Paypal Ultimate Guide 2023
Paypal Ultimate Guide 2023
Paypal Ultimate Guide 2023
First of all we wanted to truly thank you for placing your order! Means a lot to us.
The good news is - this book is exactly as advertised. It will keep its promise of providing all the knowl-
edge you need to create multiple PayPal stealth accounts.
This guide is written using a very simple conversational English, making it easy for anyone to under-
stand and learn the secrets of stealth accounts. Some technical details are explained just to provide
you a general understanding, and we encourage you to check the free resources on the web (Reddit,
forums, blogs) to gain some deeper insights if there's something you want to dig deeper in.
After reading this eBook, you'll be able to connect all the dots completely and understand what is
needed to create accounts successfully, legally and at scale.
OUR STORY (short version)
We are a team of e-commerce and operational security specialists, managing multiple PayPal accounts
at this moment and have been doing that consistently for the past 7+ years. We sell a high variety of
items, starting with clothing, ending with craft supplies, digital items, pet products, and custom home
decor accessories. Due to the nature of our items we have been facing countless PayPal limitations,
fund holds, dealing with fraudulent customers and have been through all possible scenarios possible.
Being active eBay sellers since 2015, we were constantly making new PayPal accounts to diversify our
business and remain selling. During the past 7 years, we tracked all the changes in PayPal's security
algorithm and noticed the patterns that work and the ones that were getting our accounts limited.
Our eBook compiles all the knowledge and strategies based on 7+ years of experience and hundreds
of burned accounts.
We hope that it will help you to connect all the pieces of the puzzle and you will be able to make
unlimit- ed PayPal accounts with minimal costs anytime you want. Use them for your business or sell to
others for $100-200+ each. This eBook will open both of the opportunities for you.
of this eBook
2. Operational setup
What is needed to successfully create
stealth account?
Summary of all aspects you need to create your new stealth account
a) New identity
b) Operational setup (how to configure your laptop, what plugins, extensions and software to
use, how to make sure you can operate multiple accounts on one laptop).
c) Correct IP solution
1).Which currency bank accounts you are able to generate most easily (GBP/EUR/USD/AUD/CAD and
others). The bank currency you will be able to link depends on the country of your account's identi-
ty. Meaning if you choose to open a UK identity account, you will be able to link ONLY GBP based
bank accounts. In most cases withdrawing from PayPal successfully is the main goal, therefore you
should take into consideration which bank accounts you can generate easily.
2).Tax. The main change in the US is that starting from 2022 IRS requests all marketplaces and pay-
ment processors (PayPal, Amazon, eBay, Etsy and others of that kind) to report all sellers grossing
over $600 per year (was $20,000 before). You will be obligated to input full SSN or convert your
PayPal account to a business one and enter LLC and EIN info to continue using PayPal after the
$600 threshold is reached.
There is an exception:
That means you can request your customers to send money as Friends/Family and avoid obligatory tax
reporting after $600 of sales. That, however, might still be the short-term solution, as PayPal will likely
detect and investigate these payments to determine whether they are truly sent as Friends/Family or
for goods & services actually. In case they determine that you have been receiving your payments via
incor- rect format it can lead to limitations/verification requests/and full tax info (SSN or LLC) input
require- ments.
If you can only generate USD bank accounts, and your customers are mostly US, it can make sense to
operate US accounts, but with the 2022 tax updates, you might consider other country options. Espe-
cially after we will show you the ways to get new bank accounts in multiple currencies, phone
numbers and credit cards.
1) Option 1: You need to ask a permission/consent of the person you are in touch with to use his
details for opening an account. You will need their date of birth and full address to open an
account. Need noting that for US-based accounts, you will be also required to input that
person's full SSN or form an LLC to comply with IRS tax requirements (if no exceptions apply in
your case).
2) Option 2: Obtaining required information from darknet sources (not recommended)
4) Option 4: Stealth 2.0. Leveraging publicly available information (social media, personal info
public databases, company house websites) to produce similar identity information for your
account. We are not encouraging to use this option, just outlining the possibility of it.
Does stealth information still work with Paypal in 2022 and on?
PayPal is strategically allowing to operate stealth accounts and keep itself in a grey zone between
financial service/banking solution provider. They could easily upgrade their KYC (know your cus-
tomer) verification methods and reduce the number of stealth accounts to almost zero (by imple-
menting selfie, live-cam, smartphone snapshots verification methods). Since their business
model relies on taking fees and legally stealing from their sellers (more about that later), they
choose to continue allowing stealth accounts.
Privacy laws and margin of error. After account information is submitted, 3rd party non-disclosed
operators used by PayPal aggregate account data and crosscheck it with different both internal
and public records of that country, such as:
• Credit reports
• Tax authorities
• Public databases
• Social profiles
When using non-existent details for the account, PayPal usually gets the response that some details
did not match any available records and require for identity verification documents.
In the case with Europe, because of European user data privacy laws, different country legal systems,
credit check restrictions and the fact that it’s a union of different countries - PayPal algorithm can
never 100% be sure whether the details are correct or not, and will have a room for error and
Operational setup
There are different ways how you can manage your multiple existing stealth accounts and create new
ones. We will explain the core main aspects of operational setup, what PayPal and similar
marketplaces actually track and look for and how you can alter that to your advantage.
1)Paypal is extremely safety-oriented payment processor. Due to lots of scams going on with
PayPal (carding, cashing out, logging in with stolen/hacked details, selling items without intent to
deliver and withdrawing the funds) it has designed its algorithm to notice certain discrepancies
in browsers, timezones, languages, ip's and flag your account or even limit it.
2)Without mastering your operational setup you will more frequently than usual will face a) soft
fund blocks (getting random errors while sending/withdrawing funds) b) Limitations c) Re-verifi-
cation (asking for the same set of documents for multiple times) d) In worst case account limita-
tions and funds taken out by PayPal due to user agreement policy violations.
In this chapter, we will give you an overall explanation of how to nail your operational setup and
avoid/minimize potential account issues.
To sum up, these are your options to manage multiple PayPal stealth accounts or create new ones:
Before we give you a concise explanation of each option, its important to understand the main factors
how accounts can get linked and suspended.
1) Cookies
Cookies are small blocks of data created by a web server while a user is browsing a website and placed
on the user's computer or other device by the user's web browser. Cookies are placed on the device
used to access a website, and more than one cookie may be placed on a user's device during a session.
"value": "73091649.630089682.1565171499.1565171499.1565171499.1",
In the example above, the unique cookie "value" string was injected into the users browser and its
asso- ciated with this unique account only. Meaning if you previously had an account
on eBay, associated with this string of cookie value, creating a new account without cleaning your
browser from this cookie value first will very likely link those 2 accounts and result in suspension.
The ways how being linked by cookies can be avoided:
The most important part is to have a fresh browser history which is new or without any links to the
previ- ously managed account. There are just a few ways how you can easily get a new browsing
New laptop will give you a fresh browser
Uninstalling and reinstalling your browser will give you a fresh browser
Cleaning your browser from all browsing history, passwords, cache, cookies will give you a
fresh browser also.
Using firefox if chrome was used before will give you a fresh browsing history
Using free version of CCleaner and wiping out your history, cookies, etc. will give you a
fresh browser
Be aware that google chrome has an option for different browser profiles with individual browsing
history assigned to each user. If you accidentally sync previously suspended account's browsing
history to a new user, you can be also linked and suspended.
Most reliable way to clean your previous cookies and completely wipe out your browser of any aspect
that might link you with previously suspended account is using the program: CCleaner. Free version
will be sufficient to achieve completely new browser profile. That makes sense considering you only
want to manage 1 account on the same laptop and user as you previously did.
2) Browser fingerprint
Browser fingerprinting is a powerful method that websites use to collect information about your
brows- er type and version, as well as your operating system, active plugins, time zone, language,
screen reso- lution and various other active settings.
a) User agent.
A user agent is a “string” – that is, a line of text – identifying the browser and operating system to the
web server. The contents of the user agent field vary from browser to browser. Each browser has its
own, distinctive user agent. Essentially, a user agent is a way for a browser to say “Hi, I’m Mozilla
Firefox on Windows” or “Hi, I’m Safari on an iPhone” to a web server.
For generating new versions of your browser/operating system for each account - this extension does
the perfect job and was tested by creating hundreds of accounts without being linked together and
being suspended. Available for both firefox and chrome browsers.
This plugin gives you tens of different browser strings to choose from, enabling you to use different
browser string for each stealth account.11
Operational system can also be spoofed using this plugin. It is however less accurate in cases when
your operating system is Mac OS and you're trying to appear as windows user. In cases where your
home operating system is Windows, it does a good job providing different values each time. You should
always aim to pick the most popular browser and operating system combinations to avoid being "sin-
gled out" and possibly flagged. Making your browser to appear as windows XP user using Opera
browser, definitely will make your profile look "odd" and possibly flag as a high-risk. You should always
blend into the crowd and combine the most popular browser - operating system combos. Windows 10,
8 and 7 with Firefox/Chrome browsers.
Continuing to browser fingerprinting topic, these are the remaining aspects marketplaces track to
identify you.
Languages - your browser languages can be detected and fingerprinted. Your options are to install
different language combinations on your different browsers used to manage accounts. For example:
Account1 has US and US (British) versions installed. Account2 has US and ES (Spanish) installed.
Account3 has US only. Pick the popular languages that would make sense depending on the account
country you are operating from. For example adding African languages to your account and operating
account from Germany might raise suspicion for the algorithm and assume you are actually
operating account from Africa and possibly trying to fraud the platform. As a result, you will more
than often face fund locks (getting errors while sending/withdrawing), requests to call support reps
in person to verify yourself, and more frequent than usual SMS code requests.
Timezone - your timezone is matched with the one of your IP. GeoIP - Timezone match is an important
aspect, which may flag the account if those two are mismatching. If your IP location is showing US but
timezone is Indian, you either travelled recently and did not adjust your computer's timezone or are
using VPN/Proxy to connect and the later one is more likely. Make sure your device timezone and loca-
tion is matching the one of your IP location. There are VPN's/Residential proxies that does that
automati- cally for you, other options being adjusting that on your computer manually. Without
correct/aligned 12
timezone settings you will more often face fund locks (getting errors while sending/withdrawing),
requests to call support reps in person to verify yourself, more frequent than usual SMS code
Login/Withdrawal/Funds sending patterns - you should avoid withdrawing from multiple accounts at
the identical times, sending your funds from multiple different accounts to the one account, withdraw-
ing the same sums from multiple accounts, and selling identically named items from multiple PayPal.
You do not need to be paranoid about it, but the complexity of your account management patterns
should increase with the number of accounts you operate. Having 2 accounts selling identically named
items would likely not cause any issues, but doing that with 5-10 accounts might. Be smart about how
and where you are sending your funds, if you are sending funds between accounts very often. Take a
piece of paper and map out your scheme if that's needed, use a mind mapping software. Be smart and
not so obvious if you're operating more then 3-5 accounts.
IP/DNS/WebRTC - being the most crucial part of the successful operational setup process. Identical
IP's between different accounts will immediately link them together on most platforms such as
(Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc) and it should be prevented at all times.
Besides that IP not only has to be unique for each account, the score of your IP quality and type of pro-
vider is also crucial. Having solved IP issues might not be sufficient as there is still DNS and WebRTC
aspects you need to take care of. We will have another dedicated chapter to cover these details in more
To recap this chapter, those aspects of browser fingerprinting are mostly used to track and identify your
stealth accounts: 1) user agent 2) timezone 3) languages 4) IP/DNB/WebRTC
Many sellers operating stealth accounts or trying to create new ones tend to overthink and think about
every possible detail that can link their accounts or suspend newly created ones. Such as: canvas
finger- printing, WebGL, their laptops being "flagged", MAC addresses being tracked or being identified
as stealth user using satellites, webcams or microphones. We have tested countless of setups on all
mar- ketplaces, consulted with 3rd party operational security software developers and surfed every
possible information piece available on the forums and internet.
So there are some popular myths that are proved to be untrue in practice.
"You need to disable javascript and disable/spoof canvas fingerprinting". The reality is that
the more your setup is altered/hidden/spoofed the more red flags you are placing on your
account. Algorithms can identify that this particular user is spoofing or hiding some
advanced aspects of the browser as canvas fingerprint, meaning that its very likely to be a
stealth account as this is very unlikely for first time sellers and most users in general. None
of these elements are spoofed by genuine first time sellers.
"MAC addresses can be tracked and seen" - there is no way the PayPal can detect your MAC
address. MAC addresses can only be seen by your internet service provider (ISP) during the
time you connect to the internet via their modem. So the only way the payment processors
and marketplaces (PayPal, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc) can get access to your MAC address is if
your ISP will disclose it. And it never happens unless serious investigations are coming your
way initiated by the government, which is never the case for the people who are just trying to
create and operate stealth accounts.
Being tracked using webcams, microphones, and any other external way - unless your device
is hacked by the Etsy, eBay or Amazon, there is no way to get an access to your computer's
To become successful in creating stealth accounts and operating multiple of them you need to go with
the strategy of "blending in". You should always replicate the way a normal internet user or first-timer
behaves and the setup he has. "Overdoing" your operation part by spoofing every aspect of your
browser, using rare browser versions, devices, operational systems will make you "stand out" too much
from the population sample and being put under the microscope by their algorithms and security
As example using Linux operational system with Opera browser and disabling canva fingerprints will
definitely make you look like a "hacker", bot, or at least not what 99% of the visitors would do.
Creating a stealth account is all about imitating the regular user who genuinely is looking for selling
and doing that for the first time.
So now that you are aware of the main operational aspects of successful stealth formula, these are the
options below giving you a methods to manage/create multiple accounts without being linked togeth-
11 Different options to manage your
stealth account:
1-2) Different user accounts on windows/MacBook laptop
This is the most "noob-friendly" and effective way to manage your stealth accounts. Every new user
pro- file will give you a fresh browser. Technically you can manage as many accounts as you want using
this method, however there are some scalability and efficiency issues when more accounts are being
man- aged this way. There are some pros and cons of this option:
• Cost-effective. Does not require to buy new device or any additional software
• Easy to set up, delete, add new accounts
• Safe for few accounts
• Every new user will still be under the same operational system/browser string and some
hardware fingerprint values. You will need to use browser extensions to hide and
3) Remote desktop protocol (RDP)
Its a remote connection protocol to another windows desktop. Putting that simply is like managing
other computer remotely through your computer. Just like you can connect to other computer using
TeamViewer and do any operations, RDP works in a similar way letting you to connect to remote desk-
top and carry out your operations here. Communication between your host device and RDP is also
encrypted, making it a secure option for managing multiple accounts.
You can explore the guides and resources of setting up your RDP connection here:
• Not "noob-friendly" and requires significant time for first time users to set up
• Time consuming. Managing different RDP's every time might be time consuming due to
complicated set up process
• Can be costly. Every RDP connection costs usually on the monthly basis, varying between
few dollars upwards to $50-70 monthly for each account.
• Reliability concerns. It might take some time to find the high quality RDP provider. There
are providers offering overused, abused or hacked RDP's which might disturb managing
multiple accounts stably in a long-term.
• Usually used by some more complex internet activities which requires extreme security
From our experience RDP is an "over-kill" and not effective for the purpose of managing and creating
multiple stealth accounts.
4) Using virtual machine oracle VMWare
This is a one of the most popular operating methods being used successfully by many. VMware is a
solution which lets you create multiple virtual machines on the same computer. Simply put it’s like
a having multiple computers on the same computer.
• Free to use
• Requires minimal effort to set up and can be learned quickly
• Enables you operate multiple accounts at the same time. You can turn on multiple virtual
machines and access your accounts simultaneously without being linked.
• Each virtual machine represents separated environment: files, browsers, time zones,
• For efficient use powerful computer is required. You should aim for at least 8GB RAM, i5
core CPU, 256 GB SSD device, that is being the minimum requirement. Each virtual
machine requires resources to run and you want it to run smoothly. Usually 2 GB ram, 2
• cores of CPU and 30-50GB hard drive space per machine is recommended. Meaning
with the simple 4GB RAM laptop you can expect to manage up to 1-2 machines
• efficiently.
Worth noting that virtual machines in theory can be detected by PayPal security
algorithms. While its completely legal to use VM, it may flag your profile as "higher-risk".
Requires Windows or Linux operating systems to run smoothly. There are workarounds
for Mac OS, but it requires additional time to set up it properly and some bugs/errors
will arise from time to time.
Limited scalability. Due to hard disk space allocation requirement for each separate
virtual machine, you are limited to the number of machines you can operate by the
capacity of your hard disk.
5) Anti detect browsers
Anti detect browsers are a software solution enabling you to manage multiple separate browser
profiles on the same laptop, same user account and at scale. Those solutions are built mainly for
managing mul- tiple accounts in an easy way.
Anti detect browser solutions enables you to create different unique profiles for each account and
enables you to change: operating system, browser type and string, timezones, languages and other
multiple factors ensuring your fingerprints are as diverse as possible.
While there are different companies offering this solution, to sum up, there are some pros and cons of
using this method.
• Not free to use in most cases. Prices vary between $30-150 usually. Might be costly for
managing 1-2 accounts only.
As its a 3rd party service provider, some bugs or errors might arise which you are not
aware of. Therefore only the most reliable companies should be picked.
6) Firefox/Chrome portable apps
Portable browser app is working just like any regular browser, but enabling you to have multiple copies
of the same browser being isolated from each other. Each browsing history, cookies, etc. are saved in
separate folders and do not leak between different accounts. In theory you can have multiple Firefox or
Chrome icons on the same desktop/computer each representing different stealth account.
• Free to use
• Quite easy to set up
• Technically there is no limit on the number of accounts you can manage
• can't be 100% guarantee that accounts will not be linked as its a 3rd party solution
Limited fingerprint diversity. As all browsers are operated on the same computer, they
still represent the same time zone, region and hardware fingerprint values.
7) Using VPS - virtual port server.
A virtual private server is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. Similarly
like using Oracle VMware, VPS gives you an option to manage virtual machine which is hosted on cloud
rather your own Laptop.
• Unlimited scalability. Meaning you can operate unlimited number of VPS machines from one
• Each VPS needs to be purchased separately which can possibly become costly
• Reliability: as with all 3rd party providers, it might take some time to find reliable and good
price/quality ratio provider.
8) New laptop/device for each account
Probably the simplest and most bulletproof way to separate your stealth accounts. Each laptop/device
is assigned to different stealth account, ensuring different fingerprinting and reducing the risks to be
linked between each to zero. (considering other aspects such as ip, account information, items, etc. are
done correctly).
• Requires a fixed investment for every new account depending on the device costs
• Time consuming to manage multiple accounts
• Challenging logistically - bringing multiple laptops with yourself is not convenient
• As there are a vast of software, 3rd party and other solutions such as multiple users available,
this option is generally the most costly and inefficient for multiple
9) Different Chrome/Firefox browser profiles for each account
This is a very solid method allowing you to manage multiple accounts simultaneously and at scale. As
Chrome/Firefox allows having multiple browsing profiles with isolated environments (cookies, history,
passwords, etc), you can use that functionality to your advantage.
In this article its covered in-depth how this method works and how you can apply it in practice.
• Scalability. You can manage high number of accounts at the same time
• Ease of use. It does not require different virtual machines, laptops, switching user
accounts as everything can be done inside one user account.
• Free to use. As you are utilizing the native function of Chrome/Firefox browser, using
browsing profiles does not bear any additional costs.
• itself
Works with Residential proxy/IP providers who have firefox/chrome extensions for their
• services.
Having multiple accounts opened on the same environment simultaneously can possibly
lead to some management errors (uploading items to wrong account accidentally,
copy-pasting wrong tracking numbers, etc). So you'll need to be focused at all times.
This is one of the safest methods to create new PayPal accounts as their algorithm will interpret
smart- phone/tablet users as less risky, due to the fact that most stealth accounts are opened on
desktop devices, and usually only non-stealth users tend to manage PayPal accounts on their
smartphones/tab- lets. However, this method is not really scalable, and will limit your number of
accounts to the number of devices you have. Definitely, you want to avoid carrying 10 smartphones the
next time you will be at the airport security check, which will definitely look suspicious. But having 1-2
additional smartphones for your main PayPal accounts can be a really good idea.
If you used smartphone/tablet for previously suspended account - perform a factory reset to wipe out
all the data which may link you. Also most residential proxies are designed for laptop use, so finding a
mobile solution might be challenging. If your home router/4G or 5G data provides the same country IP
as your stealth accounts, you might consider this operational method for some of the accounts.
These are the 11 possible options to manage and create your stealth accounts, all having different pros
and cons. We personally stick to 1-2, 4, 9, 10, 11 options for our own account management and
Mastering your IP for success in
stealth accounts
The fundamental part of a successful stealth account is that the platform can't notice that account
is stealth. PayPal, eBay, Amazon, Etsy, has advanced tracking technologies to detect the source,
location, provider and risk score of your IP.
Using the wrong IP sources will void your efforts of creating a new stealth identity, setting up your
oper- ational security and getting all needed pieces such as credit cards, bank accounts and etc.
Without knowing how platforms look at your IP and what needs to be done, it can be very challenging
to create and maintain new accounts without suspensions.
Without proper IP solution and understanding what type of IP you need, PayPal will immediately flag
your account and make your stealth account journey a lot harder. Even if you manage to create an
account, keeping it in good standing, receiving funds smoothly will be a lot harder.
The second you are entering any domain in the destination tab, your IP is detected. And the following
aspects can be seen by any website operator:
1) Your IP string. This is the most basic thing you might be already aware of. You can
easily check
up your IP by simply searching "what's my IP" in google search. However what you might not be aware
of that this IP string reveals more information about your IP than it could seem from first sight.
2) Your IP provider. Your service provider can be detected by the number strings of
your IP. Simi-
larly as each country has its code for telephone dialing, each IP provider has its specific number of IP
number strings. By that platforms can identify whether your IP is coming from reputable sources
such as local internet service providers: Vodafone, O2, Comcast, AT&T, etc. or whether it’s coming
from private server companies or datacenters. Based on your IP source certain risk scores are
automatically assigned without you even knowing that. The person whose IP source is a Vodafone,
looks like a genu- ine, regular and non-risky internet user, meaning probably he is accessing the
website simply from home or work. The ones using VPN's/proxies signal that this user is trying to
mask/hide his IP and might represent a fraud risk. Successful stealth is all about imitating the low-
risk activity patterns, and using a VPN/proxy is certainly not a one.
3) Your exact IP location (city or even zip code level) - based on your IP websites can
fy the location of where your IP is coming from with an approximate 98% accuracy. Your country, state,
region, city and usually a ZIP code can be identified by knowing your IP.
4) Are you using Proxy/VPN/Local internet service provider - based on the
sequence of your IP, websites can accurately determine whether you are using Proxy, VPN, mobile
hotspot or your home internet to access the content.
5) Your DNS address - even using VPN's or other IP anonymizers - it’s still possible
that your true
DNS is leaking. It can be easily detected and flagged by PayPal security algorithms as your IP and DNS
address countries can be mismatching or DNS matching the previously suspended account. Even worse
- multiple accounts with the matching DNS.
First of all you need to check for any possible DNS leaks in these sites:
What you need to look for?
a) Whether DNS leaks shows your true IP country (for example showing Vietnam while you are using
US-based IP)
b) Whether it's showing your real IP (or very similar number string). Check your IP without any
proxy/VPN via incognito window/fresh browser and then turn on your proxy/VPN to perform DNS
leak test and see if results reveal your real IP or a very similar one.
If you are using your mobile hotspot/modem solely you do not need to perform this test.
You should always choose VPN/Proxy providers which reliably mask your real DNS ip and protect you
from any leaks.
5) WebRTC address - The problem with WebRTC is that it uses techniques to discover your IP address-
es that are more advanced than those used in “standard” IP detection. Your WebRTC address can still
leak even when you are using a VPN or other anonymizer solution. Leaking your true WebRTC might
disclose and suspend or link your stealth accounts. Therefore you should always check for WebRTC
leaks to ensure your setup is solid.
WebRTC leaks can be checked via website. The WebRTC should never show your
actual IP. If IP showed in WebRTC leak is different than your actual home ip, or the same as your
VPN/Proxy - you're all set.
6) Is your IP blacklisted/used for SPAM? - your IP could be already blacklisted and assigned with high
fraud or spam scores. IP's used to send spam emails, malicious content, or conduct fraudulent
activities are blacklisted and automatically included in multiple databases. You can check whether your
current IP is on the blacklist.
Once you understand these concepts, now its time to use this knowledge to maximize your stealth suc-
Mastering your IP for success
1) Do not use VPN's for creating new stealth accounts. The PayPal will immediately detect that you
are accessing from a VPN and flag or suspend your account immediately. Why would a first time user
would try to create an account while on VPN? That already indicates that you are trying to mask or
hide some details of your true identity. Even though the number of people using VPN's regularly is
increas- ing, none of the payment processors and marketplaces interpret that as a safe activity and
choose "better safe than sorry" approach and just automatically suspend that type of account. Not
everyone using a VPN is a fraud, but almost everyone who are, are using VPN's. The worst options for
creating accounts are providers assigning the same IP's for multiple users. It's possible that IP you
were assigned was already involved in fraudulent activities on the net before. Its suitable for personal
protection, and additional security, but not for creating or managing stealth accounts.
Creating or operating account while simply being on shared VPN connection would instantly flag the
account and get it shutdown. VPN's IP sources are datacenters which uses the same IP strings, and
the service provider is simply a server company not an genuine internet service provider. The same
thing is with shared or dedicated VPN's. Therefore platforms immediately identify that you are
accessing using VPN services and that's not what usual user would do. Since what's the point of legit
seller to use VPN if he has nothing to hide? So residential ip's source their IP's from real internet
service providers such as T-Mobile, AT&T, O2, Verizon, and others depending on your country. And in
terms of IP, it makes you look as low-risk individual.
2) Do not use dedicated/fresh VPN's. There are services promoting fresh and dedicated VPN services
for account management and creation. While in most cases, those IP's are truly fresh and will be
fixed/dedicated for as long as you pay for them, they are still coming from data center companies, indi-
cating that you are using a VPN while accessing Paypal, Etsy, Amazon, eBay or other marketplaces.
3) Do not use simple proxies. Similar to VPN, proxies are also detected based on the IP strings and
can show its source being a datacenter. You can purchase a fresh (non used before) and dedicated
proxy, but it will not bring any additional benefits and will be the same as using VPN.
4) Do not use same IP's for multiple accounts that you do not want to link. It might be sounding
obvious for some, but it still needs to be put out. Managing multiple accounts from the same IP will
link them in 100% of the cases. While it might not mean an instant suspension, in case one account
gets shut down, the others will follow as well due to strong association. If your goal is to diversify -
different IP's for each account is your only option.
The best way to manage multiple
stealth accounts:
Answer: Residential proxies.
With the residential proxies you can perfectly imitate the behavior of the genuine, low-risk internet user
while being from anywhere in the world. Residential proxies work in a way that assigns your with an IP
from a real internet service provider of that country, and will never be detected as VPN/regular server
This is the best way currently to manage multiple accounts and we manage our accounts using residen-
tial proxies. Back 3-4 years ago, from the start of using residential proxies we immediately noticed
increased account survival rate, stability and significantly less suspensions during sign-up process.
There are reputable companies providing this service, which is completely legal. You can choose the
internet service provider, country, region and even the exact city where you want your IP from. With
this setup you can minimize your profile risk score to a complete minimum and match your stealth
account location info with the one of your IP address.
Cons of using residential proxies
•There is one aspect which might seem as negative - IP's are rotating/dynamic. Meaning you will
not get an IP which will stay the same for days, weeks or months. But according to our and other
stealth operators experience that has never caused any suspensions directly.
• Solution is not free. Expect to invest $50-200 monthly for this solution. The costs do not
increase proportionally for every additional account you want to manage. Usually regular plans
allows to manage tens of accounts. Meaning the more accounts you want to create or operate
the lower the cost per account will be. Imagine you want to manage 5 stealth accounts.
Dedicated VPN's (which are not a recommended solution due to reasons mentioned before)
usually cost $15 per IP/monthly, resulting in $75/monthly (5 accounts * $15 each). If you are
managing 5 accounts with a residential proxy plan costing $70/monthly for example, resulting
in $14/monthly per account ($70 divided by the number of 5 accounts) it's already more cost-
efficient. Managing 10 accounts with the same plan of $70, would save you around 50%
monthly compared to dedi-
cated VPN's for each account separately.
Best price/quality ratio and 24/7 customer support to help you out:
New phone number for verification
Understanding how phone numbers work and how to avoid getting suspended by using the wrong
sources and types for numbers for verification.
The main mistake when trying to get a new phone number for account creation is obtaining it from most
popular apps/free online sources or using google voice numbers.
The first reason being that phone numbers obtained in this way can be recycled and used previously
and the second reason is that those numbers are in 99% cases VOIP.
There are two types of mobile numbers: VOIP and non VOIP. Similarly like there is a VPN and Residen-
tial proxy, VOIP would be the same as using VPN and VOIP the same as using residential proxy.
1) VOIP (voice over Internet protocol) means it's not a real number, which uses the internet to com-
municate instead of cellular. VOIP numbers come from online databases and are not tied to any physi-
cal sim card or mobile carrier. They can be easily detected and identified by Paypal and any websites
that work on stealth accounts detection. You can try creating an eBay account using VOIP number
obtained from application and you will receive an automatic error. Try verifying or creating your new
Gmail account using VOIP number and you will get an instant error. PayPal will not give you an instant
error by using VOIP number, but it will definitely flag your account. By using VOIP number you are
exposing yourself as probably a stealth account creator and minimizing your chances of successful
account creation and operating it smoothly.
Frequently asked question: Can I use google voice for PayPal accounts? We do not recommend using
google voice due to high chances of getting flagged and limited. Also for non US accounts google voice
is not an option as well. We will provide a simple and cost-effective solutions for getting multiple non
VOIP numbers.
2) Non VOIP are real numbers from real mobile carriers, meaning there is a real sim card tied to it.
There are two main solutions for getting non VOIP numbers.
How to get real numbers for account verification?
1) Obtaining real SIM cards and using them for account verification. Depending on your physical loca-
tion, obtaining SIM cards physically can be challenging, so if that's not an option you can order them
online. There are may sellers on eBay offering different countries SIM cards for sale to ship worldwide.
2) Using online non VOIP number providers. During our many years of experience in managing and
creating stealth accounts, we've found some providers who offer online SMS receiving services by using
non VOIP numbers. The process is fully automatic and optimized, meaning you will only need to pre-
pay the amount you want (depending on the number of accounts you are planning to verify) and then
choose the platform you want to receive SMS from.
Those providers usually specialize in PayPal, Etsy, eBay, Amazon and other marketplace SMS receiving
solutions, as well as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, etc. - US/NL/UK
numbers -UK
All you need to know about
getting new bank accounts
One of the biggest challenges people creating new stealth accounts and managing multiple ones face is
getting new bank accounts. And getting them legally, under your name can be even more challeng- ing.
While there are ways you can buy a hacked/stolen bank accounts, we do not recommend this approach.
Also, what's the point of having a bank account which have a risk of being reclaimed by the true owner
in the future?
We will outline all options for getting multiple bank accounts and what could be your course of action
depending on the country of residence.
First of all, let's clarify the fundamentals of using multiple bank accounts and provide you an answer to
some of the most frequent concerns or questions one might have.
Can different bank accounts under the same name be used? And can PayPal see the real name/-
surname of the bank account I enter?
1) There is no way for PayPal or any marketplace to see the real name behind the bank account. All
personal and confidential information records are strictly kept by your banking service provider
only. In case of any investigation coming your way, company/marketplace can send a subpoena
letter coming your banking service providers way, which might reveal your true identity. But
that's only in cases you are doing something extremely against the law and on a large scale.
There is no such thing as unified banking information databases that marketplaces can have an
access to. Every bank has a strict client protection policies and will not reveal your personal info
to any 3rd parties (except on extreme cases of investigation, cybercriminal activity, etc)
2) There is no API that all banking institutions are implementing to use with payment processors
such as PayPal, Adyen, Stripe, etc. None of the payment processors can see your real name/sur-
name/address from your banking number info.
Will my bank accept withdrawals from PayPal coming in from different names?
As the rule of thumb, most banks accept mismatched named deposits in general. In the case with
PayPal, when receiving withdrawals to your bank account from your PayPal balance on the payment
reference there is no name/surname of the account holder. What your bank sees is a random string of
numbers coming from PayPal, not indicating who the account holder on PayPal truly is.
a) Your banking institution name: using routing number in the US, BIC numbers in the EU
and Sort codes within the UK.
b) Country of your bank account provider: Based on routing, BIC or sort codes your bank
country can be identified.
c) Correctness of your bank account info: US account numbers do not use checksums so
any random numbers can be input and they will look like real ones in the eyes of the
system. Within the EU and UK, account numbers use checksums therefore if you put any
random bank while creating account its correctness will be checked.
But Paypal and marketplaces require to input correct name/surname in the accounts holder field?
They require it only to have it aligned on their end, it does not mean that you need to input REAL
name/- surname into accounts holders field. You can use the stealth account's info and it will work.
PayPal can't verify this information only from the numbers and upon submitting payments are not
required to have the correct name/surname of the bank account holder. The only one who might care
about the name/- surname is your banking service provider. Some banks might decline if deposits sent
to your bank account come from the different name than the account is registered on. The good news
are that there are only a few banks that strictly decline those kind of deposits, and 98% of them do not
care or track this.33
What information is actually the most important for PayPal to understand how risky is your
Similarly as with internet service provider whether your traffic is coming from VPN or from Residential
proxy/Real ISP, banks are also divided into two main camps:
1) Real brick and mortar banks - those are real, solid retail banks. Such as Chase, JP Morgan,
Barclays, Deutsche bank. Using these banks gives you the maximum possible safety score on your
accounts fraud monitor, as the only way to open a bank account using under these institutions is to
physically visit them (or verifying your identity in the online meeting), in most cases being an actual
citizen of that country and having your background checked. Meaning marketplaces interpret those
bank account numbers as a real person's.
You can open multiple checking/savings account within the same banking service provider. There are
certain limits on the number of accounts you might have, but having multiple banks with multiple pro-
viders will be enough for you at the beginning (in case you haven't reached your limits already). The
process of getting multiple bank accounts is either automated by initiating new openings from your
clients portal or visiting the bank physically to request more accounts to "expand" your business.
2) Online banks - those are banks primarily designed in a way to fit the needs of international sellers
who can't open certain country accounts due to residence restrictions, not being physically in that
coun- try or some other reasons. Let’s say you live in Vietnam and want to open a US account in JP
Morgan. There is no way for you to do that being in Vietnam, not having SSN of US (in most cases) and
without having a strong reason behind doing that (work, business-related, etc). In cases like that you
will opt to open online bank which will give you US bank account information. In all cases, PayPal can
identify that certain banking details are coming from online banking service providers, and depending
on your overall fraud/risk score, act accordingly.
Using online banks are completely legal and normal for any person worldwide, but since most of the
stealth account creators use online banks only, it presents a higher risk. Online banks are divided into
two tiers, depending on their account holder verification difficulty and reputation.
Tier 1 online banks
Those are mainstream banks, used by people as a second alternative bank, for everyday spending,
trav- eling ,etc.
These are the options accepting mismatched name deposits, and giving you a bank account that works
with Etsy.
• Revolut
• N26 - does not accept mismatched deposits in some cases
• Wise - does not accept mismatched deposits in all cases
• Monese
• Monzo
• Chime
• Cash-app
And other similar banks. Search for mobile banking providers in the US to see the full list.
Also, the good thing about these Tier 1 online banks is that they usually issue 1 or multiple credit cards,
both virtual and physical, that can be used for account verification. You can open these banks under
your name, pass the verification and get a brand new bank account to use with your stealth account.
The downside is that these Tier 1 banks do not issue multiple bank accounts under the same currency,
usually its 1 bank account per currency, meaning you can't create multiple stealth accounts at scale. It
can be a smart idea to diversify and use some of your best performing accounts with some of these
solu- tions, but running multiple accounts (10-20 or more) with Tier 1 online banks is hardly possible
or not convenient at least.
Tier 1 online banks apply strict verification procedures, asking for selfies, live cam photo/video,
biomet- ric data reading and in most cases requires actual smartphone for verification. Meaning you
can't simply create multiple of them with just a help of a photoshop.
Tier 2 online banks
Those are banks mainly designed for sellers and offering solutions which will be a perfect way for you
to build multiple stealth accounts. Tier 2 online banks have usually less strict verification procedures,
but most importantly are able to offer multiple same currency bank accounts. You can verify your tier
2 online bank account with your real identity and proceed with creating dozens of bank accounts and
enjoy the benefits of the accepted mismatched deposits policy of those banks.
Tier 2 online banks in almost all cases accept mismatching name deposits, meaning you can receive
deposits from multiple stealth accounts under different names, all coming to your 1 online bank
These are the main Tier 2 online banks, giving you various numbers of multiple of bank accounts in
most popular currencies GBP/EUR/USD
Those providers might be totally enough for you to manage around 100 different accounts. Once you
have used all of these options you will already know what to look for while searching for new banking
provider and will be able to setup up everything easily. Stick to these 4 ones first and they will have
you covered.
Depending on your location and the currency of the bank accounts you need, you will find the most
suit- able scenario.
What you need to understand about Tier 2 online bank accounts. The bank account numbers you are
issued with are not exactly the same as a normal bank would do. They are virtual bank accounts, also
called VBA's/VBA, that enables you to receive ACH deposits made by marketplaces and payment pro-
cessors. In most cases those accounts can't be used to simply receive standard Wire transfers from
other banks, so do not be mistaken. They are used solely for receiving payments from Paypal, market-
places and in some cases businesses.
Those Tier 2 online banks partner with other banking providers, (usually those which are more shady)
and receive bulk account numbers which they later distribute to marketplace sellers who sign up.
These Barclay's banking details you see on Payoneer as an example, do not represent a bank account
actually sitting here in Barclays, but rather just a number which is managed by Payoneer. As there are
only a few of banks providing account details for Tier 2 online banks, there is just a couple of main
routing/branch codes used for most of them.
For example Payoneer issues GBP currency account details from Barclays bank which uses the same
sort code for all accounts. This sort code is already abused by various stealth account creators,
scam- mers and of course some genuine sellers. Payment processors already know that you are
using Pay- oneer to open/manage seller account, meaning there is a high chance you are "stealther".
Why would a normal UK living resident use a Payoneer to open his first seller account? What are the
chances that this person is actually genuine? And what are the chances you are actually a person not
from the UK, opening multiple accounts? Math is really simple, and its more efficient for algorithms
to suspend 100% of these accounts where 90% is being stealth and 10% real people.
Same Barclays sort details can't be used on PayPal - you will get a message telling you something
wrong with it (not actually disclosing the real reason behind), same goes with eBay - enter those UK
banking details and you will receive an automatic error. Same with Etsy - they will let you open an
account and later will just suspend it out of nowhere without any explanation. It's just how it works.
Tier 2 online banks usually use Citi bank for GBP, EUR and USD bank accounts issuing. The good news
is that not all virtual bank accounts are blacklisted, and you can use these accounts successfully
coming from multiple providers.
The summary of the banks that work with PayPal (2022 last update)
Understanding how credit/debit cards
work for verification
Getting new cards for opening your accounts can be equally challenging as finding solutions to open-
ing multiple bank accounts.
First let's breakdown what are the elements of credit cards that payment processors such as PayPal
look at to determine and assign risk/fraud scores to your stealth account.
1) Regular Credit card - this is a type of card that is actually issued by a brick and mortar bank (JPMor-
gan, Chase, and others worldwide), and can be possibly used to settle debt amounts owed by you even
if there's no balance. That's the main card type used in the US, and also used by all countries worldwide
just being less common. This is the highest security scorecard type that security algorithms detect,
increasing your chances of successful stealth account operation.
2) Regular Debit card, Not prepaid - this is the regular card option which does not have a credit tied
to it, meaning you can only spend the amount you actually have on card. Not prepaid meaning its tied
to a real bank account, issued by a regular brick and mortar banks (JPMorgan, Chase, and others
world- wide)
3) Regular Debit card, Prepaid - this is a card type that's most common with all online banks such as
Revolut, N26, Chime, Venmo. Its debit since those online banks usually can't provide Credit cards
unlike high street banks, and prepaid since you top-up a card balance using another financial
instrument like your bank account, credit card, etc.
4) Gift card - this is a card type that's most common with all online banks such as Revolut, N26, Chime,
Venmo. Its debit since those online banks usually can't provide Credit cards unlike high street banks,
and prepaid since you top-up a card balance using another financial instrument like your bank account,
credit card, etc.
Virtual cards can be the following types:
5) Virtual Credit card - card which can be used for buying online the same way as a regular credit card,
except it does not have any physical form and can't be used physically (ATM's, in-store payments, etc).
There is just a card number that you can see and use it for spending online.
6) Virtual Debit card, not prepaid - virtual card which is interpreted as being debit, usually issued by
Tier 1 online banks for online shopping activities.
7) Virtual Debit card, prepaid - virtual card which is interpreted as being debit and prepaid, usually
issued by Tier 1 online banks as well, used for one-time shopping, trial account verification, etc.
Exam- ple: Revolut's disposable virtual credit card.
As you might have already guessed, PayPal's security algorithms track the type of card you use to settle
your billing or open your stealth accounts.
Every credit card contains BIN (bank identification number) which is the first 5-8 digits (5 digits is the
most popular length). This number reveals practically everything about your card - what is the issuing
bank, what type of card it is (credit, debit, prepaid, virtual), what is the location of the issuing bank.
This is one of the most accurate online verification tools you can use to check your card's info:
Enter first 5-6 digits only and you will see the info about your card. Let's take a look at the breakdown
5587 67 is a BIN number of JPMorgan Chase. Its identified as Credit, coming from the United States
and by the JPMORGAN bank. There are some aspects also such as brand, scheme, etc., but those are
being less relevant. Also Credit cards by default can't be prepaid, so in most cases this tool show the
value "No" under the "Prepaid" or no value at all.
The example above is from a virtual card issued by Wise. Wise allows up to 3 active debit cards to be
issued. This card is correctly identified as Debit, country - Belgium which is low risk EU country, and
not identified as prepaid which (which is also a good thing).
Example above is the card breakdown of one of the Vanilla prepaid gift cards. It is debit, prepaid,
issued by a Bancorp which is not an actual bank but a banking service provider for other financial
service pro- viders. These type of cards have the least chances to pass marketplace required card
format, and in cases they pass your account will be identified as higher risk from the get-go.
More examples: For example google AdWords will decline most online debit prepaid cards to pay for
ads, Amazon will decline prepaid cards to use for your seller subscription fees, and Etsy will decline all
prepaid cards such as vanilla, prepaid shopping cards, etc. when you are opening your seller account.
Payment processors see credit cards tied to real banks as the safest option, meaning its very likely that
there is a real person behind the account and credit card number. The good news is that there are
online card providers which will cover that for you, by issuing a virtual credit card numbers used for
account creation, which look like a card from a real bank.
Physical credit cards issued by high street physical banks are the best for creating multiple accounts,
but having tens of credit cards under your name can become costly, not convenient and possibly
ques- tionable. Also depending on your country of residence you might not have access to getting
such type of cards at all.
As a rule of thumb you want your card to be: 1) Credit 2) Not prepaid 3) Issued by a real bank and 4)
Being from the same country as your account info. If you are opening an US seller account and use
Nigeria based debit card, issued by an unknown bank, it will be suspended almost guaranteed and
probably right after opening an account.
While there are quite a few service providers, what you need to do is ask for the BIN number of their
cards. You need to look for the best possible option of VCC's, that are: Credit, not prepaid and issued
by real banks. Getting random cards issued by non existent banks, high-risk countries (Africa, for
exam- ple), will most likely lead to limitations/verification requests and issues.
Some examples of the BIN numbers that work for PayPal:
Limitations are a cause of risk factors associated with your account. It is possible to operate an
account (send, receive, withdraw funds) without ever being limited or asked to provide verification
information (id, statement, invoices, etc).
Unless your account is a couple of years old, used for purchases before, taking only small ±$10-$100
payments you can expect it to be limited eventually. PayPal is extremely cautious and limiting all
accounts showing at least some signs of risk.
Limitations usually occur when:
Limitations can happen multiple times for the same account, with requesting identical/similar
informa- tion every time.
You can expect your PayPal account to be:
1) If your account becomes limited, is new and not yet verified with documents, without confirmed
bank account and with available pending balance ($500+) you are very likely to be suspended
permanently and funds will not be available to you to withdraw. They will either be taken out by PayPal
or you will not be able to add any bank accounts to your PayPal to receive withdrawals. Upon
submitting documents repeatedly you will receive the same message they your identity can't be
verified and re-upload of doc- uments is required. This is PayPal's legal way of stealing from you.
You are STRONGLY advised to add your bank account for withdrawal, especially before you start
receiv- ing larger payments. Otherwise in case of permanent limitation, you will not receive your funds
after 180 days. We have accounts sitting with thousands of $ for 2-3 years already, because we failed
to add our banking info on time. Do not repeat this mistake.
2) Always withdraw 95%+ of your balance and do not keep it in PayPal. In most cases we withdraw
100% of our funds immediately, and do not keep anything in PayPal.
3) If you have previously verified your account, and recently received some complaints/open cases, got
limited and asked to verify your account again (ID, address, invoices, etc) it's a high chance that your
account will not be restored again. This is a way of PayPal saying "we will now collect as much informa-
tion about your business and identity as possible before permanently limiting your account and possi-
bly taking your funds from you". Be cautious about limitations appearing in the described pattern, and if
it's safe, consider pausing all your incoming Payments, and refunding your customers (ask them to pay
to your alternative PayPal). PayPal in some cases also limits your ability to refund payments, so you
need to be calculated and cautious in situations like this.
Restoring your account's limitations
In most cases, to successfully restore the limitation of your PayPal account you need the following:
We will provide all the information you need to successfully produce what's requested for your account
and best strategies to do that.
PayPal accepts photoshop created ID documents, but with a lower pass rates compared to real ones.
For address verification - photoshopped statements, utility bills work 100% (if done correctly). Later in
the chapter we will provide you with a links where to obtain them
For supplier invoices - photoshopped documents work 100% (if done correctly). Differently than
Amazon, they do not try to verify the supplier by calling them, etc.
Tracking numbers - those can't be simply a random numbers. You should always send your packages
with tracking numbers to receive funds faster (avoid 21 day holds) and build a stronger case for
account restoration or against customer complaints. If that's too costly for you, be sure to send your
packages with tracking numbers at least while your account is new and first limitation/verification is
not yet passed.
Producing documents for Stealth
This chapter will cover everything you need to know about producing your identity documents.
First of all, you don't need to be a photoshop guru to succeed in this area and produce the documents
that will get accepted. Secondly, "creative" documents are still accepted by PayPal verification system
(if done correctly). It is still a very effective method to verify accounts where only the scanned/photo
versions of documents are accepted. The good news is - that's still how PayPal verifies their seller
We will not go into details about downloading Adobe Photoshop; that process is self-explanatory (just
get the torrent), but instead talk about the right templates.
1) To make creative passports, ID cards, licenses, utility bills, statements, etc. - you need the right
tem- plates for that. By templates, we mean .psd files that you can easily alter and put the data you
want to.
One of the leading websites to download these templates (can be paid via BTC for anonymity) is:
There you will find a vast majority of country passport templates, bills, bank statements, literally
every- thing you might need to produce accounts. There is a selection of different countries and
documents types, that's all you need to become a master in this area. You can also search in google for
PSD pass- port templates will and find dozens of sites selling them.
2) Second important part of the templates are: layers. You do not want your passport scan to appear
without the background or in plain white. You want it to look as realistic as possible, same as with
real scanned documents: there are areas which are more dark than others, areas with glare, small
dirt, etc. The templates you use must have the background effects of a scan. You can always ask for
the template seller whether that's included into .psd file (usually they do include that, as additional
PSD layers). Or you can download them separately from other sources.
1) For the identity documents the numbers, codes, etc. is the set of data called MRZ (machine readable
zone) data. For example, passport numbers have a certain sequence and length - therefore you can't
just put random numbers into it. Now that you know how this set of data (MRZ) is called, you can find
online sources to generate what you need for the documents. For example if you want to produce UK
passport, this is the source that will help you to generate the right MRZ:
2) Secondly, there is name, surname, DOB. As always, you want your stealth profile to look as realistic
as possible, therefore you don't want to name your stealth identity as Donald Duck or similar. In the
past chapter, we've explained your options to obtain this data, so we're confident that you will get
some ideas what to do in this case.
1) Exporting your document from .PSD to PDF straightforwardly will leave photoshop fingerprints all
over the file and your documents will be easily detected as fake. If you check Properties/Get info
section of your file after exporting it from .PSD to PDF you'll notice that the "content creator" section
of the file is Adobe Photoshop. That's the immediate red flag which will tell the algorithm that this
document is fake. And that's the last thing you want if your goal is to succeed.
What you need to do is alter the EXIF data on your file. Real, scanned documents will never have their
metadata associated with Adobe Photoshop, but with a printer it was scanned with. Its specific color
profile, device code, device name, etc. Using this tool you can alter all of these aspects in your files
after finishing the photoshop part.
2) With correctly applying EXIF data to your files, you will ensure that your metadata looks legit and
coming as a real scan or photo.
3) When making the statements, utility bills, etc - it's possible to skip this step. Simply PRINT&SCAN
your new creative document and it will get its EXIF data naturally and will look more real as well.
The good news is that this part is easier than you probably thought. Those are the main principles you
need to go with while producing your supplier invoices.
1) Never pick the brand owner himself as your supplier. If you are selling Nike shoes, do not pick Nike
company as your supplier. If you are selling Microsoft digital products do not pick Microsoft as your
sup- plier. That's not the way it works in reality and may bring suspicion by PayPal reps. Big brands use
autho- rized distributors/manufacturers who are responsible for dealing with 3rd party retailers/re-
sellers like you.
The way to look for the correct supplier is by searching who is re-selling that brand. If you are selling
Gucci T-shirt, your possible supplier can be: or (this one is a retailer, but it will work with PayPal since they do not have a strict
invoice verification proce- dure, would not work with Amazon in most cases). Do not use very small
and unprofessionally looking websites.
You can look at the brand's website and find its approved distributors, for example: https://devicepart-
2) Now that you have an understanding what supplier should be picked for your invoice and know how
to find ones, it comes to making the invoice itself. One of the easiest and quickest ways are finding
online invoice generator, put all the suppliers info (address, logo, phone, etc), but all the items on it (its
best to make them exactly the same as they are on Paypal transactions), come up with logical invoice
number, price, tax. Making it look as legit as possible. And that's it! PayPal will not go an extra mile to
verify the invoice and only will look how it appears on screen.
47 - its one of the best and beginner-friendly online tools to produce your
invoices. Make sure to add all the info correctly, do not forget to put the logo to make it appear more
legit, add your info in the same way it appears on PayPal, do some extra touches if you want by adding
something on notes/terms field (like "delivery after invoice is paid in full", etc.)
3) In the same way as with utility bills/bank statements - be sure to print and scan your invoice to avoid
all risky EXIF data elements (like the ones showing that invoice was generated via online tool).
This tutorial is not a step-by-step guide to make your stealth documents. One of the reasons - it's
against the forum's guidelines to engage in fake documents and similar things from this area. All you
need is a day or two of practicing and getting to know the subtle aspects of Photoshop and you will be
able to make anything you need in your sleep. With this chapter, we've saved you a tens of hours (at
least) by giving you all the variables and specifics you need to be aware of. You'll find it easily when you
know exactly what to search for.
To also help you in the beginning, these are the statements that have proven to work on PayPal:
Step-By-Step guide for creating your
PayPal account
You have your operational setup side done, have decided which country you want your PayPal to be
and are ready to produce an account.
1) You visit and press sign up button on the top right.
At this stage the question may appear: should I register for Personal or for Business Account right away?
If you are planning to connect your PayPal to Shopify or other e-commerce platforms you should con-
sider Business Account for more easier user interface.
Both personal and business accounts can be used for selling, sending invoices, etc. There are only a
few minor functionality differences and how the dashboard looks for each type.
From a stability perspective, we haven't noticed any significant changes in both Personal/Business
accounts. Both can get suspended for the same reasons and follows the same limitation patterns.
2) If you select "Personal" account type, you'll need to have the phone number of the same country
your new identity is based in. Meaning if you have a UK identity, you will need to have a UK phone
number. As after selecting the country "Where do you live" you will be able to input only +44 number
format (which is UK).
With "Business" accounts your address and phone number country can mismatch (although that's not
recommended since it will raise security flags), but providing you with the information just so you
know. You can also easily upgrade your Personal account to Business if you wish so. Downgrading
from Busi- ness to Personal is also possible by messaging support.
Also you need to know that if your identity is UK based, but during the first step you selected different
country (example US, and provided US phone number), later on you will not be able to continue by
switching your address to UK. The postcode error will appear and will not allow you to move further.
Even though UK postal code consists of 6 digits, you will not be able to put them fully, since you have
selected a country other than the UK in the first step.
3) On the adding card field you can add the card right now or do that later by going back to
home page and signing into your account. We recommend to add the card while signing up (use the
information and possible sellers from the cards explanation section). For your first stealth attempts,
you can skip this step and check whether your account does not get "permanent limitation" message,
which could mean your operational setup has flaws and you are getting linked with previously
suspended accounts.
4) Upon creating your account we advise to wait for 20-60 minutes to check whether it was not
suspend- ed permanently, so you do not burn your bank account and credit card when linking it (in
case of per- manent suspension you will not be able to use them for opening new PayPal account)
5) On the next steps you'll confirm email, link credit card and add your bank. We advise to not have any
sales activity during the period of confirming card/bank since you risk to not be able to withdraw the
funds later.
6) During that time you may also receive a message of limitation and request to upload identity docu-
ments. That's a common case practice by PayPal for new accounts, and with the knowledge from
previ- ous chapters, you will be able to lift those suspensions successfully in most cases.
First of all thank you once again for purchasing this ebook guide. We hope that it finally combined all
the puzzle pieces for you and you are now fully aware how to create multiple PayPal accounts for your
It's time to put everything into practice and build your multiple PayPal accounts empire. Or become a
seller and make a living providing others with high quality PayPal accounts.
We wish you all the best in growing and maintaining your business!
With love,