Ena Lab 8
Ena Lab 8
Ena Lab 8
To determine power factor of second order systems
Thus far we have seen that the three basic passive components: resistance (R), inductance (L),
and capacitance (C) have very different phase relationships to each other when connected to a
sinusoidal AC supply.
In a pure ohmic resistor the voltage waveforms are “in-phase” with the current. In a pure
inductance the voltage waveform “leads” the current by 90 o, giving us the expression of: ELI. In
a pure capacitance the voltage waveform “lags” the current by 90 o, giving us the expression of:
This Phase Difference, Φ depends upon the reactive value of the components being used and
hopefully by now we know that reactance, ( X ) is zero if the circuit element is resistive, positive
if the circuit element is inductive and negative if it is capacitive thus giving their resulting
impedances as:
Hamdard Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hamdard University
Sharae Madinat Al-Hikmah, Muhammad Bin Qasim Avenue, Karachi 74600, Pakistan.
Hamdard Institute of Engineering & Technology
Hamdard University
Element Impedance
The series RLC circuit above has a single loop with the instantaneous current flowing through
the loop being the same for each circuit element. Since the inductive and capacitive reactance’s
XL and XC are a function of the supply frequency, the sinusoidal response of a series RLC circuit
will therefore vary with frequency, ƒ. Then the individual voltage drops across each circuit
element of R, L and C element will be “out-of-phase” with each other as defined by:
For the series RLC circuit above, this can be shown as:
The amplitude of the source voltage across all three components in a series RLC circuit is made
up of the three individual component voltages, VR, VL and VC with the current common to all
three components. The vector diagrams will therefore have the current vector as their reference
with the three voltage vectors being plotted with respect to this reference as shown below.
This means then that we cannot simply add together VR, VL and VC to find the supply voltage,
VS across all three components as all three voltage vectors point in different directions with
regards to the current vector. Therefore we will have to find the supply voltage, VS as the Phasor
Sum of the three component voltages combined together vectorially.
For sinusuidal current, the power factor PF is equal to the absolute value of the cosine of the
apparent power phase angle φ (which is also impedance phase angle):
PF = |cos φ|
So from phasor diagram we can say that resultant voltage Vs leads resultant current I by angle
"theta".(in some cases phi is considered instead of theta)
So from phasor diagram we can say that resultant voltage Vs lags resultant current I by angle
"theta".(in some cases phi is considered instead of theta)
In this case, the Vl=Vc and hence the phasors of Vl and Vc will cancel each other (as they will
appear 180 degree out of phase with equal magnitude)
So, resultant voltage and current will be in phase and circuit will behave as purely resistive
1} When, Xl > Xc [inductive reactance> capacitive reactance] power factor is lagging (current
lags behind voltage)
2} When, Xl < Xc [inductive reactance < capacitive reactance] power factor is leading (current
leads ahead of voltage)
Using Simulink find the power factor in a circuit where R=10k, C=1 micro Farad and L=1mH.