Hypothesis Testing Sheet
Hypothesis Testing Sheet
Hypothesis Testing Sheet
Two tailed test: Test statistics can falling into either tail of its How many How many
sampling distribution groups? groups? 5 P ROPORTIONS
Normal curve: Acceptance/Rejection regions: Use when the respose is binary, eg. yes or no; Vote for candidate A
Two tailed test Two tailed test or not vote for candidate A
Two 3 or more Two 3 or more p̂ = N umber of successes(Y es or V ote f or candidate A) x
Sample size
p̂ − p0
0.683 Paired t-test Repeated Independent One way Test statistics (one sample): z = p
dmeasuresp samples ANOVA p0 (1 − p0 )/n
ANOVA p̂0 (1 − p̂)
0.954 Fail to reject H0 Standard error of proportion: SE =
µ−2σ µ−σ µ µ+σ µ+2σ −t ∗ α/2 0 t ∗ α/2 n
p̂0 (1 − p̂)
Margin of Error: M oE = z-value
N EED H ELP ? Decision Tree - by data structure z-value2 p̂0 (1 − p̂)
Categorical Data: Use Chi Square Sample size: n =
M oE 2
Contact Us
Graduate Resource Center Sample size (n):
Mesa Vista Hall, Suite 1057 n < 30 and Population Variance is unknown - t-test
Phone: 505-277-1407 n < 30 and Population Variance is known - z-test
Email: unmgrc@unm.edu n > 30 - z-test or t-test
Website: https://unmgrc.unm.edu/