Handling of Test Items

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Quality Management System Procedure

Pitt County Sheriff’s Office Forensics Services Unit 2018/10/18 4
Issued by the Quality Manager
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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
1 of 9

To outline the procedures for the transportation, receipt, handling, protection, storage,
retention and/or disposal of test items.

To outline the procedures and appropriate facilities for avoiding deterioration, loss, or
damage to the test item during storage, handling, preparation, and testing.

Scope / Field of Application

This procedure applies to all test items.

The objective is to provide the laboratory analyst with an unaltered and correctly
documented test item.

Definitions and Acronyms

Convenience package – A container which is used to facilitate storage and/or transfer of

sealed containers or items, but is not part of the chain of custody. This package shall not
be sealed but may be closed.

Evidence - An item submitted for analysis. An item of evidence is equivalent to a “test

item” as described in ISO 17025.

Records Management System (RMS) - The Forensic Service Unit’s information

management system.

Intact seal – Closure of a package containing evidence by a taped, heat or other tamper-
proof means in order to prevent loss, contamination or deleterious change while ensuring
that attempted entry into the container is detectable.

Master Case File – All-encompassing documentation stored in RMS, image/data drives

and hard case file for case documents, Images, charts and supportive data cross
referenced by master case number.

Case File- Hard file which normally contains printed documents, recordable media with
supportive data and administrative documents related to case.

Proper seal – An intact seal with initials. Initials shall appear across seal in some manner
touching the seal and the package and shall be demonstrative of any persons who open
and reseal the test item.
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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
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Repackaging of test item- When necessary to repackage due original packaging being
unsuitable after testing the original packaging shall be included with the test item and
proper intact seals and date shall appear on the packaging.

Identifying markings- Markings that are appropriate on the outside of the packaging to
demonstrate identity/ownership, safety precautions and special handling instructions such
as “keep refrigerated etc.”

Voucher – Property and evidence submittal sheet. Required for all submissions for lab

FS1 Forensic Services Request- Laboratory examination request form. This form shall
be submitted with any test item that requires Forensic Examination.

Temporary Locker- Assigned secure storage for test items in the possession of an

Evidence Control- Unit under the Pitt County Sheriff’s Office tasked with long term
storage for the agency.

Analyst- Title to represent all Laboratory Personnel (chemists, technicians, examiners)

responsible for testing of items of evidence.
Laboratory personnel

Materials Required
Refrigerator / freezer
Shelves / racks/storage cabinets

1. The Laboratory shall ensure the integrity of the test item by following procedures for
receiving, handling, storing and returning Test Item, and by documenting the chain
of custody to provide for the generation of legally admissible chain of custody
records. All Test Item receipts, transfers, and returns shall be documented in RMS.
External transfers shall be documented in RMS and signed custody sheet placed in
master case file. Test Item as referred to throughout this document shall be
synonymous with the term Evidence.

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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
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2. It shall be the responsibility of Laboratory staff to educate submitting agencies in

proper packaging procedures. When an agency delivers Test Item packaged in a
fashion or in a container that may cause the Test Item to deteriorate, the submitter
shall be asked to repackage the Test Item.

3. The Laboratory shall not permit any action that may compromise the integrity of
Test Item or breach confidentiality or safety.

4. Test Item (including partially examined Test Item and verifications of previously
completed cases) shall not be accepted for analysis if it has been previously
examined in any manner unless prior approval by the Laboratory Director or Quality
Manager is obtained.

5. Test items are packed to prevent spillage or breakage. Labels/written notes on

package bearing the test item identification, and the word “FRAGILE”, “BIO
HAZARD” etc. must be attached to each container. The top of the package is clearly
identified as “THIS END UP” if applicable.

6. Test Item shall be sealed properly. Personnel shall check for proper seals whenever
Test Item is received. The seal on Test Item being submitted shall bear the initials of
the individual placing the Test Item under seal. The initials shall be on the tape, or
across the tape onto the Test Item package Initials shall appear across seal in some
manner touching the seal and the package and shall be demonstrative of any persons
who open and reseal the test item.

7. Packages of evidence shall be closed by a taped, heat or other tamper-proof means in

order to prevent loss, contamination or deleterious change while ensuring that
attempted entry into the container is detectable.

8. A Test Item accepted by the Laboratory shall be accompanied by a Forensic Services

Request (FS1). The FS1 shall be signed by the submitting person prior to
acceptance. The signature may be an appropriate digital signature. A test item can be
submitted in person or to the temporary Lockers in the Deputy Room. The submitter
shall receive a copy of the Forensic Services Request Form or RMS Chain of
Custody. Chain of custody receipts from other departments may be signed only by
laboratory personnel that are present at the time of transfer.

9. A RMS-generated case number shall be assigned upon receipt of the first

submission. Laboratory receiving personnel shall make every effort to assign the
same Laboratory number to a criminal event regardless of the number of submitting
agencies, suspects or victims. Submissions involving criminal events committed by a
suspect shall be assigned a unique Laboratory number for each criminal event. Any
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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
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supplemental submission(s) shall be assigned the same Laboratory number as the

original submission. Laboratory cases in which a RMS-generated lab number has
been allocated shall be assigned to an Analyst by Lab Director or Quality Manager
or his/her designee.

10. Laboratory numbers shall be formatted as follows in RMS: YYYY are the four digits
of the calendar year number, followed by a five digit number assigned consecutively
by RMS.

11. Laboratory case numbers are unique identifiers and shall be placed on all submission

12. RMS generates consecutive item numbers for each item of Test Item submitted.
Laboratory employees shall maintain the item number designation assigned by RMS.
No duplicate Laboratory item numbers shall exist within a case.

13. Test Items shall be described in RMS as stated on the Forensic Services Request
Form (FS1). Administrative (typographical) errors should be corrected in the case
documentation prior to submission to the PCSO Forensic Services Unit.

14. For Acceptance all evidence outer packaging shall display at a Minimum:

 Agency Case Number

 Agency Item Number
 Seizing Officer/Agent
 Date Sealed/Packaged

15. The evidence manager or designee performs a series of checks and inspections to
ensure all necessary requirements have been met, item integrity has been maintained,
and that all necessary information has been supplied.

16. When a Test Item is initially accepted into the possession of Evidence Control or
another Laboratory employee on behalf of evidence control , it should be marked or
labeled for identification stating the Laboratory case number and item number
assigned by RMS. Receiving personnel shall document the date the Test Item is

17. Test Item packages should be compared with the FS1 to ensure Test Item is present.
If there is a discrepancy, the submitting officer/agency shall be contacted and the
discrepancy should be corrected. Any changes to the submission information should
be documented on the FS1.
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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
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18. After receipt of the case file the Analyst shall retrieve evidence for testing from
general evidence by signing a chain of custody form and verifying the correct test
items are present per packaging description prior to taking control of the test items.

19. Upon receipt of latent lifts the analyst shall document on the individual latent card or
photo as practical, the analyst initials, date, PCSO case and item number.

20. All latent lifts or photos shall be stored in an envelope with a custody label affixed to
or written on it. Internal transfers between analysts for review shall be documented
on this envelope.

21. Convenience packages do not need to be sealed as Test Items. Convenience

packages may be labeled or marked and assigned a Laboratory case number. Only
sealed containers and/or items shall be placed in convenience packages

22. The condition of Test Item packaging shall be evaluated and any condition(s) that
would affect the quality shall be recorded. When the suitability of Test Item for
examination is questionable, or the Forensic Services Request (FS1) is unclear, the
Analyst who has custody of the Test Item shall contact the submitter.

23. At the time the Test Item is opened, the Analyst shall check the contents against the
items listed on the Forensic Services Request Form (FS1). If a discrepancy with the
Test Item is observed by the Analyst, it shall be noted in master case file.

24. Cases that require witness documentation:

 Discrepancies in Specific Quantities listed on FS1 that are not present in

evidence that cannot be explained.

 Discrepancy in US Currency more than 10 Dollars.

 Items that are totally different than what is described.

*Note – The witness shall not be anyone who has previously been involved with the
handling of the test item. The laboratory employee who witnesses the discrepancy shall
be documented in the master case file.

25. The assigned Analyst shall ensure that items are maintained in such a way to ensure
limited and authorized access only. Large and/or cumbersome items may be stored
in a limited access area.

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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
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26. Test Items shall only be stored in a locker, drawer, cabinet, etc. that has been
identified as an approved Test Item storage area. Items used to aid in the
identification, storage or protection of Test Item (such as empty convenience
containers, pens, markers, tape guns/dispensers, post-its, etc.) may be stored with
Test Item in a manner which would not contribute to the loss, cross contamination,
or deleterious change of Test Item.

27. Each Analyst has personal storage lockers and cabinets for the storage of test items
while in their possession.

28. The Analyst shall retain Test Item in his/her designated Test Item storage area at all
times the Test Item is not being examined. Test items that are not in storage should
not be left for any extended period of time without properly securing the work area.

29. A sub-item may be created by an Analyst and shall be documented in case notes and
on sub-item, only when a part, portion and/or component of the original item is
separated for analysis. Sub-item numbers shall be generated by using an alpha and/or
numeric sequence.

30. If the processing or analysis of an item develops new evidence then that item shall
be assigned a unique control number in RMS according to paragraph’s 10, 11 and 12
above. The new item(s) shall be handled appropriately according to this procedure.

31. An investigating officer may request that a Test Item from his/her case be compared
to a Test Item submitted in another case. The case shall be cross-referenced in RMS
and noted on the report. The request shall be documented in the master case file.

32. Any test item that is subsequently transferred to another analyst for additional testing
or other disposition shall be documented in Master Case File and chain of custody
shall be signed.

33. Test Items which may experience deleterious changes without refrigeration shall be
placed in a refrigerator as quickly as possible and remain refrigerated except during

34. Any questions regarding the proper storage and/or packaging of a Test Item shall be
directed to the Section to which the Test Item shall be assigned.

35. Containers/items shall be re-sealed with a minimum of the date and the initials of the

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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
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36. In the event a Forensic Scientist/Technician or Examiner leaves employment with

test Item(s) remaining in his/her secure storage location, the Quality Manager shall
take and ensure custody of the Test Item. Custody should be documented in RMS
from Quality Manager to appropriate Evidence Storage Location or appropriate

37. An Analyst receiving test item submissions containing any cash or coins greater than
ten dollars shall be opened and counted in the presence of a witness at the time of
testing. The Analyst shall document the verification in the master case file.

38. During the internal audit, all case evidence/test items in the custody of an Analyst
shall be checked by the Quality Manager or designee and audited to ensure
compliance with existing policies and procedures.

39. When analysis is complete, all Test Items shall be transferred to General Evidence
for retention or other disposition. An Analyst shall return sealed Test Item directly to
the Evidence Control and sign chain of custody. If it is impractical to seal the Test
Item, the Test Item shall be tagged securely and the tag shall contain all required
identifying information.

40. All Evidence/ Test Items tested for outside agencies shall be hand to hand
transferred back to the appropriate entity. The receiving entity shall be given a copy
of the analytical report and all appropriate chain of custody documents.

Each test item is uniquely identified and labeled upon receipt at the laboratory. Storage
and transfer records are maintained in the master case file according to QSP 4-3-1.

Complete records are kept of every transfer of test items to an individual, laboratory, or
storage facility.

Transfer documents are maintained in the Master Case File and on evidence packaging
and include:

 Evidence Voucher
 FS1 (chain of custody)
 RMS Chain of custody
 RMS Property Report
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Pitt County Sheriff’s Office Forensics Services Unit 2018/10/18 4
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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
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 Property custody label

Reference Procedures
QSP 5-7-1 – Sampling

Garfield, F.M., Kleska, E., Hirsch, J. 2000. Quality Assurance Principles for Analytical

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Pitt County Sheriff’s Office Forensics Services Unit 2018/10/18 4
Issued by the Quality Manager
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QSP 5-8-1 – Handling of Test Items
9 of 9

1 2016/07/01 Original Version.
2 2018/02/15 Change Revision Table, Rev# to Ver#, Add and define
temporary locker, Change issue date to effective Date.
3 2018/04/01 Add definition of “Analyst” to document, Change effective date,
remove “office of program manager” Remove number eighteen
4 2018/10/18 Added sections 19 and 20 to address specific handling of Latent

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