PrE4 Auditing Mining Industry
PrE4 Auditing Mining Industry
PrE4 Auditing Mining Industry
PRE4: 0900H TO 1200H
• Learn the overview, statistics, and updates of the specialized industry in the Philippine
• Identify the different audit considerations and trends for the industry
• The mining industry sector is a major backbone of the Philippine economy. The Philippines is the fifth most
mineral-rich country in the world for gold, nickel, copper, and chromite. It is home to the largest copper-gold
deposit in the world.
• The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) has estimated that the country has an estimated $840 billion
worth of untapped mineral wealth, as of 2012. About 30 million hectares of land areas in the Philippines is
deemed as possible areas for metallic minerals. According to the MGB, about nine million hectares of land
areas is identified as having high mineral potential. The Philippines metal deposit is estimated at 21.5 billion
metric tons and non-metallic minerals are at 19.3 billion metric tons, as of 2012.
• The long history of the industry has been much affected by the changes of the international market, as well
as other domestic factors. With the adoption of the 1986 Constitution, the concept of awarding mineral rights
has been drastically changed from leasehold to a system of contracts for various modes of production. The
preponderance of small-scale mining, the growing public awareness on the environment, increasing labor
and energy costs are concerns which should be addressed.
A country’s socio-economic development largely depends on the extent and composition of its natural
resources. Examples of natural resources include forestry, minerals, and commercial sources of energy (like
coal, oil, natural gas, and hydro power). Mining and mineral processing are activities for extraction and
processing minerals for commercial use. The mining sector is likely to contribute to the development of the
economy of any country through taxes from large-scale mining companies and contribute to social–economic
infrastructural development within the area where the mine is located.
• create employment opportunities both directly in the mines and indirectly on services to the mines,
• provide education and health services,
• increase foreign exchange reserves, (reducing a country’s foreign exchange deficit),
• improve infrastructure like roads and water supply, and
• create other economic activities to support the mines instead of importing all supplies from abroad.
Working definition of mining according to the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)
could simply be “the extraction of minerals from the earth”.
• Minerals cover a wide variety of naturally occurring substances extracted for human use.
• Mining can also be seen as a process that begins with the exploration and discovery of
mineral deposits and continues through ore extraction and processing to the closure and
remediation of worked-out sites.
• Minerals are a non-renewable resource, so mining represents a temporary use of the land.
• Exploration
• Discovery
• Development
• Production/Procession
• Reclamation/Mine Closure
• Are the revenues from the extraction of minerals significant? (Each source of revenue should be assessed individually, and their importance should also be
assessed in the aggregate. While large revenues can be significant on their own, some smaller sources of revenues may also be significant because of their
function. For example, leases, licenses, and permits may be important because they enable departments to know who should be paying royalties and fees.)
• Is there a significant difference between predicted and actual revenues? If so, what is the explanation for this difference?
• Are there any new revenue sources? (For example, is there a new resource with its own royalty system, such as a recently developed diamond mining industry?)
• Has new relevant legislation or regulation been introduced or have significant changes been made to existing legislation and regulation recently?
• When was the last review of the revenue framework conducted? When is the next one planned?
• Where significant changes in revenues are observed, are they in line with current market conditions and production levels?
• Has the revenue framework (and supporting regulations) been criticized for being overly complex or unclear? Is there significant public interest in the topic?
• Have there been any public complaints or reporting of any inappropriate practices in the sector (transfer mispricing, for example)?
• Have annual financial audits identified significant or chronic issues with regard to the collection of revenues from the extraction of minerals?
• Is there a regulated royalty audit regime in place? If so, is there 100-percent audit coverage or risk-based coverage? Are audits completed on a timely basis? In
addition, have internal audits of revenue collection processes been conducted?
• Does the government have sufficient expertise to verify information reported by the private sector?
• Have previous performance audits of mining revenues been conducted by the audit office? Has progress been made by the government to address prior
• Is there segregation of duties between the collection of revenues and the assessment of the completeness of revenues received?
• Has the government clearly established the objective it is pursuing through its revenue framework for the mining sector?
• Is there legislation or regulation in place to ensure the public has access to reliable information on the payments the government receives from mining companies?
ng represents a temporary use of the land.
• Is there a regulated system of financial assurances for site remediation in place? Is the system recent or well-established? Has a remediation fund been
• What is the current cost estimate (potential liability) for rehabilitating all mining sites in the jurisdiction?
• What is the state or risk of unfunded liability in the jurisdiction? Is the risk increasing over time?
• Have there been any recent or looming changes in environmental standards or legislation that are expected to affect required securities?
• Does the duration of the securities match the expected duration of the expected liability?
• Are remediation cost estimates periodically reviewed by the government or an independent expert?
• If regulations allow for self-insurance, what is the relative frequency of self-insurance by mining companies in the jurisdiction?
• Are there mechanisms for regular monitoring of sites and monitoring of associated securities? Are these mechanisms implemented? What is the frequency of site
• Is there a process to ensure that financial assurances are released only when compliance with site remediation requirements is achieved and documented?
• Are site inspections providing sufficiently complete assessments? (For example, can inspections identify underground contamination?)
• Are there sufficient penalties in place to encourage compliance with financial assurance requirements?