Hierarchy of Value Streams of Architecture
Hierarchy of Value Streams of Architecture
Hierarchy of Value Streams of Architecture
Strategic Planning Solution Design Implementation Deployment Governance and Compliance Continuous Improvement
The Open Group: The Open Group is known for its work on enterprise architecture standards. They provide various resources and publications
related to architecture practices, including value streams.
Website: https://www.opengroup.org/
IBM Developer: IBM often publishes articles and resources on software architecture and best practices, which may include discussions on value
Website: https://developer.ibm.com/
DZone: DZone is a popular online community for developers and architects. They have a dedicated section for architecture where you can find
articles and discussions related to value streams.
Website: https://dzone.com/
InfoQ: InfoQ is a website that covers various aspects of software development and architecture. It often features articles and presentations on
architectural topics.
Website: https://www.infoq.com/
IEEE Computer Society: The IEEE Computer Society is a professional organization that publishes journals and articles on various aspects of
computer science, including software architecture.
Website: https://www.computer.org/
ACM Digital Library: The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library is a repository of articles, papers, and publications related to
computer science and software engineering, which includes architectural topics.
Website: https://dl.acm.org/
Architecture Value Streams
1. Strategic Planning
1.1 Define Long-Term Architectural Vision - Establish the overarching vision for the architecture, aligning it with business objectives and
future needs.
1.2 Establish Architectural Principles - Define guiding principles that govern architectural decisions and ensure consistency.
1.3 Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - Identify measurable metrics to track the success of the architectural strategy.
1.4 Create Technology Roadmaps - Develop roadmaps outlining the adoption of technologies and architectural patterns.
1.5 Prioritize Architectural Initiatives - Evaluate and rank architectural projects based on strategic importance
2. Solution Design
2.1 Gather Business Requirements - Conduct stakeholder interviews and surveys to capture business needs and goals.
2.2 Architectural Analysis - Analyze existing systems, identify constraints, and assess technical feasibility.
2.3 Develop Architectural Models - Create high-level architectural diagrams, data flow models, and component interaction diagrams.
2.4 Evaluate Design Alternatives - Compare different architectural approaches, considering scalability, performance, and cost.
2.5 Review and Refine Designs - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to refine architectural designs and address feedback.
3. Implementation
3.1 Develop Code and Components - Write code and build architectural components following best practices.
3.2 Perform Testing and Quality Assurance - Conduct unit testing, integration testing, and security testing to ensure code quality.
3.3 Continuous Integration (CI) - Implement CI/CD pipelines to automate testing, build, and deployment processes.
4. Deployment
4.1 Deploy to Production - Plan and execute deployments to production environments, minimizing downtime.
4.2 Monitor and Optimize - Continuously monitor application and infrastructure performance, scaling as needed, and addressing
incidents promptly.
5. Governance and Compliance
5.1 Ensure Security and Compliance - Conduct regular security audits, ensure compliance with industry standards, and address data
privacy concerns.
5.2 Manage Change Requests - Evaluate the impact of change requests on the architecture, prioritize them, and manage their
6. Continuous Improvement
6.1 Collect Feedback - Gather feedback from users, stakeholders, and system metrics to identify areas for improvement.
6.2 Identify Areas for Enhancement - Analyze feedback and metrics to pinpoint weaknesses and areas requiring enhancement.
6.3 Iteratively Improve Architecture - Update architectural models, implement enhancements, and document changes to evolve the
architecture over time.
Each branch of this hierarchy represents a distinct phase or set of activities within the architectural value stream. By following this
structured approach, organizations can systematically plan, design, implement, and improve their architectural solutions while aligning them
with strategic goals and ensuring compliance and security.