Science4 Q4 Week4 5 Las
Science4 Q4 Week4 5 Las
Science4 Q4 Week4 5 Las
Weather is the general condition of the atmosphere over a specifies area within
Weather Instuments are used to predict the weather.
Thermometer- is used to measure air temperature. Temperature is the hotness and
coldness of air around us. Most thermometers are closed glass tubes containing
liquids such as alcohol or mercury. When air around the tube heats the liquid, the
liquid expands and moves up the tube, a scale then shown what the actual
temperature is.
A thermometer may bear the Fahrenheit, the Celcius
scale or both. Air temperature is read in degrees
Fahrenheit of (0F) and degrees Celcius (0C). There
are other kind of thermometer such as clinical
Air Thermometer Clinical
thermometer, room thermometer, and scientific
Thermometer thermometer.
Barometer- is an instrument use to measure air pressure. One way to measure air
pressure is in inches of mercury.
Rain Gauge- is a meteorological instrument for determining the depth of precipitation
that occurs over a unit area, and thus measuring rain fall amount. One millimeter of
measured precipitation is equivalent to one liter of rainfall per meter square.
ACTIVITY: Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.
______5. If you want to know how fast the wind is moving, you should use
a. anemometer b. barometer c. air thermometer
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Name: __________________________ Grade & Section: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE Grade 4 Teacher: _________________________
Since, there are wide varieties of weather conditions that can be measured, there are
also large assortment of weather instruments for many different purposes.
Windsock- is a textile tube that resembles a giant sock. It can be used as a basic
guide to wind direction and speed or as decoration. Made of fabric sewn around in
hollow circular frame, shaped or when wind blows through them they take of a cone.
4. _______________ 5. _______________
B. Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
before each number.
1. What does disdrometer measure?
a. drop size of rain c. wind movement
b. wind direction d. wind speed
2. Which weather instrument is used to measure solar radiationn?
a. anemometer b. hygrometer c. pyrometer
3. Which device uses a laser or other light source to determine the height of a
cloud ceiling.
a. anemometer b. ceilometer c.wind sock
4. An instrument used to measure humidity
a. disdrometer b. thermometer c.hygrometer
5. It can be used as a basic guide to wind direction and speed. Made of
fabric sewn around in hollow circular frame, shaped or when wind blows
through them they take of a cone.
a. wind sock b. pyrometer c. disdrometer This space is
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Name: __________________________ Grade & Section: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE Grade 4 Teacher: _________________________
To make interpretation about the weather as recorded in the weather chart, we have to know the sky
condition, look at the temperature (maximum or minimum). Daytime maximum temperatures usually
occur between 1-4 pm. Night time minimum temperatures usually occur at or near sunrise.Wind spped
and direction are important for monitoring and predicting weather patterns and global climate. Shifts in
wind direction may indicate changes in weather.
ACTIVITY: Direction: Using the data on the Weather Forecast, write TRUE if the
statement is true and FALSE if it is false.
Weather affects our daily activities. Observing weather conditions will help you
decide the kind of activities you will do for the day. Weather helps you decide
what games you play, what clothes to wear or what food to eat.
We need to know weather conditions to keep us safe. Knowledge on the
weather forecast for the day also helps us make necessary preparations. You
will know the weather by simply listening over the radio or watching weather
forecast on television. You can also read weather reports from newspaper.
The following are the safety precautions during sunny day and rainy days:
A. Direction: Read each situation carefully. Choose the best thing to do in each
situation. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. You see dark clouds in the sky. You are going to school. Which should you do?
a. Bring extra clothes. c. Wait for the rain to fall.
b. Bring an umbrella, or a raincoat. d. Be absent from the clothes.
5. Which of the following activities shows safety precautions during sunny day?
a. Enjoy indoor activities.
b. Wear thick clothes.
c. Stay inside the house.
d. Use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor of at least 15.
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Signal No. 2
The wind speed is more than 60kph but not
more than 100kph in a certain place in at
least 24hrs.
Damages maybe light to moderate.
Class from preschool to high school in
public and private schools will be
Signal No. 3
The wind speed is more than 100kph up to
185kph in a place in at least 12 to 18hrs
Sea or air transportations is cancelled
People from low-lying areas must evacuate
Classes in all levels are suspended
Direction: Read each situation carefully. Choose the best thing to do in each situation.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each