Adobe Scan Sep 27, 2023
Adobe Scan Sep 27, 2023
Adobe Scan Sep 27, 2023
1. Badr
2. Uhud
3. Khandag (battle of the trench)
4. Treaty of Hudaibia
5. Hijrat
6. Hijraat
7. Islam and Science
8. Compilation of Hadith
9. Miraj safar
10. Namaz
Battle of Badr
Date of Battle and small things to remember:
17th Ramadan, 2 Hijri.
70 Kuffar killed, 70 captured.
14 Muslims martyred 8 Ansar 6 Muhajireen
Non-Muslims were freed if they educated 1 muslim children.
Reasons for battle :
The peaceful existence of Muslims in Medina could not be tolerated by the Makki Quraysh and the
spread of Islam threatened the rule of Meccans, following are reasons for the battle of Badr:
When Saad ibn Muaz went to Mecca for Umrah, Abu Jahl told him to expel the Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) and Muslims from Madinah or else we would not grant you the right to
perform Umrah, Saad replied that if you stop us from performing Umrah we willstop your
business passageway to Madinah.
The Prophet (SAW) sent Abdullah Bin Jash and 12 men to a place called Banu Nakhlah and
ordered them to stay there and investigate Quraysh's movements. However, Abdullah and his
men attacked some Qurayshi traders that were passing by on the way from Syria. They killed one
person named Amr lbn Al Hadhrami, took two captives along with the booty (mal e ghaneemat)
When the Prophet (SAW) found out what had happened he said that he (SAW) never granted
them the permission to fight and returned the booty, the captives, and also paid the blood
money but the Quraysh wanted a reason to fight and thus they started war preparations.
At the same instance, Abu Sufyan was returning from Syria with a trade caravan and he spread
rumors by sending Zamzam Ghaffari to Mecca and told him to inform Mecca that Muhammad
(SAW) is going to attack our caravan. Upon hearing this, the Quraysh advanced from mecca with
a 1000 Men and our Prophet (SAW) with three hundred dedicated men. The Quraysh got news
that Abu Sufyan reached safely and there was no threat of war but Abu Jahl wanted to fight
Total Muslim Strength was 313 men which included 83 Muhajireen 61 of Tribe Aus and 170 of Tribe
Khazrij (Ansar), 70 camels and 2 horses.
The Prophet's Prayer "Oh lord, if we are defeated, you will not be worshipped at all on earth."
In reply Allah said:
[Remember] when you asked help of your Lord, and He answered you, "Indeed, I will reinforce you with
a thousand from the angels, rank after rank."
Quran 8:9
1 on 1's:
Clear Muslim victory, Quraysh fled, Influence of Quraysh greatly decreased. Muslims a new power in
Battle of Uhud
Date of Battle and info:
Battle was a Muslim victory because the Kuffar's goal was to martyr the Prophet (SAW).
3 Hijri
40 Muslims Injured, 70 martyred (including Ghaseel Malaika, Anas Bin Nazir, Musab Bin Umair
incomplete coffins), 30 Kuffar Killed
Hazrat Hamzah's(RA) body disfigured by Hinda
Muslims were 1000 at the start, then Abdullah bin Ubayi and his 300 hypocrites (munafiqeen) left,
leaving 700.
50 Archers under the leadership of Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubayr ( not ubayi ) were commanded to hold
their positions and not to leave them under any circumstances.
The Battle:
As the battle gradually commenced the Muslims seemed to have the upper hand, thwarting off kuffar
attacks and eventually kuffar were on the retreat, the archers also left their position and came down
from the mountains to join the collector of spoils. This prompted Uhud Commander Khalid Bin Waleed
(Non-Muslim at the time) to attack the Muslims from the rear and break their ranks. At the same time
The Prophet (SAW) was struck with an arrow and it was rumoured (nauzubillah) that he was martyred,
when infact he retreated to Ghar-e-uhud.
Upon seeing this Abu Sufyan threatened another battle and retreated with his army and the battle came
to conclusion.
1. Obey Your Leader : Prophet (SAW) asked the archers not to depart from their positions but they
2. Being Muslim Doesn't Assure Victory: The character and actions of a person determine the
outcome of a battle
Battle of Khandaq (Battle of the Trench)
Date and info:
Aka battle of ahzab, 5 Hijri, 6 Muslims Martyrs, 10 Kuffar killed.
Abu Sufyan was threatening this battle after Uhud
Makkans hated the messenger for giving them a new religion, Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nazir also
fought against The Prophet
Abu Sufyan departed with 10,000 people. The Prophet (SAW) was advised by Salman The Persian
(Hazrat Salman Farsi RA) to dig a trench. So they began digging with 3000 companions. Within 15
days they managed to make a trench of 5.5 KM long, 4.5m deep and 9m wide. Thus the trench
protected the Muslims from the kuffar army. It was a 30-day long siege of Madinah by Jewish and
Arab tribes.
On the 2nd day, the Prophet(SAW) broke a rock to pieces using a pickaxe and the moment he struck
the stone, there was a flash of lightning so bright that the muslims could see as far as Syria.
He (SAW) divided the Muslims into 3 divisions : Ansar led by Zaid Bin Harith, Muhajireen led by Saad
bin ibadah, and 200 men for the protection of Madinah
Since the Quraysh were far from their homes and were running out of supplies, the sandstorm
effected them the most whereas Muslims were barely affected.
"O you who have believed, remember the favor of Allah upon you when armies came to [attack] you
and we sent upon them a wind and armies [of angels] you did not see. And ever is allah, of what you
do, Seeing"
Kuffar eventually got tired, ran out of supplies. Quraysh were financially drained. Victory and spread of
Islam, Islam popular among arab tribes, punishment of Banu OQurayza's Jews, and expulsion of Jews from
Treaty of Hudaibiya
Date and bits:
6 Hijri
The muslims were still not strong enough to wage war on pagan Makkah but they wanted to visit the
holy kaabah and perform tawaf. So a treaty was signed between The Prophet (SAW) and the Quraish. It
benefited both sides including decline in tension.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) saw a dream in which he performed Tawaf, believing it to be a good sign he
along with 1400 muslims donned the ihram and went on to Makkah. However they were denied entry
and had to camp outside Makkah. After talking to the Meccan emissarries and a long and peaceful
discussion later the treaty of Hudaibiyah was drawn.
Muslims have to go return to Madinah this year but will be allowed to visit next year and stay in
Makkah for a period of three days
Aceasefire between both parties for 10 years.
Muslims should only be armed with swords, and swords should be sheathed (in their covers)
Any tribe who wished to join the prophet may do so without any restrictions or boycott.
vital point of the treaty was that anyone from Makkah who entered Madinah will be returned
to the Quraysh, but the people of Madinah wandering inside Makkah will not be treated the