UNESCO’s publications contribute to accomplishing
the Organization’s goals. They are an important
means of maintaining, advancing and sharing
knowledge, between and across all parts of the world.
While some aim to inform the general public,
many provide specialists with expert knowledge
drawn from UNESCO’s fields of competence.
These diverse publications and co-editions, translated
into over 70 languages, all serve the common
goal of bringing about positive change.
The UNESCO Courier
Issue 2023 • n°4 ISSN 2220-2285 (English edition)
21 x 29.7 cm, paperback
Education in the age Published in Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
of artificial intelligence Russian and Spanish, and co-published in Catalan and
(October-December) 27 euros/year (4 issues)
Since its creation in 1948, the UNESCO Courier has been spreading an ideal throughout the world: humanity united in its
diversity around universal values and fundamental rights, strong in the wealth of its cultures, knowledge and accomplishments.
It is a key element of UNESCO’s identity as well as one of the most powerful tools for its humanistic mandate.
The reappearance of this historic journal in 2017 is much more than the resumption of an editorial endeavour:
it is a valuable opportunity to renew our commitment to the Courier ’s founding values.
Previous issues:
The UNESCO Adventure/L’aventure de l’UNESCO
978-92-3-000167-4 (Bilingual edition: English/French – 2022)
292 pp, 21.5 x 28.7 cm, hardback
45 euros
UNESCO was born out of a simple conviction: peace and development
require stronger foundations than those resulting from political and
economic arrangements between states. The Organization’s history,
featured in this publication, is a journey into projects undertaken to
nurture reconciliation and unite people around a common heritage.
The book is the catalogue for an exhibition displayed at UNESCO
Headquarters on the occasion of the Organization’s 75th anniversary.
UNESCO Courier – Transforming Ideas – Selected articles
Volume I: Thinkers
978-92-3-100476-6 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200259-4 (French edition – 2022)
254 pp, 21 x 24 cm, hardback
25 euros
Volume II: Creators
978-92-3-100477-3 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200260-0 (French edition – 2022)
214 pp, 21 x 24 cm, hardback
25 euros
UNESCO Art Collection
Selected works
978-92-3-100474-2 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200240-2 (French edition – 2022)
466 pp, 30 x 30 cm, hardback
55 euros
UNESCO has established, since its creation in Paris, a notable
and diverse collection of artworks. The works currently
exhibited in the UNESCO buildings bear witness to the richness
of artistic diversity in the world over the last 6 000 years.
The UNESCO Art Collection joins in
the UNESCO’s 75th anniversary: 75 key
concepts in UNESCO’s work have
been chosen to enter in dialogue with
75 works selected from the collection.
The testimonies of art historians,
archaeologists, curators, artists, gallery
owner, landscape architects, etc., make
this work a truly unique product.
Africa in the UNESCO Art Collection
978-92-3-100475-9 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200241-9 (French edition – 2022)
242 pp, 19 x 24 cm, paperback
30 euros
No continent reflects better than Africa the diversity of periods, techniques,
raw materials, media and artistic styles in the UNESCO Art Collection.
Textiles, woodwork,
tapestries, sculptures,
paintings, glyptic,
demonstrate the
continent’s outstanding
plastic and aesthetic
This publication is the first
monographic presentation
of the Art Collection.
They did not Stop at Eboli
UNESCO and the campaign against illiteracy in a reportage by David “Chim” Seymour
and texts by Carlo Levi (1950)
UNESCO Publishing/De Gruyter
Published in 2019
De Gruyter ISBN 978-3-11-065163-8 (Bilingual edition: English/French)
UNESCO ISBN 978-92-3-000084-4 (Bilingual edition: English/French)
180 pp, 17 x 24 cm, hardback
86.95 euros
The analysis of UNESCO’s audio-visual archives for their digitization
has brought to light a forgotten album of 38 contact sheets and
accompanying texts by Magnum photographer, David “Chim”
Seymour – a reportage made in 1950 for UNESCO on the fight
against illiteracy in Italy’s southern region of Calabria.
A number of his photographs appeared in the March 1952 issue of
UNESCO Courier in an article written by Carlo Levi, who had gained
worldwide fame with his novel Christ Stopped at Eboli (1945).
Claude Lévi-Strauss
UNESCO Publishing/Éditions Sciences Humaines
978-92-3-200188-7 (French edition – 2019)
162 pp, 12.5 x 19 cm, hardback
10.20 euros
Ten years ago, on 30 October 2009, Claude
Lévi-Strauss passed away at the age of 100.
During that century, he accomplished what
few scientists have: a career as an ethnologist
of the Americas, a reputation as a writer
and the role of catalyst for an intellectual
revolution known as ‘Structuralism’.
This publication further explores Lévi-Strauss as a scientist,
philosopher and chronicler through various perspectives
provided by some of today's top experts on his work as well as
through several less known texts by the author himself, once
featured in the May 2008 issue of The UNESCO Courier.
Socio-Economic and Cultural Impacts of COVID-19 on Africa
What responses from UNESCO?
978-92-3-100389-9 (English edition – 2020)
978-92-3-200206-8 (French edition – 2020)
44 pp, 21 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Since December 2019, the world has faced an unprecedented
public health crisis due to the outbreak of the coronavirus
disease, which quickly turned into a pandemic.
While Africa is currently one of
the least affected regions, past and
recent experiences of pandemics
on the continent suggest the
need to pay close attention to
the economic, social and cultural
impacts of this disease on the
affected countries and beyond.
10 Priority Africa
Global Education Monitoring Report 2023
Technology in education: a tool on whose terms?
978-92-3-100609-8 (English edition – 2023)
474 pp, 21.5 x 28 cm, paperback
55 euros
The 2023 GEM Report addresses the use of technology in education around
the world. It argues that education systems should always ensure that
learners’ interests are placed at the center and that digital technologies
are used to support an education based on human interaction rather
than aiming at substituting it. It looks at ways in which technology can
help reach disadvantaged learners but also ensure more knowledge
reaches more learners in more engaging and cheaper formats.
11 Education
Global Education Monitoring Report 2021/22
Non-state actors in education: who chooses? who loses?
978-92-3-100493-3 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200267-9 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Arabic, Chinese and Spanish
474 pp, 21.5 x 28 cm, paperback
55 euros
Non-state actors’ role extends beyond provision of schooling to
interventions at various education levels and influence spheres.
Alongside its review of progress towards SDG 4, including
emerging evidence on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact, the 2021/2
Global Education Monitoring Report urges governments to see all
institutions, students and teachers as part of a single system.
Standards, information, incentives and
accountability should help governments
protect, respect and fulfil the right to
education of all, without turning their
eyes away from privilege or exploitation.
12 Education
Global Education Monitoring Report 2022
Gender Report: Deepening the debate on those still left behind
978-92-3-100524-4 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200268-6 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Spanish
70 pp, 21.5 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The 2022 Gender Report presents fresh insights on progress towards
gender parity in education with respect to access, attainment and
learning. It showcases out-
of-school rate trends and the
results of a new model that
provides coherent estimates,
combining multiple sources
of information, on completion
rates. It also reviews the
results of learning assessments
released over the past 18
months, which present an almost
global picture of the gender
gap in reading, mathematics
and science achievement in
lower and upper primary and
lower secondary grades.
13 Education
Reimagining our Futures Together
A new social contract for education
978-92-3-100478-0 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200242-6 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian,
Italian, Latvian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
184 pp, 17 x 24 cm, paperback
35 euros
The interwoven futures of humanity and our planet are
under threat. Urgent action, taken together, is needed
to change course and reimagine our futures.
Education, long acknowledged as a
powerful force for positive change,
has new, urgent and important work to do.
This report invites governments,
institutions, organizations, and
citizens around the world to forge
a new social contract for education
that will help us build peaceful,
just, and sustainable futures.
14 Education
Born to Learn
Spotlight on basic education completion and foundational learning in Africa
UNESCO Publishing/ADEA/African Union
978-92-3-100548-0 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200284-6 (French edition – 2023)
Also published in Portuguese
224 pp, 21.5 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Africa’s ambitious future will be built on and by its human capital. With
the largest population of young people of any continent, education
must be the driving force for the continent to fully harness its talent.
Investing in education, especially
in the midst of global pandemics,
has become ever more important
to ensuring sustainable growth and
development. The Spotlight Report
offers the needed diagnostic, analysis
and lessons around good practice.
15 Education
An Ed-Tech Tragedy?
Educational technologies and school closures in the time of COVID-19
978-92-3-100611-1 (English edition – 2023)
652 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
An Ed-Tech Tragedy? is a detailed analysis of what happened
when education became largely reliant on connected technology
during school closures stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic,
the largest global disruption to education in history.
It extracts lessons and recommendations to chart new
and more humanistic directions for the development,
integration and use of technology in education.
16 Education
Education and Blockchain
Educational technologies and school closures in the time of COVID-19
978-92-3-100565-7 (English edition – 2022)
74 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Blockchain is a shared, decentralized and secure ledger technology
to record and store digital transactions of almost any digital assets
including digital identities, medical and educational records, birth
and marriage certificates, skill credentials and digital contracts.
Promising initiatives with blockchain demonstrate that it is already
possible to deploy the technology to cover credentialing and
certification in both formal and non-formal learning settings.
This publication demonstrates and assesses the emerging
practices of applying blockchain technologies in education.
17 Education
Ready to Learn and Thrive
School health and nutrition around the world
978-92-3-100573-2 (English edition – 2023)
160 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
School health and nutrition programmes are among the most widely
implemented public policies in the world. Yet too many children
are still missing out on the integrated programmes they need.
Drawing on existing literature, the most up-to-date data, and case studies
from around the world, this report provides the first overview of the
extent to which countries are supporting their children and adolescents
through school health and nutrition policies and programmes.
18 Education
Education in Africa
Placing equity at the heart of policy
UNESCO Publishing/African Union
978-92-3-100574-9 (English edition – 2023)
978-92-3-200280-8 (French edition – 2023)
256 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Learning to read and write, and do simple maths, is a basic requirement
in order to be able to function in this increasingly globalised and competitive
world. And it is the duty of governments to provide children with these skills.
Although many countries in Africa are taking significant steps to
ensure quality education for all, too many children are still being
left behind. This report aims to provide African governments with
guidelines and advice as they try to overcome these challenges.
19 Education
Addressing Hate Speech through Education
A guide for policy-makers
UNESCO Publishing/United Nations
978-92-3-100581-7 (English edition – 2023)
68 pp, 17 x 24 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Countering harmful, discriminatory and violent narratives in the form
of xenophobia, racism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred and other
types of intolerance, whether online or offline, requires interventions
at every level of education, in both formal and non-formal settings.
This guide offers concrete recommendations, good practices
and lessons learned on how to combat hate speech and
provide safe and respectful learning environments, as well
as the broader goal of fostering inclusive societies.
20 Education
Teaching to Prevent Atrocity Crimes
A guide for teachers in Africa
UNESCO Publishing/United Nations
978-92-3-100595-4 (English edition – 2023)
68 pp, 17 x 24 cm, PDF
Publication available on
This guide seeks to assist teachers from Africa in preparing and
designing lessons about atrocity crimes, including genocide.
It provides teachers with background knowledge, teaching
principles and concrete pedagogies to educate about complex
histories and to navigate related classroom discussions.
The guide has been developed with and for African teachers
taking into consideration local contexts and needs.
21 Education
countries. It also aims to guide policymakers by providing
Available on
22 Education
Rethinking Education
Towards a global common good?
978-92-3-100088-1 (English edition – 2015)
978-92-3-200057-6 (French edition – 2015)
Also published in Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Chinese, German, Italian,
Korean, Mongolian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
84 pp., 17 x 24 cm, paperback
15 euros
Economic growth and the creation of wealth have cut global poverty rates, yet
vulnerability, inequality, exclusion and violence have escalated within and across
societies throughout the world. Unsustainable patterns of economic production
and consumption promote global warming, environmental degradation
and an upsurge in natural disasters.
Rethinking the purpose of education and
the organization of learning has never
been more urgent. This book is inspired
by a humanistic vision of education and
development, based on respect for life and
human dignity, equal rights, social justice,
cultural diversity, international solidarity and
shared responsibility for a sustainable future.
23 Education
Leave no Child Behind
Global report on boys’ disengagement from education
978-92-3-100520-6 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200277-8 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Spanish
148 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
No less than 132 million boys of primary and
secondary school age are out of school.
To leave no child behind, UNESCO developed the first global report of
this scope on boys’ disengagement from education, bringing together
qualitative and quantitative evidence from over 140 countries.
This report provides an overview on the
global situation on boys’ disengagement
from and disadvantage in education.
It identifies factors influencing
boys’ participation, progression and
learning outcomes in education. It also
analyses responses by governments
and partners, and examines promising
policies and programmes. Finally, it
includes recommendations on how
to re-engage boys with education
and address disadvantage.
24 Education
The Journey Towards Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Global status report
978-92-3-100481-0 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200261-7 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Spanish
72 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
This report provides a global snapshot of the status of school-
based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). Drawing on
a range of existing and new data sources, and looking at case
studies from around the world, the report demonstrates how
countries are advancing on their journeys towards CSE.
To know whether children and young
people access quality and sustainable
CSE, a number of factors must be assessed
- laws and policies, coverage, curricula,
delivery and an enabling environment.
This analysis will inform continued
advocacy and resourcing efforts, as
governments and partners work towards
the goal of ensuring all learners receive
CSE throughout their schooling.
25 Education
History Under Attack
Holocaust denial and distortion on social media
978-92-3-100531-2 (English edition – 2022)
68 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
A new United Nations and UNESCO study together with the support
of the World Jewish Congress investigates Holocaust denial and
distortion on social media, measuring their extent and nature on
Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter and TikTok, at a time when
the memory and fundamental facts of the Holocaust are under
threat from lies, smears and the spread of violent ideologies.
It provides recommendations that governments, online platforms,
educators and researchers can implement to counter denial and
distortion, prevent antisemitism and uphold human rights.
26 Education
Minding the Data
Protecting learners’ privacy and security
978-92-3-100525-1 (English edition – 2022)
56 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The COVID-19 pandemic and the migration of education systems
to remote and digital learning has accelerated the use of digital
technologies in education. In addition to the emergency response,
there is an international trend to explore how AI and data-
based analytics can support learning, learning assessments
and evidence-based policy planning processes.
This trend has two effects. The first is the need for large data sets
drawn from aggregation of learning profiles, micro-behaviours, access
time and online actions, to build patterns and better understand
learning processes, effectiveness and problems. The second is a
change in approach to the concept of privacy and security.
This publication explores early responses from the education sector
to the question of managing data privacy in this era of accelerated
digitization, even further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
27 Education
UNESCO Strategy on Education for Health and Well-Being
978-92-3-100528-2 (English edition – 2022)
32 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Education has the power to transform the lives of
children and young people, and the world around them.
But inclusive and transformative education cannot be
delivered if students are not safe, well-nourished and
healthy, and free from violence and discrimination.
This strategy, revised and updated since its first iteration in 2016,
presents UNESCO’s vision for better health and education outcomes
for all learners. It will guide UNESCO’s work in collaboration
with UN agencies, multi-lateral organizations and civil society to
put health and well-being at the top of the education agenda.
28 Education
AI and Education
Guidance for policy-makers
978-92-3-100447-6 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200244-0 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish
46 pp, 21 x 28 cm, paperback
Publication available on
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the
biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning
practices, and ultimately accelerate the progress towards SDG 4.
However, these rapid technological
developments inevitably bring
multiple risks and challenges, which
have so far outpaced policy debates
and regulatory frameworks.
This publication offers guidance for
policy-makers on how best to leverage
the opportunities and address the
risks, presented by the growing
connection between AI and education.
29 Education
Understanding the Impact of
Artificial Intelligence on Skills Development
978-92-3-100446-9 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200238-9 (French edition – 2021)
56 pages, 21 × 29.7 cm, paperback
Publication available on
This paper synthesizes research on current trends, programmes, policies
and uses of AI related to technical and vocational education and training
across six continents, covering
developing and developed
contexts, as a resource for
stakeholders invested in
the future of intermediate-
level workers and TVET.
Lecturers, students, administrators,
policymakers, programme
implementers and lifelong
learners are invited to examine
current practices, opportunities
and challenges raised by AI,
and recommendations to build
a future-ready education
and training system.
30 Education
Making Every School a Health-Promoting School
UNESCO Publishing/WHO Available on
No education system is effective unless it promotes the health and well-being of its students, staff
and community. These strong links have never been more visible and compelling than in the context
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Promoting Schools are everyone’s business.
31 Education
UNESCO series of Addressing Anti-semitism in Schools
UNESCO Publishing/OSCE Available on
This Series consists of four-volume set Addressing Anti-Semitism in Schools: Training Curricula. The curriculum,
intended for teacher trainers, is designed to be comprehensive, robust, practical and adaptable. It suggests concrete
ways to address anti-Semitism and counter prejudice in and through education, while promoting human rights, global
citizenship education, and gender equality. Each volume has been designed for a specific professional group, namely:
(1) primary school teachers, (2) secondary school teachers, (3) vocational school teachers and (4) school directors.
978-92-3-100397-4 978-92-3-100398-1
(English edition – 2020) (English edition – 2020)
100 pages, 100 pages, 14.8 × 21 cm,
14.8 × 21 cm, paperback paperback
32 Education
Training curriculum Training curriculum
for vocational for school directors
education teachers (Vol.4)
978-92-3-100399-8 978-92-3-100400-1
(English edition – 2020) (English edition – 2020)
102 pages, 14.8 × 21 cm, 110 pages, 14.8 × 21 cm,
paperback paperback
33 Education
Towards Inclusion in Education: Status, Trends and Challenges
The UNESCO Salamanca Statement 25 years on
978-92-3-100396-7 (English edition – 2021)
Also published in Spanish
44 pages, 17 × 24 cm, paperback
Publication available on
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development focuses on
leaving no one behind with its Goal 4 on education calling upon
education systems ‘to ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.’
This requires adopting an inclusive approach whose foundations
have been laid by the UNESCO World Conference on Special
Needs Education held in Salamanca, Spain, in 1994.
This publication looks at the past, present and future since Salamanca. It
provides examples from around the world and make recommendations to
guide the further development of inclusive national policies and practices.
34 Education
Behind the Numbers
Ending school violence and bullying
978-92-3-100306-6 (English edition – 2019)
978-92-3-200183-2 (French edition – 2019)
74 pp., 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Also published in Italian and Spanish
Publication available on
School-related violence in all
its forms, including bullying, is
an infringement of children’s
and adolescents’ rights to
education and health and well-
being. No country can achieve
inclusive and equitable quality
education for all if learners
experience violence in school.
This publication provides an
overview of the most up-to-
date evidence on school
violence and bullying. It
includes global and regional
prevalence and trends, factors
that influence vulnerability
to school violence and
bullying, and consequences.
35 Education
Right to Education Handbook
UNESCO Publishing/Right to Education
978-92-3-100305-9 (English edition – 2019)
978-92-3-200214-3 (French edition – 2020)
74 pp., 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Education is a fundamental human right of every woman,
man and child. In states’ efforts to meet their commitments
to making the right to education a reality for all, most
have made impressive progress in recent decades.
Despite these efforts, breaches
of the right to education persist
worldwide, illustrated perhaps most
starkly by the fact that 262 million
primary and secondary-aged children
and youth are still out of school.
To respond to the challenges,
UNESCO and the Right
to Education Initiative
(RTE) have developed this
handbook to guide action
on ensuring full compliance
with the right to education.
36 Education
UNESCO Science Report
The race against time for smarter development
978-92-3-100450-6 (English edition – 2021)
690 pp., 21 x 29.7 cm, paperback
55 euros
Countries of all income levels are prioritizing their transition to digital and
‘green’ economies, in parallel. On the one hand, the clock is ticking for
countries to reach their Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. On the
other, countries are convinced that their future economic competitiveness
will depend upon how quickly they transition to digital societies.
This 7th edition of the report monitors the development
path that countries have been following over the past five
years from the perspective of science governance.
37 Natural Sciences
The UN World Water Development Report 2023
Partnerships and cooperation for water
Published by UNESCO on behalf of UN-Water
978-92-3-100576-3 (English Edition – 2023)
978-92-3-200283-9 (French Edition – 2023)
Also published in Italian and Spanish
212 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, paperback
55 euros
The 2023 United Nations World Water
Development Report assesses the
nature and role of partnerships and
cooperation among stakeholders in
water resources management and
development and their role in accelerating
progress towards SDG 6 and realizing the
human rights to water and sanitation.
38 Natural Sciences
The UN World Water Development Report 2022
Groundwater: Making the invisible visible
Published by UNESCO on behalf of UN-Water
978-92-3-100507-7 (English Edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200252-5 (French Edition – 2022)
Also published in Italian
248 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, paperback
55 euros
Accounting for approximately 99% of all liquid freshwater on Earth, groundwater
has the potential to provide societies with tremendous social, economic and
environmental benefits and opportunities. However, this natural resource is
often poorly understood, and consequently
undervalued, mismanaged and even abused.
In spite of its overall abundance, groundwater
remains vulnerable to over-exploitation
and pollution, both of which can have
devastating effects on the resource and
its availability. In the context of growing
water scarcity across many parts of
the world, the enormous potential of
groundwater and the need to manage it
sustainably can no longer be overlooked.
39 Natural Sciences
The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and Pacific
UNESCO Publishing/Springer Nature
This three-volume, open-access book series introduces the from the world’s leading thinkers, experts, practitioners and
complex links between water, energy, and food security in researchers, each volume explores some future scenarios and
the three sub-regions of Central and South Asia, East and recommends approaches to best deal with future challenges.
Southeast Asia and the Pacific. By bringing together inputs
This open access book considers that the Central and South Asian region sits at the middle of This open access book considers the water, energy, food (WEF) nexus in the Pacific region. The
geographical, geopolitical, economic and historical cross-roads. Since the independence of the region comprises seventeen sovereign countries and seven territories spread across the Pacific
Central Asian states in the 1990s, following the demise of the Soviet Union, and emergence of Ocean, a blue expanse that covers a fifth of the world’s surface area but contains only 0.5% of the
regional trade and political ties means that the region’s evolution has also been subject to common
drivers – external and internal, opening up some new opportunities. The long-term social and
economic success of the region depends on how water, energy, and food security is achieved at a
Zafar Adeel population—or 44.5 million people. The uniqueness of the Pacific and the need for a Pasifika-led
approach to sustainability across environmental, societal and economical spheres requires this blue
continent to be considered in a separate volume under the ‘Water Security in a New World’ series.
Andrew Dansie · Heidi Alleway ·
regional scale that combines Central Asia and South Asia, which are typically treated separately
in policy and scholarly works. This book considers how securing the “Nexus” of water, energy,
and food resources serves as a starting point for utilizing emerging region-wide opportunities.
Benno Böer Editors This Pacific volume is focussed on water, energy and food security in Pacific Island Countries and
Territories (PICTs) and the challenges produced by the impacts of anthropogenic climate change
Benno Böer Editors
It does so by identifying the present state of play, deeply analyzing cross-cutting drivers (e.g., and human population pressures. The diversity of culture, traditional knowledge and ways of life
climate change, poverty, environmental crises and urbanization) and offering insights into across the Pacific are united by similar geographies and opportunities to apply a ‘Pacific specific’
Nexus in Asia
failure stories around implementation of the Nexus policies and strategies in the Central and
South Asian region. The third section undertakes an analysis of the “Cross-Cutting Themes cannot be separated from the challenges associated with healthy environments and functioning
for Nexus Security” by investigating all the major drivers of policy and development strategies ecological services, transport, and waste that are unique to this vast archipelagic region. To achieve
in the region: climate change, urbanization, poverty, sharing of resources across borders, and meaningful change, it is essential that solutions are cognizant of the world’s colonial past and the
gender-based disparities. The fourth and final section uses the discussion throughout the book to global inequalities that persist today. The path forward for water and food systems is one that is
Central and South Asia This book is a highly recommended source of information and inspiration for policy makers,
decision makers, research communities and practitioners dealing with any aspect of water, energy, The Pacific
or food security in the Pacific.
Except where otherwise noted, this book is licensed under a Creative Except where otherwise noted, this book is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike . International License. Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit To view a copy of this license, visit
East and Southeast Asia Central and South Asia The Pacific
978-3-031-12494-5 978-3-031-29034-3 978-3-031-25462-8
(English edition – 2023) (English edition – 2023) (English edition – 2023)
360 pages, hardback 246 pages, hardback 450 pages, hardback
42.19 euros 42.19 euros 42.19 euros
40 Natural Sciences
River Culture
Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters
978-92-3-100540-4 (English edition – 2022)
894 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The global crises of biodiversity and cultural diversity are interdependent,
especially so in rivers. While we know that 84% of the freshwater
fauna has disappeared between 1970 and 2014, the loss in cultural
diversity connected to the river and its floodplain (e.g., spiritual linkages,
traditional use forms, adapted architecture, etc.) is as yet unknown.
This book makes a first attempt to deal with biological and cultural
diversities altogether, depicting the bio-cultural diversities, historical
human-river relationships, threats, and practical examples of how
to mitigate the crisis in riverscapes. More than 120 authors present
interdisciplinary studies from river systems all over the world, and
explore overarching issues on river management in the Anthropocene.
41 Natural Sciences
Transboundary Aquifers
Challenges and the way forward
978-92-3-100563-3 (English edition – 2022)
246 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The world is facing challenges related to population growth,
surface water scarcity, and more importantly, to the increasing
dependency on shared groundwater resources.
This book, which is a compilation of studies, representing the status of
transboundary aquifers knowledge around the world, offers an attempt
to depict a variety of assessments of transboundary aquifers in different
regions of the world as well as some insights on policy development.
42 Natural Sciences
Guidance for the Assessment of
Ecosystem Services in African Biosphere Reserves
A way forward to sustainable development
Published by UNESCO on behalf of UN-Water
978-92-3-100529-9 (English Edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200283-9 (French Edition – 2023)
112 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
What are ecosystem services? How
can they contribute to the sustainable
management and development of African
Biosphere Reserves? What tools exist
to assess their value? How to engage
stakeholders throughout the ecosystem
services assessment process?
These are the questions this new manual
addresses, by combining theory, practical
methods, key results, and good practices
from African Biosphere Reserves.
43 Natural Sciences
Resilience Through Knowledge Co-Production
Indigenous knowledge, science, and global environmental change
UNESCO Publishing/Cambridge University Press
978-92-3-100516-9 (English edition – 2022)
296 pp, 17.5 x 25 cm, hardback
60 euros
Confronted with the complex environmental crises of the Anthropocene,
scientists have moved towards an interdisciplinary approach to
address challenges that are both social and ecological, and call
for solutions combining Indigenous knowledge and science.
This book includes several collective papers co-authored
by Indigenous experts and scientists, with case studies
involving Indigenous communities from the Arctic, Pacific
islands, the Amazon, the Sahel and high altitude areas.
44 Natural Sciences
Ocean Science and International Cooperation
Historical and personal recollections
978-92-3-100487-2 (English edition – 2022)
300 pp, 15.5 x 23.5 cm, paperback
25 euros
International scientific cooperation is fundamental to
the pursuit of knowledge on the ocean, its condition
and related sustainable development issues.
This book presents the personal insight on the
evolution of modern oceanography of
Gunnar Kullenberg, an ocean scientist and former Executive Secretary
of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO.
Both a history book and a personal memoir, this publication
gives particular prominence to the creation of the IOC-
UNESCO, highlighting its role in promoting international
cooperation, training and mutual assistance.
45 Natural Sciences
A Braided River
The universe of Indian women in science
978-81-89218-82-9 (English edition – 2022)
140 pp, 25 x 25 cm, hardback
24 euros
The pursuit of gender equality and increased equity is a
complex and multifaceted goal that has been widely recognized
as a core component of sustainable development.
This book addresses the necessity to include more Indian women in
science, critically examining many known and persistent challenges, as
well as successes, within academia, research and industry in India.
This issue is critical now more than ever because improving the
engagement of women in science and research fields holds out the
hope of improving the quality, quantity and diversity of creative
solutions for major issues of international and national concern, such
as global pandemics, biodiversity loss, environmental degradation
and all forms of pollution, and natural resource calamities.
46 Natural Sciences
Mathematics for Action
Supporting science-based decision-making
978-92-3-100517-6 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200276-1 (French edition – 2023)
52 pp, 21.5 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Everything we do is based on some mathematical structure,
and although mathematics is often considered abstract, it is
fundamental to how we understand nature, the larger universe, with
its time and space dimensions and a myriad of uncertainties.
This toolkit focuses on engaging
stories of mathematics in action.
Written by mathematicians and
thought leaders from across the globe,
the collection of briefs provides a
fascinating demonstration of the
role of maths in addressing the
world’s most pressing challenges
in the face of accelerating global
change. They cover a wide spectrum
of topics related to the Sustainable
Development Goals, from drawing
maps of poverty to measuring the
gender gap, modeling a pandemic and
food systems, forecasting climate
change, and measuring biodiversity.
47 Natural Sciences
Global Ocean Science Report 2020
Charting capacity for ocean sustainability
978-92-3-100424-7 (English edition – 2020)
249 pp., 21.5 x 28 cm, paperback
55 euros
The world ocean is a life-supporting system for
humanity, yet it remains largely unknown.
Based on data collected from around the world, the Global Ocean
Science Report 2020 offers a global record of how, where and
by whom ocean science is conducted. It monitors our capacity
to understand the ocean and seize new opportunities.
More generally, the Report underlines the essential role of ocean research
and international cooperation for all key issues of the 21st century.
48 Natural Sciences
Engineering for Sustainable Development
Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals
978-92-3-100437-7 (English edition – 2020)
978-92-3-200236-5 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Chinese
185 pp., 21.5 x 28 cm, paperback
55 euros
The report highlights the crucial role of engineering in achieving
each of the 17 SDGs. It shows how equal opportunities for all is key to
ensuring an inclusive and gender balanced profession that can better
respond to the shortage of engineers for implementing the SDGs.
It provides a snapshot of the engineering innovations that are shaping our
world, especially emerging technologies such as big data and AI, which
are crucial for addressing the pressing
challenges facing humankind and the
planet. It analyses the transformation
of engineering education and capacity-
building at the dawn of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution that will enable engineers to
tackle the challenges ahead. It highlights
the global effort needed to address
the specific regional disparities, while
summarizing the trends of engineering
across the different regions of the world.
49 Natural Sciences
UNESCO series of Global Water Security Issues (GWSI)
The Global Water Security Issues (GWSI) series seeks to build the scientific knowledge base to help countries manage their water resources
in a sustainable way through. This is accomplished through the International Hydrological Programme (IHP), the only intergovernmental
programme of the UN system devoted to water research, water resources management, and education and capacity building.
Available on
Water Security and the Sustainable Water Reuse within The Role of Sound Groundwater
Development Goals a Circular Economy Context Resources Management and Governance
to Achieve Water Security
978-92-3-100323-3 978-92-3-100413-1
(English edition – 2019) (English edition – 2020) 978-92-3-100468-1
210 pages, 21 × 29.7 cm, paperback 218 pages, 21 × 29.7 cm, paperback (English edition – 2021)
280 pages, 21 × 29.7 cm, paperback
50 Natural Sciences
Water, Megacities and Global Change
Portraits of 16 emblematic cities of the world
978-92-3-100322-6 (English edition – 2019)
978-92-3-200175-7 (French edition – 2019)
Also published in Spanish
100 pp., 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
This overview of 16
emblematic cities is both the
result of concrete scientific
presentations and a call
for general mobilization to
devise the sustainable urban
policies the world needs.
All these urban centres
share a number of common
characteristics: expansive
size, disparities between
rich and poor districts,
environmental and industrial
demand that strains the natural
resources of an entire region
– not to mention the economic
weight of the country as a
whole – and a wide range
of cultural, scientific and
educational resources.
51 Natural Sciences
Co-Designing Science in Africa
First steps in assessing sustainability science approach on the ground
978-92-3-100319-6 (English edition – 2019)
248 pp., 21.5 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
This publication provides useful evidence supporting the
need for multistakeholder discussions on how best to foster
integrated, collaborative and action-oriented research to address
interdependent and complex sustainability challenges in the five
sub-Saharan Africa countries studied – four of the five being
regional research hubs for sustainability science – and beyond.
Based on the case studies findings, the authors
formulate recommendations for improving
the science-policy-society interface.
52 Natural Sciences
Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment
and Adaptation
UNESCO Publishing/Cambridge University Press
978-92-3-100276-2 (English edition – 2018)
298 pp., 17.4 x 24.7 cm, paperback
69 euros
This unique transdisciplinary publication is the result of collaboration
between UNESCO's Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
(LINKS) programme, the United Nations University's Traditional
Knowledge Initiative, the IPCC, and other organisations.
Chapters, written by indigenous peoples, scientists and development
experts, provide insight into how diverse societies observe and adapt
to changing environments. A broad range of case studies illustrate how
these societies, building upon traditional knowledge handed down through
generations, are already developing their own solutions for dealing with a
rapidly changing climate and how this might be useful on a global scale.
Of interest to policy-makers, social and natural scientists, and indigenous
peoples and experts, this book provides an indispensable reference
for those interested in climate science, policy and adaptation.
53 Natural Sciences
Ocean Sustainability in the 21st Century
UNESCO Publishing/Cambridge University Press
Cambridge ISBN 978-1-107-10013-8 (English edition)
UNESCO ISBN 978-92-3-100055-3 (English edition – 2015)
324 pp., 18 x 25.3 cm, hardback
69 euros
Describing the emerging and unresolved issues related to the oceans
and the marine environment, this book presents the developments made
in marine science and policy since the implementation of the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the implications
for the sustainable management of ocean areas and resources.
This comprehensive volume also provides a number of scientific,
policy and legal tools to address such issues, and to ensure
better science-based management of the oceans.
Topics covered include the impacts of human-induced climate change on the
oceans, the marine genetic resources debate, the current legal framework
for the oceans, and a comparative study of the legal issues associated with
outer space. Including practical examples and worldwide case studies, this
book is a valuable resource for policy-makers, students and academics,
in marine science and policy, ocean affairs and the law of the sea.
54 Natural Sciences
Knowing our Lands and Resources
Indigenous and local knowledge of biodiversity and ecosystem services
UNESCO/IPBES/UNEP/FAO/UNDP This series of publications is a compendium of knowledge, practices and
worldviews of indigenous peoples and local communities from different regions.
Knowledges of nature series It demonstrates the essential contribution that indigenous and local knowledge
Available on holders make to assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
55 Natural Sciences
Textiles and Clothing Along the Silk Roads
UNESCO Publishing/China National Silk Museum
978-92-3-100539-8 (English edition – 2022)
416 pp., 24.5 x 16.5 cm, hardback
25 euros
This is the first volume to be published from the wider Thematic
Collection of the Cultural Exchanges along the Silk Roads, a new series
UNESCO is developing to promote a better understanding of the rich
history of the Silk Roads and its contemporary legacy and relevance.
This book charts a fascinating history from the ways in which patterns
and dyes were elements of cultural imitation, hybridization and
exchange, from Java to West Africa, Scandinavia to the Philippines.
56 Social and Human Sciences
Youth Lens on the Silk Roads
Best photos from the International Silk Roads Photo Contest (4th edition)
978-92-3-100601-2 (English edition – 2023)
172 pp., 27 x 27 cm, hardback
30 euros
More than two-thirds of the world's population live in the vast
regions of Asia, Europe and Africa, and have been connected for
thousands of years by the Silk Roads. These routes of exchange
brought about the widespread transmission of knowledge, ideas,
cultures and beliefs, and shaped history and culture.
To raise awareness of the potential of intercultural dialogue,
UNESCO presents the winners and best images of the 4th
Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads international photo contest.
57 Social and Human Sciences
Youth Lens on the Silk Roads
Best photos from the International Silk Roads Photo Contest (3rd Edition)
978-92-3-100510-7 (English edition – 2022)
170 pp., 27 x 27 cm, hardback
30 euros
Over 70% of the world’s population live in the vast regions of Asia,
Europe and Africa, which have been connected for thousands of years
by the Silk Roads. These routes of exchange carried more than trade
wares, they brought about the widespread transmission of knowledge,
ideas, cultures, and beliefs, and shaped history and culture.
For the third time, using the arts to call attention to the key issues
facing our contemporary globalizing world, Youth Lens on the Silk
Roads presents the winners and ‘best of’ the annual international
photography competition ‘Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads’.
Featuring over 70 photographs from 65 different countries, this collection
of images invites young people, educators, and cultural professionals
to reflect on the shared legacy of the Silk Roads and its potential for
extending cultural interactions and encounters in the contemporary
world, promoting dialogue, mutual understanding, and peace.
58 Social and Human Sciences
We Need to Talk
Measuring intercultural dialogue for peace and inclusion
UNESCO Publishing/Institute for Economics and Peace
978-92-3-100544-2 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200278-5 (French edition – 2022)
110 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, improved
capacities to initiate and achieve effective dialogue are needed
to address global challenges. Currently, 1.5 billion people live in
countries with low Intercultural Dialogue where global challenges
such as absolute poverty, terrorism and forced displacement are
more prevalent. To forge effective cooperation and sustain peace,
strengthening Intercultural Dialogue must be a priority.
Using data covering over 160 countries
in all regions, this report highlights key
policy and intervention opportunities
for intercultural dialogue as an
instrument for inclusion and peace.
59 Social and Human Sciences
The Risks and Challenges of Neurotechnologies
for Human Rights
UNESCO Publishing/University of Milan-Bicocca/
State University of New York
978-92-3-100567-1 (English edition – 2022)
52 pp., 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The field of neurotechnology broadly encompasses any electronic
device or method that can be used to read or modify the activity
of neurons in the nervous system. Its potential to help cure mental
illnesses and neurological disorders may amount to one of the
most important medical achievements throughout history.
Recently, this technology has broken into the market leading to
an increased availability of direct-to-consumer products that may
be used for recreational and mental augmentation purposes.
60 Social and Human Sciences
Ethical Issues of Neurotechnology
978-92-3-100551-0 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200293-8 (French edition – 2022)
90 pp, 17 x 24 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Neurotechnology is a fast-expanding field dedicated to understanding the
brain and creating technologies that interact with it. This report presents
the conclusions and recommendations resulting from a major International
Conference on the Ethics of Neurotechnology organized by UNESCO in 2023.
Participants agreed on the need
for a comprehensive governance
framework to harness the potential
of neurotechnology and address
the risks it presents to societies.
61 Social and Human Sciences
Inclusive and Resilient Societies
Equality, sustainability and efficiency
978-92-3-100568-8 (English edition – 2022)
76 pp., 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
This publication explores the evolution of inequalities of
different types and assesses their interaction with the
Covid crisis across people, firms, and places.
It shows how the impact of the pandemic varied widely, depending
on whether and where people work, their gender, age, education,
income levels, and the place they live in, and highlights how economic
inequalities have expanded and left our societies with deep social scars.
62 Social and Human Sciences
Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls in Sport
A handbook for policy makers and sports practitioners
978-92-3-100608-1 (English edition – 2022)
114 pp., X x X cm, PDF
Publication available on
Violence against women and girls continues to be one of the
most pervasive human rights challenges in the world, with one
in three women being a victim of violence. In sports, women and
girls are faced with particular risks, combined with ineffective
or inexistant prevention and response mechanisms.
This handbook aims to create a shared understanding of the
problem and support the development of effective policies
to tackle violence against women and girls in sport.
63 Social and Human Sciences
Basic Income – on Data and Policy
978-92-3-100495-7 (English edition – 2022)
28 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Policy debates on basic income surge around the world.
At an unprecedented rate, countries are engaging with
basic income as both an emergency response to weather
the immediate effects of COVID-19 and a standing policy
tool to reset on an inclusive track in the longer run.
This publication brings to the forefront analysis by
leading experts, all to ground the debates in data and
to curb polarization on this emerging issue.
The nature of this publication, with its use of think pieces
and audio podcasts, is innovative as it manages to pack
complex insights in an accessible, friendly format.
64 Social and Human Sciences
How to Influence the Development
of Quality Physical Education Policy
A policy advocacy toolkit for youth
978-92-3-100430-8 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200229-7 (French edition – 2021)
Also published in Arabic, Russian and Spanish
45 pp., 21 x 25.5 cm, paperback
Publication available on
65 Social and Human Sciences
Quality Physical Education Policy Project
Analysis of process, content and impact
978-92-3-100429-2 (English edition – 2021)
Also published in Arabic
78 pp., 21 x 25.5 cm, paperback
Publication available on
This publication analyses the Quality Physical Education (QPE)
policy project which prioritizes an inclusive, multi-participatory
approach to physical education (PE) at international, national
and local levels that requires a broad range of expertise.
Its purpose is to identify key lessons that may be of value to countries and
key stakeholders that will be focusing on the further implementation of QPE.
66 Social and Human Sciences
Making the Case for Inclusive Quality Physical Education
Policy Development
A policy brief
978-92-3-100431-5 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200230-3 (French edition – 2021)
Also published in Arabic, Russian and Spanish
22 pp., 21 x 25.5 cm, paperback
Publication available on
This publication presents the benefits of investing in inclusive
quality physical education (QPE) policy development.
Its content draws directly on findings
from in-country interventions which
demonstrate the value of inter-sectoral
partnerships in QPE policy development
and the delivery of low cost/high impact
QPE programming which stands to
accelerate post-COVID recovery efforts.
It includes a series of practical
recommendations for public
and private stakeholders in the
sport-education ecosystem,
alongside resources to
support the implementation
of recommendations.
67 Social and Human Sciences
Sport Values in Every Classroom
Teaching respect, equity and inclusion to 8-12 year-old students
978-92-3-100351-6 (English edition – 2019)
978-92-3-200233-4 (French edition – 2021)
Also published in Spanish
186 pp., 14.8 x 21 cm, paperback
Publication available on
Sport enhances socialization
and offers a unique way
of developing morally.
The mission of this toolkit
is to engage youth through
movement-based classroom
activities while helping teacher
instill some of the core values
synonymous with sport:
respect, equity and inclusion.
68 Social and Human Sciences
Manual for Developing Intercultural Competencies
Story circles
UNESCO Publishing/Routledge
Routledge ISBN 978-0-367-19997-5 (English edition)
UNESCO ISBN 978-92-3-100331-8 (English edition – 2020)
UNESCO ISBN 978-92-3-200193-1 (French edition – 2020)
Also published in Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish
116 pp, 14.2 x 22.4 cm, hardback
50 euros
Intercultural competence refers to
the skills, attitudes and behaviours
needed to improve interactions
across difference, whether within
a society or across borders. This
book presents a structured yet
flexible methodology for developing
intercultural competence in a variety
of contexts, both formal and informal.
Piloted around the world by UNESCO,
this methodology has proven to
be effective in a range of different
contexts, and is an important resource
for anyone concerned with effectively
managing the growing cultural diversity
within our societies to ensure inclusive
and sustainable development.
69 Social and Human Sciences
Transforming the Future
Anticipation in the 21st century
UNESCO Publishing/Routledge
Routledge ISBN 978-1-138-48587-7 (English edition – 2018)
UNESCO ISBN 978-92-3-100268-7 (English edition – 2018)
UNESCO ISBN 978-92-3-200215-0 (French edition - 2020)
Presses de l’Université de Montréal
ISBN 978-2-7606-4235-5 (French edition - 2020)
474 pp., 15 x 24 cm, hardback
120 euros
UNESCO Publishing/Asbar Center for
Studies & Communications
(Arabic edition – 2018)
338 pp., 16 x 24 cm, hardback
30 euros
This publication covers the latest
developments in the field of future
studies. It provides the first in-depth
coverage of innovations in the theory
and practice of the emerging discipline
of Anticipation. It aims to contribute to
altering the capability of organizations
and people to use the future in a
conscious and constructed manner.
70 Social and Human Sciences
Long Walk of Peace
Towards a culture of prevention
978-92-3-100270-0 (English edition – 2018)
978-92-3-200160-3 (French edition – 2018)
234 pp., 15.5 x 24 cm, paperback
20 euros
Under the leadership of
UNESCO, 32 UN entities have
worked together on a research
project, studying progress
and challenges for the UN
Peace Agenda, 70 years after
the creation of the United
Nations and UNESCO.
Divided in three parts, the
book shows the evolution
of a peace approach in the
UN system, how UN entities
carry out peace work within
and across their respective
areas of competency, and the
experiential insights, lessons
learned and recommendations
to enrich on-going efforts to
revitalize the UN peace agenda.
71 Social and Human Sciences
Legacies of Slavery
A resource book for managers of sites and itineraries of memory
978-92-3-100277-9 (English edition – 2018)
978-92-3-200164-1 (French edition – 2019)
Also published in Spanish
216 pp., 20 x 26 cm, paperback
Publication available on
This guide is designed
for managers of sites and
itineraries of memory
related to the slave
trade and slavery.
It comparatively analyses
experiences in the
promotion of these sites and
itineraries, and proposes
concrete orientations
for their management
and development.
72 Social and Human Sciences
Migration, Free Movement and Regional Integration
978-92-3-100258-8 (English edition – 2017)
474 pp., 15 x 24 cm, paperback
25 euros
This book addresses the issue of free movement of people
within regional spaces. This thematic focus is doubly
relevant. On the one hand, migration, as statistics confirm,
will be an ever-important parameter for development.
On the other hand, the worldwide policy trend of regional
integration closely related to the economic liberalization
and the formation of enlarged, integrated markets at the
regional level is operating as an additional stimulus for human
mobility and thus entails a need for further regulation.
73 Social and Human Sciences
Writing Peace
UNESCO Publishing
978-92-3-100260-1 (English edition – 2017)
UNESCO Publishing/Michel Lafon
978-92-3-200128-3 (French edition – 2017)
Also published in Arabic, Portuguese and Spanish
68 pp., 20 x 20 cm, paperback
14.95 euros
What is the word for ‘peace’ in Thai or in Arabic? In Hausa or in Maori? And
how is it written? The answers to these questions confront us to the specific
languages we have learned or will be able to learn – and which help build
our own identity – just as much as to those languages we have no access to.
Writing Peace aims at encouraging readers
from 11 years old to learn about the diversity
of our writing systems through practical
exercises. This is one of the many actions
undertaken by UNESCO to promote tolerance
and the rapprochement of cultures.
74 Social and Human Sciences
Global Bioethics: What for?
Twentieth anniversary of UNESCO’s Bioethics Programme
978-92-3-100061-4 (English edition – 2015)
978-92-3-200048-4 (French edition – 2015)
Also published in Spanish
152 pp., 14 x 24 cm, paperback
22 euros
Within the framework of the
20th anniversary of UNESCO’s
Bioethics programme, this book
aims at presenting the salient
achievements of bioethics at
UNESCO as well as discussing
the most urgent challenges that
could be addressed in the future.
This publication presents critical
and creative ideas for UNESCO’s
work in this field written by 30
international experts as a first
step in launching a discussion
around future actions and
in view of informing a new
programme rationale to be
developed in the coming years.
75 Social and Human Sciences
The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture
6 volumes
17 x 24.5 cm, hardback
the 45.70 euros each
different This series on the manifold facets of Islamic culture is intended to acquaint
aspects a very wide public with the theological bases of its faith; the status of
of islamic the individual and of society in the Islamic world; its expansion since the
culture Revelation; its cultural manifestations in literature and the arts; and finally,
Islam today between loyalty to its past and the new challenges of modernity.
volume one
Also available:
The Foundations • Volume I: The Foundations of Islam 978-92-3-104258-4 (English ed. – 2016)
Is lam • Volume II: The Individual and Society in Islam
978-92-3-102742-0 (English ed. – 1998) Also available in French and Arabic
Zafar Ishaq Ansari and • Volume III: The Spread of Islam throughout the World
Isma‘il Ibrahim Nawwab
978-92-3-104153-2 (English ed. – 2011)
• Volume IV: Science and Technology in Islam
Part I: The Exact and Natural Sciences 978-92-3-103830-3 (English ed. – 2002)
Part II: Technology and Applied Sciences 978-92-3-103831-0 (English ed. – 2002)
• Volume V: Culture and Learning in Islam 978-92-3-103909-6 (English ed. – 2003)
• Volume VI: Islam in the World Today
Part I: Retrospective of the Evolution of Islam and Muslim world
978-92-3-100132-1 (English ed. – 2016)
Part II: Islam and the Muslim World Today 978-92-3-100133-8 (English ed. – 2016)
UNESCO Publishing
76 Social and Human Sciences
Our Natural World Heritage
50 of the most beautiful and biodiverse places
UNESCO Publishing/Timber Press/Hachette Book Group
978-1-6432-6105-8 (English edition – 2023)
444 pp, 21.5 x 29 cm, hardback
49.95 euros
This lush, photo-driven guide introduces 50 of the most magnificently
biodiverse places around the world, revealing not only their physical
beauty but also celebrating the flora and fauna that make them unique.
Over 900 color images and evocative, accessible text
reveal the outstanding universal value of each site,
through an exploration of its natural history. This is awe-
inspiring natural beauty that belongs to us all.
77 Culture
World Heritage Glaciers
Sentinels of climate change
UNESCO Publishing/IUCN
978-92-3-100557-2 (English edition – 2022)
34 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Projections indicate that glaciers in one-third of World Heritage
glacierized sites will disappear by 2050 regardless of the applied
climate scenario and glaciers in around half of all sites could almost
entirely disappear by 2100 in a business-as-usual emissions scenario.
If emissions are drastically cut to limit global warming to
1.5°C, glaciers in two-thirds of the sites could be saved. At
site level, adaptative measures need to be strengthened to
respond to inevitable glacier changes in the near future.
78 Culture
World Heritage Forests
Carbon sinks under pressure
978-92-3-100480-3 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200270-9 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
36 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
World Heritage forests, with a combined area of 69 million hectares,
are some of the most biodiversity-rich habitats on Earth and play a
crucial role in climate regulation. However, these forests are under
increasing anthropogenic pressures, including climate change.
By combining remote sensing data
with site-level monitoring, this report
has quantified the climate benefits
of World Heritage forests for the
first time, assessed the impacts on
carbon of common threats to World
Heritage forests and identified
sites that are net carbon sources.
79 Culture
From Angola to Zimbabwe
Remarkable heritage of Southern Africa
UNESCO Publishing/African World Heritage Fund
978-92-3-100561-9 (English edition – 2022)
164 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Southern Africa is home to a remarkable set
of cultural and natural heritage sites and
living heritage elements, which have been
inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage
and Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.
World Heritage in the region plays an essential
role in the lives of the communities who live
in and around these sites, as they constitute
a source of pride and knowledge, a powerful
driver of local economic development,
and a vital resource for reconciliation
and sustainable peace. In the same vein,
living heritage provides communities
with a sense of identity and nourishes
cultural diversity and human creativity.
80 Culture
Defending Creative Voices
Artists in emergencies: Learning from the saftey of journalists
978-92-3-100588-6 (English edition – 2023)
978-92-3-200287-7 (French edition – 2023)
124 pp., 21.5 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Artists and cultural professionals often come across significant
challenges to their freedom of expression, including violence and
harassment – online and offline – legal persecution, detention,
imprisonment and, in the worst of cases, murder.
This study aims to strengthen the protection
of artists and cultural professionals during
emergencies by drawing lessons from the
experience, challenges, and achievements
in the field of journalists’ safety.
81 Culture
Incredible Treasures
UNESCO World Heritage sites of India
UNESCO Publishing/Mapin Publishing
978-92-3-100440-7 (UNESCO, English edition – 2021)
978-93-85360-71-8 (Maping, English edition – 2021)
240 pp., 25.4 x 30.5 cm, hardback – 49.90 euros
Éditions de La Martinière/UNESCO
ISBN La Martinière 978-2-7324-9923-9 (French edition – 2022)
ISBN UNESCO 978-92-3-200248-8 (French edition – 2022)
240 pp, 23 x 28,5 cm, relié – 39,90 euros
This publication presents altogether
for the first time, with informative,
accessible commentary and stunning
photographs, 38 World Heritage Sites
in India listed by UNESCO. This book
contributes to a cohesive historical
narrative of India’s extremely diverse
archaeological and architectural
spectrum, as well as of its natural sites.
82 Culture
Re | Shaping Policies for Creativity
Addressing culture as a global public good
978-92-3-100503-9 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200250-1 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Korean and Spanish
332 pp., 21.5 x 28 cm, paperback
55 euros
This report series monitors the
implementation of the 2005
Convention on the Protection
and Promotion of the Diversity
of Cultural Expressions, as well
as progress towards achieving
the United Nations 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development
within the cultural and creative
sectors. Its 2022 edition explores
the current state of the cultural
and creative sectors, and the
policy changes needed to promote
equitable access to cultural
opportunities and resources.
83 Culture
Culture in Times of COVID-19
Resilience, recovery and revival
978-92-3-100526-8 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200269-3 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Arabic and Spanish
78 pp., 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The culture sector experienced
significant decline during the
COVID-19 pandemic, with
approximately 10 million jobs
lost in 2020 alone and estimated
revenue losses amounting to 20
to 40 per cent. This publication
offers key insights on trends and
structural transformations that
can boost the culture sector as a
cornerstone of an economy built
on sustainability and well-being.
The culture sector is at a
critical turning point, which
offers significant opportunity to
reframe it as a strategic driver
of sustainable development.
Momentum should not be lost.
84 Culture
Qhapaq Ñan Andean Road System
New steps towards its sustainable conservation
978-92-3-100479-7 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-300166-4 (Spanish edition – 2022)
78 pp., 29.7 x 21 cm, hardback
Publication available on
The Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road System was inscribed on the
UNESCO World Heritage List in 2014. It is an outstanding example
of international cooperation and the fruit of ongoing efforts by the
six countries involved in its protection: Argentina, the Plurinational
State of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
This vast and complex road system
of more than 6,000 km reached
its peak in the Inca period. It
covers a large part of the Andean
region comprising hundreds of
archaeological sites and associated
communities along its route, thus
reinforcing the cultural identity of
local communities, transcending
national borders and contributing to
a significant heritage to humanity.
85 Culture
The African Film Industry
Trends, challenges and opportunities for growth
978-92-3-100470-4 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200239-6 (French edition – 2021)
78 pp., 21.5 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Creative talents are
abundant in Africa, but
do they have means to
produce and disseminate
their films? Do people
in Africa have means to
watch locally produced
films along with films
from other countries?
This UNESCO publication
on the African film
industry gives a snapshot
of the tendencies of
the Pan African film
sector, challenges and
opportunities for growth.
86 Culture
Managing Transnational World Heritage Sites in Africa
UNESCO Publishing/Springer
ISBN Springer 978-3-030-80909-6 (English edition – 2022)
202 pp, 26.5 x 21.6 cm, hardback
51.99 euros
Transnational UNESCO World Heritage sites are the ultimate
manifestation of international cooperation – an enriching
experience of interculturalism and dialogue between peoples.
For the first time, this publication presents the most up to date
and comprehensive work concerning Transnational UNESCO
World Heritage sites in Africa, reflecting the interdisciplinary
and forward-looking approaches that have dominated research
and conservation methodologies in recent decades.
The diverse articles and case studies shine a light on how
transnational management of properties in Africa provides
a crosscutting and sustainable response to contemporary
issues related to heritage and the associated communities.
It also explores the variety of challenges and opportunities
related to the management of these sites and highlights
best practices that have been implemented.
87 Culture
African World Heritage: A Remarkable Diversity
Coming soon
UNESCO Publishing/Editora Brasileira de Arte e Cultura
978-3-030-80909-6 (Multilingual edition – 2022)
220 pp, 24 x 28 cm, hardback
26 euros
From vast deserts and forests with a variety of rare wildlife, to traces
of past civilizations demonstrating human evolution and mastery of
difficult terrain, the African continent is a rich depository of natural
and cultural history. The extent of its diversity reminds us of our
common responsibility for its safeguarding for present and future
generations. This publication provides the latest overview of the
139 African heritage properties inscribed on the World Heritage List.
88 Culture
Cities, Culture, Creativity
Leveraging culture and creativity for sustainable urban development
and inclusive growth
978-92-3-100452-0 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200237-2 (French edition – 2021)
112 pp., 21.5 x 29.7 cm, paperback
Also published in Chinese and Thai
Publication available on
Culture and creativity have untapped potential to deliver social, economic,
and spatial benefits for cities and communities. As hubs of the creative
economy, cities have a critical role to
play in harnessing the transformative
potential of cultural and creative
industries through policies and enabling
environments at the local level.
Drawing from global studies and
the experiences of nine diverse cities
from across the world, this publication
provides guiding principles and a ‘Cities,
Culture, and Creativity’ (CCC) Framework,
developed by UNESCO and the World
Bank, to support cities in unlocking the
power of cultural and creative industries
for sustainable urban development, city
competitiveness, and social inclusion.
89 Culture
Gender & Creativity
Progress on the precipice
978-92-3-100444-5 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200226-6 (French edition – 2021)
Also published in Spanish
56 pp., 21.5 x 28 cm, paperback
Publication available on
This special edition of the Global Report series that monitors the implementation
of the UNESCO’s 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of
the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, focuses on one of the Convention’s
overarching goals: the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
In this framework, this special edition
address in particular the promotion of
gender equality in the culture and creative
sectors, understood as a prerequisite
for the protection and promotion of
the diversity of cultural expressions.
90 Culture
The Future of the Bamiyan Buddha Statues
Heritage reconstruction in theory and practice
UNESCO Publishing/Springer
978-92-3-100419-3 (English edition – 2020)
240 pp., 25.4 x 30.5 cm, hardback
49.99 euros
The publication, structured around seven themes, is combining the latest
thinking on heritage reconstruction ethics, with the practical realities of
implementing such decisions in a post-conflict setting, as well as technical
proposals of the future treatment of the Bamiyan Buddha statues.
The publication helps to draw attention to the conservation work
undertaken in Afghanistan and create a well-documented precedent
for potential decisions taken elsewhere in the world for cultural
properties similarly impacted by acts of violence and destruction.
91 Culture
Culture | 2030 indicators
978-92-3-100355-4 (English edition – 2020)
978-92-3-200207-5 (French edition – 2020)
Also published in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and Thai
110 pp, 21 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The Culture|2030 Indicators is a
framework of thematic indicators
whose purpose is to measure
and monitor the progress of
culture’s enabling contribution
to the national and local
implementation of the Goals and
Targets of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development (SDGs).
The methodology is developed
to assist countries and cities
with very different capacities
regarding the collection of data
and cultural statistics. The
evidence gathered will inform
policies and decisions as well
as operational actions enabling
greater investments in culture as
a sector of activity and a greater
recognition of its transversal
role across other sectors.
92 Culture
Freedom & Creativity
Defending art, defending diversity, special edition
978-92-3-100379-0 (English edition – 2020)
978-92-3-200201-3 (French edition – 2020)
Also published in Spanish and Thai
43 pp, 21.5 x 28, PDF
Publication available on
In anticipation of the third
edition of Re| Shaping
Cultural Policies, this
special edition monitors
the implementation of the
2005 Convention on the
Protection and Promotion
of the Diversity of Cultural
Expressions, focuses on
one of the Convention’s
overarching goals: the
promotion of human
rights and fundamental
freedoms and, in particular,
artistic freedom.
93 Culture
Fighting the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property
A toolkit for European judiciary and law enforcement
978-92-3-100289-2 (English edition – 2018)
978-92-3-200171-9 (French edition – 2019)
Also published in Arabic, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Ukrainian
120 pp, 18 x 24 cm, paperback
Publication available on
UNESCO and the European Union have cooperated in preparing this
publication dedicated to the fight against the illicit trafficking of cultural
property, an endemic phenomenon
that involves organized criminal
activity and contributes to the
financing of terrorism.
This toolkit aims to enable them
to acquire and strengthen their
knowledge of the legal framework,
and offers a set of practical tools
to combat illicit trafficking.
With numerous case studies to enable a
concrete understanding of international
principles, this handbook aims to
provide a range of answers to support
practitioners fighting against the
illegal trafficking of cultural property.
94 Culture
Culture in City Reconstruction and Recovery
UNESCO Publishing/IBRD/The World Bank
978-92-3-100288-5 (English edition – 2018)
978-92-3-200161-0 (French edition – 2018)
64 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Today more than ever, our future is being shaped by challenges
that can only be resolved through cross-national and
multidisciplinary efforts. Key issues such as poverty, inequality
and environmental degradation are particularly aggravated
by the rapid rise in the world’s urban population, which is set
to increase by an estimated 2.5 billion people by 2050.
Building on the combined
experience of the World Bank
and UNESCO, the Culture
in City Reconstruction and
Recovery (CURE) Position
Paper provides a roadmap for
a more effective response to
post-conflict, post‑disaster
and urban crisis situations that
accounts for the needs, values
and priorities of people.
95 Culture
The World’s Heritage
The definitive guide to all 1073 World Heritage sites
UNESCO Publishing/Collins
World Heritage series
978-92-3-100250-2 (English edition – 2017)
960 pp., 16 x 21 cm, paperback
30 euros
Bestselling guide to all 1,073 UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Fully updated to include the latest sites added to
the World Heritage List in July 2017.
The List is managed by the World Heritage Committee and
each site is judged under strict criteria – only the world’s most
spectacular and extraordinary sites make it on to the List.
96 Culture
UNESCO World Heritage Atlas
UNESCO Publishing/Éditions ATLAS/Geo4map
978-92-3-104239-3 (English edition – 2012)
978-92-3-200073-6 (French edition – 2012)
Also published in Spanish
280 pp., 28.5 x 37.5 cm, hardback
45 euros
UNESCO and Editions
Atlas present the second
and updated edition
of the unique UNESCO
World Heritage Atlas. This
exceptional publication
locates 1,031 sites
inscribed on the World
Heritage list across the
globe. This edition is
enriched with a 48-page
picture gallery with
striking large-format
images of a selection of
World Heritage sites.
97 Culture
Protection of Cultural Property
Military manual
978-92-3-100184-0 (English edition – 2016)
978-92-3-200138-2 (French edition – 2017)
Also published in Arabic, Azerbaijani, Greek, Mongolian, Polish,
Romanian, Russian and Spanish
92 pp., 16.5 x 24 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Recent conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Mali, along with a range
of ongoing military occupations, have once again stressed the urgent need
to translate into practice the rules of
international law for the protection of
cultural property in armed conflict.
This manual serves as a practical
guide for the implementation by
military forces of these rules. It
combines a military-focused account
of the international legal obligations
of states and individuals with
suggestions of best practices at the
different levels of command, as well as
during the different phases of military
operations by land, sea and air.
98 Culture
Najaf: Portrait of a Holy City
UNESCO Publishing/Ithaca Press
978-92-3-100122-2 (English edition – 2015)
UNESCO Publishing/Al-Warrak
978-92-3-600037-4 (Arabic edition – 2017)
428 pp., 16.6 x 24.4 cm, hardback
70 euros
This book examines the
historical and social aspects
of one of Iraq’s most
important cities, a centre
of religious learning and
devotion for the Shi’i world
since medieval times.
Thirteen original contributions
by leading Iraqi and
international scholars present
several key perspectives on
the history and development
of the city, its global spiritual
and educational prominence,
and its modern role as an
economic and political centre.
99 Culture
Najaf: The Gate of Wisdom
History, heritage and significance of the holy city of the Shi’a
978-92-3-100028-7 (English edition – 2014)
978-92-3-600028-2 (Arabic edition – 2014)
200 pp., 24.5 x 32.5 cm, hardcover
55 euros
Najaf: The Gate of Wisdom is an introduction to one of the world’s
most sacred cities, illustrated with over 120 photographs and
written by authors with first-hand experience of the city. The resting
place of Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib – considered by Shi’i Islam the
rightful successor to the Prophet Muhammed – Najaf is endowed
with a unique spiritual significance for millions of Muslims.
This book traces the city’s history
to the present day by surveying
its urban form and major religious
monuments, providing insight into Shi’i
rituals, pilgrimages and funerals in
the cemetery of Wadi al-Salam, and
offering vivid portraits of its people.
100 Culture
Global Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agents
Freedom of expression, access to Information and safety of journalists
978-92-3-100559-6 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200286-0 (French edition – 2023)
Also published in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese
224 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
This Toolkit provides a comprehensive
framework to strengthen the
knowledge and capacities of law
enforcement agents and trainers
of police training academies, on
freedom of expression, access to
information and safety of journalists.
It covers the international legal
standards on freedom of expression
as well as its legitimate restrictions,
examples of standard operating
procedures and good practices in
improving professional relations
between law enforcement officers
and the media, and protecting
the safety of journalists.
101 Communication and Information
Missing links in AI governance
978-92-3-100579-4 (English edition – 2022)
358 pp, 20 x 25 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Over the next decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to significantly
impact societies. While these scientific and technological advances take
place at an extraordinary pace, it is necessary that we simultaneously
stimulate a global and inclusive conversation around their development and
governance. This collective work includes the perspectives of academics,
civil society representatives and innovators to help shift the conversation on
AI from what we do know and foresee to what we do not, the missing links.
102 Communication and Information
Global Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agents
Freedom of expression, access to Information and safety of journalists
978-92-3-100534-3 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200265-5 (French edition – 2023)
Also published in Spanish and Swahili
158 pp, 21 x 14.8 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The development and use of Artificial Intelligence continue to expand
opportunities for the achievement of the 17 United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). In the framework of UNESCO’s work to harness
emerging technology for sustainable development, this graphic novel for
young adults explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence on humankind.
By following characters in four different corners
of the globe as they grapple with the limits of AI
technology, a young audience jointly embarks on
a mission in an algorithmic galaxy called Plethor
A.I. There, they have but one option: travel across
this hidden world behind our screens to learn
about the social, technical, ethical and human
rights impacts of Artificial Intelligence, and
help the characters find a way back to reality.
103 Communication and Information
Reporting on Artificial Intelligence
A handbook for journalism educators
978-92-3-100592-3 (English edition – 2023)
136 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The rise and control of artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting society
as a whole. It follows that AI coverage must inform audiences about
the implication of the technology itself, beyond journalism.
While many AI deployments serve public interest, journalists
also need insight and expertise to alert about aspects like
exclusions, unequal benefits, and violations of human rights.
104 Communication and Information
Teaching Journalism Online
A Handbook for Journalism Educators
978-92-3-100591-6 (English edition – 2023)
118 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
How should instructors convey knowledge and teach skills in online
course delivery formats, and in an informative and engaging way?
This manual offers journalism instructors key resources to improve
their teaching in digital spaces. It draws from lessons during the
pandemic, compiled by almost 20 practitioners. Their enduring
insights support the historical trend towards using technology to
expand opportunities for teaching and learning journalism.
105 Communication and Information
Development and Promotion of
the Right to Information in National Frameworks
Policy guidelines
978-92-3-100583-1 (English edition – 2023)
42 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Right to information (RTI) constitutes a paramount pillar and
an imperative requirement for human development considering
the emergence of knowledge societies, where more and more
information is being produced, particularly by public bodies.
While exercising their activities, governmental bodies produce, receive
and hold Public Sector Information and Data (PSID). Put at the heart of the
right to information, PSID disclosure and dissemination, can constitute
a real catalyst for good governance practices implementation, but also
a prerequisite to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
106 Communication and Information
Social Media 4 Peace
Local lessons for global practices
978-92-3-100610-4 (English edition – 2023)
74 pp, 21 x 28 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Harmful content, particularly hate speech and disinformation, has
become pervasive in the digital realm, profoundly impacting people's
lives beyond virtual interactions. It seeps into the real world, affecting
human rights, social cohesion, democracies, and peace.
This publication overviews research conducted under the project
focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kenya, and Indonesia. It aims to
inform global discussions on countering harmful content, especially in
conflict-prone environments, by delving into the complexities of these
countries' political, cultural, linguistic, and societal contexts.
107 Communication and Information
World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development
Global Report 2021/2022 – Journalism is a public good
978-92-3-100509-1 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200262-4 (French edition – 2022)
160 pp, 21.5 x 28 cm, paperback
55 euros
Over the past five years,
approximately 85% of
the world’s population
experienced a decline in press
freedom in their country.
Financial and technological
transformations have forced
news outlets, especially those
serving local communities,
to close. The subsequent
COVID-19 pandemic and
its global economic impact
have exacerbated this
trend, now threatening to
create an ‘extinction level’
event for independent
journalism outlets.
108 Communication and Information
Elections in Digital Times
A guide for electoral practitioners
978-92-3-100530-5 (English edition – 2022)
146 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
The development of digital technologies has created
new opportunities for communication between citizens,
politicians, and political parties – with information related to
elections made easily and speedily available to citizens.
However, this new digital environment is also synonym
of a rise in disinformation and misinformation which are
often circulating unhinged via Internet networks, risking
in some case to put democratic processes in danger.
109 Communication and Information
The Effects of AI on the Working Lives of Women
978-92-3-100513-8 (English edition – 2022)
82 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Globally, studies show that women in the labor force are paid
less, hold fewer senior positions and participate less in science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.
As the use and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
continues to mature, it’s time to ask: What will tomorrow’s labor
market look like for women? Are we effectively harnessing
the power of AI to narrow gender equality gaps, or are we
letting these gaps perpetuate, or even worse, widen?
110 Communication and Information
Media and the Coverage of Terrorism
Manual for trainers and journalism educators
978-92-3-100500-8 (English edition – 2022)
978-92-3-200251-8 (French edition – 2022)
106 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, PDF
Publication available on
Whereas terrorism seeks to
harness the power of media
to spread messages, accurate
reporting on terrorism and violent
extremism can disarm narratives
that may arouse hate and
create misinformation. Building
on the UNESCO publication
Terrorism and the Media: A
Handbook for Journalists (2017),
this new manual, designed
primarily for media trainers and
journalism educators, provides
real life lessons and extensive
analysis of the risks and
pitfalls in covering terrorism.
111 Communication and Information
Artificial Intelligence Needs Assessment Survey in Africa
978-92-3-100418-6 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200222-8 (French edition – 2021)
86 pp, 17 x 24.5, PDF
Publication available on
This publication showcases the results of a survey intended to
establish the priorities and capacity building needs of African
countries with respect to artificial intelligence (AI).
It aims to bridge the information
gap concerning the strategic
priorities, policy measures,
developmental challenges, human
and institutional capacity needs,
and legal frameworks concerning
AI in African countries.
112 Communication and Information
Reporting on Migrants and Refugees
Handbook for journalism educators
978-92-3-100456-8 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200271-6 (French edition – 2022)
304 pp., 21 x 29.7 cm, paperback
Also published in Arabic, Russian, Spanish and Swahili
Publication available on
This handbook enables journalism educators worldwide to
address one of the challenges of the 21st century – migration
and refugee matters. In a set of thirteen modules, journalism
educators are provided with a comprehensive curriculum.
It covers all aspects needed to train analysis, research,
presentation, marketing, and ethics of migration coverage.
The handbook is unique as it comprises
results of communication studies as
well as political and social sciences.
113 Communication and Information
Reporting on Violence against Women and Girls
A handbook for journalists
978-92-3-100349-3 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200189-4 (French edition – 2021)
Also published in Arabic, Burmese, Chinese,
Kyrgyz, Russian and Spanish
152 pp, 14.8 x 21, paperback
Publication available on
This handbook aims to support
media professionals in their
coverage of the various types
of violence against girls and
women. It provides advice,
benchmarks and resources to
help journalists and reporters
ensure quality media coverage
that is accurate, regular, engaged
and respectful of the fundamental
principles of the profession.
114 Communication and Information
Global Toolkit for Judicial Actors
International legal standards on freedom of expression, access to information
and safety of journalists
978-92-3-100466-7 (English edition – 2021)
978-92-3-200256-3 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese,
ussian, Spanish and Uzbek
210 pp, 21 x 29.7, paperback
Publication available on
This toolkit was developed to foster a thorough theoretical and
practical understanding of the main issues and challenges linked to
promoting and protecting freedom
of expression and related issues.
Through five comprehensive modules,
this toolkit aims to reinforce the practical
application of universal standards on
human rights, by notably bringing in
approaches of regional human rights
courts as well as perspectives from
national legal systems. It incorporates
examples and debates originating in
different legal traditions, including the
common law and civil law systems, to
provide a global framework for judges
and judicial actors around the world.
115 Communication and Information
World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development
In Focus Series Available on
116 Communication and Information
UNESCO series of Internet Universality National Assessments
Available on
This Series aims to present a comprehensive and substantive understanding of the national Internet environment and policies;
Assess their alignment to UNESCO’s R.O.A.M. principles and their contribution to sustainable development; and develop policy
recommendations and practical initiatives that will enable the country to improve theirInternet ecosystem as advanced ICTs evolve.
978-92-3-100469-8 978-92-3-100366-0
(English edition – 2021) (English edition – 2020)
Also published Also published
in German in Portuguese
196 pp., 17 x 24 cm, PDF 196 pp., 17 x 24 cm, PDF
117 Communication and Information
UNESCO series of Internet Universality National Assessments
Available on
This Series aims to present a comprehensive and substantive understanding of the national Internet environment and policies;
Assess their alignment to UNESCO’s R.O.A.M. principles and their contribution to sustainable development; and develop policy
recommendations and practical initiatives that will enable the country to improve theirInternet ecosystem as advanced ICTs evolve.
Assessing Internet Évaluation du développement Évaluation du développement
Development in Kenya de l’Internet au Sénégal de l’Internet au Bénin
Using UNESCO’s Internet Utilisation des indicateurs ROAM-X de Utilisation des indicateurs ROAM-X de
Universality ROAM-X indicators l’universalité de l’Internet de l’UNESCO l’universalité de l’Internet de l’UNESCO
118 Communication and Information
UNESCO’s Internet Universality Indicators
A framework for assessing Internet development
978-92-3-100314-1 (English edition – 2019)
978-92-3-200176-4 (French edition – 2019)
Also published in Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Mongolian,
Russian and Spanish
198 pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, paperback
Publication available on
Have you ever wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the
complexities of the digital environment? To have a map of the
Internet measuring its compliance with human rights, evaluating
its openness and accessibility, and assessing the involvement
of different actors and communities in its governance?
UNESCO’s Internet Universality indicators
aim to assess levels of achievement,
in individual countries, of the four
fundamental ROAM principles included
in the concept of ‘Internet Universality’
which supports an Internet that is based
on human Rights (R), that is Open (O),
Accessible to all (A) and nurtured by
Multistakeholder participation (M).
119 Communication and Information
UNESCO series on Internet Freedom Available on
This series of publications aims to explore the changing legal and policy issues of Internet and provide its Member States and
other stakeholders with policy recommendations aiming to foster a conducive environment to freedom of expression on the net.
The series seeks to capture the complex dynamics of global Internet governance and present the key outcomes of
edge-cutting studies conducted by leading experts in a wide range of crucial issues ranging from online freedom
of expression, privacy, safety, hate speech to intermediaries liability and Internet governance principles.
Steering AI and Survey on Privacy in Media
Advanced ICTs for What if we all and Information Literacy Protecting Journalism
Knowledge Societies governed the Internet? with Youth Perspectives Sources in the Digital Age
120 Communication and Information
Privacy, free expression Human rights Principles for
and transparency and encryption governing the Internet
121 Communication and Information
Assessment of Media Development
Based on UNESCO’s Media Development Indicators Available on
In accordance with its standard-setting role, the UNESCO's International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) has developed
a comprehensive set of Media Development Indicators (MDIs) aimed at enabling the assessment of media landscapes at national level.
These indicators, that cover all aspects of media development, are currently being applied in various countries worldwide to identify their
specific needs in view of guiding the formulation of media-related policies and improving the targeting of media development efforts.
122 Communication and Information
In Kenya In Malawi In Sudan In Bosnia and Herzegovina
978-92-3-100560-2 978-92-3-100566-4 978-92-3-100569-5 978-92-3-100342-4
(English edition – 2022) (English edition – 2022) (English edition – 2022) (English edition – 2019)
104 pp., 15 x 21 cm, PDF 158 pp., 15 x 21 cm, PDF 106 pp., 15 x 21 cm, PDF 140 pp., 15 x 21 cm, PDF
123 Communication and Information
Supporting Safety of Journalists
Based on UNESCO’s Journalists’ Safety Indicators Available on
To be meaningful, press freedom requires that journalists do not fear attack for doing their work. Threats to the safety of those doing journalism
amount to censorship by intimidation and force. The results are widespread self-censorship and a public that is deprived of the right to know.
In this context, the Journalists’ Safety Indicators have been developed, under the auspices of UNESCO’s International
Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC). They extend the broader Media Development
Indicators (MDIs), and provide a baseline against which changes in safety can be measured over time.
Supporting Supporting
Safety of Safety of
Journalists Journalists in
in Kenya Nepal
978-92-3-100153-6 978-92-3-100166-6
(English edition – 2016) (English edition – 2016)
102 pp, 15 x 21 cm, 116 pp, 15 x 21 cm,
124 Communication and Information
Supporting Supporting
Safety of Safety of
Journalists Journalists in
in Afghanistan Iraq
978-92-3-100361-5 978-92-3-100362-2
(English edition – 2019) (English edition – 2019)
130 pp, 15 x 21 cm, 72 pp, 15 x 21 cm,
125 Communication and Information
Taiñ zoy küme chegeal/Lo que nos hace humanos
UNESCO Publishing/Planeta Sostenible
978-956-6154-40-2 (Bilingual edition: Mapudungun/Spanish – 2023)
42 pp, 21 x 28 cm, paperback
13 euros
This beautiful and inspiring picture book is a poetic riddle
about language, history and culture. It is co-published in
several editions by UNESCO and exquisite children’s books
publishers from around the world, in honor of the International
Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022–2032).
This title was selected in 2022 by the specialized jury of
The Unpublished Picture Book Showcase by dPICTUS and
for the 2023 Bologna Children’s Book Fair exhibition “Beauty
and the World: The New Nonfiction Picture Book”.
126 Children’s Books
Bintou & Issa on the Island of Gorée
UNESCO Publishing/Languages du Sud
978-92-3-100578-7 (English edition – 2023)
978-92-3-200263-1 (French edition – 2022)
Also published in Spanish
40 pp, 20 x 20 cm, paperback
6.5 euros
In this first title of the Bintou & Issa picture book series,
the twins, their grandparents and closest friends visit the
Island of Gorée off the coast of Senegal, opposite Dakar.
Developed within the framework of UNESCO’s Routes of Enslaved
Peoples project, this series is designed to raise awareness
among young readers (5-9), in an entertaining
and accessible way, about the history of
slavery and its contemporary consequences.
127 Children’s Books
Saving our World Heritage
UNESCO Publishing/Hachette UK
ISBN Hachette UK 978-1-4451-6743-5 (english edition – 2022)
ISBN UNESCO 978-92-3-100498-8 (english edition – 2022)
64 pp, 26.5 x 21.6 cm, hardback
19.55 euros
Our world is full of wonders. From historic cities, castles and
cathedrals to magnificent mountains, rainforests and oceans,
the world’s greatest treasures belong to all humankind. But our
heritage is constantly under threat – from natural disasters, wars,
climate change, construction, pollution and mass tourism. In this
book, we visit over 70 World Heritage Sites in 52 countries. We
find out how communities and governments are working to save
this extraordinary inheritance, and we meet the people involved.
128 Children’s Books
UNESCO Series on Women in African History
UNESCO Publishing/Collins This series highlights the legacy of a selection of inspiring African women who have distinguished
13 x 20 cm, paperback themselves in the history of their continent in areas as diverse as politics, diplomacy and
11 euros resistance against colonization, the defence of women’s rights and environmental protection.
129 Children’s Books
The full catalogue,
backlist included, is available on
UNESCO publications website
Titles ISBN € Also published in
The World in 2030a 978-92-3-100439-1
Priority Africa
Titles ISBN € Also published in
UNESCO and Gender Equality in Sub-Saharan Africa 978-92-3-100234-2 French
ISBN € Also published in
2nd global report on adult learning and education: rethinking literacy 978-92-820-1179-9 20 French & Spanish
Achieving transparency in pro-poor education incentives 978-92-803-1371-0 15
Action Research to Improve Youth and Adult Literacy 978-92-820-1192-8 French
Addressing anti-Semitism through Education 978-92-3-100231-1 French & Spanish
Addressing Anti-Semitism through Education – Guidelines for policymakers 978-92-3-100274-8 Arabic, Bulgarian,
French, German,
Polish, Russian,
Spanish & Turkish
Beijing+25 978-92-3-100410-0 French
132 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Bologna Process: Its impact in Europe and beyond (the) 978-92-803-1368-0 15 French
Challenging HIV and AIDS. A New Role for Caribbean Education 978-92-3-104151-8 24
Charting the Course of Education and HIV 978-92-3-001226-7 22 French &
Confronting the Shadow Education System. What 978-92-803-1333-8 20 Arabic, Chinese
government policies for what private tutoring? & French
Cracking the code – Girls’ and Women’s Education in Science, 978-92-3-100233-5 French, Portuguese
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) & Spanish
Des évaluations simples, rapides et abordables : Améliorer 978-92-803-2361-0 10 English
l’apprentissage dans les pays en développement
Developing Countries in the E-learning Era 978-92-803-1364-2 15 French
Directions in Educational Planning. International experiences and perspectives 978-92-803-1360-4 12
Double-shift Schooling: Design and Operation for Cost-effectiveness 978-92-803-1315-4 15 French
Écoles internationales : développement et influence 978-92-803-2320-7 15 English
Educational Access, Equity and Development – Planning to make rights realities 978-92-803-1384-0 15 French
Éducation et emploi dans les pays de l’OCDE 978-92-803-2312-2 15 English
Education for All Global Monitoring Report – 2013–2014. 978-92-3-104255-3 24 Arabic, Chinese,
Teaching and Learning Achieving quality for all French & Spanish
Effective Literacy Programmes: Options for Policy-makers 978-92-803-1318-5 15 French
133 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Empowering Students for Just Societies 978-92-3-100335-6 Arabic, Chinese,
A handbook for primary school teachers French, Portuguese,
Russian and
Empowering Students for Just Societies 978-92-3-100340-0 Arabic, Chinese,
A handbook for secondary school teachers French, Portuguese,
Russian and
Financing Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Meeting the 978-92-9189-079-2 18 French
Challenges of Expansion, Equity and Quality
Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All – Findings 978-92-9189-161-0 25
from the global initiative on out-of-school children
Fondements et philosophie de l'éducation des adultes en Afrique 978-92-820-2111-8 15 English
From Schooling to Learning: A Report from the 978-92-803-1375-8 7
International Working Group on Education
Funding Skills Development: The private sector contribution 978-92-3-100269-4
Global Education Monitoring Report 2016 978-92-3-100167-3 55 Arabic, French,
Education for people and planet: creating sustainable futures for all Russian & Spanish
Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/8 978-92-3-100239-7 55 Arabic, Chinese,
Accountability in education: meeting our commitments French & Spanish
Global Education Monitoring Report 2019 978-92-3-100283-0 55 Arabic, Chinese,
Migration, displacement and education: Building bridges, not walls French, Russian
& Spanish
134 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Global Education Monitoring Report 2019 – Gender Report 978-92-3-100329-5 55 Arabic, French
Building bridges for gender equality & Spanish
Global Guidance on Addressing School-Related Gender-Based Violence 978-92-3-100191-8 French & Spanish
Global Education Monitoring Report 2020 – Inclusion and education: all means all 978-92-3-100388-2 55 Arabic, French
& Spanish
Guidelines on the Development of Open Educational Resources Policies 978-92-3-100341-7 French
Higher education in Asia: expanding out, expanding up the 978-92-9189-147-4 25
rise of graduate education and university research
Holocaust Education in a Global Context 978-92-3-100042-3 20
Inclusion from the Start: Guidelines on Inclusive early 978-92-3-100016-4 10
childhood care and education for Roma children
The International Status of Education about the Holocaust – 978-92-3-100033-1 25
A global mapping of textbooks and curricula
International technical Guidance on Sexuality Education 978-92-3-100259-5 Burmese,
An evidence-informed approach Chinese, French,
(Revised edition 2017) Hindi, Japanese,
Portuguese, Russian,
Spanish, Thai &
Issues and Trends in Education for Sustainable Development 978-92-3-100244-1 26 French
Investing against Evidence – The global state of early childhood care and education 978-92-3-100113-0 24 French
Jalons pour une alphabétisation au service du développement durable 978-92-820-2097-5 25 English & Spanish
135 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Journeys to School 978-92-3-001140-6 29 French
L’éducation des élèves à haut potentiel 978-92-3-203972-9 12 English
L’éducation pour l’inclusion : de la recherche aux réalisations pratiques 978-92-3-204161-6 19
Learning Knowledge and Skills for Agriculture to Improve Rural Livelihoods 978-92-3-100169-7
A Lifeline to Learning: Leveraging technology to support education for refugees 978-92-3-100262-5
Linking recognition practices and national qualifications frameworks 978-92-820-1176-8 20
Literacy for All: Making a Difference 978-92-803-1313-0 15 French
Management of Adult Education Organisations in Africa 978-1-86891-848-5 25
Methods of Grouping Learners at School 978-92-803-1349-9 15 French
Mobile Phones & Literacy – Empowerment in women’s hands 978-92-3-100123-9 20
Open Educational Resources. Conversations in Cyberspace 978-92-3-104085-6 12 Chinese
Pathways of Progression: Linking technical and vocational 978-92-3-100290-8
education and training with post-secondary education
Planning for Cultural Diversity 978-92-803-1311-6 15 French
Planning for Technical and Vocational Skills Development 978-92-803-1352-9 15 French
Preventing Violent Extremism Through Education 978-92-3-100215-1 Arabic, French,
A Guide for Policy-Makers Italian and Slovene
Promise of Large-Scale Learning Assessments (the) 978-92-3-100333-2 French
Promoting Quality in TVET Using Technology – A practical guide 978-92-3-100402-5
Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education – Uses and misuses 978-92-3-001156-7 25 French
Reading in the Mobile Era: A study of mobile reading in developing countries 978-92-3-100023-2 20 Spanish
136 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Reading the Past, Writing the Future 978-92-3-100214-4 French
Recueil de données mondiales sur l'éducation 2010: statistiques 978-92-9189-089-7 25 Arabic, English
comparées sur l'éducation dans le monde & Spanish
School Violence and Bullying 978-92-3-100197-0 Chinese, French
& Spanish
Socio-psychologie de l'éducation des adultes en Afrique 978-92-803-2110-4 15 English
Smaller, quicker, cheaper: improving learning assessments for developing countries 978-92-803-1361-1 10 French
Strengthening the Rule of Law through Education 978-92-3-100308-0 Arabic, Chinese,
French & Spanish
Teacher Policy Development Guide 978-92-3-100318-9 Arabic, French
& Spanish
Teaching and Learning Achieving quality for all 978-92-3-104255-3 24 Arabic, Chinese,
French & Spanish
Tertiary Education in Small States 978-92-803-1358-1 12
Trade in Higher Education: 978-92-803-1362-8 15 French
The Role of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
Transforming Lives through Education 978-92-3-000064-6 Bilingual edition:
Unleashing the Potential 978-92-3-100091-1 23 Portuguese
Transforming technical and vocational education and training
World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education 978-92-3-104232-4 26 French & Spanish
Youth and Skills: Putting Education to Work 978-92-3-104240-9 24 Arabic, Chinese,
French & Spanish
137 Backlist
Natural Sciences
ISBN € Also published in
Natural Sciences
A Teaching Resource Kit for Mountain Countries – A 978-92-3-104159-4 22 French & Spanish
Creative Approach to Environmental Education
Advanced Simulation and Modelling for Urban 978-92-3-104173-0 38
Groundwater Management – UGROW
The Andean Glacier and Water Atlas 978-92-3-100286-1 26 Spanish
The impact of glacier retreat on water resources
Atlas on Natural Hazards in the Arab Region 978-92-3-100454-4 Arabic & French
A Tool for socio-ecological systems resilience and adaptation
Le Changement climatique 978-92-3-203938-5 14.80 English & Spanish
Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development 978-92-3-104139-6 22 French
Scientific, social, cultural and educational challenges
El Niño: Fact and Fiction 978-92-3-103649-1 16.80 French & Spanish
Engineering: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities 978-92-3-104156-3 26 Chinese
for Development - UNESCO Report
Fishers’ Knowledge in Fisheries Science and Management 978-92-3-104029-0 30
Free Flow: Reaching Water Security through Cooperation 978-92-3-104256-0 75
Gender Indicators in Science, Engineering and Technology. An Information Toolkit 978-92-3-104038-2 20
Global Ocean Science Report: the current status of ocean science around the world 978-92-3-100226-7 55
Integrated Urban Water Management: Humid Tropics 978-92-3-104065-8 35
138 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Natural Sciences
Islands as Crossroads. Sustaining Cultural Diversity 978-92-3-104181-5 25
in Small Island Developing States
LHC: Large Hadron Collider 978-3-901753-28-2 64 Trilingual edition:
Managing Water Resources. Methods and Tools for a Systems Approach 978-92-3-104078-8 43 Chinese
Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk 978-92-3-104235-5 55 Chinese
The United Nations World Water Development Report 4
Ocean Literacy for all: A toolkit? 978-92-3-100249-6 French & Spanish
SAGA Survey of Drivers and Barriers to Careers in Science and Engineering 978-92-3-100300-4
SAGA Survey of Gender Equality in STI Policies 978-92-3-100299-1
SAGA Survey of Gender Equality in STI Policies 978-92-3-100292-2
Savoirs des femmes : médecine traditionnelle et 978-92-3-204197-5 15 English
nature. Maurice, Réunion, Rodrigues
The Changing Ocean 978-92-3-103877-8 14.80 French & Spanish
The Changing ocean: its effects on climate and living resources 978-92-3-103995-9 18 French & Spanish
United Nations World Water Development Report 2021 978-92-3-100434-6 55 French, Italian
Valuing water & Spanish
United Nations World Water Development Report 2020 978-92-3-100371-4 55 Arabic, French,
Water and Climate Change Italian & Spanish
United Nations World Water Development Report 2018 978-92-3-100264-9 55 Arabic, Chinese,
Nature-based solutions for water French & Spanish
139 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Natural Sciences
United Nations World Water Development Report 2017 978-92-3-100201-4 55 French, Spanish,
Wastewater: the untapped resource Arabic & Chinese
United Nations World Water Development Report 2016 978-92-3-100146-8 55 Chinese, French
Water and jobs & Spanish
Towards Resilient Non-Engineered Construction 978-92-3-100174-1
Urban Water Conflicts 978-92-3-104121-1 38 Chinese
Water and Peace for the People 978-92-3-104086-3 38 Arabic
Possible solutions to water disputes in the Middle East
Water, People and Cooperation – 50 years of water 978-92-3-100128-4 French & Spanish
programmes for sustainable development at UNESCO
140 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Social and Human Sciences
Éthiques de l’environnement et politique internationale 978-92-3-204039-8 22 English & Spanish
Human Rights: Questions and Answers 978-92-3-104238-6 18
Introducing Democracy: 80 Questions and Answers 978-92-3-104087-0 15
partage (le) 978-92-3-203977-4 21.50
divisions de la ville (les) 978-92-3-203852-4 38
Les mots de la stigmatisation urbaine 978-92-3-204011-4 29
Mapping out the Research: Policy Matrix 978-92-3-104176-1 19
Measuring Intercultural Dialogue: A conceptual and technical framework 978-92-3-100378-3 French
Migrating Alone. Unaccompanied and Separated Children’s Migration to Europe 978-92-3-104091-7 20
Migration and Climate Change 978-92-3-104199-0 24
Migration and human rights: 978-92-3-104090-0 28
the United Nations Convention on Migrant Workers' Rights
Migration without borders: essays on the free movement of people 978-92-3-104024-5 29 French, Russian
& Spanish
Nanotechnologies, Ethics and Politics 978-92-3-104051-1 22 French
Nommer les nouveaux territoires urbains 978-92-3-203788-6 27.40
Parler en ville, parler de la ville : essais sur les registres urbains 978-92-3-203937-8 27
Power of Empathy (the) 978-92-3-100240-3 Multilingual
edition: English/
141 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Social and Human Sciences
Power of Sport Values (the) 978-92-3-000025-7 8 Bilingual edition:
& English/
Quality Physical Education: Guidelines for policy-makers 978-92-3-100059-1 15 French & Spanish
Quand le football s’accorde au féminin (French only) 978-92-3-200179-5
Social Science and Policy Challenges: democracy, values and capacities 978-92-3-104226-3 19
UNESCO: la Déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les 978-92-3-204088-6 26 English
droits de l'homme: histoire, principes et application
World Social Science Report 2016: 978-92-3-100164-2 55 French, Spanish
Challenging inequalities: pathways to a just world & Arabic
Youth Lens on the Silk Roads – 2nd edition 978-92-3-100406-3 30
Best photos from the International Silk Roads Photo Contest
ISBN € Also published in
African World Heritage. A Remarkable Diversity 978-92-3-001103-1 30 Bilingual edition:
Amazing Africa 978-3-901753-41-1 49.90 Multilingual
edition: English/
French/ German
142 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
From Space to Place: An Image Atlas of World Heritage Sites on the ‘In Danger’ List 978-92-3-104227-0 45
Atlas historique de Kyôto: analyse spatiale des systèmes de mémoire 978-92-3-204020-6 79
d'une ville, de son architecture et de son paysage urbain
Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger 978-92-3-104096-2 28 French & Spanish
Aux sources des musiques du monde : musiques de tradition orale 978-92-3-204169-2 28
Baalbek 978-92-3-003394-1 22.70 Bilingual edition:
Brazilian Archeological Sites 978-85-63186-22-5 26 Bilingual edition:
Commentaire relatif à la Convention de l'UNESCO de 978-92-3-001238-0 20 English
1970 sur le trafic illicite des biens culturels
Culture in Crisis: Policy guide for a resilient creative sector 978-92-3-100412-4 French, Korean,
Spanish & Thai
Cultural Property in War: Improvement in Protection 978-92-3-104142-6 36 French
Déraison, esclavage et droit : les fondements idéologiques 978-92-3-203864-7 19.50
et juridiques de la traite négrière et de l'esclavage
Empowering Youth for Heritage – 10 years of the World Heritage Volunteers Initiative 978-92-3-100383-7
Endangered Heritage – Emergency evacuation of heritage collections 978-92-3-100162-8 Arabic, French,
German, Georgian,
Italian, Japanese,
Nepali, Portuguese,
Russian, Spanish,
Swedish, Turkish
& Ukrainian
143 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Five Years of Conflict: The state of cultural heritage in the ancient city of Aleppo 978-92-3-100284-7 French & Arabic
Gender Equality, Heritage and Creativity 978-92-3-100050-8 French, Spanish
& Chinese
Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development - Culture: urban future 978-92-3-100170-3 French & Spanish
L’Or et les esclaves. Histoire des forts du Ghana du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle 978-92-3-203981-1 19.80
La Société des Amis des Noirs (1788-1799). Contribution 978-92-3-203306-2 29
à l’histoire de l’abolition de l’esclavage
La traite négrière du XVe au XIXe siècle 978-92-3-201672-0 18.30
Les Codes noirs hispaniques 978-92-3-203344-4 30 Spanish
Lumbini, Birthplace of Buddha 978-92-3-100003-4 35 Multilingual edition:
Montesquieu, Rousseau, Diderot : du genre humain au bois d’ébène 978-92-3-203863-0 17.50
Noguchi in Paris: The UNESCO Garden 978-92-3-103905-8 41.50
Patrimoine mondial : Bénéfices au-delà des frontières 978-92-3-204242-2 32 English
Re | Shaping Cultural Policies – Advancing creativity for development 978-92-3-100256-4 55 French, Korean,
& Spanish
Re | Shaping Cultural Policies – A decade promoting the 978-92-3-100136-9 55 French & Spanish
diversity of cultural expressions for development
Rock Art in West Papua 978-92-3-103906-5 48.80
144 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
Silk, scents and spice: retracing the world's great trade routes; 978-92-3-103927-0 19.80 French
the Silk Road, the Spice Route, the Incense Trail
Textiles mayas. La trame d’un peuple 978-92-3-203592-9 45
The Abolitions of Slavery 978-92-3-103167-0 29 French
The Future of the World Heritage Convention for Marine Conservation – 978-92-3-100194-9 French
N° 45 – Celebrating 10 years of the World Heritage Marine Programme
The Qur’an Manuscripts in the Al-Haram Al-Sharif Islamic Museum, Jerusalem 978-92-3-103614-9 72.40 Arabic
The Restoration of Borobudur 978-92-3-103940-9 50
The Sacred Garden of Lumbini 978-92-3-001208-3 20
The World’s Heritage: A guide to all 1007 UNESCO World Heritage sites 978-92-3-100065-2 36 French
UNESCO World Heritage Atlas 978-92-3-104239-3 45 French & Spanish
Unfinished Business: A Comparative Survey of Historical and Contemporary Slavery 978-92-3-104124-2 12
Visitors Count! Guidance for protected areas on the economic analysis of visitation 978-92-3-100465-0
Voix des Andes (les) 978-92-3-204025-1 8
Witnesses to History: Documents and writings on the return of cultural objects 978-92-3-104128-0 25 English, French,
Chinese & Arabic
World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate 978-92-3-104152-9
World Heritage for Sustainable Development in Africa 978-92-3-000045-5 Bilingual edition:
World Heritage in the High Seas – N° 44 – An Idea Whose Time has Come 978-92-3-100159-8 French & Spanish
World Heritage in Europe Today 978-92-3-100143-7 French
145 Backlist
The UNESCO General and Regional Histories
ISBN € Also published in
The UNESCO General and Regional Histories
The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture
Vol. I: The Foundations of Islam (forthcoming) 978-92-3-104258-4 45.70
Vol. II: The Individual and Society in Islam 978-92-3-102742-0 45.70 French & Arabic
Vol. III: The Spread of Islam throughout the World 978-92-3-104153-2 45.70
Vol. IV: Science and Technology in Islam
Part One: The Exact and Natural Sciences 978-92-3-103830-3 45.70
Part Two: Technology and Applied Sciences 978-92-3-103831-0 45.70
Vol. V: Culture and Learning in Islam 978-92-3-103909-6 45.70
Vol. VI: Islam in the World Today (forthcoming)
Part One: Retrospective of the evolution of Islam and Muslim World 978-92-3-100132-1 45.70
Part Two: Islam and the Muslim World Today 978-92-3-100133-8 45.70
General History of Africa (Main edition)
Vol. I: Methodology and African Prehistory 978-92-3-101707-0 45.70 French, Spanish,
Arabic, Chinese
& Portuguese
Vol. II: Ancient Civilizations of Africa 978-92-3-101708-7 45.70 French, Spanish,
Arabic, Chinese
& Portuguese
146 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
The UNESCO General and Regional Histories
Vol. III: Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century 978-92-3-101709-4 45.70 French, Spanish,
Arabic &
Vol. IV: Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century 978-92-3-101710-0 45.70 French, Spanish,
Arabic, Chinese
& Portuguese
Vol. V: Africa from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century 978-92-3-101711-7 45.70 French, Arabic
& Portuguese
Vol. VI: Africa in the Nineteenth Century until the 1880s 978-92-3-101712-4 45.70 French, Arabic
& Portuguese
Vol. VII: Africa under Colonial Domination 1880-1935 978-92-3-101713-1 45.70 French, Spanish,
Arabic, Chinese
& Portuguese
Vol. VIII: Africa since 1935 978-92-3-102758-1 45.70 French, Arabic
& Portuguese
General History of Africa ( edition)
Vol. I: Methodology and African Prehistory 978-92-3-102433-7 22.10 French
Vol. II: Ancient Civilizations of Africa 978-92-3-101708-7 22.10 French
Vol. III: Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century 978-92-3-101709-4 22.10 French
Vol. IV: Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century 978-92-3-102496-2 22.10 French
Vol. V: Africa from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century 978-92-3-102497-9 22.10 French
Vol. VI: Africa in the Nineteenth Century until the 1880s 978-92-3-102498-6 22.10 French
Vol. VII: Africa under Colonial Domination 1880-1935 978-92-3-102499-3 22.10 French
147 Backlist
ISBN € Also published in
The UNESCO General and Regional Histories
Vol. VIII: Africa since 1935 978-92-3-102758-1 22.10 French
General History of the Caribbean
Vol. I: Autochthonous Societies 978-92-3-103832-7 25
Vol. II: New Societies: The Caribbean in the Long Sixteenth Century 978-92-3-103357-5 25
Vol. III: The Slave Societies of the Caribbean 978-92-3-103146-5 25
Vol. IV: The Long Nineteenth Century: Nineteenth Century Transformations 978-92-3-103358-2 25
Vol. V: The Caribbean in the Twentieth Century 978-92-3-103359-9 25
Vol. VI: Methodology and Historiography of the Caribbean 978-92-3-103360-5 25
History of Civilizations of Central Asia
Vol. I: The Dawn of Civilization: Earliest Times to 700 B.C. 978-92-3-102719-2 46
Vol. II: The Development of Sedentary and Nomadic Civilizations: 978-92-3-102846-5 46
700 B.C. to A.D. 250
Vol. III: The Crossroads of Civilization: A.D. 250 to 750 978-92-3-103211-0 46
Vol. IV: The Age of Achievement: A.D. 750 to the End of the Fifteenth Century
Part One: The Historical, Social and Economic Setting 978-92-3-103467-1 46
Part Two: The Achievements 978-92-3-103654-5 46
Vol. V: Development in Contrast: 978-92-3-103876-1 46
from the Sixteenth to the Mid-nineteenth Century
Vol. VI: Towards the Contemporary Period: 978-92-3-103985-0 46
From the Mid-nineteenth to the End of the Twentieth Century
History of Humanity
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The UNESCO General and Regional Histories
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sus instrumentos y articulación, 1870-1930
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