Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
1. Which sections of the EQA are relevant to the control of water pollution in Malaysia
Section 25 - Provides a general provision for the control of pollution of inlands water.
Inland water refers to reservoirs, lakes, rivers, streams etc. and subsurface water.
Malaysian waters refer to the territorial waters of Malaysia which is practically understood that
extend 12 Nautical miles from the shore.
2. What regulations promulgated under EQA have been made for the controlling pollution of
surface waters from the industries?
I. Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulation 2009
II. Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulation 2009
3. Describe how you would determine if your factory is subject to the above Regulations?
4. Which standard (A or B) is applicable to your factory or a factory you have consulted for?
Depending on the certain case, the signature of the owner and relevant professional engineers are
required for the submission of Third Schedule.
7. Explain the legal requirement on performance monitoring (which regulation? How to do it?)
(a) conduct performance monitoring of the components of the effluent treatment system in the
manner as specified in the Guidance Document on Performance Monitoring of Industrial
Effluent Treatment Systems issued by Department of Environment; and
(b) equip himself or itself with facilities, relevant equipment or instruments for the purpose of
conducting performance monitoring referred to in paragraph (a).
(2) In this regulation, "performance monitoring" means the routine monitoring of certain
characteristics to provide an indication that a treatment process is functional and capable of
treating the industrial effluent or mixed effluent.
8. Explain the legal requirement on MDMR (which regulation? When & how to submit MDMR?)
The monitoring of the discharge of the effluents is required under regulation 7 of IER.
Required to keep records of the discharge and also submit monthly discharge monitoring
report to the DOE on monthly basis.
Report can be submitted electronically through the Online Environmental Report (OER).
By examining the Tenth Schedule it is clear that the sources are required to conduct weekly
sampling of the final discharge but the compiled report are submitted on a monthly basis to
the DOE within 30 days after the end of the month.
(1) An owner or occupier of a premises that discharges industrial effluent or mixed effluent onto
or into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters shall, at his own expense: -
(a) monitor the concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and any parameter as specified
in the Fifth Schedule; and
(2) The owner or occupier of the premises shall maintain a record of industrial effluent or mixed
effluent discharge monitoring data in the form as specified in the Tenth Schedule.
(3) The owner or occupier of the premises shall submit the first record of industrial effluent or
mixed effluent discharge monitoring data to the Director General within thirty days after the
date of coming into operation of these Regulations and the subsequent records shall be
submitted within thirty days after the end of the calendar month for the report of the previous
(4) The record of industrial effluent or mixed effluent discharge shall also be made available for
inspection by any authorized officer.
(a) monitor the concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and any parameter as specified
in the Fifth Schedule
Industries are given the responsibility to decide by themselves which parameter are relevant
and significant to their manufacturing operation and hence appropriated to be monitored.
The decision can be arrived at by examining the information from several sources such as;
iv. The data from similar industries operated at some other location.
v. The guide on significant parameter is also given in the Guidance Document on Performance
Monitoring of IETS.
10. Explain what you understand by operating the IETS with sound engineering practice.
- Sound engineering practice means the manner by which industrial effluent treatment
system is operated where the operational characteristics are maintained within the normal
range of values commonly used for the treatment of industrial effluent or mixed effluent.
11. Explain the relevance of this module to you as an IETS operator/supervisor or a consultant.