MySQL Database For Websites
MySQL Database For Websites
MySQL Database For Websites
Doina R. Zmaranda, Cristian I. Moisi, Cornelia A. Győrödi, Robert Ş. Győrödi and Livia Bandici
Special Issue
Big Data: Advanced Methods, Interdisciplinary Study and Applications
Edited by
Prof. Dr. Evgeny Nikulchev
An Analysis of the Performance and Configuration Features of
MySQL Document Store and Elasticsearch as an Alternative
Backend in a Data Replication Solution
Doina R. Zmaranda 1, * , Cristian I. Moisi 2 , Cornelia A. Győrödi 1, * , Robert Ş. Győrödi 1, * and Livia Bandici 3
1 Department of Computers and Information Technology, University of Oradea, 410087 Oradea, Romania
2 Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology, University of Oradea, 410087 Oradea, Romania;
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Oradea, 410087 Oradea, Romania;
* Correspondence: (D.R.Z.); (C.A.G.); (R.Ş.G.)
Abstract: In recent years, with the increase in the volume and complexity of data, choosing a suitable
database for storing huge amounts of data is not easy, because it must consider aspects such as
manageability, scalability, and extensibility. Nowadays, the NoSQL databases have gained immense
popularity for their efficiency in managing such datasets compared to relational databases. How-
ever, relational databases also exhibit some advantages in certain circumstances, therefore many
applications use a combined approach: relational and non-relational. This paper performs a com-
parative evaluation of two popular open-source DBMSs: MySQL Document Store and Elasticsearch
Citation: Zmaranda, D.R.; Moisi, as non-relational DBMSs; this comparison is based on a detailed analysis of CRUD operations for
C.I.; Győrödi, C.A.; Győrödi, R.Ş.; different amounts of data showing how the databases could be modeled and used in an applica-
Bandici, L. An Analysis of the tion. A case-study application was developed for this purpose in Java programming language and
Performance and Configuration Spring framework using for data storage both relational MySQL and non-relational Elasticsearch and
Features of MySQL Document Store
MySQL Document Store. To model the real situation encountered in several developed applications
and Elasticsearch as an Alternative
that use both relational and non-relational databases, a data replication solution that imports data
Backend in a Data Replication
from the primary relational MySQL database into Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store as
Solution. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590.
possible alternatives for more efficient data search was proposed and implemented.
Keywords: relational databases; non-relational databases; CRUD (create read update delete) opera-
Academic Editor: Evgeny Nikulchev tion; databases replication
documents, which is the most widespread approach, data stored in the form of column
families, key-value storage, and storage in the form of graphs [4].
A key feature of NoSQL systems is “shared nothing”, the main benefits being the
following: the ability to scale horizontally on multiple servers [5], the ability to replicate
and distribute data on multiple servers [6], an efficient use of indexes and RAM for efficient
storage, and the ability to dynamically add new attributes to data records [5]. A solution
can represent data distribution on multiple servers, which increases application availability
and fault tolerance [7].
Consequently, choosing a suitable database for a specific scenario is very important
in online applications mainly from the performance point of view. NoSQL databases
have many advantages but also, in certain circumstances, relational databases also could
represent a good solution; therefore, many applications may use a combined approach:
relational and non-relational.
Several opensource NoSQL alternatives are nowadays available, such as ElasticSearch,
MySQL Document Store MongoDB, CouchDB, Cassandra, Solr, and others. We chose for
this research ElasticSearch because it is a powerful RESTful modern search and analytics
engine. Additionally, since MySQL Document Store was recently released by Oracle in 2016,
we considered that it is important to perform an analysis of its performance compared to
other NoSQL databases; we also decided to use MySQL Document Store because the main
data source of the application is represented by MySQL, and in a real-world application they
could be used together very easily. Moreover, research which help the readers understand
the advantages and disadvantages of using MySQL Document Store by providing query
examples and performance measurements rarely found in current literature.
Consequently, this paper aims to make an analysis of the performance and configu-
ration features of non-relational databases MySQL Document Store and Elasticsearch as
an alternative backend option for applications. A case-study application was built for this
purpose and uses a combined architecture for data storage: a main relational database,
MySQL, and two types of non-relational databases, Elasticsearch and MySQL Document
Store, to improve searching capabilities. Based on this, the research is focalized on two
important aspects for both databases: aspects regarding configuring the processing within
Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store for their integration in applications as alternative
data storage replicated from a primarily relational database and aspects regarding their
performance when realizing operations for different amounts of data. Thus, several impor-
tant aspects were addressed and highlighted in the paper: differences in response time and
complexity of CRUD operations, how the performance of the application can be influenced
by increasing the complexity of queries and the amount of data, and replication issues.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 1, a short introduction that describes
theoretical concepts and emphasizes the motivation of the paper is presented followed by
Section 2 that reviews the related papers. The description of the case-study application
architecture and databases and the test methods are presented in Section 3, and the experi-
mental results obtained are described and analyzed in Section 4. A detailed analysis and
discussion regarding the performance tests over different complexity of queries and data
volumes and over-replication issues are carried out in Section 5. Finally, some conclusions
are drawn.
2. Related Work
Currently, there are many studies that have been conducted to compare relational and
non-relational databases based on different metrics. There are a lot of databases, especially
the NoSQL ones such as MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, Neo4j, and Cassandra [5,8,9] for
storing large volumes of data, and choosing the most suitable databases for an application
can be difficult. In [9] the authors presented a performance analysis of Elasticsearch and
CouchDB on image data sets using the LINUX platform. The analysis is based on the
results carried out by operations on both document-oriented databases and shows that
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 3 of 23
CouchDB is more efficient than Elasticsearch for insert, update, and delete operations but
for the select operation, Elasticsearch performs much better than CouchDB.
The authors propose in [1], a comparison and testing of Elasticsearch and MySQL
databases, using the Spring Data framework. The comparison is completed by searching
values in larger key-value datasets.
Elasticsearch was initially developed as a system for full-text search in large volumes
of unstructured data. At present, Elasticsearch is a full-fledged analytical system with
various capabilities [10]. In [10], possible sources of Big Data and problems related to its
processing are analyzed. A system based on the Elasticsearch engine and MapReduce
model is proposed as the solution to the user verification problem.
In [11] Mathe and al. compare the performance of Elasticsearch, OpenTSDB (based on
HBase), and InfluxDB NoSQL databases, using the same set of machines and the same data.
Using the LHCb Workload Management System (WMS), based on DIRAC [11] as a use
case they set up a new monitoring system, and in parallel with the current MySQL system,
they stored the same data into the databases under test. Shah N et al. presented in [12]
a solution to effectively address the challenges of real-time analysis using a configurable
Elasticsearch search engine.
Inserting and querying JSONs for Big Data for databases such as Cassandra, Mongo,
PostgreSQL, CoachDB, MariaDB, and Elasticsearch concluded with the recommendation
for Cassandra and Elasticsearch usage for searching and analytics, as described in [13].
The way that Cassandra, another NoSQL database open-source with a wide-column
store based on BigTable and DynamoDB concepts, benefit from the combination of BigTable
and DynamoDB systems and exhibits optimizations for write access is described in [14].
In [15], the authors perform an analysis implementation process of column-oriented data
stores of the NoSQL databases: BigTable and Cassandra, with respect to various issues
such as features, integrity, indexing, distributions, and design.
As highlighted above, choosing an appropriate database for storing huge amounts of
data is not trivial, as one must take into account different aspects such as manageability,
scalability, and extensibility. Moreover, even if several comparison studies exist in the
literature, we cannot identify studies that are involved in the comparison to the MySQL
Document Store database.
In this idea, this paper performs a comparative evaluation of two popular open-source
DBMSs: MySQL Document Store and Elasticsearch as a non-relational DBMS.
The first microservice uses a relational database and represents the main source for
importing data from relational MySQL into the other two microservices, Elasticsearch and
MySQL Document Store, which will be used as alternatives for searching the data. The
Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store microservices provide operations for processing
data that will be compared in terms of performance. Within Elasticsearch and MySQL
Document Store microservices, the same document structure is used, and in order to
compare their efficiency, various operations on the data were performed.
Due to the fact that monitoring the performance of the application of the various oper-
ations performed is an important aspect, we decided to use Prometheus and Grafana [16].
Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system which offers the possibility to define
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 5 of 23
metrics for the operations that will be monitored. Based on the defined metrics, we created
a dashboard in Grafana to monitor the performance of operations.
To be able to communicate with MySQL, MySQL Document Store, and Elasticsearch,
the dependencies for Transport Client 7.6.0, Elasticsearch 7.6.0, and MySQL Connector
8.0.19 were specified in the pom.xml file. Additionally, in the application.yml file, the
connection attributes for MySQL must be specified, while for Elasticsearch a configuration
class will be created which allows to specify different settings for Elasticsearch.
In order to use MySQL Document Store, X Plugin was enabled and a connection was
created to the database. The operations executed in MySQL Document Store will use the
APIs defined for the Collection class, which belongs to the MySQL connector library.
For the operations performed in MySQL, Spring Data JPA (Java Persistence API)
was used, while for data processing in Elasticsearch, the APIs provided by the Transport
Client were reused. The application also offers a data replication mechanism that imports
data from relational MySQL into the other two microservices, Elasticsearch and MySQL
Document Store.
Most of the applications have a complex database structure, and by using the database
representation of the tables shown in Figure 2, we wanted to analyze how this structure
together with the relationships between the tables influence the performance of the appli-
cation when the amount of data increases. Additionally, with this database structure we
wanted to suggest when a non-relational approach is worth being used because, when the
data structure is too simple, it could be possible for a non-relational database not to bring
any performance improvement and only add extra processing time.
The main disadvantage of this hierarchy of entities is that, with the increase of the
database, the extraction of this information may require more time due to the necessary
joins between the specified tables, and thus the performance of the application can decrease
significantly, in contrast to the non-relational approach where extracting data could be
faster because each document contains all the data necessary for each entity.
Therefore, many applications also use non-relational databases, which contain relevant
information from the relational database in a JSON format and involves the implementation
of a mechanism that ensures that the data is correctly replicated from the relational database.
"emissionClass":"Euro 5",
"airConditioningType":" AUTOMATIC "
The above structure represents the non-relational alternative to the relational one
presented in Figure 1. The main benefit of using Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store
in this case is that it avoids making joins between all the tables mentioned above.
Figure 3 shows the process of data replication through a REST service that has the role
of uploading the data stored in relational MySQL and transmitting it to Kafka through a
Kafka Producer.
When the data reaches Kafka, the two consumers who belong to different groups will
start reading JSON objects to store them as documents.
An important aspect in this process is the way consumers are configured. In this repli-
cation process, it is desired to consume all the objects reached in Kafka by both consumers,
and by assigning different groups it is ensured that each consumer will read all the JSON
objects within the partitions. In the data replication process, all the car_announcements
stored into relational database will be sent to Kafka using a Kafka Producer, which will
write the data into a specific topic.
In order to send the data to Kafka, we will use the KafkaTemplate which provides a
set of methods for sending messages. Example of use:
Once the information has reached Kafka, it will be processed by the two consumers
within the Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store microservices. Example of use:
@KafkaListener(topics =“car”)
public void consume(CarAnnouncementDTO carAnnouncementDTO) {
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 9 of 23
Within the Elasticsearch microservice, car announcement objects received from Kafka
will be indexed in Elasticsearch by using Bulk Processor, which eliminates the need to
implement a strategy for data processing, while in MySQL Document Store it is required to
implement such a strategy in order to process and index received objects.
Based on the results obtained and taking into consideration that the time differences
are very small, it can be stated that both alternatives are very fast in the data replication
process. Additionally, both implemented solutions may have better processing times when
using multiple threads or by increasing the number of consumers within the groups, but
this depends on the hardware capabilities.
One of the benefits of Bulk Processor is that it allows configuring the size of bulk re-
quest, the number of indexing requests, or the time frame at which indexing will take place.
4. Performance Tests
To carry out a comparative study between the advantages and disadvantages of using
Elasticsearch instead of MySQL Document Store, a series of operations were performed on
the two databases to analyze the response times according to the performed operation. All
tests were performed on the same computer having the following properties: Operating
System–Ubuntu 16.04, 32 GB RAM, Intel Core I7 7820HQ processor (2.9 GHz), 500 GB HDD.
The database comparison involved testing performance time for all the CRUD (Create, Read,
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 10 of 23
Update, Delete) operations over the two non-relational variants: MySQL Document Store
and Elasticsearch. The size on disk of the three databases (relational MySQL, Document
Store, Elasticsearch) as the amount of data changes is shown in Figure 5.
In order to record the time required to perform these operations, the Instant and
Duration classes were used. The Instant class, which belongs to the Java runtime library,
can be used by maintaining the time when the execution started in a variable. Then, using
the between method of the Duration class defined in the Java runtime library, the time
in seconds or milliseconds can be obtained by subtracting the initial time from the time
obtained after performing the operation.
In order to obtain the most accurate processing times for each operation, 10 successive
measurements were performed relative to the number of documents, and in the tables
showing the times corresponding to the executed operation, the average of the times has
been recorded; lower values were better.
Due to the fact that MySQL Document Store does not have a Bulk API that works
with large data sets, in order to be able to process the data in parallel, ExecutorService will
be used, which will execute multiple tasks, each containing 500 documents.
To index multiple documents, Elasticsearch has the Bulk API that provides a number
of operations exposed by rest services, being optimized to work with large data sets. This
API eliminates the need to write additional code to process data, simplifying application
logic and reducing development time. Additionally, using the BulkProcessor class is enough
to create an IndexRequest object based on the indexed document, and the actual indexing
process will be conducted by BulkProcessor.
Thus, the insert statement has the syntax presented in Table 1:
Based on the results obtained in the data insertion process, it can be seen that Elastic-
search is much faster than MySQL Document Store in both cases of using one (Figure 6)
and three threads, respectively (Figure 7). This idea is very well highlighted by the insertion
of 2,000,000 documents, where the time differences are very large.
Another important aspect that influences processing times is the way of inserting data.
As can be seen in the results obtained in both cases, the use of three threads improved the
processing times, but for MySQL Document Store the processing times did not decrease as
significantly as they did for Elasticsearch. This can be caused by the fact that the data is
inserted in the MySQL Document Store through a task that runs at an interval of 6 s and
executes several transactions to avoid a large amount of data in memory.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 12 of 23
Elasticsearch is also built on Apache Lucene, which is much faster and able to handle
larger amounts of data than MySQL Document Store. Another advantage of Elasticsearch
in the insertion process is that it has the Bulk API. It is very well optimized, being built to
process large amounts of data. The simplicity with which it can be integrated and config-
ured within applications is another advantage, because the integration and configuration
time is very short.
Another important factor that contributes to improving the performance of Elastic-
search is that data should not be replicated due to the fact that a single node is used. Using
a multi-node Elasticsearch cluster would have introduced additional processing times, but
one advantage would have been that any node can replace another node when it is no
longer available, increasing data availability.
However, even if the times obtained for Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store are
accurate, these times can be easily influenced by the actions conducted in the application.
In another train of thought, these insertion times can vary from application to application
based on the operations executed within the application.
schema.getCollection(CARS).find(“interiorSpec.airConditioningType in [[‘automatic’, ‘
MySQL Document Store
automatic_2_zones’]”)’]”).sort(“_id”) .limit(10) .execute();
{“size”: 10,
“query”: {“terms”: {
“interiorSpec.airConditioningType”: [“automatic”,“automatic_2_zones”]
“sort”: [{“_id”: {“order”: “asc”}}]
schema.getCollection(CARS).find(“carMake = ‘Audi’ and carModel = ‘A4’ and price >= 6000 and
MySQL Document Store price <= 15,000 and firstRegistrationYear >= ‘2009’ and
firstRegistrationYear <= ‘2013’”).sort(“_id”) .limit(10) .execute();
{ “size”:10,
Elasticsearch “include_lower”:true,
“include_upper”:true }}},
“include_upper”:true }}}
Based on the results obtained from the selection operations presented above, it can be
seen that both Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store are very fast in the data search
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 16 of 23
process. Response times are relatively close, but in some cases Elasticsearch has higher
response times than MySQL Document Store.
Performing an analysis of the response times according to the number of criteria
applied in the search process, it can be seen that those for MySQL Document Store are
kept constant without having a significant increase when applying several criteria. This
statement is also valid for Elasticsearch, but in the selection operation with four search
criteria there was an increase in response times until there were 100,000 documents.
Starting from 500,000 documents, the times obtained have a better response time
compared to previous selection operations. This decrease in response times can be caused
by the fact that Elasticsearch assigns a higher score to documents that are returned for
various search criteria. A bool query will combine the scores obtained for all queries
to return the documents that best match the search criteria. Considering that the time
differences are at the level of milliseconds, and the times obtained in the data selection
process are very good, it can be stated that both were very fast in the data selection process
and are very good alternatives for searching data, bringing a major benefit to performance.
Another important aspect is not only the fact that the response times were not influ-
enced by the increase of the number of documents, but also the fact that the time differences
between the time when 30,000 documents and 2,000,000 documents were stored are very
small. An important detail is also that sorting in MySQL Document Store is performed
on a field with the index associated. Thus, to further highlight the importance of an in-
dex, Figure 12 shows the search times obtained by the MySQL Document Store on a field
without an associated index, according to the statements from Table 6.
Figure 12. Select statement with two search criteria without index on MySQL Document Store.
Making a comparison between the times obtained in Figure 10, where also two
searching criteria were used, a huge difference between the times obtained in the two cases
can be seen. To avoid these very long processing times, when using MySQL Document
Store it is very important to create indexes for the fields that will be used in the data
search process.
Based on this, Elasticsearch has another advantage due to the fact that it is not neces-
sary to create indexes for the fields used in the document because each document structure
that describes one or more tables in a relational database represents an index.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 17 of 23
Table 6. SELECT statements with two search criteria without index on MySQL Document Store.
Based on the results obtained, it can be stated that an index is essential when using
MySQL Document Store. The time differences are major in this case because MySQL
Document Store has to go through all the documents one by one to check if they meet the
selection condition.
In the update process, Elasticsearch will retrieve the existing document in order to
apply the changes, and after that it will index the new document received during the update
operation. At the end of the operation, the old document will be marked for deletion.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 18 of 23
In MySQL Document Store, the update operation will filter the collection to find the
document which has the corresponding id, and after that it will update the document value.
For both alternatives, Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store, the existing indexes
will be used to find and change the value of the document.
Based on the results obtained after performing the data modification operation, it
can be seen that Elasticsearch is faster, but considering that the processing times are at the
level of milliseconds, it can be also stated that MySQL Document Store was very fast in the
update operation.
Analyzing the initial times and times obtained by increasing the number of indexed
documents, Elasticsearch proves to be more capable to work with large amounts of data,
while MySQL Document Store has a significant increase in processing times as the number
of indexed documents increases.
The main difference is the way DeleteByQueryRequest works. Thus, Elasticsearch
performs multiple requests to search for documents to be deleted. Once the documents are
found, a delete request is executed for each batch of documents, while MySQL Document
Store must browse the documents to identify if they meet the condition. Using Bulk API
is a major advantage offered by Elasticsearch due to the fact that it can process a large
amount of data.
A possible justification for major differences between processing times both for delete
but also for update operations is represented by the differences between how replaceOne
and removeOne operations were implemented in MySQL Document Store and Elastic-
Search, with those in MySQL Document Store extra checks being completed before updat-
ing or removing a document. When executing these operations, MySQL Document Store
will check if the corresponding document exists for the provided id, while for the update
operation an extra check is made to verify that the newly received document has no value
provided for the _id field.
Judging only by the times presented in Figures 14 and 15, it could leave an impression
that deleting one by one will be faster. However, when deleting one by one we have to take
into consideration the fact that time will increase because for each operation there will be
a separate transaction executed and this is a bit different that in the case when we delete
30 documents, a process that is executed inside a single transaction. The main difference
between times is made by the fact that MySQL Document Store is slower than Elasticsearch
in finding the document to delete, as shown in Figure 8.
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Speaking about data replication issues, as shown from the data replication solution
implemented in the case study, ElasticSearch allows the use of BulkProcessor to process
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 21 of 23
6. Conclusions
Efficient data management within applications is an important aspect and choosing
a database to store large amounts of information is very important. In this paper, a
comparative study was conducted between the capabilities of Elasticsearch and MySQL
Document Store in terms of performance, complexity, features, and configuration issues.
The architecture of the case-study project used for this research is based on microser-
vices; consequently, the paper addresses important aspects regarding the complexity of
developed architecture but also issues regarding configuring the processing within the
microservices in Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store as well as replication aspects
that allow both databases to be integrated and used in applications together with a rela-
tional database.
Based on the results obtained from performance tests, it can be stated that both non-
relational databases used for storing data in the form of documents are very fast, showing
very good performance in terms of the operations analyzed in the paper.
From the point of view of the integration and data insertion processes, it can be stated
that Elasticsearch represents a more complex approach because it provides a series of APIs
that facilitate the application development process. This statement is also supported by
the insertion times obtained as well as by the effort required to implement a data insertion
solution in parallel.
In terms of the results obtained in the data selection process, MySQL Document Store
proves to be the fastest solution in most cases. When using the MySQL Document Store it is
very important to analyze the columns used in the selection process to define appropriate
indexes. Unlike Elasticsearch, where it is not necessary to define an index for a field,
MySQL Document Store requires defining these indexes to perform better, thus leading to
a relatively higher complexity in implementation.
The process of modifying the data uses internal indexes to change the value of the
documents. Based on the results obtained after performing the data modification operation,
it can be stated that Elasticsearch is the faster alternative.
In the process of deleting data, Elasticsearch proves to be by far the fastest alternative
in most cases. This is because, in case of deleting multiple documents, Elasticsearch makes
full use of the features provided by Bulk API, performing multiple requests to search
for documents to be deleted and, after that, executing a delete request for each batch of
documents. MySQL Document Store must browse the documents to identify if they meet
the condition.
The architecture presented in the case-study application proves that both non-relational
alternatives could be integrated into a real-life application as alternative data storage and
replicated with a primarily relational database, where in this case is MySQL. Elasticsearch
exhibits a simpler integration and replication approach, which is mostly completed by using
BulkProcessor integration and configuration without additional implementation. MySQL
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11590 22 of 23
Document Store requires the implementation of a data replication strategy and writing
extra code to replicate data where in this case, the resulting solution offering not as many
configuration possibilities as BulkProcessor. However, based on the results obtained by
comparing replication times for both alternatives, it was noticed that the time differences
were very small, and it consequently can be stated that both alternatives are very fast.
One of the drawbacks of the study is that it does address only a one-way data replica-
tion solution that involves importing data from the main application database, relational
MySQL, and indexing in Elasticsearch and MySQL Document Store. Some applications
require a two-way synchronization solution, where synchronization is triggered when
values are changing. Consequently, further development of the research will address a
two-way data replication solution which involves synchronizing the data during updating
or deletion. Additionally, scaling Kafka, using Elasticsearch cluster with data replication
and nodes configuration, and using MySQL cluster for higher data availability will also be
approached in further updates of this study.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.R.Z., C.I.M. and C.A.G.; methodology, D.R.Z. and
C.A.G.; software, C.I.M.; validation D.R.Z., C.A.G. and R.Ş.G.; resources C.A.G. and L.B., writing—
original draft preparation, D.R.Z., C.I.M. and C.A.G.; writing—review and editing, C.A.G. and R.Ş.G.;
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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