1975 Book IntersexualityInTheAnimalKingd
1975 Book IntersexualityInTheAnimalKingd
1975 Book IntersexualityInTheAnimalKingd
Edited by R. Reinboth
Berlin Heidelberg New York 1975
Professor Dr. Rudolf Reinboth
Institut fUr Zoologie
der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat
0-65 Mainz, SaarstraBe 21
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole
or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting,
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or similar means, and storage in data banks.
Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law, where copies are made for other
than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be
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© by Springer-Verlag Berlin' Heidelberg 1975.
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1975
Such ideas were the leitmotif for a symposium that brought together
research workers from such varied biological disciplines as endo-
crinology, developmental physiology, genetics, cytology, ecology
and evolutionary theory. The papers presented there have been edited
for this book, which gives a fairly detailed picture of the problems
The critical reader is also asked to keep in mind that one of the
unavoidable obstacles facing the editor of such a symposium is that
English is not the mother tongue of all contributors. Both publisher
and editor made great efforts to achieve an evenness in grammar and
style, by revising and sometimes even retranslating. Nevertheless,
rapid publication called for an acceptable compromise that did not
allow for "smoothing the rough edges".
Please note that the index is merely meant to supplement the key words
of the article titles. Terms basic to the general contents (e.g. gonado-
genesis, germ cells, gametogenesis, ovary, testis, gonoducts, sex dif-
ferentiation, etc.) have deliberately been omitted because they are
dealt with in almost every contribution.
The publisher met all our interests in a very efficient and always
friendly and sympathetic way.
BECKER, Peter, Dr., c/o Celamerck GmbH & Co. KG, 6507 Ingelheim (Rhein),
W. Germany
COLLENOT, Alain, Prof., Universite Paris VI, 75230 Paris Cedex OS,
MEHL, John A.P., Dr., Divison of Sea Fisheries, Cape Town 8001,
South Africa
PETERS, Hans M., Prof. Dr., Institut fur Biologie III, Lehrstuhl
Zoophysiologie, Abteilung Verhaltensphysiologie, 7400 Tubingen,
W. Germany
ROLAND, Heidrun, Dr., 1000 Berlin 45, Pottsdarner Str. 57a, W. Germany
A. General Remarks
larva attached to the
substratum, 4- 7 part
of a polymorphic asex-
ual polyp colony,
4 autozoids (feeding
polyps), 5 nematocyte-
bearing spiralzoid,
6 young gonozoid pro-
~ ducing medusae buds,
7 gonozoids with a
/ fully differentiated
young medusa, 8 free-
swimming adult medusa
with gonads (Go) at-
tached to the manu-
brium. (Modified from
Frey, 1967)
On the other hand, the basic type of the life cycles (Fig. 1) of the
recent Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa is metagenetic and includes two alter-
nating generations: that represented by the asexually reproducing
benthic polyps (scyphopolyps and hydroid-polyps); and that of the
free-swimming scypho- or hydromedusae, which reproduce sexually. In
addition, some hydromedusae produce asexual offspring by means of
budding (Russell, 1953; Werner, 1958). In both classes this classical
alternation of asexual and sexual generations undergoes various modi-
fications, leading to a partial or total suppression of one or the
other of the two generations (Kuhn, 1914). Wherever the medusa is sup-
pressed the sexual functions are transferred to the remaining polyp
.. / ,/ I
the sense of the dis to-proximal axis of the polyp. In fact, in hermaph-
rodi tes, such as H. viridis L., the testes appear in the sub tentacular
region of the body column above the so-called female region, which more
or less coincides with the budding region. This model considers sex-
determination as being an integrated part of the somatic differentia-
tion pattern. In my view there is no reason to dissociate both events
(somatic and gametic differentiation) from one another and to postulate
separate mechanisms of determination, I believe that the model, as pro-
posed by Burnett (1967), can in its simplest form not be applied to
sex-determination - as will be shown by the following observations and
in a single asexual
26 bud produced by a male
polyp. (The numbers of
28 I
the clones from which
d d (5
(5 d d
.~ the polyps were iso-
lated are given on top
9 9 9 9 9 9 of each graph). (From
~ '------v-----"'
Buds Buds Tardent, 1966b)
Already Goetsch (1922), Wiese (1953), Brien (1962, 1963, 1966) and
others, had shown that in balanced and unbalanced gonochoristic species
of Hydra a similar inversion of the sexual status can be brought about
experimentally by hetero-sexual parabiosis. All these experiments agreed
alone or the stalk of the polyp, are grafted onto complementary female
partners (Fig. 6). Here again, proximal and distal fragments act the
same way. In practically all cases the sex-inversion, induced by graft-
ing a male fragment onto a female, remains stable (Fig. 7). Following
transplantation, the heterosexual chimaera remain males throughout
many subsequent gametogenetic periods. The same is true for the asexu-
ally produced offspring which are males too, even if the larger portion
of the heterosexual chimaera originally has been female (Fig. 7).
? 0
rf· 0
~. 29
? 1
?- 0
d d d cf
A. Introduction
c. Results
Fissiparous animals without gonopores are not asexual. They often have
large ovaries, but oogenesis ceases before meiosis. Testes and copula-
tory apparatus are never visible.
1. Grafts of Testes
Testes 46 37
Ovary of sexual strain 28 19
Ovary of fissiparous strain 18 0
Brain 31 0
Parenchyma of sexual strain 25 0
Parenchyma of asexual strain 16 0
2. Ovary Grafts
Figs. 1 - 3
The rate of fission was normal with parenchymal grafts. The rate of
fission was high with brain grafts (81%). This result was normal as
neurosecretion controls. asexual reproduction (Lender, 1973).
C. Discussion
removed and total if both such cords are cut off leaving the brain
untouched. The posterior ventral nerve cords, to whose initial tract
the ovaries are attached seem, therefore, to be even more important
than the cerebral plexus for the development and preservation of the
hermaphroditic genital apparatus.
A B c o
Fig. 1 A-D. Dugesia lugviJris. Big spots represent the ovaries, small
spots the testes. (A) T-shaped cut for obtaining bicephalous condition.
(B) bicephalous specimen. (C) unilateral decapitation behind the ova-
ries determines regression of a few testes near the wound. (D) bilat-
eral decapitation determines regression of all the testes
All the results obtained by Grasso (1963) through the above described
operations have been fully confirmed by Teshirogi and Fujiwara (1970),
who reached the same interpretation, carried out by independent re-
search on a Japanese planarian, Bdellocephala brunnea (Teshirogi, 1963).
Lender and Klein (1961, 1962) were the first to demonstrate the pres-
ence of neurosecretion in planarians, - in the cerebral plexus of
P. nigra and Dendrocoelum lacteum. Subsequently, Vendrix (1963) and Ude
(1964) described neurosecretory cells not only in the brain, but also
along the posterior ventral nerve cords of P. nigra, Dugesia gonocephala
and Dendrocoelum lactev.m. Lender (1964) likewise, reported the existence
of neurosecretory cells in P. nigra, Dendrocoelum lacteum, Dugesia lugubris,
Dugesia tigrina and Dugesia gonocephala and besides admi tting an intervention
of neurosecretion in the regeneration processes of the posterior parts
of these amimals' bodies, was the first to suggest that neurosecretion,
by acting as a "gonado-stimuline", may help the sexual maturation pro-
On the other hand, it is well known that among the Tricladid Paludicola
of the family Planariidae, there are species in which reproduction
occurs exclusively by gametes. Others exist in which there are periods
of sexual reproduction and periods of agamic reproduction by fission,
according to seasonal cycles. In many other species there is even a
coexistence of sexual and agamic strains (de Beauchamp, 1961). Agamic
reproduction usually occurs by a process called "architomy" , which
consists of a simple cross-division, almost always at a retropharyngeal
level, with no preliminary regenerative phenomena (Vandel, 1921, 1922;
Kenk, 1937; Benazzi, 1938; Stagni and Grasso, 1965).
A. Introduction
B. Materials
First, the worms of this species are more common. They are also more
resistant to adverse effect than other species, and they are easily
kept in laboratory conditions.
c. Methods
-- 0
0- -- 0
• • 0 0 0
• 0 • • 0 0
• •
0 0 0
0 • 0 0
Fig:. 1. Grafting proce-
• 0 0 0
dure by which sagittal
• 0
• 0 0
c! / 9- chimeras were made
• 0
• 0 0
• from halves of male and
• 0 • 0 0 female nemertine worms.
White circles: testes;
D. Results
I 6 6 - 9 if ~ if ~ - -
II 4 10 - 13 if <:f' and if if ~ and if - -
2 10 - 13 if if if if - -
5 13 - 18 if if if if if -
4 16 - 20 0' if if ~ and cf' cf' -
1a 18 if if if and ~ ~ and cf' cf' -
1b 20 cf' ~ if ~ cf' 0
III 3 60 ~ ~ if ~ andif ~ ~
aOnly in this one case, oviducts developed in the male part of the
regenerating chimera.
bExceptional permanent and complete gynandromorphous effect in a normal
if/~ chimera.
2. Freemartin Effect
Fig. 3. Very late effect (feminization) in a 5-year regenerating if/~
chimera. Gonads and sex ducts are indicated by arrows
The upper part of the regenerated body showed testes and ovaries in
gametogenesis, sperm ducts and oviducts, male-specific ventral glands
and female-specific cutaneous glands (permanent and complete gynandro-
morphous effect, Fig. 6).
The freemartin effect was obtained in the posterior part of the same
regenerates: testes and ovotestis below which were testes and neo-
testes, male-specific cutaneous cells and sexless cutis (Fig. 6).
E. Discussion
I. Gonads
Fig. 5 a-d. Gonads of the male (a) and female (b, c and d) halves in
the same regenerating chimera as shown in Fig. 4
In the same way, two interpretations are possible for the very late
effect (feminization):
- migration of determinate femal e cells from female halves to male
halves and correlative inhibition of the determinate male cells;
- defici e ncy of the androgenic substance in the old h e terosexual worms.
~~ --~~~~~~\; ~
\ 2001'
sperm duet
mole gland sperm duct
On the other hand, after feminization of the old if/~ chimeras, female-
specific cutaneous glands are present in the genetic male halves. This
indicates that the target dermal cells are present in the male but
develop only in the absence of testes, i.e. in the absence of the
androgenic factor. The female-specific gland differentiation is per-
haps inhibited by the androgenic factor in the ordinary course of male
F. Conclusion
Some of the organisms which have attracted the least attention from
biologists may perhaps contribute to the understanding of biological
control mechanisms in general and to sex differentiation in particular.
A. Introduction
C. Results
1st stolonization 2nd stolonization 3rd stolonization 4th stolonization 5th stolonization
Species if <j> if <j> d' <j> d' <j> d' <j>
arnica 66 % 34 % 67 % 33 %
rrolifera 67 % 33 % 100 %
vittata 54 % 46 % 61 % 39 % 72 % 28 % 88 % 12 % 90 % 10 %
Sex reversal
<j>~d' 67 % 100 %
D. Discussion
Table 5. Sex reversal during natural and experimental stolonization, in SyUis vittata
Dobzhansky (1930) has shown that the intersex triploid, Dr osophila mela-
nogas ter , is more readily feminized at 28 °C than at 15 °C. However,
Bergerard (1961a,b, 1967) established that raising of the temperature
encouraged the breeding of males and intersexes in Car ausius morosus ,
a species both parthenogenetic and thelytocus.
A. Introduction
B. Results
When two isolated females meet (Fig. la,b), the suppression of the
shedding of oocytes is set aside and one individual produces an egg
mass within 3 to 5 days (Fig. lc). The contact to another individual
also induces the replacement of the p-jaw by the definite k-jaw. With-
in 8 days this individual changes to the male phase and starts produc-
tion of spermatozoa. Both individuals now represent a couple and con-
tinually bring forth fertilized eggs (Fig. ld). At irregular intervals
both individuals may change sex (Fig. le). These sex reversals are
called simultaneous, since they occur within a relatively short time.
It is possible, however, that one individual marks the start of sex
reversal and the other responds by reversing its own sex. Normally,
the individual functioning as the male at that moment, starts to pro-
liferate oocytes instead of spermatozoa and thereby causes the other
female to switch to the male phase. This couple also brings forth fer-
tilized eggs.
a b
t 'iI
d I Fig. 1 a-g. The
~ ~
(a and b) Isolated
females, (c) couple,
one female has shed
oocytes, replaced
its jaw and produced
spermatozoa, (d)
couple brings forth
fertilized eggs,
(e) simultaneous sex
reversal in both
partners, (f and g)
partners separated,
f 9 male changes to the
female phase
Couple 2
Nevertheless, all these results justify the assumption that the con-
tact of two females has to last for at least about 4 days in order to
induce sex reversal and/or the other effects of a normal "Paarkultur-
effekt". For a longer maintenance of the male phase in one of the
partners, the contact has to be prolonged. Even secondary males start
oogenesis again when the couple is separated. Then, only the k-jaw is
a permanent reminiscence of the former contact with another female.
The normal course of sexual differentiation with the already mentioned
simultaneous sex alternations in both partners of a couple, requjres
permanent mutual influence.
effekt". A possible explanation for these results is, that the prosto-
mium has to be in situ or must be located outside, or at the surface,
of the host.
Fig. 3 a and b. Couples of two females, with one intact and one ampu-
tated partner. (a) One partner decapitated, no mutual influence, (b)
decapitated partner with an implanted prostomium from a female donor,
no mutual influence
Two more experiments were carried out in order to test this assumption.
The posterior segments of one partner were amputated, leaving only
5 segments (Fig. 4a), while the other female was left intact. The re-
sult was a qualitatively normal "Paarkultureffekt". Whereas a change
to the male phase was obtained in 76 % of the ante rior fragments, in
the remaining 24% the intact female showed sex reversal with oocyte
shedding and jaw replacement. Quantitatively, the result was somewhat
abnormal. In couples which consist of two intact females of about the
same size, the number of sex reversals among the smaller and larger
females was not related to size. The following experiment yielded the
clearest result. Only the isolated prostomium of a female donor was
given to an intact female as a "partner" (Fig. 4b). In 25% of these
"couples", the prostomia induced shedding of the oocytes and spermato-
genesis in the intact female. The induction of a k-jaw, however, was
not observed. A possible action of the intact female was not observed
in the isolated prostomium. These results indicate that the prostomium
is both the transmitter and the receiver of the stimulus for the "Paar-
kul tureffekt" .
~ n = 25 couples
J, ..........
76% 24%
n = 20 couples
J, ........
Fig. 4 a and b. Couples of two females, with one intact and one ampu-
tated partner. (a) One partner's posterior segments are amputated -
qualitatively normal "Paarkultureffekt", (b) one partner consists only
of a female's prostomium, mutual influence, no k-jaw induced
C. Conclusions
A. Introduction
B. Results
Type 1 cells were rather small and angular, and their cytoplasm was
irregularly granular. They were found at the periphery of the two
posterior caps. Type 2 cells were bigger and rounder and had a more
uniform appearance. They filled the dorsal surface of the ganglia and
extended down laterally and posteriorly under the type 1 cells.
Type 2 cells were particularly numerous and large. At this time, they
appeared to be very active, but it was impossible to relate them more
specifically either to oogenesis or to spermatogenesis. Therefore,
young worms (200 - 300 mg) reaching puberty, deserve special attention.
It has been shown in Eisenia, that oogenesis started a few days after
birth, when the first pre-meiosis appeared, whereas spermatogenesis
began only at puberty, i.e. 5 - 6 weeks later. At birth, only type 1
"a" cells were found in the brain. The second type appeared when the
seminal vesicles contained only spermatogonial follicles, and the
worms weighed about 200 mg. It was only at the onset of spermatogene-
sis that these cells became abundant. However, a third type of very
large neurosecretory cell is found in young specimens. These are rather
rounded and in the staining procedure, only the cytoplasm is lightly
stained, the granules are not stained.
In the adult, these two types of cells were abundant and closely mixed,
and filled with secretory granules which were not always easy to dis-
tinguish. It seems, that when the granules are mature and accumulating
in the cell, they acquire a more uniform size and volume (Takeuchi,
1967). However, it was easier to distinguish these cells in the young
specimens of 200 mg, where there were mostly type 1 cells.
Type 3 cells (Fig. 3) have only been observed up to now in very young
worms. They were very big and contained large droplets of weak electron
density (about 2000 ~). The cytoplasm showed important areas of ergasto-
plasm, relatively few mitochondria and some small dyctiosomes. The
quantity of ribosomes lining the cisterns was very variable: they may
be quite numerous on both sides of them; becoming scarce or non-existent
on one face; or leave some membranes perfectly smooth. In the areas
where the ribosomes were most numerous, there were distended cisterns
where dense material accumulated. This might be a site of formation of
granules which are directly released, without passage of the secretion
through the Golgi complex. These granules seemed to reach their defini-
tive size inside the ergastoplasm from which they emerged, surrounded
by a membrane and crowned with ribosomes.
It is possible that the "a" cells described by Gersch and Ude (1967)
might be connected with the type 3 cells. The granules of these cells
measured 1100 - 2500 ~, and part of the cytoplasm was filled by an
important ergastoplasm very rich in ribosomes. The Golgi formations
were small and the lysosomes often numerous. The author studied the
development of these cells during regeneration, where they seemed to
playa significant role. During the formation of the secretion, the
ergastoplasmic cisterns seemed distended and the dictyosomes were
small. However, the secretion did appear in their cisterns. The author
concluded that the secreting droplets were of Golgian origin. It is
not impossible that two types of secretion might exist in this cell:
the neurosecretion originating in the ergastoplasm, as well as neuro-
transmitters released by the Golgi apparatus as small vesicles. This
It was thought that the type 2 cells, appearing at the moment of pu-
berty and thereafter strongly activated, might play a role in sperma-
togenesis. To test this hypothesis, the brain of worms bearing anoma-
lies at the level of the male genital tract, were examined.
The genital tract of 20 growing worms of the same origin were examined
to determine the moment when the anomaly appeared in the worm. In the
young worms, prior to puberty, the male and female genital tracts de-
veloped normally, while neither the testicles nor the ovary showed any
modification. At puberty, when the worms weighed about 250 to 300 mg,
the puberty tubercles appeared, but only after some delay. What might
be termed a "meiotic crisis" started in the seminal vesicles of these
worms. Indeed, a great number of spermatocytes started meiosis simul-
taneously. Some of them continued their spermatogenetic development,
while most of them appeared to be blocked and later degenerated. The
When the examples had well-developed claspers, the testes were active
and the seminal vesicles contained all the stages of spermatogenesis.
However, some mature oocytes were already found in the ovaries, but
the oviducts were not yet open exteriorally. At this stage, the brain
contained numerous type 1 and type 2 cells. The latter were large and
very active.
Such worms were kept fasting in water for a month. During that period,
the copulating organs were reduced and disappeared completely. These
specimens underwent a complete degeneration of the male genital tract,
the testes became much smaller and all the cells of the male tissue
retrogressed. The ovary, however, was unchanged. In the brain, the
type 2 cells became progressively empty, much smaller in size and the
neurosecretion accumulated in the neurophil.
These first observations support the hypothesis that the type 2 cells
may playa role in spermatogenesis.
A. Introduction
The culture mediums used were those of Wolff and Haffen (1953) and
Sengel (1960), the latter used for the culture of regenerating blas-
tema in planarians. Prior to setting up the culture, donors were iso-
lated for 48 hrs in cotton-wool soaked with sterile water to which had
been added a bactericide (furadoine). As anesthetics seemed to have
C. Results
6 to 11 17 6 10
12 to 21 29 7 17 5
Fig. 1. (E) Section of an association of two testes and one ovary. After
11 days in culture, there was no sign of gonadal sexual inversion.
(F) Two testes associated with one ovary. After 12 days in culture,
a developing oocyte can be seen on the testis section between proto-
gonia and spermatogonial follicles. (G) Association of two eNS with
one ovary. Histological study does not show any oogenesis disturbance
after 13 days in culture. (H, I) Association of two eNS and one ovary
ana three testes cultured for 21 days. Only the ovary, one testis and
one eNS are visible on H. There is no testicular sexual inversion.
On the other hand, the ovary inverted into testis (I). Note spermato-
gonial follicles situated laterally in the region of developing oocytes
and more mature ones. (For explanation of abbreviations see opposite page)
(in the region adjacent to the protogonia and young developing oocytes)
were observed. These oocytes occupied an area between female cells in
.meiotic prophase, with visible chromosomes and spermatogonial follicles
(Fig. 1D). The oocytes could also form a cord spreading between the
spermatogonial follicles (up to 9 developing oocytes were counted) .
In total, 46 testes were cultured separately. Taking into account the
6 cases of cytolysis, the inversion reached 35%.
{: :: ::
testis 7 2 5 I{Oo.m.p. 4
2 testes 8 7 2{00.m.p. ,00 5
c:: :
1 ovary +
3 testes 5
° 5 2{00.m.p.
4 testes 15 2 13 9
4 Oo.m.P.
Oo.m.P. ,00
00. developing oocytes; Oo.m.P. oocytes in early meiosis prophase with visible
A. Introduction
Eisenia foetida has two pairs of testes in segments 10-11 and one pair
of ovaries in segment 13. Identical primary germ-cells (protogonia)
are found at the base of each gonad (Chapron and Relexans, 1971),
while differentiated sexual cells are found at the distal end. Peri-
toneal intra-gonadal cells insert long and thin prolongations between
the sexual cells of gonads of both sexes (Relexans, 1974).
C. Results
""'=,,---____ P. g . cell.
'o--- P. g. cell.
<F.;--- Y. foil.
~~:;:-_ Aux.
Typ. foil.
<--_ _ Aux.
Outside the ventral genital regions, the inversions recall those ob-
served in the reference transplantations. They seem to be provoked only
by the trophic disturbances inherent to the transplantation itself, in
relation to the physiological context peculiar to each level. Sexu-
alizing inductors do not seem to be present outside the ventral genital
regions, but variable conditions in the healing of the grafts could
The male presumptive gonads which were grafted onto the female region
transplanted into the pharyngeal region of immature hosts for a 3 week-
period, showed 23% short-lived or lasting inversions. They had under-
gone a feminizing influence from the female territory.
On the other hand, it has already been noted that reference transplan-
tations of male or female territories in new-born worms, could lead to
inversions in the gonads of both presumptive sexes. This can only be
attributed to physiological disturbances (particularly trophic ones),
inherent in the transplantation itself.
Preliminary work with the light microscope showed in some cases, pre-
meiosis in the cultivated presumptive ovaries (normal differentiation)
and in the testes (inversions). Usually, however, the gonad develop-
ment did not proceed beyond the appearance of gonia. Typical spermatic
follicles have not been observed. Consequently, in most cases, the
development of the explanted gonads was insufficient to recognize the
differentiation of the sexual cell-lines, particularly that of the
male cell-line.
These in vitro results differ from those of Lattaud (1973), who observed
inversions only in testes, when explanting adult gonads alone. Within
the limits of my hypothesis, the stability of the sexual differentia-
tion would seem to depend on the stage of development.
Implanted testes and ovaries showed 90% and 10% short-lived or lasting
inversions, respectively. In relation to the previous results (gonads
+ adjacent body wall), is was observed that the sexual differentiation
was less stable. Therefore, the adjacent body wall plays a part in the
stability of the differentiation, mainly in the male region.
If new-born Eisenia have been fed for one week, further recurrent de-
capitations of these one-week-old individuals will not disturb their
Besides the large neurons and reserve cells, the ventral nerve cord
contains neurosecretory cells (Herlant-Meewis, 1966; Herlant-Meewis
et al., 1967) and monoaminergic neurons (Rude, 1966; Ehinger and Myhr-
berg, 1971; Myhrberg, 1972). Its importance in sexual differentiation
has not yet been studied.
Removal of the nervous system in the genital region did not prevent
the worms from feeding, but led to testicular inversions (short-lived
inversions in young worms, short-lived or more or less lasting ones in
older individuals). The low frequency of these inversions recalls the
results obtained during the fasting experiments: removal of the ner-
vous cord in the genital region might cause trophic disturbances which
would be responsible for the testicular inversions.
Only one injection (5 mg/ml) of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-0HDA), an inhibi-
tor of catecholarnines (Ungerstedt, 1971), into the genital coelomic
cavity of new-born worms, caused development to be delayed after a
few weeks. Nine percent of the testes were transformed into ovotestis
(still short-lived inversions), while ovarian differentiation remained
normal. The frequency and character of the testicular inversions were
similar to those of the inversions observed during the fasting experi-
ments with new-born worms.
Male grafts deprived of their nervous systems are always more frequent-
ly feminized than complete ones, whatever the transplantation level.
The increase of the inversion frequency remains rather slight in refer-
ence transplantations and outside the ventral genital region. This
increase is very high in heterosexual transplantations: male grafts
deprived of their nervous system and placed into the female region,
showed 52% short-lived or lasting inversions in their gonads, compared
to only 14% with whole grafts.
Female grafts deprived of their nervous systems are always less mascu-
linized than whole grafts. The decrease of inversion frequency is rath-
er slight in reference transplantations and outside the ventral gen-
ital region, but it is much higher in heterosexual transplantations.
In the male region, the frequency of ovary masculinizations varies
from 75% (in whole grafts) to 40% (in grafts deprived of their nervous
systems) .
The removal of the nervous cord or the treatment with 6-0HDA in the
genital region, both lead to inversions - recalling those results ob-
tained with fasting young worms (testicular short-lived inversions).
During transplantations of genital territories, the removal of the
nervous cord from the grafts (or again the preliminary treatment of
male grafts with 6-0HDA in heterosexual transplantations) always leads
to a frequency-increase of feminizations in transplanted presumptive
testes and to a frequency-decrease of masculinizations in ovaries.
A. Introduction
C. Results
~ Rl.isselzuchten ( n=440 1
Fig. 1. Breedings of
BoneUia-larvae in dif-
ferent environsments.
"Glaszuchten": without
a female proboscis,
"Rlisselzuchten": the
larvae grew up under
influence of a female
proboscis, indifferent
larvae: larvae that
show intersexual char-
acteristics (mosaic of
male and female struc-
tures) and larvae that
have stopped developing
D. Discussion
ternal factors that may usually inhibit the development of female fea-
tures. On the other hand, genetically programmed males realize their
program even if the "male determining factors" of a female proboscis
are absent.
Fig. 2. The nurse-cells (upper half of the picture) are connected with
the oocyte by large cytoplasmic bridges (arrows). The nuclei are not
incorporated in the growing oocyte
Degree of
t--------:::l---,~ ~
larvae with
bisex.ual 6
predetermination '
.. ... ," • .,If • • "r '" • • ~ ..If
~ ~ . ,~ • .If.. . . ~ . ~.
• "'. .If' ": Jr •
" ..
.." .... .
.." . ..
Number of
male and female
genetfc factors ..:;._ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---'''''
+ + +
I~ ++ +
+ +
.+ +
+ +1
Male determining genetical factors in a
certain individual
ready to a certain degree under control of the females, the latter in-
ducing the release of spermatozoa. Bonellia viridis, on the other hand,
lives in small holes and only the proboscis is visible, searching for
food particles. Therefore, it is more complicated for them to meet each
other for reproduction. Consequently, it is possible that the female
Echiurus Bonellia
Bal tzer, F.: tiber die Vermannlichung von Larven durch Bonellia- Extrakte.
Rev. Suisse Zool. 33, 359-374 (1926).
Baltzer, F.: tiber metagame Geschlechtsbestimmung und ihre Beziehungen
zu einigen Problemen der Entwicklungsmechanik und Vererbung. Verh.
Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 18, 273-325 (1928).
Baltzer, F.: Echiurid~ Handbuch der Zoologie (Ktikenthal) 2, pp. 62-
168 (1931).
Baltzer, F.: tiber die ohne Rtisselparasitismus entstandenen Spatmann-
chen (genetische Mannchen) der Bonellia viridis. Rev. Suisse Zool. ~,
281-306 (1932).
Baltzer, F.: tiber die Zuchtmaglichkeit der Bonellia viridis vom Ei bis
zum erwachsenen Zustand. Rev. Suisse Zool. 41, 407-409 (1934).
Baltzer, ~.: Analyse des Goldschmidtschen Zeitgesetzes der Intersexua-
Ii tat auf Grund eines Vergleichs der Entwicklung der BoneUia- und
Lymantria-Intersexe. Roux' Arch. 136, 1-43 (1937).
Fisher, W.K.: A review of the Bonellidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 11,
14, 832-860 (1948).
Glaus, H.: Erzeugung, Organisation und Entwicklungsmechanik der Rtissel-
zuchtintersexe von BoneUia viridis. Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli li,
40-113 (1933).
Goldschmidt, R.: Die sexu.ellen Zwischenstufen. Monogr. Physiol. Berlin
23 (1931).
Herbst, C.: untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Geschlechts. Ein neuer
Weg zur Lasung des Geschlechtsbestimmungsproblems bei BoneUia viridis.
Sitz.-Ber. Heidelberg. Akad. Wiss., Math.-nat. Kl., 3-19 (1928).
Herbst, C.: Weitere Experimente tiber die Vermannlichung indifferenter
Bonellia-Larven durch ktinstliche Mittel. Sitz.-Ber. Heidelberg. Akad.
Wiss., Math.-nat. Kl., 2-43 (1929).
Herbst, C.: Die Abhangigkeit des, Geschlechtes vom Kaliumgehalt des
umgebenden Mediums bei Bonellia viridis. Roux' Arch. 132, 576-599
(1935). -
Herbst, C.: tiber BoneUia-Weibchen mit spaltfarmiger Leibeshahle und
ihre Bedeutung ftir meine Hydratationstheorie der Geschlechtsbestim-
mung. Roux' Arch. 140, 252-284 (1940).
Leutert, R.: Zur Geschlechtsbestimmung und Gametogenese von Bonellia
viridis Rolando. J. expo Embryol. Morphol. 32, 169-193 (1974).
Wilczynski, J.: On the egg dimorphism and sex~etermination in Bonellia
viridis. J. expo Zool. 143, 61-76 (1960).
Wilczynski, J.: On the sex in BoneUia viridis. Acta Biotheoretica 18,
338-370 (1968). -
Zurbuchen, K.: Entwicklungsmechanische untersuchungen an BoneUia viridis
II (Abgektirzter Rtisselparasitismus). Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli l.§.,
28-79 (1937).
Hermaphroditism and Gynandromorphism In Malacostracan
H. Charniaux-Cotton
g.C. m.C.
spontoneously ~ a.g.
vitellogenesis -
e dch. + .-
e . ~c h.- .-
omahng behav ior t---'-~
Fig. 1. Diagram of endocrine control of sex differentiation in Talitridae .
The arrows indicate the stimulating (+) or inhibiting (-) effects of
ovarian and androgenic hormones; one of two ovarian hormones is se-
creted only during vitellogenesis (dashed arrows). a . g . androgenic
gland (the androgenic gland does not develop in the female); e . ~ ch.
external female characters; p . e . ~ ch. permanent external female char-
acters; t . e . ~ ch . temporary external female characters; e. if ch .
external male characters; g. c . germ cell; m. c .mesodermal cells; ov .
oviduct; s p. sperm duct. (From Charniaux-Cotton, pp. 135-198. In: "The
Hormones" (eds. G. Pincus and K.V. Thimann). Academic Press 1963)
Genetic male
"""-"".roo".,,oo ~
and functions morphogenesis
of A G
Genetic female
B. Non-functional Hermaphroditism
Fig. 3. Schematic
view of the genital
apparatus of male
Tal itrus saltat or.
(1) Testis without
oocyte; (2) and (3)
testis with oocytes;
(4) testis in win-
ter, the germina-
tive zone gives
rise only to oogen-
esis, the andro-
genic gland is
small. ag genital
apophysis; c d vas
deferens; ga andro-
genic gland; v s
seminal vesicle;
ZG germinative
zone. (From Fried-
Montaufier, 1967)
During the male phase, oogenesis proceeds in the gonads until the end
of first growth or previtellogenesis. There is only a single germina-
tive zone in each gonad. The gonia of this zone give rise to spermato-
genesis and ovogenesis, as in the testes of Talitridae (except o. gamna-
reUus), but the modalities differ from P. borea~is to L. seticaudata.
During the male phase, oocytes are always present in the central re-
gion of the gonadal tube. The authors consider that there are two dis-
tinct regions of the gonadal tract, female and male; the male region
being functional only during the male phase (Allen, 1959).
The bilateral removal of the eyestalks from male Pandalus platyceros was
performed when the AG were in the process of atrophy and the gonads
were changing into ovaries. Six to eight weeks afterwards, the AG were
hypertrophied and the male stage had been maintained. The gonads show
evidence of spermatogenesis (Hoffman, 1968). Similar experiments have
been performed in L. seticaudata (Touir, 1973); afterwards the animaJs
were kept for a period of eight months. The external male characters,
which already regressed at the time of the operation, redeveloped.
The AG had hypertrophied and spermatogenesis was very active. Thus,
the bilateral ablation of the eyestalks inhibited sex reversal for a
substantial time, perhaps permanently.
There are two possible explanations for the inhibition of sex reversal
after eyestalk ablation:
V. Conclusions
D. Gynandromorphism
I. Description
and the first post-larval stage in crabs are both sexually undifferen-
tiated. Sexual differentiation first appears as external sex characters
in crabs, and as gonads in crayfish; oogenesis is more precocious than
spermatogenesis. While the male gonad retains its embryonic structure
(the gonia are encompassed by somatic cells), the oocytes begin their
previtellogenic growth in the ovary. The AG have not been demonstrated
until after the differentiation of the male gonads has begun, whereas
the sexual dimorphism of the pleopods is (notably in crabs) already
well-developed at this stage.
III. Conclusion
A. Introduction
I. Description of Intersexes
Under natural conditions intersex females are far less common than
intersex males. From a strictly morphological point of view, intersexes
can be characterized as "oostegites-bearer males" or "females with male
genital apophysis".
Immediately after the molt which leads to the first appearance of ex-
ternally visible sex differences, intersex females possess a transitory
spermiduct, the end of which shows a pad of adipose cells, correspond-
ing to the site of the androgenic gland in males. The large majority
of these females is fertile, some. are sterile and among the latter some
undergo a spontaneous inversion of their sexual phenotype and become
sterile intersex males. The androgenic glands of such individuals are
functional and can masculinize females. Oogenesis disappears completely;
the gonads are transformed into testes.
The comparison of the results shows that in both cases the distribution
deviates clearly from the binomial type (Fig. 1). However, the mode of
repartition is very different according to the breeding temperature.
B:1rc .
, i'i IIII1
o 25 50 75 100
Mr .
S5 1 d'i + 33 ~ 61 ~ 10 d' + 4~
S10 36 ~ 24 ~ 6d' + 16 ~
Whichever amphogenous male was paired with the female, thelygeny and
intersexuality are maintained. We are therefore led to assign an es-
sential role to the female in the occurrence of thelygeny and inter-
sexuality. These females will be called "thelygenous intersex-bearer
Mr. , 9,79%
o 25 50 75 100
if if Mr.
85 33 2,8 12 16 41 ,8
8 10 24 o 25 9 73,5
8 13 27 15 65,1 18 6 75
8 225 4 41 8,9 15 34 30,8
8 243 3 2 39 11 , 4 16 11 58,3
8 255 2 29 9,4 25 17 59,5
8 294 4 3 45 13,5 11 11 50
8 297 1 3 35 10,3 12 14 46,2
8 298 4 8 44 21 ,4 8 4 66,6
8 316 5 8 44 21 ,9 6 7 46,2
8 317 4 4 22 26,2 76 2 37 68
8 319 11 2 16 44,8 24 6 80
8 325 16 7 90 20,2 42 13 76,4
8 340 34 o 14 14 50
8 342 4 2 15 28,6 19 20 48,7
8 343 16 33 32,1 31 10 75,6
8 346 20 o 20 16 55,6
8 348 42 2,3 6 9 40
8 353 60 1 ,6 15 14 51 ,6
8 333 3 31 8,7 20 17 54,1
I317 6 2 24 25 16 100
I 319 6 24 24 55,6 45 100
I353 6 18 25 59 10 85,6
This temperature sensitivity was found again in the study of the off-
spring of thelygenous females. Results obtained from one couple (1 319 )
and its progeny are particularly interesting for the interpretation
of arrhenogeny. At 17°C this pair - composed of an intersex male and
a female of the same population - produced 6 males, 24 intersex males,
23 females and 1 intersex female. At 22°C mating of the same female
with an amphogenous male produced 46 males and no females. The intersex
male mated with an amphogenous female gave 25 males. Females born from
this pair were mated with amphogenous males at 17°C and produced 24
intersex males and 184 females (Mr. = 11,5%). At 22°C the offspring
consisted of 137 males (Mr. = 100%). Males were coupled with amphoge-
nous females; they produced 288 males. These results are a supplemen-
tary proof of the correlation between the thelygeny of females at 17°C
and arrhenogeny of females or males at 22°C.
at 17"C. at22" C.
XX, xv , VV
r! andintersex r!
1. Induction of Intersexuality
Testis 24 9 0/13
gland 24 8 0/15
Muscle of
intersex d' 21 7 0/15
Blood of
intersex d' 21 8 0/7
Ovary of
thel. <;> 31 15 0/9
2. Induction of Thelygeny
2. Action on Females
The mean masculinity rate of broods depends upon the duration of ex-
posure at 25°C. This does not seem to have any influence on male inter-
sexuality. On the other hand, expositions of any duration at 25°C after
hatching have no effect on masculinity rate. The hi~hest values of
masculinity rate are attained for expositions at 25 C when they cover
the entire period of embryonic development. These results prevent at
present all attempts to determine the inversion stage more precisely.
,," 1
T" / \.
•1 \
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
days at 25°C.
Normal females are quickly transformed into males since the first signs
of masculinization can be noted after the first molt which follows the
graft of androgenic gland, if it is carried out at the beginning of
the intermolt (Charniaux-Cotton, 1954). Thelygenous females are nor-
mally masculinized if they are reared at 25°C after the graft. But
they show resistance to masculinization at 17°C after a period of
6 months at 17°C (continuation of vitellogenesis). Two out of 25 0 graft-
ed animals showed a beginning of masculinization.
Arcangeli, A.: SuI rapporto nurnerico dei sessi negli Isopodi terrestri.
Boll. Musei Zool. Anat. Compo Univ. Torino !1_(13), 1-33 (1931).
Berreur-Bonnenfant, J.: Etude comparee du testicule de quelques Crusta-
ces gonochoriques ou hermaphrodites. Arch. Zool. expo gen. l1£,
375-395 (1971).
Boulenger, C.: On the hermaphroditism of the Arophipod Orehestia deshayesei
AUqouin, pp. 42-47. Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1908).
Bulnheim, H.P.: Untersuchungen liber Intersexualitat bei Gammarus duebeni
Lil. Helgol. wiss. Meeresunters. 1£, 349-394 (1965).
Bulnheim, H.P.: Mikrosporidien-Infektion und Geschlechtsbestirnrnung bei
Gammarus duebeni. Zool. Anz. (Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges.) Suppl. Bd.
30, 432-442 (1966).
Bulnheim, H.P.: tiber den EinfluB der Photoperiode auf die Geschlechts-
realisation bei Gammarus duebeni. Helgol. wiss. Meeresunters. 12.,
69-83 (1967).
A. Introduction
The most important epigenetic factors which are able to influence sex-
ual differentiation in the animal kingdom are hormones, temperature
and parasites. Whereas in the first of these factors we are concerned
with specific chemical substances, and in the second' with a single
abiotic environmental component, the third factor is a living organism
with a multitude of individual metabolic demands and metabolic achieve-
B. Morphological Considerations
This process occurs generally along lake shores. The adult worms are
then able to reach the water, copulate and spawn. From the eggs, pre-
parasitic larvae emerge which are only 1 mm long, and which can only
survive if they penetrate into a midge larva. All larval ins tars of
the midge may b e infested, but the morphological change of sex charac-
ters due to the parasite can only be detected from the fourth larv al
instar onward.
~ Fig. 1. The system GastY'o-
meoos- Chironomus . (From
Wlilker, 1 970)
It can already be seen (Fig. 1) that the parasitized midge has male
genital appendages, in the form of forceps (hypopygium) and short
female antennae (arrows). Fig. 2 gives an impression of the essential
morphological changes induced by the parasite.
The front legs of the male midge have long tarsal bristles ("beard").
However, the bristles of the parasitized males are short - as in the
The 8th abdominal sternite is disc-like in the normal male and its
bristles are equally distributed over the surface. In the same segment
of the female, the vagina and female accessory organs (spermathecae)
are situated, culminating in a genital chamber which has characteristic
chitinous structures. On both sides of this chamber almost spherical
areas of the sternite are to be seen. In parasitized males, all inter-
mediate grades between typically male and clearly female structures
can be realized. However, spermathecae nev er occgr. In contrast to
this, in parasitized females the intermediate scale extends from typi-
cally female structures to a disc-like sternite. In this case, also
spermathecae are never developed.
gluten gland
f,onl legs antennae 8th sternite genital appendoges duct .ejac.
Secondly, the two sexes of the host species are damaged in different
degrees. With regard to external sex dimorphic characters the males
are affected to a greater degree (up to complete sex reversal of the
antennae), while the females have, at most, an aberrant 8th sternite.
With regard to the internal organs however, the converse is true: in
the males, in some cases the testes and ductus ejaculatorius are almost
normal: while in the females, the ovary, gluten gland and spermathecae
are either absent, or only present as a rudiment.
The most important process during the maturation of the insect ovary
is the intake of proteins (so-called vitellogenines) into the growing
oocyte. The parasite also needs a large amount of proteins for its
rapid growth, and it is therefore possible to assume that the parasite
competes with the ovary for the available protein pool. In this case,
it should be possible to detect changes in the protein level either
in the fat body where (insofar as is known: Price, 1973), the vitello-
genic proteins are synthesized, or in the hemolymph, through which the
vitellogenines are transported from the fat body-to the ovary.
Gordon et al. (1973) have recently demonstrated (with the aid of poly-
crylamide disc electrophoresis) a depletion of certain vitellogenic
and non-vitellogenic proteins after infection of the desert locust,
Schistocerca, with 50 eggs of Mermis nigrescens. Thi s depletions occurred
in the fat body two weeks after infection, and in the hemolymph three
weeks after infestation. It is known from investigations by the same
authors (Gordon and Webster, 1972) that the parasite, whose gut is
reduced, has an intake in vitro of considerable amounts of 14C_ or 3H-
marked amino acids, but practically no intake of marked dipeptides.
Therefore, the authors have conceived the idea that the parasite stim-
ulates the catabolism of proteins in the fat body (alternatively that
it inhibits the anabolism of proteins in the fat body) and then feeds
on the amino acids accumulated in the hemolymph.
In a previous papier, Gordon and Webster (1971) showed that the carbo-
hydrate content in the hemolymph of parasitized locusts declines from
the 6th day onward after infection. They explain this relatively fre-
quent process in parasite-host systems (Brand, 1972) by the fact that
in this way the nematode assures for itself a source of energy for its
rapid development and protein synthesis, while also providing for its
free·-living phase, when it ceases feeding. Such investigations are
more difficult in the Gastromermis-Ghironorrrus- system because, for example,
the very small host larva gives no opportunity for quantitative esti-
mations within the fat body. In addition, investigations of the hemo-
lymph proteins important for the development of the ovary only seem
worthwhile, when the hemoglobins which are quantitatively preponderant
(90 - 95% of the total protein), have been removed. In view of this,
Wlilker's (1963) failure to show, by paper electrophoresis, changes of
the hemolymph protein pattern in parasitized Chironomus larvae has little
argumentative force.
2. Incretory Syst.em
1. Gonads
a) Ovary
Fig. 3. Corpora allata cells with high glycogen content (top) and cav- ~
ity (bottom) with collapsed membranes (Mb) and axon (Ax) in corpora
allata of parasitized Chironomus larvae (4th larval instar). C cavity,
N nucleus. (Photo G. Klimmel)
b) Testes
2. Imaginal Discs
The front legs of the adult originate from discs of the first thoracic
segment and the antennae from anlagen, which are buried deep in the
head and first thoracic segment of the larva. In the male, there is
only one genital imaginal disc in the 9th abdominal segment, the oral
part of which forms the ductus ejaculatorius and the caudal part the
male genital appendages and adjacent structures. On the other hand,
in the female, three successive anlagen are present: in the 8th abdom-
inal segment, there is an imaginal disc, which forms vaginal struc-
tures, oviduct and spermathecae; in the 9th segment an imaginal disc,
which forms the gluten gland; and at the base of the anal feet a paired
anlage, which forms the female genital appendages (cerci).
As the front part of the gluten gland disc is never present (whereas
the hind part is more or less normal), this indicates differential
competence of different parts of the disc for the parasitic influence.
Also, in the male imaginal disc of the 9th abdominal segment, the
front part (which forms the ductus ejaculatorius) is competent for
the parasitic influence (Fig. 7), whereas the hind part is undisturbed
and produces genital appendages.
Segment vm
Fig. 5. Female genital imaginal discs of Chi ronomus (8th and 9th abdom-
inal segment), phase 6 of 4th larval instar; normal (left) and para-
sitized (right) larva. Suppression of front part of the gluten gland
after parasitization
The findings I have reported here are fragmentary, insofar as the de-
velopmental capacities of the chironomid imaginal discs are totally
unknown. The first attempts to mechanically produce imaginal disc de-
fects, comparable to parasitic damage (Wlilker, umpubl.), indicate a
considerable ability to regenerate parts of the disc. The parasite
seems to be able to suppress these formative properties for periods
of time.
Insofar as concerns the insect groups here in question (Dipte ra, Hymen-
optera, Rhynchota, Orthoptera) we can proceed from the assumption of a
genetic sex determination; in the case of Chirnonomus this has bee n
proved (Beermann, 1955).
In the case of Chironomus , this change is even possible when the imag-
inal discs have already begun to grow in the 4th larval instar. Gotz
(1964) has shown that experimental infection during the 4th larval
instar may still lead to intersexuality. When, on the other hand, the
host larva is able to encapsulate an adolescent worm, a normal midge
results. The decisive-damaging influence seems to take place in a
short period during the fourth larval instar and can only be achieved
by fully grown parasites.
Rempel (1940) assumed that in the case of Chironomus, the parasite feeds
on the ovary and in this way eliminates the source of a female gonadal
hormone. On the basis of the host's bisexual potency, this would clear
the way for the realization of male characters (testes and genital ap-
pendages). As the result of these assumptions, Rempel developed theo-
retical conceptions of the consequent disturbance of the gene balance.
However, as the presuppositions for these considerations ("every indi-
vidual starts out as a female") were wrong, they are not tenable.
In the findings which have so far been made about parasitic intersexu-
ality and castration in insects, I cannot see any indication for the
existence of gonadal hormones. On the contrary, the occurrence of fe-
male antennae and a female imaginal disc on the 8th segment in a genet-
ically male intersex (which may have nearly normally developed testes)
can be taken as counter-evidence for an hormonal control of the exter-
nal sexual characters.
Price, G.M.: Protein and nucleic acid metabolism in insect fat body.
Biol. Rev. i§., 333-375 (1973).
Rempel, J.G.: Intersexuality in Chironomidae induced by nematode para-
sitism. J. expo Zool. 84, 261-278 (1940).
Rempel, J.G., Naylor, J.M., Rothfels, K., Ottonen, B.: The sex chro-
mosome constitution of Chironomid intersexes parasitized by nema-
todes. Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. 4, 92-96 (1962).
Stoffolano, J.G., Jr.: The synchronization of the life cycle of dia-
pausing face flies, Musca autwrrnalis, and the nematode, Heterotylenchus
autwrrnalis. J. Inv. Path. 9, 395-397 (1967).
Strarnbi, A.: Influence du parasite Xenos vesparwn Rossi (Strepsiptere)
sur la neurosecretion des individus du sexe femelle de Polistes
gallicus L. (Hyrnenoptere, Vespide). C.r. Acad. Sci. Paris 260,
3768-3769 (1965).
Thienemann, A.: Lunzer Chironomiden. Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl. l§,
1-202 (1950).
Ursprung, H., Nothiger, R., eds.: The biology of imaginal disks.
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1972.
Wtilker, W.: untersuchungen tiber die Intersexualitat der Chironomiden
(Dipt.) nach Paramermis-Infektion. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 25, 127-
181 (1961).
Wtilker, W.: Parasitologische und biochemische Verwandtschaft in der
GattungChironomus (Dipt.). Naturwissenschaften 50, 49-50 (1963).
Wtilker, W.: Parasite-induced changes of external and internal sex
characters in insects. Exp. Parasitol. 15, 561-597 (1964).
Wtilker, W.: Parasi tismus des Nematoden Gastromermis rosea in Chironomus
anthracinus (Diptera). Film C 1024 des Inst. f. d. Wissensch. Film
Gottingen 1970.
Wtilker, W.: untersuchungen tiber die Ultrastruktur der Gonaden von
Chironomus (Dipt.). 2. Ovarstruktur nach Schadigung durch parasi-
tare Mermithiden. Z. Parasitenk. 36, 73-94 (1971).
Wtilker, W., Gotz, P.: Die Verwendung~er Imaginalscheiben zur Bestim-
mung des Entwicklungszustandes von Chironomus- Larven (Dipt.). Z.
Morphol. Tiere 62, 363-388 (1968).
Wtilker, W., Ktirnrnel~G.: Investigations on the ultrastructure of cor-
pora allata in mermithized Chironomus (Insecta, Diptera). Proc. 3th
Intern. Congress Parasitol. Mtinchen 1974 (in press).
Wtilker, W., Winter, G.: untersuchungen tiber die Ultrastruktur der Go-
naden von Chirononrus (Dipt. ). 1. Normalentwicklung der Ovarien im
4. Larvenstadium. Z. Zellforsch. 106, 348-370 (1970).
Hermaphroditism In Insects. Studies on Icerya purchasi
M. Royer
A. Introduction
I . Termi toxenia
B. Results
The preliminary gonadal anlage shows little change of size during this
instar. The gonad is ovoid with a central constriction which later
disappears. Large cells which form the more dorsal part of the prelim-
inary anlage separate into islets at the periphery of the central mass,
which is formed by small cells. During this period the gonad is formed
by two distinct cellular lots.
It is concluded that the male germinal cells from the second instar
are haploid, as all of them contain only two chromosomes. From this
fact (Hughes-Schrader, 1948), it must be assumed that they do not go
through a true meiosis. There is simply a series of normal mitoses
leading to 32 spermatozoa from one spermatognonium.
It must be emphasized (Royer, 1971) that from now-on among the diploid
cells with four chromosomes, haploid cells with two chromosomes can
also be observed.
Later, initial germinal cells which until then were associated with
the polar mass, detach themselves from it and settle on the partitions
of a mesodermic duct (Royer, 1973).
During this developmental stage one clearly observes two lots of dif-
ferent germinal cells (Fig. 4): some are relatively small but their
size is larger than that of somatic cells. They are grouped into a
sphere. The others are large cells, attached to the gonadal anlage in
the posterior part which consists of the smaller cells. A double origin
of gametogenic tissues can be seen in this phenomenon.
Such cells are mainly located at the posterior pole, near the symbio-
tic mass. Some can also be seen in the posterior and ventral area which
will supply the blastoderm. They seem to be absent from the anterior
area of the egg.
In the following stages the haploid cells are still discernible, but
then they are smaller and mitoses are less frequent. In the embryo's
invagination phase they can be found as clusters associated with the
polar mass and they migrate together with it.
Except for the size, we can note the homology of the two chromosomes
in these haploid cells with those of spermatocytes. In the same way
these cells are comparable with haploid cells in the rare, purely male
They undergo this invagination together with other cells of this layer
and join the cells of the polar mass. Thus, the two main aggregati0ns
of haploid cells integrate into the polar mass. Although we could not
investigate the development of the haploid cells in all details, we
assume that they are sexual cells, because they are located in the
embryo and show migrations similar to the other initial germ cells.
The morphological distinction of the two categories of cells of the
gonadal anlage does not seem to be possible before the onset of organo-
genesis. The sudden difference in size of these cells is remarkable
but we are unable to provide an explanation for this. These difficul-
ties prevent us from concluding with absolute certainty that the ha-
ploid and sexual cells are identical.
Royer and Delavault (1974) have indicated that the formation of males
in Icerya purchasi can be explained by a phenomenon which is comparable
to this chromosomal elimination. But in hermaphrodites, where haploid
and diploid cells are placed side by side, such a process does not seem
to be conceivable unless we assume that it would act selectively by an
expulsion of chromosomes which affect some cells only, though it ap-
pears to be quite difficult to support this hypothesis.
d) In some other species, the polar bodies sometimes fuse with a nu-
cleus of a blastomere. This occurs in Pseudococcus citri (Hughes-Schrader,
1948). The pentaploid cell thus formed represents the origin of the
first mycetocyte. We then note that the three chromosomal masses de-
rived from the polar bodies become heterochromatic, while the other
embryonic cells are euchromatic, and all of· ,them are diploid. There-
fore we can distinguish cells with different caryotypes within the
same embryo. One again, Icerya purchasi cannot be compared with these
1. Polyspermy
The spermatozoa penetrate the posterior pole of the egg, where symbionts
are inoculated into the oocyte. Polyspermy is the rule (Fig. 6). 4 - 10
spermatozoa enter the oocyte and disperse within the whole posterior
area of the egg. Some of them degenerate but others become pronuclei:
a constriction is seen in their central part, the junction between the
two parts disappears, the two elements of the spermatozoon being the
two chromosomes. This corresponds to observations by Hughes-Schrader
(1946). 3 - 6 male pronuclei which are formed in this way can be rec-
ognized in the oocyte.
time meiosis is coming to its end and the female pronucleus is formed.
The two chromosomal sets constitute the first diploid nucleus. The
spermatozoa in which transformation is not finished degenerate, in
accordance with Hughes-Schrader's observations. On the other hand,
those which have reached the pronucleus stage persist (Fig. 7).
At the end of this process, the normal diploid nucleus is formed and
a few haploid nuclei, located near the polar mass, still persist in
the area of the future "ventral plate".
Although we have not been able to follow their development more strict-
ly, it remains worthy of note that, with a difference of 4 or 5 steps
of successive divisions, very similar phenomena can be found.
can also show a sLngle dLvision, but in this case it seems that the
evolution of the zygotic nucleus does not inhibit the ability of ha-
ploid nuclei to divide - at least in a first stage. The action of the
amphimixis-nucleus on the other nuclei seems to be more or less power-
ful to the species. Therefore it is possible that this inhibition ei-
ther does not exist or is very weak in Ieerya.
Moreover, the egg contains symbionts, whose presence may play an im-
portant role in the reactivity of the yolk to polyspermy. It is con-
ceivable that they hamper the already weak inhibitory action of the
zygotic nucleus on the other pronuclei.
However, even if it has not been possible to prove the action of sym-
bionts upon the egg's mitotic dynamism, we must keep in mind that the
male pronuclei which seem to develop are in close vicinity to the sym-
biotic mass, and can thus be shielded from an inhibiting influence by
the diploid nucleus. Then they might remain able to divide.
It seems useful to recall that Schrader (1923) and later Walczuch (1932)
have shown that, in some cochineals such as Pseudoeoeeus citri, the polar
bodies are not expelled and that syrnbionts are integrated into these
cells. In this case, cells which do not derive from the zygotic nucleus
develop. Although they are not pronuclei the phenomenon is, neverthe-
less, similar. Cells which do not result from the amphimictic nucleus
can exist, so that our hypothesis that supernumerary haploid male cells
develop is not improbable.
C. Conclusion
Among insects only the Iceryidae, and the genus Ieerya in particular
seem to have a true functional hermaphroditism. Our studies on Ieerya
purehasi reveal that the hermaphroditic condition is established at
the moment of fertilization. The usual polyspermy is followed by a
transformation of the spermatozoa into pronuclei. One of these becomes
involved in the amphimictic process and the ensuing development of the
soma and the initial female germinal cells which are diploid. The other
pronuclei represent the source for the ameiotic male germinal cells.
From the moment of fertilization the male and fem~le gametogenic cells
become definitely segregated and fixed with regard to their further
morphogenesis. Such a strict determination of sex corresponds to what
is known of the general gonochorism in insects.
The wing scales of both sexes of L. dispar differ not only in color
but also in size and shape. Analysis of the sex dimorphism in scales
was restricted to an area of about 3 mm 2 in the center of the uppers ide
of the forewing between the veins M3 and CUI (see marked area on the
wing sketch in Fig. 2), because the scales of different wing regions
differ greatly.
In the white wing areas of the ZZ intersexes only scales with typical
female differentiation in color, size, form and fine structure are
to be found (ZI-9). Only slight divergences in the frequency of differ-
ent subtypes (e.g. higher numbers of lanceolate scales; Fig. 2, ZI_2)
and in the shape occur, especially amongst short scales (compare Z7-9
and F 6 - 9 , Fig. 2). Such differences are probably due to clonal varia-
tion. In dark brown areas however, the scales show pure male diffe-
rentiation in every respect (ZlO-16). Areas with male scales are
sharply separated from areas with female scales. Even at the border
line between two sexually differing areas no intermediate types of
scales are observed.
Fig. 2
Apart from the wing color, the antennae of L. dispar exhibit the most
striking sex-dimorphic characteristic. In the male antenna two rows
of long, slender and light brown colored branches are located on the
shaft. In females, the branches are considerably shorter, somewhat
thicker and darker colored than in males. The longest branches of the
female antenna reach only about a fifth of the length of the male bran-
ches (Fig. 3).
N' e i • i e i
40 ZZ-J
2 2 o 2 4 o 2 mm
40 WZ-J ,
2 2 o 2 4 o 2 mm
On the short, dark branches of the female antenna only short s. tri-
chodea and s. basiconica can be observed (Fig. 4c). The long s. tri-
chodea are completely absent. (The long bristles on the tips of the
branches are s. chaetica and are present in both sexes.)
The diagrams on the upper left and the lower right of Fig. 5 are ob-
tained from measuring the length of the sensory hairs of female and
male antennae. In the female, two peaks are found, one at 30 - 40 ~m,
representing the basiconic sensilla and the other at 70 ~m, represent-
ing the short s. trichodea. These peaks are also recognizable in the
male, where a third, more pronounced peak is observed at about 200 ~m.
This represents the long s. trichodea, which are clearly distinguish-
able from the short s. trichodea by their length. The large amount of
long s. trichodea causes the pronounced decrease of the columns repre-
senting the s. basiconica and the short s. trichodea, although the
absolute number of short sensilla is approximately equal in male and
female (see Scheffler, 1972, for more information on density and dis-
tribution of the sensilla).
WZ-l rL
Fig. 5. Length of the sensory hairs of the sensilla trichodea and the
sensilla basiconica on the antennae of normal sexes and WZ intersexes
with different degrees of intersexuality. Classification of WZ inter-
sexes according to Mosbacher (1913); WZ-I I female-like intersexes,
WZ-III and WZ-IIII intermediate intersexes, WZ-I IV male-like inter-
sexes. n average number of hair-like sensilla on the 15th exterior
branch, calculated from 5 specimens of each group
From the results, it can be established that the ZZ and the WZ inter-
sexes of Lymantria apparently represent two completely different types
of intersexuality, which differ fundamentally in their capacity to
develop sex-specific structures. The ZZ inters exes are capable of auton-
omous sex-specific cell differentiation and resemble the inters exes
of Solenobia (Seiler, 1969) and Drosophila (Lauge, 1969a,b) in morpholo-
gical characteristics, as well as in the developmental physiology. The
fact that in WZ intersexes the somatic and the generative cells are
unable to reach sex specific differentiation, may have two reasons.
Firstly, it is possible that no sexual determination of cells occurs
and that the intermediate differentiation proceeds under the simulta-
neous influence of male and female sex factors. Secondly, one may as-
sume that the cells become sexually determined, either male or female.
The sex specific differentiation, however, might-be disturbed by extra-
cellular factors. This second assumption is supported by the observa-
tion, that the germ cells in the intersexual gonads start but do not
complete sex specific differentiation.
Finally, a third type resulting from crossing Japanese males and fe-
males of a certain German strain, named D2, exhibit a mosaic only in
the gonads, where normally differentiated male and female germ cells
were observed side by side. All the other intersexual characteristics
are intermediate in differentiation (Mosbacher, 1973).
ZZ Types of WZ Intersexes
Organs Intersexes
Gifu Bordigalensis D2 Standard
Wings ••••
•••• •••••
••• ~ ~ ~
Anten nae •••• •• •••
•••• ••• ~ ~ ~
Gen i ta 1 •••• •••• • •••
anlage n •••• • ••• • ••• ~ ~
•••• • •••
•••• • ••• ? •• •••
••• ~
•• Mosa i c Intermediate
Fig. 7. Differentiation of sexual mosaics and of sexual intermediate
structures in different types of ZZ and WZ intersexes of LymantY'ia
dispaY' L.
A. Introduction
All pulmonate snails and slugs are hermaphrodites. The male and the
female cells are produced within each of the acini of the ovotestis.
However, as has been shown in some recent studies on the gametogenesis
of various pulmonates, there is a considerable variation with regard
to the simultaneousness of the production of the male and female cells.
In the freshwater snail, Lyrrmaea stagnaUs, hardly any protandry can be
distinguished in the juveniles. During the reproductive season the pond
snail shows a simultaneous production of male and female sex cells
(Joosse, 1964). In the perennial terrestrial species, HeUx aBpersa,
male cells are first produced in spring at the start of the reproduc-
tive season. This production of sperm is followed by a period of simul-
taneous hermaphroditism (Guyard, 1971). Finally, in the slug, Agriolimax
reticulatuB, the spermatogenic and oogenic periods are successive with
an overlap period (Runham and Laryea, 1968). The term simultaneous
hermaphroditism cannot be applied in a general way, but needs to be
further detailed at the species level.
The gonad of the pulmonate snails is located in the apex of the shell.
There, it is surrounded by the numerous blind sacs of the digestive
gland. In the planorbid snails the gonad lies posterior to the diges-
tive gland.
aCinus lumen
degenera ling
On the basis of this model it can be stated that the acini can be di-
vided into three areas: the vitellogenic area, the spermatogenic zone
around this area, and the remaining part of the acinar wall covered
by the germinal epithelium. Moreover, it is clearly demonstrated that
the male cells are separated from the female cells by the layer of
Sertoli cells. It must be stressed that this model of the organization
Resorption of sperm has also been reported for the terrestrial snails
Helix pomatia (Breucker, 1964) and Helix aspersa (Guyard, 1971). In these
I. Neurosecretory Cells
III. Gonad
The eyes of the Basornmatophora are located at the base of the tentacles.
The structure of the eyes and the tentacles is less complicated in com-
parison with those of terrestrial pulmonates. There are no indications
of an endocrine role of these structures in the Basornmatophora.
Gomot and Guyard (1964) and Guyard (1970, 1971) have studied the dif-
ferentiation of the sex cells in juvenile gonads of Helix aspersa in
organ culture conditions. In the anhormonal medium the female cells
show autodifferentiation. The male cells differentiate only in the
presence of a cerebral ganglion in the cultures. Apparently an andro-
genic factor is produced by these ganglia, but the androgenic cells
have not been identified.
The control of the differentiation of sex cells has not been studied
in the Basornmatophora. However, the same results will most probably
be obtained, since an autodifferentiation of the female cells and the
existence of an androgenic factor, have also been demonstrated in
other groups of gastropods (Streiff, 1967; Choquet, 1971).
Pelluet and Lane (1961) and Pelluet (1964) have studied the differen-
tiation of sex cells in vivo. They extirpated the optic tentacles of
Arion ater and Arion subfusaus and the homogenates of the optic tentacles
and cerebral ganglia were then injected. The ovotestes of the experi-
mental animals were histologically studied. From the results, Pelluet
and Lane concluded that the optic tentacles produce a hormone that
inhibits oogenesis; the cerebral ganglia produce a hormone that stimu-
lates oogenesis; .while a hormone from the optic tentacles would have
a stimulating effect on spermatogenesis. These results do not agree
with those obtained with the organ culture technique.
II. Spermatogenesis
III. Oogenesis-vitellogenesis
have first a male phase, then a female phase and a period of overlap
in between. Transplantation of undifferentiated tracts into animals in
the early protrandric phase resulted in the differentiation and growth
of the prostate glands, whereas the female parts of the Anlage remained
undifferentiated and small. Transplantation of reproductive tracts of
juvenile snails into the hemocoel of egg-laying animals was followed
by the development of the female parts only. During the period of over-
lap the male and the female parts of the tracts developed. The authors
concluded that two hormones are involved in the growth and differen-
tiation of the reproductive tract, one controlling the male and a sec-
ond, controlling the female part of this tract.
Geraerts and Algera (1972) have studied the growth and differentiation
of juvenile reproductive tracts of Lymnaea stagnalis after implantation
in hosts with or without dorsal bodies (Fig. 3). They report that the
growth and differentiation of the female part of the reproductive tract
and of the female accessory sex glands (Fig. 1) is dependent on the
presence of the dorsal body hormone in the host. Referring to the pres-
ent interpretation of the results of Laviolette (1954), Runham et al.
(1973) and Bailey (1973) one is inclined to suggest that the dorsal
body hormone does not have a direct effect on the female organs, but
an indirect one via the gonad: the dorsal body hormone stimulates the
gonad to produce a female sexual hormone that in turn stimulates the
growth and differentiation of the female part of the reproductive tract.
The problem remains to determine how the seasonal changes in the activ-
ity of the dorsal bodies is controlled. From preliminary experiments
wi th Lymnaea stagnalis, Geraerts (1973) has obtained some evidence that
shows that a humoral factor produced by the lateral lobes of the cere-
bral ganglia (Lever and Joosse, 1961; Brink and Boer, 1967) may be
involved in the control of the dorsal bodies.
V. Ovulation
Geraerts and Bohlken (pers. corom.) have recently shown, that the caudo-
dorsal neurosecretory cells (Fig. 3) in the cerebral ganglia of Lymnaea
stagna Us produce an ovulatory hormone. Cauterization of these cells
results in a cessation of the ovipository activity. Injection of the
homogenates of cerebral coromissures (which are the storage and release
centers of this neurohormone) induces the process of ovulation and ovi-
position. The presence of an ovulatory hormone has also been demonstrat-
ed in the opisthobranch gastropod, Aplysia eaUforniea, by Kupfermann (1972).
VI. Conclusion
Boer, H.H., Joosse, J.: Endocrinology. In: The Pulmonates (ed. V. Fret-
ter). Oxford: Academic Press (in press) .
Breucker, H.: Cytologische Untersuchungen des Zwitterganges und des
Spermoviductes von HelixpomatiaL. Protoplasma 58,1-41 (1964).
Brink, M., Boer, H.H.: An electron microscopical investigation of the
follicle gland (cerebral gland) and of some neurosecretory cells
in the lateral lobe of the cerebral ganglion of the pulmonate gastro-
pod Lymnaea stagnalis L. Z. Zellforsch. 79, 230-243 (1967).
Brisson, P.: Castration chirurgicale et regeneration gonadique chez
quelques planorbides (Gasteropodes Pulmones). Annales d'Ernbryol.
et de Morphogen~se 4, 189-210 (1971).
Choquet, M.: Etude du cycle biologique et de l'inversion de sexe chez
PateUa vu'igata L. (Mollusque Gasteropode Prosobranche). Gen. Comp.
Endocr. li, 59-73 (1971).
Cook, H.: Morphology and histology of the central nervous system of
Succinea putris (L.). Arch. Neerl. de Zool. 11, 1-72 (1966).
Durchon, M.: L'endocrinologie des Vers et des Mollusques. Paris: Masson
et Cie. 1967.
Geraerts, W.P.M.: Effects on growth of endocrine centres in the cere-
bral ganglia of Lymnaea stagnalis. In: Seventh conference of european
comparative endocrinologists (ed. J. Szentagothai and F. Hajas).
Budapest: Akademiai Kiada 1973.
Geraerts, W.P.M., Algera, L.H.: On the influence of the dorsal bodies
and the adjacent neurosecretory cells on the differentiation of
the reproductive tract in Lymnaea stagnalis. Gen. Comp. Endocr. .u!.,
592 (1972).
Gomot, L., Guyard, A.: Evolution en culture in vitro de la glande herm-
aphrodite de jeunes de l'esp~ce Helix aspersa (MulL). C.R. hebd.
Seanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 258, 2902-2905 (1964).
Gottfried, H., Dorfman, R.I~Steroids of Invertebrates. IV. On the
optic tentacle-gonadal axis in the control of the male-phase ovo-
testis in the slug (Ariolim= californicus ). Gen. Comp. Endocr. 12,
101-119 (1970a).
Gottfried, H., Dorfman, R.I.: Steroids of Invertebrates. V. The in
vitro biosynthesis of steroids by the male-phase ovotestis of the
slug (Ariolim= californicus). Gen. Compo Endocr. 15,120-138 (1970b)
Guyard, A.: La differenciation gonocytaire des mollusques gasteropodes
en culture in vitro. Ann. Biol. 9, 401-408 (1970).
Guyard, A.: Etude de la differenciation de l'ovotestis et des facteurs
controlant l'orientation sexuelle des gonocytes de l'escargot He'iix
aspersa (Muller.) Thesis, Besan90n (1971).
Harry, H.W.: Evidence of a gonadal hormone controlling the development
of the accessory reproductive organs in Taphius (Biomphalaria) glahratus
(Say) (Gastropoda, Basornrnatophora). Trans. Amer. micro Soc. ]i, 157
(1965) .
Horstmann, H.J.: Untersuchungen zur Physiologie der Begattung und Be-
fruchtung der Schlarnrnschnecke Lymnaea stagnalis L. Z. Morph. tikol.
Tiere 44, 222-268 (1955).
Joosse, J.: Dorsal bodies and dorsal neurosecretory cells of the cere-
bral ganglia of Lymnaea stagnalis L. Arch. Neerl. de Zool. 12, 1-103
Joosse, J.: Endocrinology of reproduction in Molluscs. Gen. compo
Endocrinol., Suppl. 3, 591-601 (1972).
Joosse, J., Boer, M.H.,-Cornelisse, C.J.: Gametogenesis and oviposition
in Lymnaea stagnalis as influenced by y-irradiation and hunger. Symp.
zool. Soc. Lond. 11., 213-235 (1968).
Joosse, J., Geraerts, W.J.: On the influence of the dorsal bodies and
the adjacent neurosecretory cells on the reproduction and metabolism
of Lymnaea stagnalis. Gen. compo Endocrinol. 11, 540 (1969).
Joosse, J., Lever, J.: Techniques of narcotization and operation for
experiments with Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda Pulmonata). Proc. Kon.
Ned. Akad. V. Wetensch., Amsterdam, C~, 145-149 (1959).
Very few investigations have been carried out about factors responsible
for sex differentiation in protandric hermaphrodite molluscs. In Crepi-
dula plana, Gould (1947) showed the occurrence of a feminizing influence
when individuals are isolated and a masculinizing effect of the female
at the bottom of the chain on upper individuals of the association.
However, experiments of Coe (1942) on Crepidula onyx and Wilczynsky
(1958) on Crepidula fornicata, partly disprove Gould's work.
Thus, the gonad of Calyptraea is fundamentally female and its male dif-
ferentiation must necessarily depend on the influence of a masculiniz-
ing factor.
Male Female
p v. Pv.
" I "'
I \
, r \
Spermatogenesis ,', Oogenesis \
I ' I \
__ ________~~J
,'Ot \ I
- ~~~'~~
......, -" ___________ \~\~-r 0
5 10 15 20mm
Male Change of sex Female
I" .... ,
""" ... ,
.... " ......
:. I I
\ I I
· t. ..... ..
• I
. I
I I, :
.~I .'.
a r 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 yea rs
The comparison of these two types in the group of protandric pro so-
branchs demonstrates a remarkable difference. Whereas in Patella only
factors which regulate functions bring about sex inversion, in Calyptraea
change of sex is directly controlled by differentiation factors. This
gives some ideas of the possibilities of variation occurring in sex
change mechanisms in the prosobranch group.
The only experimental data are those on Calyptraea sinensis (Streiff, 1967)
and Crepidula fornicata (Lubet and Streiff, 1969; Le Gall and Streiff,
1974; LeGall, 1974).
The cycle of the external genital tract during the male phase (when
the male genital tract develops and is maintained) occurs by the action
of the tentacular morphogenetic factor (lately recovered in the pedal
ganglia - Le Gall and Streiff, 1974) in spite of the presence of a
retrogressive factor.
I I •••.
.. I, '.
I I '"
I I ••..
: I
............ 0)
5 10 15 20mm
These factors have also been found in Crepidula fora.i.cata. By the use of
several convergent techniques (organotypic culture, organ removal or
grafting) an annual activity cycle of the retrogressive factor and a
gradient of effectiveness of this factor related to the position of
the individual in the association could be demonstrated (Le Gall, 1974).
In the pedal ganglia, the only part of the perioesophagial ring which
displays morphogenetic activity, the right pedal ganglion is more ac-
tive than the left one, and maximal activity occurs in the median third.
An analysis of the efficiency of the factor released by this zone dem-
onstrates that the annual cycle and the efficiency gradient related
to the individual's position in the association overlaps with the in-
fluence exerted by the tentacle. The pedal factor is also non-specific
and shows activity in gonochorists as well as in hermaphrodites (Le
Gall and Streiff, 1974).
The identity of action, the parallelism between annual cycle and effi-
ciency gradient of tentacle and pedal ganglia, show the identity of the
substances released and raise the problem of the mutual relationship
between these two organs.
E. Conclusion
All the processes are controlled by the nervous system which leads the
gonadal primordia either into male or female direction and achieves
gametogenesis by the liberation of essential function-promoting factors.
The nervous system in a synchronous way, also directs differentiation
and morphogenesis of the successive genital tracts.
Earlier reviews in this field have been provided by Coe (1943), Franc
(1960), Fretter and Graham (1964).
I. Gonochorism
II. Hermaphroditism
2. Successive Hermaphroditism
Fig. 1. (A) Oogenesis in the female mantle (stage III B and III C in ~
January). Formalin - Gabe's trichrom staining x 150. A female acinus;
c.v. vesicular cell; adpg adipo-granulous cells. (B) Storage tissue
during rest stage (stage 0), x 3750. adpg adipo-granulous cells;
gp oblong granule; L lipid droplet; cv vesicular cell filled with poly-
saccharids; mb cytomembrane (phosphotungstic acid). (C) Lysis of the
storage tissue in the female (Richardon x 600). au adipo-granulous cell
with a big autophagosome. (D) Coalescence of lysis material from the
storage tissue around clusters of germ cells (Richardson x 450).
mg clusters of germ cells; cv vesicular cells; adpg adipo-granulous
cells; ml lysis material
Fig. 1 A-O
The annual sexual cycle in Mytilus edulis varies from one geographical
region to another. However, four distinct and successive phases can
be seen (Chipperfield, 1953; Lubet, 1959). Lubet calls the sexual rest
phase in summer, stage 0; during this period the gonad does not present
any functional acini. The highly developed interfollJ..cular storage
tissue is represented by two kinds of resting cells; the vesicular cell,
an enormous bag of polysaccharids; and the granulous adipous cell,
filled with lipid droplets, protein granules and glycogen (Fig. 2).
Stage I is a phase of differentiation and active multiplication of
gonia. It occurs in the Channel around September-October. During stage
II (November through December), the mantle presents a typical aspect
of the differentiation and maturation phase. The storage tissue is
then profoundly altered. As the acini develop, the volume taken up by
the interfollicular tissue gets smaller. Some areas of lysis appe~r
in vesicular and adipo-granulous quiescent cells (Fig. 1C): in the
Storage progressive
, restoration
tissue max~.. disappe.arance .. disappearance beginning of
- -
------0--- 'B '\
! ! ! !
atter l U B ET B B 0 0
1959 • • II
A C C ~
A s o N o M A M
areas of quiescent cells filled with lipids, glycogen and protein gran-
ules, homogeneous pools can be seen in which pycnotic nuclei, cell bodies,
protein granules and isolated lipid droplets are identified.
Late maturations of the second half of stage III only concern a very
small number of gametes and the acini only reach a smaller size. The
storage tissue quickly rebuilds itself in the intertubular space,
which is empty because of the successive discharges of gametes (Lubet,
1959) .
A more detailed study (Houtteville, 1974) allowed us to observe that
the alternating mechanism, storage tissue-gonad, is stricter than Lubet
(1959) thought, since a certain number of storage cells reappears be-
tween the acini at the beginning of each recovering stage (III C),
and this occurs from the very beginning of each stage III (Fig. 4).
Consequently, the storage tissue and the germinal tissue grow in two
opposite directions (Fig. 4).
Fig. 3 A-D
,, i , 1 1 ,
~ ,
", ' "~,1 w,1
~ ,
,, .c'",
~ I I I ~t "'I
.c:0u ,,,
, cl
.. ,
1 ~ I
l .cu ' l 1 .c ,
, ~
1 -
:, .."-; : u,
1 ; 1 :; .
, 1
qu iescent 1 1 1
, :
1 , 1
storage l issue 1 ,
1 1 '
11 1'
1 ,
These observations suggest that the sexual cycle of the Mytilidae must
~e closely related to the storage state of the animal (Daniel, 1921).
The storage tissue very likely has a trophic control over the gonad,
which takes its metabolites and uses them for its own synthesis.
This perfect alternation of the gonad and storage tissue cycles led
us to assume that such a mechanism could be controlled by neuro-endo-
crine factors. The first results from organ cultures seem to agree
with this idea.
I. Hermaphroditism in Echinoderms
B. Hermaphroditism in Asteroids
This class is certainly the one which was the object of the largest
number of investigations on the problem of sexuality in Echinoderms.
I. Functional Hermaphroditism
During the last years most studies were devoted to Asterina gibbosa, but
other work nas also been done on Asterina pancerii and Fromia ghardaqana.
Fig. 2 a and b. First localization of the gonocytes. (a) The gonocytes
(g.) form a group in the genital bud (g. b .) located very closely to
the aboral part of the axial organ (a. p .). The bud pushes two exten-
sions (e x t .) in opposite directions. h . c . hydrophoric canal. (b) Anat-
omy of the axial organ. a . p . aboral part; h . c . hydrophoric canal;
o.p. oral part; T test. (By courtesy of Leclerc)
Experiments by Lender and Huet (1962a,b) and Huet (1965) showed clearly
that the regeneration of the gonads, in Asterina gibbosa , is possible only
when .t he center of germ cells which exists in the aboral part of the
individuals, in the genital ring, is not destroyed.
In this way we have a proof that a stock of germinal elements subsists
at any age in this area.
The starting point for this research was a study of the relations be-
tween the genital and axial complexes in Asteri na gibbosa of which we al-
ready know the topographical conditions (cf. Fig. 2a) during the larval
and post-larval development. This study confirmed entirely the existence
of these close relations which are established between the two complexes
and the authors conclude that, in these conditions, the axial organ was
liable to take part in the physiology of sexuality.
In the adults, we see that the aboral part of the axial organ does not
show germ cells any longer, apart from rare exceptions.
For this reason our work was devoted then to the search for this source.
Leclerc (1974a,b) has studied what happens in the aboral area when ger-
minal cells. are lacking as, for example, in gonads after the natural
emission of their products, or after experimental destruction of the
genital organs. In order to elucidate this latter point various experi-
mental procedures were used: X-irradiations of the gonads, cultures in
vitro of the aboral part of the axial organ after X-irradiation of the
gonads. Details will be found in Leclerc's survey (1974a, cf. pp. 26-27).
The results obtained demonstrate that approximately two days after the
emission of the gametes, or after the destruction of the gonads, big
cells are observed which, in the aboral region, derive from the splanch-
nopleura (Fig. 3a) and migrate towards the aboral part of the axial
organ where they accumulate and soon show the characteristic features
of gonocytes (Fig. 3b).
The behavior of the germinal cells contained in gonads was the subject
of numerous investigations. They also concern Astenna gibbosa.
The guiding idea of these studies was to remove the gonads from their
usual environment in order to investigate the possible modifications
that could then affect their normal activity which we described above.
These are the essential points which emerged from the work by Brusle
(1968b) .
Fig. 5 a and b. The two types of germinal cells in the gonads. (a) Oogo-
nium. In the nucleus (N) the chromatin (chr .) is generally rather dif-
fuse, and we often observe two nucleoli (nu .). (b) Spermatogonium.
The chromatin is more densely arranged in clusters and only one nucle-
olus occurs. (By courtesy of Brusle)
When we keep in mind that gonads only show spermatogonia and oogonia,
the conclusion is that the cell's sex is fixed outside of the gonads.
Then, of course, a possible role of the axial organ immediately has
to be taken into consideration, since at a certain period it takes up
the mesenchymal cells from which the gonocytes derive.
Observations with the light and electron microscope have shown that
all gonads of male animals in three gonochoristic Asteroids (Echinastel?
sepositus, Henricia sanguinolenta and Marthastenas glacialis) are in reality
The oogonia are more voluminous than the spermatogonia. They contain
one or two nucleoli in very clear nucleoplasm belonging to a large
sized nucleus. They are visible, either at the beginning of spermato-
genetic activity or during full spermatogenesis, or even at its end.
Mitotic divisions of oogonia can also be observed.
In the past, the presence of germinal cells of both sexes in the gonads
of gonochoristic species was regarded as purely accidental. As early
as 1960, however, Cognetti and Delavault (1960b) had noted the compara-
tively high rate (5%) of subjects showing such atypical gonads in Echi-
naster sepositus. This was later reconfirmed (Delavault, 1961) for the
same species (estimated rate 4%) as well as for Marthasterias glacialis
(9% according to Delavault and Cognetti, 1961).
For such reasons we formerly thought that these species seemed to show
a "labile gonochorism" and we placed them between strict gonochorists
and complete hermaphrodites. An attempt to interprete these phenomena
has been made by Cognetti and Delavault (1962).
Now we can approach some aspects of the problem much better. The obser-
vations by Brusle (1969c) show that all male gonads contain cellular
elements of the other sex. They do not develop but under certain cir-
cumstances only which cannot yet be defined. Specimens can be found
in which the testes contain oocytes of various developmental stages
(Fig. 6b).
As far as females are concerned no parallel study has been carried out
up to now. But a few hypothetical ideas appear to be meaningful.
The nature of the mechanisms which allow the expression or the non-
expression of this double potentiality remains to be elucidated.
C. Conclusion
Depending on whether each of the two categories expresses its own po-
tentialities or not, the hermaphroditism is entirely functional or
simply potential.
Achi tuv, Y.: The genital cycle of Asterina burtoni Gray (Asteroidea) from
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Bacci, G.: On two sexual races of Asterina gibbosa (Penn.). Experienta 7...'
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bosa P. de Banyuls. Vie et Milieu 18 (1A), 133-141 (1967a).
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(Echinodermes, Asterides). Cah. Biol. mar. 8, 417-420 (1967b).
Brusle, J.: Nouvelles recherches sur l' hermaphrodIsme d' Asterina gibbosa
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Brusle, J.: Aspects ultrastructuraux de la differenciation spermato-
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Comparaison des deux lignees gametogenetiques. Ann. Sci. nat. Zool.
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Brusle, J.: Sexuali te d' Asterina gibbosa, Asteride hermaphrodite, des
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BrusH~., J.: Les cycles g€lUi taux d' Asterina gibbosa. Cah. BioI. mar. 10,
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Brusle, J.: Hermaphrodisme potentiel chez les males de trois especes
d'Asterides. Ann. Ernbryol. Morph. 2, 445-450 (1969c).
Brusle, J.: Ovogenese dominante et sperrnatogenese secondaire resurgente
chez Asterina gibbosa Penn. des cotes de Banyuls. Vie et Milieu 21 (2A),
495-504 (1970a). -
Brusle, J.: Auto-, homo- et heterotransplantations de gonades chez
Asterinagibbosa P. Arch. Zool. exper. gen. 111, 159-180 (1970b).
Brusle, J.: Les potentialites germinales intragonadiques d'Asterina
gibbosa P. Cah. BioI. mar. 11, 35-42 (1970c).
Brusle, J., Delavault, R.: Recherches sur la cytodifferenciation des
gametes chez un herrnaphrodi te fonctionnel: Asterina gibbosa. Ul tra-
structure des ovogonies et des ovocytes en premeiose. C.R. Acad.
Sci. Paris 266, 21-23 (1968).
Cognetti, G.: Autofecondazione in Asterina. Boll. Zool. 1], 275-278
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degli individui proteroginici di Asterina gibbosa. Accad. Nazion.
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Cognetti, G., Delavault, R.: Gonocorismo stabile, gonocorismo labile
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Accad. Na'zion. Lincei, Rend. Class. Sc. Fis. Mat. Nat. 28 (ser. 8),
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A. Introduction
B. The Gonad
The gonad of all vertebrates comprises two basic components, the germ
cells and the somatic tissue. Differentiation of the gonadal sex is
controlled by the naturally destined and genetically predetermined
development of these two components. Witschi's observations on the
existence of embryonic medulla and cortex in the primordial gonad and
his conceptual ideas of hypothetical inductor theory for amphibians
(Witschi, 1957) has markedly influenced subsequent studies in other
vertebrate groups; the two embryonic soma appear to be invariably
present in all amniotes (Burns, 1961) and in elasmobranchs (Chieffi,
1959). In cyclostomes and teleosts, however, such separation of embry-
onic somatic tissues is claimed to be absent and that in the salmonids,
cyprinids and cyprinodonts, the whole genital ridge is reported to
derive from one origin, believed to be homologous to the gonadal cortex
of amphibians and amniotes (D'Ancona, 1949). Such an assumption has led
to the suggestion by some workers that this is the cause for the rela-
tive high frequency of hermaphroditism in bony fish (Dodd, 1960). How-
ever, D'Ancona (1949) postulated a "gynogenine and androgenine system"
for the serranids and sparids - where a separate localisation of the
male. and female germinal tissue exists and hermaphroditism and sex re-
versal prevail. Whether for most teleosts there exists a dual induction
system in a common gonadal substratum or a gonadal soma with dual em-
bryonic origin awaits further elucidation, especially when our existing
knowledge on this area includes information from only a few species.
I. Structural Basis for Succession of Sexes?
(Postnuptial samples I 0---0 Estradiol -1713
e - - e Testosterone
..§ 80
~ 60
o 40
0... 20
Early Mid Late
Fmale Male
More will be known on the in vivo steroid pattern when our current
research reaches its completion.
As the hormonal type is normally harmonious with the gonadal sex (even
in sex-reversing species), one major aspect of the gonadal function,
therefore, concerns the possible facilitation by hormonal secretions
on germinal tissues of the corresponding sex. The exact functional
role of the major sex steroids found in the sex-reversing heramphro-
dites is little known to date. In vertebrates, there exists a close
interrelationship between the gonia and the associated endocrine tis-
sue and, especially in females, they are indispensably interdependent
in their normal function. It follows that one probable function of
the endocrine secretions and their changes during sex reversal, may
relate to germ cells development - possibly providing a compatible
environment facilitating their maturation and function. Thus, the
estrogen at the female phase in Monopterus might be involved in some
interaction with the maturing oocyte - for it is maintained that in
some vertebrates at least, the granulosa cell secretion exerts effects
on both meiotic and pre-ovulatory changes in the oocyte (Foote and
Thibault, 1969). In addition, action of estrogen on ovarian follicles
can be indirect, via its influence on the hypothalamo-hypophysial axis,
for among higher vertebrates increase in estrogen~itres triggers the
LH surge - resulting in ovulation and luteinization (Greep, 1973),
although at present, little is known about the endocrine mechanism
involved in ovulation in lower vertebrates (Barr, 1968) and in sex-
reversing fishes. A further aspect concerning estrogen function in
facilitating oocyte development can be derived from its action in
poikilotherms and birds, concerning calcium mobilization and vitello-
genesis. The seasonal patterns of plasma calcium levels in Monopterus
(Fig. 2) clearly show comparatively higher levels in the female and
in the prenuptial period, correlating with the higher titre of estro-
gen in females and the period of active vitellogenesis. This, together
with the fact that estrogen treatment in females only causes hyper-
calcaemia (0 and Chan, 1974c), suggests a possible role of estrogen
on vitellogenesis. The experimental finding that cyanoketone adminis-
4. 0
E 2.0
F A J J A S 0 o J F
( Month)
Fig. 2. Seasonal levels of plasma calcium in Monopterus at various sexual
C. The Adenohypophysis
The anterior pituitary has been reported to play no direct role on the
differentiation of gonadal sex in vertebrates (Burns, 1961). This is
shown in hypophysectomized embryos of amphibians (Puckett, 1940);
chicks (van Deth et al., 1956); and mammals (Jost, 1970). Though the
pituitary apparently exerts no decisive influence on primary gonado-
genesis, its presence is essential for the germ-cell maturation and
normal endocrine function of the gonad in both sexes. Hence, the role
that the pituitary could play in the successive maturation of the fe-
male and male germ cells in sex-reversing fishes, such as Monopterus,
cannot be overlooked, especially when the structural sex change is
accompanied by ,extensive interstitial Leydig development (Chan and
Phillips, 1967a). Such tissue is known to be controlled by adenohypo-
physial secretions in vertebrates (Gabrilove, 1973).
I. Anatomical Structure
intersex (e) and male (f) both with spermatogenesis suppressed, leav-
ing only resting spermatogonia in collapsed lobules and severely af-
fected interstitial cells
a 100 200 300 '00
NIH - F5H -59 In "'9
z 1:
n T
11\ 70
U >
!::! E
a: 00 50 B
<l .3.. 40
the OAAD test .. Two points should be mentioned. First, the presence of
both "LH" and "FSH" activities in Monopterus pi tui tary does not refute
the view of single gonadotropin in fishes, because a single gonadotro-
pin may exhibit both activities in the test system. However, prelimi-
nary data on the gonadotropic activities in Monopterus at various sexual
Activities in equivalent of
()lg/gm-pit) ()lg/pit) ()lg/gm-pit) ()lg/pit)
phases indicate a high "FSH" and low "LH" per pituitary in male and
a high "LH" and low "FSH" in female. Hence, this difference found in
the same species at different sexual stages could only be best explained
by assuming the presence of two gonadotropins from the two different
gonadotrops reported. Secondly, both seasonal and cytological data on
pituitary cells indicate the gonadotrops are active in May (0 and Chan,
1974c), thus, the high activities measured in the gland represent ac-
tive secretory activity. Considering the data as a whole, it appears
that there are obvious differences between the mature female and male,
at least in their "LH" activity. It should be emphasized that these find-
ings are preliminary and have many limitations. Further "investigations
on individual fish, using other bioassays with non-mammalian system,
or larger amounts of purified pituitary materials, or radioimmunoassays
on plasma gonadotropin(s), are necessary. Some aspects of research
along these lines are being carried out in this laboratory.
Envi ronment al
( PrImIng on th e HypothalamuS) _ _ _ _-, factors
, - -- - - tor o('w GIH patt ern ,
Germ-Cells Hypothalamus •
: : : : Oogonia ( Inductors?)
. t
Adenohypophy si s
.............. .
(Hormonal) o -gonio P )
. . ................ .
:::: :Ovarian
Inductor ,
:::: :growth
................ Age F.? GTH 1"FSH"? I
: : : : : Mature Estrogen I" LH "?I
: : : : : foll icle t---T""":"--'
d -gonia
.. .. .. • .. • • .. • .. • .. 1-
... . ..................
Ovarian + Sp -gonia :t~:W~:
: : : degeneration sp?~matogene~'i-;'-@:
& .:-: 6TH
:::: -~l·-:-
FS-H·-.'-lH-'-',-)- --I
Spermatogenesis ~:~:
of the ~-phasd:
Fig. 6. A proposed scheme for the endocrine events of natural sex
reversal in Monopterus showing the various possible- controls in the
life cycle on tne process, involving the nature of the germ-cells,
the gonadal endocrine interaction and the hypothalamo-adenohypophysio-
gonadal axis; genetic and age factor being the ultimate basis of con-
Chan, S.T.H., 0, Wai-sum, Hui, W.B.: The interrenal gland and the ACTH
and prolactin cells in the adenohypophysis of Monopterus and their
roles in osmoregulation. Gen. Compo Endocrinol. (1975, in press).
Chan, S.T.H., 0, Wai-sum, Tang, F., Lofts, B.: Biopsy studies on the
natural sex reversal in Monopterus albus (Posces: Teleostei). J.
Zool. Lond. 167, 415-421 (1972a).
Chan, S.T.H., Phillips, J.G.: The structure of the gonad during natu-
ral sex reversal in Monopterus albus (Pisces: Teleostei). J. Zool.
Lond. 1 51, 1 29 -1 41 ( 1 9 67 a) .
Chan, S.T~, Phillips, J.G.: Seasonal changes in the distribution of
gonadal lipids and spermatogenetic tissue in the male phase of
Monopterus albus (Pisces: Teleostei). J. Zool. Lond. 152, 31-41
(1967b). -
Chan, S.T.H., Phillips, J.G.: The biosynthesis of steroids by the go-
nads of the ricefield eel Monopterus albus at various phases during
natural sex reversal. Gen. Compo Endocrinol. ~, 619-636 (1969).
Chan, S.T.H., Tang, F., Lofts, B.: The role of sex steroids on natural
sex reversal in Monopterus albus . Excerpta Medica Inti. Congr. 256,
348 (1972b). -
Chan, S.T.H., Wright, A., Phillips, J.G.: The atretic structures in
the gonad of the ricefield eel (Monopterus albus), J. Zool. Lond.
ill, 527-539 (1967).
Channing, C,P., Licht, P., Papkoff, H., Donaldson, E.M.: Gen. Compo
Endocrinol. 22, 137-145 (1974).
Chieffi, G.: SeX-differentiation and experimental sex reversal in
elasmobranch fishes. Arch. Anat. Microsc. Morph. esp. (suppl.) 48,
21-36 (1959).
Christiansen, P.: Studies in the rat ovarian augmentation method for
follicle stimulating hormone. Acta Endocrinol. 70, 636-652 (1972).
Colombo, L., del Conte, E., Clemenze, P.: Steroid biosynthesis in vitro
by the gonad of Sparus auratus L. (Teleostei) at different stages
during natural sex reversal. Gen. Compo Endocrinol. 12, 26-36 (1972)
D'Ancona, U.: Ermafroditismo ed intersessualita nei Teleostei. Experien-
tia 5, 381-391 (1949).
Deth, J~H.M.G. van, van Limborgh, J., van Faassen, F.: Le role de
l'hypophyse dans la determination du sexe de l'oiseau. Acta Morphol.
Neerl.-Scandinav. 1, 70-80 (1956).
Dodd, J.M.: Gonadal and gonadotrophic hormones in lower vertebrates.
In: Marshall's Physiology of Reproduction. Vol. 1, pp. 417-582
(ed. A.S. Parkes). London: 'Longmans, Green & Co. 1960.
Donaldson, E.M., Yamazaki, F., Dye, H.M., Philleo, W.W.: Preparation
of gonadotropin from salmon (Oncorhynchus tscha:wythscha) pi tui tary
glands. Gen. Compo Endocrinol. 18, 469-481 (1972).
Exley, D.: Ultramicrodetermination-of plasma testosterone by electron-
capture detection of testosterone diheptaflurobutyrate. Biochem. J.
107, 285-292 (1968).
Faiman, C., Winter, J.S.D.: Sex differences in gonadotrophin concen-
trations in infancy. Nature (Lond.) 232, 130-131 (1971).
Fevold, H.L., Hisaw, F.L., Leonard, S.L~The gonad stimulating and
the luteinizing hormones of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis.
Amer. J. Physiol. 97, 291-301 (1931).
Fishelson, L.: Protogynous sex reversal in the fish Anthias squamipinnis
regulated by the presence of absence of a male fish. Nature (Lond.)
227, 90- 91 ( 1 970) .
Foote, W.D., Thibault, C.: Recherches experimentales sur la maturation
in vitro des oocytes de trine et de veau. Ann. Bioi. animo Biochim.
Biophys. 9, 329-349 (1969).
Gabrilove, J~L.: In: Methods in Investigative and Diagnostic Endocri-
nology (eds. S.A. Berson and R.S. Yalow), Vol. 2A, pp. 541-546.
Amsterdam: N. Holland Publishing Co. 1973.
Gottfried, H.: The occurrence and biological significance of steroids
in lower vertebrates. Steroid 1, 219-242 (1964).
A. Introduction
B. Observations
The observations deal with 854 individuals (6'72 E. aeneus and 182 E.
guaza) whose lengths (LT) and weights (W) were measured and the gonads
histologically studied.
The gonads are ovotestes without distinct ovarian and testicular loca-
lization. They occur as mixed germinal cells in both sexes ("Epinephelus
type": Smith, 1965) and are therefore, different from the "hetero-
sexual" type distinguished in other serranids, such as Serranus scriba,
S. cabrilla and S. hepatus which are synchronous hermaphrodites.
a) Weight < 3 kg: All the fishes in the two first classes (I - II) are
non-functional, 100% young and immature females. The ovaries do not
participate in the seasonal cycle of oogenesis.
b) Weight 3 to 9 kg: The greatest number of fishes in the classes III
and IV (80% in E. guaza and 83% in E. aeneus) are functional females.
Table 1. Sexuality in EpinepheZ.us guaza
Weight classes Sex
'i' 'i' (young) 'i' 'i' d'd' 1i
Number Number Number Number
% % % %
of fishes of fishes of fishes of fishes
I o a kg 18 100 0 0 0
II a 3 kg 3 37,5 5 62,5 0 0
III 3,5 a 6 kg 0 22 88 3 12 0
IV 6,5 a 9 kg 0 34 72,3 11 23,4 2 4,2
V 9,5 a 12 kg 0 27 49 28 51 0
VI 12,5 a 15 kg 0 7 43,7 9 56,3 0
VII 15,5 a 20 kg 0 4 30,7 7 53,8 2 15,3
The ovaries show seasonal maturation at the end of spring and at the
beginning of summer and from July, mature oocytes are ready for spawn-
ing. The ovaries are at rest during autumn and winter.
c) Weight> 9 kg: Some females in this group are still functional, with
the number progressively falling off with increasing weight (E. guaza:
49% class V, 43% class VI and 30% class VIIi E. aeneus: 38% class V,
19% class VI and 0% class VII). On the other hand, the proportion of
males is steadily increasing, becoming more important in the high
weight classes (more so in E. aeneus than in E. guaza, where class VII
still shows 30% females).
c. Discussion
The observations have shown that in E. aeneus and E. guaza all young
fishes are females - the first functional activity being oogenetic.
Males occur among the largest individuals after a sex-reversal. This
confirms that protogynous hermaphroditism seems to be the general
situation in groupers, as has also been asserted by Smith (1959).
Fig. 1 - 4
1::::1 indiff .
3 ovarian
Aeknowledgements. The authors are very grateful to Mr. Ben Attigue (Tunis)
for his technical assistance and to Mr. Lecomte (Banyuls) for his pho-
tographic work.
By far the most of my material was collected during two trips to the
southern part of Lake Malawi. Some specimens, which had been brought
back from Malawi were kept and observed in our laboratory before fixa-
tion, whereas a few others were given to me by aquarists (Table 1).
I suspected some form of hermaphroditism in the Mbuna-group, due to
the fact that whereever sexual polymorphism occurs in teleost fish,
something unusual is likely to happen with the gonads. In fact, dif-
ferent sexual morphs exist in some Mbuna species (Fryer and Iles,
1972). For instance, in Lcibeotropheus there is one type of female with
a rather uniform blue-grey body. The body of the other type is marked
by black blotches on an orange ground.
Although at least in this case the different morphs can probably not
be related to differences in the state of the gonads, this starting
point was nevertheless a 'fruitful one which provided findings that
were of some interest.
The structure of the ovaries follows the general pattern known from
other cichlids. It may be mentioned, that the left shank of the organ
(as similar with testes) is very much reduced in size. No ob~ervations
could point towards hermaphroditism in females. Furthermore, no differ-
ences between the ovaries of representatives of the two female morphs
of Lcibeotropheus fueUeborni could be detected (Table 11. On the other
When they have reached a certain siz.e they stop growing. By far the
most of the largest oocytes, which I found in testes of mature Mbuna,
had a diameter of about 0.05 - 0.08 mm. In relatively large males one
may find individual oocytes which had grown larger (Fig. 1), the maxi-
mum size found was approximately 0.2 mm. Even this size is much less
than the oocytes in the ovaries, when they start yolk deposition.
The fact that larger oocytes have never been found in testes is in
favour of the assumption, that there is no transformation of the herm-
aphroditic males into sexually functioning females. Of course, one may
question whether the examined animals really had reached the size
(age?) in which such a transformation could perhaps take place. The
answer is that there were at least some males which had reached or
surpassed the species-specific maximum body size, as reported in liter-
ature (Table 1). These individuals also showed no signs at all of
transformation. Two of them apparently were sterile. The testes con-
tained little sperm and very little spermatogenetic tissue. In one,
Pseudotropheus auratus (see Addenda no. 2), most of the very numerous
oocytes were very deformed, indicating degeneration. The other testis,
Laheotropheus trewavasae (Fig. 4, see also Addenda no. 1), was even more
inactive, and again there was no sign of further development in the
female direction. The spermatogenetic tissue had largely disappeared
and most of the tubuli were practically empty.
When one looks at such a section, where most of the oocytes are con-
fined to the outer layer of the testis (the more median parts of the
tubuli being more or less devoid of them) one might suggest that at
least a portion of the more centrally lying oocytes had been ejected.
But it is still an open question whether such ejeGtions really take
place. There were occasionally sections to be seen which showed oocytes
detached from the wall of tubuli and lying within the central sperm
mass. But since this sperm mass shrinks by fixation, it cannot be ex-
cluded that the detachment of those oocytes took place in connection
with that shrinkage.
Labeotropheus 25 39, 41, 42, 43, 8 40, 54, 58, 65, Monkey Bay Aug. 68 110
fue Uebomi 44, 45, 45, 47, 66, 68, 70, 108 and Mwalamba
AHL 54, 55, 56, 57, Peninsula 4.Jan.70
60, 62, 62, 66, d' 70 aquarium
67, 73, 74, 76, ~~ 54, 57, 60,
80, 93, 96, 99, 62, 66, 74, 99,
106 (39-106) 106 aquarium
Labeotropheus 114 aquarium 117
Petrotilapia 5 44, 47, 53, 95, 6 47, 49, 53, 54, Monkey Bay 23-30. 250
tridentiger 133 55, 86 Dec. 69
Trewavas if 86 aquarium
Pseudotropheus 7 58, 59, 70, 70, 3 56, 61 , 106 Monkey Bay 23.-30. 82
elongatus 73, 77, 83 Dec. 69
Pseudotropheus 7 77, 101 , 107, 8 83, 88, 97, 104, Mazinzi 29.Dec.69 150
Uvingstonii 108, 114, 115, 130, 140, 147,
(Boulenger) 121 152
Pseudotropheus 5 53, 62, 68, 89, 7 59, 74, 100, Monkey Bay 23-30. about 130
tropheops 92 103, 104, 112, Dec. 69
Regan 143 if 143 aquarium -
Pseudotropheus 2 85, 86 8 86, 96, 96, 97, Monkey Bay 23./24. 110
zebra 100, 101, 102, Dec. 69
(Boulenger) 108
instead of the small peripheral ones; one may call them "giant" nu-
cleoli (Fig. 5). Although it can certainly be said that giant nucleoli
are characteristic of Mbuna testis-oocytes, small peripheral nucleoli
are not always absent. In the relatively rare cases where testis-
oocytes had grown larger than those usually found, they in fact showed
small peripheral nucleoli (Fig. 1). Thus, giant nucleoli are surely
not due to a complete blockage, but more likely to a temporal delay
of the p'rocess of formation of peripheral nucleoli.
These observations point towards one of the many open question offered
by the Mbuna gonads. It is tempting to speculate about these questions,
especially the basic question, namely: why among gonocytes lying side
by side in the same group, do some develop in the female direction
whereas others concurrently become spermatocytes and finally spermato-
zoa? Since these differentially developing gonocytes seem to be ex-
posed to the same external influences, it may be necessary to take
into account some kind of differential cell division of the gonocytes.
I myself do not plan to pursue the study on the Mbuna gonads and con-
sider this paper only as a preliminary note.
In the laboratory, I was chie'fly interested in the behavior of Mbuna.
From the vLewpoint of ethology I was surprised to notice that the
sexual behavior of Mbuna males, whose testes are usually overcrowded
with oocytes, followed exactly the male behavior pattern of other
mouthbrooding cichlids, whose testes are, so to speak, "normal".
2. Pseudotl'opheus auratus
Length 92 ,rom (max. length recorded 90 rom, see Table 1)
Age not known
From an aquarium
State: Testis had become surprisingly brown colored, almost
opaque. Little sperm and very little spermiogenetic tis-
sue; interstitial tissue very conspicuous. Oocytes very
numerous, largest about 0.06 rom, most of them much de-
formed in an irregular fashion.
~ Fig. 4. Laheotl'opheus tl'ewavasae, part of testis. (For explanation see
Addenda 1/1)
Fig. 5. Laheotl'opheus fueUeborni, same individual as Fig. 2, testis-oocyte
with a "giant" nucleolus. Inset: nucleus of another oocyte of this
testis showing an extremely large "giant" nucleolus
Fig. 6. Labeotl'opheus fueUeborni, length 66 rom, young ovary oocyte show-
ing small peripheral nucleoli
3. Pseudotropheus auratus
Length 115 nun
Age: The fish had been caught at Monkey Bay, Sept. 1968 (length
estimated at about 65 nun) and then reared in our laboratory,
where it spawned several times: at least 2 clutches (July and
August 1969) were definitely fertilized. The fish was fixed
6.12.1969, thus its age was more than 15 months; estimated age
about 21 months.
State: Testis overmature, sperm plentiful, but very much of the
spermatogenetic tissue had disappeared. Spermiogenesis
confined to the lateral zones. Numerous oocytes in these
parts. Most of the larger oocytes measured about 0.08 nun,
one was found with a diameter of 0.125 nun.
4. Pseudotropheus elongatus
Length 106 nun (max. length recorded 82 nun, see Table 1)
Caught and fixed Monkey Bay, 30.12.69
State: similar to no. 3
5. Pseudotropheus tropheops··
Length 143 nun (max. length recorded 'about 130 nun', see Table 1)
Age: The fish had been caught Aug. 1968 at Monkey Bay (estimated
at 65 nun) and was then reared in our laboratory. First spawning
act 21.10. 1968, spawned about 10 times, at least several clut-
ches were fertilized. Last spawning act about 4 weeks before the
fish was killed (25.11.70). Thus its age was more than 2 1/4
years, most probably nearer to 3 years.
Busch, H., Smetana, K.: The Nucleolus. New York-London: Academic Press
Fryer, G.: The trophic interrelationships and ecology of some littoral
communities of Lake Nyasa with special reference to the fishes, and
a discussion of the evolution of a group of rock-frequenting CiehZi-
dae. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 132, 153-281 (1959).
Fryer, G., Iles, T.D.: The Cichlid fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa.
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd 1972.
Jackson, P.B.N.: Check List of the fishes of Nyasaland. Occ. Pap. Nat.
Mus. S.Rhodesia 3, No. '25 B, 535-621 (1961).
Polder, J.J.W.: On gonads and reproductive behaviour in the Cichlid
fish Aequidens portaZegrensis (Hensel). Netherl. J. Zool. 21, 265-365
(1971). -
An Unusual Approach to Experimental Sex Inversion in the
Teleost Fish, Betta and Macropodus
P. Becker, H. Roland, and R. Reinboth
A. Introduction
2. In a similar operation one half of the ovary was used for histolog-
ical studies, the other one was squashed between two slides and the
resulting tissue-brei re-implanted into the genital cavity of its
3. After spaying, one half of the ovary was implanted into the body
cavity of another individual. (In Betta, the genital and body cavity
is separated from each other.) After 6, 8 and 10 days respectively,
the implanted tissue was removed from its host; a small piece was used
for histological inspection; the larger part was re-implanted auto-
plastically into the original donor (mostly back into its genital cav-
ity, partly, however, also into the body cavity) .
Most of our experiments were carried out with Betta splendens. But the
paradise fish, MacY'opodus opeY'cularis , has also been used for experiments
of type 1 and 2.
C. Results
An explanation for the fact that all the five fish with ambisexual
gonadal tissue (including male interstitial cells) retained their fe-
male characters, remains to be found (suppressive influence of the
ovarian elements?) .
a) Betta
splendens 47 4 12 23 8
b) Macropodus
opercularis 49 2 20 27
The two animals with sterile tissue regenerates acquired the male ha-
bitus within 2 months, due to the development of aggregations of inter-
stitial cells. The highly aggressive fish built foam nests but did not
mate. The operated fish, which regenerated pure ovarian tissue, partly
reached sexual maturity and eggs could be squeezed out by slight pres-
sure on the belly.
D. Discussion
The results of the foregoing studies raise two major problems: (1) what
type of cells are the precursors for spermatogenic dev elopment?
(2) which mechanisms are causative for the onset of testicular develop-
ment? In amphibia, Furnari-Savoca (1967) claimed somatic cells of the
sperm duct to form the crop of new spermatogonia, after complete cas-
tration of male Discogl ossus. From the particular design of our experi-
ments (gonad development in the body-cavity in a number of cases), we
infer that parts of the gonad itself must contain the elements for the
newly developing germinal tissue and many details of our histological
preparations support the assumption that follicular cells transform
into gonocytes. Differentiation of oocytes from follicular cells has
been reported by various authors (e.g. Wheeler, 1924; Craig-Bennett,
1931, Yamamoto, 1956, Srir~mulu and Rajalakshmi, 1966). If this is
correct, and when we consider such cells as sexually bipotential, the
mechanism remains to be found which favors male differentiation. We
have been unable to pinpoint any environmental influence (temperature,
light, supply of food, etc.) as a sex-inducer. Even infection by Ichthyo-
sporidium, which according to Wurmbach (1951) might help to explain sev-
eral cases of teratological sex-inversion in fish, cannot be considered
as responsible for the high rate of sex-inversion in our animals. In
no case was external masculinization observed when ovarian tissue re-
generated, although heavy infection by Ichthyosporidium could be seen.
Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to mention that the percentage occur-
rence of testicular tissue in Betta was twice as high in infested spe-
cimens. We tend to assume that our experimental interventions created
some kind of a hormonal imbalance - which favored male differentiation.
The chemical features of the change in the internal milieu remain to
be established.
A. Introduction
It is, therefore, surprising that until the report by Mehl (1973) which
described sex-chromatin from female liver tissue of the rudimentary
hermaphrodi tic sparid teleost, Lithognathus lithognathus, there has been
no other record of sex-chromatin from teleosts. Mehl was able to dem-
onstrate that the sexual dimorphism of sex-chromatin in this second-
arily gonochoristic species apparently conformed to mammalian princi-
ples - the possible genetic sex chromosome constitution being female
XX and male XY or Xo.
This line of research has been continued. The present report deals with
the results of sex-chromatin tests on the gonochoristic cichlid spe-
cies, Haplochromis burtoni (GUnther), and on six species of ambisexual
teleosts: PageUus acarne (Risso), PageUus erythrinus (L.), Diplodus sargus (L.)
and Spondyliosoma cantharus (L.) - (Sparidae); Coris julis (L.) - (Labridae) ;
and Serranus cabriUa (L.) - (Serranidae) .. The results are evaluated and
compared with what is known about the highly complex situation of sex
determination and genetic constitution in teleosts.
Small pieces of liver were collected from all the specimens examined:
Haplochromis burtoni, from stocks maintained in the aquaria of our Insti-
tute; and from the remaining six hermaphroditic species caught in the
Mediterranean Sea, at Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. Fixation, preservation,
sectioning, staining and analysis of results proceeded exactly as de-
scribed in Mehl (1973). The state of the gonads of all specimens was
recorded. In the case of H. burtoni and C. julis the sections were ran-
domly numbered to avoid biased analyses.
Table 1 summarizes the results obtained from all the species examined
for sex-chromatin (Barr) bodies in liver tissue.
gonochoristic 1 2 0"0"
burtoni 37 Cj1Cj1 + +
Page nus
protandric 50"0" + +
Page nus ? (possibly 30"0" + +
erythrinus protogynous) 3Cj1 Cj1
Dip~odus ? (possibly 2 + +
sargus protandric) H
Spondy liosoma
protogynous 1 Cj1
Coris protogynous
9Cj1 Cj1
julis 50"0" + +
1 50"0" + +
Serranus simultaneous
eabrina hermaphrodite + +
what is known from man and other mammalian species, the above results
are indeed surprising. Admittedly, the sample number (except for C. juZis)
is small and thus, some reservation must be placed against the validity
of the data. However, in all cases the distinction between the two tis-
sues was very clear. Therefore, it would appear that in these hermaph-
roditic species at least, the male is the homogametic sex and the female
the heterogametic sex.
Fig. 1 - 4
Atz (1964) stated that fish chromosomes have proved unfavorable cyto-
logical material, as they were small, little differentiated and numer-
ous. Recently, however, techniques for examining karyotypes of teleost
fishes have been greatly improved (McPhail and Jones, 1966; Howell,
1972), and clearly it is now imperative to try and determine the ka-
ryotypes of hermaphroditic teleost species. There is a good chance
that studies of the sex chromosomes of fishes will yield pertinent
information on the part played by the sex chromosomes in the process
of sex differentiation (Mittwoch, 1973). Hopefully, such future in-
formation would do much to elucidate the problems presented by the
sex-chromatin data of this paper.
All the male liver tissue of the ambisexual species examined occasion-
ally displayed the possible presence of more than one Barr body. The
incidence was highest in Sen'anus cabrilla, but was also plainly evident
in Pagellus erythrinus and Caris julis (Figs. 3 and 4). These observations
indicate a tentative case for polyploidy.
Barr (1961) states that it is rare to find more than one Barr body in
a cell which is normally diploid. However, in tetraploid cells and
especially those in which polyploidy is the rule, two chromatin bodies
may be found. Especially interesting is the fact that this situation
has been found in the liver cells of man and rat (Barr, 1961). Barr
also records that a sex-chromatin mass has been observed in the female
liver and skin interphase cells of heterogametic fowl embryos, which
was absent in the homogametic male sex.
1973) and H. bUX'toni would suggest that the presence of multiple Barr
bodies in the examined ambisexual teleosts is a genuine case for an
abnormal (polyploid) sex-chromosome constitution. In humans, true
hermaphroditism can occur and it is a well documented fact that chro-
mosome abnormalities in patients displaying Klinefelter and Turner
Syndromes can be diagnosed by analyses of sex-chromatin (Mittwoch,
1973). Perhaps then, it is not unreasonable to assume that hermaphro-
ditic teleosts may fall into·a similar category.
A. Introduction
B. Intersexuality
Selfing in the wild had already reduced the fish within each of the
three lines of our stock to genetic uniformity, viz. isogenicity plus
homozygosity. These lines are referred to as homozygous clones. This
usage of the term "clone" avoids repeated circumlocution and means a
group or line of descent composed of uniparental, isogenic individuals.
Clones DS and NA comprise the descendants of two genetically-different
hermaphrodites, wild-caught in the same salt marsh. Clone M comprises
the descendants of a hermaphrodite captured 145 miles (233 km) to the
south. Perhaps because of their homozygosity, the fish of these clones
show, especially in response to temperature, a developmental plasticity
100lJm I
Fig. 1 - 3
C. Genetic Uniformity
The fish were fixed in Bouin's solution. Their sections were 10 microns
thick and stained with iron haematoxylin. Only the best fixed and
stained series were used for germ cell counts.
Germ cell mitosis begins after the formation of neural and hemal arches
(Stage 31b+). It begins at about the same stage regardless of incuba-
tion temperature, but with regard to time it is postponed at low tem-
perature. Even with regard to developmental stage, ~rimordial germ
cell numbers persist longer in fish incubated at 19 C (Fig. 4). Between
fish incubated at 26°C and 19°C the rate of germ cell mitosis differed
sharply, whether the germ cell count was plotted against developmental
stage (Fig. 4) or time (days postsyngamy). At 26°C germ cell counts
rise steeply within the range of standard lengths at which hatching
usually occurs (4.5 - 5.4, average, 4.8 mm, n = 63). Maximal counts
are reached when the first gonia are sexualized as oocytes in first
meiotic prophase, with some in the earliest perinucleolar stage (cf.
Yamamoto, 1956). Germ cell counts in the fish at 26°C conform to a
curve with an upward flexure of 90 degrees, at about 4.5 mm SL and
30 days postsyngamy. All 26°C fish larger than 5.3 mm or older than
30 days had sexualized (female) gonia. Germ cell counts in fish incu-
bated at 19°C conform to a curve with an upward flexure at about the
same size and age as the 26°C fish but with an angle of about 45 de-
grees. Germ cell counts of 19°C fish approached the maximal counts
attained by the 26°C fish at larger sizes and greater ages than the
26°C fish. The 11 primary males used for germ cell counts (Fig. 4)
were on the threshold of'sexual differentiation. Only fish with un-
mistakeable primary spermatocytes and adjacent first meiotic meta-
phases, or with minimal numbers of spermatids but no meiotic phases
between primary spermatocytes and spermatids, were used for the termi-
nal germ cell counts. This procedure allowed an accurate germ cell count
at the threshold of sexual differentiation, because each tetrad of
spermatids could be counted as the last cell of a mitotic line. Sexu-
ally undifferentiated fish represented by open circles could be ex-
pected to differentiate as hermaphrodites, but 33% or less of the
undifferentiated fish represented by solid circles could also be ex-
pected to differentiate as hermaphrodites, despite incubation at 19°C
(Table 1). The two fish represented by the solid circles nearest the
uppermost two hermaphrodite symbols may have been future hermaphro-
dites, in spite of their incubation at low temperature. The 11 males
on the threshold of sex differentiation were 6.5 - 8.0 mm SL and 76 -
96 days old. The smallest male at sexual differentiation was 2 mm
larger and 48 days older than the youngest and smallest hermaphrodite
to reach sexual differentiation. The largest male on the threshold of
sexual differentiation was 3.5 mm larger and 66 days older than the
f i'
600 Incubation i"
o 26°C i'
• 19°C i"
t J'
400 i'
o. ..
! •
200 8
: DO:.;
• 'r i, .II:!.-
• i '"
i . .I I I I I I I I
Stage 27 28 29 30 31A 31 B 5 6 7 MMSL
F. Gonadal Morphogenesis
1 3 4 5 6 7
)a 0ir6
0j0 ~
t:;~ ~ ~
>< QO
Fig. 5. Comparison of gonadogenesis in Rivulus marmoratus, another her-
maphroditic fish, and two gonochoristic fishes. Black: Mesogonadium,
hilar stroma, and its outgrowth, the lateral ramus. Shaded: d' gono-
cytes. Stippled: ~ gonocytes. Clear: Undifferentiated germ cells.
Rivulus marmoratus: (1) primary testis; (2) ovotestis. Sparus auratus:
(.3) ovotestis, based on photographs of Pasquali (1941). Opsanus tau:
(4) ovary, based on photographs of Odum (1936). Poecilia reticulata:
(5) ovary; (6) testis; (7) testis changed into ovary by estrogen, after
Miyamori (1964) and Anteunis (1959)
G. Discussion
but ironically, perhaps their counterparts are the medial and lateral
rami described by Pasquali and D'Ancona.
The identification of the medial ramus with female territory and the
lateral ramus, or perhaps more basically, the hilar stroma, with male
territory does not explain why in protogynous (and protogynoid) herm-
aphrodites the medial ramus differentiates first, while the reverse
is true of protandrous hermaphrodites. Perhaps the speculation (Har-
rington, 1971) that protandry may derive from male homogamety and pro-
togyny from female homogamety can be harmonized with the theory of
Mittwoch, which emphasizes in a new way the relation of homogamety
and heterogarnety to sexual differentiation.
Satoh, N., Egami, N.: Sex differentiation in germ cells in the teleost
Oryzias Zatipes, dur ing normal ernbryoni c development. J. Ernbryol.
expo Morph. 28 (2), 385-395 (1972).
Vitagliano, G.:-osservazioni sul comportamento delle cellule follicu-
lari nella gametogenesi di CavoZinia tridentata Forskal (Moll. Pterop.)
Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli 22, 367-377 (1950).
Witschi, E.: The inductor theory of sex differentiation. J. Fac. Sci.
Hokkaido Univ., Ser. VI, Zool. (Prof. T. Uchida Jubilee Vol.) 11,
428-439 (1957).
Yamamoto, K.: Studies on the formation of fish eggs. I. Annual cycle
in the development of ovarian eggs in the flounder, Liopsetta obscUl'a.
J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., Ser. VI, Zool. 12 (3), 362-373 (1956).
Yamamoto, T.: Artificially induced sex-reversal-rn genotypic males
of the medaka (Oryzias Zatipes). J .. Exp. Z 001. 123, 571-594 (1953).
Yamamoto, T.: Artificial induction of functional sex-reversal in geno-
typic females of the medaka (Oryzias Zatipes). J. EXp. Zool. llZ,
227-262 (1958).
Yamamoto, T.: Permanency (sic) of hormone-induced sex-differentiation
in the medaka, Oryzias Zatipes. Annot. Zool. Japon. !l (4), 172-179
Yamamoto, T.: Sex differentiation. In: Fish Physiology (eds. W.S. Hoar
and D.J. Randall), Vol. 3, pp. 117-175. New York: Academic Press
Protogynous Hermaphroditism In Fishes of the Family
J. H. Choat and D. R. Robertson
A. Introduction
B. Methods
For gonad analysis scarids were collected individually and from poison
stations. Attempts were made to cover the entire range of the species
observed when collecting. Gonads and gonoducts were either immediately
dissected out and fixed in Bouin's fluid, or the entire specimen was
fixed in 10% formalin by injection into the body cavity. Size was
measured in mm and expressed as standard length.
C. Results
Although it has been assumed that all of the above species are proto-
gynous, it has only been confirmed by histological examination in those
The majority of scarids from the study area were dichromatic, and un-
like many species of labrid fishes, the dichromatism in the different
phases was sharply discontinuous.
Of the 22 species listed above, there were only 3 which did not fit
the picture of discontinuous dichromatism. Searus niger showed no dif-
ferentiation of color over the adult size range. In the case of Searus
sehultzi, larger individuals were more brightly colored but the dichro-
matism did not involve sharply distinct color patterns. Searus gibbus
did not fit the pattern of usual scarid dichromatism. Two color vari-
ants, red and green were observed each occupying the full size range,
and it is thought that these may represent a color polymorphism.
G nolO
S. formosus
o no18
I G nolO
S.lunula o n 012 I
G n, 42
S. globiceps
_ -_ _~oiiiG-.:.n ' 16
S. forsle ri
o n ,7
G n 099
S. sordidus
o n 097 I
T no 2
G n' 61
S. fas-ciatus
o n =84 I
T noS
S.sexviltatus G no 53
I G n ,13
S. v e nos U 5
o no 39
n = 69
S. n i 9 e r
The same specimens used to compile Fig. 1 were also examined to deter-
mine their sexual identities. Slight discrepancies in numbers between
Fig. 1 and Table 1 indicate that we were unable to examine all indi-
viduals histologically. The data in Table 1 show that scarids are very
close to the labrids in their patterns of sexual identity. Following
Reinboth (1962, 1970), four sexual identities were recognized: females,
primary males, secondary males and individuals undergoing sexual tran-
sition. Primary males were presu~ed to be true male gonochorists.
Secondary males comprised false male gonochorists, that is secondary
males from juvenile females (Harrington, 1971), and males derived from
mature females.
Primary males had large testes with centrally located sperm ducts.
The gonoducts of primary males were massive, with numerous connective
tissue septae. The testes of secondary males clearly indicated their
ovarian origin by being lobate, with a central lumen and peripheral
sperm ducts. The gonoducts were similar to those described for second-
ary male labrids (Reinboth, 1962). Arbitrary criteria were used for
defining transitional gonads, as functional females may have sperm
crypts and functional males, atretic eggs. However, no instances of
simultaneous maturity of male and female products in the same gonad
were found.
Table 1. Color and sex distribution in nine species of scar ids collected
at Heron Island. 1°0"0" refers to primary males, 2°0"d' to secondary males
and t to sexually transitional individuals. Sizes are grouped in 20 rom
intervals of standard length
(A) S. formosus
Color phase Drab Gaudy
Sexual identity 1 0 0"0"
61 - 80
81 - 100
1 01 - 120 2
1 21 - 140 8
1 41 - 160 6 3
1 61 - 180 5
1 81 - 200
Sexually mature 105 rom ?
(B) S. lunula
Color phase Drab Transitional Gaudy
Sexual identity t 2 0 ci'd'
61 - 80
81 - 100
101 - 120 2
121 - 140
141 - 160
1 61 - 180 5
181 - 200 5
201 - 220 2 2
221 - 240 3
Sexually mature 115 rom ?
(C) S. forsteri
Color phase Drab Gaudy
Sexual identity '('( 1°0"d' t 1 0 d'd'
61 - 80 12 4
81 - 100 4 4
101 - 120 3
1 21 - 140 3
141 - 160 2
161 - 180
181 - 200 3
201 - 220 2 2
221 - 240 3 3
(D) S. gZobiceps
Color phase Drab Transitional Gaudy
Sexual identity 'i' 'i' °
1 d'd' t 1 ° t °
1 d'd' °
2 d'd'
61 - 80 27 5
81 - 100 17 4
101 - 120 18 9
121 - 140 15 6 2
141 - 160 9 5 7 4
161 - 180 7
181 - 200 2 3 4
201 - 220 4 6
221 - 240
Sexual maturity 115 103 rnrn
(E) S. sordidus
Color phase Drab Transitional Gaudy
Sexual identity 'i?'i' 1 od'd' °
1 d'd' t °
1 d'd' °
2 d'd'
61 - 80 10
81 - 100 15 2
101 - 120 5
1 21 - 140 12 3
141 - 160 20 3
161 - 180 18 3 3
1 81 - 200 19 15
201 - 220 10 24
221 - 240 7 17
241 - 260 3 22
261 - 280 11
Sexual maturity 135 rnrn 98 rnrn
(F) S. fasciatus
Color phase Drab Transitional Gaudy
Sexual identity 'i''i' 1°d'd' t °
1 d'd' t 1° d'd' 2° d' d'
81 - 100 9 2
101 - 120 10
1 21 - 140 6 2
141 - 160 9 6
1 61 - 180 10 4
181 - 200 12 2
201 - 220 7 3 3
221 - 240 23 8
(G) S. sexvittatuB
Color phase Drab Transitional Gaudy
Sexual identity 'i'Q 1 0 0"0" t t t 2 0 0"0"
61 - 80 10
81 - 100 8
1 01 - 120 7
1 21 - 140 7
1 41 - 160 4
1 61 - 180 5
1 81 - 200 5
201 - 220 14 2 4 5
221 - 240 7 7
241 - 260 18 3 7
261 - 280 6 7
281 - 300 10
301 - 320 6 7
3 21 - 340 4
Sexual maturity 194 rom ?
(H) S. venosus
Color phase Drab Transitional Gaudy
Sexual identity 'i''i' 10 2° t t 2 0 0"0"
61 - 80
81 - 1 00 2
1 01 - 1 20 2
1 21 - 140 5
1 41 - 160 2
1 61 - 180
1 81 - 200 6
201 - 220 11
(I) S. niger
Sexual identity ~~ t 2° d'd'
61 - 80 3
81 - 100
101 - 120 4
121 - 140 3
141 - 160 5
161 - 180 9 1
181 - 200 7 3
201 - 220 13 2
221 - 240 5 5
241 - 260 11
261 - 280 8
281 - 300
Sexual maturity 163 mm
8 o Colou r : 0 Drab
o 6. Gaudy
o Trans i tion al
'" o
c 6 o o Sex
o o " cI cI
.::: z· d'd'
..'" o00o0 + Trans i tional
~ o
"c 4
o <II
100 150 200 250
St an dard Len gth In mm
III. Ecology
The study sites were two adjacent, but topographically distinct regions
of the reef, as shown in Fig. 3. Area A was in a region sheltered from
prevailing southerly winds by nearby Wistari Reef. The outer slope of
this was covered with luxuriant growth of Acropora, the open interstices
of which provided a great deal of shelter for reef organisms. The upper
and lower boundaries of the reef slope were characterized by a decrease
in coral cover and an increase in dead calcareous substrates, when com-
pared to the mid reef slope. The area was subdivided into 4 zones and
these corresponded to obvious structural features of the reef (Fig. 3).
Area A
Reef Crest n 8 73.8 21 .9 3.7 0.2 0.2 0.2
Reef Slope (1) n 4 26.7 40.3 1 .9 31 . 1
Reef Slope (2) n 4 8.4 86.9 1 .2 3.3 0.07
Patch zone n 5 60.7 6.5 2.9 26.5 3.4
Area B
Reef Slope n = 5 87.3 2.2 0.1 10.1 0.27
----N ~
, 0 20 J0 4
' 0 50 60 70 80 90
Fig. 3. (I) Western tip of Heron Island reef showing the positions of
study areas (A) and (B). (1) Sand Cay. ( 2 ) Reef Flat, emergent at high
water. (3) Reef Crest. (4) Approximate position of the 12 meter depth
contour. (II) Profile of the reef at area (A) showing the subdivisions
of the reef used in Table 4. (A) Reef Crest. (E) Outer Slope (1 ).
(e) Outer Slope (2). (D) Patch Zone
Substrate Dead Porites Dead Acropora Acropora Impacted Dissected Dead Bases of
surface hyacinthus rubble carbonate carbonate Acropora live
plate in sand rock rock thickets Acropora
Observations n 14 n 13 n = 22 n 5 n 5 n 3 n 9
Total scar ids 46 62 63 20 9 15 8
x number 3.3 4.7 2.8 4.0 1 .8 5.0 0.9
Most abundant S. niger B. glob/fasc s. sordidus S. sOY'didus S. flavi- S. sordidus S. flavi-
species % (30.4) (50.0) (30.1) (35.0) pectoralis (53.3) pectoralis
(33.3) (25.0)
Grazing intensity
Total bites 3514 5475 1360 351 162 433 135
x bites 251 .2 421 .0 61.8 70.2 32.4 144.3 15.0
Most intensive S. niger s. glob/fasc S. venosus S. forsteri S. flavi- S. sordidus S. flavi-
grazer % bites (27.7) (65.0) (31 .2) (38.7) pectoralis (60.3) pectoralis
(54.9) (37.0)
These tendencies are shown clearly by the two species, S. niger and
S. faeiatus. S. niger is of interest, in that it is the only species pre-
sent in the study area which lacks dichromatism in the adult stages,
it is the only species which could be classified as monandric, and it
is the only one which was found concentrated about the large permanent
grazing substrates. It was never seen in schooling associations, and
showed little change in numbers or distribution with the tidal cycle.
S. niger achieved its greatest abundance on the outer reef slope in
areas covered with branching Acropora. Here S. niger was associated with
massive Porites growths. Its dependence on shelter is suggested by its
absence in counts made at the N.W. corner, where numerous Porites growths
occurred. Maps covering 1040 and 3025 square meters respectively, showed
that large Porites growths in area A were minority components of the
substrate. They were estimated at 0.7% and 1.1% of bottomcover respec-
tively, and were isolated islands of clean grazing substrate used
mainly by S. niger, surrounded by abundant cover in the form of Acropora
D. Discussion
Monandry and diandry, with their associated pair and group spawning,
are at opposite ends of an ecological spectrum. The contrasting behav-
ior of S. niger and S. fasciatus represent different solutions to the
problems confronting grazing herbivores on a coral reef. These "prob-
lems" are the selective forces with which each species must contend.
Scarids and, indeed all herbivores, must gain continued access to
grazing substrates in an environment which may be subject to consider-
able disturbance. Predation is a selective force which can also strongly
influence the dispersion and distribution of different species (Randall,
1963; Talbot, 1965). Finally, selection will favor those individuals
which maximize their contribution to subsequent generations, and this
will be reflected in their particular mating system.
S. fasciatus does not defend any particular site, with the exception of
a transient pair spawning territory. In no observed case were groups
of females dominated by a single male. The diandry of this species is
seen as a consequence of a loose social organization, and lack of site
attachment. Selection for diandry is postulated for circumstances sim-
ilar to those in Thalassoma lunare (Robertson and Choat, 1973).
With respect to the possible mechanisms which might mediate this flexi-
bility, the suggestions of Harrington (1971) and Reinboth (1973) must
be noted. Their suggestions that the density of primary males may have
a suppressive influence on the testicular activity of hermaphroditic
R. maY'moY'atus, and that the densi ty of the gaudy male Thalassoma bifasciatum
influences the schedule of color transition in this species, point the
way to the types of experimental approaches required to answer these
Acknowledments.We wish to thank E.L. Nelson and A.V. Choat for histolo-
gical preparation of the gonad samples, the Heron Island Research Board
for the use of facilities at the Heron Island Research Station, Dr.
F.H. Talbot for providing accommodation and facilities on One Tree Is-
land and at the Australian Museum and J. Goedon and Dr. J. Connell for
data on coral distribution. We have benefited from discussions with
J.F. Grassle, W. Starck II, J.E. Randall, and P. Sale.
A. Introduction
B. Methods
c. Results
Field Studies
In such groups the males form two castes: One caste is the dominant
fishes, holding separate territories over the upper part of the coral
block. These "superior" individuals defend their places against con-
specific males performing typical U-swims and threatening postures
(Popper and Fishelson, 1973). During reproduction these courting males
ascend toward the female group and pair with receptive females, fer-
tilizing the expelled eggs. While feeding, they mix among the females,
but remain alert and close to their territory. It seems that in the
case of A. squamipinnis that feed on plankton and produce pelagic eggs,
the territory of a male has a rudimentary meaning and seems to act
for "selbstbehauptung" of the sexually active male. The second caste
of males, usually more numerous than the first, are the bachelor males
that form a loose assembly, living separately and close to the lower
part of the habitat occupied by the territorial males. Each time that
such bachelors try to ascend and join the females, or take part in
courtship, they are prevented from doing so by the antagonistic action
of the territory-holding males.
D. Reproduction
0 5.7-
;::: 4.8-
« 3.0-
x 2.1-
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 3 4 5 Fig. 3. Indices of ovaries
MONTHS and testes in A. squamipinnis
0.900 5 4 0 0 0
12.00 5 0 0 5 0 0
15.00 5 0 0 0 2 3
17.00 5 0 0 0 4
The number of eggs found in the ovary of a single female is very vari-
able, depending on the size of the animal and the season (Fig. 4).
Occurrence of ovulated eggs in ovaria of 85% of the females caught
daily, supports the view that each fish spawns numerous times during
the reproductive season. Artificial fertilization, performed in the
laboratory, showed that the hatching occurs 36 hours after fertiliza-
tion. On the third day the larvae of 1.5 rom length absorb their yolk
remnants and begin to feed on unicellular organisms.
January 20 0 20 14 12 2
February 30 0 30 30 26 4
March 30 0 30 30 27 3
April 10 0 10 10 4 6
3000 8
:2: 20
~ 2000
w 7
j 1000
E. Sex-reversal
OV ST 4 - 0
OVST 1-6
15 0
'*- '"'"
(f) III
Z 50
::J 5
Artificial Sex-reversal
Concentra- Begin- Display Fin pigment Body pigment U-swinnning Loop swimming
tion of ning of
hormone agonism Lateral Mouth Firs·t Final First Final Partly Full
1.5mg/lw 4. 4. o. 6. o. 5. o. o. o. o.
3.0 mg/lw 1.5 2. 6. 3. 7. 5. 8. 8. o. O.
5.0 mg/lw 1. 2. 4. 2. 5. 4. 7. 6. 9. II.
The gonads of the dissected specimens showed atretic oocytes and dense
groups of testicular cells, but no normal spermatogonia or ripe sperm.
F. Discussion
Like various rodent mammals and weaver birds, groups of Anthias squami-
pinnis, form monospecific communities. In Anthias, the process of sex-
reversal seems to be the factor that regulates the eco-social structure
and the position of each individual in the community. The main pathway
of this development is the behavioral one, that in a wide sense belongs
to a very general FAP (Fixed Action Pattern) and the morphological
one, that may be marked as a part of a FMP (Fixed Morphological Pat-
tern). These patterns, regulated by eNS and sex-hormones, are innate
and intermingle with each other. Both these sets of characters mould
the group of Anthias in which the division in females, active males and
bachelor males, produce a community with a specific hierarchical struc-
ture: The females form stationary shoals hovering around a coral pin-
nacle; the active males occupy individual territories along the upper
part of the rock; and the bachelor males form a group hiding close to
the bottom layer of the habitat. All the young are females, and, if
they are lucky, end up as males in the bachelor group. There is a
constant flow of individuals from one social structure to the other.
This movement seems to be induced by hormones of gonadal or pituitary
origin. As demonstrated, administration of testosterone will induce
U-swims that are a part of the FAP of a male Anthias. This is prominent
even before testicular development. As such behavior is observed also
in juvenile fish with undeveloped gonads, it seems that the target
organ is the CNS. From here the stimulation of new behavior occurs.
A. Introduction
I. Ostariophysi
Porocanthopterwii 4 PERCOMORPHA
II. Stomiatiiormes
The only member of the order Stomiatiformes that has been recorded to
be hermaphroditic is the protandrous Gonostoma graci le Gunther (Kawa-
guchi and Marumo, 1967). In this species the testis develops as a se-
ries of swellings in the cord-like germinal ridge. After functioning
as a male, ovarian tissue develops between the- testicular parts and
eventually the entire gonad becomes an ovary. Such serial alternation
of male and female zones is commonly found as an abnormal condition
in gonochoristic species. Other Stomiatiformes such as Malacosteus,
Idiacanthus and Maurolicus are gonochoristic. As in the Cobi tidae, the
rare occurrence and distinctive anatomy of the single hermaphroditic
species suggest that hermaphroditism is a recent evolutionary experi-
ment that has not yet permitted its possessor to enter a new adaptive
zone and give rise to other species.
III. Aulopiformes
The critical point here is that the only two families of aulopiform
fishes that inhabit shallow waters are gonochoristic. All of the rest
are deep-sea forms and are synchronous hermaphrodites. This strongly
suggests that the synodontids and harpadontids are secondary gonocho-
IV. Atheriniformes
The Atheriniformes include many of the best known aquarium fishes and
some of these, of the families Poeciliidae and Cyprinodontidae, have
been studied extensively by fish breeders and geneticists. They ex-
hibit a wide spectrum of reproductive specializations including sexual
parasitism (Schultz, 1971) but so far, only Rivulus marmoratus has been
shown to be normally hermaphroditic.
V. Synbranchiformes
The other three genera examined by Liem, Monopterus, Synbranehus and Typhlo-
synbranehus were found to be diandric or at least to have some diandric
populations. As in the Perciformes, primary males have solid testes,
secondary males have the old ovarian cavities remaining although not
functional. Chan and Phillips (1967) and Okada (1966) have described
the ovarian lumen as divided into three spaces which they term pseudo-
coels. From their illustrations it appears that the ovarian lamellae
are joined to the capsule wall along both dorsal and ventral edges
rather than just along the dorsal edge as is the usual situation in
cryptovarian fishes.
VI. Scorpaeniformes
the female phase. In the third type (B) the gonad develops first as
a testis with no indication of female elements. Only later does the
ovarian tissue appear and as the testis regresses the gonad appears
bisexual, finally becoming completely feminized. In type B the gonad
is U-shaped in cross-section during the testicular phase and only
closes to form an ovarian cavity during transformation. Thus, type Al
is intermediate between A and B.
VII. Perciformes
2. Pseudograrnrnidae
3. Serranid Patterns
4. Labrid Patterns
5. Cepolidae
Vives et al. (1959) have reported that the red bandfish CepoZa T'Ubescens
is diandric.
6. Polynemidae
The Sparidae and Emmelichthyidae are closely related and have a similar
gonad structure, which is different enough from the serranid patterns
to suggest that they evolved hermaphroditism independently. The ventral
position of the testicular region seems to characterize this lineage.
The polynemids also have well separated male and female territories,
but according to Kagwade, the testicular region is near the main blood
vessels, i.e. dorsal to tQe ovarian region. Hence, despite their func-
tional similarity to the protandrous sparids, I believe that they also
represent a~ independent derivation of hermaphroditism.
D. Discussion
Liem (1968) has pointed out that hermaphroditism occurs in the fresh-
water swmap-dwelling synbranchids, in coral reef and other continental
shelf environments and in meso- and bathypelagic fishes and that each
of these environments is shared with many species that are gonocho-
ristic. Liem has called this chance evolution. Apparently he believes
that the selective forces are different in each of these environments
and thus hermaphroditism has been established in response to different
selective pressures in each setting.
One can also reason that each of these habitats, different though they
are, has some common aspect that makes hermaphroditism advantageous.
The overall habitat is unimportant; it is the precise aspect of the
habitat that is critical. One must also consider the possibility that
a particular group evolved in a different habitat from the one it now
1. Synchronous Hermaphroditism
2. Successive Hermaphroditism
The "double gonad" structure of the spar ids offers a phenetic plas-
ticity that is not available to the mixed tissue gonads of EpinepheZus
and its relatives. The recent study by Mehl (1973) of the steenbras
Lithognathus lithognathus, seems to suggest that a single individual can
function only as a male or as a female during its life, although some
individuals may possibly also function as synchronous hermaphrodites.
Unfortunately, the phylogeny of the sparids has not been worked out,
but the observations of Reinboth (in Atz, 1965) that protandrous spe-
cies tend to have pelagic eggs and transform slowly, whereas the pro-
togynous species tend to lay demersal eggs and change quickly in a
period of a few weeks, certainly bears on the problem. Here again, in
the isolated but stable populations that produce demersal eggs, pre-
sumably with some parental care, the ability of some individuals to
transform to males would be advantageous - as it would always assure
the occurrence of large males in the population. If, as in certain
pomacentrids, large males guard the eggs there might be a strong ad-
vantage. Why protandry would be advantageous to a pelagic spawning
fish is less apparent, unless it maximizes egg production by larger
females while assuring an adequate supply of males. As Smith (1967)
pOinted out, the advantage of one or the other types of transforming
would depend to a large extent on mating patterns of polyandry or
3. Diandry
Reinboth found that bright males are territorial and, although a dom-
inant bright male will permit other bright males in the territory,
only the dominant territorial male engages in pair spawning with in-
dividual females. Plain males participate in group spawning in which
large numbers of fish congregate in a local area and then spawn in
small temporary groups.
At first glance one might suggest that the diandric fishes represent
a transitional phase between protogyny and secondary gonochorism, as
postulated by Smith and Young (1966). In the Smith and Young model,
however, the reverpion to gonochorism would have resulted from part
of the population transforming to males earlier and earlier, until the
female phase was eliminated altogether. As a result, all of the males
would have the anatomical make-up of secondary males. Thus, the model
does not account for the presence of primary males and is not appli-
cable. Furthermore, this does not answer the question of the adaptive
significance of diandry, for diandry surely is highly adaptive. Not
only is it widespread in the labrids and scar ids which are extraordi-
narily successful coral reef fishes, but in the cepolids it apparently
represents a plesiomorphic character state rather than secondary or
independent development.
It appears then, that the situation with the bluehead and presumably
other wrasses and scarids as well, is a kind of balanced polymorphism.
Individuals that remain on a cleaning station have a better chance of
survival if they can switch. At the same time sexual inversion is
equivalent to early mortality of the first sex and it would be advan-
tageous for fishes that do not occupy territories to avoid switching.
There are, however, still many questions to he answered. For example,
are there two kinds of females, one capable of undergoing sex inver-
sion to produce males and the other not? What are the sex ratios at
the time of sexual differentiation? And perhaps most important, are
the behavioral patterns fixed so that some individuals are always
territorial and others always wanderers, or do they change back and
forth during their lifetime?
Aoyama, T., Kitajima, T., Mizue, K.: Study of the sex reversal of ine-
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Clark, E.: Functional hermaphroditism and self-fertilization in a ser-
ranid fish. Science, N.Y. 129, 215-216 (1959).
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Fishelson, L.: Protogynous sex reversal in the fish Anthias squamipinnis
(Teleostei, Anthiidae) regulated by the presence or absence of a
male fish. Nature (Lond.) 224, 90-91 (1970).
Fujii, T.: Hermaphroditism and sex reversal in fishes of the Platy-
cephalidae. II. Kwnococius detY'usus and Inegocia japonica. Japan. J.
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Ghiselin, M.T.: The evolution of hermaphroditism among animals. Quart.
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Gosline, W.A.:~he morphology and systematic position of the alepo-
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Greenwood, P.H., Rosen, D.E., Weitzman, S.H., Myers, G.S.: Phyletic
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Harrington, R.W., Jr.: Environmentally controlled induction of primary
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Harrington, R.W., Jr.: How ecological and genetic factors interact to
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Kagwade, P.V.: Hermaphroditism in Polydactylus indicus (Shaw). J. Mar.
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natural sex reversal in the teleost fish order Synbranchiformes.
J. Zool., London 12£, 225-238 (1968).
A. Introduction
The early stages of the organogenesis of ovaries and testes are diffi-
cult to study in bisexual species, when the genotypic sex of the ex-
perimental embryos or larvae is unknown. However, such studies are
relatively simple in mammals, owing to the precocious appearance of
sex chromatin before the sex differentiation stage of the embryo
(Picon, 1965; Issa et al., 1969); and in birds, through the prepara-
tion of the karyotype from embryonic cells (Gasc, 1973). In amphibians
and especially in the Salamander Pleurodeles waUlii, these characteris-
tics are lacking. Neverthe~ess, the genotypic sexes can be determined
by using the unisexual offsprings of Xenopus laevis (Breuer et al.,
1966). In Pleurodeles, Gallien (1954) obtained the first "neo-females"
(they were functionally phenotypic females but genotypic ZZ males}
which gave rise to unisexual male offsprings when mated with standard
ZZ males. In the same species, I have obtained females of the sexual
genotype Wfl, which give rise only to female individuals when mated
with standard males.
I. Experimental Procedure
I have used a method which differs slightly from that followed success-
fully for the first time in Amhystoma, sp. by Humphrey (1942). Essentially
it consists of masculinizing the embryonic ovary of a genotypic female
into functional testis. In Pleurodeles (as in Ambystoma) the female sex
is the heterogametic one (ZW). Therefore, such a testis would produce
two types of spermatozoa and, in cross-breeding with an amphogenous
ZW female, would produce offspring consisting of ZZ males (25%), ZW
females (50%) and WW animals (25%) (provided that the latter are viable,
as in Amhystoma sp., Humphrey, 1945) and in Xenopus laevis (Mikamo and
Witschi, 1963). Here, they are functional females giving rise to uni-
sexual female offspring, when mated with standard ZZ males.
c1 [(3A+ZZZ) or (2A+ZW)] x
t~ (2A+ZW)
2. Recognition of the Sex of the Grafted Gonads. The experimental pairs are
numbered, and donor and host embryos are bred separately, until they
metamorphose. Dissection of the donor then shows what kind of gonad
(testis or ovary) has been grafted, and also if the gonadal primordium
has been entirely extirpated.
3. Control of the Hosts. At puberty (about 3 months after metamorphosis)
when nuptial pads appear on the forelegs, the hosts corresponding to
female donors were laparotomized on the right side, in order to de-
termine the degree of development and the external features of the
gonad which had developed from the graft. The testis was removed from
the left side and used to make squashes of testicular cells, in order
to determine the host's ploidy.
4. Mating of the Triploid Hosts. When triploid hosts, carrying a testis on
the right side, are mature they are mated with unfertilized standard
diploid females. The sex-ratio of the consecutive offsprings are estab-
lished two months after metamorphosis, through exploratory laparotomy.
5. Specification of the Thelygenous Females. Females from mature offsprings,
where the sex-ratio is about 25% if /75% <jl , are mated with standard
diploid males. Samples of their offsprings are bred until metamorpho-
sis, when diagnosis of the sex is a simple procedure. Then, any re-
sulting unisexual female offspring specifies its mother as a thely-
genous female.
C. Results
Thirty-nine grafts have been made and 17 experimental pairs have been
bred until metamorphosis. The sex-ratio of the 17 donors was 8 d' : 9 '2 •
Ploidy could be specified from only 5 hosts, out of the 9 corresponding
to the 9 female donors: 2 were diploid, 2 were triploid and the last
one (R35) exhibited a 2n/3n mosaicism. Moreover, 8 hosts (the corres-
ponding donors of which died during the first larval stages) were also
bred and studied: 2 were diploid and 6 were triploid (Table 1).
The exploratory laparotomy on the right side had shown, either a testis
(R 4 , R4 1, R43, R46, R 47 , R4S) in 6 animals, or a whitish and filamen-
tous gonad in 3 animals (R 32 , R"5' R 44 ).
The fourth step of the experiment was the mating of the triploid males.
At that time, a testis had developed on the right side in males R35
and R44i but the right gonad of R32 remained in a vestigial state until
the death of the animal. Male R43 , which died, could not be tested.
The results of this stage are shown in Table 2. Encouraged by the re-
sults of the examination of the sex-ratio of the offsprings from'4
males, I tested (during the fifth and last step of the experiment) ,
the females as soon as they matured. There was, therefore, a great
disparity between the different offsprings according to the number of
tested females (Table 3). At the present time, 4 females out of the
25 tested appeared to have been thelygenous.
2 0
2 2
2 0
10 0
5 2
D. Discussion
d'T x ~ 217 41 32 22
d' 29 x ~ 217 a 85 51 40
d' 29 x ~ 301 a 49 30 39
d' 29 x ~ 302 30 14 53,5
if 4 x ~ 302 b 30 1b 96,5
if 4 x ~ 217 40 0 100
a 50 larvae from these 2 batches have been bred; 42 reached metamor-
phosis, the sex-ratio was: 19d' /23 ~ .
b This larva died soon
after the feeding stage.
During his numerous experiments, Beetschen (1960) found only one animal
exhibiting 2n/3n mosaicism and, moreover, this animal was not viable.
It is interesting to note that Beetschen controlled ploidy on somatic
cells, while I did this on germ cells. Therefore, one cannot exclude
that in the host R35 , some diplOid primordial germ cells could have
crossed from the graft on the right side to the left side. Therefore,
the host could have been triploid, while the squashes of its left
testis showed simultaneously diploid and triploid meiotic germ cells.
Host R3S has given rise to 2 thelygenous females.
Among the triploid male hosts (the sex of the corresponding donors
being unknown), R41 has also given rise to 2 thelygenous females. An
abnormal, but relatively slight lethality exhibited by its first off-
spring after it had reached the feeding stage (L 69 ) could be assumed
as due to aneuploidy. Another host, R44 , first had a vestigial right
gonad which developed into a testis (similar to R 3S ) after the removal
of the left testis. Similar facts have been described in Anibystoma, sp.
by Humphrey (1945). In Pleurodeles waltlii, I have begun to study (by
con~rolled heterosexual associations), how a genotypic female gonad
can be masculinized into a functional testis. Preliminary results show
that the grafting of either a testis primordium on a female embryo,
or a testis from a metamorphosing animal into a female larva before
the sex differentiation stage, essentially induces a severe inhibition
of the development of the female gonads. The sex inversion is seldom
obtained and when the grafted testis is removed, mature ovaries can
develop from the previously inhibited female gonads. These observations
confirm those obtained in the same species with heterosexual parabiotiC
associations (Gallien, 1973). It appears that sex inversion of ovaries
into testes is more difficult to obtain in Pleurodeles waltlii than in
Ambystoma, sp. or Xenopus laevis.
Plate I. Fig. 1 - 8
sidual ovarian cavity, but does not fill it. This sparse medulla seems
to be rather poorly activated towards a masculinizing tendency, as
shown by the few oogonia which had migrated there and were now multi-
plying as spermatogonia. Therefore, puromycin is able to inhibit the
masculinizing phenomena experimentally induced by testosterone, al-
though to a lesser degree than actinomycin D.
(I"slosl er one)
DNAc!' -',
( acllnomycln/
m RNAc!'
50 ----~r------------------------
ra Fig. 30. Scheme of
:;, 20 quantitative evalu-
ation of ru~A-label
01 ling in diplotenic
oocytes of the con-
trol (e) and testos-
10 terone treated (T)
tadpoles of Rema
esculenta. (Testoster-
one, 100 ~g/specimen;
3H-uridine, 10 ~Ci/
c T 5-15 dolys T 20d.ays specimen)
Other experiments, similar to the ones just described, have been carried
out on tadpoles of a sexually undifferentiated race of Rana latastei, a
closely related species to R. dalmatina (Zaccanti, 1974b).
As the actinomycin D was administered only during the last two weeks
of testosterone treatment, its effectiveness in interfering with the
masculinizing power of the androgen hormone (in spite of this long
delay in its supply) seems to be significant. It seems to suggest a
certain degree of graduality in the expression of the medullo-stimu-
lating activity of the testosterone. This was confirmed by the quan-
titative autoradiographic study of our material, the results of which
are summarized in a scheme (Fig. 31).
T Fig. 31. Volumetric reconstruction of the
male genotype gonads (hatched areas) and
quantitative representation of 3H-uridine
~~:w ~
incorporation (white areas) in inter-renal
tissue (i); in gonadal somatic tissue (g);
of control (e); testosterone (T) and tes-
tosterone plus actinomycin D (T + A)
treated tadpoles of Rana latastei (testos-
T+A terone, 10 ~g/specimen; actinomycin D,
0,85 ~g/specimen; 3H-uridine, 10 ~Ci/
specimen). Further details in the text
E. Conclusion
A. Introduction
C. Results
In T. graeca L., all the embryos which developed at 26,So ± o,Soc (19
cases) and 37 out of 38 embryos which developed at 29,So ± O,Soc showed
a male phenotype: the gonads were testes; in many cases a layer of
germinal epithelium persisted at their surface (Fig. 4); in some indi-
viduals, testicular tubules were connected with this germinal epithe-
lium but they did not open in the coelomic cavity, as in E. orbicularis
L.; the MUllerian ducts regressed. In one case (the only exception),
at 29,So ± o,Soc, the genital apparatus displayed a female phenotype:
the gonads showed an ovarian structure (Fig. S) with a well-developed
cortex and a mesenchymal medulla containing thin epithelial cords and
lacunae; the MUllerian ducts were wider than in males, and complete.
Fig. - 6
These results indicated that at every temperature used in the two spe-
cies of chelonians which have been studied, some individuals did not
develop a sexual phenotype in conformity with the genetical phenotype.
Therefore, it appears that the temperature was a sex-reversing factor
in the embryos of these chelonians. However, in embryos of T. graeca L.,
at 31° ± O,5 0 C the sexual phenotype was modified but not reversed.
The differences between the temperatures used were not great, so it
was considered (Pieau, 1973c; 1974b) that there was a critical temper-
ature above and below which, one of the sexual phenotypes is modified
.... Fig. 1-6. Transverse sections through the gonads of embryos of chelo-
nians developed at diverse temperatures.
Fig. 1, Testis in an embryo of Emys orbicularis L. developed at 25° ± 1°C
(56 days of incubation; weight: 3,192 g; length of carapace: 21 rom);
wide testicular tubules (t.t.) are differentiated in the medulla; the
germinal epithelium (g.e.) persists at the surface. (x 124)
Fig. 2. Testis in an embryo ofEmysorbicularis L. developed at 25° ± 1°C
(50 days of incubation; weight: 1,504 g; length of carapace: 16 rom);
a testicular tubule (t.t.) opens in the coelomic cavity. (g.e.: ger-
minal epithelium). (x 160)
Fig. 3. Ovary in an individual of Emys orbicularis L. developed at 29,5°
± O,5 u C, at hatching (55 days of incubation; weight: 4,767 g; length
of carapace: 25 rom); note reduced medullary cords and lacunae in the
medulla (m.) and a well-developed cortex (c.) with oogonia and oocytes
(ov.). (x 124)
Fig. 4. Testis in an individual of Testudo graeca L. developed at 29,5 °
± O,5 u C, at hatching (68 days of incubation; weight: 10,245 g; length
of carapace: 29 rom); note wide testicular tubules (t.t.) in the medulla
and the persistence of a layer of germinal epithelium (g.e.) at the
surface. (x 124)
Fig. 5. Gonad presenting an ovarian structure in one embryo of Testudo
graeca L. developed at 29,5° ± 0,5 0 C (61 days of incubation; weight:
7,910 g; length of carapace: 27 rom); the medulla (m.) is formed by
loose mesenchymal tissue and contains lacunae (l.); a cortex (c.) be-
gins to form at the surface. (x 124)
Fig. 6. Gonad in an embryo of Testudo graeca L. developed at 31,5 ° ± 0,5 °c
(53 days of incubation; weight: 5,302 g; length of carapace: 25 rom);
the medulla (m.) presents the same structure as that in the gonad of
ovarian type (compare with Fig. 5); at the surface, the germinal epi-
thelium (g.e.) persists, but it does not develop into a cortex. (x 124)
In the first experiment (Fig. 7), eggs were submitted to the influence
of variations of temperature between 24°C and 30°C, according to a
daily cycle. This included a time of incubation which was longer below
28°C than above (28°C is near the presumed critical temperature). The
26 sexually differentiated embryos displayed a male phenotype (the
gonads being typical testes, and the MUllerian ducts regressed) or
were intersexes (the gonads were ovotestes with wide testicular tubules
in the medulla and an anlage of a cortex at their surface, while the
MUllerian ducts degenerated). However, female differentiation was not
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
These results indicated that the two sexes could differentiate under
the influence of cyclic variations of temperature, but only if certain
conditions were realized. One of these conditions seemed to be, that·
at the time of the sexual differentiation of the gonads, the daily
durations of incubation were almost equally below and above the crit-
ical temperature (Pieau, 1973c). If this condition is not realized
in the ground, it is probable that abnormal sex-ratios can be obtained
under natural conditions, just as in artificial incubation.
D. Conclusions
B. Sex Determination
C. Intersexuality
D. Parthenogenesis
tene. A female that was hatched and raised in the laboratory, without
contact with males of any Cnerrridophorus, produced four eggs. Al though
none hatched, at least two contained well-developed embryos when they
spoiled (Maslin, 1971b).
Cnemidophorus uniparens: About 750 females have been examined (Duellman and
Zweifel, 1962; Wright and Lowe, 1965; Wright, 1968; Cuellar, 1971).
The only uniparens-like males are three individuals that Wright (1968)
suggested are hybrids between uniparens (~) x inornatus (0"). The males are
from localities where these species coexist. He has found no males
among over 600 uniparens from areas where inornatus does not also occur,
and this interpretation is consistent with other reports of hybrid
males (Lowe et al., 1970a).
Cnemidophorus veZox: More than 400 females have been examined (Gehlbach,
1965; Wright, 1966; Taylor et al., 1967); this includes 39 (100%)
hatched in the laboratory (Maslin, 1966). The only male known (Taylor
et al., 1967) is from a locality where veZox coexists with the bisexual
C. tigris, and it may be a hybrid (Lowe et al., 1970a): C. tigris does
mate with veZox in captivity (Maslin, 1966). Cnemidophorus veZox also
Not one male of the parthenogenetic species of LaceT'ta has been hatched
in the laboratory; however, some eggs that fail to hatch contain ab-
normal male embryos (Darevsky and Kulikova, 1961; Darevsky, 1966).
A few natural males of aromeniaca and dahli (less than 10) have been
found (Darevsky, 1966, 1972); some actually are intersexes with well-
developed testes and poorly-developed oviducts. Perhaps most, or all,
are hybrids similar to the triploid male hybrid (with well-developed
testes and poorly-developed oviducts) of L. T'ostombekovi (<i?) x L. roaddei
(if) reported by Darevsky et al. (1973). Interspecific mating between
bisexual and unisexual species occurs under natural and artificial
conditions (Darevsky and Kulikova, 1961, 1964; Darevsky, 1966; Darevsky
and Danielyan, 1968; Darevsky et al., 1973). Offspring produced after
mating are either fertile diploid females (from parthenogenetic ova
that were not inseminated) or sterile triploid females (from diploid
ova that received an additional haploid complement from a spermatozoan) •
no confirmed males are known, although Kluge and Eckardt (1969) examined
218 females; their reproductive systems consist of normal female struc-
tures. Skin grafts among three H. garnotii were all accepted, indicating
their possession of identical or highly similar histocompatibility
genes (Eckardt and Whimster, 1971).
Cuellar and Kluge (1972) examined 674 Lepidodactylus luguhris; 669 were
females, 4 were males. Most of the males and several females had ab-
errant reproductive organs, and one lacked them. Interspecific hybrid-
ization may not account for all the males; one was from Hawaii, where
no other species of the genus is known. No sperm were found in oviducts
of the 19 adult females examined for them. This diploid species with
homomorphic pairs of chromosomes rej ects skin grafts from Hemidactylus,
but different individuals of L. lugvbris are highly histocompatible
(Cuellar and Kluge, 1972).
7. The new parthenogenetic species has some advantages over its bisexual
ancestors. Each normal individual can produce offspring, and any indi-
vidual dispersing into a satisfactory and yet unoccupied area may es-
tablish a colony (Darevsky, 1966; Wright and Lowe, 1968). The mode of
reproduction, however, while preserving heterozygosity, sacrifices the
rapid genetic adaptability allowed by bisexual reproduction. It would
appear that under conditions of severe selection, unisexual species
may become extinct more readily than bisexual species (Uzzell, 1970).
However, under conditions of catastrophic selection in which the uni-
sexual species is not quite exterminated, several well-adapted partheno-
genetic clones could emerge; these would efficiently colonize or recol-
onize suitable areas when the stress is relieved (Zweifel, 1965). Adapt-
ability of parthenogenetic species may be aided also by tolerance of
higher mutation rates than are withstood by bisexual congeners; this
may be reflected in chromosome polyrnorphisms (Zweifel, 1965; Kupriya-
nova, 1969; Lowe et al., 1970a,b).
Bezy (1972) discussed the factors that may have resulted in evolution
of parthenogenesis in Lepidophyma. They may also apply to other species.
may lie among the mechanism that causes haploid ootids and spermatids
to cease division activity.
Fig. 1 a-c. Genital apparatus of the female hybrid (d'C. moschata x 'i' A.
platyrhynchos) . (a) Gonads of an embryo of 20 days. The cortex of the
right gonad (rg) is regressed nearly completely. 19 left gonad; ov
oviduct (x 10). (b) Aspect of the left gonad of an adult female hybrid
(1 year) (x 1). (c) Hypertrophied left gonad (lg) and right gonad (rg)
of a 2 year old female (x 0,8)
The size of the right gonad shows a high degree of individual variation.
In most cases it is very rudimentary and reduced to a few strings of
cells in connection with the mesonephric tubules which persist along-
side the vena cava. Sometimes it is as well developed as the left gonad
and has the same structure.
These gonads can be compared to the proliferations of cells originating
from the medulla in close association with the mesonephric rudiment.
They have no stimulatory action on the oviduct which, however, remains
very sensi ti ve to es trogens.. Its weight increases from 2 g to 57 g
after 9 days of treatment with estradiolbenzoate at the rate of 5 mg/day.
The uterus secretes considerable amounts of viscous material.
natural 24 4 4 0 0 0 0 Ii
e exogenous i
Coirino x 7 3 3 0 0 0 0
moschofa p hormones
r ovari -
m ectomy 21 21 7 9 1 3 1
. I
natural 22 0 0 0 0 0 0
Anos e exogenous !
x 10 0 0, t 0 0 0 0
plofyrhynchos p hormones
r ovari- I
i ectomy 6 0 0 I 0 0 0 0
m. I
natural 16 7 4 I 0 0 1 2
Hybrid I
(Anos d' x e exogenous I I
x 16 2 2 0 0 0 0
Co/rino ~ ) p I
e hormones I
r. I
I ovari-
m . ectomy I
14 14 0 I 2 1 0 11
._- . ___ . .1 t.....- .. ---~--
On the fifth day of incubation, the gonocytes start to invade the geni-
tal ridges, this being earlier than in the females of the parental
species. But after the seventh day the number of germinal cells is
smaller than in the parents. However the stage of gonial multiplica-
tion is as active as in the females of A. platyrhynchos and C. moschata
and consequently the number of germ cells is nearly as large as in the
parental females when the embryos have reached the age of 18 - 20 days.
But between the 20th and 22nd days the hybrid ovary undergoes a con-
siderable loss of germ cells as it starts to enter meiosis. Beginning
at this stage the number of germ cells is reduced but those which re-
main enter vitellogenesis after hatching. Vitellogenesis progresses
more rapidly in the hybrid than in the females of the parent species.
The first egg-laying therefore is precocious, and the eggs are small.
nodule of
.'"'t-~t--- clear cells
Islets of
clear cells
vasc o
The study of the ovary of the hybrid during ontogenesis thus enables
us to distinguish several stages in its development towards sexual
inversion. The first event is observed on the 21st day when a large
number of germinal cells die at the moment they enter precocious mei-
osis. It might be suggested that this necrosis is the consequence of
a failure in the reduction process comparable to the situation which
is encountered in male cells. But it is probable that the endocrine
factors which are due to the particular ratio between 3B-HSDH and 17B-
b c
.. .....
...... '.
Fig. 4. Distribution of the enzymes ~5-3 S -HSDH and ~ 5-17S-HSDH in the
ovary of female A. platyrhynchos , C. moschata and hybrids, 2 months olCl
(C corte x, M medulla, 0 oocytes). (a and b) Ovary of A. pla tyr hyncho s;
3S-HSDH activity (a) is localized at the base of th e follicles whereas
17S-HSDH activity (b) is seen i n the small subepithelial cells (x 80) .
(c and d) Ovary of C. moschata ; the intensity of the reactions for 3S-
HSDH (c) and 17S-HSDH (d) is reciprocal to the situation in the ovary
of the female Peking duck (x 80). (e and f) Localization of the same
enzymes in the female hybrid ( a" A . platyrhynchos x 'i' C. moschata) : 3S -HSDH
(e) and 17S-HSDH (f). The cortex is less thick than in the females of
the parental species (x 80)
HSDH cells have some influence on this phenomenon. We assume that the
hormonal balance in the o v ary of the juvenile and adult hybrid duck,
which is different from that of the parental species, is responsible
for its subsequent development and determines the differentiation of
the germinal cells in oocytes and later in spermatocytes which, how-
ever, do not exceed the stage which has been observed in the testes
of hybrid males (Fib. 2b). The progressive hormonal imbalance which
is the result of the activity of a hybrid genome finally leads to sex-
ual inversion which ends by a total des integration of the gonad.
B. Experimental Interventions
In the f e male hybrids the whole genital apparatus reacts to the hor-
monal treatment. In both cross-bre edings the right oviduct is mai nt ained
and its anterior end is closed. The right gonad also persists more fre-
quently in the treated hybrids. In the hybrid Anas if x Cairina 'i' in
which the right gonad appears spontaneously during the third year, the
female hormone in 3 out of 6 cases has induced the differentiation of
( a) (b) ( c) (d)
In the C. mosehata females that have been castrated between the 40th
day and the 6th month, the right gonads in most cases still have ger-
minal cells (oocytes 1/5, spermatocytes 3/5 (Fig. 7d), "clear cells"
1/5). Finally, in adult ducks which have been castrated after 20 months,
the right rudiment does not develop and maintains the appearance of a
small white filament.
The comparative study of the regression of the right gonad during the
embryonic development and its reappearance after ovariectomy provides
some hints. It must be emphas~zed in particular that contrary to the
conditions in the hen, it is the female component which appears most
frequently. ,The differentiation of male cells is never much advanced
and remains restricted to the posterior part. Furthermore, when the
regression of the right gonad in the embryo is observed, it becomes
apparent that the cortex persists frequently in the anterior region
and regresses completely posteriorly (Fig. 9). At the moment of the
awakening, ovarian development takes place in the anterior part depend-
ing on the amount of cortical "remnants". When these are either much
reduced or nonexistent, the newly developing organ is very small and
consists exclusively of mesonephric tubules and a few "clear cells"
("interstitial medullary cells" or "fat laden cells" or "luteal cells")
When the hypertrophy of the right rudiment is more pronounced, the
"clear cells" are more numerous and their close association with the
mesonephric tubules suggests a progressive transformation of the tu-
bular cells to clear cells. The drawing (Fig. 9) shows the probable
evolution of the rudiment of the right gonad as function of an antero-
posterior gradient with cortical dominance.
Fig. 6 a - d
size (Fig. 6c and d). Germ cells have been found there in only 3 out
of 14 cases (Table 1). This situation is certainly the consequence of
the marked necrosis which affects the germinal cells in the 2 embryonic
gonads on the 19th day of incubation. In the right gonads which have
been obtained in this way, 2 cases of female atretic development and
1 case with male development with stoppage of the meiosis as in the
testes of the male have been observed. The rest of the gonad consists
of connective tissue and mainly of very abundant clear cells. Some of
these cells become necrotic but the majority shows 3B-HSDH activity
which probably is responsible for the secretion of estrogens which
stimulate the oviduct. The origin of these cells seems to be comparable
to those of the right gonads of females of C. mosehata (Fig. 9) and to
those which appear under normal conditions (Fig. 3). After removal of
the left gonad of the female hybrid (d' C. mosehata x 'i' A. platyrhynchos )
one observes on the right side, the presence of a nodule whose struc-
ture is analogous to the gonad which persists sometimes under natural
conditions (Fig. 1).
C. Conclusion
caudal -"
part U
to say that the secretion of sex hormones which arise from these pre-
cursors is different in the parental species - higher uptake in the
ovary of the female Peking duck - and that it is distinctly lower in
the female hybrid. Since hybridization diminishes the amount of hor-
monal secretion by the ovary we have subjected embryos to a treatment
with estrogenic hormone and the results show that this procedure fa-
vors the differentiation of the ovarian cortex of the right gonad of
C. moschata and the hybrid, whereas it remains wi thou t effect on the
regression of the right gonad of Peking duck. The regression of the
right gonad of the female Anas seems to be under strong genetical con-
trol from the beginning of embryonic development. For Wolff and Haffen
(1952a,b) have shown that the right gonadal (Anlage) of Anas continues
to regress during culture in vitro whereas the corresponding gonad of
embryos of fowl develops to an ovotestis. These results also explain
the fate of the right rudiment of the Peking duck following ovariectomy
after hatching. The ovariectomy in Peking ducks elicits the differen-
tiation of tail-feathers which are characteristic for the male (neutral)
sex. This phenomenon has been observed earlier by Goodale (1910 - 1911)
in the "Rouen"-duck simultaneously with the changement of coloration.
The right gonad of the female hybrid reacts to ovariectomy but its
hypertrophy is weak. It seems that its development is genetically pro-
grammed at the same time as the transformation of the left gonad. It
is therefore concluded that the phenotypic expression of the hybrid
genome of the female changes gradually in time and that after a domi-
nance of female genes of the Peking type during the embryonic life,
one observes a progressive expression of regulatory genes of the ma-
ternal type which permit the differentiation of the right rudiment in
the hybrid (if A. platyrhynchos x ~ C. moschata). As far as the inverse
cross breeding is concerned (if C. moschata x ~ A. platyrhynchos) it is
probable that structural genes correlated with cortex development re-
main inactive or are strongly repressed after the end of the embryonic
life. Ovariectomy in female hybrids has no effect on the external fea-
tures of the animals.
A. Introduction
Experiments have been carried out to see if bird embryonic gonads cause
such an inhibition when grafted onto aohost embryo, prior to its sexual
differentiation (Thiebold and Reichhart, 1974). Nine day gonadal frag-
ments (right and left ovaries, testes) have been implanted into the
coelomic cavity of 50 hrs host embryos. Non-grafted embryos, or embryos
with a neutral tissue (4 day frontal buds), served as controls. Host
embryos were killed when 13 days old and their fixed gonads weighed,
or histologically treated, for a "paper weight" estimation of their
mass. The significance of the differences in weight between homologous
organs of experimental and of control subjects was estimated with the
Student's "t" test.
2. The three types of gonad grafts tested, inhibited the female host's
gonadal development (Figs. 1 and 2). Comparison of 13 day host gonads
These results are not easily explainable, even though they are similar
to results from comparable experiments performed in other vertebrates.
Obviously, the inhibitory action is tissue-specific. Moreover, the
extent of the inhibition is seemingly in proportion to the volume of
the implanted foreign gonadal tissue. Thus, these phenomena would be
due to a controlled growth mechanism. This is also the interpretation
proposed by Mikarno and Witschi (1963), after grafting experiments on
Xenopus. It must, however, be stressed that in these latter experiments,
testes grafts (which were alone tested) impaired gonad development of
the male as well as of the female host . In our experiments, the absence
of sensitivity of the testes is another point for discussion, which
justifies further investigations.
Many researchers who have been concerned with this problem (principally
Wolff, 1953, 1959; Groenendijk-Huijbers, 1962; Hamilton, 1963) have
interpreted the "regression" of the right Hullerian duct from the 11th
day of incubation onward, to be a result of the intervention of a hor-
monal substance of gonadal origin. According to Hamilton (1963) "there
is some evidence that the right duct of the female has a lower thresh-
old for response to the endogenous hormone (presumably the masculin-
izing hormone) than does the left duct".
the eleventh day onwards. While the right duct becomes slack, in con-
sequence of the rupture of its ostial junction to the pleuro-peritoneal
septum, the left one (the anterior anchorage of which is firmer) remains
longitudinally stretched throughout the body cavity and lengthens ap-
proximately in proportion with the general growth of the trunk (Thie-
bold, 1973).
ated females, retention of the whole right Mullerian duct has been ob-
served after implantation of the embryonic ovary as well as of "sexu-
ally neutral" tissues such as limb buds, frontal buds, mesonephric
fragments, etc. (Fig. 4 and 5). In such 14 day old operated embryos,
the maintained right Mullerian duct showed a typical oviductal differ-
entiation as compared with the left homologue, its cloacal end swelling
into a shell-gland anlage (Fig. 5). In all cases of retention and devel-
opment, the presence of the graft (attached simultaneously to the body
wall and to the ostial extremity of the duct by means of epithelial
tracts), had obviously prevented the anterior disconnection which nor-
mally occurs during the eleventh day of incubation, and which marks
according to my interpretation, the beginning of the relative shorten-
ing. Thus, the fact may be explained that in several experimental cases,
the right ostium was more anteriorly situated than the contralateral
(Fig. 4), since the latter undergoes a slight retrogression relative
to its initial situation after the 10th day of incubation. These re-
sults, and especially the regional differentiation of the maintained
right Mullerian ducts, suggest that these organs must assume a normal
growth and reach a given morphological state that enables them to re-
spond to hormonal stimulation (differentiation of a shell-gland) .
Akram, H., Zeiss, A., Weniger, J.-P.: Sur l'activite hormonale des
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Hamilton, T.H., Teng, C.S.: Sexual stabilization of Mullerian ducts in
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Raynaud, A., Pieau, C., Raynaud, J.: Etude histologique comparative de
l'allongement des canaux de Muller, de l'arret de leur progression
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Thiebold, J.-J.: Agenesie partielle des canaux de Muller, provoquee
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Thiebold, J.-J.: Sur Ie maintien et Ie developpement du canal de Muller
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perimentales. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 255, 2665-2666 (1962b).
Thiebold, J.-J.: Contribution a l'etude de l'organogenese urogenitale
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Thiebold, J.-J.: Sur la sensibilite des canaux de Muller aux hormones
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Thiebold, J.-J.: Quelques observations sur la developpement du canai
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Thiebold, J.-J., Reichart, J.M.: Inhibition du developpement ovarien
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Wolff, E.: Endocrine function of the gonad in developing vertebrates.
In: Comparative Endocrinology (ed. A. Gorbman), pp. 568-573. New
York: John Wiley and Sons 1959.
Wolff, E., Stoll, R.: Le role de l'hypophyse dans Ie developpernent
embrynonnaire du Poulet, d'apres l'etude des cyclocephales experi-
mentaux. C.R. Soc. BioI. ill, 1215-1217 (1937).
Wolff, Et., Wolff, Ern.: The effects of castration on bird embryos.
J. expo Zool. 11&, 59-98 (1951).
Intersexuality of the Genital System and "Free-Martinism"
in Birds
H. Lutz and Y. Lutz-Ostertag
A. Introduction
The development of the bird embryo and of its genital system is well
known. The male or the female sex develops from a sexually indifferent
stage which is characterized by paired gonads, localized on the median
surface of the mesonephros, and by two Mullerian ducts. In the male
embryo the indifferent gonads differentiate into paired testes, while
the two Mullerian ducts become rudimentary and disappear. In the female
embryo only the left gonad becomes an ovary and increases in size,
whereas the right gonad undergoes degeneration. Correspondingly, the
left Mullerian duct is transforming to an oviduct whereas the right
one becomes rudimentary.
However, many authors have pOinted to deviations from this general rule.
For example, hermaphroditism or the development of two ovaries may oc-
cur. In the male embryo it has been observed that both Mullerian ducts
(or only the right one) may persist, more or less completely. In the
female embryo the right Mullerian duct can be preserved and differen-
tiate into a shell gland (Romanoff, 1960). The causes of such sponta-
neous sexual abnormalities are unknown although they can be experimen-
tally elicited.
Since the classical studies by Wolff and Ginglinger (1935) many authors
have investigated the effect of sex hormones on the genital tract.
Castration produced by X-irradiation (Wolff and Wolff, 1951) can pro-
duce asexual animals. Various types of grafting experiments (Wolff,
1946-1947; Lutz-Ostertag and Negre, 1960; Lutz-Ostertag and Didier,
1961) have demonstrated the effects of testicular and ovarian grafts
on the genital tract of the host embryo. Finally, by the use of organo-
typic culture experiments, the role of sex-hormones could be further
elucidated. It has been possible to observe the development of the sex
organs outside the organism including parabiotic associations of testes
and Mullerian ducts (Lutz-Ostertag, 1954).
B. Results
The ovary is thin and flat, the thickness of the medulla and especially
that of the cortex are reduced. In the latter case the absence of germ
cells is noteworthy.
The results which have been reported in this paper agree with those
obtained by the methods of intra-coelomic grafts (Bradley, 1941; Wolff,
1946-1947), or chorio-allantoic grafts of gonads (Lutz-Ostertag and
Negre, 1960; Lutz-Ostertag and Didier, 1961). In order to explain the
intersexuality which has been obtained in the host embryo, in partic-
ular after chorio-allantoic grafts, it is suggested that the hormone
which has been secreted by the male or the female gonad was transported
via the vascular system. An analogous explanation could be applied to
our freemartin cases. Opening of the eggs (as described by Wolff, 1936),
permits the observation of both embryos in each double-egg and espe-
cially their extra-embryonic vascular systems which, in most cases, are
coming in contact with each other at about the third or fourth day of
incubation. At this time it is possible to observe anastomoses. This
phenomenon has also been clearly demonstrated by Ruch (1961). After
injection (at very low pressure) of diluted Chinese ink into the peri-
pheral vessels of one of the embryos, Ruch observed the rapid passage
of the ink into the second twin embryo.
The explanation provided by Keller and Tandler (1916) and Lillie (1916)
seems to be also valid in our case. The transfer of sexual hormones
from one embryo to the other is assured by the circulatory system.
These hormones, however, are effective only when they act very early,
that is before the 7th day of development. This was shown by opening
the eggs at an early stage. When both embryos are situated at a certain
distance or when the yolks are separated by a large vitelline bridge,
we were able to observe that there was no connection between the two
vascular systems and that the genital tract belonging to the two twin
embryos differentiated normally.
All the mentioned authors have used sex hormones in order to obtain
modifications of the genital system. Stoll (1948), however, has re-
ported that a rise of the incubation temperature to 40,5 0 C during the
early stage of development, stabilizes the Mullerian ducts of the male
embryo until the end of the incubation time. The right Mullerian duct
of the female embryo can develop well under these conditions. These
results have been confirmed in the quail embryo by Lutz-Ostertag (1966).
By the use of teratogenic substances such as 1162 F (para-aminobenzene
sulfamide), albucid (para-aminobenzene sodium sulfonacetylamide),
disodium methyl arsenate, sodium dimethyl arsenate, arrhenal and so-
dium cacodylate, saponin and eserine salicylate and non-teratogenic
compounds like saccharin and diphteria toxin, Stoll (1948) obtained
the same effects as with sex hormones in the female embryo. However,
these chemical products have no effect in the male embryo.
From these facts it can be seen that a teratogenic agent can stabilize
the development of organs which are normally transitory in the embryo's
For the last 20 years increasing amounts of pesticides have been widely
spread in the natural environment. The question arises whether these
products might also have an effect on the viability of the bird embryo
and its ability to hatch, as on the development of its genital system.
We are briefly discussing only this latter aspect. If we intend to
study the influence of these products on the development of embryos
of wild birds and their genital tract we will have to work under con-
ditions which are similar to those found in nature. Therefore, commer-
cial products would have to be employed at doses which are indicated
by the manufacturer. In our laboratory experiments all the eggs were
similarly treated, which is hardly the case under natural conditions.
We found that after spraying of quail eggs with 2,4-D the individuals
which hatched from such eggs show a reduced fertility: delay of the
laying-time; initial diminution of the egg-size; and a smaller ovary.
Fig. 6. Pheasant male embryo. Effects of 2,4-0. Mulle rian ducts weakly
Pfleger, 1955i Lutz and Lutz-Ostertag, 1956) it seems that DDT has a
direct action on this enzyme. This assumption is confirmed when Mlil-
lerian ducts, which had been taken from DDT-treated embryos, were as-
sociated by the same method with testes from normal embryos. In 60%
of the cases, despite the presence of androgenic hormones, the ducts
did not regress. In similar experiments, Didier and Lutz-Ostertag
(unpubl.) have also demonstrated that the 2,4,5-T and Simazine have
a direct influence on the proteolytic enzyme. In addition, both authors
have provided evidence that these two pesticides also elicit a change
of steroid production. When male gonads from treated embryos are grafted
on a normal host-embryo the gonads of the latter become granular. This
corresponds, as shown by histological investigations, to a low femini-
zation - as can be seen from the presence of cortical clusters which
are colonized by germ cells.
All these results suggest that some of the pesticides have a complex
effect: either they provoke an inhibition of the proteolytic enzyme
or a change of the hormonal secretion of the testes.
C. Conclusion
Our experiments with the use of pesticides reveal their hazardous char-
acter, with regard to the development of the genital tract in birds.
These products can mimic the effects of estrogenic sex hormones: with
feminizing actions in the malei and a "superfeminizing" influence in
the female embryos. The most spectacular effect is exerted on the level
of the primary germ cells and leads to sterility, or reduced fertility.
Such facts demonstrate the resulting hazards when these products are
spread in large quantities in our natural environment. One should be
careful, however, not to draw more general conclusions from the obser-
vations in one species only, since some are more sensitive than others
and at present, there are no particular criteria to judge the vulnera-
bility of a -given species. Only careful experiments can provide us
with the information that we need. At any rate, these products should
be used in nature very cautiously.
A. Introduction
The condition of the sex ducts also differs from one animal to the
other. The upper (tubal) segment of the female ducts (the derivatives
of the embryonic Mullerian ducts) has usually disappeared; in the lower
segment the uterine part of the Mullerian ducts may have retrogressed
more or less completely. Two male structures, derived from the upper
and lower extremities of the Wolffian ducts, namely the epididymis and
seminal vesicles, are usually present, whereas in some cases 'the vasa
deferentia persist. A prostate has rarely been observed (Willier, 1921;
Fraser-Roberts and Greenwood, 1928) and the external genitalia are
exceptionally masculinized (Buyse, 1936; Kieffer and Sorensen, 1971).
are definitely indicated but that the primary sex cords are not sharply
differentiated from the stroma of the medulla"; the "medulla" of the
freemartin did not much differ from that of the female. Lillie also
noted that the inhibition in gonadal growth is accompanied by inhibi-
tion of the growth of the cortex "though apparently not as yet to any
marked degree, by stimulation of the male homologs in the ovary"
(Lillie, 1923, p. 65). In the drawings accompanying the descriptions,
nothing like "primary cords" can be seen in the medulla.
Nevertheless Lillie accepted the concept that primary sex cords were
present and that under hormonal stimulation could be converted into
seminiferous tubules. Witschi's (1931, 1957, 1967) theory of the dual
inductor system in the early gonadal primordium contributed to the
belief that the seminiferous tubules seen in the postnatal freemartin
gonads were simply the primary sex cords laid down at an early stage
in the ovarian primordium.
During the last decade we have studied several aspects of sex differ-
entiation in freemartin and in control fetuses and we encountered
several of these fundamental questions concerning normal and abnormal
sex differentiation.
The only point in need of comment in the present paper concerns the
criteria used to diagnose presumptive freemartins at early stages.
As was previously reported (Jost et al., 1972), the chorions and their
blood vessels were carefully examined for vascular connections; in
freemartins over 52 days of age such connections are constantly ac-
companied by genital alterations observable macroscopically or micro-
scopically; in addition XX/XY mosaicism can be detected in the liver.
In younger pairs, when freemartin effects cannot yet be recognized,
it was admitted that females united to males were presumptive free-
martins when vascular anastomosis was clearly seen and when XX/XY chi-
maerism could be detected.
70 Coiled epididymis
Branched seminal
vesicles First meiosis
Exceptional meiosis
I. Males
The Wolffian ducts are to a large extent similar in both sexes until
approximately day 70. Their diameter similarly diminishes between
days 60 and '70, but afterwards they persist in males while in females
they slowly retrogress. In the female genital tract important segments
of the Wolffian ducts still can be seen 40 or 50 days later.
The epididymis results ftom the coiling of the anterior part of the
Wolffian duct starting between days 70 and 80. No structure really
similar to the epididymis differentiates in females.
II. Females
The uterine part of the MUllerian ducts becomes enlarged after day 60,
while the Wolffian ducts are still present. Short sections of the
Wolffian ducts have disappeared in a 79-day-old fetus, at the level
of the mesonephros. But anterior and posterior remnants still persist
until day 110. The prolonged persistance of the Wolffian ducts in fe-
males is an important feature in the explanation of the freemartin.
3-0 2~ __ " .....01
t , ,.j/
' "31( i
1 i
I ""
l As
/ 1>1' .
2.0 ,
T / ,/
/ : "
/1 "
40 42 45 49 52 55 60 62 age
of the tubal part of the Mullerian ducts. During the same period the
first anomalies occur in freemartins, but it should be immediately
emphasized that these anomalies do not include any masculinization of
either the gonads or of the genital tract or of the external genitalia.
In freemartins, the upper Mullerian ducts become inhibited and retro-
gress from day 52 on as they do in males (Fig. 3). In the meantime,
the growth - i.e. the increase in volume - of the gonads is stopped
(Fig. 1). The number of germ cells no longer increases (Fig. 2) - in
control females there is a 90-fold increase in the number of germ
cells between 50 and 70 days (Fig. 2). As a result the so-called
"cortical cords" do not differentiate or are stopped.
Fig. 2. Average number of germ
~ cells (Chalkley's technique)
for one gonad in normal females
( 0) and in freemartins (.)
0.50. between 40 and 80 days. Numbers
indicate the number of fetuses
0.25 studied at the same age (log.
40. 50 60. 70. 80. DAYS
In freemartins the gonads resume growth during the next three months,
and this growth concerns the rete tubules as well as the cellular
__ ~ o,
; :' ...
50 A~
,01# :
.~ . ..ol
-;<>--1-5 -
\ 3
40 45 49 52 55 60 62 oge
The condition of the genital tract deserves some consideration (Table 2).
In freemartins aged from 93 to 125 days, the seminal vesicles were
longer than in control females and branched as in males; epididymides
were present in only 6 animals. An epididymis was lacking in three
93- and 108-day-old freemartins; it cannot be excluded that an epidi-
dymis can still develop after the age of 108 days. Prostatic buds
were present on the urogenital sinus of 7 of these fetuses. The degree
of inhibition and retrogression of the MUllerian parts was variable.
tate); the Wolffian
ducts (W D) are inter-
rupted. In the lower
part of the figure are
~ two freemartins, the
gonads of which con-
tained many seminifer-
ous cords (heavy punc-
tate) (see Table 2).
The four animals hav e
epididymides (E) and
97 seminal vesicles (S V)
The condition of the
Mullerian ducts (MD)
- WD
2. In those cases in which the Wolffian ducts are present and contin-
uous after day 80, one can assume that they were submitted to andro-
gens before day 77 or 78 (the age when they become interrupted, near
the mesonephros, in normal f e males) .
3. The relation between the condition of the gonads and that of the
genital tract is not unequivocal.
The two fetuses (97- and 125-day-old) which have the most "masculinized"
gonads according to the degree of differentiation of cords and inter-
stitial cells, also have the most strongly masculinized Wolffian deriv-
Seminiferous cords, epididymis and prostate are scored according to the number respectively of cords
present in the gonads, of sections of the coiled Wollfian duct in the largest epididymal section and
of prostatic buds in serial sections.
Length of the seminal vesicles is expressed in 10 2 \lm.
aSmal1 remnants only.
In vitro the calf fetal testis inhibits the rat Mullerian duct (Jost
et al., 1972; Josso, 1972; Jost, 1974) whereas testosterone and other
androgens do not (Jost and Bergerard, 1949; Josso, 1971); in vivo mater-
nally administered testosterone or other androgens masculinize the
genital tract of the female calf fetus without inhibiting the Mulle-
rian ducts (Jost et al., 1963; Jost, 1965). These facts strongly sup-
port the view that in the calf fetus also, different hormones inhibit
the Mullerian ducts and stimulate the masculine characters. The con-
dition of the genital tract in freemartins can easily be interpreted
along the same line.
During the next month, between days 60 and 90, the freemartin fetus
still seems to be submitted to the Mullerian inhibiting factor since
ovarian or germinal inhibition persists and Mullerian retrogression
proceeds, at least in some fetuses. In others the Mullerian inhibitor
ceases rather early judging from the size of the Mullerian remnants.
In addition to effects on the Mullerian ducts some very slight mascu-
linizing influence was revealed by the appearance of small buds of
seminal vesicles on day 62, i.e. earlier than in normal females. Simi-
larly in one 77-day-old freemartin some coiling of the upper Wolffian
duct indicated the formation of an epididymis.
namely those parts of the Wolffian ducts which are still present, and
the gonads which have not yet differentiated either ovarian or testic-
ular structures. The external genitalia can no longer be virilized
(Jost et al., 1973a).
In the ten freemartins studied between days 88 and 125, no clear cor-
relation appeared between the degree of inhibition of the posterior
part of the Mullerian ducts and the testicular differentiation of the
gonads. It would appear that the presence of an intense activity of
the l1ullerian inhibitor is not an absolute requirement at the moment
when cords differentiate (Table 2) .
cells which build up the seminiferous cords (Jost, 1972) and second
the differentiation of the interstitial cells.
b) The absence of germ cells in adult freemartins has long been recog-
nized (Willier, 1921; Ohno, 1969; Short et al., 1969). The freemartin
fetus described by Hay (1950) has long been considered exceptional for
the great number of germ cells present. The estimated age of this 25-
cm-Iong freemartin fetus is 115 days; at that stage the gonads of most
of the freemartins contain germ cells. These cells become more and
more scarce as the freemartin fetus becomes older and are rare after
day 150. The cause for their disappearance is not yet clear. Short
(1971) discussed the same problem in different situations.
Beek, W.F. van: Die Entwicklung des Eierstockes beim Rinde. Z. Anat.
EntwickI.-Gesch. 11, 458-558 (1924).
Bissonnette, T.H.: The development of the reproductive ducts and ca-
nals in the freemartin with comparison of the normal. Amer. J. Anat.
TI, 267-345 (1924).
Bissonnette, T.H.: The "high flanker" testis in cattle, with its bear-
ings of the problem of the scrotum and on that of the freemartin
testis. Anat. Rec. 33,47-58 (1926).
Buyse, H.: A case of extreme sex modification in an adult bovine free-
martin. Anat. Rec. 66, 43 (1936).
Chapin, C.L.: A microscopic study of the reproductive system of foetal
freemartins. J. expo Zool. ~, 453-482 (1917).
Erickson, B.H.: Development and radio-response of the prenatal bovine
ovary. J. Reprod. Fert. 11, 97-105 (1966).
Fraser-Roberts, J.A., Greenwood, A.W.: An extreme freemartin and free-
martin-like condition in the sheep. J. Anat. 21, 87-94 (1928).
Gropp, A., Ohno, S.: The presence of a cornmon embryonic blastema for
ovarian and testicular parenchymal (follicular, interstitial and
tubular) cells in cattle, Bos taUf'us. Z. Zellforsch. li, 505-528
(1966) .
Hay, D.: Etude d'un freemartin spontane chez les ruminants. Arch. Anat.
Histol. Embryol. (Strasbourg) 33, 53-80 (1950).
Josso, N.: Effect of testosterone-and of some of its 17-hydroxylated
metabolites on the MUllerian duct of the foetal rat, in organ cul-
ture. Rev. europ. Etudes clin. bioI. l§., 694-697 (1971).
Short, R.V., Smith, J., Mann, T., Evans, E.P., Hallett, J., Fryer, A.,
Hamerton, J.L.: Cytogenetic and endocrine studies of a freemartin
heifer and its bull co-twin. Cytogenetic 8, 369-388 (1969).
Vigier, B., Prepin, J., Jost, A.: Absence de-correlation entre le
chimerisme XX/XY dans le foie et les premier signes de freemartinisme
chez le foetus de veau. Cytogenetics 11, 81-101 (1972).
Vigier, 0., Prepin, J., Jost, A.: Absence de chimerisme XXjXY dans
les tis sus somatiques des foetus de veau freemartins et jumeaux
males. Ann. Genet. li, 149-155 (1973).
Willier, B.H.: Structures and homologies of freemartin gonads. J. expo
Zool. 33, 601-611 (1921).
Witschi, ~: Range of the cortex-medulla antagonism in parabiotic
twins of Ranidae and Hylidae. J. expo Zool. ~, 113-145 (1931).
Witschi, E.: Modification of the development of sex in lower verte-
brates and in mammals. In: Sex and Internal Secretions (eds. E.
Allen, C. Danforth and E.A. Doisy), 2nd ed., Vol. 2, Chapt. IV,
pp. 145. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins 1939.
Witschi, E.: The inductor theory of sex differentiation. J. Fac. Sci.
Hokkaido Univ. Ser. VI, Zool. 13, 428-439 (1957).
Witschi, E.: Hormones and embryonic induction. Arch. Anat. micro
Morphol. expo 54, 601-611 (1965).
Witschi, E.: Biochemistry of sex differentiation in vertebrate embryos.
In: The Biochemistry of Animal Development (ed. R. Weber), Vol. II,
pp. 193-225. New York: Academic Press 1967.
Wolff, E., Ginglinger, A.: Sur la transformation des Poulets males en
intersexues par injection d'hormone femelle (folliculine) aux em-
bryons. Arch. Anat. Histol. Embryol. (Strasbourg) 20, 219-278 (1935)
The Role of Androgens in Sexual Differentiation of Mammals
F. Neumann, W. Eiger, H. Steinbeck, and K.-J. Grat
As early as 1903 Bouin and Ancel expressed the belief that the gonads
of the male fetus influenced sexual differentiation. They postulated
this hypothesis after discovering that the testes of 30 mm long pig
fetuses contained well-developed interstitial cells. Further funda-
mental experiments were performed, which finally led to the present
theories about the hormonal regulation of sexual differentiation in
mammals (Jost, 1947 a-c). He proved the principle of "basic femaleness"
(postulated by Wiesner, 1934, 1935) by castrating rabbit fetuses in
utero. Irrespective of their gonadal sex, nearly complete female dif-
ferentiation occurred. That meant the somatic sex underwent female
differentiation even in genetically male fetuses.
1. In the fetal testes inductors are formed which cause male somatic
2. The ovaries or ovarian hormones do not playa part in sexual dif-
ferentiation under physiological conditions;
3. irrespective of the genetic sex there is a tendency to female so-
matic development, confirming Wiesner's hypothesis of the so-called
"basic femaleness".
Fig. 1 shows cross sections at the level of the gonads at about the
30th day of development in a genetic female and male dog fetus. At
At the 17th day of embryonic development in rat fetuses, when the go-
nads are already differentiated, the structures of the external geni-
talia are still almost identical in males and females. There are no
differences at this stage of development, e.g. in the formation of
the sinus urogenitalis or the anogenital distance (Fig. 2).
IThis compound was synthesized by Dr. Wiechert and his group in the
laboratories of SCHERING AG, Berlin-Bergkamen!Germany.
Epididymis _ _ _ _ _+ __......,
Gonad -----------4---+*~
Uterus ------------1-------".......,;..,""\"-.
- -l____"=
Wolff ian duel ----{]
Derived from thc ____
Mullerian duel
Derived from the ----+----1
urogenib l sinus
Fig. 3
In this paper, the dog has been used as an example to show how male
differentiation proceeds when the effect of androgens is blocked, but
all the possible other factors which contribute to sexual differentia-
tion are still present and active (Figs. 3 and 4) .
The regression of the Mullerian ducts, the descent of the testes and,
of course, the differentiation of the gonads themselves are not con-
trolled by androgens. In Fig. 5 the four basic possibilities are sum-
marized assuming that, besides androgens, another factor, which is
formed in the gonads of male individuals, plays a part in sexual dif-
ferentiation. Diagrams are given for the situations where both factors
are active and where both, or only one, are not active.
Thus, male rats and mice do not develop nipples, but females do. If,
in male rats and mice no androgens become active during the critical
phase of differentiation, even male rat fetuses develop nipples (Ray-
naud, 1961; Raynaud and Frilley, 1947).
In addition, in mice but not in rat fetuses, androgens cause the de-
struction of the primary glandular buds (Neumann and Elger, 1969;
Raynaud, 1961). This process of destruction does not take place when
androgens are not active, e.g. when the pregnant mother is treated
with cyproterone acetate (Neumann and Elger, 1966a). The reverse is
true of female mice fetuses in which destruction of the primary glan-
dular buds follows androgen treatment of the mothers.
WoUfian duct
Miillerian duct
In man too, mammary gland development does not differ in males or fe-
males, at least until puberty (see Figs. 6 and 7) .
"'C • ; ••• ;
.~. "'. -:#'1
One of the hypotheses which has been formed is based on the assumption
that in fundamental masculinity (when androgens became active in a
certain phase of differentiation during fetal development) this mecha-
nism is less sensitive than in fundamental feminity. This means that
with the same stimulus the effect of prolactin production is less in
males or masculinized females, than in females.
There is some evidence for this assumption. Thus, in spayed female rats
treated with estrogens the hypophyseal weight became greater in com-
parison with males. The weight increase of the pituitary was caused by
an increase of those cells which secrete prolactin (Fig. 8).
Pituitary weights
DE = estradiol
HE = hypophysectomy
FEM= pre· and postnatally feminized
K untreated controls
mg pituitary/1 00 g B.W.
Fig. 8. DNA-content of
4 mammary glands of
adult rats after daily
treatment with 10 ~g
3 estradiol for 21 days.
The male and female
2 animals of all 5
groups have been cas-
trated in adulthood
before treatment.
OE estradiol treat-
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. groups ment, FEM cyproterone
acetate treated pre-
d ~ d ~ d and postnatally (femi-
nized), K controls, no
K K DE DE FEM treatment after cas-
DE tration
Higher Preoptic-
neu tral I suprachiasmatic ...
control area
No ova Sperm
It is now assumed that there are two hypothalamic centers which are
responsible for the secretion of LH/ICSH. One center is situated in
the median hypothalamus and is responsible for the tonic formation of
LH. It is sufficient in male individuals to maintain the secretory and
generative functions of the testes. Apart from this, there is a yet
higher center in the pre-optic region which induces the cyclic secre-
tion of LH (Fig. 9).
During the last few years our development of highly specific and potent
inhibitors of testosterone and corticosterone biosynthetic enzymes and
more recently, our introduction of the use of antibodies to testoster-
one, and antibodies to LH:FSH, have provided us with highly selective
experimental agents for hormone deprivation or interference directly
within the mammalian fetus (Goldman, 1974b). These agents have produced
reversible chemical castration of the fetus by ablation of testosterone
at the level of its synthesis, circulation, or uptake. From these stu-
dies, intersexes have been pronuced in rats, which are exact copies of
those occurring naturally in the human genetic defects of congenital
adrenal hyperplasia and testicular feminization. These diseases are
examples of testosterone deprivation of the fetus and neonate achieved
by g.enetic castration, at the level of testosterone synthesis (in the
case of certain forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia) or uptake,
in the case of testicular feminization. The use of these experimental
and genetic testosterone depriving agents, taken together with the
classical work of Jost (1972) and Neumann et al. (1970), has consider-
ably substantiated the hypothesis that testosterone is the organizer
of mammalian androgen-dependent differentiation.
*This work was supported by research grants from the U.S.P.H.S. (HD-
4683), the Rockefeller Foundation and the NATO Research Programme.
This rat has feminine differentiation of that part of the brain regu-
lating taste preference, in that it prefers sweet solutions, e.g. 1%
saccharin, as does its littermate female, in contradistinction to the
preference of water by its littermate males (Shapiro and Goldman, 1973)
We have attributed the development of these phenotypically female
characteristics in the pseudohermaphrodite to its genetically absent
androgen-dependent differentiation. The primary genetic defect of the
male rat pseudohermaphrodite is believed, by most investigators, to be
apparently due to its inherited end organ insensitivity to androgens,
reflected at the cellular level by deficient target organ androgen
binding proteins (Ritzen et al., 1972; Bardin et al., 1973; Milin and
Roy, 1973).
. .~·I·
420 ..
360 ~
MALE ........
...• PSEUDO ............... .
: :
: i
: :
~ i
! f
P 1\ M M
P VERSUS '~ LE OR FEI1ALE .i . . ... .. - •• ~
to ..... 1- . .: ..
.; . .... 01- ... 1 ,~ MALE
P VERSUS PSEUOO Qo • • .. .(: - . ",1)
i • . • . ' • •2
'Y " ':":'1-. "' _
The preputial glands are bilateral apocrine glands at the terminal por-
tion of the urinary tract in both male and female rats. These glands
are androgen-responsive but not androgen-dependent, in that they will
enlarge in both sexes under the influence of androgens, but do not
require androgens for maintenance of their weight. As mentioned above,
the phenotypic sex of this rat's preputial gland size is most probably
.........-.! ......
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(' "'r" ·····1······ _ ··__ _ _t> ." ..............,' ,: ...... ; .........,,. ........:.........:/ 3.J-HS AilDROSTEROilE ''''. i .:.~
~/' ·· ·r···· . >.
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.;..., ... 5"-1\[ UCTA
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- ---it>
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ANDRO TE ED lONE 5"-1\: DR TI,'IE I IE: 3B-HSD [> ( ............ ( .... .., ... ( ............ /
HO/ ·····.._.····~;···'v·······
o~< ~·~· . . . . .,. . .) 5 ~RE UCTASE ~.••...../ ....~ .......•...•.) --_-e>- ( ............ +. . . ...- -:. .... . . . . .
TESTOSTERQ;IE DIHYDROTESTOSTERO: E 3s-HS HQ..- '··............ t . . . . /)
5.-AHDROSTA1I[ -36-17e- 0IOL
,...I..., ....1...
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female cytosol and does not distinguish the male receptor as does the
female chromatin, it would appear that the nuclear chromatin uptake
of the dihydrotestosterone receptors by the pseudohermaphrodite's pre-
putial is phenotypically male. This work confirms the indications of
previous workers - that the major defect in the preputial gland cyto-
sol of the pseudohermaphrodite is absence of the cytosol Y2 dihydro-
testosterone receptor, which most probably explains the expression of
the female phenotype of the preputial glands over several levels of
biological organization. The nuclear chromatin of the preputial gland
of the pseudohermaphrodite has the capacity to take up this receptor
from the cytosol of either sex in the phenotypically male pattern and
thus, would be expected to exhibit male differentiation if a Y2 recep-
tor were available.
CD e
.g- 4
o o
o e
z Fig. 6. Isoelectrofocused
=> patterns of dihydrotestos-
o terone binding proteins
4 of preputial gland cytosol
o of three sexes. Pattern of
pseudohermaphrodite dif-
fers from those of male
4 5 6 7 8 9 and female by absence of
dihydrotestosterone recep-
pJ VALUE tor protein Y2, pI 5.8
Cytosol receptor
Male Female Pseudohermaphrodite
Presence of
Y2 (pI 5.8) receptor + +
Uptake by nuclear
chromatin of
Male + +
Female +
Pseudohermaphrodite + +
+ Presence Or uptake.
- Absence or failure of uptake.
~ 5r---------------------------~
Fig. 7. Isoelectrofo-
..... cused patterns of dihy-
"- drotestosterone binding
..,eCo proteins of the Wolffian
o ducts of fetuses of 19
Q days of festation from
..... pregnant rats treated
o wi th vehicle (0······0)
o or cyproterone acetate
at 30 mg/kg from days
oco 14 to 19 (. • ).
o~--~----~----~--~~--~------~ Note that Y2 receptor
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 protein has been exper-
imentally blocked by
pI VALUE the anti androgen
Fig. 8. Serum concentration of pituitary hormones in three sexes.
Note phenotypically masculine levels of serum FSH in pseudohermaphro-
Females 26 20 6 0 0 0
Pseudos 20 o 0 4 11 5
aFour day cycle composed of 1 day proestrus, day estrus and 2 days
bPive day cycle, the same as 4 day cycle, with an additional day of
estrus or diestrus.
CIrregular cycles were 3 to 12 days, with 2 to 7 days of estrus and
1 to 4 days of diestrus.
dVaginal smears composed solely of cornified cells.
eoaily vaginal smears varying numbers of cornified cells, but leuko-
cytes predominate.
Urinary sex steroids from male rats with ovarian grafts are undetect-
able because the highly polar steroids produced by the male liver are
too polar to be detected by the chromatography-mass spectometry method
used. Female rats with ovarian transplants excrete both Cl9 and C21
steroids of gonadal origin, while pseudohermaphrodites excrete only
C l 9 steroids originating from ovarian grafts (Table 4). Both females
and pseudohermaphrodites excrete metabolites of corticosterone and
these are the only hormones detectable in the urine two weeks after
the removal of the grafts. Thus, the ovarian grafts in pseudohermaph-
rodites do not excrete progesterone metabolites but only metabolites
of Cl9 estrogen precursors.
Females Pseudos
Ovarian origin
C19 metabolites
3a,7a-dihydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one +
5a-androstan-3a,7a,17S-triol + +
3a,11S-dihydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one + +
C21 metabolites
3a,15a-dihydroxy-5a-pregnan-20-one +
3a,16a-dihydroxy-5a-pregnan-20-one +
Adrenal origin
15-hydroxylated corticosterone metabolites + +
! I I
OPEN ,.1I1I..lIlIlIlIlIliilllll..II..II..IIIIII....II::..D.I~ESTRUS
10137 10
ESTRUS 6 1 • • • • ....
' 1 .... ' • • 1
.. .. ' .... .... 1•• • ...... 'or . 'r
01 ESTRUS 2 ,3 10
!' ::l : ';; 'l' ;i;:!;: ;;;t:; '; ' ;; '::; 'l~';.~
'1" ..
The fact that mammals and birds have sex chromosome mechanisms which
appear to be diametrically opposed to each other indicates that the
sex determining mechanism failed to be stabilized at an early stage
of vertebrate evolution. In lower vertebrates (fish as well as in am-
phibia), both male and female heterogamety occur; indeed, in the platy-
fish, Xiphophorus maculatus, male and female heterogamety are found wi thin
a single species (Kallman, 1965). Among reptiles, there is definite
evidence of female heterogamety in different species of snakes (Ray-
Chaudhuri et al., 1971). By contrast, male heterogamety has been demon-
strated in the chromosomes of some species of lizards (Pennock et al.,
1969; Cole, 1974). In a crocodile, Crocodylus palustris, no evidence of
heteromorphic sex chromosomes was found (Singh and Ray-Chaudhuri, 1973)
"'This work was supported by a grant from the -Science Research Council.
and the same applies to three species of turtles (Singh, 1972). Evi-
dently, sex chromosome mechanisms must have arisen repeatedly during
the evolution of vertebrates, suggesting that the switch mechanism,
which results in male or female development respectively, can be brought
about by different chromosomal regions.
In the platyf ish, XiphophoY'us maculatus, color factors which are respon-
sible for the production of macromelanophore patterns, are closely
linked to the sex differentiating segments of the sex chromosomes.
In the Jamapa strain, males are XY and females XX. This fish is a live-
bearer and Anders et al. (1969) succeeded in obtaining sex inverted
XY-females by X-irradiation of the mothers. In turn, the XY-females
produced YY-males. By further irradiation of embryos, YY-females were
produced but these did not prove to be fertile.
present, which are not detectable different from normal (Singh and
Carr, 1966). However, the germ cells become abnormally few in number
after the third month of pregnancy and few, if any, remain at the time
of birth. It seems therefore, that the rate of germ cell atresia, which
normally takes place in female mammals, is increased in the XO-chromo-
some constitution. This probably happens both in the human species and
in the mouse and the difference in fertility may be related, at least
in part, to the difference in time of life span of the two species.
An XO mouse can have her young at an age when her human counterpart
is still in her mother's womb.
One of the 15 day old XX, Sxr embryos included in Table 1 had bilateral
ovotestes and was, therefore, a hermaphrodite. The mean gonadal volume
of the two ovotestes was 820 ~m x 10 5 - the lowest value found in any
embryo with testicular tissue.
cell line containing a Y-chromosome and that this cell line had become
rare. Hermaphrodites having an ovary on one side and a testis on the
other are said to be lateral, while bilateral hermaphrodites have ovo-
testes on both sides. Unilateral hermaphrodites have an ovotestis on
one side and an ovary or a testis on the other one. There is marked
lateral asymmetry with respect to type of gonad (Table 2). As pointed
out by Polani (1970), ovaries are more often on the left and testes on
the right side, in both xx and XY individuals.
46,XX Ovary 28 43
Testis or ovotestis 56 41
46,XY Testis 25 14
Ovary or ovotestis 23 34
Table 5. Lateral asymmetry of gonadal volumes in chick embryos. (From Mittwoch et al., 1971 )
Age (days) n Males S.E. n Females S.E.
Mean gonadal volume Mean gonadal volume
Left/right Left/right
5 2 2.12 0.09 3 1 .74 0.08
6 3 1. 46 0.09 1 1 .82
7 2 1.72 0.23 4 1.72 0.10
8 3 1. 29 0.10 8 2.18 0.13
8.75 6 1. 35 0.07 4 2.95 0.30
9 4 1. 32 0.10 3 2.62 0.37
10 6 1.32 0.09 3 3.41 0.37
formation of the hands, from the eight to the tenth week of fetal life.
The ridge count is likely to be related to the size of the finger pads
at this time. It was shown by Holt (1954) that the ridge count tends
to be higher on the right than on the left side. Moreover, the data in
Table 4 show that this difference is more marked in females than in
males. It would seem therefore, that the asymmetry of gonad in true
hermaphrodites can be related to a difference in growth rate between
right and left sides. We may assume that the homeostatic mechanism,
which normally regulates gonadal differentiation in mammals, has broken
down in the development of hermaphrodites. In this labile situation,
the gonad on the faster growing right side is more likely to develop
into a testis, while the gonad on the slower growing left side tends
to develop into an ovary.
Castration, s. Ablation
experiments Fishes 201-310
Castration, para$itic 121ff. Fissiparous reproduction in
Catecholmanines,effects in planarians 14ff., 23ff.
Oligochaetes 80ff. Freemartins, bovine 392ff.
Chimeras, in Free-martinism, in
coelenterates 6ff. birds 382ff.
nemertines 30ff. nemertines 33ff.