Audit Sampling
Audit Sampling
Audit Sampling
Universitas Padjadjaran
Internal Auditing
Chapter 11:
Audit sampling
Audit Sampling
• Audit sampling is the application of an audit
procedure to less than 100 percent of the item in
a population for the purpose of drawing an
inference about the entire population
1. Statistical Sampling
• A tool that can help the internal auditor measure the
sufficiency of evidence obtained and quantitatively evaluate
the sampling results
• Allowing the internal auditor to quantify, measure, and
control sampling risk
• Sample must be selected randomly and the sample results
must be evaluated mathematically based on probability
2. Non-statistical Sampling
• Sample is determined merely based on judgment
Sampling Risk
• The risk that the internal auditor’s conclusion based
on sample testing may be different than the
conclusion reached if the audit procedure was
applied to all items in the population