National University of Sciences and Technology
National University of Sciences and Technology
National University of Sciences and Technology
Table of Contents
1. Background and Introduction .................................................................................................... 2 2. Objectives of Final Year Project (FYP) .................................................................................... 2 3. Project Types ................................................................................................................................... 2 4. Project Members and Scope of Work...................................................................................... 3 5. Project Selection and Allocation of Advisor/Co-Advisor .................................................. 3 6. Evaluation Milestones and Weights ......................................................................................... 3 7. Evaluation Process ......................................................................................................................... 4 8. Administrative Arrangements .................................................................................................... 5
3. Project Types
The project can be primarily of two types: 3.1 Research Project
a) In a research based project the student(s) will work on some existing problem and come out with a solution. This solution can be tested by a simulation and results can be compared with the existing solution to show some improvement. b) A research project can also involve implementing an idea or algorithm, suggested in the research literature such as a journal paper, and then analyzing the results. This can be done by either developing a software prototype to simulate the algorithm or by using an existing modeling and testing tool such as MATLAB. 3.2 Development Project c) In a development project the student(s) will work towards developing a product which can involve hardware or software to perform some useful function. d) Such a project will have well defined deliverables and the students will apply their knowledge to work with real world devices to produce a device or application which performs the required useful task.
a) There should be three (03) milestones for the FYP evaluation: i. Proposal Defense. ii. Mid Defense iii. Final Defense b) The weight distribution will be as follows: Milestones and Components Weight Proposal Defense (PD) 05% Presentation 100% of PD Mid Defense (Mid) 30% Presentation 80% of Mid Documentation 20% of Mid Final Defense (FD) 55% Presentation 40% of FD Demonstration 50% of FD Project Report 10% of FD Industrial Evaluation 05% FYP Discipline 05% Total 100% c) Milestones will be evaluated by Advisor, Co-Advisor, OI/C FYP, Knowledge Group Committee, or Industrial Representatives. Their weight/contribution in the assessment will be as follows: Milestones Advisor Co-Advisor KG Committee OI/C FYP Industry Proposal Defense 60% 40% Mid Defense 60% 40% Final Defense Presentation 40% 30% 30% Demonstration 40% 30% 30% Project Report 60% 40% Industrial 100% Evaluation FYP Discipline 100% d) Following marks ranges are recommended for assigning grade to projects: i. A (80% and Above) ii. B+ (75-79.99%) iii. B (67-74.99) iv. C+ (57-66.99%) v. C (50-56.99%) vi. Fail (Below 50%)
7. Evaluation Process
a) The OI/C FYP will announce two weeks time slot for evaluation of each milestone. The project advisor and co-advisor must evaluate all of their projects during the specified time slot and submit the result to the OI/C FYP.
b) There is no defined limit on time-span for evaluation of demonstration, presentation and report; however, it is mandatory to submit the final Project Report to OI/C FYP office before the deadline. c) Each FYP will be placed under one primary Knowledge Group. d) Knowledge Group Heads will nominate evaluation committees for the projects underway in the group. e) Each Knowledge Group Committee will consist of at least three members excluding project advisor/co-advisor. f) All members of Knowledge Group Committee will have equal weight in the assessment. g) The advisor and co-advisor will evaluate proposal, mid and final defense milestones; whereas Knowledge Group Committee will contribute in the evaluation of final defense. h) At the completion of the project evaluation, percentage marks will be assigned to each project student and marks will be submitted to OI/C FYP. i) Based on the percentage marks, a letter grade will be compiled by OI/C FYP for each student. j) Every knowledge group can nominate at most one best project. k) All nominated projects will be presented in the departmental board of studies for selecting the ultimate best project.
8. Administrative Arrangements
The Academic Coordination branch shall manage the arrangements of the Final Year projects which will involve liaison with the relevant faculty and students and any other administrative matters. The Coordination branch shall issue the schedule for each phase as well as overall time frame and keep the record of all the projects and their milestones.