Somali Climate Risk Review
Somali Climate Risk Review
Somali Climate Risk Review
Climate Risk
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iv l Somalia Climate Risk Review
ADAPTAT ION ACTI ON . . . . . . 89 3.3 Recent findings on water access and availability
across 15 regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.1 Adaptation and development . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.2 Decoupling climate and conflict . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.3 Prioritizing risks and adaptation options . . 93
1.1 Composition of Somalia exports, 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4 Policy and institutional measures . . . . . . . . 95
1.2 Monthly climatology for temperature and
4.5 Physical investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 precipitation in Somalia, 1991–2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.6 Knowledge agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 1.3 Key livelihood and labor cycles in Somalia’s
seasonal calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A.9 Water and sanitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 1.11 Country Climate Vulnerability Index versus
Readiness Index scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
A.10 Societal change and development . . . . . . . 120
2.1 Timeline of conflict and extreme weather events in
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
REF ERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . 1 23
2.2 Conflict incidents in Somalia with and without
al-Shabaab involvement, 2011–21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
l v
2.3 Conceptual framework examining the links between 3.17 Impact of heatwaves on Somalia’s population, under
risk elements directly affected by climate events different climate projections—RCPs 2.6 (blue) and
(blue boxes) and those that may be indirectly 6.0 (red) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
affected (white boxes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.18 Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe
2.4 Number of IDPs recorded by UNHCR as requiring sanitation, and lack of hygiene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
food aid, by primary reason of displacement . . . . . . . . 29
3.19 How extreme weather events impact the status of
2.5 Aggregated priority needs of newly displaced waterborne protozoa diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
people, summarized across all displacement
3.20 Access to powater for households in Somalia . . . . . . . . 85
reasons, across Somalia during 2016–2021 . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.21 Proportion of households with access to basic
3.1 Explanation of index scales used to assess risk . . . . . . 37
hygiene and sanitation in Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.2 Weather-related disasters in Somalia, 2008–21 . . . . . . 38
3.22 Somalia: projected precipitation anomalies . . . . . . . . . 88
3.3 Somalian regions affected by drought in August 2022 40
3.23 Ethiopia: projected precipitation anomalies . . . . . . . . . 88
3.4 Trend of drought-driven internal displacement,
2016–22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.5 Projected annual SPEI Drought Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
1.1 Somalia geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.6 Variability and trends of average largest five-day
cumulative precipitation across seasonal cycle, 1.2 Somalia rainfall and temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1971–2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 1.3 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for Somalia . . . 4
3.7 Somalia: projected rise in sea level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 1.4 Major climate and land use zones in Somalia . . . . . . . . . 5
3.8 Somalia’s agricultural calendar and desert locust 1.5 Population density in Somalia, 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
1.6 Climatological seasonal mean temperature . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.9 Schematic of the Somali upwelling and its
associated mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2.1 Violence, food insecurity, and internal displacement
across Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.10 Linked socioecological risk framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.1 Flood depth simulations for different return periods . . 42
3.11 Conceptual framework of principal impacting
factors of climate change and how they are likely to 3.2 River breakages along Juba and Shabelle Rivers in
negatively influence mangrove communities . . . . . . . . 66 February 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.12 Association between heat events and 3.3 Example of areas under threat to sea level rise . . . . . . 48
cardiovascular events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.4 Drought risk by 2050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.13 Maximum of daily max-temperature: annual trends
3.5 Long-term average annual heat stress and regional
and trends per decade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
significant trend, 2001–20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.14 Urban heat island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.6 Average frequency of days with severe/danger heat
3.15 Projected days with Heat Index > 35°C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 stress per year for dairy cattle, sheep, poultry, beef
cattle, goats, and swine, 1981–2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.16 Projected days with Heat Index > 35°C anomaly . . . . . . 72
vi l Somalia Climate Risk Review
3.15 Modeled output of malaria transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 3.7 Individual component risk scores for Somalia’s
fisheries within its EEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.16 Somalia’s roads network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.8 Percentage changes in maximum catch potential
3.17 Somalia’s ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
under low and high greenhouse gas emissions
3.18 Somalia: mean windspeed at 50 m (m/s) . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 scenarios, by 2050 and 2100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.19 Somalia: photovoltaic power potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 3.9 Heat impacts on labor productivity, by sector
(percentage change) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.20 Juba–Shabelle river basin average annual rainfall . . . 87
3.10 Epidemiological profile by zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.21 Juba–Shabelle river basin modeled available runoff . . 87
3.11 Potential climate impacts on Somalia’s transport
subsectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
AMISOM African Union Mission in Somalia masl meters above sea level
cm centimeter mm millimeter
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone NDC Nationally Determined Contribution
ESP energy service provider RCP Representative Concentration Pathway
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of RVF Rift Valley fever
the United Nations t/ha metric ton/hectare
GBV gender-based violence TFG Transitional Federal Government
GDP gross domestic product UHI urban heat island
ha hectare UN United Nations
ICU Islamic Courts Union W watt
IDP internally displaced person WASH water, sanitation, and hygiene
km kilometer WHO World Health Organization
m meter
Executive Summary
Climate shapes Somalia’s past, natural disasters in Somalia are climate related. Major
floods and droughts are extremely frequent, cause losses
present, and future of hundreds of millions—or even billions—of dollars to mil-
lions of people, and are the largest cause of Somalia’s
Somalia’s natural and human geography is shaped by its ever-increasing internal displacement crisis.
harsh climate. Lying at the eastern extremity of the Sahel,
Somalia has an arid to semi-arid climate. Average annual Climate impacts are inextricably linked to Somalia’s
rainfall is under 200 millimeters in much of the country, social and political vulnerabilities. While climate change
although it is significantly more in the northern highlands may not directly drive conflict in Somalia, it complicates
and the south. Mean daily maximum temperatures exceed and exacerbates related stresses and vulnerability. The
30°C in most areas, although they fall much lower in the prevalence of vulnerable populations in the country is in
northern highlands and are tempered by cool offshore part a function of the harshness of its climate. Vulnera-
currents along the eastern seaboard. Most of Somalia’s bility and social divisions are mutually reinforced by weak
land area is covered in desert and semi-desert eco- and unrepresentative institutions and by conflict. Direct
systems, with sparse or seasonal grassland vegetation. and indirect climate impacts disproportionately affect
Over 50 percent of the country supports only extensive, girls and women, who are more likely to forgo education,
nomadic pastoralism; with just 13 percent suitable for cul- engage in risky coping mechanisms, and be exposed to
tivation, including seasonal agropastoralism and a much gender-based violence as a result. Youth are also put at
smaller irrigated agropastoralism zone located along the risk by climate-related displacement, and the resulting
two main river valleys (Shabelle and Juba). These limited hopelessness and marginalization among young men can
agricultural areas, and nearby or coastal cities, support in turn help fuel conflict.
the vast majority of the population.
Climate impacts on natural resources may also fuel
Somalia is in the midst of a prolonged and complex cli- the pernicious cycle of conflict, weakened institu-
mate disaster, which shows little sign of abating. It has tions, and resource degradation and competition.
recently endured its longest drought in four decades, now Where land tenure is weak and resource access is con-
punctuated with renewed flooding. Since 2020, Soma- tested between separate groups dependent on different
lia has experienced five consecutive failed rainy seasons, livelihood systems, climate variability and change are
adversely affecting 46 percent of the population, dis- very likely to disrupt the balance between them and to
placing over a million people, and causing an estimated exacerbate conflict. The history of conflict in Soma-
46,000 deaths in 2022 alone. Droughts have become more lia is indeed related to contestation of climate-limited
intense and frequent in recent decades as annual rainfall resources and marginalization of disadvantaged clans.
has decreased. Thus far in 2023, precipitation has been Widespread land appropriations under the Barre regime
higher, which may relieve current drought conditions, were often facilitated by climate-related agricultural
but is also bringing severe flooding to vulnerable areas policies and contributed to Somalia’s descent into civil
such as the city of Beledweyne. Almost all significant war. Commercialization of the livestock trade also led to
Executive Summary l ix
a reconfiguration of the pastoral economy, with a huge Currently, Somalia’s most critical risks are major cli-
growth in livestock increasing the pressure on grazing mate disasters—drought and inland flooding. These
lands and water resources, even as the number of herders have particularly severe impacts on rural populations,
was reduced. Armed groups have been able to draw on driving much of the internal displacement crisis affecting
both exploitation of natural resources and a large pool of Somalia. They have wide-ranging social and economic
young men, economically disenfranchised in part by the consequences on production and exports, food secu-
precariousness of rural livelihoods. rity, social vulnerability and cohesion, and ultimately help
entrench Somalia’s governance and conflict crises. Man-
Climate change is intensifying a wide variety of risks, aging these risks is imperative to stabilizing the country
including but going well beyond the cycle of acute and facilitating its development. The potential for rural
drought and flooding. By the end of the century, average production systems to contribute significantly to future
temperature in Somalia is likely to exceed that experi- growth will depend on adaptation and climate-proofing
enced by any nation now or across all of human history. of rural livelihoods. Flooding has wider economic impacts
Rainfall trends are uncertain: a moderate increase in because of its effects on urban populations, infrastruc-
rainfall is the most likely outcome over the course of the ture networks, and the delivery of key services.
century, but Somalia could either become significantly
more arid (close to a pure desert country like Qatar) or sig- A second set of risks are currently significant and have
nificantly wetter (becoming a generally semi-arid country the potential to increase. Chronic climate stress on crops
like Kenya). If realized, such changes would have profound and livestock will increasingly affect rural production and
effects on both natural and agricultural ecosystems. may drive some livelihood systems to routine failure,
unless a significant increase in rainfall is realized. Locust
outbreaks are also likely to increase in frequency. Stress
Table ES.1 Summary table of Somalia’s climate risks with magnitude and trend measures
Locusts 1 4 5 4
Crop stress 5 3? 5 3
Agriculture and
livestock Agricultural pests & disease 2 3 5 3
Heat stress on livestock 5 4? 5 5
Fodder availability 5 4? 5 4
Fisheries 5 2 4 4
Heat stress 5 3 3 5 5
Vector-borne disease 5 3 5 4 3
Gastrointestinal disease 5 3? 3 4 5
33 Frequent 3
$10–$100 million 33 100–1,000
3 Neutral or 33 No clear trend
4 Routine 4 $100 million– 44 1,000–10,000) unclear 44 Weak increase
4 $1 billion 44 Strong
55 Chronic 55 > 10,000 55 Strong increase
55 > $1 billion 55 Very strong
Note: Impact is figured per event, or per year for routine or chronic events, for economic cost and mortality. Frequency ranges from rare (multidecadal), to occasional
(once or twice a decade); to frequent (at least 50% of years); to routine (generally every year); to chronic (constant impact, not discrete acute events). Economic cost is
figured in $ and includes damage and losses; those that are particularly uncertain are denoted with a “?” Mortality is indicated if applicable. Poverty linkage is whether
impact disproportionately affects the poor, with a very weak link meaning the poor are much less affected than others, weak less affected, neutral affected similarly to
others, strong affected more, and very strong meaning the poor are much more affected than others. Climate trend reflects strength of expected change in climate
stressors influencing risk, as well as the strength of their influence on the risk (as most risks will be complex processes involving many drivers).
increasing temperature and precipitation; this could sig- and key services will also be a major drag on the devel-
nificantly reduce labor productivity not only in agriculture opment of trade and urban economies if not tackled in
and rural production systems, but also in construction the planning and design of public and private infrastruc-
and other forms of low-paid urban labor where workers ture. Urban water supply could become a major challenge
have little access to cooling. Disruption of infrastructure in the future, although much of the change will be driven
Executive Summary l xi
by the increase in population and demand rather than cli- biodiversity concerns in policy development and
mate. Over the longer term, coastal flooding could pose a investment planning within key sectors.
significant constraint to trade and urban development if l Water infrastructure. Investment in water infra-
not addressed in the design of port infrastructure and vul- structure will support both disaster risk management
nerable coastal cities. and resilient rural livelihoods; this includes invest-
ment in storage and irrigation infrastructure; flood
and drought–resilient water supply and sanitation
Climate adaptation priorities infrastructure; and flood defenses for critical loca-
tions. These water infrastructure investments should
involve managing existing acute be supported within a wider framework of integrated
climate impacts, disrupting their water resource management planning systems and
facilitate an economic shift toward trade and small-scale wider context of vulnerability and to identify particu-
manufacturing, climate analysis should be mainstreamed larly harmful interactions.
into development planning. In particular, key investments l Chapter 3: Risk Summaries inventories the major
and policy action are required related to the following. biophysical climate risks across five areas: climate
disasters, agriculture and livestock, natural resources,
l Resilient infrastructure and livable cities. This
health, and infrastructure and services. For each risk, it
includes resilient construction standards and estab-
collates current information and indicates how ongo-
lishment of national building codes covering public
ing climate change will likely affect the intensity of that
infrastructure (ports, roads, water and energy
risk in future.
supply), and private construction and services; and
climate-smart public investment management. Resil- l Chapter 4: Prioritizing Adaptation Action recaps the
ient urban development needs to go beyond reactive overall findings across different risks and links these
construction standards to encompass climate-smart to the broader development agenda within Somalia. It
urban development to reduce disaster risks; ensure identifies broad priorities and approaches for climate
sustainable energy, transport, and water services; and action in relation to policies and institutions, physi-
include green spaces and reduce urban heat island cal investments, and knowledge. This information is
effects. complemented by a more systematic review of adap-
tation options across different sectors in the report’s
l Public health and human capital. This includes health
and safety regulations for public buildings and work
spaces, particularly to manage risks of heat stress The report is intended as a reference resource and
and floods; postdisaster emergency health provision basis for informing further analytical work. The invest-
(mobile clinics, screening and prevention programs, ments and actions it highlights will need to be supported
etc.); disease vector monitoring and control programs; by new and detailed analytical work to identify the most
and public awareness campaigns on heat stress, water efficient interventions and the institutional steps needed
supply and sanitation, vector-borne disease, and post- to support them. In particular, new knowledge work
disaster health and safety. should include: (1) analyzing optimal types and scales of
water infrastructure investments, (2) integrating hazard
mapping with spatial infrastructure and urban plan-
Purpose and structure of this ning to identify robust strategies for development of key
services, and (3) assessing the feasibility of various risk
report finance approaches and tools. The World Bank is plan-
ning further analytical work on climate impacts and
This Climate Risk Review aims to systematically sum- adaptation options in major sectors, including rural live-
marize existing knowledge on Somalia’s climate risks in lihoods, resilient infrastructure, and climate-smart urban
an accessible and standardized form. It has developed a development, as well as a climate change institutional
set of semiquantitative metrics to summarize and com- assessment (CCIA) to help identify appropriate climate
pare risks. It contains four chapters: governance actions and tools across government at the
federal and state levels. This work will inform the prepara-
l Chapter 1: Climate Overview outlines Somalia’s cli- tion of a country climate and development report (CCDR)
mate context and how it shapes natural and human for Somalia, a new core World Bank Group diagnostic
geography and rural production systems, as well as that combines key sector analysis and climate-informed
briefly summarizes current climate policies. macroeconomic modeling to identify key investments
l Chapter 2: Climate Change, Conflict, and Social Risks and reforms, and to inform national development and cli-
examines the interaction between climate, armed con- mate change policies.
flict, and social risks, both to better understand the
Warbixin Kooban
Saamaynta Isbeddelka Cimilada u soo daba mareen. Tan iyo 2020, Soomaaliya waxaa isu
soo dabo maray shan abaar oo xiriir ah oo aan dhibic roob
ku hayo Soomaaliya: Xilli hore, ah la arag. Taas oo si ba'an u saammaysay 46% dadwey-
Hadda iyo Gadaalahabo naha, kun-kun oo qofna barakicisay. Sanadki 2022 keli,
waxaa, cunta-yarow (famine) dartii u dhimmatay tiro
lagu qiyaaso 46 kun oo qof. Abaaraha ayaa noqday kuwo
Soomaaliya, dabeecadeeda asalka ah, dal iyo dee-
aad u ba'an dalkana barriinsaday kudhannadi (decades)
gaanbo, waxaa qaabeysa cimilo qallafsan. Asay ku
la soo dhaafay kaddib markay roobabki sanadleha ahaa
taal cirif shishaadka bari ee saaxil, Soomaaliya waa dal
yaraadeen. Haddase, waa sanadka 2023 e, roobabku waa
dhulkiisa meeshaan jidhi oomane (arid) ahayn tahay sool
soo yare kordheen, taas oo la filaya inay lurki abaaraha
oomane-u-eke ah (semi-arid). Waa dal intiisa badan, kolki
wax ka xalliso, iyadoo isla markaas, la oddorosaya, inay
laga reebo, koraadka waaqooyi iyo deexooyinka koonfur,
dhibaatooyin fatahaad iyo daadad meela dagan gaarisiin
roobka ka da'a sanadki ka hooseeya 200 milimiitar. Intiisa
doonaan, sida kuwa magaalada Beledweyne ka dhacay.
badan dalka, isku celcelis heerkulka ugu sarreeya wuxuu
Aalaa, dhibaatooyinka daran ee dabiiciga ah ee Soomaa-
dharaar walba kor u dhaafaa 30°C, in kasta oo koraadka
liya ka dhaca, waa kuwo uu sababo isbeddelka cimilada.
waaqooyi iyo deexooyinka ku teedsan xeebaha bad-
Abaaro iyo abaarsad joogta ah oo qajeel daba yaal-
weynta, heerkulka aalaa, intaas (30°C) aad uga hooseeya.
laan daadad iyo fatahaadyo dad iyo duunyabo aynaba,
Barriga Soomaaliya, intiisa badan, waa barri ka ahaysan
khasaaro boqolaal milyan ama xitaa balaayiin doollar
hab-aagyada hannaska (saxaraha) tooska ah ama kan
gaarayana keena, sababna u ah kor u kaca barakaca joog-
geedgaableydda oommane-u-ekaha (ee marna abaar-
tada noqday ee gudaha dalka ka jira.
sata marna aaranta). In ka badan boqolkiiba 50, dalka
wuxuu un kaafin karaa habnololeedka xoola-dhaqashada
Cimilada ayaa si aan kala hakad lahayn ugu lug leh bay-
ee raacatada guurguurta; meesha uu boqolkiiba 13 keli ku
laha, dhib-u-dagnaanta iyo tabaalaha ay bulshada
habboon yahay dalag beerasho, taas oo ay ka mid yihiin:
Soomaaliyeed la ildaran tahay iyo jahawareerka ajeeyey
beerasho iyo xooladhaqasho laysku dhexwado iyo hab
siyaasadda dalkooda. Iyadoo laga yaabin qaallowgga
beer-biyo-siiska macmalka ah (irrigation) oo laga fuliya
(isbeddelka) cimilada, in si toos ah, colaado Soomaaliya
agaggaarka dooxooyinka waaweyn ee labada webi (Sha-
gudaheeda uga kiciyo, hayeesha e, wuxuu sii adkeyna
beelle iyo Jubba). Dhul buuhoodkaa (beerashada ku fiican)
hayaa duruufta, siina kordhina hayaa walwalka iyo wax-
xaddidan iyo magaalooyinka badda saaran, ayey, intooda
tabashada ka dhalata basanbaaska ka beermo isbeddelka
badan, dadweynaha ku nool yihiin.
cimilada. Baahsanaanta baylaha iyo tiro badnaanta
maatada ay darxumada hayso waa door ay qallafsanaanta
Soomaaliya waxa ay ku sugan tahay dhibaato cim-
cimilada gudato oo ay awggii danyarta mashaqo u gey-
ileed dabo-dheeraatay oo aan u muuqan, mid mar
eysiiso. Waxyeello-u-dagnaanta iyo kala qaybsanaanta
dhow waabsami doonta (dhammaani doonta). Iyada oo
bulshada waxaa si wadaag ah u xoojiya daciifnimada
dhowaan ka soo baxday abaarti ugu darneyd iyo cunta-
hay'adaha aan cidna metelin iyo colaada. Saamaynta
yarowggi ugu dheeraa, afartanki sano ee la soo dhaafay,
cimilada, kuweeda tooska ah iyo kuwaan ahaynba, waxay
ayaa hadda, kaddar oo dibi dhal weeye e, abaarihi daadad
xiv l Somalia Climate Risk Review
si qiyaas kabbax ah u bartilmaameedsadaan maatada: aan la laysku hallayn karin: inse roobabka soo kordhi doo-
sida haweenka: gabdha iyo dumar waaweynba; kuwaas naan, kordhid dhexdhexaad ah, ayaa ah arrin la fila haya
oo ay u badan tahay in waxbarashada ka qadeen oo ay qarnigan gudihiisa, hase yeesha e, waxaa la saadaa-
ku nool yihiin nolol ku salaysan qasmaamsi iyo u gagsa- lina hayaa, in Soomaaliya laba mid ku soo bixi karta: inay
shada tacaddiga, iyo yaraysiga gaboodfalka kufsiga iwm. noqota meel si weyn oommane u ah, hannas iiyo gabaad-
Da'yartuna waxay eersataa qaxa iyo barakicinta cimilada diir ah (si u dhow saxare dhab ah sida kan dalka Qatar) ama
ka asaasma. Taas oo rajoxumada ka dhalata barbaarta u ku soo baxdo meel si weyn uga roob badan sida ay hadda
horseedda in la gacanbidxeeya, taas oo iyadana keenta tahay; noqotaa oomane-u-eke marna abaarsada marna
in da'yarta kansho looga qaybqaata hurinta colaadaha u aaran noqda (sida qaybo badan oo dalka Kenya). Haddii
helaan. ay isbeddelladan rummoobaan, waxay saammayn weyn
ku yeelan doonaan qaab-aageedyada dalka (kuwooda
Saammaynta xun oo ay cimiladu ku leedahay han- dabiiciga ah) iyo kuwa deegaankabo (ee dhul-beerashada
tida dabiiciga ah, ayaa, sida oo kale, shidaal u noqon aadanaha la xiriira).
kara goobaab ku meeraysigs telefka ah ee colaadaha:
waaxyaha oo itaaldarnaada, kheyraadka oo luufluufa
iyo tartanka. Meesha uu dhulka xaaluf yahay oo khey-
raadkiisana ay ku loollamaan kooxo kala jaad ah oo ku Inta ay cimilada isbeddesho in
kala tiirsan hab-nololeedyo kala duwan, waxaa dhacda la eg ayey korodhaa halista
cimilada, marki laysu eego
in isrogrogga cimilada iyo isbeddelkeeda wax u dhim-
maan isku dheellitirnaanta dhexdooda taalla oo ay sii
hufjiyaan iskahor-immaadyada. Colaadda Soomaaliya, isbeddelka cimilada iyo
waxay runtii, taarikh ahaan, xiriir la leedahay, ku loollanka
kheyraadka ay cimilada xaddidday iyo gacanbidxaynta
isbeddelka dhaqan-dhaqaale
qolooyinka la takoora. Dhulboobki baahsanaa ee taliski
Soomaaliya waxaa soo foodsaara haysa halis ballaaran
Barre waxaa inta badan keenay qorsho-siyaasadyo ku
oo isbeddelka cimilada la xiriirta, oo ay ka mid yihiin,
aaddanaa yahoobbiga dhulka (land grabbing) la beerto,
masiibooyinka ba'an ee cimilada iyo jirrabyada joogtada
kaas oo cimilada xiriir weyn la lahaa, noqdayna mid ka
ah sida dawakh-kulaylka ama hanfi/halaso ruuqa.
mid ah sababihi Soomaaliya u horseeday dagaalka soke-
Dhibaatooyinka halista leh ee cimilada intooda badan
eye. Ganacsiga xoolaha nool, ayaa, sidoo kale, keenay in
waa dhibaatooyin marmar soo dhaca iyo kuwo halistooda
xandhaysiga xoolaha dib loo habeeyo, taas oo sasabtay in
daba-dheeraata, waxay labaduba, si aan la malayn karin,
xooluhu bataan, taas oo iyadana, sii kordhisay culayska
u wiiqaan dadka saboolka ah, waxayna u badan tahay
ay xoolaha ku hayaan carshin (dhulalka daaqa) iyo
in waxyeelladooda u soo badan doonaan in la eg inta
ceelbo (meelaha biyaha laga hela), xataa iyada oo ay
isbeddelka cimilada kordho (jadwalka ES.1). Intooda badan
tirada raacatada yaraatay. Kooxa hubaysan ayaa awood
(dhibaatooyinka halista ah ee isbeddelka cimilada) waxa
u yeeshay inay isku mar helaan fursad looga faa'ideysto
ay si gaar ah u bartilmaansadaan danyarta iyo saboolka,
hantida dabiiciga ah, iyo xoogga tiro badan oo rag da'yar
taas oo uu keeno ku tiirsanaanta aadka ah ee danyarta
oo dhaqaale ahaan dhexda ka baxay (oo baagamuuddo
iyo xantiirka ku tiirsan yihiin hab-noolaleedyo qallafsan
noqday) iyada oo ay shaqo waayiddooda, qayb ahaan, ugu
iyo shaqooyin in qabto, qajeelaa, lagu qasban yahay in
wacnayd luufluufsanaanta hab-nololeedka miyiga.
bannaanka loo baxo; iyo sida ay awood u lahayn inay ka
Isbeddelka cimiladu wuxuu karkarina hayaa habheebyo fogaadaan saammaynta dhacdooyin cimileedka ba'an.
(halisyo) badan oo kala kaan ah, kuwaas oo ay ka mid Iyada oo la fila haya in isbeddelka cimiladu, si dhab ah,
tahay, uguse weynayn, goobaab ku meereysiga abaarta u kordhin doona darnaanta dhibaatooyinka ka dhalan
ba'an iyo daadadka. Dhammaadka qarniga, isku celcelis, doona, waxaa dhici karta in waxyeellada kororkani noqon
waxay u muuqataa in heerkulka Soomaaliya ka sare mari mid aad u ba'an soona degdegsan doonta tobannaanka
doona kan adduunka dhan ama gaari doona heer aan taa- sano ee soo socda, waxaana jira shaki weyn oo ku aaddan
riikhda aadanaha soo marin. Nurarki roobabka waa kuwo ballaarnaanta baaxadda roobabka, inay da'aan, suurowda.
Warbixin Kooban l xv
Shaxda ES.1 Soo koobidda halista iyadoo loo eegayo cabbiridda soo noqnoqda, saammaynta iyo
Soo Abbaarka
Halista noqnoqodka Qiimaha Dhimashada Xiriirka Faqriga cimilada
Aagga $
Abaar 3 5 5 5 4
Fatahaadda webiga iyo
3 4 2 5 4
Fatahaadda Xeebaha 2 3 2 5 4
Ayaxa 1 4 5 4
Wansiixa Dalagga 5 3? 5 3
Beerashada iyo Cayayaanka iyo cudurrada
Dhaqashada 2 3 5 3
Dawakhkulayka 5 4? 5 5
Helitaanka Daaqa 5 4? 5 4
Dawakha kulaylka 5 3 3 5 5
Jirrooyinka qaniinka 5 3 5 4 3
Cudurrada Mindhicirka 5 3? 3 4 5
Jeedaalo: halista waxaa lagu hayb soocaa miisaanka 5-dhibic ee tilmaame kasta sida soo socota: Saammaynta waxa lagu qiyaasaa dhacdo kasta, ama sanadkiiba
dhacdooyinka la taabuda ama daba dheeraada ee kharash iyo dhimmasho. Soo noqnoqoshada: 1 = naadir (ka badan tobaneeyo sano); 2 = marmar (hal ama laba jeer
tobankii sano); 3 = joogta ah (ugu yaraan 50% sanadaha); 4 = joogto ah (guud ahaan sanad walba); 5 = dabadheeraad ah (saammayn joogto ah, ma aha dhacdooyin degdeg
a h oo aan kala sooc lahayn). Kharashka dhaqaalaha, oo ay ku jiraan burburka iyo khasaaraha: 1 = <$1 milyan; 2 = $1 milyan–$10 milyan; 3 = $10 milyan–$100 milyan; 4 =
$100 milyan–$1 bilyan; 5 = > $1 bilyan. Sicir qiimahiisa aan si gaar ah loo hubin waxa lagu tilmaamayaa "?" Dhimmashada (haddii ay khuseyso): 1 = <10;
2 = 10-100; 3 = 100-1,000; 4 = 1,000-10,000; 5 = > 10,000. Isku xirka saboolnimada (haddii ay saammayntu si aan qiyaas lahayn u saamayso saboolka): 1 = aad u daciif
ah ( sabool ah aad uga yar kuwa kale; 2 = daciif ( danyar yar oo saameeya); 3 = dhexdhexaad ah ama aan caddayn ( saboolka ah ayaa saammeeya si la mid ah kuwa kale /
aan caddayn); 4 = xoog leh (faqiir badan oo saammeeya); 5 = aad u xoog badan (faqiir aad u badan oo saameeya). Isbeddelka cimilada (waxay ka tarjumaysaa xoogga
isbeddelka la filayo ee cimiladu walaacyada saamaynta leh ee khatarta ah, iyo sidoo kale xoogga saammaynta ay ku leeyihiin khatarta, maaddaama halist ugu badan ay
noqon doonto habab adag oo ku lug leh keenayaasha badan): 1 = hoos u dhac xooggan; 2 = hoos u dhac daciif ah; 3 = isbeddel muuqda ma jiro; 4 = koror daciif ah; 5 = koror
xoog leh.
xvi l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Muddadan dhexe, dagnaan ka dhalata sababaha la xiriira Cudurrada daba-dheeraada, iyagana, isbeddelka cim-
(isu dheellitirnaanli'ida) tirada dadka iyo kobaca hantida, ilada waa uu xoojin doona. Jirrooyinka caloosha ayaa si
ayey u badan tahay, inay ka yimmaadaan waxyeellooyin ka weyn u kordhin doona. Saammaynta guud ee xaaladaha
halis weyn kuwa isbeddelka cimilada. Halis-cimileedyada is-beddelka cimilada, ee ku aaddan cudurrada qani-
qaar, si kastabo ha ahaatee, waxay u badan tahay inay, inka laga qaada iyo cayayaanka, iyo cudurrada dalagga
soo kordhin doonaan waxyeellooyin kadis ah oo cimilo- iyo kuwa xoolaha, ayaa aad u adag in la saadaaliyo, kolki
curisay ah, gaar ahaan kuwa la xiriira dawakh-kaliileedka. si gaar ah loo tixgeliyo deegaanka kakan isku jirjira ee
halkan lagaga hadlaya, si kastaba ha ahaatee, waa hubaal
Hadda, halista ugu daran ee Soomaaliya daganti u tahay in qaar ka mid ah cayayaanka iyo cudur-wadayaasha ay
waa masiibooyinka cimilada: abaar iyo fatahaadyo si weyn ugu tarmi doonaan isbeddelka cimilada. Wax
ba0rriga ka dhaca. Kuwaas oo si gaar ah u waxyeel- ka qabadka walaac kordhay ee habnololeedyada miyiga
leeyaan dadka reer miyiga ah, oo abidna sabab u noqda waxa uu muhim u noqon doonaa awoodda iyo tayeynta
barakaca ba'an ee ka jira gudaha Soomaaliya. Waxay waaxyaha beerashada, xandhaysiga xoolaha, iyo kalluu-
leeyihiin waxyeellooyin bulsho iyo kuwa dhaqaale oo aad maysiga, si uu wax uga taro saboolnimada reer miyiga,
u ballaaran, sida carqaladeynta soo saarka iyo dhoofinta; una hirgeliyo geyllan lagu xaqiijiyo sugnaanta cuntada,
salsalinta sugnaanta cuntada; boorrinta baylahsanaanta dheellitirka ganacsiga, iyo ka qaybqaadashada kor u
bulshada, kala dhantaalka midnimada iyo isku-duubnida kaca iyo dhaqaalaha guud. Saammaynta caafimaadka
dadweynaha; ugu dambeyntiina dhabqinta dedaallada bini'aadmigu waxay leedahay jaha-abbaaryo saammeeya
xasilinta dowlladnimada iyo soo afjaridda colaadaha raasamaal aadanaha, kuwaaso si ballaaran u tayeeya wax
Soomaaliya. U caalhelidda dhibaatooyinka halista isbed- soo saarka iyo kobaca dhaqaalaha, gaar ahaan, marka
delka cimilada waxay huriweyti u tahay xasilinta dalka la eego himilada hiigsanaysa in dhaqaalaha la gaarsiiyo
iyo u hayaanka horumarkiisa. In la xaqiijiyo horumarka heer warshado iyo taarufeynta waaxyaha adeegyada
suurtagalka ah ee miyiga iyo habnoolaleedka raacatada nolosha lafdhabarka u ah.
waa in la helo tab wax soo saarka miyiga iyo xandhaysiga
xoolaha xoogga saaro, oo si weyn uga qaybgeliya tabkaca Mid kale oo (dhibaatooyinka) halista leh qayb ka ah oo
iyo koritaanka gadaalaha; dedaalkaas oo guushiisa ku aan hadda ahayn mid aad u muuqata, la filayase inay
xirnaan doonta la qabsi aad ah oo habnololeedka miyiga si weyn u carqaladayso horumarka la hiigsana haya
lala qabsiiya isbeddelka cimilada iyo iska caabbinta gadaalaha: Qabanqaabinta la qabsiga waryeellooy-
dhibaatooyinkiisa. Daadadku waxay leeyihiin saammayn inka halis-cimileedka u geysan doonaan qorshooyinka
dhaqaale oo ballaaran taasoo ka cad waxyeellada ay, had horumarka la hiigsana haya iyo hantiggashiga lagama
iyo jeer, gaarsiiyaan dadweynaha magaalooyinka; kaaba- maarmaanka u ah. Cadaadiska dawakhkulaylka ayaa
yaasha dhaqaale iyo laamaha bixiya adeegyada muhiimka la fila hayaa inuu si aad ah kor ugu kaco, heerkulka iyo
ah. roobabkana sii kordhiya: tani waxay si weyn u yarayn
kartaa ribixa shaqada, intaas un maahan e, waxay naa-
Xirmo labaad oo ka kooban halis-cimileedyo ayaa jira, fayn kartaa tabta wax soo saarka beeraha iyo tabcashada
kuwaas oo awood u leh kana suurowdda inay kord- xoolaha ee habnoolaleedka miyiga, si sidaas la mid ah, ayey
haan. Lur-cimileedyo joogta ah ayaa dalagga iyo xoolaha, u shiiqin kartaa waaxda dhismooyinka iyo jaadadka kale
si isa soo taraysa, u waxyeelleen doona, oo sidaa dart- ee muruqmaalka mush-haar ku noolka ah ee magaalooy-
eed wax soo saarka miyiga hoos u dhigi doonta, taasoo inka. Burburinta kaabayaasha dhaqaale iyo adeegyada
keeni doonta in qaar ka mid ah hab-nololeedyada huriwaaga ah ayaa iyana noqon doona mid waxyeella
miyiga si caadi ah u fashilmaan, waa haddaan la helin weyn u geysata joogtaynta beecmushtarka iyo shuusha-
roobab kuwi hore ka weyn. Ayaxuna, sidoo kale, waxay aminta ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha magaalooyinka, haddii
u badan tahay, in faafiddiisa iyo soo noqnoqodkiisaba aan si waafi ah looga baaraandegin qorshaynta dhisidda
kordhi doonaan. Culaysyada cadaadiya habnoolaleedy- hore iyo dib u hagaajinta kaabayaasha guud iyo kuwa
ada ku salaysan hantida dabiiciga ah ayaa sii xoogeysan gaarka ah loo leeyahay. Waxaa kale oo caqabo adag caal-
doona; iyada oo kalluumeysiga, si gaar ah u saammayn saari doona waaxda biyasiinta magaalooyinka, in kasta
doona kor u kaca milicda qorraxda iyo heerkulka badda.
Warbixin Kooban l xvii
oo culayskaas intiisa badan ka imman doona, kor u kaca l Hab-nololeedka miyiga oo taaruf (resilient) ah iyo
tirada dadka iyo baahida la halmaasha. Gadaalaha fog, hantida dabiiciga ah oo gagsi leh: Tan waxaa ka mid
daadadka badda ayaa dhib weyn oo hakiyo ku noqon kara ah maalgelinta lagu tayeynaya habka loo maareeyo
kala socodka ganacsiga iyo hormarka dhaqaale oo la hiig- kaydinta: ciidda, biyaha, dhir-beer-xagnuujiska (agro-
sanaya, waa haddii aan laga sii baaraandegin qaabeynta forestry) ilaalinta carshinta; iyo gaarsiinta miyiga tamar
kaabayaasha iyo dekedaha magaalooyinka xeebta saaran, waarta; iyo ilaalinta iyo maaraynta aagagga dabiiciga
horayna looga sii ildayan waxyeellooyinka la fila kara. ee muhimka ah, oo ay ku jiraan xadaynta iyo xayn-
daabidda dhulqabadka barriga iyo dhul xeebeedka ay
ku nool yihiin ama laga helo dhito-dhuleedyada wax-
La qabsiga waxyeellada
tarka leh oo ilaalinta mudan; ilaalinta iyo dib u soo
celinta kaydinta johorodleydda tafiirgo'a halista u ah.
isbeddelka cimilada waxyaabaha Maaddaama ay dowllladdu xoojinayso awooddeeda
ugu mudnaanta badan waxa ka sharciyeynta iyo tan adeeg bixinta, maalgashigan waa
in lagu kaalo qorsha-hawlleed ka ambabbaxa qaabka
mid ah, basarinta waxyeellada beerqodashada leelgaradka iyo cimila-ka-foofka ah oo
basanbaaska ballaaran ee
hay'adaha maxalliga ah iyo kuwa bulshada si loo maa-
reeyo hantida dabiiciga ah oona loo xaqiijiyo ahaysiinta
isbeddelka cimilada iyo ka hab-nololeedyada waaro oo kheyraadka ku salaysan,
u dheexeeyo cimilada, dalaafsanaanta bulshada iyo l Kaabayaal taaruf ah iyo magaalooyin lagu noolaan
colaadda. Jaanqaadka ugu horreeyo waa inaan lur la karo: Tan waxaa ka mid ah dhismooyinka oo heer
geysan- taas oo ah, in la xaqiijiyo xallinta dhibka inuu tayo rasmi ah loo cuskado iyo Qaabdhismeed gagsi
dhib kale ka dhalan- iyada oo la adeegsana haya tabta leh; iyo jideynta anshi iyo xeerar heer qaran ah oo lagu
maaraynta halista bulshada oo lagu wargeliyey xaaladda maareeyo dhisidda kaabayaasha dadweynaha (sida
bulsha iyo tan siyaasaddabo. Nabadaynta iyo dhexdhex- dekedaha, waddooyinka, muulalka qashinqaadka,
aadinta, waxaa loo baahan yahay inay ku salaysnaadaan, dhuumooyinka biyaha iyo xarkaha korantada iwm)
xog wargal ah oo laga haya isbeddelka cimilada iyo halista iyo kuwa gaarka ah; iyo addeegyada iyo muurbulsh-
amniga waajahsan, taas oo loo marayo baanjiyid asaab- eedyada; iyo maamul leelgarad ah oo maalgashiga
boon oo cimilada iyo bulshada lagu baaro. Xaqiijinta dadweynaha lagu maareeya.
in dumarka, da'yarta, qolooyinka laga badan yahay iyo l Magaalo-Dhisid Adkaysi leh: waxa loo baahan yahay
kooxaha kale ee nugulta ah helaan metelaad waafi ah in laga gudbo qaabdhismeedka isaga dayashada
oo sinnaan ku dhisan oo ka qaybgelisa qabanqaabada iyo iska-dhista uun ku salaysan si loo gaaro yeelaal
geeddisocodka qorshaha la qabsiga waxyeellooyinka dhismo-magaaleed caqli-ka-foof ah si loo dhimmo
isbeddelka cimilada, kaa oo ah falka ugu fiican ee looga waxyeellada isbeddelka cimilada; oo loo xaqiijiyo heli-
xayndaaban kara saammayn bulsheedka ba'an ee maal- taanka adeeg-bulsheedya waaro, sida tamarta, muurka
gashiga cimilida. Wada guulaysiga ahmiyadda weyn iyo biyaha; oo ay ku jiraan wahdiyo (parks) cagaaran
leh waxaa lagu gaarayaa hirgelinta milaykufulayaa- si loo yareeyo saammaynta kulayl-shiimeedka (heat
sha (barmaamijta) maaraynta habnololeedyada waara island effects) magaalooyinka waaweyn.
iyo hanti-dhuleedka asalka ah (kheyraadka dabiiciga
l Caafimaadka shicibweynaha iyo raasimaalka dadka:
ah) oo xoojiya ururada deegaanka iyo xarun bulsheedy-
Tan waxaa ka tirsan qaannuunnada caafimaadka
ada gacanta ka geysta dhisidda bulsho u gagsan karta
iyo amniga ee laga rabo dhismooyinka dadweynaha
waxyeellooyinka isbeddelka cimilada oo ka gaacin karta
iyo goobaha shaqada, si loo maareeya halista (ka
wadayaasha barakaca iyo asaayeha qaxa joogtada ah ee
imman karta) dawakh-kulaylka iyo daadadka; bix-
ka aloosan guda Soomaaliya. Wax ka qabashada dayac
inta gargaar caafimaadka degdega ah dhibta kaddib
u dagnaanta iyo baylahsanida dadyowgga barakacay iyo
(goobfayeedyada guurguura, baaritaannka, iyo kahort-
ballaarinta mashruuca shaqaalaysiinta barbaarta, ayaa
agga); Milaykufulayaasha (programmes) la socodka
sida oo kale, dhabqin ama hakin kara isu gooshidda ka
iyo kahortagga cudurrada qanniinka; iyo ololayaa-
dhexaysa dhibaatooyinka bulshada iyo colaadaha.
sha wacyigelinta iyo awaajiga shicibka ee ku aaddan
dawakh-kaliileedka, biyo-siiska iyo fayadhowrka,
Si horumarka la tiigsanaya waxyeellada isbeddelka cimi-
cudurrada ka dhasha dhaqaaqilyada iyo shaafiyidda
lada looga xayndaabo, in laga geddista habnololeedyada
iyo badbaadada dhibka ka danbaysa.
miyiga waa arrin lammahuraan mase filnayn. Soomaa-
liya, haddayba, si xawlli ah, uga socotaa magaaloobid
(magaalo-degid) xad-dhaaf ah, taas oo waxa keenay ka
qayb yihiin, waxyeellooyinka isbeddelka cimilada nolo-
sha miyiga gaarsiiyey. Si aan baylahsanaanti miyiga tu
Ujeeddada iyo Qaab-dhismeedka
magaalo loogu beddelin, iyo inuu marxalad-kala-guurka Warbixintan
fududeeyo u guuridda dhaqan-dhaqaale ku tiirsan
ganacsi, wax-soo-saar iyo warshadaysi baaxad yar, Dib-u-eegistan halista isbeddelka Cimilada waxay
baanjiyidda cimilada waa in lagu sidko qorshooyinka ujeeddadeedu tahay, in si habaysan, oo heer tayo si
horumarka. Gaar ahaan, maalgelinta waafiga ah iyo qor- rasmi ah oo loogu bogay u dhigan, si fududna loo daa-
shefulinta loo bahan yahay waa sida kuwan hoos ku lacan karo, loo soo koobo wixi aqoon ama cilmi ah ee
sharxan: laga og yahay halista isbeddelka cimilada ee Soomaa-
liya. Waxa ay ahaysiisay jiso jaangooyooyin tiro ahaan
cabbir-hoosaadyo ah, si loo soo koobo loona barbardhigo
Warbixin Kooban l xix
waxyeellooyinka halista. Waxayna ka kooban tahay afar Warbixinta waxaa loogu talaggalay inay noqoto il
cutub: laga tixraaco iyo saldhig laga xog-siiyo gorfayn kale
oo tan ka qotodheer. Maalgashiga iyo hawlgallada ay
l Cutubka 1-aad: Dulmar guud oo cimilada Soomaaliya muujinayso waxay u baahan doonaan, in lagu kaalo,
indho-indhaynaya: waxa uu qeexayaa xaaladda itifaallooyin cusub oo faahfaahsan, si loo aqoonsado
cimilada Soomaaliya iyo sida ay u qaabayso juquraafiga faraggelinta ugu waxtarka badan iyo tillaabooyinka
dhulka iyo kan ku jaadan saammaynta falalka dadka qaynuuniga ah ee loo baahan yahay si loo taabbaggeliyo.
iyo hababka wax soo saarka miyiga, waxa ay si la mid Gaar ahaan, camalka aqoonta cusub waa in ay ka mid
ah oo gaaban, u soo koobaysaa qorshooyinka cimilada noqota: (1) gorfaynta jaadadka iyo cabbiraadda ugu
ee hadda jira. fiican ee hantiggelinta kaabayaasha biyaha, (2) isku
l Cutubka 2-aad: Isbeddelka Cimilada, Iskahorimaadka, dhafka xadaynta halista, kaabayaasha deegaanka iyo
iyo halis bulsheedyada: waxa uu baarayaa isdhexgalka qorshe-magaaleedka si loo ogaado sargooyooyinka
ka dhexeeya cimilada, colaadaha hubaysan, iyo halis- taarufka ah ee horumarinta adeegyada muhimka ah,
bulsheedyada, si loo hado ama si waafi ah loogu fahmo, iyo (3) qiimaynta suurtaggalnimada, xeeladaha iyo
macnaha guud ee baylahsanida iyo in la aqoonsado abbaar-maaleedyada kala kaanka ee halista. Bangiga
waxyeellooyinka gaarka ah ee isdhexgallada. Adduunka waxa uu qorsheynayaa baanjiyid dheeraad ah
oo lagu lafaggura saammaynta cimilada iyo khiyaar-la-
l Cutubka 3-aad: Gantoobkan halista cimilada waxa
qabsiga u furan waaxyaha waaweyn, oo ay ku jiraan:
uu koobina hayaa shan aagaag oo halista cimilida
hab-nololeedyada miyiga; kaabayaasha dhaqaale ee
nooleha: aafooyinka cimilada, beer-qodoshada,
taarufka ah, iyo horumar magaaleedyo (leelkas iyo)
xandhaysiga xoolaha, hantida dabiiciga ah,
cimilo-ka-foof ah; iyo sidoo kale qiimaynta iyo tijaabada
caafimaadka, kaabayaasha iyo adeegyada. Halis kasta,
qaannuunnada iyo qaannuunfulinta isbeddelka cimilada
waxay ururisaa xogta hadda jirta waxayna tusinaysaa
(CCIA) si ay u fududayso aqoonsiga tababka iyo hawlgallada
sida isbeddelka cimilada ee socda u saammayn doono
asaabboon ee maamulidda cimilada ee dowlladda heer
darnaanta mustaqbalka ee waxyeellada halistaas.
federaal iyo mid gobolba. Hawshan waxay tixraac laga
l Cutubka 4-aad: Mudnaysiinta waxqabadka la qabsiga,
warqaata u noqon doontaa diyaarinta warbixinta cimilada
wuxuu dib u soo koobayaa xogta guud ee laga helay
iyo horumarinta dalka (CCDR) ee Soomaaliya, baaritaan
halista kala duwan, waxayna kuwan ku xirayaan
cusub oo udubdhexaad u ah kooxda Bangiga Adduunka
ajeendhooyinka horumarineed ee ballaaran ee gudaha
kaas oo isku daraya jeedaalada waaxyaha muhimka
Soomaaliya. Waxayna tilmaamaysaa mudnaan
ah iyo qaabaynta cimili-la-socodka ah ee dhaqaalaha
ballaaran iyo abbaarka wax ka qabadka cimilada marka
baaxadda leh, si loo ogaado maalgashiga muhimka ah iyo
loo eegayo qorshooyinka, ururrada, maalgashiga la
dib-u-habaynta, iyo in laga tixraaco horumarka qaranka
taaban karo iyo aqoonta. Xogta waxaa kaabaya dib-u-
iyo qorshooyinka isbeddelka cimilada.
jalleec habaysan oo ku aaddan fursadaha la qabsiga ee
qaybaha kala duwan ee lifaaqa warbixinta ku cad.
Chapter 1
S omalia is an arid to semi-arid coun-
try lying at the eastern extremity of the
Sahel. Its natural and human geography is
shaped by its harsh climate. Intensive agropastoral pro-
duction is only possible in limited wetter areas of the river
valleys and uplands. These areas, and nearby or coastal
cities, support the vast majority of the population. Climate
is also highly variable, with frequent grave consequences
Map 1.1 Somalia geography
IBRD 47327 |
JUNE 2023
This map was produced by the
Cartography Unit of the World
Bank Group. The boundaries,
colors, denominations and any
other information shown on this
map do not imply, on the part of
the World Bank Group, any
judgment on the legal status of any
territory, or any endorsement or
acceptance of such boundaries.
Laascaanood Garoowe
tems that support much of the population. While the Gaalkacyo
Garbahaarey MIDDLE
Bu'aale S O MAL I A
Somalia has the longest coastline in mainland Africa, K E N YA
at 3,333 kilometers (km), yet much of its territory lies at
0° JUBA 0°
above sea level (masl). Maximum elevations in the cen- IBRD 47327 |
JUNE 2023
This map was produced by the
50 100 150 Miles
Cartography Unit of the World
of the country, comprising Somaliland and Puntland, is areas, although they fall muchTOGDHEER lower Sin
O O L the northern high-
dominated by highlands that form the spine of the Horn of lands and are tempered by cool offshore NUGAAL currents along Laascaanood Garoowe
Africa, including peaks over 2,000 masl, and leaving only a the eastern
E T H I O Pseaboard
IA (map 1.2).
narrow lowland coastal strip in most places (map 1.1).
Somalia lies at the eastern extremity of the Sahel, and 5°N GALGUDUUD 5°N
has an arid to semi-arid climate. Average annual rain- matic conditions. The BAKOOL
and southern regions
are Beledweyne
conditions.G EA significant portion SHABELLEof Somalia’s land area is
in the south, where it ranges from 400 mm to 600 mm. therefore covered in desert and MOGADISHUsemi-desert ecosystems,
with very little JUBA or only spare grassland vegetation (map 1.3).
Mean daily maximum temperatures exceed 30°C in most
K E N Yrest naturally grades from sparse scrubland through
0° JUBA 0°
Kismaayo SOMALIA
Map 1.3 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index to areas of dense savanna/open forest, depending largely
for Somalia on rainfall.
There are four main land use systems. Over 50 percent Map 1.5 Population density in Somalia, 2020
of the country supports only extensive, nomadic pasto-
ralism. Just 13 percent of the country ‘s total land area
is suitable for cultivation (FRS 2013), including seasonal
agropastoralism and a much smaller irrigated agropas-
toralism zone located along the two main river valleys
(Shabelle and Juba). A limited zone of oasis-based frank-
incense production lies along the central northern coast
(map 1.4b). There is also a small area of denser forest in
the extreme south and scattered pockets of mangroves
mostly along the northern coast. Forests have been sig-
nificantly degraded by large-scale charcoal production
and grazing pressure.
Irrigated agropastoral
Non-used forest
Arid Pastoralism
Desert Temporal waterbodies
Humid Urban area
Sources: Climate zones: World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Somalia; land use systems: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Somalia Water
and Land Information Management (SWALIM).
6 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
supplementary water for irrigation (Boitt, Langat, and Somalia is also rapidly urbanizing. Around 54 percent of
Kapoi 2018). Most of the northern part of Somalia is dry the population currently live in cities, and over 22 percent
and cannot support rain-fed crop production except for live in the two largest cities, Mogadishu and Hargeysa,
small pockets of land around the settlements of Gebiley alone. For comparison, in neighboring Kenya only around
and Borama (map 1.4a). In the south, rain-fed crop pro- 28 percent of the population is urban. Rural-urban
duction is practiced in the Shabelle and Juba river basins migration is accelerated by both climate disasters and
(Boitt, Langat, and Kapoi 2018). About two-thirds of the conflict. Close to 20 percent of the Somali population
cultivable land is located here. Irrigation is restricted is internally displaced, and around 75 percent of inter-
to the relatively fertile areas around the Shabelle River, nally displaced persons (IDPs) live in cities (World Bank
where the main crops are maize, rice, sesame, cowpeas, 2022c). Moreover, 85 percent of climate-induced IDPs do
bananas, papayas, lemons, grapefruit, and mangoes. not wish to return to rural areas—compared with 74 per-
cent of conflict-induced IDPs, according to a recent study
Cultivable land has long been central to Somali politics. (Samuel Hall 2021). Almost half of IDPs are female, and
It was central to patronage politics during the rule of Siad more than half are below 15 years of age,1 which heightens
Barre (1969–91) and was fiercely contested by different their vulnerability to a range of risks and has conse-
clan-militia in the immediate aftermath of state collapse. quences for access to opportunities in urban areas.
Al-Shabaab continues to be active in these areas, building
on a number of localized grievances (see Majid et al. 2021; Although rapid urbanization is at least partly a response
de Waal 2020). to rural climate vulnerability, it drives an increase in
urban vulnerability. Half of Somalia’s 10 largest cities are
Crop production fell dramatically following the out- exposed to significant river or coastal flood risk, and the
break of the civil war in the 1990s, as many large-scale increase in makeshift and poorly planned housing greatly
irrigation systems ceased to function. Production now amplifies the risk. The challenges of meeting the require-
meets only 22 percent of domestic cereal needs. Only ments of the growing urban population—and ultimately
110,800 hectares (ha) are currently irrigated (IFAD 2021), growing a successful urban economy—are also linked to
and permanent crops (the mostly cash crops and fruits climate. Over 98 percent of urban households cook on
that are grown continually, as opposed to being in fallow traditional charcoal stoves, while most of the rural and
rotation systems) are grown on just 25,000 ha (Jalango et nomadic population use firewood and inefficient biomass
al. 2021). Annual yields for staple crops are low, even by stoves (UNEP 2019). Only 36 percent of the country ‘s pop-
regional standards: 1 metric ton/ha (t/ha) for maize; 0.6 t/ ulation has access to electricity, almost all of whom are in
ha for sorghum and sesame (Jalango et al. 2021). urban areas, where access varies from around 60 percent
in Mogadishu to just 23 percent in smaller cities (RCREEE
Conversely, livestock numbers are at record high levels, 2022). Power generation is fragmented and highly ineffi-
increasing stress on rangelands. Livestock, which cient; it is mostly provided by private sector energy service
remained one of the few viable commercial sectors in the providers through diesel-powered mini-grids at very high
wake of the civil war, are central to Somalis’ economic and cost. Renewables make up only 2 percent of generation
cultural life. They contribute almost 90 percent of total capacity (RCREEE 2022). Water availability for Mogadishu
agricultural output, and provides food and income to more is projected to be insufficient for its population by 2030.
than 60 percent of the population (Maystadt et al. 2013).
Nomadic pastoralism is the predominant livelihood for There is very little service provision by the state. Urban
most rural communities (FRS 2013). Herders rely primarily utilities are generally provided by the private sector, non-
on harvesting rainfall through an extensive network of res- governmental organizations, or foreign agencies; and
ervoirs (berkads), and move closer to the Juba and Shabelle access to services hinges primarily on wealth and kinship
rivers during longer, more severe dry seasons. The most
numerous livestock are sheep, goats, and camels, followed
by cattle which are mostly located in the wetter south. 1
Source: Somali High Frequency Survey - December 2017, Wave 2, which
is representative for “secure” areas in Somalia.
Chapter 1: Climate Overview l 7
connections (World Bank 2020c). Most neighborhoods in Figure 1.2 Monthly climatology for temperature
Somalia’s major cities are associated with a particular and precipitation in Somalia, 1991–2020
clan, on the basis of historical and current occupancy as
35.0 70
well as demographic size. In cities already marked by a
lack of basic services, newly urbanizing groups that lack a 32.5 60
safety net are vulnerable to shocks; this is particularly the
case for disadvantaged groups such as IDPs, the urban 30.0 50
Precipitation (mm)
Temperature (°C)
poor, members of minority clans, and women and youth.
27.5 40
Reliable data on the composition of Somalia’s economy
are scant, but a large proportion of it is climate affected. 25.0 30
A significant proportion of Somalis are dependent on
22.5 20
climate-sensitive rural livelihoods. Reliable figures on GDP
or employment composition are limited, but rural produc- 20.0 10
tion contributes the majority of Somali exports (figure 1.1).
17.5 0
1.2 Seasonality and variability Minimum Mean Maximum
Source: World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Somalia.
Somalia has four seasons. These are Jilaal: a warm,
sunny and dry season from December to mid-March; Gu:
the primary rainy season, starting in mid-March and run- The seasonal cycle is driven by a complex interaction
ning to June, with median rainfall totals varying between of winds and ocean currents, and their impact is not
384 and 432 mm (Rees, Omar, and Rodol 1991); Xagaa: a uniform across the country. June to September are the
cool, dry, and somewhat cloudy season starting in July hottest months in the northern regions, while tempera-
and lasting until mid-September; and Deyr: the secondary tures peak around March in the southern parts of the
rain season, from mid-September to November. Average country (map 1.6). The Gu rainy season is characterized
temperatures remain high throughout the year, although by the southwest monsoons, which rejuvenate the pas-
they peak at the start of each wet season (figure 1.2). turelands—especially on the central plateau—and briefly
transform the arid landscape with lush vegetation. Pre-
cipitation intensifies in April across the country, except
for the northeastern coastline, which receives the least
rainfall during this season. The Jilaal season is very dry
throughout the country; during the Haggai, however,
Figure 1.1 Composition of Somalia exports, 2021
some weather stations along the southern coast and in
Sheep, goats, cattle, the northwestern regions receive significant amounts of
other live animals rainfall, while others have almost no precipitation.
Gold and other precious
stones, metals, pearls The bimodal rainfall system gives rise to two main agri-
20% Oils, seeds, resins, cultural seasons. The Gu tends to be the more important
$482 million
citrus growing season in the south, and the Deyr is generally the
Fish, crustaceans, main growing season in the north. Pastoralists migrate
mollusks between wet and dry season grazing areas around each
8% 15% transition of the seasons (figure 1.3).
5% Other
Figure 1.3 Key livelihood and labor cycles in Somalia’s seasonal calendar
Source: Based on Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Somalia Seasonal Calendar.
Although average precipitation is low across the coun- within and between years. The El Niño Southern Oscilla-
try, it frequently takes the form of localized torrential tion also brings more rainfall and flooding during El Niño
rains. Subject to the complex interaction of air and ocean and droughts in La Niña years. Unpredictability generally
currents in the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, rain- reduces agricultural yields, and extreme climate events
fall exhibits high spatial and temporal variability, both have become increasingly challenging for food security.
Chapter 1: Climate Overview l 9
Figure 1.4 Proportion of Somalis reporting experiencing shocks in the preceding year
Any shock
% of households
Drought or Loss of crop Water shortage High food Reduction Theft Conflict Other natural
irregular rain or livestock for cattle or prices in income disaster
Source: World Bank 2019b.
Figure 1.5 Observed average annual mean temperature and precipitation profiles for Somalia, 1901–2021
a. Temperature b. Precipitation
28 500
25 100
1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021
Figure 1.6 Per decade change in mean annual and seasonal rainfall in selected districts
32 1,000
30 750
28 500
26 250
24 0
2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100
Historical reference period, 1995–2014 SSP1-1.9 Historical reference period, 1995–2014 SSP1-1.9
SSP1-2.6 SSP2-4.5 SSP1-2.6 SSP2-4.5
SSP3-7.0 SSP5-8.5 SSP3-7.0 SSP5-8.5
Source: World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Somalia. Source: World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Somalia.
Figure 1.9 Somalia climate projections compared to current climate of other countries
“unprecedented heat” within half a century, based on cur- of extreme climate outcome indicate a likely increase in
rent emissions trends and policies. extreme events (e.g., figure 1.10).
Figure 1.10 Trends in Somalia’s largest daily maximum temperature and precipitation
a. Temperature b. Precipitation
38 50
34 0
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Annual daily Trend Trend Trend Annual daily Trend Trend Trend
maximum 1951–2020 1971–2020 1991–2020 maximum 1951–2020 1971–2020 1991–2020
l Undertaking conservation initiatives to address urgent areas: agriculture and food security; water resource man-
challenges in land degradation, biodiversity, aquatic agement and public health; disaster preparedness and
and marine environment, and climate change management; coastal, marine environment, and fisheries;
energy; forestry and environment; human settlements;
l Enhancing public awareness, participation, and behav-
and infrastructure. The first three categories account for
ior change on environmental protection, conservation,
$35 billion of proposed investment. A new National Adap-
and climate change.
tation Plan is currently under development. The Somalia
The Initial National Communication to the United Nations National Climate Change Policy of 2023 outlines the insti-
Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2018 out- tutional arrangements for addressing climate change.
lined a national greenhouse gas inventory for Somalia
Somalia is ranked by the Notre Dame Global Adap-
and an analysis of mitigation and adaptation options.
tation Initiative (ND-GAIN) methodology as the most
The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), filed in
climate-vulnerable country in the world. It is also rated
July 2021,3 outlines a commitment to reduce greenhouse
as being unprepared for climate change (figure 1.11). Its
gases by 30 percent relative to a business-as-usual sce-
readiness ranking is higher than some of its African peers
nario that envisages a doubling of emissions by 2030. Most
because of the inclusion of its relatively high ease of doing
of Somalia’s emissions come from the livestock and forest
business score, which is used as the sole indicator of
sectors, and the bulk of the emissions reduction com-
economic readiness. On all other governance and social
mitments are related to efforts to reduce net forest loss,
readiness indicators, Somalia scores very low.
including some restoration activities. The 2013 National
Adaptation Programme of Action (FRS 2013) identified
The core Somalia climate change policy documents rec-
floods and droughts as the most severe climate risks
ognize Somalia’s dire climate status and reference its
for Somalia, and grouped key adaptation activities into
ranking as one of the world’s most vulnerable countries.
three main areas: sustainable land management, water
The core policies emphasize the need for adaptation,
resource management, and disaster management. Under
particularly focusing on the adoption of climate-smart
the NDC, an estimated budget of close to $50 billion is
livelihoods, including adoption of resilient food crops and
proposed for adaptation across an expanded set of focal
the use of livestock-rearing practices that require less
water. Communities are also encouraged to have contin-
Source: UN Climate Change NDC Registry. gency plans and receive training to monitor climate risks
14 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Figure 1.11 Country Climate Vulnerability Index versus Readiness Index scores
in their area. Somalia’s Ninth National Development Plan merged into the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and
(2020–2024) identifies environmental and climate change Disaster Management. Disaster risk management man-
as one of the most critical drivers of poverty, linked to dates and institutions have been fragmented within the
food insecurity and reliance on food imports. It identi- government. Forecasting and response initiatives are
fies a direct correlation between increasing frequency mostly coordinated and supervised by international part-
of climate emergencies and displacement and calls for ners4 and generally implemented as stand-alone projects
improving the resilience of the traditional livestock and in specific areas, with limited capacity building, par-
crop production sectors while diversifying away from ticularly at the federal member state level. The Somalia
climate-dependent sectors to achieve “climate-proof National Bureau of Standards runs the Food Security and
economic growth.” These climate change adaptation Nutrition Analysis Unit and the Somalia Water and Land
priorities need to be reflected in sectoral plans and strat- Information Management (SWALIM) project with support
egies and in effective action. from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO). These provide a measure of climate-related
Table 1.1 summarizes the climate-relevant content of sec- information that is cascaded down to the federal member
toral laws and policies in Somalia. state level and frequently downscaled—and sometimes
used by the administrations in the member states for gen-
The federal government of Somalia has developed eral response and planning.
a disaster risk management policy framework. This
framework includes a 2016 law to establish the Somalia
Disaster Management Agency, which was subsequently 4
Source: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery Somalia
web page.
Chapter 1: Climate Overview l 15
Year enacted
Law, policy, plan or prepared Key climate messages
National Biodiversity Strategy and 2015 Identifies climate change as a key driver of biodiversity degradation/loss and high-
Action Plan lights role of biodiversity in addressing climate change
Somalia National Action Programme 2016 Makes general link between climate change and desertification
for the United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification
Somali National Disaster Management 2018 Recommends preparation of a national disaster risk reduction strategy, coordinated
Policy with climate change and sustainable development policies
Power Master Plan for Somalia 2019 Recognizes high greenhouse gas emissions from diesel generators in use nationwide
National Environment Policy 2019 Outlines national guidelines on ameliorating effect of climate change on waste man-
agement, biodiversity loss, coastal pollutions, and general management of Somalia’s
natural resources at both the federal government and federal member state levels
Somalia Social Protection Policy 2019 l Identifies climate risks as key drivers of vulnerability and food insecurity in
l Recognizes need for resilience building and diversification of livelihoods, and role
of social protection in building household and community resilience and support-
ing livelihood recovery
Environmental Social Impact 2020 l Require integration of climate change vulnerability assessment and priority adap-
Assessment Regulations tation and mitigation actions by developers and proponents during the preparation
of strategic environmental and social assessments
l Require climate change vulnerability assessment and priority mitigation and
adaptation actions to be included in environmental and social impact audits
National Voluntary Land Degradation 2020 Recognizes that addressing land degradation will contribute toward mitigating and
Neutrality Targets 2020 adapting to climate change
Somalia National Food Fortification 2020 Notes that food security and nutrition has remained critical or stressed over the
Strategic Plan (2019–2024) years, in large part due to climate change and reliance on rain-fed agriculture
National Drought Plan 2020 l Aims to design drought monitoring and early warning system for adoption by
Somali government and relevant stakeholders
l Recognizes role of climate change in intensifying drought
National Water Resource Strategy 2021 l Includes extensive references to the impacts of climate change on water
(2021–2025) resources, including the quality of groundwater
l Assumes that mean annual rainfall shall increase by 1%, 3%, and 4% by 2030, 2050,
and 2080, respectively (using 1981–2000 reference period)
Somalia National Environment Strat- 2022 In one of its four objectives, calls for a comprehensive assessment of the state of
egy and Action Plan (2022–2026) Somalia’s natural resources, environment, and potential climate risks
Somalia Drought Response Plan 2022 Makes links between a changing climate and the occurrence of La Niña resulting in
prolonged, persistent drought and food insecurity
National Environmental Management 2023 Refers to climate change and its management as one of the functions of the act
Food Security Crisis Preparedness 2023 Under preparation with the support of the Somalia Crisis Recovery Project
16 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Climate and disaster risk management is increasingly Despite the rapid expansion of climate-related policies
featured within the national conversation around politi- supported by international partners, Somalia’s financial
cal stabilization and development trajectories, including and human capacity to convert high-level policies into
in mainstream and social media. This increased interest practical measures, or implement much of this agenda
is reflected in meaningful steps on the ground: on the ground, remains nascent. The federal government
is focused on resolving the fragility crisis first, dedicat-
l In May 2021, the Somali government signed a mem- ing much resources and time to security challenges from
orandum of understanding with the African Risk extremist groups. Government capacity to deliver even
Capacity (ARC) with the aim of helping the country basic services is very low. The new Ministry of Environ-
better prepare and plan for, and respond to, extreme ment and Climate Change is struggling to attend to the
weather events and natural disasters. This agreement enforcement of basic environmental regulations, let
provides access to tools and support for preparing, alone more ambitious climate policies. The ministry has
planning, and responding to extreme weather events no resources or equipment for data collection, and lags
and natural disasters. It also provides the opportu- in the dissemination of climate policies and scientific
nity to ensure financial preparedness is in place, and communication.
to utilize disaster insurance as a member of the ARC
risk pool. According to the government’s own analysis during
the NDC preparation process, there are structural and
l In December 2021, the Ministry of Humanitar-
systemic weaknesses in the management of climate
ian Affairs and Disaster Management launched the
change. The challenges include a lack of financial capac-
National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. The
ity, given the government’s limited tax revenues, which
aim of establishing the platform is to facilitate a uni-
are 4.4 percent of gross domestic product (Khan and
fied, risk-informed approach to disasters that pulls
Khan 2022), and the ongoing challenges of strengthening
together all relevant knowledge, information, and insti-
the government’s fiscal position. Other challenges include
tutional capacities in Somalia.
the dearth of targeted, actionable climate policies and an
l In August 2022, a prominent Special Envoy for Drought ongoing inability to enforce laws due to the political and
Response was appointed to spearhead government security situation. A stable bureaucracy, effective capac-
efforts to elevate and coordinate drought response ity development, and significant climate finance will be
both nationally and among international partners. needed to realize many of Somalia’s stated climate goals.
Chapter 2
l The first briefly summarizes the literature on con- Over the last decade, there has been an explosion of
flict and climate change, which broadly indicates that research on the links between climate change and con-
although there is no general direct causal link between flict (Koubi 2019). The emerging consensus appears to be
climate change and conflict (von Uexkull and Buhaug that there is no robust, uniform connection between cli-
2021), the relationship between the two is shaped mate change and the onset of conflict between states,
by a series of social conditions (e.g., political econ- and perhaps also within states. For every study that finds
omy, state and political interventions, institutions) a clear connection between climate change and war,
and channeled through indirect pathways, particularly another finds no such link (see for instance, Hsiang, Burke,
relating to resource scarcity and displacement. and Miguel 2013; Buhaug et al. 2014).
l The second reviews the recent history of conflict in The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Somalia and the related social conditions that interact (IPCC) finds, with medium confidence, that “At higher
with climate, conflict, and social vulnerability. global warming levels, impacts of weather and climate
l The third subsection examines evidence for spe- extremes, particularly drought, by increasing vulnera-
cific linkages between conflict and climate change bility will increasingly affect violent intrastate conflict”
(IPCC 2022a, 15). Academic authors also find that climatic
20 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
conditions may lead to the outbreak of violent conflict in in populations that depend on agriculture and natural
some subnational regions, particularly those dependent resources. Climate-related risks are affecting resource
on agriculture, and in combination with other socioeco- availability and intergroup competition across the Horn of
nomic and political factors such as a low level of economic Africa, particularly around water, livelihoods, migration,
development and political marginalization (IPCC 2022b). and political power. Risks of conflict linked to compe-
tition over natural resources are more likely when they
A set of recent studies commissioned by the World happen against the backdrop of a long history of social,
Bank illustrate how conflict and climate crises can economic, and political exclusion and marginalization
lead to the destruction of livelihoods and consequen- (Doti 2010), and in a fragile context where state capacity
tial impoverishment, distress migration, loss of assets, is nascent. By exacerbating scarcity of key resources in
food insecurity, breakdown in social cohesion, and a region where transhumance pastoralism/agropasto-
trauma for communities, households, and individuals. ralism is an important livelihood activity, climate change
More indirectly, conflict and climate crises can lead to the can both aggravate resource-based conflicts and inten-
breakdown in traditional governance institutions—thus sify general social vulnerability and social fractures. All of
fueling future rounds of violence, hindering the ability of these general descriptions fit in Somalia, where they are
communities to resolve resource conflicts, and hamper- layered onto legacies of past conflicts, historical griev-
ing the ability of both formal and informal institutions to ances, and existing intergroup animosities.
address the impacts of climate change. Conflict also con-
tributes to the breakdown in state authority in different The literature on displacement suggests that cli-
parts of the Horn of Africa and reduces the likelihood of mate and conflict shocks have the potential to trigger
cross-boundary cooperation. For instance, a study on migration cascades with implications for international
the outbreak of desert locusts that have affected Soma- security (Abel et al. 2019; Missirian and Schlenker 2017).
lia found that one of the major factors behind the outbreak But whether mobility driven by climate crises increases
across the Horn of Africa (and in the adjoining Republic violence at the destination depends on a number of fac-
of Yemen) was conflict, which had impeded joint action in tors, including linkages between the displaced and host
the front-line countries, and the actual spraying of pesti- communities, the level of economic interrelationship
cides to control swarms (World Bank 2022b). and dependence, and governmental policies (Ide and
Scheffran 2014; Koubi 2019). Causality is typically con-
There are two main pathways through which climate tested. For instance, while Ash and Obradovich (2020)
change shapes social risk and conflict that are most and Kelley et al. (2015) find a positive association between
prominently identified in the literature on links between drought-induced migration and violence in the Syrian
climate change and conflict. These are (1) resource Arab Republic, Selby et al. (2017) and Zhang et al. (2019)
scarcity (which affects social cohesion and creates/ find no evidence of a direct relationship. In Somalia, it is
aggravates group-based tensions) and (2) displacement. clear that displacement increases both the vulnerability
Institutions, including both formal and informal com- of displaced groups and social risk, but there is little clear
munity and civil society organizations, play a key role in evidence of a resultant increase in conflict.
shaping these pathways.1
Correlations between drought and conflict do not nec-
About 40 percent of all intrastate conflicts can be linked essarily imply causation. Drought and conflict coexist
to the exploitation of natural resources (UNEP 2021). mostly in countries or regions that already suffer from
There is growing evidence that links increased tempera- adverse climatic conditions, are highly dependent on
tures and drought to conflict risk in Africa, particularly agriculture for income and food generation, have little
capability to cope with climatic changes, and are char-
acterized by preexisting tensions and conflict (Ide and
In fact, the most commonly accepted definition of “institutions” is by Scheffran 2014). In Somalia, even broad spatial or tem-
Douglass North, who refers to institutions as the “rules of the game” or
the “humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction” (North
poral correlations between climate shocks and conflict
1991). events are difficult to establish as they are both so
Chapter 2: Climate Change, Conflict, and Social Risks l 21
widespread (figure 2.1 and map 2.1), and detailed socioeco- populations with preexisting vulnerabilities) also increase
nomic data are scant, with efforts on poverty and drought the likelihood of climate–conflict interactions, and are
impact data collection in Somalia having ramped up only further aggravated by armed conflict (Buhaug and von
in the past five years (Pape and Wollburg 2019). However, Uexkull 2021). Identifying specific interactions and causal-
many of the conditions that shape vulnerability to climate ities in an individual setting requires closer examination.
change (such as weak and fragmented institutions and
1980 2020
Source: Conflict data (red boxes): ACLED database; disaster data (i.e., extreme weather events) (green boxes): EM-DAT, the International Disaster Database.
Map 2.1 Violence, food insecurity, and internal displacement across Somalia
Urban Areas
Source: NUPI and SIPRI 2022 based on data from ACLED, Africapolis and Natural Earth.
22 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
2.2 Conflict and social context through land grabs—depriving thousands of farmers
(many from disadvantaged clans) of their land and liveli-
in Somalia hoods (Menkhaus 2007, 2014; de Waal 2015).
Somalia’s enduring challenges are interconnected Widespread land appropriations followed. These were
and have long historical roots, which preceded the often facilitated by the regime’s agricultural policies
formal collapse of the Somali state in 1991 (Menkhaus and land titling laws, which disrupted customary land
2014). These challenges include emergent state capac- tenure arrangements and traditional agricultural pat-
ity, corruption, remnants of warlordism, predatory armed terns (Norton 2009). Another key change to Somalia’s
groups, fragmented and contested state authority, exclu- political economy, closely linked to both land and cli-
sionary politics, and political violence. Both the specific mate change, was the gradual commercialization of the
history of conflict and the structural factors that influ- livestock trade. Commercialization led to a huge growth
ence it have links to climate. In particular, the shape and in the number of livestock being herded, even as fewer
intensity of competition over natural resources has been people herded livestock. The reconfiguration of the pas-
formed by Somalia’s climate and continues to be affected toral economy increased the pressure on grazing lands
by climate change. This in turn has influenced the social and water resources (Samatar, Salisbury, and Bascom
divisions and hierarchies, and the political economies 1988; Samatar 1987; de Waal 2018). Development inter-
that have driven conflict. The general level of social vul- vention by the state—such as efforts to increase water
nerability is also in part a function of the harshness of the sources—began to be viewed with suspicion, as these
Somali climate. efforts were perceived as encouraging migration by herd-
ers from other clans and land grabs. In the dryland grazing
areas, disputes over access to water cisterns (berkads),
A brief history of conflict in Somalia increasing sedentarization, and enclosure of reserves led
to—and continue to lead to—violent clashes, fueled by the
The former Italian territory of Somalia and the Brit- ready availability of weapons.
ish territory of Somaliland achieved independence
in June–July 1960. Somaliland was independent for a The changes to the social and political economy of pas-
period of four days in June 1960, before the territory ’s toralist livelihoods, combined with land appropriations,
leaders joined former Italian Somalia in a political union and the instrumentalization of clan-based conflict were
following the latter’s independence. After a brief period overlaid on group-based grievances against Barre, and
of multiparty politics, Siad Barre came to power in 1969 led to civil war breaking out in the 1980s. The state col-
in a military coup, and mobilized Somali society in pursuit lapsed, and Somaliland declared independence in 1991. In
of nationalist and modernizing ideals (Majid et al. 2021). the immediate aftermath of Barre’s overthrow, the vari-
By the 1970s, Somalia appeared to be inexorably moving ous opposition factions splintered, and warfare began to
along the path to modern statehood, with expanded edu- focus on control over resources and land, finally resorting
cation, a somewhat capable bureaucracy, and efforts to looting of homes and assets, and then food relief. Par-
to subsume the clan system under the structures of the ticularly ferocious fighting took place around control over
modern state (Lewis 1989). centers of commerce and revenue, such as the Mogadishu
port and airport, Kismayo City, and other local airstrips
This changed after Somalia invaded the Ogaden region (Majid et al. 2021). Those conflicts remained largely unre-
of Ethiopia in 1977 and was resoundingly defeated. As solved, and the fighting shifted to disputes over more local
the brunt of the blame for the military misadventure was issues, such as smaller towns and the farmland along the
attributed to Barre, challenges to his rule increased, and Shabelle River. By the end of 1992, numerous local wars
the regime’s focus changed purely to survival. Much of were being fought across south-central Somalia between
Somalia’s foreign assistance was diverted or stolen. The different armed groups. The leaders of these various mili-
once-professional security services became predatory, tias financed their operations through a combination
advancing the interests of empowered clans—including
Chapter 2: Climate Change, Conflict, and Social Risks l 23
of looting and extortion, foreign patronage, and political movement known as the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) in
credit—including offers of future positions. 2006 (Barnes and Hassan 2007). They offered “reputa-
tional benefits and social capital,” and professing piety
Following a year of catastrophic warfare from 1991 and adherence to Islam allowed businesspersons to lower
to 1992,2 United Nations (UN) and U.S. engagement transaction costs and signal trustworthiness through
began. A ceasefire was negotiated, and the UN Operation piety. But most importantly, unlike clan unit–based
in Somalia (UNOSOM) mission was launched, dominat- political-military organizations which were inevitably
ing the political scene until the UN withdrawal in 1995 confined to certain localities and established checkpoints
(Bradbury and Healy 2010). The early 1990s also saw the on their boundaries that exacted payments from traders,
emergence and consolidation of an independent busi- Islamists were able to control larger territories cross-
ness class. As exports of primary goods such as livestock, ing clan or ethnic lines without internal checkpoints, and
bananas, and charcoal grew significantly, businesspeo- were able to establish trust and enforce contracts on
ple began to import consumer goods, including textiles, the basis of common Islamic faith and law (Carrier and
sugar, and cigarettes—but also khat and weapons. With Lochery 2013; Ahmad 2014).
the de-escalation of open conflict in the mid-1990s,
major financial companies from other regions started to The early 2000s were also characterized by multiple
invest or reinvest in Mogadishu, collaborating with war- efforts to create a central state in Somalia. For many
lords to ensure the protection of their property (Marchal elites, state-building was a desirable ongoing proj-
2002). Between the middle and the end of the 1990s, ect, since it was closely connected to the availability of
many businesses re-established themselves in Moga- external resources in the form of developmental, human-
dishu, changing from single-clan ownership models to itarian, and security cooperation funds (Menkhaus 2017).
multiclan shareholding structures (Hagmann and Step- However, the various political groups/organizations
putat 2016). This period saw the establishment of more emerging from externally supported peace talks strug-
advanced industries, including the spread of telecommu- gled to assert legitimacy and authority. The first of these
nication companies and the opening of small factories. was the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), formed
Over time, Somali business owners separated themselves in 2004 through negotiations led by the Intergovernmen-
from the clan unit politicians and warlords who had dom- tal Authority on Development. The ICU took advantage of
inated the political and security arena in the early 1990s. the TFG’s weakness, however, to establish unified control
While at first businesspeople financed armed factions in over Mogadishu for the first time in 16 years; and by Sep-
return for protection, they began to fund their own secu- tember 2006, it controlled most of the country apart from
rity forces, and later on, turned to local Sharia (Islamic) the provisional capital Baidoa, which the TFG managed to
courts. By 1999, the business class had become an inde- hold with Ethiopian military protection (Majid et al. 2021).
pendent political force (Menkhaus 2007; International While the ICU enjoyed a degree of popular support during
Crisis Group 2011). the period that it was in power, it also splintered as mod-
erate and more extreme groups (including the group that
Although Islamists had made sporadic efforts to gain was to become al-Shabaab) vied for leadership. Mean-
a political foothold in Somalia, their efforts had, for the while, away from Mogadishu, some of the federal member
most part, been unsuccessful. This changed with busi- states, most notably Puntland and Jubaland, began to
ness finance for Islamic courts in the late 1990s—motivated take shape
primarily by economic rather than religious or ideological
reasons. The Islamic courts had originally emerged as a In 2006, on the back of a sustained diplomatic cam-
network of Sharia courts exercising lineage-based juris- paign, Ethiopia invaded Somalia and routed the ICU
diction, and later coalescing as a cross-clan umbrella forces, whom they suspected of being under undue
Eritrean influence (Majid et al. 2021; Marchal 2011). With
the approval of the UN Security Council, the African Union
In just four months during this time period, an estimated 25,000
Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) was deployed to the capital
people were killed and 2 million were displaced internally. in 2007 to protect the TFG, sparking violence on the part of
24 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
al-Shabaab. In April 2022, AMISOM was succeeded by the Structural factors influencing the
African Union Transition Mission in Somalia. Both the for- relationship between climate and
mation of the TFG in 2004 and its successor, the Federal
Government of Somalia, in 2012 marked the return of what
is ostensibly a central state institution. After peaceful Despite improvements in political stability, Somalia
elections in 2016, a new government was formed in 2017 remains fragile. Political processes such as elections
committed to embark on a development trajectory (World continue to be overlaid on traditional power-sharing
Bank 2018). A successful election provided for a peaceful arrangements, and politics is persistently transactional
change in administration in May 2022. and monetized in nature. A variety of structural factors
that have shaped past conflict and its links to climate per-
Al-Shabaab, however, continues to be engaged in
sist, and present challenges to building a more inclusive
active conflict against the federal government, carry-
political system.
ing out terrorism attacks in Mogadishu and other major
population centers. It controls large territories in the
southern part of the country, though it has been pushed Vulnerable population
back by recent governmental campaigns. Violent clashes
Large numbers of people in Somalia are dependent
between various power factions also continue to occur
on pastoral and agropastoral livelihoods which are
throughout Somalia (Nunez and Pape 2022), often result-
climate exposed, and there has been little public or pri-
ing from inter-clan cleavages involving localized land
vate investment in the sector (World Bank 2020a). As
ownership disputes, political power, and conflict over
with many other parts of East Africa, large numbers have
resources such as water and pastureland (Barrow 2020).
dropped out of the sector due to the combined effects of
These clashes are exacerbated by the existence of numer-
climatic crises and the constant need to adapt to chang-
ous private militia, loyal to local leaders rather than formal
ing political, economic, and climatic conditions to gain
government institutions (Menkhaus 2014; Webersik,
a living (Lind, Sabates-Wheeler, and Kohnstamm 2016;
Hansen, and Egal 2018). In fact, al-Shabaab accounts for
Maxwell and Majid 2016; Robinson, Zimmerman, and
only a minority of the total recorded conflict incidents
Checchi 2014). As people drop out of pastoralism, large
over the last decade, although with a slight upward trend
numbers also move to Somalia’s underresourced cities,
(figure 2.2).
increasing the environmental pressures on them (World
Bank 2020b). Somalia also imports much of the food that
it consumes and is therefore disproportionately affected
Figure 2.2 Conflict incidents in Somalia with and without al-Shabaab involvement, 2011–21
by disruptions in global supply chains. This means that when it intersects with regional, gender, class, and reli-
increases in production-related risks to global agri- gious identities:
culture and food prices caused by increased warming
and extreme weather events are likely to have outsized l It plays a key role in military mobilization. Clan identity
impacts on the country (Schewe, Otto, and Frieler 2017). acts as the basis on which financial support is raised
from diaspora donors and provides a way of organiz-
Whether formally numbering among IDPs or not, the dis- ing command structures. This is a legacy of efforts by
placed typically lose social support networks and add to the former dictator Barre to stave off challenges to his
the large numbers of vulnerable people who have been rule by developing kinship-based networks of clients,
affected by conflict and climatic crises. Minority groups, and exploiting local and personal rivalries between
persons living with disabilities, and youth face additional these networks (Reno 2018; Compagnon 1998). Clans
forms of social exclusion. All forms of vulnerability are only became firmly established as political, admin-
deeply gendered, with women and girls confronting sig- istrative, and military entities in the period leading
nificant gender disparities, including high levels of sexual up to civil war and during the external peace-making
and gender-based violence (GBV). Many vulnerabilities interventions that followed (Balthasar 2017). Mobili-
intersect and compound each other; a young female IDP zation of clan affiliations in political conflict had long
belonging to a minority clan is likely to be disadvantaged been a prominent feature of Somali politics, but Barre
on multiple counts. More discussion of vulnerable groups repoliticized, repurposed, and intensified lineage com-
is provided in section 2.4. petition for the purposes of ensuring his own political
survival (Compagnon 2013), transforming the nature of
clan warfare in Somalia, adding deeper antagonisms,
Clan dynamics and creating interlocking cycles of violence aimed at
Despite being one of the most ethnically homogeneous redressing real and perceived injustices.
countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Somalia’s popula- l Clan identity and social groupings are a source of
tion is divided into more than 500 clans and subclans, resilience during external shocks and times of hard-
though 4 major clans dominate (The Economist 2013). ship. Social group dynamics acquired increased
The word “clan” is used elastically by Somalis to refer to salience after the dissolution of the state, where per-
lineage groups at different levels of aggregation, where sonal networks have become an important source
these different levels have different social and political of resilience, acting as sources of information, secu-
meanings and characteristics (Majid et al. 2021). Lineage rity, and material support; and allowing for a measure
therefore provides multiple potential identities that can of mutual accountability within social groups (Simons
be drawn upon, depending on circumstance and initiative. 1997). This is described in greater detail below.
In the fighting for resources at the national level immedi- l As external actors and Somalis have tried to
ately after state collapse in 1991, conflict was organized reconstruct a centralized formal state in Somalia
according to the highest level of clan aggregation—that (especially after 1993), they have used clan identity as
is, by dividing fighters into one of the four principal clan a basis for spatial and political organization (Mosley
families: Darood, Diir, Hawiye, and Isaaq. In local politics, 2015; Hoehne 2016). To an extent, the structure of the
other sub-aggregations (clan or subclan) become more federal member states reflect an assumed distribu-
salient (de Waal 2015). During the battles for Mogadishu tion of clan families, and the parliamentary system is
in the immediate aftermath of state collapse, some of the organized according to the 4.5 system, which stipu-
fiercest fighting took place between Hawiye subclans led lates that the four major clan groups receive an equal
by rival warlords (de Waal 2020). share of seats with the other clans sharing the remain-
der. Clan quotas are then further subdivided between
Clan identity retains a great deal of salience within the
subclans (SSF 2017).
organization of Somali politics and conflict in the country,
and in conditioning vulnerability and resilience, especially
26 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Resource competition and political economy of minority groups have not been sufficiently integrated
into humanitarian assessments, thus limiting their access
Control of its scarce arable land has been closely con-
to emergency assistance and rendering their vulnerabil-
nected to power in Somalia’s recent political history in
ity more acute.
ways that intersect with climate change (Jaspars, Adan,
and Majid 2019). During Barre’s government in the 1970s
and early 1980s, there was intensive cash cropping in the Legacy of conflict and institutional weakness
fertile land along and between the rivers, relying on cheap
There is a long history of predatory state intervention
and exploitable labor. Land grabs started with the Italian
in Somalia, as dominant groups have sought to use the
colonizers, and were followed by politicians, civil servants,
mantle of the state to pursue their own narrow eco-
and merchants who could register the land, dispossessing
nomic and political agendas (Hagmann et al. 2018). Since
the clans that inhabited the riverine areas and were not
before the civil war, a small elite has controlled wealth,
well represented politically. Land-grabbing set the scene
politics has remained transactional, institutions are
for the so-called “liberation” of these areas by clan-militia
often co-opted, governmental revenues and aid diverted
at the height of the civil war period, and created persistent
or subverted, and a security stabilization strategy reli-
disputes over land. Land- or resource-based disputes are
ant on African neighbors subordinated to wider regional
very common in Somalia, generally involving clan poli-
security dynamics. Further, corruption levels in Soma-
tics or issues over imagined clan “homelands” (deegaan).
lia are among the highest in the world, with the country
Competing claims of ownership are also common in urban
ranking 178th of 180 on Transparency International’s 2021
areas, frequently over land that was once public or either
Corruption Perceptions Index.3 Low levels of institutional
looted or vacated by fleeing households (RVI and HIPS
capacity and high corruption remain interlinked, and trust
in the state to deliver services for the general public good
After state collapse in the late 1980s, clan-based mili- is therefore low (World Bank 2021b).
tias fought for control over resources. This resulted in
widespread looting, theft, and the collapse of large-scale
irrigation schemes, as well as displacement and
Local, community, and private institutions
famine among those who had already been marginal- In the absence of a functional state and formal institu-
ized. Finally, after 2000, various forms of Western- and tions, traditional dispute resolution mechanisms, clan
Ethiopian-backed governments were introduced, with a support networks, diaspora remittances, and civil soci-
coincident rise of Islamist movements. This in turn led to ety groups have all played a role in helping communities
a resumption of conflict, large-scale displacements, and adapt to, cope with, and mitigate the impacts of diverse
famine or humanitarian crises in 2008, 2011, and 2017. It is shocks for more than 30 years. They have done so in at
in this third period that the impacts of climate crises have least three ways.
been the most visible and have intersected with Somalia’s
history of conflict and predatory governance practices. l Clan support structures act as a basic collective
social insurance system and increase household and
Minority groups today comprise a significant share of community resilience. Clan support structures play
IDPs, who are often concentrated in urban centers and a role in channeling remittances and investments, as
lack adequate access to services, security, and social well as the contributions of expertise from the Somali
and political representation. Underrepresented among diaspora. Remittances represent approximately
the diaspora, marginal groups also lack access to char- 28 percent of gross domestic product (similar to that
ity networks and international remittances—both critical contributed by official development assistance) and
coping mechanisms for better-placed social groups— offer an essential lifeline to many communities and
thereby increasing their vulnerability to economic, households. Remittances are not, however, distributed
conflict, and climate-related shocks. Without sufficient
representation and voice through clan systems, the needs 3
Source: Transparency International 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index .
Chapter 2: Climate Change, Conflict, and Social Risks l 27
equally, but “tend to be concentrated within partic- facilities and health care services. These services are
ular social groups, lineages and extended families, not uniformly distributed and tend to be concentrated
especially within Somaliland, Puntland and the central in urban areas. During periods of climatic and eco-
regions of Somalia due to the history of migration from nomic crisis, this results in multiple service providers
these areas” (Majid, Abdirahman, and Hassan 2017). (neighborhood, communal, state, public, and private
Marginalized groups receive less diaspora support actors) offering households and neighborhoods a
and are therefore more vulnerable in times of crisis. range of services, including power, water, education,
The processes involved in the provision of remittances and health care—usually for a fee, complicating any
are underlined by notions of trust and efficiency. Clan distinctions between “private” and “public” and making
and religious networks play an important role in build- it harder for vulnerable households and displaced per-
ing trust, especially in contexts such as Somalia where sons to access these services (World Bank 2020c).
formal financial institutions are limited (Majid et al
2021). The clan lineage system operates both as an
Figure 2.3 Conceptual framework examining the links between risk elements directly affected by
climate events (blue boxes) and those that may be indirectly affected (white boxes)
1 Declines in rural livelihoods and production drive
Climate impacts) can drive resource degrada- poverty, food insecurity and displacement of rural
tion as people fall back on natural resources as 2 and potentially other populations. Climate shocks
a coping strategy. may also directly impact poverty and displace-
6 ment, even where not transmitted through effects
Competition over limited resources may Rural livelihoods on natural resources and/or rural livelihoods.
be a direct driver of conflict, where that impacts
competition spans existing social fault 1 2
7 Poor governance is a major
lines. Climate and other impacts on
9 contributor to poverty and
natural resource stocks are therefore 10 8 more intense socioeconomic
likely to intensify resource-related con-
Natural Poverty, food shocks, which in turn desta-
flict. Natural resources can also provide
resource insecurity and bilize politics and governance
a significant source of financing for degradation 6 7 displacement systems, although community
armed groups, and combatants’ reliance
organization and customary
on natural resource rents may further
authorities may ameliorate
drive resource degradation. 5 3 these shocks to some extent.
Political instability and
5 poor governance tend Weak Where overlaid on existing social divi-
governance 4 Violent conflict sions, poverty and displacement
to be a driver of natural
resources degradation. shocks may drive or sustain conflict,
4 3 which in turn tends to exacerbate both
Civil conflict tends to create political the socioeconomic shocks and social
8 instability and poor governance, which fault-lines. Conversely, conflict also
Violent conflict may also inten- in turn intensifies the chances of social drives scarcity, poverty and displace-
sify the socioeconomic fall out of tensions leading to violent conflict. ment.
rural livelihood shocks because it
may constrain access to coping 9 10
strategies. Resource degradation may also inten-
Rural livelihood impacts
sify the socioeconomic fallout of rural
intensify competition over
livelihood shocks through constraining
resources and therefore
access to coping strategies.
resource-based conflict risks.
Note: Blue arrows (1–7) indicate direct linkages between risk elements (several of which have the potential to become positive feedback loops). Red arrows (8–10) indicate
“intensifiers”—i.e., ways in which a risk element can exacerbate the negative interaction between two other elements.
Somalia has endured multiple severe drought episodes provision of emergency funding and food aid across
since 1965, as well as floods and storms. Since 2012, an Somalia during drought events (Heslin and Thalheimer
average of 1.78 million people per year have been affected 2020).
by extreme weather and associated disasters, with
droughts accounting for the largest share.4 Two consec- Climate shocks are becoming more frequent and severe
utive below-average rainfall seasons (fall 2010 and spring as a result of global climate change and leave less time
2011) devastated livestock and crop production, causing to recover and prepare for the next climate or conflict
an increase in food prices and leading to severe famine.5 shock. The compounding of climate and conflict impacts
Since then, famine conditions have been averted through also occurs because armed groups such as al-Shabaab
make humanitarian work pretty much impossible. Coun-
tries that experience combined crises of extreme weather
and conflict displacement tend to have the worst levels of
Source: EM-DAT database.
food insecurity. Individuals forced to flee abandon their
Sources: Integrated Food Security Phase Classification IPC-CH
fields and livestock, seeking shelter at displacement sites
Dashboard; World Bank Open Data.
Chapter 2: Climate Change, Conflict, and Social Risks l 29
located far from markets. Often, they become trapped in Figure 2.4 Number of IDPs recorded by UNHCR
repetitive displacement and deepening food insecurity as requiring food aid, by primary reason of
(IDMC 2022). displacement
Figure 2.5 Aggregated priority needs of newly displaced people, summarized across all displacement
reasons, across Somalia during 2016–2021
429,400 424,320
400 385,000
100 70,150
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Livelihood support Food Protection Shelter Water
Source: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Data Portal, Somalia Internal Displacement.
pathway through which social vulnerability exacerbates a high potential to both escalate into violent conflict and
conflict. to further degrade the resource base.
This section draws heavily on World Bank Open Data. Additional refer-
ences are cited where they have been drawn on.
32 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
marginalization through land expropriation and resettle- development (Musse and Gardner 2013).9 In the context
ment processes such as under the Barre regime’s Hawl iyo of climate, several aspects of vulnerability are heavily
Hantiwadaag (Program and Resource Sharing) policy— gendered:
which was ostensibly aimed at counteracting the effects
of climate change, but was used as a tool for rewarding l Gendered livelihood risks. Women’s livelihoods are
the regime’s clients. often disproportionately affected by climate change.
Although both Somali men and women are reliant on
They have also experienced serious human rights climate-sensitive economic activities such as agricul-
abuses, and the current 4.5 formula perpetuates ture, livestock, and fisheries, women are more likely
their political exclusion. They have limited access to to be engaged in subsistence-level production. Con-
educational, employment, and sustainable livelihood sequently, their livelihood and food security are more
opportunities and often lack the necessary networks sharply affected by climate-induced downturns in pro-
(including among diaspora) to access other resources, duction (Somalia Institute for Development Research
including physical and political protection and remit- and Analysis 2019). Women are also more likely to
tances. Minority groups also comprise a significant engage in agricultural value chains that require less
share of IDPs, who are often concentrated in urban cen- land and capital due to gender-inequitable inheri-
ters and lack adequate access to services, security, and tance laws, as well as limited collateral availability
social and political representation. As a consequence, compared to men. They also are less mobile and less
they are particularly vulnerable to economic conflict and likely to employ productive inputs or utilize available
climate-related shocks, and receive limited humanitar- extension services. These factors collectively reduce
ian assistance. In the context of intensifying competition women’s agricultural productivity, as well as their
over land and resources, they face a particularly high risk ability to reorganize production in the aftermath of
of dispossession by dominant clan groups. climatic shocks—posing a greater risk to women’s live-
lihoods amid climate change relative to men (FAO 2021;
UN Women 2022). Women and girls typically shoulder
Gender most of the burden for household care-giving tasks and
domestic chores. These burdens often intensify during
Somalia’s socioeconomic indicators are among the climatic disasters and forced displacement events, as
lowest in the world for both males and females, but women are left to care for sick or ailing family mem-
gender disparities are especially stark. The Gender bers while men depart to find work in nearby cities and
Inequality Index for Somalia is 0.776 (1.0 = complete regions. Household coping strategies such as migra-
inequality), and the country performs particularly poorly tion and family separation are extended, contribute to
on health, empowerment, and economic measures. For school dropouts of boys and girls, and require women
almost two decades now, women’s incomes have become to bear disproportionate responsibilities in terms of
crucial for household survival, irrespective of whether care work and to travel increased distances in search
there is a male individual within the household. Nonethe- of water and firewood (FGS 2018). Women consequently
less, women continue to be excluded from political and have less time to engage in productive activities, lead-
public decision making and have limited space (even at ing to a reduction in incomes at a time when other
the community level) to exercise agency and participate livelihood sources are threatened (Chaudhry and Ouda
in society. Despite having played an especially dynamic 2021). According to FAO data, households dependent
role in Somali society as community mobilizers and on women for food security are more likely to have poor
peace builders, women and girls are assigned social and food consumption and are more likely to skip meals
legal status within the clan system, and confront multi- in the context of shock-induced production down-
ple dimensions of disempowerment and discrimination turns (FAO 2021). World Bank data also find that IDP
across most categories of social, economic, and human
Minority groups and the internally displaced face similar challenges.
Chapter 2: Climate Change, Conflict, and Social Risks l 33
families with single female caregivers are more likely women and girls to arrange household supplies of
to be poor compared to non-IDP families (Hanmer and water and fuel (most commonly woodfuels).10 As cli-
Rubiano-Matulevich 2022). mate change increases the scarcity of these resources,
l Gendered human capital risks. Women and girls in women and girls are pushed to undertake increas-
Somalia contend with several risks to their education ingly arduous and risky journeys. Many have had to
and health in the context of climate change. Increased evolve coping strategies, such as traveling during
domestic workloads can lead to increased likelihood the daytime and in large groups, to reduce their risks
of lowered school attendance or complete dropout for (SIPRI 2019, 2022). Almost 50 percent of households
girls relative to boys. When faced with a choice between in Somalia are female headed, but this number may
educating their daughters or their sons, Somali house- be up to 80 percent among IDP settlements (Hanmer,
holds often prioritize boys’ education. Faced with Rubiano-Matulevich, and Santamaria 2021), where
insecure livelihoods, Somali households have also women face numerous protection risks stemming
been observed to force girls into early marriage, which from increased work outside the home, poor safety
poses a range of risks to their continuation in educa- arrangements in and around camps, limited access to
tion, as well as their physiological development (Coome survivor support services/remedies, and disruption of
and Hussein 2020). Women and girls eat last and least traditional clan mechanisms to handle incidents of vio-
within households affected by drought, which poses lence or harassment. According to a survey of 20 IDP
risks to their health and physiological development settlements, female respondents across the country
(CARE International 2022). This is especially concern- reported being unsafe in locations inside or directly
ing in the context of Somalia, a country with some of outside their settlements, particularly while using
the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the latrines (cited as unsafe by 63 percent of respondents),
world, coupled with high total fertility and adolescent water access points (cited as unsafe by 51 percent of
childbearing trends (UN Women 2022). Climatic vari- respondents), and aid distribution points (cited as
ability affects women’s and girls’ health in other ways. unsafe by 35 percent of respondents). The weak phys-
Climate-induced water scarcity increases reliance on ical shelters in camps—often constructed from plastic,
unsafe or contaminated water sources, increasing the cloth, or cardboard—serve to heighten protection risks
incidence of waterborne diseases such as cholera and for women and girls in displacement. Aid distribution
diarrhea, especially among women and girls engaged at IDP camps can often be a contested process, leading
in water collection. to tension and conflict between different ethnicities
and clans—which often boils over into violence against
l Gendered protection risks. Increased risk of GBV—
women and girls from rival communities. Lacking
including exploitation, harassment, and abuse—is one
secure or assured access to aid, women—especially
of the major risks Somali women and girls face in the
those from female-headed households and minority
wake of natural disasters, climate-induced environ-
communities—may also engage in precarious liveli-
mental degradation, and displacement. According to
hoods and/or trade (or be forced to trade) sexual acts
reports from service providers, there has been a 10 per-
for food, money, or access to markets or aid (Hanmer,
cent increase in rape in areas affected by the current
Rubiano-Matulevich, and Santamaria 2021; Oxfam
drought, and a 17 percent increase in other forms of
2018). Humanitarian support programs prioritize
reported GBV. Household stress, changing gender
“life-saving” assistance; therefore GBV service provi-
dynamics as women begin taking on bread-winning
sion and survivor support remains low compared to
roles to offset livelihood losses, and men’s use of neg-
the needs, and women’s medium- to long-term needs
ative coping mechanisms, such as khat chewing, all
more generally—such as maternal health and nutri-
increase the already widespread risks of intimate part-
tional care services—are not adequately met.
ner violence. Women and girls further face heightened
risks of nonpartner violence, harassment, and abuse,
particularly amid conditions of climate-induced envi-
Sources: Thulstrup et al. (2020); and World Bank Data Portal, People
ronmental degradation. Most households depend on using at least basic drinking water services (% of population).
34 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Source: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Somalia Country
Chapter 3
36 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
T his chapter reviews the existing knowl-
edge of climate risks across five broad
themes: climate disasters, agriculture
and livestock, renewable natural resources, health, and
infrastructure and services. It aims to provide a system-
atic and accessible inventory of major biophysical risks in
Somalia related to climate, and to indicate how these are
likely to evolve with climate change.
than others); (2) weak (poor less affected); (3) neutral
or unclear (poor affected similarly to others/unclear);
(4) strong (poor more affected); or (5) very strong (poor
much more affected).
38 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
by a wide variety of factors, this metric focuses only assessment, but rather a best estimate based on currently
the likely change in the climate factors—and not, for available information—which should be subject to further
instance, on socioeconomic factors—that may drive review and improvement in the future. There is also no
exposure or vulnerability to the risk. single or definitive way to categorize risks, as many over-
lap and interact. For instance, this review does not have
Note that although these indexes are based on broad a separate section on risks to water resources, as these
scales, and often orders of magnitude, there is still drive a range of more specific risks, including to crop pro-
considerable uncertainty in their assignment. This cli- duction, livestock, power generation, and water supply.
mate risk review is not intended to provide a definitive
1,400 2%
Flood Drought
44% 54%
2008 2010 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Mortality Poverty linkage Climate trend
Drought Whole country Frequent > $1 billion > 10,000 Very strong Weak increase
This section covers the multisectoral impacts of drought drought since 2016; figure 3.3 provides a snapshot of the
events—that is, discrete events where both soil mois- large numbers affected in early April 2022.
ture and the availability of surface water are extremely
limited. The impacts of more general hot and dry condi- The recurrent droughts have had a significant impact
tions that are not specific drought events are covered in on poverty. A World Bank study of the 2016/17 drought
other sections of this chapter. identified significant adverse impacts on poverty, con-
sumption, and hunger (Pape and Wollburg 2019). These
impacts were particularly significant in rural areas, where
Nature of risk the poor rely mainly on agriculture and have limited
access to infrastructure and basic services. The study
Droughts are Somalia’s costliest natural disasters. They
estimated that renewed drought shocks could lead to a
can occur anywhere in the country, as much of Somalia is
significant increase in poverty.
either arid or semi-arid and drought-prone.
Recent droughts have affected the entire country. A postdrought needs assessment of the 2016/17 drought
provides an illustrative snapshot of the economic
Figure 3.3 shows the drought conditions and numbers of
impacts (FGS 2018). Following four poor rainy seasons
people affected in August 2022 and provides an example
in succession, more than half the population needed
of the spatial and human impacts of drought.
humanitarian assistance. Economywide loses totaled
over $3.25 billion, with recovery interventions requiring
Magnitude of impact a further $1.77 billion.1 This level of impact undermined
development gains made in previous years. The drought
In recent years, successive droughts linked to major
severely affected agricultural production—the main driver
changes in climate and weather patterns, combined
of Somalia’s economy—with livestock and crop losses
with high levels of conflict and insecurity, have devas-
affecting 17 out of 18 regions in the country; there were
tated the rural economy. This has resulted in chronic food
significant price increases for key staples. Gross domes-
insecurity and very large numbers of internally displaced
tic product (GDP) growth (which was recovering before
persons (IDPs). In addition, the transhumant corridors
the drought) dropped by around 1.4 percent from the pre-
for livestock have been affected by civil strife, affecting
vious years; and wages temporarily dropped by around
mobility. Mobility is important to Somali pastoralists as a
6.9 percent during the acute drought period, although
strategy to respond to the spatial-temporal heterogeneity
they rapidly recovered (increasing slightly) soon after the
of forage resources. Barriers to mobility have contributed
drought broke.
in a significant way to the increased severity of drought
impacts in the country. Analysis of single drought events does not capture the
compound economic and livelihood impacts of suc-
Extremely large numbers of people have been affected
cessive droughts with only limited recovery periods in
by Somalia’s recent droughts. In August 2022, 7.6 million
people were directly affected by drought, including over
1 million displaced by drought (OCHA 2022a). Figure 3.4 1
In this analysis, losses were only projected until the end of December
2017. In practice, economic recovery and reconstruction after an event
shows the trend in numbers of people displaced by
of this scale requires several years. The recovery cost provided here is
almost certainly an underestimate of the full recovery costs.
40 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Owdweyne Burco
Xudun Taleex BARI Bay 67%
POPULATION 4.6M 3M 273K Buuhoodle Garoowe
Gedo 61%
TOGDHEER Laas Caanood
NUGAAL Mudug 60%
658K 341K 16K Galdogob
between. Neither does it adequately account for the joint Mortality rates are unclear but may be extremely high.
impacts of drought and flood occurring in similar time Although UNICEF reports relatively small numbers for the
periods. Because these events can also trigger conflicts, current drought (e.g., around 500 deaths for the first six
the combined economic impact is far-reaching and com- months of 2022), these numbers are acknowledged as
plex. To date, there has been no attempt to quantify these “just the tip of the iceberg” because many deaths go unre-
multiple, multisectoral, multiyear impacts. ported (UNICEF Somalia spokesperson Victor Chinyama,
as cited in Dhaysane 2022). UNICEF (2022a) estimates
that the severe drought-related famine of 2011 killed about
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 41
260,000 people in Somalia—more than half of whom were infiltration when rains occur, and therefore magnifying
children. The main causes of death were malnutrition, drought impacts.
diarrhea, and measles. Relief access was also signifi-
cantly hampered by insecurity, mainly due to activities of The projected warming of the next decades indicates the
the al-Shabaab group. Horn of Africa may continue to be drought-vulnerable,
due to increased evapotranspiration and more erratic
While income- and gender-disaggregated figures are precipitation, even if there is a slight increase in mean
scarce, drought predominantly affects livelihoods of rainfall. Severe and prolonged droughts are highly likely
farmers and pastoralists, and therefore some of the to be a prominent feature of Somalia’s future climate for
poorest households are most affected. For a variety of decades to come, although long-term trends are uncer-
reasons, as discussed in chapter 2, livelihood impacts tain due to the range of potential precipitation outcomes
affect women and female-headed households dispro- (figure 3.5).
portionately. Drought is also the biggest single driver of
internal displacement, which creates a raft of additional
vulnerabilities, particularly for women and other vulner- Figure 3.5 Projected annual SPEI Drought Index
able groups.
Climate drivers
While low levels of precipitation are a key driver of
droughts, higher temperatures cause greater evapo-
transpiration, which also contributes to reducing soil
moisture. Generally, in Somalia, evaporation potential is
greater than precipitation across the country. There are
a few localized areas in southern parts of Somalia, around
Jilib and Baidoa, where for a few months of the year higher
rainfall than evaporation can be experienced.
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Mortality Poverty linkage Climate trend
Fluvial and Whole country Frequent $100 million– 10–100 Very strong Weak increase
pluvial flood $1 billion
Somalia is highly vulnerability to fluvial, pluvial, and 20 percent of Somalia’s total population is exposed to a 15
coastal floods. This subsection considers climate risks centimeter (cm) or more flood risk. In the Juba and Sha-
and impacts associated with fluvial and pluvial floods belle basins, this figure rises to between 20 and 30 percent
(including flash floods), which have similar climate driv- (Rentschler and Salhab 2020).
ers. The next subsection considers coastal flooding risk,
which is subject to different climate drivers. Fluvial (river) floods are common along Somalia’s two
major rivers. The Shabelle and the Juba flood regularly after
Nature of risk the Gu (March–June) and Deyr rains (October–December).
These regular flood events have positive impacts and are
The highest flood risk areas include agricultural areas
used for flood recession cultivation in the lowland flood-
and several towns in the Shabelle and Juba basins at
plains of both rivers. The flooding also provides lush pasture
risk of fluvial flooding. However, flash flood risk occurs
for both livestock and wildlife. However, in years when the
throughout the country, and the largest cities are also
rainfall is very heavy, either locally or upstream in Ethio-
exposed albeit to a lower level of risk (map 3.1). In the Juba
pia where both rivers rise, flooding can be far more severe.
and Shabelle river basins—which rise in Ethiopia where
When this occurs, it results in major loss and damage to
the headwaters are subject to different weather patterns
crops, pastures, and settlements in the rivers’ floodplains.
from Somalia—floods can happen even during drought
Flooding is often made worse when riverbanks are deliber-
periods, compounding the adverse impacts of both. A
ately breached to access water for irrigation during the dry
recent World Bank study estimates that between 15 and
Source: Dartmouth Flood Observatory; flood depth data from EU Joint Research Centre.
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 43
season. Map 3.2 shows river breakages during early 2022, markets, floods pit latrines which then contaminate water
illustrating how the flood risks remain even in the middle of sources and spread waterborne disease, while standing
a prolonged drought period. water increases the occurrence of malaria (MEWR 2021).
Limited and/or unmaintained infrastructure, including Pluvial and flash floods are a result of localized rain
retaining walls and water catchment or redirection sys- storms. They can disrupt communications by damaging
tems (Gure 2021), expose communities to the effects of road surfaces and small bridges, and/or causing power
floods annually, often with disastrous results for small- and telephone lines to fall.
holder farmers and rural economies.
Map 3.2 River breakages along Juba and Shabelle Rivers in February 2022
l OPEN (O): Breakage point where a recent (< 1 year) flood origi-
nated is still open, and has no signs of intervention/rehabilitation on
the latest analyzed images.
▲ OVERFLOWS (Of): Portion of the river embankment where water
overflows have recently occurred (< 1 year). Overflows generally take
place along shallow portions of the embankments, which could be
submerged for several hundred meters during the flood.
n POTENTIAL (P): A point along the embankment where there is
potential for flooding to occur. Clear indicators of flood potential-
ity, such as recent vegetation removal, embankment erosion, closed
with sand bags, water spillage or other signs representing a potential
embankment weakness have been identified. These indications are
supported by DTM analysis, multitemporal analysis and/or direct field
l CLOSED (C): Breakage point where an old (>2 years) flood orig-
inated and that has been fixed using either heavy machinery or
sandbags. No flooding has been detected recently, so this point may
be considered CLOSED as the situation is stable. Interventions by
heavy machinery are permanent, while those by sandbags are tem-
poral, subject to new floods.
Source: FAO SWALIM, Flood Risk and Response Information Management System, Juba and Shabelle River Breakages, accessed February 2022.
44 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Agriculture (crop Crops and livestock assets and lost harvest Less than many other floods events, as these 2019 floods were
production/livelihoods) localized and limited compared with previous major floods
Housing 4,640 fully damaged housing units; 15,613 Urgent and immediate needs for shelter; increased population
partly damaged units displacement
Transport Over 320 km of road and 23 bridges dam- Damage to roads disrupts many economic activities, hinders
aged; 5% of road embankments destroyed school access, and delays relief operations
Water, sanitation, and 64 boreholes; 272 shallow wells; 58 water Immediate impacts on water supply for humans and livestock
hygiene pans damaged
Education Schools in 14 districts damaged by flooding; Losses include those associated with losses of school learning
nearly 34,000 pupils affected materials and equipment, and provision of temporary learning
Health 15 health facilities damaged Losses include additional costs for treatment of acute watery
diarrhea/cholera cases for the next 12 months, and losses
incurred in replacing health supplies and equipment.
Disaster risk management/ Impacts to relief supplies and warehouses, Losses include relief coordinating and delivery expenses
flood risk management monitoring equipment, and gauging stations
Displacement Damages and losses to infrastructure in 154 Losses include damaged water resources and impeded access to
formal IDP settlements; particularly dam- health services
aged housing and shelter
Food security National levels of food insecurity (IPC3 Data not sufficiently differentiated to provide an exact proportion
and 4) increased from just under 10% to of this increase linked to the floods; the humanitarian response
around 17% immediately following floods required significant additional finance
Table 3.2 Total financial costs of loss and damage and recovery needs of 2019 floods ($)
Water, sanitation,
8,895,566 20,480,616 29,376,182 24,801,800
and hygiene
Agricultural and
28,043,377 28,043,377
pastoral livelihoods
Systematic and comprehensive assessment of flood Figure 3.6 Variability and trends of average
risk and costs is challenging. Simple hydrological models largest five-day cumulative precipitation across
can make broad predictions of potential exposure, but seasonal cycle, 1971–2020
detailed on-the-ground data on assets and also the state
of flood defenses are typically lacking.
Table 3.3 Projected impacts of floods with a 25-year return period, excluding damage to crops and
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Mortality Poverty linkage Climate trend
Coastal flooding Whole coastline Occasional > $10–$100 million 10–100 Very strong Weak increase
(individual events)
sea level rise can severely damage roads through land climate models combined with known elevations of coastal
subsidence, blistering, cracking, and pulverization, and areas. While these tools indicate that most of Somalia’s
lead to increased maintenance costs (Brookings 2020). shoreline is threatened, they cannot show the degree to
which this affects coastal communities and livelihood
systems and are probably not sensitive enough to indi-
Magnitude of impact cate the impact of individual severe storms and cyclones,
There are already a significant number of people which are likely to increase in severity and frequency. In
exposed to coastal flooding. Around 110,000 live below particular, the tools cannot indicate whether changes are
the high tide mark and 170,000 live below the maximum slow enough for coastal communities to move, adapt to,
storm surge level with a one-year return period (Kulp and and mitigate the potential impacts. Map 3.3 gives an exam-
Strauss 2019). Losses to urban infrastructure are already ple of information for Somalia provided by a sea level rise
estimated to be significant (table 3.5). mapping tool.
Those households most vulnerable to coastal floods are Climate projections point to rising sea levels and
those that do not have sufficient assets to easily move increased likelihood of cyclones and storm surges.
from locations at risk from flooding, particularly the The increases in extreme weather and sea conditions
urban poor. Broader economic impacts may accumulate are linked to rises in sea surface temperature. A warmer
because coastal flooding has the potential to substantially ocean intensifies cyclone activity and heightens storm
increase damages to ports and other coastal infrastruc- surges. The destructive impact will generally be greater
ture, with knock-on impacts on Somalia’s ability to manage when storm surges are accompanied by strong winds and
imports and exports. In smaller coastal settlements, the make landfall during high tides (Brecht et al. 2012).
combination of sea level rise and increasingly frequent and
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 2.6
severe storms will potentially disrupt livelihood systems
(low greenhouse gas emissions scenario), 4.5 (approx-
based on fisheries and/or the cultivation of coastal areas.
imate current trajectory emissions scenario), and 8.5
(high greenhouse gas emissions) all project sea level
Climate drivers rise of around 20 cm by midcentury. The projections
then diverge, with end-century mean projections for each
There is a lack of research on current and projected
RCP ranging between 60 and 40 cm (figure 3.7). Projected
impacts of sea level rise and coastal inundation in
increases in the frequency and strength of storm surges
Somalia. Very simple projections can be mapped using
is likely to significantly increase Mogadishu’s flood risk by
interactive tools employing global data sets, based on
2050 (CityCORE Africa 2020).
a combination of projected sea level rise under various
Table 3.5 Projected impacts of coastal flooding with a 25-year return period, excluding damage to
crops and livestock
Source: Climate Central Coastal Risk Screening Tool, Somalia, Land Projected to Be Below Annual Flood Level in 2050.
Figure 3.7 Somalia: projected rise in sea level Table 3.6 Somalia: population living in
low-elevation coastal zones by 2030 (millions)
value chains that require less land and capital due to as the current ongoing drought, men migrate looking for
gender-inequitable inheritance laws, as well as limited pastures and water for their livestock or move to urban
collateral availability compared to men. They are less centers looking for work. Women remain at home with
mobile and less likely to employ productive inputs or uti- children and the elderly, sometimes moving to IDP camps
lize available extension services. Women have weak land or to small towns for petty trading. While the aim of these
tenure rights and limited access to extension services, strategies is to access resources and security, in practice
and the most valuable agricultural assets (land and live- they expose women to additional security threats (World
stock) are primarily owned by men. In times of crisis, such Bank and FAO 2018).
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Poverty linkage Climate trend
Locusts Whole country Rare $100 million–$1 billion Strong Weak increase
(for major outbreaks)
Nature of risk a day across 350 square kilometers, destroying more than
175,000 acres of farmland in Somalia and Ethiopia alone
Locust infestations in Somalia are periodic and can
(Qasim 2020). As rainfall increases due to climate change
cause massive damage to both crops and pasture. The
in Somalia, locust outbreaks are also expected to rise in
sequences of events that lead to a major outbreak are
complex and difficult to predict, but depend on climate
patterns both within and outside the country.
Figure 3.8 Somalia’s agricultural calendar and desert locust life cycle
Rainy season
Dry season
Lean season
Laying eggs
Hatching and
band formation
Mature swarms
in Europe. In much of the region, governments resorted As rainfall increases due to climate change in Soma-
to the use of millions of liters of highly toxic organophos- lia, locust outbreaks are expected to rise in frequency.
phates to control transboundary swarms (Müller et al. Desert locusts generally thrive in wetter conditions, which
2021). allows immature swarms to rapidly complete their mat-
uration (ICRC 2020); and higher rainfall extremes, often
As discussed above, impacts to agriculture and livestock associated with floods, have been more frequent over
are strong drivers of poverty and displacement, and exac- recent decades (Ogallo, Ouma, and Omondi 2017). A new
erbate other forms of vulnerability, particularly gender. study has shown a connection between the 2019/20
desert locust upsurge in East Africa and the role of warm-
ing anomalies in the Indian Ocean (Müller et al. 2021). An
Climate drivers Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report states
While it is not possible to predict desert locust outbreaks that Indian Ocean warming anomalies “are anticipated to
with accuracy, an increase in cyclone activity in the west- occur twice as often, which could also increase the occur-
ern Indian ocean is likely to increase the frequency of rence of pest outbreaks” (IPCC 2022a, 795).
locust swarms in Somalia.
52 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Poverty linkage Climate trend
Crop stress Crop agriculture Chronic $10–$100 million Very strong No clear trend
famines, are likely to make food security increasingly Map 3.4 Drought risk by 2050
challenging, especially in combination with ongoing and
projected future increases in global food prices.
Climate drivers
Rising temperatures between the months of Sep-
tember and March may cause the soils in Somalia to
become drier. Dry spells may increase in frequency and
duration, and the projected increase in temperature will
also increase evapotranspiration and hence crop water
demand (Richardson et al. 2022). Despite the proba-
bility of modest increases in overall rainfall, the more
pronounced increase in temperature is likely to have a
greater impact on crop production, with an increasing
probability of failed growing seasons (map 3.4). Source: Shiferaw et al. 2014.
Note: Figure shows the probability of a failed growing season due to drought in
2050 under the IPCC’s A1 scenario.
Effects will differ across different crops, and yield pro-
jections show high uncertainties. Staple Somali crops
such as maize, sorghum, and millet will struggle with will be water availability, and the high uncertainty in pre-
rising temperatures. Projections suggest crop yields dictions for Somalia means there are currently no robust
across Sub-Saharan Africa will decrease by 10 percent predictions. Recent models suggested cowpeas are likely
under warming scenarios of 2°C, and up to 20 percent to show a positive trend in yields; rice yields are also pro-
beyond 2°C (Carleton 2022). Beyond a temperature jected to improve. However, projections for millet show
increase of 3°C, all present-day cropping areas for maize, high interannual variability, and no clear trend in yields
millet, and sorghum in Somalia are likely to become can be derived (PIK/Adelphi 2022).
unsuitable. However, the greatest determinant of yields
54 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Crop diseases and Whole country Occasional $10–$100 million Very strong No clear trend
droughts are linked to significantly increased toxins in creating a conducive environment for bacteria to grow in
maize, sorghum, and wheat, the main staple foods in the these crops, thus damaging maize stalks and making it
country. There is a likelihood of droughts and heat stress easier for plant pathogens to thrive.
Heat stress on Whole country Chronic $100 million–$1 billion Very strong Strong increase
Map 3.5 Long-term average annual heat stress and regional significant trend, 2001–20
Map 3.6 Average frequency of days with severe/danger heat stress per year for dairy cattle, sheep,
poultry, beef cattle, goats, and swine, 1981–2010
the incidence of embryo mortality increases approx- Goats are considered well adapted to the tropical cli-
imately 26-fold (Romo-Barron et al. 2019). In general, mate (Sejian et al. 2018), but their adaptive responses
heat stress conditions affect sexual behavior and reduce significantly hamper their productivity. The impact of
sexual activity and sperm quality, resulting in poor con- elevated ambient temperature is 12 percent, 3–10 percent,
ception and leading to reduced lambing rates (Dwyer and 4 percent reduced growth, milk, and meat production,
2009). respectively. Goats begin experiencing heat stress when
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 57
exposed to 38°C and above with a Temperature Humid- which is accounted for by milk production. Given the
ity Index of above 75 (Aleena et al. 2018; Battini et al. 2014). high potential for heat stress impacts, current losses are
roughly estimated to lie in the range of hundreds of mil-
Camels respond to heat stress through several physio- lions of dollars.
logical processes such as decreasing dry matter intake,
milk yield, and reproduction. Heat stress thus has a con- As discussed above, sectoral impacts have strong links to
siderable influence on camels’ overall production and poverty, gender, and other forms of social vulnerability.
reproduction performance (Habte et al. 2021). Heat stress
leads to physiological change and decreased dry matter
intake, leading to reduced milk yields of around 35 per- Climate drivers
cent (Rhoads et al. 2009); it also affects milk chemical The International Livestock Research Institute proj-
composition (Pragna et al. 2017). ects a drastic increase in the number of days of extreme
heat stress per year over the coming decades, which
Cattle herd composition among Somalian lactation is expected to adversely affect livestock production
cows is as follows: dairy, 21 percent; dry cows, 56 per- and productivity in Somalia. Average maximum tem-
cent; heifers, 14 percent; and bulls, 9 percent. Among peratures and the number of very hot days each year
dairy cattle, the probability of severe/danger heat stress (daily maximum temperature above 35°C) are projected
events in any given year ranges from 40 to 50 percent in to increase with high certainty across the country, with
some areas in the southern part of Somalia to over 50 per- central Somalia—an important area for livestock—par-
cent in the northern parts. Beef cattle production is less ticularly affected. Climate projections indicate that there
sensitive to heat stress than dairy cattle production, rang- will be significant increases in the number of days with
ing from mild to no heat stress in the northern parts of dangerously high wet bulb temperatures; the greatest
Somalia to 45–50 percent in the south. increase will be at the hottest time of year—April/May (see
discussion under section 3.4 for more detail; wet bulb tem-
Mean annual production from Somalia’s livestock sector
peratures are discussed in box 3.1).
is estimated to total over $3 billion, a large majority of
58 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Fodder availability Whole country Chronic $100 million–$1 billion Very strong Weak increase
and quality (given probability of
future more severe
growing conditions)
Nature of risk herders to sell more of their livestock than they would
under normal conditions, resulting in plummeting live-
Decreased rainfall and subsequent stresses on grass-
stock prices and deteriorating rural incomes. Reduced
land quality may threaten pasture and feed supplies,
availability of livestock products in local rural and urban
reducing the amount of quality forage available to graz-
markets affects food security—especially affecting the
ing livestock. Some areas in Somalia will experience
poor, who struggle to meet rising prices resulting from
longer, more intense droughts, resulting from higher
lower productivity. Decreased livestock productivity has
annual temperatures and reduced precipitation.
substantial impacts on Somalia’s wider economy, as live-
stock products represent such a sizable proportion of
Late-onset or early cessation of the rainy seasons
both internal and export markets.
can degrade pasture and force longer and further
migrations. Increasing temperatures decrease pasture
production, and result in poorer quality of forage spe- Climate drivers
cies. Similarly, higher temperatures are associated with
increased lignification in plant tissues and decreased Prolonged droughts and intense rainstorms both have
digestibility of forage, directly affecting forage supply for adverse impacts on fodder availability and quality.
livestock. All these factors combine to jeopardize livestock Current climate projections indicate increasing tem-
productivity, undermining pastoral production systems peratures; while there is high uncertainty in rainfall
and increasing the risks of poverty and displacement. projections, it is likely that water scarcity will moderately
increase in most areas. Intense rainstorms are projected
to become more frequent and severe. This will make it
Magnitude of impact increasingly difficult to raise livestock and could result
in extended areas of the country becoming unsuitable for
There are little data specifically on the impacts to
livestock production by the end of the century. Such an
Somalia’s livestock sector of climate-related impacts
outcome would be devastating for Somalia’s rural liveli-
on forage. Given the general value of the sector, recent
hoods and food security.
drying conditions, and the fact that around 30 percent
livestock mortality can typically result from drought con-
Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide can increase
ditions, the current impact (in nondrought conditions) is
the productivity of grass species and scrubland on
still expected to fall in the range of over $100 million.
which livestock feed. However, the quality of some of
the forage found in pasturelands decreases with higher
As discussed above, sectoral impacts have strong links
carbon dioxide.
to poverty, gender, and other forms of social vulner-
ability. Widespread droughts in Somalia have caused
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 59
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Poverty linkage Climate trend
Livestock pests and Livestock-raising Chronic and episodic $100 million–$1 billion Very strong No clear trend
diseases areas , particularly (depending on pest/
of southern Somalia disease)
Map 3.7 Predicted areas of suitability for three tsetse fly groups (subgenera) in Africa, 1999
a. Fusca group, subgenus Austenina b. Palpalis group, subgenus Nemorhina c. Morsitans group, subgenus Glossina
Map 3.8 Epidemic suitability map for Rift Valley and Mohamed 2015)—implying losses across all livestock
fever in Africa from that disease alone could be about twice as high.
Climate drivers
Changes in rainfall and temperature, the interaction
between them, and their subsequent impact on the
wider natural environment all have different influences
on the spread and incidence of individual livestock pests
and diseases. Effects are species specific, and in many
cases poorly characterized. Given this fundamental lack of
knowledge, as well as the significant uncertainty around
future rainfall regimes, the overall effect of future climate
change on the incidence of livestock pests and diseases is
Source: Clements et al. 2006.
Note: Based on weighted linear combination. Suitability scores range from 0 unknown, although some predictions can be made.
(completely unsuitable) to 255 (completely suitable).
Changing rainfall patterns and rising temperatures
will affect the geographic range and incidence of
Locust outbreaks (discussed above) also have severe vector-borne diseases, increasing their incidences in
impacts on pastures and therefore the livestock sector. areas that are currently not suitable for transmission
(Richardson et al. 2022). Ae. aegypti (the vector for RVF)
Potential changes in veterinary practices, including an
is expected to be favored by temperature and rainfall
increase in the use of parasiticides and other animal
increases, hence RVF incidence is likely to increase in the
health treatments, are likely to be adopted to maintain
future (Diallo et al. 2022). Map 3.9 and map 3.10 show, respec-
livestock health in response to climate-induced changes
tively, current and projected incidence of Ae. aegypti
in pests, parasites, and microbes. This could increase the
across Africa, including Somalia. Historically, RVF out-
risk of pesticides entering the food chain or lead to evolu-
breaks have been most severe in the southern-central
tion of pesticide resistance, with subsequent implications
parts of Somalia and in future may become more common
for the safety, distribution, and consumption of livestock
in the north of the country (Diallo et al. 2022). Projected
products. This in turn can lead to a ban on Somali prod-
future increases in the frequency and severity of El Niño
ucts, especially by Gulf Cooperation Council countries.
events will pose serious challenges for managing RVF
Magnitude of impact
Predicted increases in temperature are also expected
The 2006/07 RVF outbreak in Somalia is estimated to to spread the tsetse fly, and therefore African try-
have resulted in total economic losses to the livestock panosomiasis. Highland areas that are not currently
sector of around $470 million at 2007 prices (FAO 2017). suitable for the tsetse fly are likely to grapple with African
The average annual losses to camel milk and meat produc-
tion from one species of trypanosome has been estimated
at a couple of hundred million dollars (Salah, Robertson, 6
See for example, Ying et al. (2022).
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 61
Map 3.9 Current habitat suitability in Africa Map 3.10 Future habitat suitability in Africa
for Ae. aegypti associated with dengue fever for Ae. aegypti associated with dengue fever
incidences incidences
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Poverty linkage Climate trend
Somalia’s offshore fisheries (beyond 24 nautical miles GDP (SomInvest 2022), make up at least 8 percent of
from the coast) are based on migratory species, such exports, and employ around 70,000 people (SATG 2018).
as oceanic tunas, with pronounced seasonal pat- Fish consumption by Somali households is reported to be
terns of abundance in Somali waters. A vast proportion one of the lowest in the world (MEP 2021b).
of the offshore fishery catch is taken by foreign-owned
fishing boats and landed elsewhere. Much of this is con- The productivity of Somalia’s fisheries is driven by cold
sidered illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing upwelling in the western Indian Ocean. This upwelling
(UNIDO 2021) and is poorly documented (FAO 2005), but it is the fifth largest in the world and very stable (figure 3.9).
is clear that very little of the value flows back to Somalia, It is seasonal rather than permanent, occurring during
although some license fees are collected. Coastal fisher- the southwest monsoon (May–September). The Somali
ies are focused on the narrow continental shelf (map 3.11), upwelling has three parts (Chatterjee et al. 2019):
and dominated by subsistence and artisanal fishers. This
is the main source of Somalia’s fisheries exports, primar- l Northern part: current-induced upwelling centered at
ily mollusks and crustaceans. approximately 10°N on the northern limb of the Great
Despite the country ‘s substantial marine resources,
Somalia’s fisheries sector is undeveloped and/or
underperforms in relation to capturing national value.
Fisheries contribute only about 1–2 percent to Somalia’s
64 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Map 3.11 Fishing zones in Somalia l Central part: wind-induced coastal upwelling, which is
opposed by downwelling Rossby waves8
l Southern part: current-induced upwelling centered at
approximately 4°N on the northern limb of the South-
ern Gyre.
Rossby waves are huge, undulating movements of the ocean that
stretch horizontally across the planet for hundreds of kilometers in a
westward direction. They are so large and massive they can change the
Earth’s climate conditions (source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Source: UNIDO 2021. Map from Project Baldwyn: Secure Fisheries. Administration, What is a Rossby wave?).
Figure 3.9 Schematic of the Somali upwelling and its associated mechanisms
coastline, extending out to the 200 meter (m) isobath. This To date, the Somali upwelling not only has little interan-
region also roughly aligns with Somalia’s Exclusive Eco- nual variability (unlike some other oceanic upwellings) but
nomic Zone (EEZ), extending 200 nautical miles from the also does not seem to be affected by other extreme ocean
coast, where it has rights to regulate the fishery. temperature events such El Niño and the Indian Ocean
Dipole. However, climate change is already altering ocean
conditions off Somalia’s coast, particularly water tem-
Nature of risk perature and various aspects of ocean bio-geochemistry
Climate impacts on marine fisheries are expected to be (World Bank 2021a).
mainly dependent on two processes:
A socioecological risk assessment for Somalia’s fisher-
l Climate-driven shifts in the Somali upwelling reducing ies (figure 3.10) placed Somalia in a high risk category. Its
productivity overall risk score was 68 out of 100, based primarily on its
lack of adaptive capacity, although exposure was rated
l Increases in water temperature (and therefore as low, due to the low relative importance of the fisher-
decreases in dissolved oxygen) driving away active ies industry to the country ‘s economy and use of fish as a
species that are intolerant of low oxygen levels (espe- food source in Somalia (table 3.7).
cially oceanic migrants, such as tuna).
Policy feedback
Risk of marine
species under climate Vulnerability
Table 3.7 Individual component risk scores for Somalia’s fisheries within its EEZ
The Somali mangroves are important habitats to fish onshore processing and marketing jobs. Overall, impacts in
(particularly as spawning grounds for coastal species) the fisheries sector are expected to show similar patterns
and are critical for conservation of marine biodiver- of poverty and gender linkage to other rural livelihoods.
sity, as well as providing a range of other environmental
services. Somalia’s mangroves are threatened and the
current annual rate of mangrove deforestation is around Climate drivers
1 percent per year. Mangrove degradation is mostly a Recent modeling under RCP 8.5 indicates future impacts
consequence of direct human pressures on the coastal by the end of the century as follows (MEP 2021b):
and marine environment, particularly given the lack of
protected reserves in Somalia, but these pressures are l By the end of the century, the Somali upwelling
exacerbated by rising sea levels, high sea temperatures, system will persist, but will be approximately 20 per-
and other factors linked to climate change (Mumuli and cent less productive overall in the main upwelling
Oduori 2010) (figure 3.11). zone and season. The reduced primary productivity
will cascade through the food web, amplifying the loss
of food availability at each trophic level.
Magnitude of impact
Domestic (commercial) fishing has been conservatively l Localized increases in primary productivity have the
estimated at around $135 million annually (SomInvest potential to support localized fisheries throughout
2022). Future catch reductions to 2100 due to climate the century if they are not reef-dependent.
impacts range between 9.5 percent (RCP 2.5) and 60.9
l By the end of the century, an overall rise of 4°C in sea
percent (RCP 8.5) as shown in table 3.8. Interpolating from
surface temperature is projected for both monsoon
this to current impacts from historical warming of at least
seasons. During the southwest monsoon, mean sea
1°C provides the estimate given here of the magnitude of
surface temperatures are projected to reach > 28°C by
current costs.
2030, > 29°C by 2050, and > 31°C by 2100.
Many coastal communities that rely on fisheries are poor l More than a 3°C rise relative to baseline conditions
and relatively marginalized. Gender roles are also pro- is considered catastrophic for most coral species,
nounced in fisheries, with women largely restricted to which in Somalia will occur as early as the 2050s.
Some more naturally thermally tolerant corals, such as
those in the Arabian Gulf, may persist toward the end of
Figure 3.11 Conceptual framework of principal the century. The response of the reef systems in Soma-
impacting factors of climate change and how lia and the impact on the fisheries supported by these
they are likely to negatively influence mangrove habitats will therefore depend on coral diversity and
density, which is not known for Somalia.
l The surface waters of the Somali EEZ and upwell-
ing region will become unsuitable thermal habitat for
adult yellowfin and bigeye, and for tuna larvae from
as early as the 2060s. Adult skipjack are more toler-
ant of higher temperatures and may persist in surface
waters in the region until the 2080s. Toward the end
of the century, skipjack and yellowfin are likely to shift
distribution to cooler surface waters (north and east),
whereas bigeye may be able to increase residency in
deeper layers and remain in the Somali region. All pro-
jections point toward tuna surface fisheries becoming
less significant in the Somali EEZ from 2080 onwards.
Source: Ward et al. 2016.
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 67
Table 3.8 Percentage changes in maximum catch potential under low and high greenhouse gas
emissions scenarios, by 2050 and 2100
Low greenhouse gas emissions scenario High greenhouse gas emissions scenario
(RCP 2.6) (RCP 8.5)
Model 2050 2100 2050 2100
l The projected decline of 0.5 milligrams/liter in surface changing ocean currents, increased intensities of storms,
oxygen by the end of the century (due to increases in increased temperatures, changes in precipitation, and
temperature reducing solubility and restricting ven- increased carbon dioxide at global scales (Ward et al.
tilation from subsurface layers) during both monsoon 2016). Climatological forecasts by the Intergovernmental
seasons is not sufficiently low to become a limiting Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that oceanic pH may
factor for many species. decline by 0.07–0.31 and mean atmospheric carbon diox-
ide concentrations will increase to 441 parts per million
Table 3.8 summarizes projected decreases in potential (ppm) from 391 ppm with significant impacts on man-
catch for both RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5 emissions scenarios. groves (Alongi 2015). In the event of negative impacts on
mangroves, economic impacts on ethnic communities
Climate change is likely to have a substantial impact on surviving on coastal biodiversity resources in Somalia are
mangrove ecosystems in Somalia. This is due to the con- expected.
sequences of the projected sea level rise of 1.1 to 3.8 m,
3.4 Health
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Mortality Poverty linkage Climate trend
Heat stress on Whole country Chronic $10–$100 million 100–1,000 Very strong Strong increase
68 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Nature of risk events occur without heatstroke and, in these cases, the
mechanisms remain unclear. It is likely that heat exposure
High temperatures and humidity put physiological
increases the amount of oxygen that the heart requires to
stress on human bodies, reducing productivity and
maintain optimal function (myocardial oxygen require-
eventually leading to a range of chronic and acute health
ment) (Chaseling et al. 2021).
problems (box 3.1). Losses to human productivity due to
heat stress have the potential for significant adverse eco- Mortality rates during heatwaves can be high. For exam-
nomic impacts. ple, 70,000 deaths were attributed to the 2003 European
heatwave (Robine et al. 2008). Risk factors are not only
Cardiovascular diseases are often identified as a risk
cardiovascular disease. Old age, chronic illnesses, some
factor for heat-related hospitalization and death.
medications, social isolation, and a lack of access to
During extreme heat events, people with existing cardio-
adequate cooling are also identified as contributing to
vascular disease are at greater risk of hospitalizations
mortality during heatwaves. There are no data covering
and death. The reasons for this are not yet fully under-
the numbers affected or the economic costs explicitly
stood (figure 3.12). Some of the effects of extreme heat
related to the association between heat events and car-
on adverse cardiovascular events can been explained in
diovascular disease for Somalia or elsewhere.
the context of heatstroke. However, many cardiovascular
Very hot days, with daily maximums over 35°C, are already
common in Somalia, and show a clearly increasing trend
(figure 3.13).
Box 3.1 An explanation of heat risk and
temperature Heat stress will affect agricultural production, as
rising daytime temperatures and more frequent heat-
The physiological impact of heat is determined by
waves lower the productivity of people working on key
both temperature and humidity (as high humid-
activities such as sowing, weeding, and harvesting.
ity impedes the body ‘s ability to shed heat through
Occupational heat-related mortality is 35 times higher
sweating) and is measured by “wet bulb tem-
among agricultural workers compared to workers from
perature” (the temperature of a thermometer
other industries. Agricultural workers in Somalia are often
covered with a moist towel). Wet bulb tempera-
exposed to hot environmental conditions. Hyperthermia
ture approaches dry bulb temperature as relative
from exertion and environmental conditions during agri-
humidity rises to 100 percent, as the cooling effect
cultural work can trigger a range of symptoms and may
of evaporation is lost. Prolonged exposure to
lead to the death of workers.
wet bulb temperatures above 35°C is fatal. Sus-
tained exposure to wet bulb temperatures above
Somalia’s cities and towns are all likely to experience
32°C makes vigorous physical activity difficult and
urban heat island (UHI) effects (box 3.2; figure 3.14). The
potentially dangerous.
projected increasing frequency and severity of heatwaves
over the rest of the century (see map 3.12) will almost cer-
Heat stress is also sometimes measured by a
tainly increase the additional UHI-induced temperatures
Heat Index (sometimes referred to as “appar-
Somalia’s urban populations will experience.
ent temperature.” This measure also combines
temperature and humidity. But while wet bulb tem-
Poorer urban populations are usually the most affected
perature reflects heat in sunlight, the Heat Index
by UHI effects. This is because these populations live in
indicates shade temperatures and is more repre-
crowded conditions, with limited tree cover and open
sentative of how hot it feels indoors in a building
green areas; and their buildings are poorly constructed,
without additional cooling. A wet bulb temperature
poorly insulated, and have metal roofs (Li et al. 2021).
of 32°C is roughly equivalent to a Heat Index tem-
In Somalia, IDP settlements are also at particular risk. In
perature of 55°C.
addition, UHI can cause smog to form, trapping particulate
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 69
Map 3.12 Projections of the annual number of very Mogadishu and Kismayo may have some UHI
hot days (daily maximum temperature above impacts mitigated due to their coastal location with
35°C) for different greenhouse gas emissions regular onshore breezes. As yet, no studies have spe-
scenarios cifically looked at the impact of UHIs in any Somali urban
Magnitude of impact
Heat stress results in lost labor productivity as people
adapt physiologically (sweating) and behaviorally
(self-pacing). Where heat stress exceeds the body ‘s abil-
ity to maintain a comfortable core temperature, a range of
heat-related illnesses can occur (Cheung, Lee, and Oksa
2016). High temperatures can exacerbate cardiovascu-
lar disease (Cosselman, Navas-Acien, and Kaufman 2015),
stroke, renal diseases (Barraclough et al. 2017), neurode-
Source: PIK/Adelphi 2022. generative diseases (Killin et al. 2016), and type 2 diabetes
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 71
(Cook, Wellik, and Fowke 2011). Extreme temperatures can Table 3.9 Heat impacts on labor productivity, by
be fatal. sector (percentage change)
There are no Somalia-specific studies on the impacts cost of heat stress is conservatively estimated to lie in the
of heat on labor productivity. A recent diagnostic cover- range of $10–$100 million per year.
ing several locations in East Africa provides some insights
(Kruse et al. 2021). This study used three levels of work, Current heat-related mortality is estimated at around
each with different metabolic rates, indicated in watts (W): 2 deaths per 100,000 people (or over 300 in total) per
low intensity (200 W) such as light clerical work; medium year (PIK/Adelphi 2022). The poor are at much higher risk
intensity (300 W); and high intensity (400 W), representing of heat stress due both to exposure being most severe for
construction or agricultural labor. The analysis for Mom- those engaged in physically demanding work outdoors
basa (of the locations analyzed, the nearest in climatic (agricultural workers and construction laborers) and to
conditions to Somalia) indicated that, by end of century, lack of access to cooling solutions (air conditioners, cold
productivity losses under RCP 6.0 will exceed 13 percent water, etc.).
for 400 W, 7.7 percent for medium-intensity work, and
2.5 percent for low-intensity work. Under RCP 2.6, losses High temperatures can add to electricity demand as more
were still substantial for high-intensity work, at 5.6 per- people use air conditioning more frequently and at higher
cent; there was a 2 percent loss for medium work and a cooling rates. A study in Thailand indicates that tempera-
negligible 0.1 percent loss for light work. ture increases of 1.7°C–3.4°C by 2080 would increase peak
electricity demand by 3.7–8.3 percent in 2050, and 6.6–15.3
Another study, based on increases in temperature rather percent in 2080, even assuming no increase in air condi-
than RCPs and/or time periods, provides different levels tioning usage (Parkpoon and Harrison 2008). These figures
of impacts for Somalia (table 3.9) with considerably higher are probably conservative as, in practice, higher tempera-
productivity losses at higher temperatures—especially tures combined with economic and social development
for higher-intensity work such as agriculture (Roson and over coming decades will mean that more people use air
Sartori 2016). In this analysis, Somalia is clustered with conditioning, and electricity demand directly linked to cli-
a number of small East Africa countries, including small mate change will increase significantly.
island states, which do not necessarily share similar initial
levels of productivity or identical future climate impacts,
possibly making the specific findings less robust. Climate drivers
The number of very hot days each year (with daily max-
Based on an existing temperature rise of 1°C, and on
imum temperature above 35°C) is projected to increase
an assumption that the value of agricultural and other
with high certainty all over Somalia, with central Somalia
exposed forms of labor exceeds $1 billion, the current
72 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
being particularly affected (PIK/Adelphi 2022) (map 3.12). Figure 3.16 Projected days with Heat Index > 35°C
In addition, higher rainfall may increase humidity. Climate anomaly
projections indicate there will be dramatic increases in the
number of days with dangerously high wet bulb tempera-
tures, and the greatest increase will be at the hottest time
of year—April/May (figure 3.15 and figure 3.16).
Source: World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Somalia. b. Heat-related mortality, assuming no adaptation
Vector-borne Whole country Chronic $10–$100 million > 10,000 Strong No clear trend
l Dengue is mainly transmitted by the Aedes aegypti risk for dengue, but the risk is higher in the southern
mosquito and primarily associated with urban envi- half of the country. There have been large outbreaks in
ronments in East Africa. All of Somalia is considered at Somalia’s cities—for example, the 2011 epidemic cen-
tered on Mogadishu (Kyobe Bosa et al. 2014). Urban
environments appear to scale up dengue transmission
Map 3.13 Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum because multiple sources of clean water for breeding
malaria in different regions increases the available habitat for vectors. Detailed
information on the distribution, vector competence,
and insecticide susceptibilities of Ae. aegypti and other
dengue vectors are lacking in Somalia (and the rest of
even regularly. Once an outbreak is established, it can or severe. WHO data suggest that around 90 percent of
be further spread by Culex spp. mosquitoes transmit- malaria case are uncomplicated (WHO 2022).
ting infected blood. Ticks and biting midges may also
be able to spread the virus. The female Aedes spp. There have been no specific studies on the eco-
mosquito can transmit the virus directly to her off- nomic costs of malaria in Somalia. Recent research in
spring (vertical transmission) via eggs leading to new Mozambique—a country comparable for its low levels of
generations of infected mosquitoes. This is not the household income and underresourced health sector—
case for Culex spp. mosquito. found the median costs of malaria care to society (i.e.,
costs to both households and the health system) were
Although primarily seen as a livestock disease, RVF
$7.80 per uncomplicated case and $107.64 per severe
also infects humans, especially those living close
case (Alonso et al. 2019). Combining these figures with the
to livestock. Human-to-human transmission has
WHO’s current incidence figures each year and assuming
not been documented (WHO 2018), but virus titers in
10 percent of cases are severe, suggests a current total
infected humans are high enough to infect mosqui-
economic cost close to $15 million per year in Somalia.
toes and introduce RVF into new areas (NJDA 2003).
In humans, the disease usually presents with mild Poor individuals are more likely to sleep without bed
flu-like symptoms, although a significant propor- nets, are less likely to prioritize paying for insect repel-
tion (up to 8 percent) develop severe conditions which lents, and have limited access to medical care when they
can have long-lasting health impacts. Documented fall ill. They also are more likely to live in lower-quality
human death rates are usually less than 1 percent (WHO housing situated close to vector-breeding sites. These
2018), but where herders are remote from health care circumstances place them at high risk from vector-borne
facilities, mortality rates of 12 percent have been docu- diseases. High incidences of vector-borne disease can
mented (MAPA, n.d.). increase health inequities and act as a brake on socio-
economic development (Campbell-Lendrum et al. 2015).
World Bank Open Data.
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 75
Although everyone is at risk for malaria and dengue, Map 3.15 Modeled output of malaria transmission
the burden of disease falls disproportionately on the
poor, who can least afford either avoidance or treat- a. RCP 4.5 by 2030 b. RCP 8.5 by 2030
ment measures. Research indicates that climate change
is increasing the spread of vector-borne illnesses such
as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus, all of which are
linked to worse maternal and neonatal outcomes (Oberg
et al. 2021).
Climate drivers
Recent modeling of malaria prevalence across Africa
suggests that the incidence of malaria in Somalia will
reduce over time (see map 3.14 and map 3.15). This is
Conversely, Ae. aegypti is expected to be favored by the southern-central parts of Somalia and in future may
temperature increases, and hence dengue incidence is become more common in the north of the country. While
predicted to increase in the future (Diallo et al. 2022). outbreaks are generally associated with heavy rainfall,
Map 3.10 shows projected incidence across Africa, includ- they can also occur during droughts when limited stand-
ing Somalia. These projections suggest that over the ing water concentrates mosquito larvae. In East Africa,
coming decades, dengue risk may increase moderately, over half of recent El Niño occurrences have been accom-
especially in the north of the country. Somalia’s rapidly panied by RVF outbreaks (FAO 2017). Projected future
increasing urban population is also likely to fuel future increases in the frequency and severity of El Niño events
dengue incidence. (see, e.g., Ying et al. 2022) will pose serious challenges for
managing RVF outbreaks.
As Ae. aegypti is also the primary vector for RVF, rising
temperatures may see an increase in RVF outbreaks,
especially if intense rainstorms become more frequent.
Historically, RVF outbreaks have been most severe in
rate attributed to unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene Figure 3.18 Mortality rate attributed to unsafe
(WASH) of around 86 per 100,000 of Somalia’s population. water, unsafe sanitation, and lack of hygiene
This compares to around 51 per 100,000 in Kenya and 32
per 100,000 in Uganda (figure 3.18).10 Uganda
World Bank Open Data.
78 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Figure 3.19 How extreme weather events impact the status of waterborne protozoa diseases
Climate change
Heavy rainfall
Increased frequency Heatwaves
Increased duration
Contaminated water
Water and food Introduction of food
with infective
contamination safety hazards
(oo)cysts return to
(protozoa [oo]cysts)
waterways untreated
Poor sanitation
Spread of diarrheal
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Poverty linkage Climate trend
(AfDB 2020). Around 90 percent of the Somalia’s primary Source: World Food Programme, 2013.
roads require extensive rehabilitation: only 13 percent of
its roads are paved (2,860 km out of the total 11,434 km),
with the remaining earth or gravel (map 3.16). Poor main- inaccessible or impassable. A 2016 African Development
tenance has impaired the quality of many roads, including Bank assessment found identified 90 percent of paved
paved routes. Seasonal flooding frequently makes roads roads as deteriorated and beyond their design life. Nev-
ertheless, even though most roads are in poor condition,
80 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
l Extreme precipitation and flooding can prevent access to roads by motorists or maintenance crews; it also poses risks to drain-
age systems by overwhelming them with water and storm debris
l Extreme temperatures can cause road buckling
l Some types of asphalt binder have exhibited sensitivity beginning at 42°C, particularly if combined with truck traffic
l There is a potential for significantly reduced operational capacity above 46°C due to impacts on both the road surface and vehi-
cle operation
Roads l Thresholds for damage to roads and drainage systems are often observed at the 50- to 100-year flood level
l Bridges, which are often designed with higher thresholds in mind, may be susceptible to 100– to 500-year floods
l Strong winds have been observed to affect road usability above 62 km/hour and pose a significant hazard above 119 km/hour
l Winds over 150 km/hour may cause damage to permanent road signage
l Winds over 225 km/hour may cause stress to bridges
l Extreme weather conditions can also affect the health and safety of transport workers and passengers
l There is an employee health and safety risk possible above 30°C and a high risk above 40°C
l Extreme temperatures can cause buckling of airport runways, pavements, and access roads
l Flooding can inundate and damage runways and parked aircraft
l Storm surge and sea level rise can inundate assets and equipment at low-lying coastal airports; Mogadishu airport is at partic-
Aviation ular risk
l Exposure to saltwater can cause short-circuiting and accelerated corrosion of electrical equipment
l Extreme temperatures can reduce aircraft lift and require longer takeoff runs
l Extreme weather conditions can affect the health and safety of aviation workers and passengers
l Storm surge and flooding can damage marine port buildings and equipment, including damage to structures from increased
wave and water loads and increased corrosion due to exposure to saltwater
l Sea defenses, breakwaters, quays, and jetties may require additional construction to raise their height as sea level rises
Marine l Extreme precipitation can increase erosion and sedimentation around harbors and access channels
l Extreme temperatures can cause buckling of ports’ paved surfaces and access roads
l Changes in extreme precipitation can result in the need for additional dredging
l Extreme weather conditions can affect the health and safety of marine transport workers and passengers
Source: Based on World Bank, Climate and Disaster Risk Screening—Sector Screening Guidance Note: Transportation Sector.
Note: Flood impacts are dealt with in the subsections on fluvial and pluvial flood and coastal flooding.
Somalia’s Rural Access Index is relatively high, at 31 per- it can soften and melt if temperatures are high enough.
cent.11 This reflects the country ‘s high level of urbanization If temperatures then cool, the tarmac becomes brittle
and a population distribution pattern whereby many and easily breaks up under heavy traffic loads. Together,
people live along a few corridors that have relatively good these effects lead to a rapid deterioration of road sur-
connectivity (World Bank 2017). faces. The temperature of paved road surfaces can be
20°C-30°C hotter than the surrounding air temperatures;
There are no available data indicating the proportion of so in a hot country like Somalia, the potential risk to paved
Somalia’s paved roads built using asphalt suited to the road surfaces is high. This risk can be mitigated if suitable
ambient temperatures. Tarmac is viscoelastic, meaning bitumen (or other modern polymer binder) is used (Jyo-
this and Sailor 2022).
The World Bank’s Rural Access Index measures the proportion of people
living within 2 km of an all-season road.
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 81
Before the civil war, Somalia had 15 operational ports Magnitude of impact
and facilities. However, in recent years, only four ports—
Understanding the cost of current climate conditions
Mogadishu, Bossaso, Berbera, and Kismayo—have been
on infrastructure is challenging. A robust estimate would
fully operational (MPWR&H 2019; AfDB 2016) (map 3.17).
require detailed knowledge not only of actual and/or
Sea level rise will require strengthening port’s sea opportunity costs of infrastructure maintenance within
defenses and possibly raising the heights of jetties and Somalia, but also comparator data across different loca-
quays. (See subsection on coastal flooding.) No specific tions to apportion costs attributable to climate conditions
assessments or plans have been made to adapt Somalia’s vis-à-vis usage rates (e.g., traffic volumes). This informa-
existing ports to projected rises in sea level. tion is generally lacking. Based on unit costs for different
road classes from other African countries, a ballpark
Limited connectivity has a significant impact on key figure for the cost of keeping Somalia’s current road net-
economic and social sectors, such as trade, agricul- work well maintained would be on the order of several
ture, fisheries, health, and education. Improvements in million dollars. The current cost is therefore estimated to
the road network—both as connectivity for residents and lie in the range of $10–$100 million, given that climate con-
to facilitate regional trade—have the potential to pay div- ditions are only partially responsible for these costs. That
idends for national development, but will take many years is a conservative estimate, in that it only considers one
and billions of dollars of investment (World Bank 2022a). major class of infrastructure.
Climate drivers
Increases in the frequency and intensity of floods,
storms, and heatwaves, along with sea level rise, all
create risks of damage and disruption to urban, power,
and transport infrastructure. Mitigating the potential
Source: Bhattacharjee 2022. adverse impacts of these climate-linked factors will add
to the costs of infrastructure development.
82 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Risk Distribution Frequency Economic cost Poverty linkage Climate trend
Woodfuels remain the overwhelming source of domestic between 2,900 to 3,100 hours of sunlight per year (RCREEE
energy in Somalia. Electricity supply is fragmented and 2022)—which indicates excellent photovoltaic energy
extremely limited, based on mini- and micro-grids oper- potential (map 3.19).
ated by private sector energy service providers (ESPs).
Almost all of these are currently powered solely by diesel
generators (Aynte et al. 2022), but there are a few hybrid
Map 3.19 Somalia: photovoltaic power potential
mini-grid systems that combine diesel with wind and/or
solar power.12 Overall, there is great potential for Soma-
lia to develop renewable energy resources. More than 50
percent of Somalia has wind speeds greater than 6 m per
second, which are excellent for electric energy production
(map 3.18). In addition, Somalia has one of the highest daily
averages of total solar radiation in the world—averaging
NESCOM, a large ESP in Garowe, and BECO, a large ESP in Mogadishu,
are two examples of successful hybrid systems. Details of these experi-
ences are documented by Aynte et al. (2014). 13
See for example World Bank (2021c).
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 83
up hybrid systems that combine solar and wind power Magnitude of impact
with diesel generators (World Bank 2022a). Building a
Current economic costs resulting from climate-linked
national grid along with interconnectors from neighbor-
damage to power generation and transmission infra-
ing Kenya and Ethiopia, are also key priorities in Somalia’s
structure are low because there is so little infrastructure.
Power Master Plan. This would result in power imports
These costs will increase as the power sector develops,
based largely on hydropower, especially any sourced
expands, and is exposed to new risks (Sieber 2013). The
from Ethiopia.
investments required to upgrade Somalia’s power sup-
plies and ensure they are resilient to climate impacts
Nature of risk run to billions of dollars. It is important that investment,
even modest investment, take account of climate risks to
Climate hazards such as droughts, floods and storms
ensure the resilience of infrastructure to weather hazards
have the potential to damage energy infrastructure
and to keep emissions in check.
and disrupt energy supply. Direct lightning strikes or
creeping currents from lightning may damage electricity Only a small proportion of the population presently has
distribution equipment. Floods and high winds can cause access to electricity; in general terms, the poor have
breaks in transmission lines, and flooding can inundate the least access. This means that the impact of failures
substations. Renewable energy sources based on fresh- in power generation, transmission, and distribution have
water flows, wind, and solar are all directly dependent less adverse poverty impacts than they would in countries
on weather patterns. High temperatures can also reduce with a more developed power sector. Nevertheless, risks
the efficiency of thermal power plants and transformers. to poor households’ short-term electricity access are not
For example, a 1°C rise in ambient air temperatures may as severe.
reduce the thermal efficiency of a thermal power plant
by 0.1–0.5 percent, with a total capacity loss, including
decreasing efficiency of cooling processes and shut- Climate drivers
downs, of between 1.0–2.0 percent for each 1°C increase
The largest increase in risk will come from the increase
in air temperatures.
in assets exposed to climate impacts as power gener-
ation and supply systems are developed. The nature of
The current relevance of these risks to Somalia is low,
those systems will determine the precise nature of the
as there are currently no large thermal power plants,
risks, and therefore climate trends. However, increasing
and very limited distribution infrastructure or power
temperature, and increasing and concentrated rainfall
generation based on renewables. Nevertheless, as
and storms, will increase general disruption; and more
Somalia develops, it will need to rely increasingly on
sporadic rains and increased evaporative losses may
renewable power generation and extensive transmission
affect the reliability of hydropower production.
84 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
l Water flows can be altered by increased evapotranspiration or shifts in the amount and timing of stream flow
l Heavy rainfall events can reduce the effectiveness of erosion control measures in watersheds
Land use/water-
shed management l Surface runoff may increase in volume due to higher rainfall intensities and therefore enable the collection of more
water in shallow dams and local aquifers
l Rain-fed agriculture may turn less productive due to higher evaporation losses and less runoff infiltrating the soil surface
Dams and l Heavy precipitation can cause erosion and sedimentation to occur in waterways, reducing reservoir capacity
reservoirs l Strong winds can lead to the overtopping of dams and reservoirs
l High temperatures and drought can increase water demand for industrial use, cooling in energy generation, or irrigation
l Extreme precipitation can increase runoff and introduce new contaminants into the water supply, increasing the pol-
lutant load, while low water levels as a result of drought can lead to higher concentrations of contaminants
Water supply
l Droughts can reduce recharge to surface and groundwater supplies, requiring the development of new and additional
water sources
l Sea level rise can lead to salinization of coastal groundwater resources
l High temperatures may increase algal blooms and pathogens and decrease dissolved oxygen, necessitating enhanced
wastewater treatment
l Heavy rainfall events can cause sewers to overflow and can result in flooding in combined sewer systems
l Strong winds can disrupt electricity supply, affecting pumping and treatment systems
Riverine flood l Flash floods can damage the structural integrity of embankments and dikes
l Increased rainfall variability in upstream Ethiopia may cause both more floods and worsening dry conditions in the
Juba and Shabelle
l Irrigation infrastructure systems can be damaged
basin development
l Due to worsening water scarcity, upstream Ethiopian authorities may invest in new dams, irrigation schemes, and
urban supplies, and thus reduce downstream runoff to Somalia
Source: Based on World Bank, Climate and Disaster Risk Screening—Sector Screening Guidance Note: Water Sector.
At present, water sector governance is generally weak, There are no detailed data on the costs of inadequate
though reportedly better in Puntland and Somalil- water supply. A recent World Bank study in Tanza-
and. There are low coverage rates for drinking water, nia found the overall cost of inadequate WASH around
particularly in rural areas. Somalia also lacks techni- 3.5 percent of GDP, with a component of that being the
cal and institutional capacity to collect and use accurate labor cost of fetching water, equivalent to around 1.9 per-
and timely hydrological information. As a result, water cent of GDP (World Bank 2023). Assuming similar figures
Chapter 3: Risk Summaries l 87
apply to Somalia would imply a total cost on the order of Map 3.20 Juba–Shabelle river basin average
several tens of millions of dollars per year. annual rainfall
Climate drivers
The vast majority of the flow in Somalia’s main rivers
comes from rainfall in Ethiopia (map 3.20, map 3.21).
World Bank Open Data.
75 100
-50 -50
-75 -75
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
a. SSP2-4.5 b. SSP5-8.5
125 125
100 100
75 75
50 50
25 25
0 0
-25 -25
-50 -50
-75 -75
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Prioritizing Adaptation
90 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
T his chapter recaps the overall findings
across different risks and links these to
the broader development agenda within
Somalia. Broad priorities and approaches for climate
action are identified in relation to policies and institu-
tions, physical investments, and knowledge.
may include international policy and market risks, as
well as direct risks from direct climate impacts within
the country.
92 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Table 4.1 Summary table of Somalia’s climate risks with magnitude and trend measures
Locusts 1 4 5 4
Crop stress 5 3? 5 3
Agriculture and
livestock Agricultural pests & disease 2 3 5 3
Heat stress on livestock 5 4? 5 5
Fodder availability 5 4? 5 4
Fisheries 5 2 4 4
Heat stress 5 3 3 5 5
Vector-borne disease 5 3 5 4 3
Gastrointestinal disease 5 3? 3 4 5
33 Frequent 33 $10–$100 million 33 100–1,000 33 Neutral or 33 No clear trend
44 Routine 4 $100 million– 44 1,000–10,000) unclear 44 Weak increase
4 4
55 Chronic $1 billion 55 > 10,000 4 Strong 55 Strong increase
55 > $1 billion 55 Very strong
Note: Impact is figured per event, or per year for routine or chronic events, for economic cost and mortality. Frequency ranges from rare (multidecadal), to occasional
(once or twice a decade); to frequent (at least 50% of years); to routine (generally every year); to chronic (constant impact, not discrete acute events). Economic cost is
figured in $ and includes damage and losses; those that are particularly uncertain are denoted with a “?” Mortality is indicated if applicable. Poverty linkage is whether
impact disproportionately affects the poor, with a very weak link meaning the poor are much less affected than others, weak less affected, neutral affected similarly to
others, strong affected more, and very strong meaning the poor are much more affected than others. Climate trend reflects strength of expected change in climate
stressors influencing risk, as well as the strength of their influence on the risk (as most risks will be complex processes involving many drivers).
Chapter 4: Prioritizing Adaptation Action l 95
governance and conflict crises. Managing these risks is Heat stress is expected to increase dramatically with pro-
imperative to stabilizing the country and facilitating its jected increases in temperature and precipitation; this
development. The potential for rural production systems could significantly reduce labor productivity not only in
to contribute significantly to future growth will depend agriculture and other rural production systems, but also
on adaptation and climate-proofing of rural livelihoods. in construction and other forms of low-paid urban labor
Flooding has wider economic impacts because of its where workers have little access to cooling. Disruption of
effects on urban populations, infrastructure networks, infrastructure and key services will also be a major drag
and the delivery of key services. Flood resilience will be on the development of trade and urban economies if not
critical to managing the risks to all other potential growth tackled in the planning and design of public and private
sources, due to the risks flooding poses to both urban pro- infrastructure. Urban water supply could become a major
duction as well as to the movement and trade of goods. challenge in future, although much of the change will be
driven by the increase in population and demand rather
A second set of risks are currently significant and have than climate. Over the longer term, coastal flooding could
the potential to increase. Climate stress on crops and pose a significant constraint to trade and urban devel-
livestock will increasingly affect rural production, unless opment if not accounted for in port infrastructure and
a significant increase in rainfall is rapidly realized (a pos- vulnerable coastal cities.
sible, but unlikely outcome, which would require reversal
of recent rainfall trends). The viability of current pasto- The tables in the appendix summarize major climate
ralism systems, which provide for the majority of rural adaptation options relevant for Somalia across key sec-
production, may be increasingly threatened. Locust out- tors. Based on the information in those tables and the
breaks are also likely to increase in frequency. Stress discussion of risk categories above, the remainder of this
on other natural resource-based systems will intensify, chapter discuses some indicative areas of adaptation pri-
with fisheries particularly affected by rising sea tem- orities. At this level of analysis, the priorities remain very
peratures. Although the current contribution of fisheries broad and, given the wide range of important climate risks
to the Somali economy is modest, they have consider- Somalia faces, the lists of relevant measures are extensive.
able potential. Current health-related burdens will also be Most are already cited in Somalia’s Nationally Determined
exacerbated by climate change. Gastrointestinal disease Contribution. More detailed work on key sectors and risk
will significantly increase. The overall effects of changing will be needed to identify and prioritize specific inter-
climate conditions on vector-borne disease and crop and ventions and investment options, and to assess their
livestock pests and diseases are much harder to predict, economic, social, and environmental feasibility.
given the specific and complex ecologies involved; it is
almost certain, however, that some pests and pathogens
including provision of climate-informed technical guide- leveraging and incentivizing private investments and
lines and standards, and capacity-building within risk sharing for climate-smart investments.
government agencies to implement or promote mea- l Establishing adaptive and predictable social safety
sures. Beyond these supporting measures, policy and nets. These safety nets should be targeted to poor
institutional actions are particularly important to (1) estab- and vulnerable households and communities, and
lish core resilience measures such as the mainstreaming be able to provide rapid additional assistance in the
of climate-informed planning and design, (2) facilitate or aftermath of a disaster. This latter objective would
incentivize private action, and (3) correct perverse incen- involve linkage to a well-maintained unified social
tives that promote greenhouse gas emissions or climate registry, a mobile-based cash payment system, and a
vulnerability. community-level network to support rapid outreach
and community mobilization for social protection ser-
To help reduce and manage the current critical impacts
vice delivery.
of extreme events, improve social resilience, and pro-
l Developing a National Disaster Risk Financing Strat-
vide a foundation for resilient growth, disaster risk
egy. This strategy should be based on feasibility studies
management is a key area for policy and institutional
for a range of potential disaster and climate risk financ-
development. To this end, the following actions should
ing mechanisms and tools, ranging from sovereign risk
be taken, many of which could be outlined in the National
financing to agricultural insurance products.
Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy that is being developed:
l Mainstreaming forest and biodiversity concerns in transport, power supply, and urban development), where
policy development and investment planning within the primary objective will rarely be climate focused, but
key sectors. This mainstreaming would be accom- climate resilience will need to be built in, in accordance
plished through environmental risk management with climate-informed planning and design specifica-
tools (including strategic environmental assessment tions as discussed above, typically at some significant
and environmental impact assessment) and land use incremental cost. In a few cases, retrofitting existing
planning. infrastructure may be required, but the high costs of ret-
l Establishing integrated water resource management rofitting and the limited existing infrastructure assets in
planning systems and institutions. These should be Somalia mean this would rarely be needed. Rather, infra-
established for farmer-led irrigation, flood control, soil structure resilience should predominantly be built into the
and water conservation, and the management of key construction of new, and the maintenance and replace-
river basins, among other areas. ment of existing, infrastructure.
Public health policies should begin to consider climate In all cases, detailed sectoral analyses, often involving
needs. Climate stresses may not revolutionize public modeling of climate impacts, will be needed to prioritize
health priorities, but will intensify or complicate pres- adaptation investment based on the following.
sures in a number of areas where the needs are already
l Urgency. Given the high degree of uncertainty around
significant, including the following:
medium and longer-term climate outcomes in Soma-
l Health and safety regulations for public buildings and lia, it will be important to prioritize responses to current
work spaces, particularly to manage risks of heat and immediate, rather than to uncertain future condi-
stress and floods tions. This becomes more complicated in the case of
infrastructure investments that have long economic
l Postdisaster emergency health provision (e.g., mobile life spans and/or may strongly influence patterns of
clinics, screening and prevention programs) in coor- future development and vulnerability over long peri-
dination with broader disaster response architecture ods. For instance, a road surface does not have a very
and institutions long life span, and therefore the choice of surface
l Vector control programs, including active control pro- material may be determined largely by current climate
grams, infrastructure standards, and public awareness conditions, but the choice of where to place a new road
or significantly upgrade an existing road may easily
l Public health awareness campaigns on heat stress;
have multidecadal implications on wider patterns of
water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); vector-borne
economic activity and spatial development. Various
disease; and postdisaster health and safety.
tools are available to support climate investment deci-
sion making under uncertainty.
l Synergy with development objectives. Given very lim-
4.5 Physical investments ited financial resources in relation to the scale of needs,
and the imperative to prioritize inclusive growth,
Many physical investments for climate adaptation will investments that bring clear benefits for sustainable
need to be undertaken by private individuals, such as development will need to be prioritized over those
farmers and property owners, and companies. The role that competing for resources. As noted at the start of
of the state would be primarily to provide appropriate cli- this chapter, national development planning should
mate information, technical guidance, incentives, and be informed by climate risks, and adaptation planning
regulatory requirements to facilitate them to act in their needs to be focused around key growth sectors.
own best interests, as per multiple areas of the policy
measures discussed above. The largest investments by Beyond building resilience into future public infrastruc-
the state will probably be in public infrastructure (e.g., ture in general, two areas of climate-related public
98 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
of the risks posed by a variety of human, livestock, and higher than predicted), or harmful investments (e.g., a
crop diseases and pests. Linking models to monitoring water storage structure that is causing more losses to
systems would test and improve knowledge on the scale downstream users than local benefits). In the Soma-
and distribution of risks, as well as helping to improve lia context, the risk of externalities from insufficiently
forecasting and the tailoring of climate information ser- assessed investments exacerbating social tensions and
vices for early warning of major events, such as Rift Valley conflict is a very real concern. The time frame over which
fever or locust outbreaks. uncertainty in future climate outcomes needs to be con-
sidered also depends on the expected economic life of
Given deep uncertainty in future climate trajectories, as the investment involved. A decision on the type of sur-
well as their influence on certain biophysical outcomes, face material to apply to a road may only need to consider
the risk of maladaptation must be taken seriously in the likely climate conditions over a handful or years, but
Somalia. Accordingly, this risk must be incorporated into a decision as to where to site a new road or substantial
investment analytics through sensitivity analysis for a upgrade may need to consider the climate implications
range of climate outcomes, and/or by using other tools of long-term changes to patterns of spatial development
to support decision making under uncertainty. Maladap- that may result.
tation may involve suboptimal investments (e.g., a large
water storage project when smaller distributed struc-
tures would have been more cost-effective), ineffective
investment (e.g., a water storage structure no longer fit
for purpose because the rainfall is either much lower or
Adaptation Options
l Local/indigenous environ-
mental skills and knowledge
can provide a strong foun-
National and $1–$10 dation for community inputs
regional gov- million into DRM
Strengthen community-based ernments, (additional Immedi-
DRM capacity through training capacity- ate to < 5 Low High l DRM capacity build-
and capacity building building years ing and planning can be
support integrated with broader
Nationwide only) community development/
livelihood-focused sup-
port; many development
102 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
l Policy/directive on wom-
en’s representation and
participation in DRM
system as civil service
l Ensuring effective inclusion
staff and in governance/ National and of women and other vulner-
decision-making bodies regional gov- able groups in DRM decision
l Policy/directive to ensure ernments, making
provision of maternal and development < $1 million Immediate Low High
l Ensuring provision of post-
reproductive health care, partners disaster essential services
menstrual hygiene man-
Nationwide includes specific support for
agement, psycho-social
support, and gender-based
violence response as
essential services within
the overall DRM framework
Appendix: Adaptation Options l 103
Humanitarian assistance to
National and meet immediate postdisas-
Focus Safety Net programs/ regional gov- ter needs (such as cash and
ernments, < $100 mil- Immedi-
initiatives on activities that food for work) can combine
development lion–$1 ate to < 5 Low High
build resilience to future with longer-term actions and
partners billion years
climate-linked disasters investments that build local
Nationwide assets, capacity, and skills that
improve resilience.
l Establishing a National
Drought Fund is in National
Clarify realism of/opportuni- Drought Plan (2020) but no
National detail provided on financial
ties for establishing a National < $1 million Immediate Medium High
government structure
Drought Fund
l Reduce dependence on
donor finance for DRM
Strengthen government
capacity to take informed National govern- Needs continued robust anal-
decisions on disaster risk ment, development Immediate Medium High ysis/information to inform
finance, based on sound partners decisions
financial/actuarial analysis
104 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Sources: OCHA 2021 (DRM strategy); Oxfam, n.d. (drought cycle management); Hydromet Working Group (hydromet).
a. The Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET) coordinates an EWS primarily focused on food security. It includes global weather hazard reports, based on the
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s global weather forecasts. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation’s (FAO’s) Somalia Water and
Land Information System project (SWALIM) has developed the Flood Risk and Response Management Information System (FRRMIS), which provides data to support an EWS.
In the past this has proved difficult to implement and costly. SWALIM monitors river breakages and supports a mobile phone–based alert and EWS known as DIGNIIN. While
far from perfect, these systems have been heralded as steps in the right direction, and access and use are continually refined and improved. In 2021, FAO and the govern-
ment of Somalia agreed on a process to transfer SWALIM capabilities to the government. In 2020, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management established
the Multi-Hazard Early Warning Centre (which covers floods and drought) in Mogadishu, using remotely sensed products and improved approaches to dissemination. In
recent years, the government has been working, with support from partners including the World Bank, to improve weather, climate, and water (hydromet) services, includ-
ing early warning services. Chaired by the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, the Hydromet Working Group—which also includes the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs
and Disaster Management, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, and the Somalia Civil Aviation Authority—is working to establish a unified National Meteorological and
Hydrological Service.
Appendix: Adaptation Options l 105
MOH, regional
Enhance disease early warn- governments,
ing systems and emergency develop-
response plans based on cli- ment partners, < $1 million Immediate Low
mate and environmental NGOs; support
data for conditions that may from MOECC l Higher investment figure
increase selected diseases
Nationwide represents maintain-
ing surveillance over the
Enhance surveillance and longer term
monitoring systems to track High
MOH l Uncertainty rated
climate-related disease occur- $1–$10 million medium, as incomplete
rence, including during and Nationwide
data can undermine sur-
after an extreme event Immedi-
veillance effectiveness
ate to < 5 Medium
Improve dialogue and col- years
laboration with neighboring
countries’ health ministries MOH < $1 million
to improve monitoring of
climate-linked health risks
106 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
l Long-term support
Invest in soil and water con- required to cover large rural
servation infrastructure such MOA, NGOs, devel- Immediate to population
> $1 billion Low High
as terraces, subsurface dams, opment partners < 10 years l Can be integrated with sup-
and rainwater harvesting port for climate-smart
Incorporate requirement to
World Bank, gov-
enhance rainwater harvesting l Low cost
ernment of
through water ponds for both $1–$10
Somalia, private > 20 years Low High l Requires political goodwill
livestock and wildlife in large million
sector, develop- l Has high returns
linear infrastructure projects
ment partners
(e.g., roads, fiber-optic cables)
Climate-smart agriculture
108 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Note: MOA = Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation; MOH = Ministry of Health; NGO = nongovernmental organization; RVF = Rift Valley fever.
Appendix: Adaptation Options l 109
Policy mainstreaming
110 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Note: MOECC = Ministry of Environment and Climate Change; MOA = Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation; NGO = nongovernmental organization.
Appendix: Adaptation Options l 111
Regulate fisheries
l Government capacity to
License and enforce fishing negotiate fishing agree-
licenses for foreign-owned National ments very low
$10–$100 Immediate to
fishing boats in Somalia’s and regional High High l Capacity to enforce agree-
million < 5 years
coastal Exclusive Economic governments ments very low
Zone l High investment in fisheries
monitoring craft required
l Ministry of Envi-
ronment and
Climate Change l Limited mangroves in
Conserve and protect l Ministry of Fish- $1–$10 Somalia
< 5 years High Medium
mangroves eries and Marine million l Limited short-term develop-
Resources ment gains
Suitable coastal
Appendix: Adaptation Options l 113
Central and
Investment in roads and other transporta- local govern-
ments, private $10–$100 Immedi- Significant economic
tion options for both formal and informal
sector million to ate to < 10 Low High and sustainable devel-
settlements, with a focus on green
> $1 billion years opment co-benefits
infrastructure Initially, key
Source: Based on World Bank, Climate and Disaster Risk Screening—Sector Screening Guidance Note: Transportation Sector.
Note: MOTCA = Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation.
114 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Key threats:
l High temperatures can
Specify more effective cooling reduce electricity-carrying
measures/equipment for substa- capacity of lines
tions and transformers
l Can increase losses
within substations and
Energy service transformers
$10–$100 < 5 to < 10
providers, all T&D Medium High
million years
networks Key threat:
Reinforce existing T&D struc-
tures and build underground l Strong winds can damage
distribution systems T&D lines
Energy supply
l Investment requirement
Government and depends on specific energy
$10–$100 investment
Invest in clean energy and energy private sector < 5 to < 10
million to Low High
efficiency years l Significant co-benefits for
All urban centers > $1 billion
economic prosperity and
green growth
$100 million–
$1 billion l Too costly for many poor
Local government, (assumes < 10 households
Install cool roofs NGOs, private sector grant to years l Limited supply of suitable
High Neutral
All major urban householders > 20 materials/coatings
centers to install) years
116 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Short-term clearance/dis-
posal of solid waste from
drains to prevent clogging Local government < 1 million
planting) to l To be effective, clearance
$10–$100 mil- < 5 to needs to be sustained over
Investment in green infra- lion < 10 Medium High time
structure and ecosystem (large-scale years l Significant economic and
planning to improve natu- infrastruc- environmental co-benefits
Central and local
ral storm water function (e.g., ture or
contour planting, terrac- afforestation)
ing, afforestation for erosion
Appendix: Adaptation Options l 117
Food security
Strengthening/relocating/realign- and local
ing pipes for aquifers, wastewater governments Short–
$10–$100 Requires effective planning pro-
treatment plants, and other infra- All major urban medium Low High
million cesses to be in place
structure in coastal areas or river centers with term
floodplains coastal or riv-
erine flood risk
Central and
Developing and enforcing urban local gov-
planning and zoning for slums and ernments,
development $1–$10 <5
refugee camps to provide water, Medium Medium
partners million years
wastewater, and sewage services
in the future Slums and ref-
ugee camps
Appendix: Adaptation Options l 119
Source: Based on World Bank, Climate and Disaster Risk Screening—Sector Screening Guidance Note: Water Sector.
Note: IDP = internally displaced person.
120 l Somalia Climate Risk Review
Policy coherence
Population growth
Engage and educate public lead- Federal and fed- l Sensitive issue, but societal
ers (community, faith, clan) in eral member state discussion is needed. Train
< $10
addressing linkages between governments, Immediate High High and engage, e.g., imams of
rapid population growth and development local mosques in long-term
future food and water security partners water and food security.
l Family norms are chang-
Through public leaders, sports
ing across the world, but not
and culture stars, and govern- Governments,
< $10 in Somalia. There are many
ment, address a key driver of national NGOs, Immediate High High
million reasons for this, one of which
today ‘s rapid growth: number of clan groups, etc.
is poverty. This change
children per man (today 10–12)
needs to start with men,
rather than women. Unlike
Governments, men, women want far fewer
Support women’s groups, inter- < $10 children (today 5-6). Build
national NGOs, Immediate High High
ests, opportunities, training, etc. million on this, promote women’s
clan groups, etc.
Appendix: Adaptation Options l 121
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