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iCoupler® Isolation in RS-232 Applications

by Sean Clark and Ronn Kliger


The RS-232 bus standard is one of the most popular serial RS-232 is more properly known as EIA232, but is common-
communication bus designs. RS-232 was originally speci- ly referred to by the older “Recommended Standard” 232
fied by the Electronics Industry Association (EIA) in 1962 to designation. RS-232 uses single-ended (unbalanced) point-
communicate between computing equipment and modems. to-point signaling, with signals referenced to ground.
The RS-232 standard is still widely used as an intersystem
RS-232 specifies a maximum data rate of 20 kbps. The
serial communication link.
TIA/EIA562 standard, a low voltage version of RS-232,
The RS-232 standard is a serial data, point-to-point design, is specified to operate to 64 kbps.
with a signal line dedicated for communication in each
The RS-232 specification does not define a maximum
direction. These two dedicated unidirectional lines result
cable length. However, RS-232 specifies a maximum line
in full-duplex communication.
capacitance of 2,500 pF, and a load impedance of 3 k to
Although no maximum cable length is specified, maxi- 7 k. These specifications result in a typical maximum
mum practical cable length is approximately 16 meters. usable cable length of approximately 16 meters.
The RS-232’s simplicity and flexibility coupled with its
The standard specifies driver output levels as –5 V to –15 V
long legacy contribute to its continued popularity for
for a Logic 1 and +5 V to +15 V for Logic 0. Receivers are
intersystem connections.
specified to read input levels of –3 V to –15 V as a Logic 1,
Because the RS-232 standard is typically used as an and levels of +3 V to +15 V as a Logic 0. Voltage levels
intersystem connection, isolation between the bus and between –3 V and +3 V are undefined. This wide voltage
each system connected is critical. Digital isolation pro- swing and center undefined voltage region ensure a high
vides crucial isolation and protection from overvoltage level of noise immunity, and allow valid signal levels to
transients between the RS-232 cable bus and the systems be received at maximum cable lengths.
connected to it. Digital isolation also eliminates ground
The RS-232 standard has been revised several times
loops on the RS-232 bus. Digitally isolating the RS-232
since its introduction. Letter designations denote the
bus from the systems connected to the bus reduces
various revisions. The RS-232C is the revision commonly
signal distortion and errors, and provides system and
used by the PC industry. The fourth revision, RS-232D,
component protection from system and bus voltage and
added three additional test lines and defined the maxi-
ground mismatches.
mum line capacitance of 2,500 pf.
The intention of this application note is to give the user a
As of this writing, the most recent revision is EIA232E,
brief overview of the RS-232 bus physical layer, as well
introduced in 1991. This revision officially changed the
as an understanding of why isolation is so important to
name designation to EIA232. Additionally, some signal
the system. This application note details how to imple-
lines were renamed and a protective ground conductor
ment isolation for a RS-232 bus using Analog Devices’
was defined.
iCoupler products.

REV. 0
The RS-232 specification defines the physical layer RS-232 PIN CONNECTIONS
only. Signal protocol is defined by the user, or stan- The RS-232 standard divides equipment connected to
dards that define the protocol and specify RS-232 for the serial port into two categories. These are DCE (data
the physical layer. communications equipment) and DTE (data terminal
The RS-232 specification defines the pinout for a 25-pin D equipment). These designations are a legacy of the com-
connector with 20 signal lines. However, a 9-pin connec- puter and modem heritage of the standard, which defined
tor, 8-signal configuration as defined by EIA574 is more data terminal equipment as the computer or computer
commonly used. terminal, and data communications equipment as the
modem. In practical application terms, the DCE and DTE
Only one line in each direction is for data transmission designations define which lines are connected to each
in the RS-232 system. All other lines are designated system as inputs and which lines are outputs.
for signal communications protocol. These signal lines
give the designer multiple options for configuring Although the RS-232 specification does not define a signal
the RS-232 protocol. The system can be designed for protocol, a typical implementation uses asynchronous sig-
asynchronous operation utilizing the 8 signals in the naling utilizing eight signal lines and a ground (Figure 1).
commonly used 9-pin connector. At its simplest, RS-232 As mentioned above, systems can be configured using
can be implemented using just three lines: Tx (data), Rx less than all six of the handshaking signal lines. Although
(data), and GND. the hardware may run with just Tx, Rx, and ground con-
The 25-pin connector specified in the RS-232 standard nected, some driver software will continue to wait for one of
defines 11 signals not used in the 9-pin connector. These the handshaking lines to go to the correct level. Depending
additional signals include a clock line for each data direc- on the signal state, this may or may not work.
tion to allow the use of synchronous data protocols. For reliability, the unused handshake signals should be
Of particular interest in this application note discussion looped back and connected to the request to send (RTS)
is the inclusion of the protective ground line in the 25-pin signal. When the lines are handshake-looped, the RTS
connection. This line is designed as an equipment safety output from the processor or controller immediately
ground, and is typically connected to power ground of activates the clear to send (CTS) input. In this configura-
the serial adapter or chassis ground. This ground should tion, the transmitting system effectively controls its own
not be connected to the signal ground. Furthermore, it handshaking. Alternatively, some of these signals, such
is not recommended that this ground be connected as the data terminal ready (DTR), can be hardwired to a
between the two systems, particularly in long cable line valid signal level, effectively signaling that the system is
applications. Connection of these grounds together, or always ready to receive data.
to both systems, can create ground loops. For a more detailed explanation of connections using
the RS-232 protocol, see the AN-375 Application Note
at http://www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Application_

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Figure 1. RS-232 8-Signal Network Configuration

–2– REV. 0
SYSTEM ISOLATION OVERVIEW Isolation also allows the RS-232 circuit reference volt-
Unwanted currents and voltages on a cable bus con- age levels to rise and fall with any surges that appear
necting two systems have the potential to cause severe on the cable line. Allowing the circuit voltage reference
problems. High voltages and currents can destroy com- to move with surges, rather than being clamped to a
ponents connected to the bus. These unwanted voltages fixed ground, prevents devices from being damaged or
and currents come primarily from two sources: ground destroyed.
loops and electrical line surges. To accomplish system isolation, both the RS-232 signal
Ground loops occur when a bus or system utilizes lines and power supplies must be isolated. Power isola-
multiple ground paths. It cannot be assumed that two tion is obtained through the use of an isolated dc to dc
system grounds connected to the bus and separated by power supply. Signal isolation is typically accomplished
several meters or more will be at the same potential. with optocouplers, or with Analog Devices’ innovative
Because these grounds are unlikely to be at the same iCouplers.
potential, current will flow between these points, and
this unintended current flow can damage or destroy ISOLATION IMPLEMENTATION
components. The implementation of isolation is not overly complex.
However, the designer must consider several important
Electrical surges can be caused by many sources. These
factors when implementing the isolation circuitry.
surges are the result of currents coupled onto cable
lines through induction. Long cable lines and systems Because digital isolators do not support the RS-232 sig-
in industrial environments are especially susceptible to nal standard, it is not possible to insert a digital isolator
this phenomenon. The operation of equipment switch- between the RS-232 transceivers and the RS-232 cable.
ing large currents, such as electric motors, causes rapid Theoretically, transformers could be used to supply iso-
changes in the ground potential. These changes can lation at that location. However, the very slow speeds of
generate a current flow through any nearby lines to the bus would require large transformers, making this
equalize the ground potential. Other induction surge solution impractical.
sources include electrostatic discharge (ESD) and lightning RS-232 signal path isolation is accomplished by design-
strikes. These induced surges can result in hundreds or ing isolators into the digital signal path between the
even thousands of volts of potential on the line, and mani- RS-232 transceiver and the local system. The system
fest themselves as transient current and voltage surges. side RS-232 transceivers utilize digital logic level sig-
Thus, the cable end node may receive a switching signal nals of 0 V to 5 V or 0 V to 3 V, and typically connect to
superimposed on a high voltage level with respect to its a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)
local ground. These uncontrolled voltages and currents or processor. The iCoupler isolator contains input and
can corrupt the signal, and can be catastrophic to the output circuits that are electrically isolated from one
device and system, causing damage or destruction of another. Placing an iCoupler in this location electrically
the components connected to the bus, and resulting in isolates the RS-232 cable bus signals from each system
system failure. Because RS-232 systems run over cables connected to it.
of up to 16 meters and interconnect two systems, they To complete the isolation of the RS-232 circuits from
are susceptible to these events. the local system, a dc to dc isolated power converter is
To protect against this potentially destructive energy, all required. The isolated power supply is used to supply
devices on the bus and the systems connected to the bus power to the local RS-232 transceiver and RS-232 side
must be referenced to only one ground. Isolating the RS- of the isolator. The isolated power supply is typically
232 system devices from each of the systems connected supplied from the local system.
to the bus prevents ground loops and electrical surges The combination of digital isolators and an isolated dc to
from destroying circuits. dc power supply creates an effective protection against
Isolation prevents ground loops because the systems surge damage, and eliminates ground loops. Figures 2
connected to RS-232 cable bus, and each RS-232 cir- and 3 illustrate system isolation design in typical RS-232
cuit, has a separate and isolated ground. By referencing signal configurations using iCoupler integration.
each RS-232 circuit only to one ground, ground loops
are eliminated.

REV. 0 –3–
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Figure 2. Isolated RS-232 8-signal circuit (DTE side illustrated). The iCoupler signal isolator is placed between
the system UART and the RS-232 transceiver. The system uses an isolated dc supply to power the RS-232
transceiver and the transceiver side of the iCoupler. Note that Tx1 of the ADM241L RS-232 transceiver is not
used in the 8-signal configuration.

–4– REV. 0
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Figure 3. Isolated RS-232 5-signal circuit (DTE side illustrated). This design minimizes the signals used in the
RS-232 bus. The iCoupler signal isolator is placed between the system UART and the RS-232 transceiver. The
system uses an isolated dc supply to power the RS-232 transceiver and the transceiver side of the iCoupler.


System performance requirements will have the most Space constraints are a second area of concern that can
impact on the selection of an isolation device. Other also limit a designer’s choices. Maximum dimension
considerations include space constraints and cost. requirements are a concern for virtually all applications.
However, some implementations can be severely space
DATA RATE REQUIREMENTS limited. Fortunately, there are now solutions for these
System data rate requirements are likely to be the single situations.
most important parameter for device selection.
Solutions for systems where space is an issue include
Although the RS-232 specification defines data rates to the combination of one ADuM1401 iCoupler and one
20 kbps, many newer RS-232 transceivers have the capa- ADuM1400 iCoupler for isolation of an 8-signal RS-232 net-
bility to run at much higher data rates. These include low work (see Figure 2). The ADuM140x are 4-channel isolation
voltage RS-232 transceivers that are compatible with the devices in a 16-lead SOIC package; each device takes the
newer TIA/EIA562 low voltage version of RS-232. As place of four optocouplers and associated circuitry.
noted, this specification defines operation to 64 kbps.
Some low voltage RS-232 transceivers have the capability COST REQUIREMENTS
to operate at even higher data speeds. The ADM3312E Cost constraints and concerns are a reality in virtually
specifies a data rate of 460 kbps. These higher data rates all system design work. Cost considerations can have
extend the usability of the RS-232 specification, and give an affect on the design choices for a system. As noted
system designers numerous options. above, isolator device cost rises in proportion with data
The use of high data rates in a system will narrow the rate performance. Specifying a device with only the
selection of possible isolation devices to the high per- system performance required can reduce costs.
formance products available. Fortunately, all iCoupler Other cost issues include a consideration of the number
products operate up to data rates of 1 Mbps. The iCoupler of devices used. The iCoupler device cost increases with
products portfolio also includes devices that operate up channel count. However, the cost per channel decreases
to data rates of 25 Mbps and 100 Mbps. as the device channel count increases.
Device cost typically rises in proportion to data rate per- Additional cost benefits of integrating as many channels
formance. Therefore, a designer should take care not to into one device as possible include reduction in board
specify a device with more performance than is required. space and assembly costs. A lower device count results
However, low performance device selection can make future in smaller boards. Also, lower device count typically
system performance upgrades more costly and involved, results in a less complex board layout. The combination
because all devices not compatible with upgraded system of smaller boards and less complex layout reduces board
data speeds will require replacement. costs. In addition, circuit board assembly costs typi-
REV. 0 –5–
cally decrease proportionally as the number of devices addition to bypass capacitors, optocouplers require
required for the board assembly process decreases. external discrete devices to bias the output transistors
Therefore, designing with fewer devices results in lower and drive the LEDs. iCoupler devices require no exter-
manufacturing costs. nal components other than decoupling capacitors. The
iCoupler solution results in less circuit complexity and
Analog Devices’ iCoupler device technology has enabled
The iCoupler products also incorporate unique refresh
products that possess distinct advantages for the system
and watchdog circuits. In the absence of logic transitions
designer in comparison to other available isolation
at the input for more than 2 s, a periodic set of refresh
pulses indicative of the correct input state is generated to
The unique iCoupler technology results in a new option ensure dc correctness at the output. If the iCoupler output
for implementing isolation. The iCoupler products pro- side circuit receives no internal pulses for more than
vide superior performance, lower power consumption, about 5 s, the input side circuit is assumed to be unpow-
higher reliability, and lower component count, with cost ered or nonfunctional, in which case the isolator output
characteristics that are comparable with optocouplers. is forced to a default state by the watchdog timer.


ADI’s iCoupler technology provides isolation based The iCoupler family comprises a broad portfolio of prod-
on- chip scale transformers rather than the LEDs and ucts, allowing the system designer to select a product
photodiodes used in optocouplers. By fabricating the ideally suited for the design. The iCoupler device portfo-
transformers directly on- chip using wafer level pro - lio has 1-channel through 4-channel options and include
cessing, iCoupler channels can be integrated with each devices designed for bidirectional communication and
other and other semiconductor functions at low cost enhancing flow through board design. iCoupler devices
(see Figure 4). are also available for a range of data rate performances,
The technology used in iCoupler design eliminates the allowing the designer to select the perfect product for
inefficient electro-optical conversions that take place in the application.
optocouplers. This is because iCouplers eliminate the ADI’s iCoupler portfolio of features and options allows
LEDs used in optocouplers. Also, because channels are the design of a system with fewer devices, and a better
fabricated entirely with wafer level processing, multiple match for the system data performance requirements
iCoupler channels can be easily integrated within a (see Table 1).
single package. iCoupler technology provides increased
As noted, ADI offers a wide selection of iCoupler prod-
performance, reduced power consumption, smaller size,
ucts. The combination of performance and channel
increased reliability, and cost benefits.
configuration allows the system designer options for
Another distinct advantage of iCouplers over opto - optimizing system and device match. Table 1 shows a
couplers is the elimination of external components. In comparison of product options, including the number of
channels as well as data speed performance.
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Figure 4. Cross Section of iCoupler Configuration

–6– REV. 0
The iCoupler products need no external components The flexibility and high noise immunity of the RS-232
other than bypass capacitors. A bypass capacitor is specification make this design very popular for intersystem
strongly recommended for the input and output sup- communication. However, intersystem communication
ply pins. The bypass capacitor value should be between cable systems are highly susceptible to interference or
0.01 F and 0.1 F. The total lead length between both damage from overvoltage transients and ground loops.
ends of the capacitor and the power supply pins should Digitally isolating the RS-232 bus from the systems con-
not exceed 20 mm. nected to the bus reduces signal distortion and errors,
and provides system and component protection from
system and bus voltage and ground mismatches.
Many of the iCoupler products have output enable
control pins to allow outputs to be placed into a high Analog Devices’ iCoupler family of products covers
impedance state. The outputs are in an active logic a broad range of performance, channel counts, and
configurations. The combination of performance and
state when the output enable pins are high or floating.
channel configuration give the system designer mul-
The outputs are disabled when the output enable pin is tiple options, allowing system design optimization. The
low. It is recommended that the output enable pins be iCoupler products provide a cost effective method for
pulled to a known logic level, either high or low, in noisy including critical isolation into a system design.

Table 1. iCoupler and Isolated RS-485 Transceiver Products

Max Max Max
Number of Channel UL Insulation Data Rate, Prop. Delay Operating
Product Model Channels Configuration* Rating (kV) 5 V (Mbps) 5 V (ns) Temp. (°C) Package
ADuM1100 ADuM1100AR 1 1/0 2.5 25 18 105 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM1100BR 1 1/0 2.5 100 18 105 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM1100UR 1 1/0 2.5 100 18 125 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM120x ADuM1200AR 2 2/0 2.5 1 150 105 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM1200BR 2 2/0 2.5 10 50 105 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM1200CR 2 2/0 2.5 25 45 105 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM1201AR 2 1/1 2.5 1 150 105 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM1201BR 2 1/1 2.5 10 50 105 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM1201CR 2 1/1 2.5 25 45 105 8-Lead Narrow Body SOIC
ADuM130x ADuM1300ARW 3 3/0 2.5 1 100 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1300BRW 3 3/0 2.5 10 50 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1300CRW 3 3/0 2.5 90 32 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1301ARW 3 2/1 2.5 1 100 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1301BRW 3 2/1 2.5 10 50 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1301CRW 3 2/1 2.5 90 32 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM140x ADuM1400ARW 4 4/0 2.5 1 100 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1400BRW 4 4/0 2.5 10 50 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1400CRW 4 4/0 2.5 90 32 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1401ARW 4 3/1 2.5 1 100 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1401BRW 4 3/1 2.5 10 50 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1401CRW 4 3/1 2.5 90 32 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1402ARW 4 2/2 2.5 1 100 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1402BRW 4 2/2 2.5 10 50 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
ADuM1402CRW 4 2/2 2.5 90 32 105 16-Lead Wide Body SOIC
*Channel configuration refers to the directionality of the isolation channels. For example, 2/1 means two channels communicate in one direction while the
third channel communicates in the reverse direction.

REV. 0 –7–

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