea water samples collected in the Greenland,
Norwegian and Barents Seas and off the west coast of Norway and the Faroe Islands, all
contained Chernobyl-derived 137Cs.
HAGUE, 1970–1998 IN TBq
The total Chernobyl 137Cs input to the world ocean is estimated at about 16 PBq. It has
been assumed here that the input of 90Sr to the sea was negligible. The inputs of 137Cs were
estimated at 10 PBq in the 30–60˚N latitude belt and at 6 PBq in the 60–90˚N belt. Nearly all
Cs went to the N Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The relative input to the ocean thus became
significantly less than that from nuclear weapons fallout, because the Chernobyl accident was
a tropospheric event, first of all contaminating the surrounding European land areas.
Strontium 90
Caesium 137
Radioactive discharges from Sellafield, 1986-1998 in TBq
4000 35
3500 25
1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998
240 Strontium 90
220 Caesium 137
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
A few nuclear accidents have released radionuclides directly into the sea. Most
accidents have, however, involved releases to the atmosphere. The marine environment has
thus received only indirect contamination either from atmospheric deposition or through
runoff from land.
The two major nuclear accidents in 1957, Kyshtym and Windscale, are not believed to
have contributed significantly to the contamination of the marine environment.
A number of nuclear submarines, American as well as Russian, have been lost in the
world ocean. The most recent loss was the Russian submarine "Kursk" in the Barents Sea in
August 2000. This submarine was recovered in 2001 and no contamination of the sea
occurred. Another loss was the Soviet "Komsomolets" submarine, which sank at a depth of
1700 m at Bear Island in the eastern part of the Norwegian Sea. The activity in the wreck is
estimated at 2.8 PBq 90Sr and 3 PBq 137Cs, and the nuclear warheads may contain 16 TBq
Pu [10]. Close to the "Komsomolets", slightly enhanced levels of 137Cs have been
measured in sea water, but the sunken nuclear submarines may be considered only as potential
sources to radioactive contamination of the ocean.
Some satellites are nuclear powered. On a few occasions such satellites have burned up
in the upper atmosphere and have thereby contributed to the contamination of the ocean. This
was the case in 1964 when a SNAP-9A nuclear power generator aboard a US satellite re-
entered the atmosphere in the Southern hemisphere [11]. The generator contained 0.6 PBq
Pu. Since the accident, seawater samples from the Southern hemisphere have shown an
enhanced 238Pu/239,240Pu ratio, compared to ocean water from the Northern hemisphere.
Sea dumping in the western world was carried out on a national basis, from the late
1940s to the mid-1960s, mainly by the US in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and by the UK
in the NE Atlantic. In 1967, the European Nuclear Energy Agency (later NEA) organized an
international operation where about 0.3 PBq solid waste was deposited at a depth of 5 km in
the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Similar international operations continued until 1982. At that time
about 0.7 PBq α activity, 42 PBq β activity and 15 PBq tritium had been dumped in the N
Atlantic [7, 12]. The Coordinated Research and Environmental Surveillance Programme
Related to Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste "CRESP" has assessed the radiological impact
of the NEA dumping activities [13]. Minor releases of Pu from the dumped waste have been
measured at the dumpsite.
The former Soviet Union (FSU) disposed of radioactive waste for over three decades in
the Kara and Barents Seas. The total amount of waste dumped in the Arctic Seas was
estimated to be approximately 90 PBq [14]. The International Arctic Seas Assessment Project
(IASAP) study [15] has estimated that the inventory in 1993/94 had decayed to 4.7 PBq.
Monitoring has shown [10], that the releases from the dumping sites are small. Model
calculations have demonstrated that the total collective dose over the next 1000 years to the
world's population from the Russian dumpsite is in the order of 10 man Sv [15]. This is 300
times less than the corresponding dose from the radioactive waste dumped in the NE Atlantic
Radioisotopes are used in medicine, industry and research. Those most widely used as
unsealed sources are usually short lived, e.g. 99mTc and 131I and are thus of no importance as
sources to worldwide marine contamination. Hence, although the global usage of 131I in
nuclear therapy is approximately 0.6 PBq, it does not result in a measurable inventory in the
world ocean.
Longer lived radionuclides such as 3H and 14C are used in research, but releases to the
environment are very low and compared to the oceanic inventories from global fallout, of no
During 1949–1951, medium and low level liquid radioactive waste from the Soviet
nuclear establishment, Mayak in the South Urals was released into the Techa River. In total
100 PBq were discharged. 90Sr and 137Cs contributed 11.6% and 12.2%, respectively [16].
Most of the activity was retained in a cascade of reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Techa
River, which is part of the Ob River system. Although the distance from Mayak to the outlet
of the Ob River in the Arctic Ocean is about 2000 km, it cannot be ruled out that 90Sr which is
more mobile than 137Cs, may have reached the Arctic Ocean around 1950. The contamination
may be estimated to be in the order of 1 PBq [17].
Since 1951, Lake Karachay at Mayak has been used for disposal of radioactive waste.
The lake has received 3.6 EBq 137Cs and 0.74 EBq 90Sr [18]. Lake Karachay is a potential
source for future contamination of the Ob River system and thus of the Arctic Ocean. The
Krasnoyarsk Mining and Chemical Complex is another hypothetical source to radioactive
contamination of the Arctic Ocean. Other nuclear installations in the FSU (and elsewhere)
should also be kept in mind in this context. In e.g. Murmansk and Vladivostok, radioactive
waste is stored in the military naval bases and at remote locations, also along the Siberian
coastline lighthouses are powered by 90Sr generators. Each generator contains in the order of
10 PBq 90Sr and in the event of an accident is a potential source of environmental
contamination. A 90Sr generator was lost in the Sea of Okhotsk, but no contamination has
been reported.
As the total deposits of global fallout 90Sr and 137Cs are 622 PBq and 948 PBq,
respectively, and as 377 PBq 90Sr and 603 PBq 137Cs were deposited in the sea, the terrestrial
input has been 245 PBq 90Sr and 345 PBq 137Cs. Furthermore, the total deposition from
Chernobyl was ~10 PBq 90Sr and ~85 PBq 137Cs [2]. Of this, 10 PBq 90Sr and 69 PBq 137Cs
fell over land.
The global runoff of 90Sr is thus calculated as: 0.09(245+10) 23 PBq and that of 137Cs
becomes: 0.02(345+69) = 8 PBq. By the year 2000 these inputs would have decayed to about
9 PBq 90Sr and 3 PBq 137Cs. In other words runoff may increase the 90Sr inventory in the
world ocean by 6% and the 137Cs inventory by 1–2%, which is insignificant when other
uncertainties are taken into consideration. Furthermore, radionuclides transported by runoff
will often be bound to particulates and thus be sedimented rather than transferred to biota.
Hence, runoff is not believed to influence the marine pathway ingestion doses to man
The total input from all sources of 90Sr to the world ocean has been 383 PBq (377 PBq
from global fallout and 6.5 PBq from reprocessing). The input of 137Cs was 659 PBq (604
PBq from fallout, 40 PBq from reprocessing plants) and 16 PBq from Chernobyl. To these
figures should be added local inputs in the equatorial N Pacific, which may be in the order of
100 PBq for each of the two radionuclides. Table IV summarizes the present (year 2000)
inventories of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the world ocean from all major sources, including
local fallout.
Latitude Global Local Repro- Chernoby Subtotal Global Local Subtotal ALL
fallout fallout cessing l fallout fallout SOURCE
N 90º-30º 28.8 0.0 3.9 0.0 32.7 29.2 0.0 29.2 61.9
N 30º-0º 12.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.3 31.6 22.5 54.1 66.5
S 0º-30º 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.1 16.5 22.5 39.0 43.1
S 30º-90º 6.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.8 21.4 0.0 21.4 28.2
TOTAL 52.1 0.0 3.9 0.0 56.0 98.6 45.0 143.6 199.7
N 90º-30º 46.1 0.0 23.5 11.5 81.1 46.7 0.0 46.7 127.8
N 30º-0º 19.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.7 50.6 36.0 86.6 106.3
S 0º-30º 6.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 26.4 36.0 62.4 69.0
S 30º-90º 10.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.9 34.2 0.0 34.2 45.1
TOTAL 83.4 0.0 23.5 11.5 118.4 157.8 72.0 229.8 348.2
N 90º-30º 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 1.3 0.0 1.3 2.5
N 30º-0º 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.4 1.0 2.4 2.9
S 0º-30º 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.0 1.7 1.9
S 30º-90º 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.9 0.0 0.9 1.2
TOTAL 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 4.3 2.0 6.3 8.6
It has been assumed that the inputs of local fallout from the US Pacific tests were 113 PBq 90Sr, 181 PBq 137Cs
and 2 PBq 239,240Pu. It was further assumed that this fallout was equally divided between latitude bands N 30-0°
and S 0-30°. 90Sr and 137Cs had by the year 2000 decayed to 45 PBq and 72 PBq, respectively.
The major inputs from global fallout occurred in the late fifties and early sixties,
reprocessing discharges peaked in the last half of the seventies and nearly all of the fallout
from Chernobyl was deposited in 1986. There has been some redistribution of the
radionuclides in the ocean due to both advection and mixing processes. Water-borne releases
from reprocessing in western Europe and global fallout have thus been dispersed to the Arctic
Ocean and contamination from the Baltic Sea, due to the Chernobyl accident, has reached the
North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.
The NE Atlantic is the part of the world ocean most contaminated by radionuclides
because of 137Cs input from all three major sources: global fallout, reprocessing and
Chernobyl. The lowest input of anthropogenic radionuclides has been to the waters
surrounding the Antarctic continent. In these southern parts of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic
Oceans, the concentrations of e.g. 137Cs are about 40 times lower than those found in the NE
Atlantic [21].
Although the ocean contains most of the anthropogenic radionuclides released into the
environment, the radiological impact of this contamination is low. Radiation doses from
naturally-occurring radionuclides in the marine environment (e.g. 210Po), are on the average
two orders of magnitude higher [21].
A wide range of radionuclides has been released into the oceans. Their distribution in
space and time can be quite complex, but is always related to four general processes: the input
function/source, radioactive decay, biogeochemistry, and oceanic processes.
A brief review of each of these processes is made below and provides examples and
references to studies that incorporate these processes into the interpretation of environmental
radionuclide distributions and inventories. It suffices to say that in most instances,
considerable ancillary, non-radiochemical data are needed to interpret ocean radionuclide
distributions. Thus the most basic studies require a knowledge of local oceanographic
conditions in addition to the physical properties of the radionuclide of interest. This review
will focus primarily on the man-made, or anthropogenic radionuclides, though considerable
effort has been spent in ocean sciences understanding naturally-occurring radionuclides, such
as the uranium/thorium decay series. Insights into the expected fate of anthropogenic
radionuclides can often be gained by comparisons between appropriate natural and
anthropogenic radionuclides.
Source Pu/239Pu atom ratio
Global weapons testing fallout 0.18
Nevada test site 0.03
Pacific test sites >0.30
Novaya Zemlya/Barents Sea <0.03
Mururoa <0.06
Source Cs/137Cs activity ratio in 1986
Global weapons testing fallout 0
Chernobyl fallout 0.5
Source Cs/90Sr activity ratio
Global weapons testing fallout 1.5 (in 1962, peak fallout year)
Chernobyl fallout 5 (in 1986, year of release)
Sellafield discharges 11 (in 1975, peak discharge
All radionuclide data are reported with a reference date, generally either the sampling
date or date of release, so that changes in the reported distributions can be attributed to
environmental, rather than decay processes. Sources of anthropogenic radionuclides have
been reviewed elsewhere (this report, Chapter 2, [25, 26]).
Many of the anthropogenic radionuclides from both fallout and local sources have been
used by oceanographers as "tracers" of marine processes. Of great interest, for example in
ocean sciences, has been the distribution of fallout 14C and tritium as tracers of the rates of
ocean mixing (see below). It should also be noted in this regard that fallout delivery to the
Northern hemisphere was much greater than to the Southern hemisphere, thus for the world
ocean, there are generally lower activities of all anthropogenic radionuclides in sea water,
sediment and biota south of the equator. Also, due to local fallout from weapons tests
conducted in the Pacific, the inventories of Pu for example are higher than in soil samples at
comparable latitudes (Fig. 6). In terms of local sources, there has been considerable use of
Sellafield-derived 137Cs and 90Sr (Fig. 7), and Cap de la Hague-derived 129I to trace water
movement in the North and Baltic Seas and into the Arctic Ocean [27, 28]. An additional
category of local source input to the ocean is found in indirect input from rivers draining into
the ocean. An example of this would be delivery of 90Sr from the Chernobyl reactor site via
the Dnepr river to the Black Sea (Fig. 8 [29]).
FIG. 6. 239,240Pu inventories in Pacific water columns (mCi/km2) from GEOSECS [30]. Note
that the water column inventories in the NW Pacific are higher than those expected from
global fallout delivery (column on the right), due to local fallout from testing at Enewetak and
FIG. 7. Surface distributions of 137Cs (disintegrations per minute per 100 kg as of 1 January
1981) in the Norwegian-Greenland Seas. Samples were collected in 1981 (dark symbols) and
1982 (light symbols). Note highest values north of Scotland due to Sellafield discharges [27].
FIG. 8. Average 90Sr concentrations in the Dnepr river near the Black Sea. Total fluxes per
year are also indicated. Note large increase in 90Sr concentrations after Chernobyl [29].
Once released into the ocean, the fate of each isotope is largely tied to its chemical
properties. Broadly speaking, the anthropogenic radionuclides are divided into:
(i) conservative, or
(ii) non-conservative or so-called particle-reactive radionuclides.
Conservative tracers are defined as being highly soluble in sea water, thus their
redistribution upon entering the ocean is determined largely by physical processes related to
ocean mixing and diffusion. Common examples of conservative radionuclides include 137Cs,
Sr, 14C, tritium, 129I. Particle-reactive elements undergo more rapid removal from the ocean
due to the affinity of these elements for natural particle surfaces and the general rain of
sinking particles in the ocean which removes these particle-bound isotopes to the deep sea and
underlying sediment. Examples include 239,240Pu, 106Ru and 144Ce.
A cause of confusion in marine radionuclide studies is that, depending upon the local
ocean conditions and the time-scales of interest, different radionuclides can be used as both
conservative and non-conservative tracers. For example, Cs is commonly used as a
conservative tracer. However particle fluxes are considerably higher in coastal and more
productive waters than in the open ocean, hence, 137Cs can be more readily scavenged in the
coastal ocean and once bound to clays, can be used in sediment as a tracer of particle mixing
and sediment accumulation. While Pu is generally thought of as a non-conservative tracer, its
distribution on time-scales of years is largely controlled by physical mixing especially in the
open ocean. Contrasting chemical behaviour of reduced Pu (more particle-reactive) and
oxidized Pu (more soluble), leads to more rapid and complete removal of Pu from anoxic
waters such as the deep Black Sea [31], thus in this case local geochemistry leads to
conservative vs. non-conservative behaviour. Not only chemical, but also the physical form in
which a radionuclide is delivered may determine its fate. For example, it has been shown that
local fallout from land-based testing has delivered Pu to the oceans that was more rapidly
removed to deep ocean sediment than its stratospheric-based Pu counterpart. It was
hypothesized that this was due to the incorporation of Pu into melted silicate sands from the
Nevada Test Site (Figs 9 & 10) [32]. In this case, the measurements of Pu/239Pu isotopic
ratios were used to identify the different Pu sources (Table V).
Since many anthropogenic radionuclides are introduced into the oceans in constant, or
known local ratios, the change in ratio with time or location can often be used to deduce the
extent and rates of particle reactivity for a given pair. For example, 239,240Pu/137Cs ratios in sea
water decreased rapidly, due to removal of Pu onto particles and subsequent vertical sinking
of these Pu-bearing particles (Fig. 11). Thus, by the time of the GEOSECS programmes in the
1970s, surface water Pu/Cs ratios in the central Pacific of <0.002 had been found, and in
vertical profiles of both radionuclides this ratio increased to >0.02. Pu was found throughout
all depths to 6000 m in at least low levels, while 137Cs was not detected in deep water [30].
As might be expected from the discussion above, variations in total inventory (per
volume of water, sediment, or per area) are often important in order to learn more about the
behaviour of radionuclides in the oceans. Most useful in this regard is some knowledge of
delivery patterns (in space and time) and total supply per unit area of the ocean (assuming
fallout delivery). Soil samples provide particularly useful information for determining average
delivery rates, relative source ratios and inventories of many fallout radionuclides in each
latitudinal band [35]. Due to higher than expected Pu (and Cs, Sr) inventories in sea water and
sediment, it was possible to deduce, for example, that the N Pacific was impacted by local
fallout from US weapons testing at the Pacific Proving Grounds [30]. Inventories were also
used to examine the strength of boundary scavenging along the coast for 239,240Pu and
naturally-occurring excess 210Pb (Fig. 13) [36].
FIG. 9. 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in sediments vs. depth in the NW Atlantic. Squares were
sampled in 1983-1985, while diamonds refer to archived samples (year of sampling indicated
FIG. 10. Fallout model used to identify two sources of fallout to the NW Atlantic, namely
Nevada fallout with a low 240Pu/239Pu ratio, but high efficiency for removal into sediments,
and global fallout with a 240Pu/239Pu ratio of 0.18, and low removal to sediments, except in
coastal regions [32].
FIG. 11. Vertical profiles of 239,240Pu, 137Cs and 230Th from GEOSECS station G225 in the N
Pacific. Note low Pu/Cs ratios at the surface due to Pu scavenging, higher Pu/Cs at
subsurface Pu maximum, and no detectable Cs below about 2 km, while Pu is found at all
depths. This separation with depth is due to the relative difference between the conservative
nature of Cs in the oceans, and the particle-reactivity of Pu [26].
FIG. 12. Surface ocean concentrations of 137Cs (fCi/kg) in Bikini lagoon in 1972. Note highest
concentrations associated with the testing site and apparent source of Cs to surrounding
waters due to release from coral sediments [37].
FIG. 13. Sediment inventory vs. water depth for 239,240Pu and 210Pbexcess in the NW Atlantic.
The dashed line at 100% represents expected delivery of both isotopes [36].
4.1. Overview
The major source of anthropogenic radionuclides in sea water and sediment in the
Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas can be traced to global and local fallout from nuclear
weapons testing. Other sources have introduced relatively smaller amounts of radionuclides
into the Pacific Ocean.
Past measurements of concentrations of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in surface water, the
water column and sediment from regions of the North and South Pacific Ocean are reported.
A comprehensive collection of published references on these radionuclides in the Pacific
environment is attached (ANNEX IV). The data for concentrations were extracted from these
references as well as from various institutional sources and has been compiled in the
GLOMARD database.
The different regions of the Pacific Ocean were chosen on the basis of known ocean
current systems (Fig. 14), the location of nuclear test sites, the availability of recent data and,
for some, the probability of a relatively uniform distribution of radionuclides.
The behaviour of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the Pacific Ocean has been discussed in
many papers (see ANNEX IV) and in a more recent review [38]. The most extensive studies
were carried out during the 1973–1974 GEOSECS programme that provided the first
comprehensive dataset on the lateral and vertical distributions of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in
Pacific waters [30]. Traditionally, several Japanese institutes, as well as many other research
groups, have been active in investigating these radionuclides, especially in NW Pacific water
and sediment, e.g. [39–51]. A third group of investigations was concerned with nuclear
weapons testing sites in the Marshall Islands, e.g. [52–54] and French Polynesia, e.g. [55–58].
The behaviour of plutonium in the Pacific Ocean will be discussed in more detail as this
element has received the greatest attention. The state of knowledge of the behaviour of Pu in
the Pacific Ocean has evolved slowly due to the intrinsic complexity of the many factors
involved and to the economic and logistical constraints on its study in the world’s largest
ocean. Three of the main factors relevant to Pu behaviour are:
(i) The physical and chemical form of plutonium as it enters the ocean — frequently
(ii) The basic physico-chemical properties of plutonium e.g. oxidation state,
speciation and the ability to form complexes, and the resultant phase partition
between particles and solution,
(iii) The physical, chemical and biological processes that act on plutonium in the
Pacific Ocean in a heterogeneous manner — both geographically and over
seasonal, annual and multi-annual time-scales.
The major input of plutonium to the Pacific Ocean both quantitatively and
geographically, resulted from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. A significant but
smaller input of plutonium, derives from the global fallout of a 238Pu source in a navigational
satellite (SNAP-9A) that burned up over the Indian Ocean in 1964 [35]. Other inputs, e.g.
from nuclear waste disposal, isolated underwater nuclear tests or land-based releases, are
relatively minor in comparison and tend to have rather localized effects. The primary source
FIG. 14. The global surface current system (adapted from The Open University [59]). Cool currents –dashed arrows; warm currents –continuous
arrows. The map shows average winter (Northern hemisphere) conditions.
40 14
2 3
4 5
0 15 6 7
8 9
10 11
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
The second and very substantial input of plutonium to the Pacific Ocean was derived
from the extensive series of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests carried out by the US weapons
testing programme at the Pacific Proving Grounds at Bikini (11°36'N, 165°22'E) and
Enewetak (11°30'N, 162°20'E) Atolls between 1946 and 1958 [54]. A total of 66 tests were
conducted at these atolls. Many of these tests were conducted at or near ground level and thus
much of the resultant radioactivity was delivered to the troposphere with substantial fallout to
regional ocean areas. Surface tests conducted over coral islands or over shallow water
produced highly localized input [60] because large quantities of soil were incorporated in the
ensuring fireball and cloud. In these cases different types and sizes of high specific activity
particles were formed consisting of mixtures of partially hydrated CaO, Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3
formed by high temperature vaporisation and subsequent condensation processes [61].
Therefore, in addition to the injection of fallout debris into the stratosphere, these surface-
based tests have produced significant quantities of local, or so-called tropospheric fallout.
Such fallout remains within the troposphere, from which it is rapidly deposited. Depending
upon local wind conditions and wet and dry deposition patterns, tropospheric fallout was
deposited preferentially within the vicinity of the test site [62]. In the years that followed
testing, contaminated particles deposited in lagoon and surrounding slope and basin sediment
formed a reservoir and source term for the marine environment through solubilization and
water transport. The mean exchange rate of Enewetak lagoon water is approximately one
month and estimates for Bikini lagoon water vary between 30 and 140 days [63]. Other
Pacific tests were conducted by the US and the UK at Christmas Island (1°52'N, 157°20'W)
and by the USA at Johnston Atoll (17°00'N, 163°30'W). However, these were conducted at
high altitude and are unlikely to have contributed significantly to local tropospheric fallout in
comparison to the Enewetak and Bikini tests. France also conducted an extensive series of
atmospheric tests at Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls (around 22°S, 135°W) [57]. Most of the
46 tests and trials were conducted between 1966 and 1974 at altitudes of 200 to 700 m. In
consequence of the much lower yields than of the US tests at Bikini and Enewetak, and the
altitude of detonation, it is anticipated that the delivery of local fallout from the French tests to
the surrounding ocean areas must have been of much smaller significance.
sediment in both lagoons are only about 0.9 TBq [57]. Using the radionuclide residence time
of 100 days for Mururoa and 30 days for Fangataufa, the annual release rate for 239,240Pu from
Mururoa and Fangataufa lagoon sediment to the open ocean was estimated to be about
0.01 TBq [57]. Hence, the total cumulative export to the ocean from this source over the past
30 years would be about 0.3 TBq.
A considerable amount of work has been carried out over the last 40 years with respect
to the fate and behaviour of Pu in the Pacific Ocean. For example, [26] included an extensive
section on many aspects of Pu in the Pacific in a major review of the aquatic behaviour of Pu.
Robison and Noshkin [54] have produced an informative review of environmental impact
assessment studies around the US test sites at Bikini and Enewetak, and the IAEA [57]
addressed similar issues around the French test sites at Mururoa and Fangataufa.
The basic property controlling the oceanic behaviour of Pu is its tendency to associate
with particulate phases. This however varies considerably, depending on speciation (e.g.
oxidation state), physico-chemical form and density of particles. The higher oxidation states
(V, VI) would have substantially less particle association than the lower (III, IV), as discussed
in [26]. This was specifically discussed with respect to open Pacific waters in a paper by
Nelson et al. [64]. Buesseler [65] discussed the influence of physico-chemical forms on Pu
oceanic behaviour — noting especially, in the Pacific, the difference between calcium-rich
particles produced following surface tests in the Pacific and the smaller (sub-micron) iron-rich
particles introduced to the stratosphere from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. Finally,
particle density is a major influence on the oceanic behaviour of Pu. Estuarine, coastal and
slope sediment have been shown in many studies to receive large amounts of scavenged Pu
from the large population of biogenic and inorganic particles present in shallower, near-shore
locations. In contrast, open ocean oligotrophic settings (covering most of the global ocean)
have been shown to exhibit patterns of Pu distributions wherein the largest part of the
delivered Pu is still resident in the water column (e.g. [30, 66]).
In the Pacific, these generally complex patterns are further complicated by substantial
amounts of Pu delivered there, in addition to global fallout, from tropospheric local fallout
from the Bikini and Enewetak test series (such as the "Mike" test in 1952 at Enewetak).
Buesseler [65] has noted that the Pu signal from these tests can be distinguished on the basis
of the much higher proportion of 240Pu relative to 239Pu (see also Chapter 3). Observed
oceanic 240Pu/239Pu ratios of up to 0.36 are contrasted with the value of 0.18 that generally has
represented the global fallout average. Pu from this local fallout, with its characteristic
isotopic signature, has physico-chemical characteristics that lead to its much faster removal
from the ocean surface and transfer to the deep ocean compared to Pu from global fallout. It is
also true that, at the locations where these high ratios were observed, the Pu inventories in the
water column, or total of water plus sediment, are substantially in excess of global fallout
values. The distribution of this excess, both geographically and vertically in the N Pacific is
highly consistent with its originating from a local fallout source because of enhanced
biological removal and the high 240Pu/239Pu signature. The geographical distribution agrees
with that expected from regional input in the vicinity of the test sites, subsequently
redistributed by the Western N Pacific gyral circulation and the Equatorial Current and
Counter-Current systems (Fig. 14). The evidence from vertical distributions can be drawn
from two sets of observations. Firstly, one can look at the distribution of stations that show
elevated Pu concentrations in near-bottom water. Again, the GEOSECS data [30] show deep-
water Pu maxima in the NW Pacific to be well correlated with inventories exceeding global
fallout levels. This has also been seen in other data sets — always subject to data limitations,
such as undersampled deep water or analytical discrepancies. Secondly, it is useful to examine
the geographical distribution of locations where data permit an assessment of the proportion
of Pu inventories between the water column and underlying sediment — or even between
upper and deep ocean water inventories. A higher proportion of the total Pu inventory was
found at stations of high sediment Pu inventories in the western N Pacific (up to 16%)
compared to the station north of Hawaii (2%). Taken together, these observations seem to
point to the existence, in the Pacific, of a second source of Pu (in addition to global fallout),
derived from the ground level nuclear tests in the 1950s, which has been shown to be
associated with particle scavenging and transport processes at rates substantially greater than
the rates typically seen for global fallout Pu in open ocean regions.
For the study of the distribution of radionuclides in sea water and sediment, the Pacific
Ocean has been divided into different latitudinal boxes (Fig. 15) on the basis of known ocean
current systems, the location of nuclear test sites, the availability of recent data and, the
probability of a relatively uniform distribution of some radionuclides. Twelve boxes have
been delineated in the Pacific Ocean and one box has been attributed to the Southern Ocean.
The Sea of Japan has been given a separate box because of its oceanographic specificity and
importance in marine radioactivity studies. Box 1 (north of 40°N) is the subarctic Pacific
Ocean, where the largest fallout rates of 137Cs and 90Sr over the Pacific Ocean were observed
in the 1960s [2]. Boxes 2 and 3 (25°–40°N) are upstream and downstream of the Kuroshio
Extension, respectively, where the water masses of the Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents mix.
Boxes 4 and 5 (5°–25°N) are downstream and upstream of the North Equatorial Current,
which is a typical oligotrophic ocean current corresponding to the subtropical gyre (Box 5
also includes the California Current). These boxes include the Pacific Proving Grounds
nuclear weapons tests sites (Bikini, Enewetak, Johnston Atolls and others), especially
important for plutonium [65, 67]. The subtropical region of the western N Pacific was
affected by local fallout as opposed to the subtropical region of the eastern N Pacific. Boxes 6
and 7 (5°S–5°N) are downstream and upstream of the South Equatorial Current, respectively.
The boundary between boxes 4, 5 and 6, 7 is approximately at the Equatorial Counter-
Current. Box 7 includes the Equatorial upwelling region. Boxes 8 and 9 (5°–25°S) are
downstream and upstream of the South Equatorial Current, respectively. The boundary
between boxes 6, 7 and 8, 9 approximately corresponds to the South Equatorial Counter-
Current. Box 9 includes the French nuclear weapons test sites (Mururoa and Fangataufa).
Box 10 (25°–40°S) corresponds to the Tasman Sea. Box 11 (25°–40°S) is the mid-latitude
region of the South Pacific. Boxes 12 (40°–60°S) and 13 (below 60°S) include the Southern
Ocean and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
Figures 16 to 19 show 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu surface water data from the
GLOMARD database for the period 1991–1995, for which average radionuclide
concentrations were calculated for the corresponding latitudinal boxes in the Pacific Ocean.
Although the density of data is not very high, a clear latitudinal effect of increasing average
radionuclide concentrations from the south to the north can be observed, as expected. The 3H
data have a very good coverage in the central and South Pacific Ocean thanks to the WOCE
programme [68]. The average concentrations increase from 13 mBq/L estimated for Box 13,
up to 330 mBq/L estimated for the Sea of Japan. 90Sr data have the highest density in the NW
Pacific Ocean (similar to 137Cs and 239,240Pu) increasing from 0.4 mBq/L from the south to 1.8
mBq/L for the Sea of Japan. 137Cs and 239,240Pu data show an increase from 0.6 mBq/L and 0.8
μBq/L, respectively, in the south to 2.8 mBq/L and 8.5 μBq/L in the Sea of Japan,
Except for the fact that the highest average radionuclide concentrations were observed
in the Sea of Japan, the data show lower average concentrations than expected in Box 3 for
Pu (however, the data set is very small). Similarly, in the north, Box 1 shows lower
average concentrations for 137Cs than expected (however, the geographical distribution of data
in this box is heavily concentrated in the NW).
Similar data sets are shown in Figs 20 to 23 for the years 1996–2000. Here, the data are
very sparse and they are mainly based on the results obtained in the framework of the
WOMARS project. A comparison (where possible) of decay-corrected data shows more or
less the same trend in data observed for the years 1991–1995.
Although the data density is very low, it was possible, at least for the NW Pacific
Ocean, to develop a distribution chart for 137Cs in surface water using data extracted from the
GLOMARD database for the years 1991–2000 (decay-corrected to 1.1.2000 (Fig. 24)).
For a more detailed discussion on radionuclide data in the boxes see Chapter 4.3.
4.3.2. Sediment
A similar set of data was developed for the distribution of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in
sediment (Figs 25 to 27 for 1991–1995 and Figs 28 to 29 for 1996–2000 (no data are
available for 239,240Pu)). The data density is even less than for surface water. Only few data are
available for the NW Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, mainly obtained in the framework
of the WOMARS project. Therefore, a detailed evaluation of sediment data is not possible.
Pacific sediment is, of course, the ultimate sink for the Pu present there. The sheer size
and great depth of the Pacific have limited the number of Pacific sediment studies. However,
shelf and slope studies have been undertaken on both the eastern and western Pacific margins
due to their proximity to coastal laboratories. On the eastern side, Sholkovitz [26] has
presented a comprehensive overview of previous work on California basin sediment. Beasley
et al. [69] reported on transuranic measurements in shelf sediment off Washington and
Oregon. Some data were reported for the western side [70], the East China and Yellow Seas
[43] and the Seto Inland Sea [71]. All these studies point to the same major conclusion. As
indicated by the general excess inventories over those anticipated from global fallout, Pacific
marginal sediment underlying waters with high biological productivity and larger suspended
sediment loads are major sinks in Pu removal and sequestration. The additional component
from transported local fallout Pu has also to be considered in respect of western marginal
sediment — as discussed in Chapter 4.6.2.
The number of open Pacific Ocean sediment Pu studies is smaller than needed to permit
a comprehensive estimate of the distribution and inventories residing there — especially for
specific points in time. For example, it is unfortunate that the comprehensive GEOSECS
sampling programme did not collect sediment cores at the wide distribution of stations
occupied. There is another factor that complicates the acquisition of reliable estimates of Pu
distributions and inventories, the heterogeneity of the observed Pu distributions to be found
— especially in deep-ocean sediment. This is presumably a consequence of the relatively
short time, in a geological sense, over which Pu has been arriving at the sea-floor.
Presumably, on the scale of hundreds and thousands of years, these distributions will tend to
even out — beginning to approach the more homogeneous distributions at a steady state that
can be observed for long lived Th isotopes, for example [72]. There, in a series of 17 sediment
cores collected in the late 1970s in a single area in the central N Pacific Ocean, north of
330±170 210±70
(13) (5)
165±12 177±12
(3) (4)
0 84±16
(15) (69)
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
(167) 1.8±2.7
1.7±0.5 1.41±0.07
(115) (3)
20 1.61±0.18
(4) 1.12±0.15
1.46±0.05 1.05±0.11
0 (2) (3)
1.19 1.03±0.10
(1) (12)
0.10 (1)
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
2.7±0.5 2.3±0.6
(250) (66)
2.7±0.6 2.8±0.5
(158) (3)
20 2.7±0.6 2.3±0.3
(14) (4)
2.32±0.11 1.86±0.12
0 (2) (3)
1.67 1.91±0.14
(1) (12)
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
(71) 5.3±5.0
5.5±2.4 0.71±0.13
(25) (3)
20 3.4±1.4 1.7±0.7
(20) (5)
0 3.6±2.7 (3)
1.5±1.2 4.7±5.5
(5) (28)
(5) 1.6±0.6
1.33 (1)
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
20 109±7
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
(42) 1.31±0.3
40 1.6±0.3
20 1.50±0.09
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
FIG. 21. Sr in surface water (1996–2000), decay-corrected to 01.01.2000, in mBq/L.
(44) 2.0±0.5
40 2.4±0.5
20 2.4±0.4
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
(30) 7.8±8.7
20 (7)
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
FIG. 24. 137Cs in surface water of the NW Pacific Ocean (1991–2000).
0.2 ± 0.2
(41) 0.3 ± 0.1
0.1 ± 0.1
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Hawaii, Bowen reported variations of around a factor of 10 in the observed Pu distributions
and inventories. In a similar manner, the depths of bioturbation varied considerably — from 5
to 20 centimetres. Although sampling artefacts are always a concern, he reported that this was
not a major contributor to the observed heterogeneity as four different sampling devices were
used and no clear correlation with device was found. The hypothesis advanced to explain this
heterogeneity was based on the linkage, over short time intervals, with the variability in the
places of more intense bioturbation — given the relatively small population density of benthic
organisms supportable by low fluxes of food via sinking particles.
Even with this limitation, the actual number of places where deep ocean Pacific Pu
measurements in sediment have been obtained is quite limited with respect to spatial coverage
— and even more so in respect of time. The main data sets built into the Global Marine
Radioactivity Database (GLOMARD) at IAEA-MEL [73] were supplied by these Japanese
institutions: the Japan Chemical Analysis Center (JCAC), the Marine Safety Agency (MSA)
and the Fisheries Agency (FA). IAEA-MEL data from the joint Japanese-Korean-Russian
expeditions in 1994 [74] and 1995 [75] were used in the evaluations as well [76, 77]. Further
data were obtained from a literature survey covering the western and central N Pacific [41, 42,
44–48, 78–82] as well as the eastern Equatorial Pacific [83]. A significant trend, discussed
below, is the frequently observed excesses of Pu, in either absolute or relative (to 137Cs) terms
found especially in western regions close to downstream locations around the test sites at
Bikini and Enewetak and towards the equator in the eastern Pacific. This will be discussed
with reference to the important Pu source from local fallout from these atoll weapons tests.
4.4. Surface water radionuclide time series
This section compares 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu concentrations measured since 1971 in
surface water of 14 regions of the Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas in a series of figures.
Regression analyses of the results provide best estimates of effective decay constants and
effective half-lives for radionuclides in surface water. The computed values are used to
predict concentrations in surface water for the year 2000 and are compared to the most
recently measured values in the areas concerned. Levels of anthropogenic radionuclides
(137Cs, 90Sr and 239,240Pu) in surface water of the Pacific Ocean were evaluated using the data
stored in the GLOMARD database.
The time series of anthropogenic radionuclides (90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu) during 1971–1998
are examined to estimate their surface concentrations in the year 2000, as anthropogenic
radionuclides in surface water in the 1950s and 1960s were mainly controlled by input
processes such as global and local fallout [2]. The concentrations of 90Sr with time in surface
water for each box decrease exponentially (Figs 30 to 33). Therefore, temporal changes in
surface radionuclide concentrations can be expressed by an exponential function over three
decades in time. The surface concentrations and effective half-lives of 137Cs, 90Sr and 239,240Pu
in each box of the Pacific are calculated from the corresponding regression lines. However,
the confidence levels of regression lines vary greatly between boxes because of the different
densities of data.
The 90Sr concentrations in surface water in 2000 calculated from the time series or
estimated from recent measurements are in the range of 0.4 to 1.5 mBq/L (Table VI). The
surface concentration of 90Sr in Boxes 8, 10, 11 and 12 cannot be estimated because of the
lack of data (less than 3 values). Most of the surface 90Sr concentration data are crowded in
Box 2 (76%). Higher surface 90Sr concentration occurs in the mid-latitude region of the
western N Pacific (Box 2). The lowest values appear in regions of high latitude in the South
Pacific. The geographical distribution of 90Sr in Pacific surface water in 2000 is
homogeneous, as is that of 137Cs.
2.5 ± 2.3
(66) 2.9 ± 1.1
2.2 ± 1.8
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
0.3 ± 0.4
(43) 0.6 ± 0.4
0.3 ± 0.5
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
0.4 ± 0.2
0.7 ± 0.7
40 (3)
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
3.0 ± 1.7
(27) 4.0 ± 1.2
2.8 ± 1.9
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
The calculated 137Cs concentrations in surface water for each box in 2000, together with
the most recent data are shown in Table VII and Figs 34 to 37. The surface concentration of
Cs in Boxes 8 and 12 cannot be estimated because of the lack of data (less than 3 values).
The 137Cs concentrations ranged from 0.7 to about 2.8 mBq/L. Higher surface 137Cs
concentration occurs in the eastern Equatorial Pacific (Box 7). Lower values appear in the
Tasman Sea (Box 10). The geographical distribution of surface 137Cs in 2000 differed from
that observed in the 1960s. The geographical distribution of surface 137Cs in the early 1970s
showed maxima in the mid-latitude region of the N Pacific [84], when it was still controlled
by the input process, i.e., global fallout. Occurrence of higher surface 137Cs concentration in
the eastern Equatorial Pacific may be explained by the south-westward advection of
subsurface higher 137Cs concentrations penetrating in the eastern N Pacific and the upwelling
of subsurface 137Cs in the Equatorial Pacific [85, 86]. In fact, the subsurface maximum of
Cs concentrations (near 100 m depth) has been observed in the subtropical N Pacific [30,
46]. It is noteworthy that surface 137Cs is homogeneous in the Pacific compared to surface
The 239,240Pu concentrations in surface water in 2000 (Figs 38 to 41) are estimated to be
in the range of 0.5 to about 3 μBq/L (Table VIII). Higher surface 239,240Pu concentrations
appear in the subarctic Pacific (Box 1) and the eastern Equatorial Pacific (Box 7). Higher
surface 239,240Pu concentration in the subarctic Pacific can be explained by rapid recycling of
scavenged 239,240Pu due to large vertical mixing in winter, whereas higher surface 239,240Pu in
the eastern Equatorial Pacific is supported by upwelling of subsurface enriched 239,240Pu as
well as 137Cs. The lower values appear in the mid-latitude region of the eastern N Pacific (Box
3), which is consistent with the higher decrease rate of 137Cs in Box 3. Another point is that
estimated surface 239,240Pu concentrations in Boxes 2 and 4 of the western N Pacific are higher
than those in Boxes 3 and 5 of the eastern N Pacific. Furthermore, there is only a small
difference in surface 239,240Pu concentrations between the mid-latitude regions of the Northern
and Southern hemispheres. As a result, the current geographical distribution of 239,240Pu
concentrations in surface water of the Pacific is very complex as it is controlled by both
biogeochemical and physical processes [30, 49].
Therefore one may conclude that the present concentrations of anthropogenic
radionuclides (90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu) in Pacific surface water are controlled by
oceanographic processes (horizontal advection, vertical mixing and biogeochemical
processes) rather than input processes due to global fallout.
In order to assess the environmental effects of anthropogenic radionuclides, it is
important to estimate the effective half-lives (residence times) of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in
each box. They have been calculated from their corresponding regression lines and the results
are summarized in Tables VI to VIII. The effective half-life of 137Cs in surface water in each
box ranged from 11 to about 30 years. The shortest effective half-life of 137Cs is observed in
the mid-latitude of the eastern N Pacific (Box 3).
Box Effective Est. concentration Recent measurements Decay-corr.
No. half-life in 2000.01.01 value to
T1/2 ± 1σ Concentration ± 1σ Averaged No of Period 2000.01.01
(years) (mBq/L) value data (mBq/L)
01 16.2 ± 1.5 1.3 ± 0.1 1.5 ± 0.3 3 1996–1997 1.3
02 14.4 ± 0.7 1.1 ± 0.1 1.7 ± 0.4 31 1996–1997 1.6
03 10.1 ± 0.5 1.0 ± 0.1 1.7 ± 0.1 3 1993 1.4
04 15.0 ± 1.4 1.2 ± 0.1 1.6 ± 0.1 13 1997 1.5
05 14.0 ± 1.4 0.9 ± 0.1 1.3 ± 0.2 5 1993 1.1
06 21.4 ± 2.0 1.5 ± 0.1 1.7 ± 0.1 2 1993 1.5
07 19.6 ± 5.0 1.0 ± 0.3 1.2 ± 0.1 3 1993 1.1
08 1.4 ± 0.2 1 1993 1.2
09 17.9 ± 1.2 1.0 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1 4 1996 1.1
10 0.9 ± 0.2 3 1998 0.8
11 0.8 ± 0.4 4 1993 0.6
12 0.4 ± 0.1 2 1993 0.4
13 0.1 ± 0.1 1 1994 0.1
14 14.1 ± 0.6 1.4 ± 0.1 1.8 ± 0.3 42 1996–1997 1.6
15 1.1 ± 0.2 15 1998 1.0
16 1.2 ± 0.2 7 1998–1999 1.1
17 0.7 ± 0.4 12 1998–1999 0.7
18 13.3 ± 1.4 1.6 ± 0.2 2.4 ± 0.4 1 1997 2.3
20 5.8 ± 0.5 1.5 ± 0.1 2.0 ± 0.5 7 1997 1.9
21 12.0 ± 1.7 8.9 ± 1.3 12.0 ± 3.1 71 1996–1997 11.1
22 6.9 ± 0.4 2.9 ± 0.2 4.3 ± 1.3 118 1996–1999 4.0
23 49 ± 84 14 1999 49
24 5.3 ± 0.7 2.6 ± 0.3 4.5 ± 1.6 43 1996–1997 4.1
25 25.8 ± 3.4 1.5 ± 0.2 2.2 ± 0.9 17 1996–1999 2.1
26 22 ± 4.0 15 1995–2000 17
27 1.8 ± 0.3 15 1997–1998 1.7
28 13.8 ± 1.4 0.7 ± 0.1 1.3 ± 0.7 17 1996–1998 1.2
29 24.2 ± 2.1 0.8 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 5 1992–1993 0.8
30 17.3 ± 8.8 0.3 ± 0.2 0.5 ± 0.2 2 1993 0.4
Box 01 Box 02
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
0.1 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 03 Box 04
100 1000
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 05 Box 06
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 07 Box 08
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 11 Box 12
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 13
Sr (mBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Box 01 Box 02
1000 100
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 03 Box 04
100 1000
10 100
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
1 137
0.1 1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 05 Box 06
100 100
10 10
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 07 Box 08
100 100
10 10
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 11 Box 12
100 100
10 10
Cs (mBq/L)
1 Cs (mBq/L) 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 13
Cs (mBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
The longest effective half-life of 137Cs is found in the Equatorial Pacific (Boxes 6
and 7), (which may be due to Equatorial upwelling) and in the eastern subtropical South
Pacific (Box 9). The effective half-life of 90Sr in surface water in each box ranged from 10 to
21 years. The shortest effective half-life of 90Sr is observed in the eastern N Pacific (Box 3).
The longest effective half-life of 90Sr occurs in the Equatorial Pacific (Boxes 6 and 7), which
is the same area as for 137Cs. The effective half-life of 90Sr in seems to be a little less than that
of 137Cs, however the data are not precise enough to confirm this. The effective half-life of
Pu in surface water in each box ranged from 5 to about 15 years. The shortest effective
half-life of 239,240Pu is observed in the mid-latitude region of the eastern N Pacific (Box 3) as
for 137Cs.
These findings suggest that the mid-latitude region of the eastern N Pacific is a sink of
anthropogenic radionuclides. The surface water mass in the mid-latitude region of the eastern
N Pacific is penetrated under the surface layer of the subtropical gyre. As a result, the
subsurface maximum of 137Cs is formed in the subtropical N Pacific [30, 85]. The longest
effective half-life of 239,240Pu is found in the eastern Equatorial Pacific (Box 7), as is the case
for 137Cs and 90Sr. At present, the eastern Equatorial Pacific seems to behave as a source of
anthropogenic radionuclides. The effective half-life of 239,240Pu is generally shorter than that
of 137Cs in each box. Plutonium is a particle-reactive radionuclide as opposed to 137Cs i.e.
plutonium reacts with biogenic particles in surface water [67, 87], sinks with attached
particles, and is remobilised as a result of the biological decomposition of particles in deeper
water [49].
In South Pacific surface water, the effective half-lives of the radionuclides investigated
appear to be longer than in the N Pacific. When corrected for radioactive decay, surface 137Cs
in the South Pacific (except for Box 11) has gradually increased over the past three decades.
This may suggest that 137Cs in the N Pacific is transported to the S Pacific, because the major
input of 137Cs due to global and local fallout occurred in the N Pacific.
When the 90Sr data for the North, Equatorial and South Pacific are grouped (Table IX),
the corresponding mean effective half-lives are 12 ± 1, (North) 18 ± 2 (South) and 21 ± 2
years (Equatorial Pacific). All Pacific data together give an effective half-life of 90Sr of 16 ± 2
years. 137Cs and 239,240Pu effective half-lives for the whole Pacific Ocean are 16 ± 4 and 7 ± 1
years, respectively.
Box 01 Box 02
100 100
Pu (µBq/L)
Pu (µBq/L)
0.1 0.01
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 03 Box 04
100 1000
10 100
Pu (µBq/L)
1 Pu (µBq/L) 10
0.1 1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
10 10
Pu (µBq/L)
Pu (µBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 07 Box 08
100 100
10 10
Pu (µBq/L)
Pu (µBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 09 Box 10
100 100
10 10
Pu (µBq/L)
Pu (µBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 11 Box 12
100 100
10 10
Pu (µBq/L)
1 Pu (µBq/L) 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Pu (µBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
90 137 239,240
The primary focus of work to date has been on the distribution and behaviour of 90Sr,
Cs and 239,240Pu in the water column. Bowen et al. [30] have made the most comprehensive
study of these radionuclides in open Pacific waters. This study presented and discussed the
data obtained at 29 stations in 1973–74 as part of the GEOSECS programme. They covered
much of the N Pacific but did not go further south than 19°S. So, as in other studies, the South
Pacific has received little attention.
A number of other studies have been made subsequent to the GEOSECS study e.g. [41,
42, 45–48, 51, 78, 81, 82, 88, 89]. These studies provide data to augment the GEOSECS data
and to compare possible changes with time in the distributions and inventories in the water
column. Some comparative observations are made below.
Most stations in the Pacific Ocean visited in 1973 during the GEOSECS expedition
provided 90Sr, 137Cs and Pu water profile data with high spatial and depth resolutions [30].
Therefore, one of the objectives of the IAEA 1997 expedition to the NW Pacific Ocean
carried out in the framework of the WOMARS project was to re-visit some of the GEOSECS
stations so that the development of radionuclide concentrations in the water column and their
distribution could be evaluated with time. A similar comparison is possible with the data
obtained by the KNORR-1978 [82] and Hakuho Maru 1980, 1982 [41, 80] expeditions. The
data compiled from these four expeditions, as well as data from other expeditions to the
region, enabled the development of time series for studying the behaviour of radionuclides in
the ocean with time over the past 24 years. Figure 42 shows the main sampling stations in the
NW Pacific Ocean for which the radionuclide time series will be compared. However, the
general evaluation of radionuclide data in the Pacific was done using a much larger data set
collected and stored in GLOMARD.
Oceanic studies of the behaviour of Pu have indicated that, especially in major low
productivity oceanic areas, it is clearly not being as rapidly transferred to sediment as more
reactive actinides such as Th or Am. Nevertheless, the particulate associations in transport to
sediment and retention there, is an important aspect of Pacific Pu studies and a number of
papers have addressed this. For example, at least two studies involving sediment traps [89,
90] have served to confirm that, as in other oceans, the flux of sinking biogenic particles fed
by biological production in the surface ocean, is the major vehicle for the transport of Pu (or
other reactive elements) from the surface to the deep ocean. Clearly, Pu enters into the cycle
of organic material that sinks from the surface ocean. On its descent, this material is exposed
to oxidation and bacterial degradation processes and both the organic material and its
associated elements or radionuclides are to some extent released into sea water. As has been
widely recognized, only a very small fraction (in the one per cent range) of material
originating at the surface actually arrives at the sea-floor. This process is clearly responsible
for the observed deep-water Pacific distributions of Pu below depths ventilated physically
from the surface. Furthermore, such material delivered to the sea-floor is available for mixing
by benthic organisms into bottom sediment, and can also be released to overlying waters by
oxidation prior to burial. The latter process can be expected to produce the bottom Pu maxima
for the Pacific deep water above the sea-floor referred to above.
Three major points were made in the GEOSECS study regarding plutonium — and have
been confirmed in subsequent work:
(i) A strong subsurface maximum in Pu concentrations was observed over large areas
of the Pacific,
(ii) Significant increases in Pu concentrations were generally noted in deep water near
the sea-floor. (These increases seemed to be restricted to the western and northern
stations in the N Pacific region),
(iii) With the exception of the eastern GEOSECS stations between 30°-40°N, Pu
inventories in the water column substantially exceed those expected from global
fallout. Local fallout from Pacific nuclear weapons test sites is proposed as the
most likely explanation for this observation.
Figure 51 shows 239,240Pu profiles in water columns of the central NW Pacific Ocean at
GEOSECS, Hakuho Maru and IAEA stations (the positions of the sampling stations are
shown in Fig. 42). It is clear that after 24 years, the subsurface maximum became much
smaller and less pronounced (a decrease by about a factor of 4) and has moved to deeper
water layers (from 450 m to 850 m). Although the initial view of these changes (and as
discussed subsequently with respect to Pu inventory change over time) was that they were
caused by Pu association with sunken particle fluxes, this view almost certainly needs to be
revised in the light of new data for 90Sr and 137Cs. It has been shown that, in the upper 1000
m, the decline in 90Sr and 137Cs maxima and inventories is similar to the Pu changes. This
would lead to the conclusion that at least a major part of the observed Pu changes over time
was in response to physical circulation in the upper water column that brought advectively
into the region water masses bearing significantly lower levels of fallout nuclides.
A similar comparison in the development of the 239,240Pu profile in the water column can
be seen in Figs 52 and 53, where data from the GEOSECS, KNORR, and IAEA stations
situated west and east of Bikini Atoll, respectively, are compared. The vertical spread in the
Pu maxima is much smaller and the recent concentrations have been higher than in Fig. 51.
The concentrations and inventories at these stations did not change significantly over 24
years. As these stations are all in the westward flowing North Equatorial Current (with very
low biological productivity, oligotrophic conditions), the maintenance of the concentration
profiles and inventories in the upper ocean may be related to these water masses recirculating
in near-permanent low productivity conditions.
On the basis of all available 239,240Pu data in the central NW Pacific Ocean (between
20°–40°N and 135°–175°E), a time dependence of the position of the subsurface maximum in
the water column has been worked out. This linear dependence (on a semilogarithmic scale) is
shown in Fig. 55, documenting a similar trend at all sampling stations between 1973 and
1997. The 239,240Pu maximum moves downward in the water column reaching double the
depth in about 40 years. A decrease in the maximum 239,240Pu concentration observed at the
central NW Pacific stations with time is shown in Fig. 56. The change of the maximum
Pu concentration in the water column to a half value is reached after 22 ± 8 years. As
noted earlier, much of these observed changes may be physically driven.
As discussed, the input function by which Pu was introduced into the Pacific Ocean was
mainly two pulse injections into the surface layer in the early 1950s (local tropospheric
fallout) and in the early 1960s (global fallout). Therefore, Pu in the water column is in a
transient state and its concentrations and inventories should change with time according to
oceanographic, geochemical and biological processes that occur in the water column. Bowen
et al. [91] proposed that the 239,240Pu maximum they observed in the water column of the
Atlantic Ocean could be a result of the bacterial degradation of sinking particles with
subsequent release of plutonium.
40 Knorr73
35 Stn-1 [1980]
GX-224 KH-82-1
GX-225 [1982]
CY-11 Stn-3
North Latitude (deg.)
GX-226 IAEA 97
15 Stn-8 St.4
St.13 St.3
St.6-St.8 St.2 CE-8
Enewetak Stn-6 GX-229
10 Bikini
130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175
East Longitude (deg.)
FIG. 42. GEOSECS (1973) [30], KNORR (1978) [82], Hakuho Maru (1980, 1982) [41, 80]
and IAEA (1997) [67] sampling stations in the NW Pacific Ocean (data used for the
evaluation of water profile time series).
S r (m B q /L )
0 1 2 3 4
G E O S E C S (1 9 7 3 )
Depth (m)
G X -2 2 3
3000 G X -2 2 4
G X -2 2 5
G X -2 2 6
K H -8 0 -2 (1 9 8 0 )
K H -8 0 -2 (1 9 8 0 )
4000 C Y -1 1
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
S tn - 1
S tn -3
G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 3 -2 2 6
K H -8 0 -2 :C Y -1 1
IA E A 9 7 :S tn -1 + 3
FIG. 43. 90Sr profiles in the water column of the GEOSECS (1973) [30], Hakuho Maru
(1980) [41] and IAEA (1997) [67] stations in the central NW Pacific Ocean.
Sr (mBq/L)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Depth (m)
Knorr73 (1978)
St. 7
3500 St. 8
IAEA97 (1997)
IAEA97 (1997)
4000 Stn-6
Knorr73:St. 7+8
IAEA 97:Stn-6
FIG. 44. 90Sr profiles in the water column west of Bikini Atoll.
Sr (mBq/L)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Depth (m)
GEOSECS (1973)
5000 Knorr73 (1978)
Knorr73 (1978)
St. 3
Knorr73:St. 3
FIG. 45. 90Sr profiles in the water column east of Bikini Atoll.
Sr (mBq/L)
0 1 2 3 4 5
GEOSECS (1973)
2000 Knorr73 (1978)
Knorr73 (1978)
St. 3
Depth (m)
St. 7
3000 St. 8
St. 14
KH-82-1 (1982)
KH-82-1 (1982)
4000 IAEA97 (1997)
IAEA97 (1997)
Knorr73:St. 3
Knorr73:St. 7+8+14
IAEA 97:Stn-6
FIG. 46. A comparison of 90Sr profiles in the water column of stations east (broken lines) and
west (continuous lines) of Bikini Atoll).
C s (m B q /L )
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 0 00
G E O S E C S (1 9 7 3 )
2 0 00
G X -22 3
G X -22 4
G X -22 5
Depth (m)
3 0 00 G X -22 6
K H -8 0-2 (1 98 0)
K H -8 0 -2 (1 98 0 )
C Y -11
4 0 00 IA E A 97 (19 97 )
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
S tn - 1
S tn - 3
5 0 00
G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 3-2 2 6
K H -80 -2 :C Y -11
IA E A 97 :S tn -1
6 0 00
FIG. 47. 137Cs profiles in the water column of the GEOSECS (1973), Hakuho Maru (1980)
and IAEA (1997) stations in the central NW Pacific Ocean.
Cs (mBq/L)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Depth (m)
GEOSECS (1973)
St. 6
3500 St. 7
St. 8
IAEA97 (1997)
IAEA97 (1997)
4000 Stn-6
Knorr73:St. 6+7+8
IAEA 97:Stn-6
FIG. 48. 137Cs profiles in the water column west of Bikini Atoll.
Cs (mBq/L)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Depth (m)
GEOSECS (1973)
Knorr73 (1978)
Knorr73 (1978)
5000 St. 2
St. 3
St. 4
Knorr73:St. 2+3+4
FIG. 49. 137Cs profiles in the water column east of Bikini Atoll.
P u ( m B q /L )
0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 8 0 .1
G E O S E C S (1 9 7 3 )
Depth (m)
G X -2 2 3
3000 G X -2 2 4
G X -2 2 5
G X -2 2 6
K H -8 0 -2 (1 9 8 0 )
K H -8 0 -2 (1 9 8 0 )
4000 C Y -1 1
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
S tn -1
5000 S tn -3
*D U M M Y
G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 3 -2 2 6
K H -8 0 -2 :C Y -1 1
IA E A 9 7 :S tn 1 + 3
FIG. 50. A comparison of 137Cs profiles in the water column east (broken lines) and west
(continuous lines) of Bikini Atoll.
C s ( m B q /L )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
G E O S E C S (1 9 7 3 )
G X -2 2 9
K n o r r7 3 (1 9 7 8 )
K n o rr7 3 (1 9 7 8 )
S t. 2
S t. 3
S t. 4
Depth (m)
S t. 6
3000 S t. 7
S t. 8
S t. 13
S t. 14
K H -8 2 - 1 (1 9 8 2 )
4000 K H -8 2 -1 (1 9 8 2 )
C E -8
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
IA E A 9 7 ( 1 9 9 7 )
S tn - 6
G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 9
K n o rr7 3 :S t. 2 + 3 + 4
K n o rr7 3 :S t. 6 + 7 + 8 + 1 3 + 1 4
K H -8 2 -1 :C E -8
IA E A 9 7 :S tn -6
FIG. 51. 239,240Pu profiles in the water column of the GEOSECS (1973), Hakuho Maru (1980)
and IAEA (1997) stations in the central NW Pacific Ocean.
P u ( m B q /L )
0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 8 0 .1
Depth (m)
K n o rr7 3 (1 9 7 8 )
S t. 6
3000 S t. 7
S t. 8
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
S tn -6
G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 9
K n o r r 7 3 : S t .6 + 7 + 8
IA E A 9 7 :S tn -6
FIG.52. 239,240Pu profiles in the water column of the KNORR(1978) and IAEA (1997) stations
west of Bikini Atoll.
P u (m B q /L )
0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 8 0 .1
Depth (m)
G E O S E C S (1 9 7 3 )
G X -2 2 9
K n o rr7 3 (1 9 7 8 )
K n o rr7 3 (1 9 7 8 )
S t. 2
S t. 3
5000 S t. 4
G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 9
G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 9
K n o rr7 3 :S t.2 + 3 + 4
FIG. 53. 239,240Pu profiles in the water column of the GEOSECS (1973) and KNORR (1978)
stations east of Bikini Atoll.
P u (m B q /L )
0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 8 0 .1
G E O S E C S (1 9 7 3 )
G X -2 2 9
K n o rr7 3 (1 9 7 8 )
K n o rr7 3 (1 9 7 8 )
S t. 2
S t. 3
S t. 4
Depth (m)
S t. 6
3000 S t. 7
S t. 8
S t. 13
S t. 14
K H -8 2 -1 (1 9 8 2 )
4000 K H -8 2 -1 (1 9 8 2 )
C E -8
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
IA E A 9 7 (1 9 9 7 )
S tn -6
G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 9
5000 G E O S E C S :G X -2 2 9
K n o rr7 3 :S t.2 + 3 + 4
K n o rr7 3 :S t.6 + 7 + 8 + 1 3 + 1 4
K H -8 2 -1 :C E -8
IA E A 9 7 :S tn -6
FIG. 54. A comparison of 239,240Pu profiles in the water column of the stations east (broken
lines) and west (continuous lines) of Bikini Atoll.
Another typical feature of the 239,240Pu water profiles in the NW Pacific Ocean shown in
Figs 51 and 52 is an elevated 239,240Pu concentration (by about a factor of two) observed in
samples taken close to the sea-bottom. This feature has not been observed in water profiles
taken in the NE Pacific Ocean [30]. It has been shown by Buesseler [65] that higher
Pu/239Pu ratios associated with tropospheric fallout are found in deeper and bottom water
layers of the NW Pacific, as well as in surface sediment. This would indicate that the
tropospheric fallout from the Marshall Islands is more rapidly removed from surface water to
deeper water and to sediment, causing higher Pu concentrations and higher 240Pu/239Pu ratios
in NW Pacific bottom water and sediment.
FIG. 55. Movement of a subsurface 239,240Pu maximum in the water column with time (the
dotted lines show the 95% confidence interval).
FIG. 56. Dependence of 239,240Pu concentrations in the subsurface maximum with time.
4.6. Radionuclide inventories
The input signal of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu to NW Pacific Basin sediment should be
viewed over time-scales of decades only due to the short delivery time since the introduction
of anthropogenic radionuclides into the marine environment. Global fallout patterns show
maxima in 1963–1964 corresponding to the weapons testing in the early sixties. Thus,
anthropogenic radionuclide penetration due to sediment accumulation alone would be
confined to millimetres [83]. The observed penetration depths in the order of centimetres
imply that sediment accumulation is not important in governing radionuclide distribution. The
stratigraphic record of the upper decimetre of recently deposited deep-sea sediment may be
influenced by particle mixing by benthic fauna. Therefore, the depth distribution of
anthropogenic radionuclides in bottom sediment has to be interpreted with caution. On the
other hand, as sediment is the final depository of radionuclides in the sea, it provides
important information on scavenging processes in the water column, on deposition histories
of radionuclides and on accumulation processes occurring in sediments.
FIG. 57. Changes in 239,240Pu inventories in the water column with time.
FIG. 58. 239,240Pu inventories (Bq/m2) in the water column (down to 2300 m) (the year of
sampling is shown in parentheses).
Sr (Bq kg-1) 90
Sr (Bq kg-1)
0 2 4 6 8 10 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8
0 0
1 1
Depth (cm)
Depth (cm)
3 3
4 4
5 5
-2 -2
St. 1 (Inventory 73 +/- 3 Bq m ) St. 8 (Inventory 19 +/- 5 Bq m )
90 -1
Sr (Bq kg )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Depth (cm)
St. 9 (Inventory 11 +/- 5 Bq m )
FIG. 59. Depth distribution of 90Sr in bottom sediment of the NW Pacific Ocean (IAEA'97).
The data stored in the GLOMARD database show that radionuclide concentrations in
sediment cores (usually cores up to a depth of 15 cm were analysed) of the N Pacific Ocean
decrease with depth. Some of the undisturbed profiles however, have a peak at a few cm
below the surface. The surface radionuclide concentrations are higher in sediment collected in
the 1990s than in samples collected in the 1980s. The data show, however, a large variation in
radionuclide concentrations between sites.
The inventory of a radionuclide in a sediment core is estimated by summing its
concentration in each layer of sediment:
I s = S i Di (U i - Li ) (2)
i =1
where Is is the radionuclide inventory in a sediment core (Bq/m2), M is the number of
sediment layers (the layer number is counted downward from the surface to the deeper layer),
Si is the radionuclide concentration in layer i (Bq/kg-dry), Di is the density of layer i (kg-
dry/m3), Ui is the upper boundary of layer i (m), and Li is the lower boundary of layer i (m).
90 Sr and 137Cs
Published sediment inventories have varied from 11 to 123 Bq/m2 for 90Sr and from 6.9
to 341 Bq/m2 for 137Cs in the NW Pacific Ocean, with low values near the Proving Grounds.
Similar values for inventories of 137Cs (4–111 Bq/m2) were reported earlier north of 30oN by
Sediment core samples were collected recently during the IAEA '97 NW Pacific Cruise
and the KORDI cruise to the West Caroline Basin [96] (Table X). Depth distributions and
inventories of anthropogenic radionuclide concentrations in bottom sediment from the NW
Pacific stations are presented in Figs 59 to 64, respectively.
The 90Sr concentrations in the top 0–0.5 cm surface sediment are 7.5 ± 0.8, 1.9 ± 0.3
and 2.8 ± 0.7 Bq/kg dw at IAEA stations 1, 8 and 9, respectively. Core top concentrations of
Sr show a latitudinal trend of increasing values away from the equator, that are similar to
Cs values in the region. Since 90Sr is more soluble in sea water than 137Cs, it participates in
the biological cycle through the formation of celestite (SrSO4) by acantharians as their
structural component [95].
Cs (Bq kg-1) 137
Cs (Bq kg-1)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 1 2 3
0 0
Depth (cm)
Depth (cm)
3 7
5 12
St. 1 (Inventory 321 +/- 23 Bq m-2) St. 6 (Inventory 6.92 +/- 0.83 Bq m-2)
Cs (Bq kg-1) Cs (Bq kg-1)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0
1 1
Depth (cm)
Depth (cm)
3 3
4 4
5 5
FIG. 60. Depth distribution of 137Cs in bottom sediment of the NW Pacific Ocean(IAEA '97).
The 90Sr distribution is more subject to regional biological influences than that of 137Cs. The
penetration depth of 90Sr is 3–4, 0.5–1.0 and 1–2 cm below the sea-floor at stations 1, 8 and 9,
respectively. The sediment inventory of 90Sr was estimated based on 90Sr concentration and
sediment mass accumulation per unit area and is 72 ± 3, 19 ± 5 and 11 ± 5 Bq/m2 at stations 1,
8 and 9, respectively.
Pu (Bqkg-1) 239,240
Pu (Bqkg-1)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
0 0
2 2
4 4
Depth (cm)
Depth (cm)
6 6
8 8
10 10
12 12
St. 1 (Inventory 28.6 +/- 0.4 Bq m-2) St. 6 (Inventory 132 +/- 3 Bq m-2)
239,240 239,240
Pu (Bqkg-1) Pu (Bqkg-1)
0 2 4 6 8 10 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0 0
Depth (cm)
Depth (cm)
8 6
16 12
St. 8 (Inventory 72 +/- 1 Bq m-2) St. 9 (Inventory 2.8 +/- 0.2 Bq m-2)
FIG. 61. Depth distribution of Pu in bottom sediment of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
90 90
Sr (Bq kg-1) Sr (Bq kg-1)
0 2 4 6 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0
1 1
Depth (cm)
Depth (cm)
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
-2 -2
St. TEQ6 (Inventory 86 +/- 17 Bq m ) St. TEQ12 (Inventory 123 +/- 31 Bq m )
FIG. 62. Depth distribution of 90Sr in bottom sediment of the West Caroline Basin (TEQ9212,
137 137
Cs (Bq kg-1) Cs (Bq kg-1)
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 0
1 1
Depth (cm)
Depth (cm)
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
St. TEQ6 (Inventory 249 +/- 44 Bq m ) St. TEQ12 (Inventory 371 +/- 81 Bq m-2)
FIG. 63. Depth distribution of 137Cs in bottom sediment of the West Caroline Basin TEQ9212,
239,240 239,240
Pu (Bqkg-1) Pu (Bqkg-1)
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
0 0
2 2
Depth (cm)
Depth (cm)
4 4
6 6
8 8
St. TEQ6 (Inventory 6.82 +/- 0.51 Bq m ) St. TEQ12 (Inventory 8.95 +/- 0.62 Bq m-2)
FIG. 64. Depth distribution of Pu in bottom sediment of the West Caroline Basin
TEQ9212, 1992).
In the West Caroline Basin, 90Sr concentrations in the top 0–0.5 cm surface sediment
are about 4.6 Bq/kg at stations TEQ6 and TEQ12. The penetration depth of 90Sr is 3–4 cm
below the sea-floor at stations TEQ6 and TEQ12. The sediment inventory of 90Sr was
estimated based on 90Sr concentrations and sediment mass accumulation per unit area and is
86 ± 17 and 123 ± 31 Bq/m2 at stations TEQ6 and TEQ12, respectively (Table XI).
In the West Caroline Basin, the 137Cs concentration in the top 0–0.5 cm surface
sediment is 10.7±3.6 and 16.6±5.5 Bq/kg dw at stations TEQ6 and TEQ12, respectively. The
penetration depth of 137Cs is about 3 cm below the sea-floor at both stations. The sediment
inventory of 137Cs is 250 ± 40 and 370 ± 80 Bq/m2 at stations TEQ6 and TEQ12, respectively
(Table XI). Plutonium
The 239,240Pu inventories in sediment calculated for the N Pacific Ocean from
GLOMARD data are shown in Fig. 65. As expected, large variations are observed in 239,240Pu
inventories. The 239,240Pu inventory in sediment should grow slightly with time as more
plutonium is scavenged onto sediment from thewater column. However, it is difficult to
Knorr73 [1978]
50 43
KH-80-2 [1980]
MBC [1981, 82]
40 11 J-K-R Expedition
6 6
22 11 [1994, 95]
35 16 9
29 IAEA97 [1997]
7-52 2
30 8 MPG-1 Data from the GLOMARD
3 4 2-6 4
25 9 10
-5 1
130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270
East Longitude (deg.)
FIG. 65. Sediment 239,240Pu inventories (Bq/m2). (*The inventory at Bikini Atoll was calculated for 0–4 cm depth only).
establish any time trend because the data are very sparse and large differences have been
observed even at stations in near proximity. The spatial distribution of Pu inventories suggests
that the inventories decrease from the region of the Marshall Islands to the central NW Pacific
(from about 100–900 to 10 Bq/m2), although the data density is very low. A decrease in
inventories is also observed from the region of the Marshall Islands to the equator [82]. There
is a clear indication that sediment inventories increase by a factor of three to five from the NE
to the NW Pacific Ocean, reflecting different Pu sources in the region (the data from the Mid-
Pacific gyre (MPG-1), KNORR, and other expeditions). This is in agreement with previous
observations [30, 65] that the NW Pacific Ocean is affected by tropospheric fallout from the
Marshall Islands area and its transport to the NW Pacific Ocean, while the NE Pacific Ocean
shows only global (stratospheric) fallout effects. Cochran [83], analysing data from the
MANOP sites (situated in the equatorial region east of the Christmas Islands) found
decreasing inventories northwards from the equator and with longitude east as well. This may
simply be the result of enhanced Pu removal in the higher-productivity waters centred on the
equator in the Eastern Pacific. When the MANOP sediment data are compared with the water
column inventory reported at the neighbouring GEOSECS station [30] this pattern fits well.
The reported inventory (59 Bq/m2) is nearly ten times that expected from global fallout. These
observations, plus the MANOP sediment data, plus their 240Pu/239Pu ratios (higher than
fallout) observed by Buesseler [65] seem consistent with a scenario whereby local fallout
from Enewetak and Bikini is transported eastwards to the eastern Equatorial N Pacific in the
strong N Equatorial Counter-Current and Pu is removed from the surface ocean in the flux of
sinking particles from the productive zone on the equator.
A more detailed study of Pu in sediment from IAEA stations shows that in the top 0–0.5
cm core section, 239,240Pu concentrations are 1.78±0.06, 12±1, 5.38±0.22 and 0.15±0.02 Bq/kg
dw at IAEA stations 1, 6, 8 and 9, respectively. Core top concentrations of 239,240Pu show a
latitudinal trend of decreasing values away from the equator, since atmospheric weapon test
sites are located on the equator (Enewetak and Bikini Atolls, 11oN, 162-165oE; Christmas
Island, 2o2’N 157o40’W; Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls, 22oS, 140oW). 239,240Pu
concentrations decrease with depth at all stations (Fig. 61). 239,240Pu penetrated to the top
10 cm, top 6 cm, top 15 cm and top 7 cm below the sea-floor at stations 1, 6, 8 and 9,
respectively. However, subsurface maxima were observed at stations 1, 6 and 9. 238Pu
concentrations are 0.11±0.01, 0.43±0.10, 0.14±0.02 and 0.06±0.01 Bq/kg dw at stations 1, 6,
8 and 9, respectively. 238Pu was found in the top 4 cm below the sea-floor. The sediment
inventory of 239,240Pu was estimated based on the down core distribution of 239,240Pu
concentration and sediment mass accumulation per unit area and is 28.6 ± 0.4, 132 ± 3, 71.8 ±
0.9 and 2.8 ± 0.3 Bq/m2 at stations 1, 6, 8 and 9, respectively. The inventories at stations 1, 6
and 8 in the NW Pacific are much higher than those of the NE Pacific, but Station 9 shows
inventories similar to the NE Pacific [83]. The highest inventory found at St. 6 is due to local
fallout. Cochran [83] reported 239,240Pu concentrations in the core top 0–2 cm section as 0.3–
0.5 Bq/kg and its inventory is 2.67 to >8.50 Bq/m2 in the east Equatorial Pacific region
(140°W-90°W, 1-12°N). However, it is similar to those found in the deep basin of the Sea of
Japan [97] and in the NW Pacific off Kamchatka Peninsula [42, 44, 98]. The difference in
sedimentary 239,240Pu inventories between stations may be due to the latitudinal influence of
local fallout and/or sediment accumulation rates and surface water circulation. Activity ratios
of 238Pu/239,240Pu in bottom sediment varied from 0.01 to 0.06.
In the West Caroline Basin (2–5°N), in the top 0–0.5 cm core section, maximum
Pu concentrations are 0.08±0.01 and 0.10±0.01 Bq/kg dw at stations TEQ6 and TEQ12,
respectively. These values are much lower than the rest of the NW Pacific (IAEA '97),
probably due to the isolation of the basin by its high topographic relief. The West Caroline
Basin is approximately 4000 to 5000 m deep and is semi-enclosed with rises near Sonsorol
Island and the Caroline Islands as well as the Eauripik Rise in the east. These rises, which
separate the West Caroline Basin from the western N Pacific, are approximately 2000–
3000 m deep and allow Pacific deep water (approximately more than 2000 m depth) and
intermediate water (approximately 1000–2000 m depth) to enter the Basin. In the north, the
deep sill below approximately 4000 m is located along the Yap Mariana Trench (about 4000
to 8000 m deep), which connects the West Caroline Basin to the open western Pacific Ocean.
This strait serves as the only conduit for Pacific bottom water (approximately several
hundreds of metres above the sea-floor) to ventilate the West Caroline Basin [99]. Three
major currents are important in the West Caroline Basin: the North Equatorial Current and its
branch and the Equatorial Counter-Current. The North Equatorial Current is a westbound flow
and is observed between 25oN and 5oN near 170–180°E in February, while in August it
descends no lower than 10°N. On reaching the western end of the Pacific, the North
Equatorial Current comes up against the continental barrier of the Philippines, where it
divides into two branches. One branch turns to the south and feeds the eastbound Equatorial
Counter-Current [100]. Depth distribution of 239,240Pu concentrations shows subsurface
maxima at 3–4 cm and 2–3 cm below the sea-floor. The sediment inventory of 239,240Pu was
estimated based on 239,240Pu concentrations and sediment mass accumulation per unit area and
is 6.82 ± 0.51 and 8.95 ± 0.62 Bq/m2 at TEQ 6 and TEQ 12, respectively. 238Pu concentrations
are equal to or less than the analytical detection limit of 0.01 Bq/kg at both stations.
In order to facilitate comparison of the 239,240Pu load at a given site with the different
sources of input, the total 239,240Pu inventories have to be calculated, i.e. the sum of the water
column and sediment inventories. The 239,240Pu water inventories constitute the greater part of
the total inventories, the contributions usually being around 90% except for the station east of
Kamchatka, where due to intense biological activity and high scavenging rates, the sediment
contribution has reached 50% of the total inventory.
Compared to the estimated global fallout deposition densities [101] the observed total
Pu inventories in the central NW Pacific Ocean show a surplus of about 100%. Of
course, after three decades of plutonium input from atmospheric nuclear bomb tests, the
geographical distribution of plutonium in the oceans will not be at steady state condition, but
will be affected by a complex of processes occurring in the marine environment. Horizontal
advection, upwelling and downwelling of water masses and biogeochemical processes in the
water column have played an important role in the development of the present distribution of
plutonium in the ocean. A plausible explanation for the surplus, which is consistent with
previous observations [30, 40, 42, 63, 65] may be the additional input from local fallout
transported from the tropics to the N Pacific Ocean.
Levels of anthropogenic radionuclides (90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu) in surface water of the
Sea of Japan (Box 14) are evaluated based on the HAM database. The total number of 137Cs,
Sr and 239,240Pu concentrations in the HAM database are 445, 593 and 126, respectively.
Some additional data have been added from the GLOMARD database.
Maps showing the sampling stations for surface water in the Sea of Japan for the period
1991–1995 and 1996–2000 are shown in Figs 66–68.
Time series of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu during 1971–1998 are examined to estimate their
concentrations in 2000. For 90Sr and 137Cs surface concentrations decrease exponentially,
whereas surface 239,240Pu concentrations show a slight change over the past two decades
(Fig. 69). The surface concentrations of 137Cs and 90Sr in the Sea of Japan in 2000 are
estimated to be 2.5 mBq/L and 1.4 mBq/L from the corresponding regression lines,
respectively. The surface concentration of 90Sr in the Sea of Japan in 2000 is similar to the
level in the western N Pacific (Box 4). The surface 239,240Pu concentration in the Sea of Japan
in 2000 is calculated to be 5.2 μBq/L, more than double the highest value estimated for each
box in the Pacific. The higher concentration of surface 239,240Pu is explained by rapid cycling
of 239,240Pu between the surface and subsurface layers, which is consistent with a small change
in surface 239,240Pu concentration [102].
The effective half-lives of 137Cs and 90Sr in surface water of the Sea of Japan are 19
and 14 years, respectively. The effective half-lives of 137Cs and 90Sr are similar to the mid-
latitude region of the western N Pacific (Box 4). The result could imply that surface 137Cs and
Sr in the Sea of Japan are controlled by the Tsushima Current, a branch of Kuroshio
Current. The effective half-life of 239,240Pu was estimated to be 16 ± 3 years, which seems to
be too long in comparison with Box 4 (7 ± 1 year).
The vertical profiles of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the Sea of Japan (the locations are
given in Fig. 70) are shown in Figs 71–73. The 90Sr and 137Cs concentrations in the water
column decrease exponentially with increasing depth [45, 103]. However, the gradient of the
decrease rate with depth is smaller than that of the western N Pacific [104]. Especially the
vertical profile of 137Cs in the central northern region of the Sea of Japan [50] indicates that
relatively high values were observed in the deep layer. This can be explained by physical
processes such as vertical mixing in winter [105].
Sr and 137Cs vertical profiles, which are mainly controlled by physical processes,
indicate the penetration of these radionuclides into deep water as well. All these observations
suggest that a large part of anthropogenic radionuclides is stored in deep water as vertical
mixing in the Sea of Japan is more rapid than in the NW Pacific Ocean.
The vertical profile of 239,240Pu in the Sea of Japan (Fig. 73) shows a surface minimum,
subsurface maximum and decreases with increasing depth. Similar vertical profiles of 239,240Pu
were observed in the western N Pacific [30, 42, 67] and the Mediterranean [106]. However,
the pattern of the vertical 239,240Pu profile in the Sea of Japan is rather broad compared with
that in the western N Pacific [102, 103,] which is consistent with the result obtained in the
central north Sea of Japan [50]. This observation can be explained by the rapid recycling of
plutonium between the surface and subsurface layers due to winter convection.
The higher surface 239,240Pu concentrations found in the Sea of Japan in comparison with
the NW Pacific Ocean (Fig. 51) could be explained by winter upwelling of medium-deep
(below 500 m) Pu-enriched water [50]. The higher 239,240Pu concentrations at the surface, a
rather broad 239,240Pu maximum and higher concentrations observed in deep water suggest
recycling on a shorter time-scale than in the NW Pacific.
48 48
46 46
44 44
r 42 42
40 40
i i
North Latitude
North Latitude
38 38
36 36
34 34
32 32
128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142
East Longitude East Longitude
FIG. 66. 90Sr sampling stations in the Japan Sea for the period 1991-1995 (left) and 1996-2000 (right).
For the 239,240Pu inventory in water, a value of 0.12 kBq/m2 has been obtained, which is
higher by about a factor of 2 than expected from global fallout. This estimation is consistent
with previous data discussed earlier, explaining the additional input from local fallout
transported from the tropics to the N Pacific Ocean and specific oceanographic conditions in
the Sea of Japan [50]. Sediment
The results for 90Sr show very low concentrations, as expected, because only a small
fraction of the 90Sr input will settle with sinking particulates. The 137Cs/90Sr activity ratios are
generally higher than the global fallout ratio.
Pu concentrations in sediment differ significantly between sampling sites (as do
concentrations of 137Cs), the main reason being the higher removal rates in shallow water.
Generally, 239,240Pu concentrations in sediment at shallower water depths show higher values,
as expected. 238Pu/239,240Pu activity ratios were the same as the global fallout ratio. The
observed inventories are in the range 0.01–0.06 kBq/m2 for 90Sr, 0.05–0.4 kBq/m2 for 137Cs
and 0.001–0.12 kBq/m2 for 239,240Pu. The variation in the total water and sediment inventories
between sampling sites is very small.
The Yellow Sea is a semi-enclosed continental shelf with a surface area of 380 x 109 m2
and an average depth of 44 m, and is surrounded by the contiguous land mass of China and
the Korean Peninsula.
In surface water, dissolved 90Sr concentrations varied from 1.97 to 2.58 mBq/kg with a
mean value of 2.34 ± 0.08 mBq/kg, generally lower in the coastal area than the open sea, and
high values were observed in Kyonggi Bay, where the Han River discharges. 137Cs
concentrations varied from 1.78 to 3.38 mBq/kg with a mean value of 2.63 ± 0. 21 mBq/kg.
The 239,240Pu concentrations varied from 2.17 to 13.35 Bq/kg with an average concentration
of 6.11 ± 0.32 Bq/kg for 1999 [107].
In bottom sediment, 90Sr concentrations varied from 0.6 to 3.9 Bq/kg with an average of
2.4 ± 1.8 Bq/kg in the upper 2 cm layer. 137Cs concentrations varied from 0.1 to 11.2 Bq/kg in
the upper 1 cm layer of bottom sediment. 239,240Pu concentrations varied from 0.1 to 0.9 Bq/kg
in the upper 1 cm layer. 137Cs and 239,240Pu radionuclides are heavily enriched in the finer
fraction of the sediment particle size [107].
48 48
46 46
44 44
42 42
40 40
North Latitude
North Latitude
38 38
North Latituce
North Latituce
36 36
34 34
32 32
128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142
East Longitude (dgree) East Longitude (dgree)
FIG. 67. 137Cs sampling stations in the Japan Sea for the period 1991-1995 (left) and 1996-2000 (right).
48 48
46 46
44 44
42 42
38 38
36 36
34 34
32 32
128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142
East Longitude (dgree) East Longitude (dgree)
FIG. 68. 239,240Pu sampling stations in the Japan Sea for the period 1991-1995 (left) and 1996-2000 (right).
Sr (mBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Box 14
Cs (mBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Box 14
Pu (µBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
FIG. 69. 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu time series in surface water of the Sea of Japan.
No.7, 8
BG1 R4
R2 No.4
50 R1
BG2 R5
N o rth la titu d e
No.5,N7 Vladivostok Otaru
No.6,N6 No.1,9
N1,2,3 Kushiro
40 1st expedition
1st expedition
Tonghae No.2,10
2nd expedition
K1 BG2 2nd expedition
Korea Japan Dumping area
BG4 Dumping area
35 BG3
J1 Sampling
Sampling station
J3 Background
Background station
125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165
East longitude
FIG. 70. Sampling stations in the Sea of Japan.
Sr (mBq/L)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Depth (m)
3000 1993
3500 1996
N2 (1994)
Cs (mBq/L)
0 5 10 15
Depth (m)
3000 1977
N2 (1994)
Pu (µBq/L)
0 20 40 60
Depth (m)
3000 1994
3500 N2 (1994)
Unfiltered surface water in the East China Sea contained 2.5–3.0 mBq/kg 137Cs, 1.9–2.8
mBq/kg 90Sr and 3.8–6.3 Bq/kg 239,240Pu in 1994 [107].
The Indian Ocean differs from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in its limited northward
extent, to only 25°N. The southern boundary of the ocean is usually taken at the Subtropical
Convergence at about 40°S. Its equatorial current system (Fig. 14) is strongly influenced by
the seasonal variation in the winds north of the equator. From November to March these
winds blow from the northeast (North East Monsoon), while from May to September they
blow from the southwest (South West Monsoon). The South West Monsoon is a continuation
across the equator of the South East Trade Winds that continue throughout the year. The
change of wind direction north of the equator then results in a change of currents there.
During the North East Monsoon season the North Equatorial Current (NEC) flows westward
from 8°N to the equator; the Equatorial Counter-Current (ECC) flows eastward from the
equator to 8°S and the South Equatorial Current (SEC) flows westward from 8°S to 15-20°S.
During the South West Monsoon the flow north of the equator is reversed. This combines
with the eastward ECC and the whole eastward flow from 15°N to 7°S becomes the Monsoon
Current. The SEC continues to the west, south of 7°S but is stronger than during the North
East Monsoon season.
During the North East Monsoon season, the SEC, when reaching the African coast,
supplies both the ECC to its north and the Agulhas Current flowing south, close to the African
shore. When it reaches the southern tip of Africa, the Current turns east into the Circumpolar
Current. During the South West Monsoon, the part of the SEC turning north supplies the
Somali Current up to the east coast of Africa. The SEC, the Somali Current and the Monsoon
Current then comprise a strong wind-driven gyre in the Northern Indian Ocean. Strong
upwelling occurs at this time along the Somali and Arabian coasts.
Along the eastern boundary of the Indian Ocean, off Western Australia, the Leeuwin
Current flows poleward along the continental shelf break from about 22°S to 35°S. The
Current then turns eastward. The Leeuwin Current is warm and of relatively low salinity, low
dissolved oxygen and high phosphate content, and transports a significant amount of heat to
the south.
Complex interaction between water masses takes place at frontal regions in the Southern
Ocean (south of 40°S). Antarctic bottom water (AABW) has been shown to spread throughout
the Southern and Northern hemispheres at 3000 to 4000 m water depth at frontal areas in mid-
latitudes. Because of these oceanographic parameters, mid-latitudes in the Southern Ocean are
high-nutrient low-chlorophyll zones (HNLC). The Southern Ocean region has also been
documented as a major sink of CO2 and is thus a highly productive area.
Very few data have been reported to date on anthropogenic radionuclide concentrations
in the Indian Ocean. The only comprehensive study was carried out in 1978 in the framework
of the GEOSECS programme and included several vertical profiles of tritium in the water
column [108].
There was a latitudinal trend of tritium concentrations, but, already in 1978, it did not
reflect the fallout deposition in the area, but was influenced by water mass transport. Low
levels characterized the area below 40°S, while the highest concentrations were found
between 30°S and 10°S. Towards the north, tritium concentration regularly decreased around
the equator, to 10°N and levelled in the Arabian and Red Seas.
A few other data were obtained in [46] in the 1980s (137Cs from 2.8 to 2.9 Bq/m3) and in
[56] in 1994 when 137Cs concentrations ranged between 1.6 and 2.3 Bq/m3, while 90Sr ranged
from 1.1 to 1.5 Bq/m3. Only 3 results were reported for plutonium isotopes. Again, the lowest
levels characterized the area below 30°S.
The Indian Ocean together with the Southern Ocean was divided into 4 boxes (Fig. 15).
Data for 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu for the years 1991–1995 and 1996–2000 are plotted in
Figs 74 to 77. There were only a few data for the first time interval, therefore a proper
evaluation was not possible. For the second time period, thanks to the WOMARS project,
more data have become available from cruises to the Arabian Sea, the Southern Ocean and the
Indian Ocean transect. All investigated radionuclides show similar latitudinal trends with the
smallest values in Box 13 (below 60°S) and the highest in the centre box between 10°S and
35°S (Box 16, Tables VI–VIII). The broken latitudinal dependence in radionuclide
concentrations in surface water must be due to specific circulation patterns in the Indian
In the framework of the WOMARS project, a sampling campaign was carried out in
March–April 1998, along a track from New Zealand to the Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 78), to
determine the present concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides in surface water. The
results for 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu are shown in Figs 79–82 as a function of latitude. The
latitudinal trend of radionuclide concentrations shows exactly the same trend as that of
GEOSECS tritium: low concentrations of both 137Cs and 90Sr (1.1–1.8 Bq/m3 and 0.7–1
Bq/m3, respectively) characterize the Tasman Sea and the whole area south of Australia, at
latitudes ranging between 40°S and 35°S. Proceeding northwest, all other stations in Box 16
show higher concentrations of both radionuclides (2.08–2.23 Bq/m3 for 137Cs and 0.76–1.5
Bq/m3 for 90Sr). Upwelling near the equator is probably responsible for the decrease in
concentrations in the latitudinal band 10°S and 10°N.
The Arabian and Red Seas are characterized by similar radionuclide concentrations, in
the range of 1.4–1.7 Bq/m3 for 137Cs and 0.9–1.4 for 90Sr. The mean ratio 137Cs/90Sr is 1.63 ±
0.19 (Fig. 83).
H data (Fig. 79) show the same latitudinal trend as the other radionuclides. The region
south of Australia and the Arabian Sea have lower concentrations than other areas. The
Cs/3H ratio is 0.019 ± 0.004 and the correlation coefficient is 0.74 ± 0.09 (Fig. 84). 239,240Pu
data in Fig. 82 show a similar latitudinal dependence to the other radionuclides.
H (1996-2000)
20 Unit: mBq/L
0 150 ± 70
-20 170 ± 50
-40 80 ± 60
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
FIG. 74. 3H in the Indian and Southern Oceans (no data for 1991–1995) (data corrected to
Surface water 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu concentration time series for boxes 15, 16 and 17
(Fig. 15) were evaluated using data stored in the GLOMARD database. Figs 85–87 show the
data used for evaluation. The estimated effective half-lives of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in
surface water for different latitudinal boxes are given in Tables VI–VIII. 90Sr data were very
sparse so any estimation of effective half-lives was not possible. The concentrations for the
year 2000 were estimated from the few recent measurements available. 137Cs data enabled to
calculate the effective half-life which is around 20 years. The uncertainty in 239,240Pu data was
too high, except for Box 17 which gave an effective half-life of about 9 years.
137 239,240
When the data are grouped (Table XII), the effective half-lives for Cs and Pu
are 20 ± 2 years and 9 ± 2 years, respectively.
GEOSECS Stations 413 (13°21'N; 53°13'E), 416 (19°45'N; 64°37'E) and 417 (3°57'N;
56°30'E) in the Arabian Sea (Fig. 88) were re-visited in 1998 to sample large volumes of
water at different depths. While Station 413, east of the Gulf of Aden, is relatively shallow
(bottom depth 2830 m), Station 416 in the north was 3210 m deep and Station 417 was the
deepest (4114 m). 137Cs data are presented in Figs 89–91. As there are no water profile data
for 137Cs from GEOSECS or other cruises, no direct comparison can be made for the Indian
Ocean. However, it is possible to compare the 137Cs profiles calculated from the measured
GEOSECS 3H profiles using the estimated 137Cs/3H ratio, as shown in Figs 89–91.
90Sr (1991 -1995)
Unit: mBq/L
d 1.27 ± 0.01
u -20
itt (2)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
1.0 ± 0.2
u -20 1.1 ± 0.2
a (7)
L -30
0.7 ± 0.4
-50 (12)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
FIG. 75. 90Sr in the Indian and Southern Oceans (data corrected to 01.01.2000).
137 Cs (1991-1995)
20 Unit: mBq/L
1.9 ± 0.2
0.8 ± 0.9
0.1 ± 0.1 (1)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
137Cs (1996-2000)
20 Unit: mBq/L
0 1.6 ± 0.3
2.1 ± 0.3
-30 (7)
1.0 ± 0.6
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
FIG. 76. 137Cs in the Indian and Southern Oceans (data corrected to 01.01.2000).
239,240 Pu (1991-1995)
20 Unit: ųBqL
-50 (2)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Pu (1996-2000)
20 Unit: ųBq/L
0 1.9 ± 1.2
1.0 ± 0.4
-50 (10)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
40 39
3029 28
0 23
-10 19
FIG. 78. Sampling stations of the Indian Ocean Transect Cruise, 1997.
-40 -20 0 20 40
FIG. 79. H concentrations in surface water of the Indian Ocean, the Red and Mediterranean
Seas as a function of latitude.
Sr (Bq.m )
-40 -20 0 20 40
FIG. 80. 90Sr concentrations in surface water of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the Red and
Mediterranean Seas as a function of latitude.
Cs (Bq.m ) 3
-40 -20 0 20 40
FIG. 81. 137Cs concentrations in surface water of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the Red and
Mediterranean Seas as a function of latitude.
Pu (mBq. m-3)
-40 -20 0 20 40
FIG. 82. 239,240Pu concentrations in surface water of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the Red and
Mediterranean Seas as a function of latitude.
Sr-90 (Bq m )
0 1 2 3
C s-1 3 7 (B q m )
H-3 (TU)
0 1 2 3 4
C s -1 3 7 ( B q m )
FIG. 85. 90Sr time series in Indian Ocean surface water.
FIG. 86. 137Cs time series in Indian Ocean surface water.
FIG. 87. 239,240Pu time series in Indian Ocean surface water.
GX 416
GX 413
GX 417
GX 418
GX 419
50 55 60 65 70 75
FIG. 88. GEOSECS stations in the Arabian Sea revisited in 1998.
C s (m B q /L )
0 0 .5 1 1 .5 2
2500 G X -4 1 3
[1 9 7 8 ]
A S -0 3
[1 9 9 8 ]
FIG. 89. Comparison of measured (dotted line) and calculated (continuous line), using
GEOSECS 3H data, 137Cs profiles at GEOSECS Station 413.
C s (m B q /L )
0 0 .5 1 1 .5 2
Depth (m)
2500 G X -4 1 6
[1 9 7 8 ]
A S -0 1
[1 9 9 8 ]
FIG. 90. Comparison of measured (dotted line) and calculated, (continuous line) using
GEOSECS 3H data, 137Cs profiles at GEOSECS Station 416.
C s (m B q /L )
0 0 .5 1 1 .5 2
Depth (m)
2500 G X -4 1 7
[1 9 7 8 ]
A S -0 4
[1 9 9 8 ]
FIG. 91. Comparison of measured (dotted line) and calculated (continuous line), using
GEOSECS 3H data, 137Cs profiles at GEOSECS Station 417.
The radioactive contamination of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans originates from three
main sources:
In contrast to the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic has not received local fallout from nuclear
weapons testing to any significant extent. Due to the inputs from reprocessing and Chernobyl,
the NE Atlantic shows higher concentrations of, in particular, 137Cs, 99Tc and 129I than any
other part of the world ocean. Furthermore the variation in radionuclide concentrations is
higher than seen elsewhere. The marginal seas of Europe show concentrations of e.g. 137Cs
and 99Tc, which vary orders of magnitude within distances of a few hundred kilometres. It
thus is difficult to give meaningful average concentrations for these radionuclides in marginal
seas such as the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and especially, the Irish Sea.
Intensive sampling of the NE Atlantic, including deep-water samples, was carried out in
the area of the NEA/OECD dumpsites for low level radioactive wastes by the Bundesamt für
Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) (Germany) between 1983 and 1985 [109]. The levels
detected are a consequence of global fallout from atmospheric weapons tests in the sixties.
Cs levels were between 2.8 and 4.5 Bq/m3 with an average concentration around 3.3 Bq/m3.
The 90Sr concentration was found to have an almost linear relation to 137Cs values with the
Cs/90Sr ratios close to the theoretical value of about 1.5 given in the UNSCEAR Report
[110]. 239,240Pu values were found to be relatively homogeneously distributed in the water
column between 5 and 30 mBq/m3, whereas maximum values were found at about 1000 m
depth. These observations were found to be similar to other oceans.
In order to collect more recent data on the background radionuclide levels in Atlantic
water flushing through the North Sea, a cruise on board the German R/V "Deneb" was carried
out in the spring of 1997 to the Mediterranean (Monaco). Samples of water taken at depths
down to 500 m were analysed for 137Cs, 90Sr and transuranics. The average levels found in
surface water of the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean are not statistically
distinguishable (Table XIII).
137 90
Cs Sr
Atlantic Ocean 2.33 ± 0.21 (24 values) 1.53 ± 0.21 (24 values)
Mediterranean Sea 2.63 ± 0.42 (25 values) 1.77 ± 0.31 (24 values)
The activity ratios of 137Cs/90Sr were 1.52 and 1.48, close to the expected fallout value.
The distribution of transuranics in surface water of the Atlantic is less homogeneous. For
Pu values were between 2.7 and 8.9 mBq/m3, while concentrations in deeper water
increased up to 17 mBq/m3. The activity ratios of 238Pu/239,240Pu are about 0.1, indicating
slightly higher ratios than expected from global fallout. The few data for the French
Mediterranean coast are above levels for the Atlantic, between 9.3 and 16.9 mBq/m3 for
Pu. Water from 500 m depth with levels up to 28 mBq/m3 of 239,240Pu possibly indicate
the influence of the nuclear complex at Marcoule on the Rhone river. The concentrations of
Am are mostly below 3 mBq/m3 down to 500 m depth and there is no obvious difference
between the data from the Atlantic and Mediterranean.
The Atlantic and Arctic Oceans with their marginal seas have been divided into Boxes
18–30 (Fig. 92). The maps of the distributions and average concentrations for 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs
and 239,240Pu in Atlantic surface water for the period 1991–1995 and 1996–2000 are shown in
Figs 93 to 96 and 97 to 100, respectively. Unfortunately, for the south Atlantic Ocean, the
radionuclide data are very sparse, therefore a proper evaluation has not been possible.
Data for 137Cs for the period 1991–1995 clearly show a latitudinal effect with mean
concentrations from the south of 0.6 Bq/m3 (Box 30) to 3.5 Bq/m3 in the north (Box 18). The
highest concentrations were however, observed in the Baltic Sea (mean value of about 60
Bq/m3) and the Black Sea (about 40 Bq/m3). The data for the period 1996–2000 (where
available) show a similar trend.
The latitudinal effect is clearly seen for 90Sr as well. Higher mean concentrations were
observed in the Baltic Sea (about 10 Bq/m3), the English Channel (about 8 Bq/m3) and the
North Sea (about 5 Bq/m3) resulting from discharges from Sellafield and Cap de la Hague. In
1996–2000, the mean concentrations were about 10 Bq/m3 in the Baltic Sea, about 4 Bq/m3 in
the English Channel, and about 4 Bq/m3 in the North Sea.
The effective half-lives of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in Atlantic surface water were
calculated using data stored in the GLOMARD database, mostly based on Risö reports [111],
BSH and CEFAS (The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK) data.
All data used for the calculation of effective half-lives of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the
different boxes dividing the Atlantic Ocean (except for Box 19, where no data were available)
are shown in Figs 101–103 (for 90Sr), 104–106 (for 137Cs) and 107–109 (for 239,240Pu). The
calculated effective half-lives and predicted concentrations are given in Tables VI–VIII. The
values for the different boxes are very widely scattered, so it is more useful to group data for
the north, central and south Atlantic Ocean (Table XIV).
Sr and 137Cs show similar half-lives of 16 ± 4 and 19 ± 4 years, respectively, for the
north Atlantic, 24 ± 2 and 24 ± 6 years for the central Atlantic and 17 ± 9 and 20 ± 6 years for
the south Atlantic Ocean. The total of all Atlantic data is 22 ± 2 and 20 ± 3 years, for 90Sr and
Cs, respectively. The 239,240Pu data are close, giving a value for all the Atlantic Ocean of 9
± 1 year.
Data for all oceans (Table XV) gave similar effective half-lives for 90Sr and 137Cs, 19 ±
3 and 20 ± 2 years, respectively. As expected, the half-life is similar for both radionuclides,
therefore, one can accept a mean value of 19 ± 2 years. The 239,240Pu effective half-life in
surface water is 9 ± 1 year. The corresponding residence times of 90Sr (137Cs) and 239,240Pu in
surface water are 27 ± 2 and 13 ± 1 years, respectively.
In 1988–1989 the SWEDARP expedition collected surface sea water in the Atlantic
Ocean between 73°N and 72°S [112]. The samples were analysed for 137Cs and 239,240Pu and
were compared with the GEOSECS data from the expedition in 1972–1973. The effective
half-life of 137Cs was determined to be 23 years (or longer), corresponding to a mean
residence time of 33 years. The effective half-life of 239,240Pu was determined to be 7–8 years.
18 20
190 ± 30 350 ± 290
(14) (16)
60 200 ± 40
69 ± 14
1.7 ± 0.6 3.5 ± 2.0
(25) (96)
11.3 ± 2.8
60 (99)
1.6 ± 1.1
(22) 5.5 ± 2.2
8.3 ± 4.3
1.2 ± 0.2
1.4 ± 0.1
0.8 ± 0.1
3.0 ± 2.0
40 ± 12
2.0 ± 0.3
2.4 ± 0.2
20 (2)
1.4 ± 0.2
80 6.4 ± 1.5
11 ± 12
13 ± 17
5.9 ± 2.8
(12) 16.6 ± 6
20 (2)
2.8 ± 1.3
60 390
175 ± 12
279 ± 48
80 2.2
49 ± 83
2.1 ± 0.9
1.2 ± 0.6
1.7 ± 0.2
20 (15)
80 14
60 57 ± 55
4.2 ± 2.7
1.7 ± 0.8
2.6 ± 0.4
20 (15)
36 ± 16
5.0 ± 2.7
14 ± 4
20 (7)
Effective half-life ± 1σ*
90 137 239,240
Area Boxes Sr Cs Pu
6.2. Water column radionuclide time series in the Atlantic Ocean
Sampling stations for the evaluation of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu water profiles time series
in the Atlantic Ocean are shown in Fig 110. Corresponding 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu water
profiles in the north Atlantic Ocean (north of Iceland) are shown in Figs 111, 112 and 113,
respectively. Data for 1972 have been extracted from the GEOSECS project and for 1985 and
1995 from the BSH database. Data are fairly widely scattered for 90Sr, however, data for 1985
(except for two outliers) are lower than those for 1972. The results from 1995 are in between
the 1972 and 1985 values. Also, the 1985 values below 1000 m are much higher than for
1972. Higher 1995 values may be due to discharges from Cap de la Hague in the eighties.
Cs profiles clearly show increasing concentrations from 1972, to 1985 and 1995,
reflecting 137Cs releases from Sellafield. According to Dahlgaard [113] the expected transit
time from Sellafield to the investigated sites is around 10 years, which appears in good
agreement with maximum 137Cs releases in the mid-seventies. However, the further increase
in 1995 is difficult to explain.
Pu data show a remarkable decrease from a peak value of around 58 mBq/m3 in
1972 to about 13 mBq/m3 in 1995.
Another comparison of water profiles was made for 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu obtained
from the GEOSECS programme (1973) and the "Walther Herwig II" cruise of August–
September 1996 organized by Federal Research Centre for Fisheries (Germany) in which
IAEA-MEL participated. Although the positions of the stations are not the same (see Fig.
110), the 90Sr data presented in Fig. 114 show a decrease in surface water concentrations from
2 to 1 Bq/m3 and an increase below 750 m water depth in 1996 data. 137Cs data show similar
behaviour (Fig. 115).
The 137Cs/90Sr activity ratios from the 1996 data show values of around 1.5, except for
layers between 1500–1400 m, where ratios of up to 2 were observed. 239,240Pu profiles shown
in Fig. 116 clearly show the displacement of the maximum from around 600 m, observed in
1973, down to 750–1500 m in 1996. Unfortunately, there are not enough GEOSECS data to
make a more precise comparison. The remarkable 239,240Pu peak, as well as the 90Sr, 137Cs, 3H
and 14C peaks observed in deep-water layers are due to specific transport processes in the NE
Atlantic [114].
From 1983 to 1995 BSH collected and analysed water column samples from the NE
Atlantic. Table XVI summarizes the results of 90Sr and 137Cs inventory calculations based on
the data supplied by them. It appears that the 137Cs observations are in reasonable agreement
with the known inputs to the Atlantic Ocean, but the 90Sr observations are about double the
expected values. The explanation may be that the number of 90Sr determinations is relatively
small. But the discrepancy may also be due to the fact that the samples may not be
representative of the western and central parts of the N Atlantic.
The inventory of 137Cs in ocean sediment is in the order of 0.1–0.2 kBq/m2 i.e. about
5% of that present in the water column. Hence, sediment does not influence the inventory
estimates significantly. The reasonable agreement between observations and inputs may be
less favourable for 137Cs if one considers that the NE Atlantic contains both reprocessing and
Chernobyl 137Cs. The inventories of 90Sr and 137Cs determined from measurements of water
column samples collected in the NE Atlantic are up to twice the known inputs to the
N Atlantic Ocean. The discrepancy is higher for 90Sr than 137Cs.
6.4. Radionuclides in northern European seas
The northern European seas have received input of anthropogenic radionuclides from
different sources, mainly :
In addition to these sources, nuclear power stations, fuel production facilities, nuclear
research facilities, and dumping of low level radioactive waste in the deep NE Atlantic Ocean
may contribute to the contamination of the immediate environment. The discharges or
releases from these sources are not detectable in the open marine environment and their
impact on the local environment is monitored regularly by the competent authorities.
90 137
NOTE: The inputs from reprocessing and Chernobyl were assumed by the year 2000 to have
been equally divided between the three Atlantic boxes. Any input to the Arctic Ocean was
In the Arctic Ocean various additional potential sources exist, such as: dumped
radioactive waste in the Kara and Barents Seas [12, 115]; discharges from nuclear activities
on the Kola peninsula; the sunken nuclear submarine "Komsomolets"; plutonium
contamination at the Thule, Greenland, accident site.
Box 18 Box 20
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 21 Box 22
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
FIG. 101. 90Sr surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
Box 23 Box 24
1000 100
100 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
10 1
1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 25
Box 26
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
FIG. 102. Sr surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
Box 27 Box 28
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 29 Box 30
100 100
10 10
Sr (mBq/L)
Sr (mBq/L)
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Fig. 103. Sr surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
Box 18 Box 20
100 100
10 10
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 21 Box 22
1000 1000
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
0.1 1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
FIG. 104. 137Cs surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
Box 23 Box 24
1.E+05 100
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
1.E-02 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 24 Box 26
100 1000
10 100
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
1 137
0.1 1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
FIG. 105. Cs surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
Box 27 Box 28
100 100
10 10
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 29 Box 30
100 100
10 10
Cs (mBq/L)
Cs (mBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
FIG. 106. Cs surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
Box 18 Box 20
100 100
10 10
Pu (µBq/L)
Pu (µBq/L)
1 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 21 Box 22
100 100
10 10
Pu (µBq/L)
Pu (µBq/L)
1 239+240 1
0.1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
FIG. 107. 239,240Pu surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
Box 23 Box 24
100 1000
10 100
Pu (µBq/L)
No Data
Pu (µBq/L)
1 10
0.1 1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 25 Box 26
1000 100
100 10
Pu (µBq/L)
No Data
Pu (µBq/L)
10 1
1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
FIG. 108. 239,240Pu surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
Box 27 Box 28
1000 100
100 10
Pu (µBq/L)
Pu (µBq/L)
10 1
1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Box 29 Box 30
1000 100
100 10
Pu (µBq/L)
Pu (µBq/L)
10 1
1 0.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
FIG. 109. 239,240Pu surface water time series in the Atlantic Ocean.
60 G
B-1 B-0T-115
B-3 M-525
40 M-521
-60 -40 -20 0 20
FIG. 110. Vertical profile stations in the North Atlantic (G-GEOSECS sites, BSH-BSH sites, B-IAEA sites).
0 1 2 3 4
3000 1972
FIG. 111. 90Sr water profiles time series in the North Atlantic (north of 60°N).
0 1 2 3 4 5
3000 1972
FIG. 112. 137Cs water profile time series in the North Atlantic (north of 60°N).
239+240 3
Pu(mBq/m )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
3000 1972
FIG. 113. 239,240Pu water profile time series in the North Atlantic (north of 60°N).
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
IAEA B1(1996)
FIG. 114. 90Sr water profile time series in the North Atlantic (south of 50°N).
0 1 2 3 4
IAEA B1(1996)
FIG. 115. 137Cs water profile time series in the North Atlantic (south of 50°N).
239+240 3
Pu(mBq/m )
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
IAEA B1(1996)
FIG. 116. 239,240Pu water profile time series in the North Atlantic (south of 50°N).
4.5 4.3
2.8 4.0 2.8 2.5
18 66
21 45 3.8 2.9 2.6
27 334
21 3.3 3.3 3.0 3.1 2.6 3.2
17 9.6
2.3 2.8
13 2.3
2.2 Sr [Bq/m³]
November 1999
Surface, 0 - 10 m Layer
Subsurface , close to seabed
Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie, Hamburg & Rostock
FIG. 117. 90Sr distribution in water of the Irish and North Seas, including the English
Channel in November, 1999. The relative uncertainty for the data is less than 5%.
9.1 6.6
4.4 4.7
17.9 4.9
5.3 4.4
5.5 7.4 8.1 6.4 3.6
41.7 151
37.3 48.1 123 8.2 6.7 3.9
202 112
25.1 29.3 68.2 145
20.2 19.0 22.9 52.6 112 6.5 6.6 5.2 3.9 4.0 3.4
22.7 13.5 21.2 135 3.4 3.7
12.0 28.6 27.1 3.4
2.2 3.2
3.3 Cs [Bq/m³]
November 1999
2.7 2.8 2.9
Surface, 0 - 10 m Layer
2.1 2.5
Subsurface , close to seabed
Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie, Hamburg & Rostock
FIG. 118. 137Cs distribution in water of the Irish and North Seas, including the English
Channel, in November 1999. The relative uncertainty for the data is less than 5%.
FIG. 119. 137Cs in surface water of European seas (1976–1980).
FIG. 121 137Cs in surface water of European seas (1986–1990).
61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97
FIG. 123. Temporal trend of 137Cs concentrations at two locations in the inner German Bight.
This area is influenced by La Hague discharges.
y = -0.0043x + 162.67
R2 = 0.8629
y = 659056.7946996e-0.0003098x
R2 = 0.8420107
May-90 Sep-91 Jan-93 Jun-94 Oct-95 Mar-97 Jul-98 Dec-99 Apr-01
FIG. 124. Temporal trend of 137Cs concentrations in the outer German Bight (55°N, 6°E).
This location is influenced by Sellafield discharges.
Several cruises have recently been organized to northern European seas mainly by
Germany and the UK [116–119].
The Irish Sea (Box 23) was recently monitored for 90Sr, 137Cs and 99Tc in the autumn of
1999 by BSH on a cruise by the R/V "Gauss" in co-operation with British and Irish scientists.
The distribution of the activity concentrations are given in Figs 117 and 118 for 90Sr and
Cs, respectively.
The different sources of 90Sr and 137Cs in the Irish Sea can be identified by the activity
ratio 137Cs/90Sr. It becomes evident that the only position, where the typical discharge ratio as
given by BNFL [120] is found is directly at the discharge area, where 137Cs/90Sr = 0.6. In
other areas this ratio is significantly different, proving that resuspension of sediment is the
dominant source of 137Cs at present in the Irish Sea.
As the distribution of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu (Tables VI–VIII) in the Irish Sea has been
controlled by discharges, effective half-lives were not calculated. The average 90Sr, 137Cs and
Pu concentrations in the Irish Sea in the year 2000 have been estimated to be 50 Bq/m3,
60 Bq/m3 and 500 mBq/m3, respectively.
Cs concentrations in surface water grouped for the periods 1976–80, 1981–85, 1986–
90 and 1991–95 are shown in Figs 119, 120, 121 and 122, respectively, clearly indicating
transport of 137Cs from Sellafield reprocessing plant.
The North Sea (Box 22) receives contamination from the reprocessing plants at
Sellafield and Cap de la Hague by the prevailing residual currents from the Irish Sea and the
English Channel. Consequently, the concentrations of 137Cs, 90Sr and other radionuclides
follow with delay the temporal trends of the discharges. The maximum discharge of 137Cs and
other ß-emitting nuclides at Sellafield occurred in 1975; the highest concentrations of 137Cs
were measured around 1979 in the North Sea, with values of about 500 Bq/m3. After 1975,
the discharges decreased steadily as mentioned in Chapter 2.2. Due to significantly decreasing
discharges in recent years, the concentrations of 137Cs, 90Sr and transuranics are presently only
slightly above the global fallout levels for North Atlantic surface water. Remobilization of
Cs from highly contaminated sediment in the Irish Sea is now the dominant source also for
water contamination of the North Sea [121]. Levels of 137Cs in November 1997 were between
3.5 Bq/m3 in the southeastern North Sea and 12.4 Bq/m3 in the central southern North Sea.
The concentrations of 90Sr were between 2.3 and 4.2 Bq/m3 in the south, with lower levels in
the north.
The general downward trend over recent years of 90Sr and 137Cs can be seen at several
locations in the North Sea. This is due to both the physical decay of the global fallout level,
decreasing discharges from the reprocessing plants at Sellafield and Cap de la Hague, as well
as transport of these radionuclides to the north. The trend at two positions in the German
Bight is shown in Fig. 123, whereas the outer German Bight (55°N, 6°E) reflects more the
contamination from Sellafield about three years after the release into the Irish Sea (Fig. 124).
The Sellafield signal can also be detected in the North Sea for transuranic elements; the
highest levels were found near the Scottish coast with 239,240Pu concentrations of up to 55
mBq/m³ in Pentland Firth in 1997. The concentrations decrease along the British east coast to
the southern central North Sea, where levels of less than 20 mBq/m³ are found. In the German
Bight the values are even less than 10 mBq/m³. The activity ratio of 238Pu/239,240Pu in the
southern North Sea indicates a source of plutonium other than the Cap de la Hague plant,
where the ratios are sometimes even higher than unity. In general, the activity ratios in the
whole area indicate that the reprocessing plants are the dominant source of plutonium.
Combining all available data for 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu, the effective half-lives could
be calculated (keeping in mind that they could have been affected by releases from
reprocessing plants and the Chernobyl accident (Tables VI–VII)). The effective half-lives for
Sr and 137Cs are 6.9 ± 0.4 and 5.7 ± 0.3 years, respectively. The 239,240Pu value is not
sufficiently precise (24 ± 17 years). The average 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu concentrations,
estimated from recent measurements, are for 2000: 4, 4.5 Bq/m3 and 15 mBq/m3, respectively.
The accident at Chernobyl deposited large quantities of radionuclides over the northern
part of the Baltic Sea (Box 21). The levels of 137Cs in the Baltic Sea (Fig. 125; [122]) were
dominated by this fallout from 1986 onwards [5]. Before 1986, 137Cs was due to global fallout
and the inflow of North Sea water through the Danish Straits. Since 1986, a great proportion
of 137Cs was deposited in the fine grained sediment of the Baltic Sea. The inventory in the
water phase has decreased by about a factor of 2 since then. The concentrations of 90Sr have
remained fairly unchanged over the years and are in the range between 10 and 15 Bq/m³ in
surface water of the Baltic Sea. The main source of this radionuclide is global fallout, whereas
the activity ratio of 137Cs/90Sr is not typical due to certain inputs from rivers. This mechanism
is almost negligible for 137Cs.
Due to the permanent halocline in the Baltic Sea there still exists a significant difference
in the concentrations of 137Cs in surface water and in the deeper layers below the halocline.
This is true in particular for the Belt Sea (western Baltic) where the inflow from the North Sea
with lower levels occurs below the halocline and the outflow of low salinity water at the
surface carries higher contamination levels. In addition, Chernobyl fallout was very unevenly
distributed. However, mixing of water masses has led to a more homogeneous distribution in
different parts of the Baltic over years. The temporal trend in 90Sr and 137Cs concentrations at
one station in the western Baltic Sea is shown in Fig. 126.
The 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu surface water time series are given in Figs 101, 104 and
107, respectively. The calculated effective half-lives for 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the Baltic
Sea are 12.0 ± 1.7, 14.1 ± 1.8 and 4.9 ± 1.4 years, respectively. The average concentrations of
Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in surface water estimated from recent measurements for the year
2000 are around 10 Bq/m3, 60 Bq/m3 and about 3 mBq/m3, respectively (Tables VI–VIII).
The Arctic Seas (the Norwegian, Barents and Kara Seas) were recently investigated in
detail in order to study potential transport of radioactive contaminants from nuclear dumpsites
in the Kara and Barents Seas into the NE Atlantic [12, 115]. The levels of 137Cs were
FIG. 125. 137Cs contours of Baltic Sea surface waters after the Chernobyl accident (for the period 1986–1988) as extracted from the GLOMARD
Sr 90
61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97
FIG. 126. Temporal trends of 137Cs and 90Sr in the western Baltic Sea.
90 137
FIG. 127. Sr and Cs in Barents Sea surface water as extracted from the GLOMARD
FIG. 128. 137Cs contours of western Black Sea surface water after the Chernobyl accident in
1988, as extracted from the GLOMARD database.
significantly lower than in 1985 due to lower levels in the North Sea as a consequence of
decreased discharges at Sellafield. It was also found that at deeper water layers, Sellafield-
derived transuranics identified by their activity ratios are transferred into the Norwegian Sea
In Arctic waters there is no indication of long range contamination from nuclear wastes
and other radioactive objects dumped by the former USSR. Samples taken in its vicinity
during 1992 and 1995 indicate that there is also no long range contamination from the sunken
nuclear submarine "Komsomolets" in the northern Norwegian Sea. Except for global fallout,
the main source of radionuclides in the Arctic Seas remains the contributions from nuclear
reprocessing plants. Fig. 127 confirms this statement showing the time evolution of 90Sr and
Cs activities in Barents Sea surface water.
The distribution maps and average 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu concentrations for the Arctic
Seas are given in Figs 94–96 for 1991–1995 and 98–100 for 1996–2000, respectively. The
corresponding time series (Box 20) are shown in Figs 101, 104 and 107. The calculated
effective half-lives for 90Sr, 137Cs in the Barents Sea are 5.8 ± 0.5 and 4.2 ± 0.2 years,
respectively. The average 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu concentrations estimated from recent
measurements are for the year 2000 around 2 and 3 Bq/m3, and 20 mBq/m3, respectively
(Tables VI–VIII).
The Mediterranean Sea is an enclosed, deep basin that communicates with the Atlantic
Ocean through the narrow, shallow Strait of Gibraltar. Here a surface flux of Atlantic, low
salinity water (36–36.5‰) enters the Mediterranean Sea, while a subsurface water mass,
characterized by salinity higher than 37.5‰ leaves the basin. The entire Mediterranean is a
concentration basin, with evaporation exceeding precipitation and runoff. Due to the increase
in salinity and consequent density instabilities, deep and intermediate waters are formed by
vertical convection at some key sites, as discussed below.
The general circulation of the basin is complex and can be summarized as follows: the
major phenomenon influencing the surface circulation is the Atlantic water entering via the
Strait of Gibraltar. After some meandering in the Alboran Sea, this water mass proceeds
eastward, along the north African coast. After crossing the Sicilian Sill, the Atlantic stream
occupies the southern part of the Ionian Sea, becoming an intensified mid-Mediterranean jet.
In the area between Crete and Rhodes, extensive vertical convection gives rise to the
formation of the saltier and denser Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) that stabilizes at 200–
600 m depth, moves westward and passes over the Sicilian Sill into the western basin. After
following a rather complicated path throughout the basin, the LIW finally flows, mixed with
some Western Mediterranean Deep Water, out of the Mediterranean, crossing the Strait of
Gibraltar at an average depth of more than 150 m.
The deepest Mediterranean water is mainly formed in areas where prolonged periods of
cold winds sharply increase the evaporation rates and produce, at the surface, a dense, cold,
well oxygenated water mass that sinks rapidly, reaches the bottom and spreads all over the
The Gulf of Lions, the Liguro-Provençal Basin, the Adriatic and the Cretan Seas have
been identified as the most important sites for deep-water formation. More recently, important
changes have been registered in deep-water formation and circulation in the Eastern Basin,
with deep and intermediate water masses also being formed in the Aegean Sea.
No time series stations have been established in the Mediterranean Sea for
anthropogenic radionuclide concentrations in open waters. However, Fukai et al. [129]
showed that before the Chernobyl accident there were no significant differences in surface
Cs concentrations in the different basins of the Mediterranean Sea. In 1977, the mean
values ranged from 4.4 ± 0.7 Bq/m3 in the SW Mediterranean and in the Tyrrhenian Sea, to
4.8 ± 1.8 Bq/m3 in the NW Mediterranean, Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Slightly lower values
were found only in the SE Mediterranean basin (4.2 ± 0.3 Bq/m3).
Also for plutonium, the few studies conducted over the whole of the Mediterranean, did
not show significant differences in the levels measured in open surface water of the different
basins [130], while there were some noticeable differences between the open sea and coastal
areas [131].
It is thus reasonable to calculate the time trend of anthropogenic radionuclide
concentrations in surface sea water using average annual values obtained in different areas of
the Mediterranean Sea.
The time trend of 137Cs concentrations in surface sea water is shown in Fig. 129. An
exponential decrease is apparent in the period 1970–1985. In 1986, Chernobyl fallout deeply
modified 137Cs distribution in the Mediterranean, producing a significant increase in the levels
of the northern and eastern basins. 137Cs concentrations were back to pre-Chernobyl values
over the entire Mediterranean Sea in 1990.
Figure 130 shows the plutonium time trend over the period 1970–1997. As for caesium,
there is a clear exponential decrease in concentrations. The calculated effective half-life for
Pu is 13 ± 2 years and the corresponding mean residence time is about 19 years. These
data are in reasonable agreement with the residence times of 12 years [132] and 20–30 years
[106] calculated by other methods. As expected, these parameters are slightly lower than
those derived for caesium, as plutonium is removed from the surface layer not only by
physical processes, but also by association with sinking organic and inorganic particles.
Four main data sets were analysed to estimate recent radionuclide concentrations: the
first obtained by Papucci and Delfanti for the eastern Mediterranean in 1995–97 [133], the
second by BSH for the western Mediterranean in 1997 [136], the third for the Strait of
Gibraltar in 1997, and the fourth in the framework of the WOMARS project (ITALICA
cruise) for the eastern Mediterranean in 1998 [135].
Cs concentrations range from 2.5 Bq/m3 in the low salinity Atlantic water inflow to
an average value of 3.1 Bq/m3 in the eastern Mediterranean. For 90Sr there are no significant
differences between the two basins (1.8 ± 0.2 Bq/m3). For plutonium, data are available only
for the western Mediterranean. The mean concentrations of anthropogenic radionuclides in
Mediterranean surface water are given in Table XVII.
Pu concentration (around 12 mBq/m3) for the reference date of January 1st, 2000
was estimated using the effective half-life of 11 years obtained from the analysis of the time
trend evolution of its concentration in the period 1970–1994. The average 137Cs concentration
(around 2.6 Bq/m3) was estimated using the recent data, because 137Cs effective half-life could
not be determined for the period following the Chernobyl accident. The same approach was
adopted for 90Sr (the average concentration is around 1.7 Bq/m3).
6.5.2. Recent data on 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the water column of the Mediterranean Sea
Only a few data are available for the period 1995–2000 on radionuclide vertical profiles
in the Mediterranean Sea. The two main data sets published to date concern the eastern
Mediterranean and the Strait of Gibraltar.
Eastern Mediterranean
The eastern Mediterranean has been studied in detail, also in relation to the so-called
"deep water transient", the change in circulation of the deep and intermediate water that made
the basin of interest in the 1990s [150]. A first analysis of radionuclide data was published by
Papucci and Delfanti [133], who discussed the present distribution in relation to water
circulation and to the input of Chernobyl radionuclides. The data were collected in 1995 and
1996–97. The surface concentration of 137Cs ranged between 3.3 and 4.0 Bq/m3. The vertical
profiles showed relative maxima in recent intermediate and deep water, also characterized by
an increase in dissolved oxygen concentration. Figure 131 shows 137Cs vertical profiles at 4
stations in the Ionian Sea and southeastern Mediterranean in 1995–96.
Strait of Gibraltar
The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow and shallow strait that separates the Mediterranean
Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. Vertical profiles of 137Cs and 239,240Pu were determined here in
order to estimate radionuclide fluxes between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea
[134]. In this area, low salinity (S=36.0-36.5‰) water enters the Mediterranean Sea in the
surface layer, at a flux of 0.72 Sv, while an almost equal amount (0.68 Sv) of saltier
(S>37.5‰) and denser water leaves the basin [151]. Radionuclide concentrations were
determined in the two different water masses near the Gibraltar Sill. The results are shown in
Table XVIII.
There are no significant differences in 137Cs concentrations in the waters leaving and
entering the Mediterranean Sea. As a consequence, the input flux of 137Cs to the
Mediterranean Sea is balanced by the output to the Atlantic Ocean. The present situation is
markedly different from that reported for the past, when surface concentrations were much
higher than in deep water. The net annual input of 137Cs to the Mediterranean appears to be
markedly reduced compared to 1988 (120 TBq/y) [125]. In contrast, the levels of 239,240Pu are
considerably different in the water entering and leaving the Mediterranean Sea: about
10 mBq/m3 in the Atlantic inflow and 22 mBq/m3 in the Mediterranean outflow. The net
annual output of 239,240Pu from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic is presently 0.34 TBq/y,
about one third of the value estimated in 1988. This is due to the vertical transport of
plutonium and the consequent decrease of its concentration at intermediate depths.
10 137 -0.073(x-1969)
Cs = 7.9 e
Cs-137 (Bq/m ) 7
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
FIG. 129. Time trend of 137Cs concentrations in surface water of the Mediterranean Sea,
1969–1998. Data from [129, 131, 133, 136–140].
70 239,240 -0.06(x-1970)
Pu = 53 e
Pu (mBq m )
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
FIG. 130. Time trend of 239,240Pu in surface seawater of the Mediterranean Sea, 1970–1997.
Data from: [106, 131, 141–149].
The most recent vertical profiles of 239,240Pu in the deep Mediterranean Sea [149] were
measured in the Alboran Sea and the Algerian Basin in 1994. They show increasing
concentrations from surface to a depth of 300–600 m and almost constant values from this
depth to the bottom. In the vertical profiles measured in the 1970s and 1980s, maximum
plutonium concentrations, found between 100–400 m depth, were higher by a factor of two
than the present levels.
The time trend of the vertical profiles of 137Cs in the water column of the Mediterranean
Sea has been analysed, based on published data [129, 131, 136, 140].
The average vertical profiles of 137Cs for the period 1970–1982 (decay-corrected to
1994) and 1992–94 are compared in Fig. 132. While the 137Cs concentration has not
significantly changed in the depth interval 0–400 m, there has been a clear increase in the
deeper layers. The inventory corresponding to a water depth of 2700 m was about 3 kBq/m2 in
the period 1970–82 and increased to about 6 kBq/m2 in 1994, reflecting vertical transport to
the deep sea by diffusion and convection processes and, to a lesser extent, additional input
from the Chernobyl accident.
The time trend of plutonium vertical profiles has recently been analysed in detail [106].
They have shown that deep-water column (0–2000 m) inventories have not substantially
changed over the period 1976–1990, but the inventory at a given depth in the deeper layers
has increased considerably, demonstrating the slow downward movement of plutonium. The
increase at depth is almost completely balanced by the decrease in the upper mixed layer (0–
200 m). As an example, Fig. 133 shows the vertical profiles of 239,240Pu in the NW
Mediterranean in 1976 and 1990 [106, 130].
These new data were combined with those obtained in the western Mediterranean in the
period 1991–94 [140, 152] and plotted versus depth. All inventories were decay-corrected to
the reference date of 2000. A linear increase in inventories with depth is evident (Fig. 134).
Plutonium and americium inventories in the Mediterranean Sea have been discussed in
detail in two recent papers [106, 149].
Leon Vintrò et al. [149] discussed the relationship between water depth and plutonium
inventories, using data obtained in the period 1990–94 (Fig. 135). The figure has been
updated, adding a small number of data obtained in the Mediterranean in 1997 [134]. Based
on the conclusions of Fowler et al. [106], who show that plutonium inventories in the water
column of the Mediterranean Sea have not significantly changed in the depth interval 0–
2000 m over the period 1976–1990, one can assume that these inventories are representative
also for the period covered by the WOMARS programme (1995–2000).
Theta (°C)
FIG. 131. Salinity, temperature, dissolved O2 and Cs vertical profiles in the eastern
Mediterranean, 1995.
Cs-137 (Bq m )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Depth (m)
1500 1992-94
FIG. 132. Mean vertical profiles of 137Cs in the water column of the Mediterranean Sea in
1970–82 (decay-corrected to 1994) and in 1992–94.
Pu-239,240 (mBq m )
0 10 20 30 40 50
Depth (m)
Aug 1976
Nov 1989
Fig. 133. Vertical profiles of Pu in the Northwestern Mediterranean in 1976 and 1989
(data from [106, 130]).
Cs (Bq m ) 8
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Water depth (m)
FIG. 134. Relationship between Cs inventory and water depth (data from [133, 139, 140,
152] decay-corrected to 2000).
FIG. 135. Relationship between plutonium inventories and water depth in the Mediterranean
Sea (1990–1994), data from [134, 147–149].
6.5.5. Radionuclide inventories in the deep Mediterranean Sea
Radionuclide concentrations and inventories are highly variable in the Mediterranean
Sea, highest on the continental shelf and near river mouths and lowest in deep-sea
Only a few studies have been conducted on radionuclides in deep-sea sediment.
Livingston et al. [153] determined the inventories of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in sediment cores
collected in the Western Mediterranean and Ionian Sea in 1975. 137Cs inventories ranged from
90 to 260 Bq/m2 and 239,240Pu inventories from 2 to 7 Bq/m2.
Studies conducted in the 1990s in the western Mediterranean [140, 154] indicate
inventories very similar to those reported in 1975: 230 Bq/m2 for 137Cs and 3 Bq/m2 for
Three anthropogenic radionuclides, 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu were chosen as the most
important and radiologically typical of each class of marine radioactivity. They are the most
abundant anthropogenic radionuclides present in the marine environment and could lead to
the highest radiation doses to humans and marine biota.
The results confirm that the dominant source of anthropogenic radionuclides in the
marine environment is global fallout. The total 137Cs input from global fallout was estimated
to be 311 PBq for the Pacific Ocean, 201 PBq for the Atlantic Ocean, 84 PBq for the Indian
Ocean and 7.4 PBq for the Arctic Ocean. For comparison, about 40 PBq of 137Cs was released
to the marine environment from Sellafield and Cap de la Hague reprocessing plants. The
Chernobyl accident contributed about 16 PBq of 137Cs into seas, mainly the Baltic and Black
Seas where the present average concentrations of 137Cs in surface water were estimated to be
about 60 and 25 Bq/m3, respectively, while the worldwide average concentration due to global
fallout was about 2 Bq/m3.
Figure 136 and Tables XIX–XXI show the best estimates of averaged 90Sr, 137Cs and
Pu concentrations in the world's oceans and seas adjusted to the year 2000. As expected,
the highest concentrations were observed in European Seas and the lowest in the Southern
hemisphere, especially in the Antarctic Ocean.
For the purposes of this study, the world ocean was divided into latitudinal belts, for
which average radionuclide concentrations were estimated. Further, where available, time
trends in radionuclide concentrations in surface water were studied and mean residence times
of radionuclides in these areas as well as in the world ocean were estimated. The results
confirm similar residence times for 90Sr and 137Cs in surface water, varying from 11 to 30
years and from 5 to 15 years for 239,240Pu.
The mean residence times of radionuclides in surface water are listed in Table XXII.
239+240 137 90
Pu (μBq/L) Cs (mBq/L) Sr (mBq/L)
Baltic Sea Irish Sea
Irish Sea Irish Sea Black Sea
North N. Atlantic Black Sea Baltic Sea
Barents Sea Arctic Ocean English Channel
North Sea North Sea North Sea
Med. Sea North N. Atlantic Arctic Ocean
English Channel English Channel North N. Atlantic
Japan Sea Barents Sea Barents Sea
Arctic Ocean Japan Sea Med. Sea
Black Sea
Med. Sea Japan Sea
N. Atlantic
N. Pacific N. Pacific
Baltic Sea
Indian Ocean Eq. Pacific
N. Pacific
Eq. Pacific N. Atlantic
Eq. Pacific
N. Atlantic Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean
Arabian Sea Arabian Sea
C. Atlantic
C. Atlantic S. Pacific
S. Pacific
Arabian Sea S. Pacific C. Atlantic
FIG. 136. 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the world's oceans and seas (adjusted to 01.01.2000).
Area Box Number of Averaged value on 01.01.2000
No. data (mBq/L)
Box Area ± 1σ
North Pacific 1 3 1.3 1.4 ± 0.2
2 31 1.6
3 3 1.4
4 13 1.5
5 5 1.1
Equatorial Pacific 6 2 1.5 1.3 ± 0.3
7 3 1.1
South Pacific 8 1 1.2 0.8 ± 0.3
9 4 1.1
10 3 0.8
11 4 0.6
12 2 0.4
Antarctic 13 1 0.1 0.1
Sea of Japan 14 42 1.6 1.6 ± 0.3
Arabian Sea 15 15 1.0 1.0 ± 0.2
Indian Ocean 16 7 1.1 1.1 ± 0.2
Southern Ocean 17 12 0.7 0.7 ± 0.4
Arctic 18 1 2.3 2.3
Barents Sea 20 7 1.9 1.9 ± 0.4
Baltic Sea 21 71 11.1 11.1 ± 2.9
North Sea 22 118 4.0 4.0 ± 1.2
Irish Sea 23 14 49 49 ± 83
English Channel 24 43 4.1 4.1 ± 1.4
North N. Atlantic 25 17 2.1 2.1 ± 0.9
Black Sea 26 15 17 17 ± 6
Mediterranean Sea 27 15 1.7 1.7 ± 0.2
North Atlantic 28 17 1.2 1.2 ± 0.6
Central Atlantic 29 5 0.8 0.8 ± 0.1
South Atlantic 30 2 0.4 0.4 ± 0.2
90 137 239,240
Mean residence time ± 1σ *
90 137 239,240
Area Boxes Sr Cs Pu
North Pacific 1-5 17.9 ± 1.6 18.4 ± 2.0 9.7 ± 1.3
Equatorial Pacific 6+7 30.5 ± 2.7 41.3 ± 4.4 14.7 ± 3.4
South Pacific 8-12 25.8 ± 1.4 32.0 ± 7.5 17.5 ± 5.2
All Pacific 1-12 23.0 ± 3.5 22.9 ± 6.2 10.7 ± 1.6
North Indian 15 29.2 ± 2.7 30.6 ± 11.0
South Indian 16+17 31.6 ± 9.2 12.7 ± 1.5
All Indian 15-17 29.4 ± 2.6 13.0 ± 2.4
North Atlantic 25+28 22.6 ± 6.2 26.9 ± 6.0 13.0 ± 0.8
Central Atlantic 29 34.9 ± 3.0 34.3 ± 8.2 14.1 ± 4.2
South Atlantic 30 25.0 ± 12.7 29.2 ± 9.1 15.4 ± 7.1
All Atlantic 25-30 32.2 ± 3.5 29.4 ± 4.3 13.1 ± 0.8
Generally, as expected, the differences between the effective residence times of 90Sr and
Cs are, within uncertainties, the same. Longer residence times can be seen in both the
central Pacific and the central Atlantic Oceans. The mean residence time calculated for the
world ocean is 28 ± 3 years for 90Sr and 137Cs, and 13 ± 1 year for 239,240Pu.
Changes in radionuclide concentrations in water profiles with time in the N Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans were also studied. A clear decrease of radionuclide concentrations in surface
water was observed due to transport of radionuclides to medium water depths.
The results obtained in the framework of the WOMARS CRP provide the most
complete data set available to Member States on levels of anthropogenic radionuclides in the
marine environment. The results will be used as the international reference source on the
average levels of anthropogenic radionuclides in the marine environment, so that any further
contributions from nuclear reprocessing plants, radioactive waste dumping sites, nuclear
bomb test sites and possible nuclear accidents can be identified.
This project would not have been possible without the generous support of the
Government of Japan, provided through its Science and Technology Agency. Therefore, it is a
great pleasure to acknowledge the collaboration between the IAEA's Marine Environment
Laboratory in Monaco and the Science and Technology Agency of Japan (presently the
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology — MEXT). The support
provided by the Governments of France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan and the Russian
Federation for IAEA-MEL's participation in international expeditions is also highly
The major donors of data for the project were Japanese institutions, principally the
Japan Chemical Analysis Centre (JCAC), the National Institute of Radiological Sciences
(NIRS), the Marine Safety Agency (MSA) and the Fisheries Agency (FA). The IAEA would
like to thank T. Morimoto and T. Hashimoto of JCAC for their help with the transfer of data
from the JCAC database to the IAEA GLOMARD database. Data used for surface water
radionuclide time series in the Pacific Ocean were based on the HAM database developed in
the Geochemical Research Department of the Japan Meteorological Agency.
Further, the main data sets used in the project were kindly provided by the participating
institutions: The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Germany), Risö National
Laboratory (Denmark), Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Marine Research
Laboratory, Mutsu Establishment (Japan), Japan Marine Science Foundation, Mutsu Marine
Laboratory (Japan), Korean Ocean Research Institute (Republic of Korea), Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (USA), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (USA) and
many other institutes (e.g. The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science,
(UK), The Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (France)) as well as researchers.
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I-1. Introduction:
In the MARDOS report [3] an attempt was made to calculate the collective effective
doses from ingestion of marine products contaminated by 137Cs. In this Annex, the most
recent information on input of 90Sr and 137Cs to the world ocean has been used. Transfer
factors between input and collective effective dose have been calculated for the terrestrial and
the marine environment. Table I shows the calculation of the ingestion doses from marine
foods (fish and shellfish, i.e. crustaceans and molluscs).
I-2. Input:
It has been assumed that all input of 137Cs (and 90Sr) from reprocessing and the
Chernobyl accident occurred in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and that these parts of
the world ocean still contain this activity (or the rest after decay). Most of the activity is
probably still present in the 90-60ºN latitude band rather than in the 90-30ºN band. Hence,
one may have underestimated the radiological impact from these two sources, as the fish catch
is high in the 90-60ºN belt.
I-3. Volume:
The mixed layer of the ocean is assumed to be presented by the upper 100 m water
layer. Hence, the volume of the mixed layer is obtained by multiplying the area (given in m2)
by 100.
I-4. Catch:
The fishing areas used in the FAO statistics do not strictly follow the division used here.
Therefore, it has been necessary to make some adjustments. The catch in areas 71 and 77 in
the Pacific have been totalled and divided by two; one half has been allocated to 30-0ºN and
the other to 0-30ºS. In the Indian Ocean the three areas: 51, 57 and 58 have been added
together and the total catch has been divided between the latitude bands 30-0ºN, 0-30ºS and
30-90ºS, proportional to the area of these latitude bands for the Indian Ocean (i.e. 16%, 36%
and 48%, respectively).
The catch data are the FAO’s 1990 data used in the MARDOS report [3]. The doses
may be overestimated because the catch has increased over the years, whereas the
concentrations for 90Sr and 137Cs have decreased.
The 137Cs concentrations in fish and shellfish were obtained by multiplying the water
concentration by 100 and 30, respectively [3].
It has been assumed that the mean residence time for 137Cs (and 90Sr) in the mixed layer
of the ocean is 25 years. Time integrals were thus calculated by multiplying the
concentrations by 25. If the mean residence times of 90Sr and 137Cs are shorter in the N
Atlantic Ocean as indicated by observations in the Faroes and Greenland, the doses from the
North Atlantic are overestimated by approximately one third.
The transfer coefficient (manSv/PBq) for 90Sr in global fallout was calculated from the
transfer coefficient for 137Cs taking into account that the dose factor for 90Sr (ingestion) is
2.8/1.3 = 2.15 times higher than that of 137Cs, whereas the marine concentration factor
(consumption weighted) is 44 times higher for 137Cs than for 90Sr (fish and shellfish) [3].
Hence, the manSv/PBq transfer coefficient for 90Sr becomes (2.15/44)*15 = 0.73. For global
fallout the terrestrial dose consists for 137Cs of 64% external radiation and 36% ingestion. For
Sr, 92% comes from ingestion and 8% from inhalation.
I-8. Chernobyl
In the UNSCEAR report [2], exposures and effects of the Chernobyl accident are
reported. This Annex deals preliminarily with the situation in the most contaminated areas of
the FSU, i.e. areas that have received more than 37 kBq 137Cs m-2 from the accident. The total
collective effective doses to the population in these areas are 40300 manSv from external
exposure and 20400 manSv from ingestion (thyroid doses are not included). The ingestion
dose comes essentially from 137Cs, 134Cs and 90Sr. UNSCEAR [2] estimates that the 90Sr
contribution to the effective dose from internal exposure does not exceed 5–10%, i.e. ~
1500 manSv. The releases from the Chernobyl accident were ~10 PBq 90Sr, ~54 PBq 134Cs
and ~85 PBq 137Cs. The amount of 137Cs deposited in the contaminated areas (>37 kBq
Cs m-2) of the FSU was 29 PBq, the amounts of 134Cs and 90Sr were 18 PBq and 10 PBq,
respectively. The transfer coefficient from input to collective dose for 90Sr is calculated to be
1500/10 = 150 manSv/PBq for the Chernobyl accident. In order to calculate the corresponding
transfer coefficient for 137Cs one has to correct for the 134Cs contribution to the effective
doses. In the case of external exposure the ratio between the collective doses from the same
inputs of 137Cs and 134Cs is 5.372 and for ingestion the ratio is 1.44. Hence, the ratio between
the external 137Cs and 134Cs Chernobyl dose becomes (29/18)*5.372 = 8.6549, and for the
ingestion dose the ratio becomes (29/18)*1.44 = 2.32. The external collective effective dose
for 137Cs then becomes
40300 = 36125 manSv and the corresponding dose from ingestion:
(20400-1500) = 13207 manSv.
The total dose from the 29 PBq 137Cs becomes 49333 manSv and the transfer coefficient for
137 49333
Cs is calculated to be = 1700 manSv/PBq. The total terrestrial deposition of 137Cs
was 85-16 = 69 PBq and if one assumes the same transfer factor valid for the remaining part
of the terrestrial environment as found for the FSU, the collective effective dose from 69 PBq
Cs is calculated to 69*1700 = 117400 manSv. This figure is about 3 times less than earlier
The collective effective dose from Chernobyl released to the marine environment was
calculated by applying a weighted transfer coefficient: 0.75*98+0.25*15 = 77 manSv/PBq
Cs. The assumption was that 75% of the debris went to coastal water and 25% to the open
sea. For coastal water the transfer coefficient (98 manSv/PBq 137Cs) used for reprocessing
discharges was applied and for the open sea the transfer coefficient applied for global fallout
was used.
I-9. Reprocessing
UNSCEAR has calculated the transfer coefficient for releases of 90Sr and 137Cs into
coastal water to be 4.7 manSv/PBq 90Sr and 98 manSv/PBq 137Cs. These figures have been
used together with the release data of the two radionuclides from Sellafield and Cap de la
Hague in the calculation of the collective effective doses from water-borne discharges from
nuclear reprocessing.
If all sources are considered, Table II shows that the terrestrial pathway for 137Cs
(ingestion and external radiation) has a 6928/22 ≈ 300 times higher transfer coefficient than
the marine pathway. For 90Sr, the ratio between the two pathways is even higher namely
2634/0.80 ≈ 3000. If one considers global fallout and ingestion only, the ratio for 137Cs
8100 * 0.36 2740 * 0.92
becomes ≈ 200 and for 90Sr it is ≈ 3000. Discharges in coastal seas,
15 0.73
as has been seen from nuclear reprocessing, show a higher marine transfer coefficient than
global fallout.
Atlantic and Arctic Oceans Pacific and Indian Oceans World
Annual catch Fish (t/year) 1117555 503861 1466179 146617 191465 471845 463481 5705171 479905 1985749 9004020
7 0 9 25 5 0 9 5
Shellfish 2394607 732627 511030 511031 414929 531600 707820 855427 641662 7520910 1670205
(t/year) 5 1
Dose calculation
Intake by fish TBq 0.449585 0.09251 0.011056 0.01316 0.56632 0.18028 0.07646 0.041807 0.04383 0.342388 9087131
consumption 3 82 7 47 49 56 23 7 27 2
Intake by shellfish TBq 0.041285 0.00576 0.001651 0.00196 0.05066 0.08705 0.00500 0.002686 0.00251 0.097252 1479221
consumption 8 53 6 65 92 01 45 5 17 9
Collective effective ManSv 6136 1229 159 189 7712 3342 1018 556 579 5496 13208
Pathway Release in PBq manSv/PBq (manSv)*103 References
Sr-90 Cs-137 Sr-90 Cs-137 Sr-90 Cs-137
________________ _ _______ _______ __ _______ __ _______ __ _______ __ _______ __ _______ __ _________________
Global fallout marine 377 a,c 603 a,c 0.73 c 15 c 0.28 c 9.1 c a) UNSCEAR [2]
terrestrial 235 a,c 316 a,c 2740 a,c 8100 a,c 643.9 a,c 2550.0 a,c c) WOMARS
(this work)
Nuclear reprocessing marine 6.6 A 39.7 a 4.7 a 98 a 0.03 c 3.9 a
terrestrial 0 C 0 c 0 0
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Delfanti, R. ENEA,
Marine Environment Research Centre,
C.P. 316, I-19100 La Spezia, Italy