Gert 32 y
Gert 32 y
Gert 32 y
PART – A (15 x 1 = 15
1. d) Local variables
2. all answers are inappropriate
3. d) A SubVI icon can be edited from the functions palette
4. c) A data buffer is created to handle data conversion
5. b) It executes atleast once
6. c) Bundle by Name
7. b) Attenuator
8. c) Digital I/O
9. c) Before MUX
10.d) GPIB
PART – C (1 x 15 = 15 marks)
21.(i) Explain in detail the software tools and steps involved in designing a
control system for industrial application.
PCs and PLCs both play an important role in control and industrial
applications. PCs bring greater software flexibility and capability, while PLCs
deliver outstanding ruggedness and reliability. But as control needs become more
complex, there is a recognized need to accelerate the capabilities while retaining
the ruggedness and reliabilities. Independent industry experts have recognized the
need for tools that can meet the increasing need for more complex, dynamic,
adaptive and algorithm-based control. The Programmable Automation Controllers
(PACs) provide multi domain functionality (logic, motion, drives and process) and
the concept of PAC supports multiple I/O types. Logic, motion and other function
integrations are a requirement for increasingly complex control approaches. PACs
deliver PC software flexibility with PLC ruggedness and reliability.
LabVIEW software and rugged, real-time, control hardware platforms are ideal for
creating a PAC.
Basic graphing and simple image processing tasks are handled easily by any
of the common LabVIEW-compatible computers, even the older, lower-
performance Macs and PCs. But serious, real-time display and analysis call for
more CPU power, more memory, and more disk space. Audio and video I/O adds
requirements for specialized interface hardware that may not be included with your
average computer, though the newer multimedia-ready machines sometimes have
decent configurations. Let’s see what kinds of hardware you might consider above
and beyond your generic data acquisition system.
Computer configuration
Video I/O devices
IMAQ components
A complete IMAQ application really consists of two major parts. First
is the image acquisition driver, called NI-IMAQ, that talks to the frame
grabber. This driver, including its image acquisition boards, is free from
National Instruments. If you want to use a non-NI board, you can often
obtain driver VIs that are compatible with NI-IMAQ from Graftek. The NI-
IMAQ driver is quite similar to the NI-DAQ driver, including the use of
refnums and error I/O as common threads.
PART – D (4 x 15 = 60 marks)
22.(i) Explain Virtual Instrumentation Model and Graphical System Design
Scientific computing applications usually follow a three-step process:
data acquisition, data analysis and data visualization/presentation. This
three-step approach has been one of the pillars of the NI (National
Instruments) virtual instrumentation model as shown in Figure
Design (Model)
In the design phase as shown in Figure, the researcher develops a
mathematical model of the system, including sensors, actuators, plants and
controllers, and simulates them under a variety of initial conditions and
constraints. The researcher uses different numerical methods with the
objective of validating the performance of the model and optimizing it.
Prototype (Lab)
If experimental validation of the model is required, researchers develop and
test a prototype in the laboratory. Signal processing and analysis as well as
visualization can be implemented online while data is being measured and
acquired, or while the process is being controlled. The “virtual
plant/process” defined in the previous phase can be used for HIL tests.
Deployment (Field)
Finally, the model (controller, analyzer or both) is deployed in the field or
lab using either a PC (desktop, server or industrial) or PXI, or it can be
downloaded to a dedicated embedded controller such as CompactRIO,
which usually operates in stand-alone mode and in real-time (deterministic)
(i) List the advantages and drawbacks of configuring a personal computer into a
measuring instrument.
Advantages :-
using the PC facilities like networking, computational power can use PC screen
for User interface and flexible user interface
(ii) How virtual instrumentation supports modularity in hardware and software and
explain in detail.
23.(a) (i) Justify Sub-VIs increases readability and reusability of VIs and
explain with suitable example.
The power of LabVIEW lies in the hierarchical nature of the VI. After you
create a VI, you can use it on the block diagram of another VI. There is no limit
on the number of layers in the hierarchy. Modular programming helps manage
changes and debug the block diagram quickly. Modularity defines the degree to
which your VI is composed of discrete components such that a change to one
component has minimal impact on other components. These components are
called modules or subVIs.
These modules enhances the readability and reusability
(ii) In LabVIEW, While Loop is implemented with Post Test Mode. Explain
the impact of Post Test Mode on loop execution with an example.
23.(b) (i) Illustrate the use of shift registers in loops with suitable example.
When programming with loops, you often need to access data from previous
iterations of the loop. For example, you may have a VI that reads the
temperature and displays it on a graph. If you want to display a running average
of the temperature as well, you need to use data generated in previous iterations.
Two ways of accessing this data include the shift register and the feedback
shift register transfers any data type and automatically changes to the data
type of the first object wired to the shift register. The data you wire to the
terminals of each shift register must be the same type. You can add more than
one shift register to a loop. If you have multiple operations that use previous
iteration values within our loop, you can use multiple shift registers to store the
data values from those different processes in the structure as shown in Figure
(ii) Draw the black diagram of a VI which finds the factorial of a given
24.(a) (i) Explain the need of local variables to share data between parallel
Local variables transfer data within a single VI and allow data to be passed
between parallel loops as shown
Another way is to select the Local Variable from the Structures palette.
Create the front panel and select a local variable from the Functions palette and
place it on the block diagram. The local variable node, shown as follows, is not
yet associated with a control or indicator. To associate a local variable with a
control or indicator, right-click the local variable node and select Select Item
from the shortcut menu.
Inputs pass data into a loop at the start of loop execution. Outputs pass data
out of a loop only after the loop completes all iterations. If you want the loop to
check the value of a terminal for each iteration, place the terminal inside the
loop. When you place the terminal of a front panel Boolean control inside a
While Loop and wire the terminal to the conditional terminal of the loop, the
loop checks the value of the terminal for every iteration to determine if it must
iterate. You can stop the While Loop as shown in Figure
If you place the terminal of the Boolean control outside the While Loop as
shown in following Figure , and the control is set to FALSE if the conditional
terminal is Stop if True when the loop starts, you cause an infinite loop. You
also cause an infinite loop if the control outside the loop is set to TRUE and the
conditional terminal is Continue if True. Changing the value of the control does
not stop the infinite loop because the value is only read once, before the loop
starts. To stop an infinite loop, you must abort the VI by clicking the Abort
Execution button on the toolbar.
(ii) Draw the VI case structure and explain the working of case structure with
suitable example.
A case structure executes one subdiagram depending on the input value
passed to the structure.
Complete the following steps to create a Case structure.
Step 1: Place a Case structure on the block diagram.
Step 2: Wire an input value to the selector terminal to determine which case
executes. You must wire an integer, Boolean value, string, or enumerated type
value to the selector terminal. You also can wire an error cluster to the selector
terminal to handle errors.
Step 3: Place objects inside the Case structure to create subdiagrams that the Case
structure can execute. If necessary, add or duplicate subdiagrams. If the data type
of the selector terminal is Boolean, the structure has a TRUE case and a FALSE
case. If the selector terminal is an integer, string, or enumerated type value, the
structure can have any number of cases.
Step 4: For each case, use the Labeling tool to enter a single value or lists and
ranges of values in the case selector label at the top of the Case structure. For lists,
use commas to separate values. For numeric ranges, specify a range as 10.20,
meaning all numbers from 10 to 20 inclusively. If necessary (optional), specify a
default case.
24.(b) (i) Compare high level file functions and low level file functions with
suitable example.
LabVIEW can use or create the following file formats: Binary, ASCII, LVM,
and TDM.
● Binary—Binary files are the underlying file format of all other file formats.
● ASCII—An ASCII file is a specific type of binary file that is a standard used
by most programs. It consists of a series of ASCII codes. ASCII files are also
called text files.
● LVM—The LabVIEW measurement data file (.lvm) is a tab-delimited text
file you can open with a spreadsheet application or a text-editing application.
The .lvm file includes information about the data, such as the date and time the
data was generated. This file format is a specific type of ASCII file created for
● TDM—This file format is a specific type of binary file created for National
Instruments products. It actually consists of two separate files: an XML section
contains the data attributes and a binary file for the waveform.
These design patterns are used to execute different states (one state at a time)
based on the state transitional code the different states are executed
25.(a) (i) Draw the block diagram of a PC Based Data Acquisition Card and
explain the analog to digital conversion process.
The fundamental task of a DAQ (Data Acquisition) system is to measure or
generate real-world physical signals. Data acquisition involves gathering signals
from measurement sources and digitizing the signal for storage, analysis and
presentation on a personal computer (PC). Data acquisition systems come in
many different PC technology forms for great flexibility. Scientists and
engineers can choose from PCI, PXI, Compact PCI, PCMCIA, USB, Firewire,
parallel, or serial ports for data acquisition in test, measurement, and
automation applications.
Another common signal conditioning application is isolating the transducer
signals from the computer for safety purposes. The system being monitored
may contain high-voltage transients that could damage the computer without
signal conditioning. An additional reason for isolation is ensuring that the
readings from the plug-in DAQ device are unaffected by differences in ground
potentials or common-mode voltages. When the DAQ device input and the
signal being acquired are each referenced to ‘ground’, problems occur if there is
a potential difference in the two grounds. This difference can lead to what is
known as a ground loop, which may cause inaccurate representation of the
acquired signal; or if the difference is too large, it may damage the
measurement system. Using isolated signal conditioning modules eliminates
ground loops and ensures that the signals are accurately acquired.
Once you have located the DAQ Assistant Express VI in the appropriate
location, select it from the palette and drop it on the block diagram of your VI. By
default, the properties page should pop up, allowing you to configure your task.
The first step is to select your type of measurement.
The analog input task is specific to the measurement. For other measurement
and signal generation types, you would follow similar steps.
Step 1: On the first screen, select Analog Input for your Measurement Type.
Step 3: The next screen lets you select the physical channel (or channels) for
which you are creating this task. All supported data acquisition hardware devices
should appear in the tree control and you can expand them to view a list of the
physical channels that you can select for your task. To select more than one
channel, hold down the Ctrl button while clicking on the channel names.
You can use test panels in the DAQ Assistant to test the task and make sure you
connected the sensors properly. There is a test panel for each type of measurement.
Complete the following steps to test the task.
Step 1: Launch the test panel for your task by clicking the Test button at the top
of the screen.
Step 2: The test runs once automatically. Click the Start button to run the test
again. Notice that the graph displays the acquired signal.
Step 3: Click the Close button when you are done. If necessary, modify the
settings for the task and retest the task.
Step 4: After the test panel closes, click the OK button. The DAQ Assistant
saves the voltage task, containing all the configuration information you entered, to
MAX. You have created your voltage task.