Road traffic congestion becomes a major issue for highly crowded metropolitan cities like, Chennai.
Ambulance service is one of the major services which gets affected by traffic jams. To smoothen the
ambulance movement this paper has come up with the solution of “Intelligent automatic traffic control for
ambulance”. The proposed system creates a android app that connects both the ambulance and the traffic
signal station using cloud network. This system makes uses RFID (radio frequency identification) technology
to implement the intelligent traffic signal control. The basic idea behind the proposed system is, if the
Ambulance halts on the way due to a traffic signal, RFID installed at the traffic signal tracks the RFID tagged
ambulance and sends the data to the cloud. After the acknowledgment for the user through the mobile app,
the particular signal is made Green for some time and after the ambulance passes by, it regains its original
flow of sequence of signaling If, this scheme is fully automated, it finds the ambulance spot, controls the
traffic lights. This system controls the traffic lights and save the time in emergency periods. Thus, it acts as a
life saver project.
© NCCIP 2019 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly credited.
National Conference on Communication and Image Processing, 2019
mobile app with cloud access and GPS provided Traffic lights play an important role in traffic
management. Traffic lights are the signalling devices
RFID is to track the arrival of ambulance at traffic up
that are placed on the intersection points and used
to some distance.
to control the flow of traffic on the road. In 1868, the
Mobile app to authenticate emergencyand non- traffic lights only installed in London and today these
emergency conditions ofambulance. have been installed in most cities around the world.
GPS to track the nearest traffic signalpost to the Traffic control at intersections is a matter of concern
ambulance and to send theapp data to that in large cities. Several attempts have been made to
Whenever one system fails the other works. Only App provides four major options:
limitation in the concept is, whenever mobile
application fails and RFID takes the whole control, Register –to register the ambulance to the cloud
irrespective of patient’s condition, the ambulance is
Blocked - If RFID reader fails, then after certain
treated to be in emergency and allowed to pass on
period of time driver sends a "BLOCKED" command
in the signal.
to the server. At this case, based on server
information the traffic signal is cleared without
National Conference on Communication and Image Processing, 2019
3.‘Intelligent Traffic Light And Automatic Street Muayad Sadik Croockat International Journal of
Intelligent Traffic Light And Automatic Street and Advanced Research in Computer Engineering &
Automatic Street Lighting System According To Technology (IJARCET) Volume 5 ,Issue 8-August
Traffic Density’ by Solanke Digamber, Jogdand 2016.
Maruti ,Jadhav Amol, Mandlik Sachinat IJREAT
International Journal of Research in engineering and Author’s Profile
advanced technology.
Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, T. John Institute of Technology, Bangalore,
4.‘Smart Traffic Light Control System for Emergency
Ambulance by Asmaa Shaalan Abdul Munem,