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One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106 • Tel: 781/329-4700 • Fax: 781/326-8703 • www.analog.com
REV. 0
The RS-232 specification defines the physical layer RS-232 PIN CONNECTIONS
only. Signal protocol is defined by the user, or stan- The RS-232 standard divides equipment connected to
dards that define the protocol and specify RS-232 for the serial port into two categories. These are DCE (data
the physical layer. communications equipment) and DTE (data terminal
The RS-232 specification defines the pinout for a 25-pin D equipment). These designations are a legacy of the com-
connector with 20 signal lines. However, a 9-pin connec- puter and modem heritage of the standard, which defined
tor, 8-signal configuration as defined by EIA574 is more data terminal equipment as the computer or computer
commonly used. terminal, and data communications equipment as the
modem. In practical application terms, the DCE and DTE
Only one line in each direction is for data transmission designations define which lines are connected to each
in the RS-232 system. All other lines are designated system as inputs and which lines are outputs.
for signal communications protocol. These signal lines
give the designer multiple options for configuring Although the RS-232 specification does not define a signal
the RS-232 protocol. The system can be designed for protocol, a typical implementation uses asynchronous sig-
asynchronous operation utilizing the 8 signals in the naling utilizing eight signal lines and a ground (Figure 1).
commonly used 9-pin connector. At its simplest, RS-232 As mentioned above, systems can be configured using
can be implemented using just three lines: Tx (data), Rx less than all six of the handshaking signal lines. Although
(data), and GND. the hardware may run with just Tx, Rx, and ground con-
The 25-pin connector specified in the RS-232 standard nected, some driver software will continue to wait for one of
defines 11 signals not used in the 9-pin connector. These the handshaking lines to go to the correct level. Depending
additional signals include a clock line for each data direc- on the signal state, this may or may not work.
tion to allow the use of synchronous data protocols. For reliability, the unused handshake signals should be
Of particular interest in this application note discussion looped back and connected to the request to send (RTS)
is the inclusion of the protective ground line in the 25-pin signal. When the lines are handshake-looped, the RTS
connection. This line is designed as an equipment safety output from the processor or controller immediately
ground, and is typically connected to power ground of activates the clear to send (CTS) input. In this configura-
the serial adapter or chassis ground. This ground should tion, the transmitting system effectively controls its own
not be connected to the signal ground. Furthermore, it handshaking. Alternatively, some of these signals, such
is not recommended that this ground be connected as the data terminal ready (DTR), can be hardwired to a
between the two systems, particularly in long cable line valid signal level, effectively signaling that the system is
applications. Connection of these grounds together, or always ready to receive data.
to both systems, can create ground loops. For a more detailed explanation of connections using
the RS-232 protocol, see the AN-375 Application Note
at http://www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Application_
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–2– REV. 0
SYSTEM ISOLATION OVERVIEW Isolation also allows the RS-232 circuit reference volt-
Unwanted currents and voltages on a cable bus con- age levels to rise and fall with any surges that appear
necting two systems have the potential to cause severe on the cable line. Allowing the circuit voltage reference
problems. High voltages and currents can destroy com- to move with surges, rather than being clamped to a
ponents connected to the bus. These unwanted voltages fixed ground, prevents devices from being damaged or
and currents come primarily from two sources: ground destroyed.
loops and electrical line surges. To accomplish system isolation, both the RS-232 signal
Ground loops occur when a bus or system utilizes lines and power supplies must be isolated. Power isola-
multiple ground paths. It cannot be assumed that two tion is obtained through the use of an isolated dc to dc
system grounds connected to the bus and separated by power supply. Signal isolation is typically accomplished
several meters or more will be at the same potential. with optocouplers, or with Analog Devices’ innovative
Because these grounds are unlikely to be at the same iCouplers.
potential, current will flow between these points, and
this unintended current flow can damage or destroy ISOLATION IMPLEMENTATION
components. The implementation of isolation is not overly complex.
However, the designer must consider several important
Electrical surges can be caused by many sources. These
factors when implementing the isolation circuitry.
surges are the result of currents coupled onto cable
lines through induction. Long cable lines and systems Because digital isolators do not support the RS-232 sig-
in industrial environments are especially susceptible to nal standard, it is not possible to insert a digital isolator
this phenomenon. The operation of equipment switch- between the RS-232 transceivers and the RS-232 cable.
ing large currents, such as electric motors, causes rapid Theoretically, transformers could be used to supply iso-
changes in the ground potential. These changes can lation at that location. However, the very slow speeds of
generate a current flow through any nearby lines to the bus would require large transformers, making this
equalize the ground potential. Other induction surge solution impractical.
sources include electrostatic discharge (ESD) and lightning RS-232 signal path isolation is accomplished by design-
strikes. These induced surges can result in hundreds or ing isolators into the digital signal path between the
even thousands of volts of potential on the line, and mani- RS-232 transceiver and the local system. The system
fest themselves as transient current and voltage surges. side RS-232 transceivers utilize digital logic level sig-
Thus, the cable end node may receive a switching signal nals of 0 V to 5 V or 0 V to 3 V, and typically connect to
superimposed on a high voltage level with respect to its a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)
local ground. These uncontrolled voltages and currents or processor. The iCoupler isolator contains input and
can corrupt the signal, and can be catastrophic to the output circuits that are electrically isolated from one
device and system, causing damage or destruction of another. Placing an iCoupler in this location electrically
the components connected to the bus, and resulting in isolates the RS-232 cable bus signals from each system
system failure. Because RS-232 systems run over cables connected to it.
of up to 16 meters and interconnect two systems, they To complete the isolation of the RS-232 circuits from
are susceptible to these events. the local system, a dc to dc isolated power converter is
To protect against this potentially destructive energy, all required. The isolated power supply is used to supply
devices on the bus and the systems connected to the bus power to the local RS-232 transceiver and RS-232 side
must be referenced to only one ground. Isolating the RS- of the isolator. The isolated power supply is typically
232 system devices from each of the systems connected supplied from the local system.
to the bus prevents ground loops and electrical surges The combination of digital isolators and an isolated dc to
from destroying circuits. dc power supply creates an effective protection against
Isolation prevents ground loops because the systems surge damage, and eliminates ground loops. Figures 2
connected to RS-232 cable bus, and each RS-232 cir- and 3 illustrate system isolation design in typical RS-232
cuit, has a separate and isolated ground. By referencing signal configurations using iCoupler integration.
each RS-232 circuit only to one ground, ground loops
are eliminated.
REV. 0 –3–
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Figure 2. Isolated RS-232 8-signal circuit (DTE side illustrated). The iCoupler signal isolator is placed between
the system UART and the RS-232 transceiver. The system uses an isolated dc supply to power the RS-232
transceiver and the transceiver side of the iCoupler. Note that Tx1 of the ADM241L RS-232 transceiver is not
used in the 8-signal configuration.
–4– REV. 0
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Figure 3. Isolated RS-232 5-signal circuit (DTE side illustrated). This design minimizes the signals used in the
RS-232 bus. The iCoupler signal isolator is placed between the system UART and the RS-232 transceiver. The
system uses an isolated dc supply to power the RS-232 transceiver and the transceiver side of the iCoupler.
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–6– REV. 0
The iCoupler products need no external components The flexibility and high noise immunity of the RS-232
other than bypass capacitors. A bypass capacitor is specification make this design very popular for intersystem
strongly recommended for the input and output sup- communication. However, intersystem communication
ply pins. The bypass capacitor value should be between cable systems are highly susceptible to interference or
0.01 F and 0.1 F. The total lead length between both damage from overvoltage transients and ground loops.
ends of the capacitor and the power supply pins should Digitally isolating the RS-232 bus from the systems con-
not exceed 20 mm. nected to the bus reduces signal distortion and errors,
and provides system and component protection from
system and bus voltage and ground mismatches.
Many of the iCoupler products have output enable
control pins to allow outputs to be placed into a high Analog Devices’ iCoupler family of products covers
impedance state. The outputs are in an active logic a broad range of performance, channel counts, and
configurations. The combination of performance and
state when the output enable pins are high or floating.
channel configuration give the system designer mul-
The outputs are disabled when the output enable pin is tiple options, allowing system design optimization. The
low. It is recommended that the output enable pins be iCoupler products provide a cost effective method for
pulled to a known logic level, either high or low, in noisy including critical isolation into a system design.
REV. 0 –7–
© 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.