TCST11110R0 Pilot Cables
TCST11110R0 Pilot Cables
TCST11110R0 Pilot Cables
10S- 1-111.10
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6.1 Electrical Activity Test (Both Connected and Unconnected Pilot Cable)
6.2 Resistance and Resistance Unbalance Test (Both Connected and
Unconnected Pilot Cable)
6.3 Insulation Resistance and Short Circuit Test (Unconnected Pilot Cable)
6.4 Induced Voltage Test (Both Connected and Unconnected Pilot Cable)
6.5 Voltage Withstand Test (Unconnected Pilot Cable and Pilot Cable
Termination Equipment)
6.6 Mutual Capacitance Test (Unconnected Pilot Cable)
6.7 Capacitance Unbalance Test (Unconnected Pilot Cable)
7.1 Bit Error Rate Test (Connected and Unconnected Pilot Cable)
7.2 Voice Frequency (VF) Response and Voice Frequency (VF) Loss Test
(Connected and Unconnected Pilot Cable)
7.3 Crosstalk (Near-End and Far-End) Test (Connected and Unconnected Pilot
7.4 Idle Noise (Connected and Unconnected Pilot Cable)
This Standard provides specific information required for the underground installation,
splicing, and testing/acceptance of Pilot Cables.
2.1 The underground installation practices of Pilot Cables is similar to the installation of
telephone cables except the pulling tensions shall not exceed 1758 g/mm² and the
minimum bending radius shall not be less than one (l) meter. (Refer to TCS-T-
2.2 The general procedure and requirements for installation, splicing, terminating and
testing/acceptance of pilot cables shall be in accordance with the cable
manufacturer's instructions, SEC Materials Standard Specifications (48-TMSS-04
and 48-TMSS-05), and SEC Construction Standards, TCS-P-I04 (Underground High
Voltage Cable Installation Standards).
2.3 To minimize the possibility of moisture ingress during splicing of pilot cables, all
pilot cable splicing operations shall be performed in an environment that is relatively
free of moisture.
2.4 In addition to the test required in this Standard, all tests required by the cable
manufacturer shall be performed. In the event of a conflict between the testing
requirements of this Standard and those of the cable manufacturer, SEC shall be the
sole judge as to which test shall take precedence.
3.1 In all pilot cable installations, grounds shall be interconnected with the cable sheath
on all pilot cables installed outside the zone of influence of all substations along the
pilot cable route.
3.2 Grounds shall be provided through the installation of ground (earth) rods, bonded to
the cable sheath through joining methods which shall be approved by SEC prior to
the installation.
3.3 The cable sheath on the pilot cable shall be electrically continuous outside the zone
of influence.
3.4 Prior to the installation activity of pilot cable, it is important that all personnel who
will engage in the laying work shall be familiar with cable laying practices.
However, it is still recommended to provide necessary technical documents at site to
avoid improper work, since this provision of technical documents will ensure the
execution of works in proper way with easy and prompt consulting to the documents.
The technical documents which are required include detailed information regarding
the proposed method of installation of pilot cable, proposed grounding practices (and
calculations of ground resistivity), locations of grounding points of pilot cable, zone
of influence calculations/estimates, proposed location of discontinuities of cable
sheath and calculations of estimated ground potential rise and longitudinal induced
voltage impressed on the pilot cable by the conductors located in the vicinity of the
pilot cable.
3.5 During installation and termination of the new pilot cable, which will involve the
disruption of existing communications and/or protection circuits (routed through the
existing pilot cable), it is required to liaise and coordinate with SEC concerned
department with respect to disruption of communications and protection circuits.
Under no circumstances, will the cable installer disrupt such circuits without prior
approval of SEC.
4.2 The schedule will indicate the plan for mobilization of personnel, as well as the best
estimate of daily and weekly activities for pilot cable listed for testing.
5.1 The following description of the testing procedures shall be followed for
performance of electrical parameters testing of pilot cable. These tests will measure
the general parameters of a pilot cable, or a pilot cable interconnected with pilot
cable termination equipment.
5.2 For all tests mentioned below, "unconnected pilot cable" refers to pilot cable which
is not interconnected to pilot cable termination equipment. "Connected pilot cable"
refers to pilot cable which is interconnected to telecommunications interface
equipment and/or pilot cable termination equipment.
These tests will measure the general electrical parameters of a pilot cable, or a pilot cable
interconnected with pilot cable termination equipment. These tests are mentioned below:
6.1 Electrical Activity Test (Both Connected and Unconnected Pilot Cable)
6.1.1 The purpose of this test is to determine the presence of any active (high)
voltage on pairs, or sheath, due to the presence of longitudinally induced
voltages, or circulating currents induced by adjacent high voltage power
6.1.2 In order to assure the safety of personnel involved in the testing process, as
well as to ascertain the ultimate usability of a pilot cable route for carriage
of telecommunications, or protective relay signals, this shall be performed
to determine if the cable is electrically hot or active.
6.1.4 The voltage between selected conductors (chosen by SEC for the pilot cable
under test) shall be tested. Test data shall be recorded on SEC supplied test
sheets. Testing shall be performed at each end of pilot cable, wherever
6.1.6 If high voltage is determined on any of the above electrical activity tests on
the particular pilot cable which is tested, SEC Representative shall be
consulted to determine a further course of action with respect to completing
other tests on the pilot cable. The maximum allowable voltages between the
following conductors on the pilot cable shall not exceed:
b. Pilot Cable Conductor voltage with respect to the pilot cable shield:
35 Volts AC r.m.s.
6.2 Resistance and Resistance Unbalance Test (Connected and Unconnected Pilot
6.2.1 The resistance and resistance unbalance test will determine the continuity of
all pairs of pilot cable included along a pilot cable route, as well as
determining the "unbalance" between wires in each pilot cable pair.
Unbalance will be determined by the use of a reference resistance wire, and
using the wire for testing the resistance of all other wires in the pilot cable
(alternative methods may involve the use of a resistance bridge). Through
the measurement of resistance and resistance unbalance, the continuity of all
pairs of pilot cable can be determined.
TCST11110R0/YM Date of Approval: December 03, 2008 PAGE NO. 5 OF 25
6.2.3 After the performance of the tests on three loops, determine the resistance of
the reference wire R("Wire 1") or R(Ref.) by using simultaneous equations.
Record the resistance of the reference wire on the test sheet, and use the
reference wire for the return path of all loops tested.
6.2.4 After completing the tests to determine the resistance of the reference wire
and by using a shorting jumper, determine the resistance of all other wires
contained in the pilot cable bundle. The loop resistances shall be recorded
on the respective test sheets for the test.
NOTE: The loop resistance shall consist of the resistance of the reference
wire R("Wire 1") plus the resistance of each wire under test.
6.2.5 After determining the loop resistance per paragraph 6.2.4, calculate the
resistance unbalance by using the formula indicated below:
On the test sheet, record the loop resistance of pair "N" (The denominator of
the above equation), also calculate and record the resistance unbalance.
6.2.7 On the test sheets, resistances shall be expressed in ohms (or k ohms, where
applicable) , and the resistance unbalance shall be expressed in percent.
6.2.10 Information on the resistance unbalance between wires in pilot cable pairs
(along with other information involving induced voltage) is required in
order to determine the effects of induced noise attributed to adjacent power
conductors to the installed pilot cable, as well as possible differential mode
voltage effects on cable conductors during GPR and logitidunal Induced
Voltage conditions
6.2.11 The conductor D.C. resistance at 20 degrees celcius shall not exceed 28
6.2.12 The conductor resistance unbalance shall not exceed the following values:
6.3 Insulation Resistance and Short Circuit Test (Unconnected Pilot Cable)
6.3.1 The purpose of this test is to determine if there are any "weak" spots in the
insulation between individual wires in each cable pair. Such weak spots may
indicate faulty manufacturing, third party tampering or water seepage in the
pilot cable. The worst case of insulation failure is a short circuit.
6.3.2 The insulation resistance test (along with voltage withstand test) will
provide an indicator of whether the insulation surrounding the internal pairs
within a pilot cable is acceptable for the isolation of high voltages which
may appear as a result of ground potential rise condition affecting a pilot
cable. In addition, this test will provide an indication of any "short circuit"
which may predict cable cuts or other defects in the placement and
installation of the cable.
a. Tie all black wires (tip side of the cable pair) together
into one bundle, and short all black wires together.
b. Tie all white wires (ring side of the cable pair) together
into one bundle, and short all white wires together.
6.3.4 The results of the insulation resistance test shall be recorded on the test
sheet. If a "short circuit" is indicated on a particular pilot cable pair, the
insulation resistance test for the particular pair shall be recorded as a "short
circuit" on the test sheet.
6.3.5 If "short circuit" exists on a particular pilot cable pair, then verify it by using
a digital volt-ohm-meter. All insulation resistance readings shall be recorded
on the test sheets in Megohms.
6.3.6 The insulation resistance between the two wires in the cable pair under test
(with no "shorting" jumper installed between the wires in the cable pair)
shall not be less than 100 Megohms for new pilot cable installations. For
existing installation of pilot cable (which will be involved in diversions,
reroutes of cable, etc.), the insulation resistance may be less than 100
Megohms. In determining if a pilot cable with less than 100 Megohms of
insulation resistance will be acceptable for use, SEC will be the sole judge
for acceptability.
6.3.7 Depending on the type of termination used, the insulation resistance test
may also be required to be performed on terminated pilot cable.
6.4.1 The purpose of this test is to determine the magnitude of voltage induced by
adjacent high voltage power conductors on pilot cable pairs installed in the
same trench as the power conductors. This test will measure the
fundamental induced voltage, the primary (60 Hz) voltage, the third
harmonic (180 Hz) voltage, and the ninth harmonic (540 Hz) residing on
pilot cable pairs. The testing configuration will simulate the termination of
pilot cable pairs as would be anticipated for a communication circuit
(without pilot cable termination equipment).
6.4.2 When performing the required terminations (600 ohm terminations shall be
installed on each end of the pilot cable pair to be tested) use a selective level
meter (or transmission set) to determine the induced voltage on each pilot
cable pair. The induced voltage at 60 Hz, 180 Hz and 540 Hz at the near end
of the pilot cable shall be measured.
6.4.3 In performing this test, ensure that the selective level meter or transmission
test set used for testing shall be calibrated and shall provide sufficient
precision, filtering and bandpass capabilities to measure only a single
frequency at a time (either 60 Hz, 180 Hz, or 540 Hz). A broad banded
meter will not be acceptable for these test.
6.4.5 For the quantity of induced voltage, a reading of "volts" shall be provided
on the test sheet.
6.4.6 The maximum level of signals specific to each frequency (60 Hz, 180 Hz
and 540 Hz) shall be used as standard for comparison of the actual test
results are as follows:
6.5.1 In each length of completed pilot cable, the insulation between conductors
shall withstand 4,500 VDC for three seconds.
6.5.2 The insulation between the shield and conductors in the core for pilot cables
with an inner jacket shall withstand 20,000 VDC for three seconds. (As a
site test after installation 5000 V for 60 sec. can also be used).
6.5.3 The pilot cable shall withstand 2.5 kV ac between conductor and shield for
5 minutes in accordance with NEMA WC5 (ICEA S-61-402), Table 7.4.3.
The average mutual capacitance (core-to-core) at 1000 Hz shall not exceed the
following values given below:
NOTE: 1) Factory test results will generally be acceptable for the mutual
capacitance test. However, SEC reserved the right to require the pilot
cable installer to verify the mutual capacitance through field
6.8 Phasing
Communication Attributes Test will determine the capability of a pilot cable system to route
telephone and/or data communication signals used for commununications, power system
control and protective relaying functions. To facilitate the determination of adequate
communication attributes on each cable, the following tests outlined below shall be
7.1 Bit Error Rate Test (Connected and Unconnected Pilot Cable)
7.1.1 This test, using two modems set up with the far-end modem looped back, is
one of the tests to determine the capability of a pilot cable to support the
requirements for pilot cable to transmit data commununication signals (via
pilot cable) to and from SCADA RTUs to the SEC Power Control Center.
This test involves the connection of a Bit-Error Rate Tester (BERT) at one
end of the cable (with 2 intermediate modems installed) with the bit error
test to detect one error in 106 data transmissions. When possible, modems
which are duplicates of the modems utilized in SCADA RTU equipment are
used in this test to assure data communications integrity upon the
installation of RTU.
7.1.2 This test is only applicable if the pilot cable to be tested had passed the
electrical activity test as outlined in sections 6.1 through 6.7.
7.1.3 The test shall be carried on all pairs, one test loop consisting of two cable
pairs, one pair used for asynchronous transmission of data pattern 2047 bit
PRBS (Pseudo-Random Binary-Pulse Sequence) at 1200 bsp (Bit per
second), from near end to far end modem. The second pair is used for
returning data from far end modem to near end modem. Transmission and
receive levels for the modems shall be set to -10 dBm.
7.1.4 The test shall be carried for each pair for a minimum of 15 minutes at 1200
BAUD and the results shall be recorded on the test sheet.
7.1.5 In order to measure the performance of a data circuit to be tested, a bit error
rate tester is required. The instrument shall fulfill the following
requirements stated below:
a. Measure bit error rates, block error rates, number of bits received,
number of blocks received, number of bits in error, and number of
blocks in error.
b. Transmit block sizes of 32 bits through 106 bits.
7.2 Voice Frequency (VF) Response and Voice Frequency (VF) Loss Test (Connected
and Unconnected Pilot Cable)
7.2.1 This test determines the frequency capability of a pilot cable, and its
capacity to adequately transfer telephone and/or data signals from point-to-
point. As part of this test, voice frequency loss (with respect to a benchmark
frequency) is measured and recorded. The voice frequency loss data is used
to determine the requirement for repeaters and/or VF interface equipment,
as well as to provide a reference for equalization of a VF channel using pilot
cable pairs.
7.2.2 This test is first performed at a 1000 Hz to determine the voice frequency
(VF) loss of particular link. This is done by the injection of a known level of
signal at the near end of the cable, and detecting the reduction in level at the
end of the cable. After completion of the test at 1000 Hz, VF loss (at other
frequencies) is measured using the frequencies indicated below:
7.2.3 As part of this testing, the cable is terminated with 600 ohms termination
provided at both ends of the cable. All pairs shall be tested and shall be
recorded on the test sheet.
7.3.1 This test determines any problems attributed to unwanted signals which are
impressed by adjacent cable pairs on to the pilot cable pair which is routed
to a communications circuit between points. The unwanted signal, if strong
enough, may interfere with the integrity of telephone data communication
signals passing through the cable pair routes to the desired signal. This
interference may lend to significant problems, particularly with data
7.3.2 The crosstalk test is performed with the cable pair under test terminated
with 600 ohms termination on both sides of cable, while a signal generator
of known output voltage and 1000 Hz frequency placed on another cable
pair. For the near end crosstalk test, the signal generator and the measuring
AC voltmeter are placed on the same end of the cable, while for the far end
crosstalk test, the AC voltmeter and the signal generator are placed on
opposing ends of the cable under test. The crosstalk is read by a signal
measuring test having a minimum sensitivity (at 1000 Hz) of -100 dBm.
Preferably, a selective level voltmeter shall be used.
7.3.3 For an acceptable pilot cable installation, the crosstalk value shall not
exceed -80 dBm on all pilot cable pairs (either near end, or far end).
7.4.1 This test determines the broadband idle noise of a VF (Voice Frequency)
channel which may be imposed on a pilot cable, as a result of that pair being
utilized as part of the communications channel.
7.4.2 Idle noise is measured with a broadband level meter, or a transmission test
set "Notched" to operate at the VF frequency range of 300-3400 Hz. As part
of the test, 600 ohms terminations shall be provided at both ends of the pilot
cable. High idle noise readings (in the VF frequency range) may indicate:
7.4.3 Idle noise shall be measured on all cable pairs (with cable pairs terminated
at 600 ohms). Two idle noise readings shall be taken, as indicated below;
7.4.4 Maximum acceptable Idle Noise readings (on pilot cable pairs under test)
shall be as follows:
8.1 This section describes the recommendations to perform limited cable fault
determination and identification. As part of the testing process, cable faults may be
identified. Generally, cable faults will consist of open circuits, or short circuits
(although, in a small minority cases, excessive cable resistance may be attributed to
a cable fault). As specific instances where cable faults occur may differ, these
TCST11110R0/YM Date of Approval: December 03, 2008 PAGE NO. 13 OF 25
8.2 After the electrical parameters testing has been completed, the test results which are
obtained shall be reviewed to determine if faults exists on the pilot cable which was
tested. Usually, a cable fault will be identified as a "short circuit" in the insulation
resistance/short circuit test, or as an "open circuit" under the resistance and
resistance unbalance test.
8.3 After the faulty cable has been tested and identified, secure SEC Representative
approval for the commencement of cable fault location. Once approval has been
granted, proceed with cable fault testing and location activities.
8.4 Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) or similar equipment shall be used to locate the
approximate vicinity of cable fault.
8.5 Once the approximate location of the cable fault is determined (through the use of
TDR or similar equipment at the first chosen end of the pilot cable), proceed to
reconnect the Time Domain Reflector (TDR) at the opposite end of the cable to
verify that the cable fault is the only cable fault on the particular pilot cable.
NOTE: There may be a possibility of multiple cable faults on a pilot cable route.
8.6 Once the only cable fault on the pilot cable route is determined (see paragraph 8.5),
and the approximate location is determined from both ends of the pilot cable through
the use of the Time Domain Reflectometer (or similar equipment), proceed to
troubleshoot the exact location of the cable fault by using signal injection and
detection equipment (Fisher Cable Fault Finder, Cable "Thumper" or equivalent).
NOTE: If multiple faults are indicated (through the fault location process), the cable
test crew shall proceed with determining the exact location of the first cable fault
from a substation, or other location which shall be chosen by SEC representative.
8.7 After the exact location of a cable fault has been reasonably attained through the
previous test methods, the cable test crew should advise SEC of their results, and
obtain SEC permission for excavation/trenching of the location of the suspected
cable fault. The test crew will expose the cable to ascertain the extent of damage to
the pilot cable at the location of the fault. If no damage is found to the excavated
pilot cable, the test crew shall expose the internal pilot cable pairs (by splitting pilot
cable into two sections), and perform the test as indicated in paragraph 8.2 through
8.8 Once the cable fault is physically located, the test crew will notify the appropriate
SEC representative and issue a report on the findings of condition of the pilot cable
at the location of the fault. The appropriate SEC representative shall determine (after
NOTE: If a SEC representative is "on-site" during the cable fault location process,
he may authorize the testing crew to proceed with repair of the pilot cable, without
the requirement for issuance of a report. If an "on-site" determination is made, the
testing crew will document the details of the repair (including indicating the location,
the extent, and the date of the repair).
8.9 In case of multiple faults, isolation of cable sections along the pilot cable route may
be required. Isolation at cable sections may involve trenching/exposure of the pilot
cable at arbitrary locations chosen by the SEC representative, sectionalizing/splitting
the pilot cable, and then performing the test as indicated in paragraph 8.2 through
9.1 After completion of all testing and acceptance, label the pilot cable termination panel
with the routing of pilot cable (location of the termination of both ends of the pilot
cable) by using either a permanent attached template, or through an indelible
(permanent ink) stenciled on the pilot cable termination box.
9.2 All pilot cables located in a substation shall be provided with permanent stamped
marking tags on the pilot cable. The tag shall contain information which shall
indicate the pilot cable number (as provided by SEC), and the names of the
substations where the pilot cable terminates on both ends. The tags shall be installed
on both ends of the pilot cable and shall be located as close to the location of the
termination of the pilot cable.
10.1 All pilot cable installations (whether this involves on installation of new pilot cable,
diversion or rerouting activities, on pilot cable fault/repair) shall be adequately
documented with sufficient information provided with respect to the following:
10.2 In cases where existing pilot cable has been repaired, rerouted, abandoned, or
diverted the existing documentation of the pilot cable affected shall be updated. The
updated drawing (or drawings) shall indicate the exact locations of repairs,
diversions or rerouting of pilot cables, as well as the exact location of the pilot cable
sections which have been abandoned, or removed from service.
10.3 In cases where new pilot cables have been installed, new documents indicating the
information required in Section 10.1 shall be produced.
10.4 In cases where new pilot cable (or cables) are installed alongside existing pilot cable
(or cables), all documentation showing the present pilot cable routes shall be updated
to include the route of the new pilot cable installation alongside, or nearby to present
pilot cable routes.
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3. Shield Continuity :
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Mean Capacitance: =
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