Part A (PWD) - Handbook On Qaulity Control
Part A (PWD) - Handbook On Qaulity Control
Part A (PWD) - Handbook On Qaulity Control
blic Work
W ks De
Prrepared by:
andigarh Office:
O O 826, 2nd Floor, NA
SCO AC, Manim
The Government of H.P. felt its necessity that IQCS may be constituted to have an
independent quality check and positioned in CM office. The squad shall be headed by the
Team Leader and ably assisted by specialist/expert having vast experience in Civil
Engineering works, Mechanical, Electrical works and IPH works being executed by the
various departments.
WAPCOS Ltd., A Govt. of India Undertaking, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Chandigarh office has
been entrusted with the task of implementing this program for total quality management
concept aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all infrastructure departments of Govt.
of H.P. including but not limited to PWD, IPH, HPSEB, Urban development, Forest,
Tourism, RDD and HPSIDC etc.
In this respect this handbook has been prepared which is brief, handy and instant helpful at
site for field engineers. It is an effort just like to express too much in too few words. It
summarizes all quality assurance, specifications and prepared on basic sources viz
HPPWD specifications for building and roads, rural road manual, MORTH and handbook of
quality control Vol. -1 and Vol.-2. The IPH contents have been taken from CPEHEEO,
AWWA manual, Pollution Control Board and Relevant Standard codes etc. The handbook
has been prepared by in cooperating relevant extract from HPPWD specification keeping in
view subsidiary departments also and prevalent practice being followed at present.
In preparing this handbook the sincere efforts have been made by the team of WAPCOS
Ltd. along with the officers of Public Works Department, Himachal Pradesh.
We dedicate this effort to the state and hope this handbook shall be very useful for all the
field engineers for various departments of Govt. of HP and advised that it may always be
kept with them at site as ready and instant reference. We are further hopeful that the state
authorities would evolve suitable mechanism to implement the needed quality assurance
plan with objective of achieving the economic and social development of the State and
improving the quality of life of people.
WAPCOS Limited
A Govt. of India Undertaking
Ministry of Jal Shakti
Chandigarh Office
Quality Assurance enters all the broad aspects of road development: Design, Construction and
maintenance right at the design stage, the quality assurance system needs to be considered
since the choice of materials in the various layers of the pavement and thickness of these
layers would significantly influence the riding quality. Thereafter, during construction and
maintenance also, quality assurance plays a vital role in making sure that the quality envisaged
at the design stage is indeed realized over its service life.
Quality control and specifications in road construction must cover workmanship and materials.
The two most important means of specifying a finished product are:
By method
By end result
The more reliable is the latter, but there are circumstances where this cannot be applied and a
method specification must be used. An example is in the production of concrete. It is usual to
require an end product (a set strength for the concrete that the designer can rely on his design).
While it is possible to test the end product by cutting and testing cores, it is more usual to
control the production by method (gauging the aggregate, cement and controlling the amount of
water added and the mixing time). Check testing is carried out during production, with the
finished product, which are crushed after curing to ensure compliance as a check. However,
control of production is largely by method.
1.3 Primary or Division Level Control: Working on the principle that the unit responsible for
construction should also be responsible for its quality, the primary level of control and check
testing is entrusted with the Engineer-in-Charge of the work and his staff. Generally it will be
Executive Engineer under whose jurisdiction the work falls.
a) Carrying out at least the minimum number of mandatory tests in respects of all materials
and processes.
b) Ensuring that only materials duly approved by a competent authority and from approved
sources (borrow area, quarry, etc.) and those manufactured materials having an
appropriate certificate of quality from the manufacturer have been incorporated into the
c) The equipment used is as per specification, and is in good working order and processes
followed are as specified.
1.4 Supervisory or Circle Level Control: The second level of quality control is at the supervisory
level under the control of Superintending Engineer-in-Charge of the circle, or by his staff.
a) Carrying out random checking of the quality of materials including verification of the use of
approved products or materials from approved sources.
b) Verification that records of field tests are being kept properly.
c) Carrying out important tests (in the regional laboratory) if equipment and arrangement for
such tests are not available in the field laboratory.
1.5 Third Level (Optional) Quality Control: The third level of quality control, where considered
necessary, may be carried out by the Core Cell under the charge of the Chief Engineer of the
The Core Cell may monitor the effectiveness of the control being exercised by the circle and
Division Level units and carry out such tests, as it deems necessary.
The Core Cell also acts as an apex body in respect of all quality problems and may lay down
norms for modification/updating of updating of control and test procedures as well as changes
in Specifications for future works.
1.6 Elements of Quality Assurance System: The need for Quality Assurance System is the client
desire to have value for his investments in terms of best design criteria, specification,
construction practices, control and inspection over construction. Thus, the elements of a Quality
Assurance System for a Highway Project are as under:
1.7 Choice of Quality Materials and Design: More often than not, there would be alternative
materials of different engineering characteristics available for the project. A choice of the
materials to be incorporated in the pavement crust would largely depend on the design riding
quality requirements. Both the thickness (pavement crust) and composition (selected materials)
requirement can be worked out by following a suitable design procedure for the assessed
traffic, sub-grade soil and climatic conditions.
Additional specifications have been drawn up, based on practices elsewhere for similar works.
Depending on the type of road facility and related acceptance criteria for various items of work
have been set forth. The bid document specifies the Technical Specifications to be followed as
per CPWD/MORD /MORTH specification.
1.9 Choice of Equipment/Plant: The selection of the right type of equipment/plant is the key to the
achievement of good results.
1.10 Field Supervision and Quality Control: The quality of a work is generally influenced by the
nature of the field supervision and the organization structure responsible for it. Duties and
responsibilities must be carefully demarcated. Quality Control is the task of:
a) Inspection and testing of materials, production process and the end product
b) Measuring variations from the pre-determined standards
c) Taking corrective action to minimize adverse variations
d) Accepting or rejecting the work.
1.11 Responsibility for Quality: Quality is something like health and cannot be isolated or
pinpointed in the functioning of any one particular organ or limb of the body. It has to be present
in the entire body system and it depends upon the well being and smooth functioning of all the
constituent components of the body. The common misconception about achieving quality in
work by getting the job done only by hiring tough inspectors is fast wearing out. The personnel
involved are:
a) The owner
b) The designer/engineers
c) The contractor
d) The quality monitor
a) Systemic control shall be exercised on all operations from the selection and production of
material to the completion of the curing of concrete in order to take care of all technical
b) The quality of product is ensured and maintained by following a documented “Quality Plan”
which sets out specific quality practices, including Quality Control, which are operational
techniques of controlling the quality.
c) Quality assurance includes all those planned actions necessary to provide adequate
confidence that the product will meet the requirements and is essentially a system of
planning, organizing and controlling human skills to ensure quality.
1.13 Quality Assurance Plan for Road: It should eventually comprise of the following aspects:
a) Organization
b) Control of data & documentation, both product (road) related documents and quality records
c) QA procedure for setting out works and temporary works.
d) Methodology of working
e) Control of materials
f) Calibration (of HMP, Batching and mining plant, lab, equipments, survey equipments etc.)
g) Control of workmanship aspects.
h) Protection during construction stage.
i) Non-conforming products.
j) Quality audits i.e. the process of systematic examination of a quality system. The QA plan
will be submitted by the contractors. Basically it is gist of A to Z of delivery of quality
products. However since the DPR is prepared by the Employee the contractor is mainly
concerned with quality control of each activity of road/bridge work.
1.14 Quality Assurance Plan for Basic Construction Materials: Every construction activity starts
with the use of basic materials which may be either in raw shape like stone aggregate, sand,
stones, bricks etc. or manufactured materials like cement, steel and bitumen. Some basic
material to be procured at site for use is concerned in the following chapters with there as per
Punjab/HPPWD technical specifications during execution. In all cases however it is important
that all uses of this handbook understand that the contract documents including the
specifications are the controlling documents for the supervision of the construction.
1.15 Procedure for Conducting Inspection: Primary purpose of conducting inspections and control
should be the fulfillment of the specification requirement. Field inspection and testing of
materials and operations shall be carried out according to a preplanned schedule.
a) Supervision:
b) Daily inspection reports: on all major projects, the W.I. or Engineer-in-Charge shall make a
daily inspection report to the Executive Engineer on the format devised by the organization.
The daily report should include condition and progress of the work important factors
affecting such condition and progress and daily test data. The test data should include
frequency; type and location of samples taken as per the design mix/job mix formula.
1.16 Quality Assurance Measures of Concrete: In order that the properties of the completed
structure are consistent with the requirements and the assumptions made during the planning
and the design, adequate quality assurance measures shall be taken. The construction should
result in satisfactory strength, serviceability and long term durability so as to lower the overall
life-cycle cost. Quality assurance in construction activity relates to proper design, use of
adequate materials and components to be supplied by the producers, proper workmanship in
the execution of works by the contractor and ultimately proper care during the use of structure
including timely maintenance and repair by the owner.
Heavy investments are made on procurement of road construction machinery. It is obvious that the
machinery will require maintenance after regular use. It is also likely that the machines will go out of
calibration with frequent use. It must be ensured that adequate maintenance and calibration facilities
are available. Some of the factors requiring attention are as under:
2.1 General:
2.2 Effect of Cold on Mechanical Equipments & Counter Measures at low temperatures
a) All machines/men are deployed in dispersed manner to guard against avalanches. At the
end of the day, they parked safely.
b) Anti freeze chemicals are added to radiator water and draining radiators in the night are
necessary measures.
c) Winter grade diesel, fuels, and equipments should be used.
2.4 Efficiency
a) 10% decrease in efficiency of mechanical equipment for every 1000 m above mean sea
b) There’s a need to indigenize the machinery equipment. Machines imported from abroad,
are not according to Indian conditions and face maintenance problems, which are
frequent and difficult.
c) Calibration of Equipments (MORT&H Specifications of sections 1000, clause 1015.4
Testing of approval plant and equipment)
a) Preparing
b) Testing
c) Production of materials shall be in accordance with manufactures specifications and shall
be got approved by the Engineer before use. This statement binds both Contractor and
i. Before use-&-during use (Time to Time make sure that specifications are not lost
because of use)
ii. Hence, before use- equipments not outdated are below standards.
iii. The manufacturer has to be reliable.
Calibration certificates for the laboratory & equipments are necessary and kept at site for
inspection by the concerned authorities.
“Quality means doing it right when no one is
looking. “
Henry Ford
3.1 The following Indian Standards shall be followed:
a) IS: 383-1970 Coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete.
b) IS: 1542-1960 Sand for plaster.
c) IS: 2386-1963 (Part I to VIII) Methods of test of aggregates for concrete.
d) IS: 3466-1967 Masonry cement.
e) IS: 5640-1970 Method of test for determining aggregate impact value of soft coarse
f) IS: 5913-1970 Method of test for asbestos cement products.
3.2 General: Aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75 mm. I.S. Sieve and containing only as
much final material as is permitted for the different types are described as coarse aggregates.
This shall be broken from hard stone obtained from the approved quarry. The quarry shall be
approved by the Executive Engineer. The aggregates shall be hard, strong, dense, durable
clean, free from veins, adherent coatings, injurious amounts of disintegrated pieces, alkali,
vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. As far as possible, flaky, scoriaceous and
elongated pieces shall be avoided; it shall also be free from soft, friable, thin, elongated or
laminated pieces and shall be roughly cubical in shape. It shall be clear from dirt. If coarse
aggregates contain more than the prescribed limits of clay or mud etc. It shall be properly
washed and dried before mixing with other ingredients to make concrete.
Do’s Don’t
Course aggregate shall be hard, clean and Flaky and elongated avoided.
Aggregate containing harmful impurities
such as iron pyrites, coal, mica and clay.
3.3.1 Important test on material: Aggregate will be tested for its different quality control
a) For aggregate to be used in concrete for wearing surfaces ---- 30%
b) For aggregate to be used in other concrete ---- 50%
IV. Soundness of aggregate: For concrete liable to be exposed to the action of frost,
coarse and fine aggregates shall pass a sodium or magnesium sulphate accelerated
soundness test specified in IS: 2386 (Part V)-1963, the limits being set by agreement
between the purchaser and the supplier, except that aggregates failing in the
accelerated soundness test may be used if they pass a specified freezing and thawing
test satisfactory to the user.
3.3.2 Aggregate Crushing Value: As an alternative, the aggregate impact value may be
determined in accordance with the method specified in IS: 2386 (Part IV)-1963. The
aggregate impact value shall not exceed 45 percent by weight for aggregates used for
concrete other than for wearing surfaces and 30 percent by weight for concrete for
wearing surfaces, such as runways, roads and pavements.
3.4 Size and Grading of Aggregates: The coarse aggregates shall be supplied in the nominal
size as given in table.
slab etc. and hollow type piers, abutments, wing
walls and the pier caps.
5 RCC bearing 20 mm
For any other item of construction not covered by As specified on the
item (1) to (5) above. drawings or as desired by
6 the Engineer-in-Charge in
case it is not specified on
The coarse aggregates proposed to be used for the concrete work shall be got approved from
the Engineer-in-Charge before the start of the work. All subsequent supplies shall preferably be
obtained from the same source.
3.5 General: All in aggregate shall be composed of fine and fine and coarse aggregates collected
directly from pit, riverbed or crushing plants.
If combined aggregate containing both fine and coarse aggregate are available. These need not
be separated into fine and coarse but necessary adjustments shall be made in the grading by
addition of single-sized aggregates/fine aggregates to obtain the specified grading. For 40mm
and 20mm nominal size of all-in-aggregate, the final grading shall be as under:
3.6 Water: Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils,
acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to
concrete or steel.
The pH value of water shall be not less than 6. The seawater is not recommended for mixing or
curing of concrete because of presence of harmful salts in water. Under unavoidable
circumstances seawater may be used for mixing or curing in plain concrete with no embedded
3.7 Sand: It shall be hand clean and free from organic matter. Sand which contains 90% of
particles of size greater than 0.06mm and less than 0.2mm is fine sand. Sand which contains
90% of particles of size greater than 0.6mm and less than 2.0mm is coarse sand.
The grading of fine aggregates, when determined as described in (IS: 2386 (Part I)-1963 shall
be within the limits given in the below table and shall be described as fine aggregates, Grading
Zones I, II, III and IV.
Zoning: Acc. To IS: 383:1970
Note1: Where concrete of high strength and good durability is required, fine aggregate
conforming to any one of the four grading zones may be used, but the concrete mix should be
properly designed. As the fine aggregate grading becomes progressively finer, that is, from
Grading Zones I to IV, the ratio of fine aggregate should be progressively reduced. The most
suitable fine to coarse ratio to be used for any particular mix will, however, depend upon the
actual grading, particle shape and surface texture of both fine and coarse aggregates.
Note2: It is recommended that fine aggregate confirming to Grading Zone IV should not be
used in reinforced concrete unless tests have been made to ascertain the suitability of proposed
mix proportions.
Greater is the fineness modulus – coarser is the material. Its limit 2.0 to 3.5 (Page No.
368 of section 1008 of MORTH specification 4th revision).
1.18mm 10.5 11.5
600 micron 49.0 60.5
300 micron 33.5 94.0
150 micron 5.0 99.0
Pan 1.0 266.0
100.0 266.0
Fine Modulus 266.0
I. Should not be containing harmful impurities, which affect the ductility of concrete.
II. Used for work where reinforcement is used shall not contain any material liable to
affect the steel reinforcement.
a. Ordinary Portland cement, (ii) Rapid hardening Portland cement and (iii) low heat Portland
cement shall conform to IS: 269: 1976.
b. Portland blast furnace slag cement shall confirm to IS: 455:1976.
c. Portland pozzolana cement shall confirm to IS: 1489-1976.
d. Masonry cement shall conform to IS: 3466-1967.
e. White Portland cement shall conform to IS: 8042-1976.
Soundness: Expansion by the Le Chatelier test not more than 100mm or 5mm after 7
days aeration, time of boiling being 3 hrs.
3.9 Compressive strength: The average compressive strength of at least three mortar cubes of
the cement.
3.10 Quantity of Cement: Minimum quantity of cement to be used in controlled concrete shall be
not less than 220kg/cum in plain concrete and not less 300kg/cum in RCC structural members.
The minimum quantity of cement for pre-stressed concrete work shall not be less than 360
kg/cum of concrete nor it shall be more than 540 kg/cum of concrete.
a) IS: 383-1970 Aggregate coarse and fine from natural sources for concrete.
b) IS: 432-1966 (Part-I) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars.
c) IS: 1139-1966 Deformed bars for concrete reinforcement and rolled mild steel and medium
d) IS: 1789-1966 Cold twisted steel bars for reinforcement concrete.
e) IS: 2090-1962 High tensile steel bars used in pre-stressed concrete.
f) IS: 6003-1970 Indented wire for pre-stressed concrete.
g) IS: 6006-1970 Uncoated stress & relieved strand for pre-stressed concrete.
h) IS: 3384-1965 Bitumen primers for use in water proofing and damp proofing.
i) IS: 456-1964 Plain and reinforced concrete code of practice.
j) IS: 1799-1959 Sampling and analysis of concrete.
k) IS: 1200-1974 (Part-II) Measurement of building and Civil Engineering work method,
concrete work.
l) IS: 1516-1959 Method of test for strength of concrete.
m) IS: 2386-1963 Test for particle size and shape (Part-I)
4.1 Grades of Concrete: The controlled concrete shall be in different grades, designated as M200,
M250, M300, M350, M400, M450, M500, M550 and M600.
In case of ordinary concrete, it shall be in four grades designated on M100, M150, M200 and
Note 1 Preliminary Test: A test conducted in a laboratory on the trail mix of concrete produced
in the laboratory with the object of:
Designing a concrete mix before the actual concreting operation starts.
Determining the adjustments required in the designed mix when there is a change in the
materials used during the execution of work.
Verifying the strength of concrete mix.
Note 2 Works Test: A test conducted either in the field or in a laboratory on the specimens
made on the works, out of the concrete being used on the works.
4.2 Admixtures: Admixtures are the special ingredients added during concrete mixing to enhance
the properties and performance of fresh concrete. Various types of admixtures are available in
the market, which is used in construction work.
Functions of Admixtures:
a. To accelerate or retard the setting time of fresh concrete.
b. To improve the workability or flow ability of concrete.
c. To increase the strength and durability of concrete.
d. To reduce the heat of hydration.
e. To reduce the segregation and bleeding.
f. To decrease the permeability.
g. To achieve other desired properties.
Types of Admixtures:
a. Accelerating Admixtures
b. Retarding Admixtures
c. Air-Entraining Admixtures
d. Water Reducing Admixtures
Special Admixtures:
a. Super plasticizing admixtures.
b. Corrosion-inhibiting admixtures.
c. Grouting admixtures.
d. Coloring admixtures etc
4.3 Proportioning: Proportioning shall be done by volume. Boxes of suitable size shall be used for
measuring sand aggregate. The size of the boxes (materials) shall be 35x25cm and 40cm
deep. The unit of measurement for cement, shall be a bag of cement weighing 50 kgs and this
shall be as 0.035 cubic meter. While measuring the aggregate and sand the boxes shall be
filled without shaking, ramming or hammering. The proportioning of sand shall be on the basis
of its dry volume.
4.4 Concrete mixes used for various types of works: Concrete mix shall be as specified in the
contract. If nothing is mentioned in the contract, it shall be as specified by the Engineer-in-
Charge in writing. A rough guide regarding the use of nominal mixes is given below:
stairs, columns retaining walls, pavements, floors, bedplates.
Important RCC structures, piles arches, impermeable construction against
water heads.
4.5 Mixing of Concrete: Mixing of cement concrete shall, as a rule is done in a mechanical mixer.
However, the Engineer-in-Charge may permit hand mixing in specific cases where in his
opinion it is not practicable to resort to mechanical mixing either on account of the quantity of
cement concrete required is small or for any other reason. In such cases he should ensure that
the inferior quality of concrete produced by hand mixing will not adversely affect the structure.
4.6 Mechanical vibration: The number and type vibrators shall be subject to the approval of the
Executive Engineer. If nothing is specified, only, vibrators of the internal type of shall be used.
Mechanical vibrator shall be adequately powered and capable of transmitting vibrations of the
required frequency to the concrete. A sufficient number of mechanical vibrators shall be
provided on the batch so that each batch may be thoroughly compacted immediately after
placing and that there will be no delay in placing and compacting of ensuing batches. The
intensity and duration of vibration shall be sufficient to cause complete settlement and
compaction without any stratification of the successive layers or separation of ingredients.
Types of vibrations:
a) Internal vibrators: Which consist of metal spud or rod, which is inserted into newly,
placed concrete and which vibrates while it is being withdrawn.
b) External or ‘Form’ vibrators: Which are attached to form work and external shuttering
of walls, column etc. Forms transmit the vibrating action to the concrete.
c) Surface vibrators: Which are mounted on screeds or platforms and which are chiefly
used for consolidating road slabs, floors etc.
d) Vibrating tables: Which are used for precast products.
4.7 Strength Requirement of Concrete: The compressive strength requirement for various grades
of controlled concrete as well as ordinary shall be as given in table below. Where rapid
hardening Portland cement is used, the 28 days compressive strength requirements specified
in table below shall be met at 7 days.
For controlled concrete, the mix shall be so designed as to attain in preliminary tests or strength
of at least 33% higher than that required on work tests. Preliminary tests need not be made in
case of ordinary concrete.
Grade of Compressive Strength of 15 Modulus of Rupture by beams Test, Min.
Concrete cm Cubes Min. at 7 days At 72 ± 2hous At 7 days
M100 70 12 17
M150 100 15 21
M200 135 17 24
M250 170 19 27
M300 200 21 30
M350 235 23 32
M400 270 25 34
4.8 Proportioning: Proportioning shall be done by volume. Boxes of suitable size shall be
35*25*40 cm deep. The unit of measurement for cement will be its weight 50 kgs and which
shall be as 0.35 cum. The proportioning of sand and aggregate shall be on the basis of its dry
volume and filled without shaking or ramming.
4.9 Compaction: Concrete when deposited shall have a temperature of not less than 4.50C and
not more than 380C. It shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of its discharge
from the mixer unless carried in properly designed agitators, operating continuously, when this
time shall be within 2 hours of the addition of cement of the mix and within 30 minutes of its
discharge from the agitator.
Except where otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in- Charge, concrete shall not be deposited
in horizontal layers to a compacted depth of not more than 0.45 meter when internal vibrators
are used and not exceeding 0.30 meter in all other cases.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer-in-Charge, concrete shall not be dropped into place
from a height exceeding 2 meters. When trucking or chutes are used they shall be kept clean
and used in such a way as to avoid segregation.
4.10 Consistency: Quantity of water shall vary in the field with the quality of aggregate. Consistency
required and surface water present in the aggregate. Therefore the amount of water required
shall be determined in the field by carrying out slump/V.B. consistometer test. The following
slumps are adopted for different works.
Type of work When vibrators are When vibrators are
used. not used.
Mass concrete in foundations,
1 footings, retaining walls and 10mm to 25mm 30mm to 75mm
Thin floorings of less than
2 25mm to 40 mm 75mm to 100mm
74mm thickness.
Reinforced Cement Concrete
3 75-125mm
i) The test specimen shall be formed in a mould in the form of the frustum of the cone
with internal dimension as follow:
a) Bottom diameter 20cm
b) Top diameter 10 cm
c) Height 30 cm
ii) Care shall be taken to ensure that a representative sample is taken.
iii) Samples of concrete for test shall be taken from the mixer or ready mixed concrete.
Such samples shall be obtained by repeatedly passing a scope or pail through the
discharging stream of concrete starting the sampling operation of the beginning of
discharge and repeating the operation until the entire batch is discharged. The
sample thus obtained shall be taken to the moulding of the specimen and to
counteract segregation. The concrete shall be mixed with shovel.
iv) The internal surface of the mould shall be thoroughly clean, dry and free from set
Procedure: The mould shall be placed on a smooth flat surface. The mould shall be
filled to about one fourth of its height with the concrete and tempted using 25 strokes of
16mm dia steel rod, o.6m long and bullet painted at the lower end. The mould shall than
be removed by rising vertically immediately after filling. The moulded concrete then be
allowed to subside and the height of the specimen measured after coming to rest. The
consistency shall be recorded in millimeter of subsidence of the specimen during the
test, which is known as the slump.
The slumped concrete takes various shapes and according to the profile of slumped
concrete, the slump is termed as true slump, shear slump or collapse slump. If a shear
or collapse slump is achieved, a fresh sample should be taken and the test repeated.
Only a true slump is of any use in the test. A collapse slump will generally mean that the
mix is too wet or that it is a high workability mix, for which the slump test is not
appropriate. Very dry mixes having slump 0 – 25 mm are typically used in road making,
low workability mixes having slump 10 – 40 mm are typically used for foundations with
light reinforcement, medium workability mixes with slump 50 – 90 mm, are typically
used for normal reinforced concrete placed with vibration, high workability concrete with
slump > 100 mm is typically used where reinforcing has tight spacing, and/or the
concrete has to flow a great distance.
Medium 0.92 50 - 100
High 0.95 100 – 175
Note 1: For most of the placing conditions, internal vibrators (needle vibrators) are
suitable. The diameter of the needle shall be determined based on the density and
spacing of the reinforcement bars and thickness of sections. For tremie concrete,
vibrators are not required to be used.
Note 2:In the ‘very low’ category of workability where strict control is necessary, e.g.
pavement concrete, measurement of workability by determination of compacting factor
will be more appropriate than slump (see IS: 1199) and a value of compacting factor of
0.75 to 0.80 is suggested.
4.11 Tests for Compression Strength of Concrete: This method comes compression tests on
concrete made in accordance with IS: 516. Each test shall be conducted on ten specimens, five
of which shall be tested at seven days and the remaining five at 28 days. The samples concrete
shall be taken on each day of concreting and cubes shall be made at the rate of one for every 5
cum of concrete or as part thereof. However if concreting done in a day is less than 15 cum, the
minimum no. of cubes can be reduced to 6 with the specific permission of the Engineer-in-chief.
The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less than the
specified works cube strength. The results shall be recorded in the register maintained at for
4.11.1 Additional Tests for Concrete: In case concrete fails when tested for compression
of concrete following check tests may be carried out at the direction of Engineer to
satisfy the strength of the concrete laid. All testing expenditure shall be done by the
contractor. For purpose of payment the cube results shall be the criteria:
a) Cutting Cores: This method involves drilling and testing cores from the concrete
for determination of compressing strength. In suitable circumstances the
compressive strength of the concrete in the structure may be assessed by drilling
cores from the concrete and testing. The procedure used shall comply with the
requirements of IS: 119-1959 and IS: 516-1959.
d) Load tests on individual present units: The load tests described in this clause
are intended as check on the quality of the units and should not be used as a
substitute for normal design procedures. Where members require special testing
such special testing procedures shall be in accordance with the specifications. The
test loads shall be applied and removed incrementally.
4.12 Sampling procedure: A random sampling procedure shall be adopted to ensure that each
concrete batch shall have a reasonable chance of being tested. It means sampling should be
spread over the entire period of concreting and covers all mixing units.
Frequency of Sampling: The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall
be in accordance with the following:
a) The proportion of the ingredients in concrete shall be determined through preliminary tests
on concrete made from representative sample of ingredients.
b) The water cement ratio for specified compressive strength should be determined by lab
c) Slump shall be determined at the point of placement after the concrete has been deposited.
d) The amount of bulk cement and all aggregates shall be directly weighed for batching.
c) To avoid segregation, concrete should not be dropped from a height more than 1 meter.
4.13 Concreting Under water: Concrete shall not be placed in water having a temperature below
50C. The temperature of the concrete, when deposited, shall be not less than 160C and not
more than 400C.
Concrete shall contain 10 percent more cement than that required for the same mix placed in
the dry. The materials shall be so proportioned as to produce a concrete having a slump of not
less than 100 mm, and not more than 180 mm.
Cofferdam or forms shall be sufficiently tight to ensure still water conditions and shall be
sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar through the joints in the walls. Concrete shall be
deposited continuously until it has been brought to the required height. Drop bucket method or
any other method approved by the Engineer may be used for depositing concrete under water.
Generally heating of the mixing water alone may be sufficient for this purpose. The temperature
of water shall not however be more than 650C. The concrete shall be carefully protected after
Salt or other chemicals shall not be used to prevent water from freezing. No frozen material or
materials containing ice shall be used. All concrete damaged by the frost shall be removed. It is
recommended that concrete exposed to freezing weather shall have entrained air and water
cement ratio shall not be more than 0.60.
When depositing concrete in very hot weather, precautions shall be taken so that the
temperature of wet concrete does not exceed 400C while placing. This shall be achieved by
stacking aggregates under the shade and keeping them moist, using cold water, reducing the
time between mixing and placing to the minimum, cooling the form work by sprinkling water and
restricting concreting, as far as possible, to early mornings and late evenings. When ice is used
to cool mixing water, it will be considered a part of the water for the purpose of working out the
water-cement ration in the mix.
4.15 Construction joints: Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to the construction joints,
the position and details of which shall be shown on approved drawings or as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Such joints shall, however, be kept to the minimum.
For a critical construction joint, a stopping board shall be fixed previously at the pre-determined
position and shall be properly stayed for sufficient lateral rigidity to prevent its displacement or
plugging when concrete is compacted against it. Concreting shall be continued right up to the
board. The board shall not be removed before the expiry of the specified period for removal of
vertical forms.
Before resuming work at any construction joint when concrete has not yet fully hardened, all
laitance shall be removed thoroughly, care being taken to avoid dislodgement of coarse
When work has to be resumed on a surface which has hardened it shall be thoroughly hacked,
swept clean, wetted and covered with a layer of neat cement grout. The neat cement grout shall
be followed by a 13mm thick layer or mortar mixed in the same proportion as in concrete and
concreting resumed immediately thereafter. The first batch of concrete shall be rammed against
the old work to avoid formation of any stone pockets, particular attention being paid to corners
and close spots.
4.16 Tests and standard of acceptance: For controlled concrete preliminary tests shall consist of
three sets of separate tests, and in each set, tests shall be conducted on six specimens. Not
more than one set of six specimens shall be made on any particular day. On the six specimens
in each set, three shall be tested at seven days and the remaining three at 28 days. The
preliminary tests at 7 days are intended only to indicate the strength likely to be attained at 28
All work shall be carried out under the supervision of a qualified and a competent Engineer who
will supervise proportioning, placing and compacting of concrete at all stages.
4.17 Damp proof course: It is of two types namely horizontal and vertical. Horizontal D.P.C. shall
usually consist of cement concrete 1:2:4 or cement mortar 1:2 as specified. In temporary and
inferior buildings, the horizontal D.P.C. may consist of cement mortar. In important buildings
and in special localities, the thickness of the cement concrete layer may be as per the approved
drawings/direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Vertical D.P.C. may also be provided as per the approved drawings/direction of the Engineer-
Concrete or the plaster layer shall in all cases be covered with two layers of bitumen.
Unless otherwise stated, horizontal D.P.C. in external brick walls shall be located about 75 to
15 cm above the final ground level. In internal brick walls, damp proof course shall be located at
the ground floor level. Damp proof courses of the external and internal walls shall be joined up
by means of bonding, bricks or concrete blocks soaked in bitumen. To prevent the ingress of
moisture from the soil under floor, the inside of the external wall shall be provided with vertical
damp proof course, extending from horizontal damp proof course to floor level.
Damp proof course shall not be laid until level of work/stone work have been checked and the
brickwork or masonry work have been passed by the Assistant Engineer.
The surface of brickwork or stone works shall be leveled and prepared before laying cement
mortar/cement concrete. All exposed surfaces of damp proof course shall be finished smooth
and flush with masonry surface. Side shuttering shall consist of wooden forms and shall be
strong and properly fixed so that it does not get disturbed during compaction and the mortar
does not leak through. When the sides are removed, the surface should come out smooth
without any honeycombing. If holes show up, they shall be grouted up flush with surface. The
upper and inside surface shall be left rough to afford a key to the plaster and masonry above.
Damp proof course shall be cured for at least 7 days after which it shall be allowed to dry.
The concrete or plaster will be allowed to dry for one day after curing, and to course of bitumen
then given after dusting of the surface. If the concrete or plaster does not dry up fully in cold
season, the first coat shall consist of bitumen emulsion in lieu of bitumen. The bitumen shall be
heated to the specified temperature and spread on the concrete in two coats using 1.70
kg/sqmt bitumen of damp proof course. The layers of bitumen must be sanded immediately
they are laid. The bitumen shall be applied over the dried up surface of cement concrete,
properly cleaned with brushes and finally with a piece of cloth soaked in kerosene oil. The
bitumen shall be applied uniformly all over so that no blank spaces are left anywhere.
4.18 Requirement of Concrete Cover: The protection of the steel in concrete against corrosion
depends upon an adequate thickness of good quality concrete.
4.19 Transportation:
a) The procedure of mixing, transporting, placing and compacting concrete should not take
more than 90 minutes in any case.
b) No water shall be lost from the mix during transportation.
c) The permissible time of transport of concrete should be determined within the laboratory.
d) The concrete combine should be protected from drying in hot weather and from rain during
transport from the place of mixing to the position of placing.
4.20 Curing: Curing is the process of preventing loss of moisture from the concrete. When water is
mixed in concrete a chemical reaction called hydration takes place. This hydration continues
rapidly for first few days, after the concrete is placed, for this hydration to take place without
interruption, favorable temperature and moisture conditions are to be maintained. The act of
protection of hydration in concrete is in broad terms called curing. Thus, it can be concluded
that to facilitate the hydration in cement, the water that is added in concrete during the
construction should be prevented from evaporation.
Note: Freshly laid concrete shall be protected from rain by suitable covering.Concrete
should not be placed during rain.
4.21 Reinforcement: All reinforcement shall be free from loose mill scales, loose rust and coats of
paints, oil, mud or any other substances, which may destroy or reduce bond. Sand blasting or
other treatment is recommended to clean reinforcement. Special precautions like coating of
reinforcement may be required for reinforced concrete elements in exceptional cases and for
rehabilitation of structures.
4.22 Bending of Reinforcement: Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge using a proper bar bender, operated by hand or power to
attain proper bend.
Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will injure the material.
Bars bent during transport or handling shall be straightened before being used on work, they
shall not be heated to facilitate bending, unless permitted by Engineer-in-Charge.
Unless otherwise specified a U type hook at the end of each bar shall invariably be provided.
The radius of the bend shall not be less than twice the diameter of the round bar and the length
of the straight part of the bar beyond the end of the curve shall be at least four times the
diameter of the round bar. In the case of bars which are not round and in the case of deformed
bars, the diameter shall be taken as the diameter of a circle having an equivalent effective area.
4.23 Laps in Bars: The length of lap in bars shall not be less than:
a) The distance between two parallel reinforcement bars shall be except as provided under not
less than the greatest of the following three distances: -
i. The diameter of either bar, if their diameter is equal.
iii. 6 mm more than the nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregate comprised in such
b) The vertical distance between two horizontal main steel reinforcements, or the
corresponding distance at right angles to two inclined main steel reinforcements shall be not
less than 13mm except at a splice or lap and except where one of such reinforcements is
transverse to the other.
c) The pitch of the main bars in a reinforcement concrete solid slab shall not be more than four
times the effective depth of such slab.
d) The pitch of distributing bars in a reinforcement concrete solid slab shall not be more than
four times the effective depth of such slab.
a) However for a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a column nominal cover shall in any case not be
less than 40 mm, or less than the diameter of such bar. In the case of columns of minimum
dimension of 200 mm or under, whose reinforcing bars do not exceed 12 mm, a nominal
cover of 25 mm may be used.
b) At each end of a reinforcing bar not less than 25mm nor less than twice the diameter of such
rod or bar.
c) For longitudinal reinforcing bar in a beam, not less than 25mm nor less than the diameter of
such rod or bar.
d) For tensile, compressive, shear or other reinforcement in a slab, not less than 13mm nor
less than the diameter of such reinforcement.
e) For any other reinforcement, not less than 13mm nor less than the diameter of such
4.26 Joints: Joints shall be provided as shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-
4.26.1 Construction Joint: For large works, where it is not practicable to carry on
concreting continuously, the position of leaving off points or construction joints and
the details of which shall be shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-
in- Charge. Such joints shall be kept to the minimum and shall not be located in
valleys. The joints shall be kept at places where the shear force is the minimum and
these shall be straight and at right angles to the direction of main reinforcement. In
case of columns the joints shall be horizontal and 10 to 15 cm below the bottom of
the beam running into the column head and the portion of the column between the
stepping off level and the top of the slab shall be concreted with the beam.
When stopping the concrete on a vertical plane in slab and beams, an approved
stop-board shall be placed with necessary slots for reinforcement bars to pass freely
without bending or any other obstruction. The construction joint shall be keyed by
providing a triangular or trapezoidal fillet nailed on the stop-board. Inclined or feather
joints of stop-board be removed soon after the initial set. When concrete is stopped
on a horizontal plane, the surface shall be roughened and cleaned after the initial
Walls shall be left off at any convenient height but the last layer shall be at the same
level all round the structure.
When the work has to be resumed, on a surface, which has hardened (i.e. more than
48 hours old), the joint shall be thoroughly cleaned with wire brush and loose
particles removed. It shall then be covered with a 13 mm layer of freshly mixed
mortar comprising of cement and coarse sand in the same ratio as the cement and
coarse sand in the concrete mix shall be applied before fresh concrete is laid.
When the work has to be resumed on a surface, which has not fully hardened (i.e.
less than 48 hours old) the joint shall be thoroughly cleaned with wire brush and
loose particles removed. The surface shall first be thoroughly wetted and all free
water removed. A coat of neat cement slurry at the rate of 2.75 kg of cement per
square meter shall then be applied on the roughened surface before fresh concrete
is laid.
4.26.3 Expansion Joints in Bridges: Wherever, expansion joints are provided in the main
structure of a bridge, expansion joints must be provided in the concrete flooring
immediately above them, such joints should be constructed with two sheets of tarred
paper previously laid on the support and be filled with preformed plastic material 13
mm thick which should be placed in the forms before concrete is laid so as to give a
projection above the top surface of the concrete; this projection being trimmed of
flush with the surface after the concrete has set.
f) IS: 1597-1967 (Part-I) Code of practice for construction of Rubble stone masonry.
g) IS: 1597-1967 (Part-II) Code of practice for construction of Ashlar stone masonry.
Stone used for stone masonry shall comply with the specifications as below:
5.1 Quarried stone in Blocks (undressed): The stone shall be of the specified variety (such as
granite, sand stone, quartzite etc.). The stone shall be hand sound, durable and free from
defects like cavities, cracks or soft material etc. the minimum crushing strength of building
stone shall be 200 kg/cm2 unless higher minimum strength is specified in any particular case.
5.2 Through Bond Stone and Quoins: The bond stones or through stones running right across
the thickness of the walls shall be provided in walls up to 600mm thick. In thicker walls 2 stones
overlapping each other by at least 150mm shall be provided across the thickness of the wall to
form bond stone. There shall be at least 1 bond stone for 0.5m2 of wall surface. The bond
stone marked by the distinguishing latter during construction for subsequent verification and
shall be laid in staggered in subsequent layers.
Where bond stones of suitable lengths are not available CC block of 1:3:6 min shall be used.
5.3 Quoins: A quoin is the external angle of a wall or building. The quoin or corner stone shall be
selected neatly dressed with hammer/chisel to form required corner angle and laid header and
stretcher alternately. No quoins stone shall be smaller than 0.025 cum in volume and it shall not
be less than 300 mm in length, 25% of it being not less than 500 mm in length.
5.4 Joints: Joints parallel to the external pressure must be staggered and should not be
continuous. In other words, the stone in any course shall overlap the joint in the course below.
All stones shall be laid full in mortar both in bed and in vertical joints. Clean chips and spalls
shall be wedged into the mortar joints and beds wherever necessary to avoid thick beds or
joints of mortar.
5.5 Stone for wire crates: The stone used shall be fairly regular and subject to marked
deterioration by water or weather shall not be used.
The size of stone shall be as large as possible. In no case any fragment shall be less than 40
kg. The specific gravity of stones shall be as high as possible and it shall not be less than 2.50.
a) Water Absorption: Stone with round surface shall not be more than 5% when tested for
water absorption in accordance with IS: 1124-1974.
b) Crushing Strength: The minimum crushing strength of building stone shall be 200
kg/cm2under higher minimum strength is specified in any particular case.
5.7 Dry Rubble Masonry: Dry rubble masonry shall be used in c/o breast wall and retaining walls,
revetments walls and parapets.
In appearance dry rubble masonry will be like squared rubble built to courses. Each course shall
be built through the entire thickness of the wall without mortar but with chips and spalls. The
stones shall be roughly dressed to secure the maximum bedding surface without unduly
reducing the size of stones. The largest stones shall be used in such construction, the larger
being used in the lower courses. The face stone’s average breadth shall not be less than the
height and average length not less than 1½ times the height for stones up to 20 cm height and
not less than 1-1/3rd the height or 30 cm whichever is more, for stones exceeding 20 cms in
height. Dry stonewalling should not have a face batter steeper than 1:12 and until otherwise
specified, batter shall be 1:4. The back of the wall shall be vertical; foundations as well as the
courses must run at right angles to the face batter and not horizontally. Through or bond stones
shall be provided in each course at intervals of 5 feet (2 meters) with specifications.
Dry stonewall higher than 20 feet (6 meters) should be strengthened by laying three consecutive
courses of squared rubble masonry coursed in lime or cement mortar at every 10 feet(3 meters)
5.8 Long walls: Long length of dry rubble walls should be divided into panels separated from one
another by short lengths of walls 2 meters long built with squared rubble courses in lime or
cement mortar at intervals of say 6 to 9 meters in order to confine damage, if any, only to the
panels affected and thereby to minimize the repairs required.
5.9 Weep holes: It shall be provided in dry stonewalling when built against earth or hill slopes
subject to saturation by surface or ground water flow. Weep holes shall be backed by coarse
gravel and important walls by graded filters composed of coarse sand and gravel.
Filling immediately behind dry stonewall must, wherever possible consist of stone refuse or
chips or coarse gravel clayey and silly soil should not be used where stone refuse or gravel is
5.10 Random Rubble Masonry: Random rubble masonry consists of stones, which are not squared
but are of irregular shapes and are laid in specified mortar.
In this type of work scrabbled or quarry dressed stones are used and no further dressing is
done except to knock off weak or angular corners. Care is taken to select stones of as uniform
a shape as possible. Each stone will be laid on its quarry bed and will be wedged or pinned
strongly into position in the walls by spalls or chips.
5.10.1 Polygonal Random Rubble Masonry: In this type of random rubble masonry the
face stones are of very irregular shape most of them forming polygons. The stones
are used as they come out of the quarry and if sufficient stones with polygonal faces
are not forth coming some of the stones are hammer dressed to give polygonal
Stones are laid to a random arrangement. Care being taken to lay them as close to
each other as possible.
In all other respects, the work will conform to specification for random rubble
The stone shall not be less than 15cms in any direction except the packing stone.
The face stone’s average breadth shall not be less than the height and average
length not less than 1½ times the height for stones up to 20 cm height and not
less than 1-1/3rd the height or 30 cm whichever is more, for stones exceeding 20
cms in height.
b) Dry polygonal random rubble masonry: In this type of masonry the face
stones are of very irregular shape most of them forming polygons. The stones
are used as they come out of the quarry and if sufficient stones with polygonal
faces are not forthcoming some of the stones are hammer-dressed to give
polygonal faces. Polygonal random rubble masonry of this type can either be
uncoursed or it can be brought up to course by leveling after 45cms to 60 cms
vertical interval.
d) For second sort coursed rubble masonry the stones shall be dressed as for first
sort masonry described above except that no portion of dressed surface shall
show a depression of more than 10mm (as against 6mm for first sort) from the
straight edge placed against the dressed surface.
a) These shall conform to IS: 2185-1967 and shall be made of concrete mix as
specified in the respective items.
b) A hollow block can have one or more than one hole or cavity passing through the
block and having solid material between 50 percent and 75 percent of the total
volume of block calculated from the overall dimensions.
c) All blocks shall be sound free from cracks, broken edges, honey combing and
other defects that would interfere with the proper placing of blocks or impair the
strength or performance of the structure.
a) Solid cement concrete blocks shall be precast with concrete of specified mix.
b) A block shall be deemed to be solid if the solid material is not less than 75 percent
of the total volume of the block calculated from the overall dimensions.
c) The concrete mix used for blocks shall not be richer than one part by volume of
cement to 6 parts by volume of combined aggregate.
d) The material used for concrete shall conform to relevant I.S. Specifications. The
size of the blocks shall be of one of the following size:
Sizes other than these specified may also be used with the approval of the Engineer-
1. The blocks may be either machine made or handmade. The concrete mix, the
mixing of concrete, the manufacture of blocks, curing and drying shall be in
accordance with para 6 to 10 under IS code 2185-1967.
2. Faces of the blocks shall be flat and rectangular. Surface finish shall be rendered
smooth or plastered with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 course sand).
strength of the lowest individual block shall not be less than 75 per cent of the
average compressive strength of eight blocks.
5.12 Laying:
a) The blocks need to be wetted before or during laying in the walls. In case climatic conditions
so require the top and the sides of block may only be slightly moistened so as to prevent
absorption of water from the mortar and ensure the development of the required bond with
the mortar.
b) Operations of laying of precast cement concrete block masonry shall be carried out in
accordance with instructions detailed in IS: 6042-1962 para 10.2
5.13 Quoins and closers: Specials quoins blocks (with a return face equal to length to half the
normal face) shall be cast for all building blocks and slabs for external work. Proper half-length
closers shall be cast and not cut from full size blocks. The returned ends of blocks for door and
window reveals and quoins shall be finished with a fair face in the moulds.
5.14 Do’s:
a) Dressing of stones shall be as per the specifications for an individual type of masonry work.
b) Through and bond stones shall broadly be stacked separately from ordinary building stones.
c) All stones for masonry in cement mortar must be thoroughly wetted before laying.
f) Joints in masonry shall be staggered i.e. the stone in any course shall overlap the joint in the
course below.
a) Filling up the space between the masonry faces with fine, small or dry stone backing shall
not be permitted.
c) IS: 1200-1974 (Part-III) Measurements of building and Civil Engineering works: method of
6.1 Sizes of Bricks: Unless otherwise specified bricks required for buildings or architectural works
shall measure 19cm*9cm*9cm (actual) or 20cm*10cm*10cm (nominal) so that every 10 courses
when laid with horizontal mortar joints shall measure one meter in height. A tolerance up to ±
6.5mm in length, ±3mm in width and ±3mm in height shall be permitted.
a) First class Bricks: The first class brick shall conform to the following specifications:
i) They shall be made from good brick earth, free from saline deposits and shall be sand
ii) They shall be thoroughly burnt without being vitrified and shall have uniform deep red,
chary or copper color.
iii) They shall be regular and uniform in shape and size with sharp and square arises and
parallel faces.
iv) They must homogenous in texture and emit a clear ringing sound on being struck.
v) A first class brick shall not absorb water more than 20% of its own dry weight after 24
hours immersion in cold water.
vi) The first class bricks shall have a minimum crushing strength of 105 kg/cm2 when
tested. The crushing strength of any individual brick shall not fall below the average
crushing strength by more than 20%.
vii) They shall not show any appreciable sign of efflorescence either in dry state or
subsequent to soaking in water.
b) 2nd class brick:
i) They shall be as well burnt as first class brick or slightly over-burnt but not vitrified in
any part.
iii) They may have slight irregularities in size, shape and color provided these irregularities
are not such as to give uneven courses when used for construction.
iv) The minimum crushing strength of second-class brick shall be 70kg/cm2 when tested.
The crushing strength of an individual bricks shall not fall below the average strength by
more than 20%.
v) They shall not show any appreciable sign of efflorescence either in dry state or
subsequent to soaking in water.
i) These are not be so fully burnt as first or second class. These may be slightly under-
burnt or slightly over-burnt.
ii) They may be distorted and have rounded edges and may not be uniform in shape.
These defects, however, shall not be such as to cause difficulty in obtaining uniform
courses with their use.
iii) They shall not absorb water more than 25% of their own dry weight after 24 hours,
immersion in cold water.
iv) Third class bricks may show moderate signs of efflorescence when tested for
Third class bricks shall not be used anywhere without the specific orders of the Executive
Engineer in writing.
6.3 Soaking: Bricks required for brickwork in cement or lime mortars, shall be thoroughly soaked in
clean water immediately before use for one hour or till the complete cessation of air bubbles.
Bricks shall be placed in the tank by hand, one at a time and not thrown or tipped in. The
soaked bricks shall be kept on wooden planks or brick platforms to avoid earth being smeared
on them. Bricks need not to be soaked for brickwork in mud mortar.
6.4 Laying:
a) Brickwork shall be laid in English bond i.e. alternate courses of header and stretcher unless
otherwise specified with frogs upwards. Half or cut bricks shall not be used except where
necessary to complete the bond. Closers in such cases shall be cut to the required size and
used near the ends of the walls.
b) In exposed brickwork, selected bricks of the specified class shall be used for the face work.
c) A layer of mortar shall be spread in full width over a suitable length of the lower course.
Each brick shall be properly bedded and taken up truly plumb.
d) All iron fixtures, pipes, outlets of water, hold fasts of doors and windows which are required
to be built up into the walls shall be embedded in mortar or cement concrete.
e) The flue of the chimney shall be pargeted i.e. plastered with mud gobar mortar (3 mud: 1
gober) as the work proceeds. Nothing extra shall be paid for this par getting.
a) When it is necessary to economics on space or to reduce dead weight partition walls of half
brick thickness or even less are constructed. Such walls shall bear no weight except their
own. When built on suspended floors, there must be a beam underneath to take the load or
the floor itself designed to take its load.
b) Such walls of thickness 5cm or 7.5cm shall invariably be constructed with hoop iron
reinforcement. Walls of thickness 10 cm shall be constructed without hoop iron
reinforcement when any of the following conditions exist:
In all other situations, these partition-walls of thickness 10 cm shall be reinforced with hoop iron.
The hoop iron reinforcement shall be 25mm wide and 1.6mm thick. The hoop iron band shall be
embedded in cement mortar as follow:
The hoop iron shall be hooked (give in double lap) with minimum of 20 cm hooks, at all angles
junctions. Hoop iron band shall be continued for 20 cm into the main wall on which the partition
wall abuts 5cm length of the hoop iron being bent up or down so as to take a firm grip of the
Before laying the hoop iron, it shall be cleaned of rust and loose flakes with a wire brush. The
hoop iron shall lie quite flat on the mortar. Half the mortar for the joint shall first be laid and other
half laid after the hoop iron has been laid in position so that it is fully embedded in the mortar.
When hoop iron is not available, the Engineer-in-Charge may allow equivalent reinforcement in
the form of rods.
6.6 Cavity walls: Hollow walls or double with a cavity between them shall be built where specified,
in order to exclude dampness or in order to keep the interior of the building cool in summer and
warm in winter.
The cavity between the two walls shall not be less than 5cm. The outer wall should be half brick
thick i.e. 10cm. in metric bricks 41/2” thick in non-metric walls. The bricks shall be provided for
half brick thick masonry.
The internal may be half brick thick or one brick thick depending upon the load coming on the
wall. The ratio of cement sand mortar in which the internal wall should be built will also depend
upon this consideration. The normal rule is that combined thickness of the walls (excluding
cavity) should be equal to the thickness demanded for any solid wall with the given conditions
for height and lengths. If the internal wall is half brick thick, it shall be laid in cement sand mortar
1:4 and reinforced with hoop iron as the outer wall.
Where cavity walls have been specified to exclude dampness, the cavity must continue below
the damp-proof course, which shall be at the ground level for the outer wall and at the plinth
level for the inner wall.
6.7 Mortar Dropping: During construction of cavity wall, mortar droppings are quite likely to fall into
the cavity and get lodged over ties and become a constant source of transmittance of moisture.
For preventing this, a wooden batten should be kept over ties during the construction the
construction of wall to catch any mortar droppings.
The batten should be lifted up every time when the next row of ties is reached and the process
repeated as the construction of wall proceeds. The inner surface of outer leaf of the wall should
not encourage splash of dripping water that may penetrate through the outer leaf and thus
transmit dampness to the inner leaf. To avoid this, projections from outer leaf extending into the
cavity should not be allowed.
6.8 Solids Portions: The cavity walls shall be built solid at the corners and either side of all
openings for a width of half brick thickness i.e. 10 cm in case of metric bricks and 41/2” in case
of non-metric bricks. The top of three courses under the roof shall also be built solid. The tops
of arches or lintels shall be plastered during construction with neat cement so as to stop
penetration of moisture into the inner wall.
6.9 Cleaning out Holes: Small openings shall be left in the exterior leaf approximately 2 meters
apart at the start of masonry so as to facilitate hand cleaning out by means of a rake. These
holes should be closed at the end of the construction of the wall after doing the necessary
cleaning of the cavity.
6.10 Ventilation of Cavity: The cavity in hollow walls shall be ventilated at the bottom and near the
top by providing airbricks or openings having 6mm x 6mm grating. The openings near the
bottom shall be so placed as to allow the escape of any condensed moisture that may have
6.11 Hollow Portion Walls: Hollow partition walls which do not carry any load except their own
weight, shall be made 5cm thick each with 5cm cavity in between. In case of non-metric bricks,
the thickness of each wall shall be 3 inches with 2 inches cavity in between. The brick work
shall be reinforced every third course with bands of hoop iron as specified in case of half brick
thick masonry. Instead of metal ties the two walls shall be bonded together by header bricks at
every one-meter interval and in every alternate course.
6.12 Testing of Bricks:
6.12.1 Absorption Test on Bricks: Water absorption is an important property of the bricks
since it has tremendous effect on the durability of the structure. Less value of water
absorption indicates the more strength and durability.
Recommendation: For a good quality brick the amount of water absorption should not
exceed 20% of weight of dry brick.
6.12.2 Strength Test on Bricks: A minimum value of compressive strength of a good brick
as specified by IS: 3495 Part I, 1976 is 35 to 40 kg/cm2.
a) Compressive testing machine, the platens of which shall have a ball seating
b) The work done per day should not be more than one-meter height.
7.1 Plinth Protection: Plinth protection shall be provided all-round the building in specified width.
Plinth protection shall be of cement concrete or of bricks as specified in the item of work. Outer
edge shall be lined with brick laid on edge and joints grouted with cement mortar. Plinth
protection shall be laid with a minimum outward slow of 1 in 48.
7.2 Preparation of ground: The ground shall be prepared to the required slope around the
building. The high portions of ground shall be cut down, hollows and depressions filled up to the
required level from the excavated earth and rammed so as to give uniform out-ward slope. Bed
shall be watered and rammed with heavy iron square rammers. Surplus earth, if any shall be
disposed of, with in a lead of 50 meters.
7.3 Flag stone flooring: Flag stone flooring shall be over a bed of 15cm thick well-rammed earth.
It shall be laid over a base of 75mm thick lean concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement: 4 sand: 8 graded
stone aggregate 40mm and down gauge, the thickness of flag stone flooring shall be 40mm,
with cement pointing 1:3 (1 cement: 3 sand). Stone used for flag stone flooring shall be got
approved from the Engineer-in-Charge. Plinth protection shall be laid with minimum out ward
slope of 1 in 48. The work shall be executed as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
7.4 Cement concrete plinth protection: It shall be laid over a base of 75mm thick lean concrete
1:4:8 (1 cement: 4 sand: 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm and down gauge). 50mm thick
cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse: 6graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) shall
be laid in alternate panels as described in workmanship of section ‘Paving and Flooring’ except
that the top shall not be finished with neat cement slurry but shall be finished with only wooden
floats. The finished surface shall have a minimum outward slope 1 in 48.
7.5 Brick plinth protection: After the preparation of ground 75mm thick base of lean cement
concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement: 4 sand: 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm and down gauge) shall be
laid. Flooring with bricks (laid flat or on edge) of class I. modular or conventional as per
specified in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 sand) shall be laid as described in Section ‘Paving
and Flooring.
The pointing shall be done in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) as described in section
‘Plastering and Pointing’ Plinth protection shall be laid with minimum outward slope of 1:48.
7.6 Brick edging: Brick edging will be done with the bricks of class I modular or conventional as
specified. Trenches of required depth shall first be made along the edge of the plinth protection
to receive bricks. The bed of trenches shall be compacted to a firm and even surface and then
bricks shall be laid true to line with lengths parallel and abutting against the plinth protection
with their tops flush with the concrete surface. The joints shall be grouted with cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand).
7.7 Laying: Fire clay refractory bricks shall be dipped into water immediately before use. Its inside
face shall buttered with a layer of fire clay mortar and bricks laid in contact with each other. A
layer of thin paste of fire clay enough to fill up the irregularities of their faces and give them a
solid baring shall be spread on a lower course and each brick placed in position and set home
by gentle tapping with the handle of trowel or wooden mallet. The fire clay mortar shall be
mixed up so thin that it cannot be well laid on with trowel, an iron spoon being preferable.
7.8 Joints: Fire clay refractory bricks shall be so laid that all the joints are quite full of fire clay
mortar. The joints shall be struck flush and finished at the time of laying. The face of fire clay
refractory brick work shall be cleaned and all mortar droppings removed.
7.9.1 Sand filling: The earth filling shall be stopped at such a height so as to allow to full
thickness of sand, of cement concrete and the correct thickness of surfacing. In areas,
where the water table is near the ground surface, a suitable treatment shall be provided
to prevent the rise of moisture into the floor. This treatment shall be paid for separately.
7.9.2 Base Concrete: Base concrete shall be laid in accordance with the specifications laid in
one operation in a uniform layer, absolutely true and parallel to what is required on the
finished surface and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
7.9.3 Leveling: A reference level mark shall be marked around on the walls (15 cms) or so
above the floor level with the help of a water level. Water level consists of a can of water
connected with rubber tubing to a glass tube, which shows the level of water in the can.
With the help of this level truly horizontal lines can be marked with string and lime on the
walls. These horizontal can be marked with string and lime on the walls. These
horizontal lines shall serve as a datum from which all levels for base layer and topping
etc. shall be measured off.
7.9.4 Paving to bond with base concrete: The finishing surface or paving shall not be laid
before the base concrete has set for at least seven days. While the surface is still soft
enough to receive and retain the impression, it should be brushed with stiff-bristled
broom. This is very necessary in order to remove laitance, scum and inadequately
embedded coarse aggregate. In addition to the brushing, scour and pits the surface so
as to provide a mechanical bond for the topping. During the interval between the finish,
the base shall be thoroughly cured and protected from the deposition of grease, pitch,
paint or any other foreign subsistence.
7.9.5 Levels and Slopes: Unless otherwise specified, all floors shall be perfectly leveled,
except bathroom and verandah floors, which shall have an outward slope 1 in 60. The
layers of sand concrete shall be uniform in thickness and any slope required is to be
obtained by making the outer walls lower than the inner ones by the necessary amounts.
7.9.6 Straight edges and spirit levels: The contractor shall provide and keep available
wherever flooring work is proceeding, straight edges of a length not less than 2.5 meters
and with parallel sides, as well a 25 cms spirit level for the purpose of testing the
trueness of the floor being laid.
7.10 Precast Interlocking Paver Blocks: Precast concrete Paver blocks shall be conforming to IS
15658:2006 – Specification for Precast concrete blocks for paving. Paver blocks shall be sound
and free from cracks or other visual defects. The tolerance on length or breadth of paver blocks
shall be +2mm and tolerance on thickness of tiles shall be +3mm. Water absorption shall not be
more than 6 percent by mass.
Shapes shall be triangular, Zigzag, Hexagon or other shape as indicated. Color of paver blocks
shall be as indicated or as decided by Engineer-in-Charge. Thickness and grade of concrete of
paver blocks is decided based on intensity of traffic, which is as under:
7.11.2 Bedding: Bedding over which the tiles shall be laid shall be of 12 mm average thickness
in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand).
7.11.3 Laying: Sub grade shall be cleaned, wetted and mopped. The bedding shall be laid
evenly over the surface, tamped and corrected to desired levels and allowed to harden
enough to offer a rigid cushion to tiles and to enable the mason to place wooden planks
across and squat on it. Before laying the tiles grey cement slurry of honey like
consistency at 3.3 kg/square meter shall be applied over the bedding at a time. Area to
accommodate about twenty tiles shall be applied with cement slurry. Tiles shall then be
washed clean and fixed in the grout one after the other, each tiles being gently tapped in
line with adjoining tile. The joints shall be as thin as possible in straight line or as per the
7.11.4 Jointing and Finishing: The joints shall be cleaned of grey cement grout with wire
brush or trowel to a depth of 5mm and all dust and loose mortar removed. White cement
shall then be used for flush pointing the joints. The floor shall be cured for seven days.
The surface then be washed and cleaned. The surface shall not sound hollow when
7.12.1 General: Wherever floors are required to withstand heavy wear and tear, use of floor
hardeners shall be avoided as far as possible by using richer mixes of concrete unless
the use of a metallic hardener is justified for reasons of cost. Where metallic hardener
topping is used, it shall be 15mm thick.
7.12.2 Metallic Hardening Compound: The compound shall be of approved quality consisting
of uniformly graded iron particles, free from ferrous metal particles, oil grease, sand and
soluble alkaline compounds.
7.12.3 Under-Layer: The under-layer shall consist of cement concrete (1:2:4) of specified
thickness with 20mm nominal size aggregate and the top surface shall be roughened
with brushes while the concrete is still green and the forms shall be kept projecting up
15mm over the concrete surface, to receive the metal hardening compound topping.
7.12.4 Topping: This shall consist of 15mm thick layer of mix 1:2 (1cement: 2 stone aggregate
6mm nominal size) by volume or as otherwise specified with which metallic hardening
compound is mixed in the ratio of 1:4 (1 metallic concrete hardener: 4 cement) used by
weight. Concrete hardener shall be dry mixed thoroughly with cement on a clean dry
pucca platform. This dry mixture shall be mixed with stone aggregate 6 mm nominal size
or as otherwise specified in the ratio of 1:2 (1cement: 2 stone aggregate) by volume, and
well turned over.
7.13.1 Bedding: Bedding for the marble slabs shall either is lime mortar 1:1:1 (1 lime putty: 1
surkhi: 1 coarse sand) of average thickness 20mm or cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4
coarse sand) of average thickness 20mm as given in the description item.
7.13.2 Laying: Sub grade shall be cleaned, wetted and mopped. Mortar of the specified mix
and thickness shall then be spread on an area sufficient to receive one slab. The slab
shall be washed clean before laying. It shall be laid on top, pressed and tapped gently to
bring to bring it in level with the other slabs. It shall then be lifted and laid a side. Top
surface of the mortar at hollows or depressions. The mortar is then allowed to harden a
bit. Over this surface, cement slurry of honey like consistency @4.4 kg of cement per
square meter shall be applied. The edges of the slabs already paved shall be buttered
with gray cement with pigment to match the shade of the Kota stone slabs as given in
the description item. The slab shall then be gently placed in position and tapped with
wooden mallet till it is properly bedded in level with close to the adjoining slab. The joint
shall be as fine as possible. Surplus cement on the surface shall be removed. The slabs
fixed in the floor adjoining the walls shall enter not less than 10 mm under the plaster,
skirting or dado.
7.13.3 Grinding, Polishing and Finishing: Grinding shall normally be commenced after 14
days of laying the tiles except for skirting or small areas. Machine shall be used for the
purpose. First grinding shall be done with carborundum stone of 48 to 60-grade grit fitted
in the machine. Water shall be properly used during grinding. Pinholes are covered with
a thin coat of grey or white cement, mixed with or without pigment to match the color of
the toppings of the tile. This grout shall be kept moist for a week. There after second
grinding shall be started with carborundum of 120 grit. Grouting and curing shall follow
again. Final grinding shall be done when other works are finished. The machine shall be
fitted with carborundum of grit 220 to 350 using water in abundance. The floor shall then
be washed clean with water. Oxalic acid power shall be dusted at 33 grams per square
meter on the surface and the surface rubbed hard with pad of woolen rages. The floor
shall be washed clean and dried with a soft cloth or linen. The finished floor shall not
sound hollow when tapped with a mallet.
If any tile is disturbed or damaged, it shall be refitted or replaced, properly jointed and
1. First polishing with coarse grade carborandum stone shall not be done.
2. Cement slurry with or without pigment shall not be applied to the surface before
“The social and cultural aspect of a road is not in any way less
important than the economic aspects. The traffic of ideas also takes
place through social intermingling, which is made possible by roads.
This last aspect of roads is, in my opinion, of fundamental
importance, particularly for a country like ours.”
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
1. IRC 019-2005 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Water Bound Macadam.
3. IRC 014-2004 Recommended Practice for Open Graded Premix Carpet (Third Revision).
4. IRC 016-2004 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Prime and Tack Coat
(Second Revision).
5. IRC 028-1967 Tentative Specifications for the Construction of Stabilized Soil Roads with
Soft Aggregate in Areas of Moderate and High Rainfall.
10. IRC 082-1982 Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Surfaces of Highways.
11. IRC 090-2010 Guidelines of Selection, Operation and Maintenance of Bituminous Hot Mix
Plant (First Revision).
12. IRC 110-2005 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Design and Construction
of Surface Dressing.
14. IRC SP 013-2004 Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts.
16. IRC SP 063-2004 Guidelines for the Use of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement.
8.1 Methodology:
8.1.2 Sub grade: The construction is similar to embankment. The CBR requirement is higher
and the degree of compaction is minimum 100% of normal proctor density. When CBR is
poor such as on BC soil, the improved sub grade with lime, cement stabilization or
mechanical stabilization can be used to improve the CBR, if it is cost effective vis-à-vis
replacement with good soil.
8.1.4 Speed of Roller: It can be from 3km/hr to 6km/hr. It depends upon nature of the soil,
thickness of layer and weight of roller.
10 ton smooth wheel roller having minimum of 54.5kg/ linear cm moving at 4km/hr with 8
passes should be adequate for compacting about 200mm layer.
For clayey soil, clayey silts, Sheep Foot Roller (SFR) are suggested. For all other soils
vibratory roller is best.
8.2 Quality Control Requirements:
1. Materials:
a. The size of coarse material shall not ordinarily exceed 75mm when placed in
embankment and 50mm when placed in sub grade.
2. Horizontal Alignment: The alignment will be reckoned with respect to the centre line of the
carriageway. The edges of the roadway as constructed shall be correct within a tolerance
limit of (±) 30m there from.
3. Surface levels: The tolerance in surface level for sub grade will be (±) 25mm.
4. Surface regularity: The maximum permitted number of surface irregularities shall be given
in table:
5. Density of Compaction: The density of compaction should satisfy the requirements given
in table:
Acceptance criteria shall be subject to the condition that the mean density is not less than
the specified density plus (1.65 - 1.65 ) × standard deviation.
√No. of samples
intervals not exceeding 300m. Small stumps, roots, rubbish or any other
drains should be cut through the ingredient likely to deteriorate or affect
ridges to facilitate drainage. the stability of the sub grade.
2 The depth of borrow pits should be so The following types of material should not
regulated that their bottom does not be permitted.
cut an imaginary line having a slope of Materials from swamps and
1 vertical to 4 horizontal projected from marshes.
the edge of the final section of the Peat, log, stump and perishable
bank, the maximum depth in any case material.
be limited to 1.5m. Materials susceptible to
spontaneous combustion.
Materials in frozen condition.
Clay having LL exceeding 70 and
PI exceeding 45.
Materials with salt resulting in
Expansive clay having free
swelling index exceeding 50.
(Where the ground on which an
embankment is to be built has any of the
above materials, such material must be
removed to a depth of at least 500mm
and replaced with acceptable fill material
before commencing work of
3 The area of the embankment No damage should be caused to works,
foundation should by kept dry. crops or other property while discharging
stagnant water found in the embankment
4 Test the material (soil) for Do not allow clods or hard lumps of earth
embankment at least 7 days before larger than 75mm when spreading soil for
commencement of compaction. each layer of embankment.
5 Maintain a camber/cross fall of 4%
during construction for effective
drainage and prevention of ponding of
The quality control tests and their frequency for earthwork in embankment/sub grade.
v. CBR 1 test per 5000cum.
B Construction Operation
i. Moisture content prior to compaction 1 test / 250 cum/min. 4tests per day.
9.1 Methodology
1. Materials:
Fraction passing 425 micron
o LL not > 25%
o PI not > 6%
o Soaked CBR not > 20% (15% with specific approval of Engineer if material is not
suitable within economic load)
o Wet AIV not > 50
Density of compacted layer – 2000 sq.m(6 sets)
CBR - 1 in 1000 cubic m
Grading of coarse graded GSB:
Note: It will be seen that gradation of GSB Gr.I and drainage layer are same except on sieve
of 75 micron.
2. Horizontal Alignment: The edges of the sub-base shall be correct within a tolerance limit of
(±) 30mm.
3. Surface levels: The tolerance in surface level for granular sub-base will be (±) 20mm. (A
grid of 10-15mm may be formed to check the surface level).
4. Surface regularity: The maximum permitted number of surface irregularities shall be given
in table:
Irregularities 4mm 7mm
Length (m) 300 75 300 75
Number of irregularities 50 25 6 3
10.1 Methodology:
1. Materials:
Coarse Aggregates:
AIV Not > 50% (sub base)
Not > 40% (base)
Not >30% (unsurfaced roads)
Flakiness index Not > 30% sub base
Not > 25% base
Water absorption Not > 6% sub base (as per Rural Road Manual)
Not > 3% base
Grading Requirements of Course Aggregates for WBM
%age by weight
Grading No. Size Range IS Sieve Designation
125mm 100
90mm 90-100
1. 90mm to 45mm 63mm 25-60
45mm 0-15
22.4mm 0-5
90mm 100
63mm 90-100
2. 63mm to 45mm 53mm 25-75
45mm 0-15
22.4mm 0-5
63mm 100
53mm 95-100
3. 53mm to 22.4mm 45mm 65-90
22.4mm 0-10
11.2mm 0-5
NOTE: The compacted thickness for layer with Grading 1 shall be 100mm while for layer
with Grading 2 and 3, it shall be 75mm. For base course, Grading 2 and 3 may be preferred.
Grading 1 will be used for sub base only.
2. Surface Level:
3. Surface regularity:
4. Rolling: Rolling shall be done with 80-100kN roller from lower to higher edge & continue till
road metal is thoroughly keyed and creeping of stone ahead of roller not visible, light water
sprinkle be given.
4 Build shoulders simultaneously along Do not allow segregation or pocket of
with WBM courses. coarse/fine material on the layer.
5 Do not spread coarse aggregate more
than 3 days in advance of any
subsequent operations.
6 Do not roll if sub grade is soft or yielding
or causes a wave like motion while
7 Do not use screenings to make up
8 Do not allow traffic till macadam is fully
11.1 Methodology:
o Crushed graded aggregate and granular material premixed with water to a dense mass on a
prepared sub grade/ sub base/ base or existing pavement laid with ordinary/vibratory 80kN
and 100 kN road roller.
o AIV 30%
o Water absorption 2
4.75mm 25-40
2.36mm 15-30
600 micron 8-22
75 micron 0-8
1 Ensure compliance of all material and plant Do not use material other than
requirements. crushed stone.
2 Check aggregate for soundness test when Do not allow segregation or pockets
water absorption is more than 2%. of coarse/fine material on the layer.
3 Build shoulders simultaneously along with Do not allow any traffic on the WMM
WMM layers. surface without covering it with a
wearing course.
12.1 General: Condition of the roads is generally poor due to inadequate maintenance & lack of
proper resources. Scientific approach is necessary for proper maintenance to ensure optimal
utilization of available resources. Budgetary constraints & low priority for road maintenance are
usual in management circles.
12.2 Prioritizing Maintenance: Normally, the practices of prioritizing or estimating the maintenance
requirement are mainly based on visual survey & thumb level method. Therefore the actual
requirements of maintenance need cannot be compared technically. This leads to improper
maintenance & failure of roads very often. In facts, it is necessary to have a priority model
based on several interrelated parameters along with pavement condition. The system should be
based on saving system for maintenance on priority ratings, which includes overall condition of
the pavement & distress.
Modern methods of highway maintenance make use of good management principles, which are
invaluable aids in planning, and programming of maintenance operations. Many Pavement
Management System (PMS) have been developed and are extensively used worldwide. A PMS
is a computer package, which facilitates advance planning of maintenance operations and
optimal allocation of resources. Its main elements are:
1. A basic road data bank, built-up and updated periodically by road inventories and condition
2. A pavement performance model, which predicts the future performance of a given
pavement system.
3. A transportation cost model, which calculates the road user costs for the given condition of
the pavement.
4. Selection of intervention levels.
5. Prioritizing the maintenance needs (renewal and overlay) for a given budget.
It should be noted that for the survey data to be accurate, a stable system of longitudinal
marking along the road is necessary to readily locate and identify the areas referred to in the
condition survey. For example the person doing the visual inspection survey, must be able to
accurately identify the chainage at any point on the road, in order that the maintenance team
can readily find the location.
Clearly, maintenance of the road pavement alone is not, and should not be, the only concern of
any roads authority. Therefore, in order to allow the wider issues to be addressed in a properly
structured manner, it is usual for the Pavement Management System to be an integral part of a
larger overall Road Maintenance Management System (RMMS).
12.4 Failures: No matter how well & scientifically the roads may have been designed planned &
constructed failures do occur. They may be:
Accidental failures: Like from floods earthquake landslide vehicular accidents etc.
12.4.1 Causes of failure: It is important to know causes of failure so that actions could be
taken accordingly. In general they are:
a. Surface Defects: It includes fatty surfaces, smooth surfaces, streaking and hungry
b. Cracks: It includes hair-line cracks, alligator cracks, longitudinal cracks, edge cracks,
shrinkage cracks and reflection cracks.
c. Deformation: Under this are grouped slippage, rutting, corrugations, shoving, shallow
depressions and settlements and up heals.
d. Disintegration: Covering stripping, loss of aggregates, raveling, pot-holes and edge
1. Routine maintenance which is the day-to-day work that is necessary to preserve and keep a
pavement as close to as constructed condition as possible. It embraces activities such as
pothole patching, sealing of cracks etc.
2. Periodic Maintenance, which is the work, carried out periodically every few years to prevent
deterioration of a payment. It covers work such as applying a seal or thin resurfacing
3. Rehabilitation and strengthening, which are substantially major works intended to restore or
upgrade the pavement. The work covers thick overlays.
12.7 Periodicity of Maintenance & Calendar Thereof:
The various important items of maintenance activities and their execution schedule.
One register should be maintained by every JEN for recording inspection details of roads of his
section under defect liability period.
The recording of defects shall be made in the proper format. If no defects are noticed, then a
simple remark of this effect is written in the defect liability register.
12.9 Communication of Defects to agency:
As soon as maintenance defects are noticed, they shall be conveyed to the contractor asking
for their rectification of defects is not done by the contractor, then those shall be attended by
the department at the Risk & Cost of Contractor, as per agreement provisions.
Up keeping & maintenance of roads during the defect liability period is the top priority job,
therefore, it is advised to follow given instructions strictly.
13.1 Methodology:
Bituminous primer should be slow setting bitumen emulsion, use of cutback being restricted
to areas having subzero temperature or for emergency operations.
The prime coat should be applied only on the top most granular base layer, over which
bituminous treatment is to be applied. The granular base surface should be swept clean of
dust and loose particles and where required.
The primer should be sprayed uniformly over the dry surface of absorbent granular base,
using suitable bitumen pressure distributor or sprayer capable of spraying primer at specified
rates and temperature so as to provide a uniformly unbroken spread of primer. Normal
temperature range of spraying emulsion should be 200C to 600C.
A very thin layer of coarse sand may be applied to the surface of the surface of the primer to
prevent it from getting picked up under the wheels of vehicles delivering materials for
construction of bituminous layer.
The surface should be allowed to cure preferably for 24 hours. Spread sand over the portions
found uncured.
The viscosity requirements for bitumen emulsion will depend upon the type of surface as
already given in table.
13.4 Quality Control Tests Frequency:
14.1 Methodology:
The surface on which tack coat is to be applied should be clean, free from dust, dirt and any
extraneous materials and dry.
The binder should be sprayed uniformly over the surface using suitable bitumen pressure
sprayer capable of spraying bitumen and emulsion at specified rates and temperature so as
to provide a uniformly unbroken spread of bitumen emulsion. For smaller jobs, a pressure
hand sprayer may be used. Normal range of spraying temperature should be 200C-600C in
case of emulsion and 500C-800C in case of cutback. The rate of application depends upon
the type of surface.
The surface should be allowed to cure until all the volatiles have evaporated.
The surface should be allowed to cure preferably for 24 hours.
The bituminous binder should be bituminous emulsion (rapid or medium setting). The use of
cutback (RC-70 or MC-70) should be restricted to areas with subzero temperature.
Binder for Tack Coat: Rapid setting bituminous emulsion Grade RS-1 complying with IS:
1887 as specified in contract. For sites at sub-zero temperature: Cutback bitumen (Medium
Curing Grade) as per IS: 217.
15.1 Methodology:
Prepare the base on which surface dressing is to be laid to the specified lines, grade and
cross- section. If the base is of granular material, a prime coat should be applied.
Apply the binder (at specified temperature) as per rate of spread of binder or as designed
with an appropriate bitumen distributor fitted with a spray bar. Binder shall be
sprayed/distributed uniformly over the prepared base, with self propelled or towed sprayer,
capable of supplying the binder at specified rate.
The application temperature for the penetration grade binder used shall be as specified in
Immediately after application of binder, spread clean dry stone aggregate at the rate or as
designed with the help of a mechanically operated chip spreader, in a single layer. In case
of emulsion as a binder, the aggregate may be slightly damp.
Immediately after spreading of aggregates, roll the surface with the help of suitable road
rollers. Commence rolling from the edges and progress towards the center except in super
elevated portions where it shall proceed from the lower edge to the higher edge. Each pass
should have an overlap of not less than one-third of the track made in the preceding pass.
Spread additional stone chips to make up irregularities, if any. Rolling should continue until
all aggregate particles are firmly embedded in the bituminous binder and present a uniform
closed surface.
Where two-coat surface dressing is specified in the contract, the second coat should be
applied after the first coat is exposed to traffic for 2 to 3 weeks. Procedures stated here in
above will apply. The road may be opened to traffic 24 hours after the work of rolling is
complete. In exceptional circumstances, traffic may be allowed immediately after rolling
provided the traffic speed is limited to 20 km/h until the following day.
Where use of precoated chips is specified, the first step will be to precoat chips. The stone
chips will be heated to 1600C and mixed with 0.75 to 1% of paving bitumen by weight heated
to its application temperature. The precoated chips shall be cured for one week or till such
time as they become non-sticky.
1. Materials
(i) Physical requirements: Stone chippings should satisfy the requirements given in
table except that water absorption shall be 1% maximum.
(ii) Grading: The stone chippings should conform to the Grading given in table.
(b) Bitumen: The binder should be bituminous material, which may be as per the contract,
or as decided by the Engineer.
(c) Where aggregate fails to pass the stripping test, an approved adhesion agent may be
added to the binder, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Horizontal Alignment: The edges of the Surface Dressing should be correct within a
tolerance limit of (±) 20 mm in plain and rolling terrain and (±) 30 mm in hilly terrain.
3. Surface Level: The tolerance in surface level of the surface dressing would be (±) 6 mm for
machine laid and (±) 10 mm for manually laid surface dressing.
4. Surface Regularity: The maximum allowable difference between the pavement course and
a 3 m straight edge shall not exceed 10 mm for longitudinal profile and 12 mm for cross
profile respectively.
Ensure correct rate and uniform spread of Do not carry out work when atmospheric
1 binder based on field trials. temperature is less than 100C or when
weather is foggy, rainy or windy.
Add approved Anti-Stripping agent to binder Do not carry out the work on wet
2 where aggregate fails to pass the stripping surface.
Alternatively use precoated chips. Correct Do not resort to excessive rolling as that
3 any excessive deposit of bitumen by blotting may crush the stone chips.
before spreading the chips.
Maintain the temperature prescribed for the Do not allow traffic immediately after the
time of spraying on the surface. work of rolling is over.
5 Storage stability Test for Bitumen Emulsion One test per day
16.1 Methodology:
Prepare the base on which premix carpet is to be laid to the specified lines, grade and
Apply a prime coat followed by tack coat over a granular base preparatory to laying of the
The quantities of material required for 20mm thick premix carpet should be indicated in
o Locate hot mix plant near the work site. The mixed material should be transported
quickly to the site work and laid uniformly by suitable means.
o The premixed material shall be spread on the road surface with rakes.
o The temperature of bitumen at the time of mixing should be in the range of 1500C to
1630C and that of aggregates 1550C to 1630C, provided that the difference between the
temperature of aggregate and the binder should not exceed 140C. The temperature at
the time of discharge of the mixture should be 1300C and 1600C.
o Rolling with 80-100kN rollers (three-wheel or tandem type), beginning from the edge
and progressing towards the centre longitudinally. (On super elevated portions, rolling
should progress from lower to upper edge parallel to centre line of pavement). Each
pass should have an overlap of at least one-third of the track made in the preceding
o Correct any high spots or depressions noticed after the roller has passed over the
whole area once by removing or adding premixed material and recompacting.
o Provide a seal coat to the surface immediately after laying the carpet.
o The road may be opened to traffic 24 hours after the work of laying the seal coat.
Physical Requirements of Stone Aggregate
S. No. Property Test Specification
1 Particle shape Flakiness index Max 25%
2 Strength Aggregate impact value Max 30%
3 Durability Sodium Sulphate Max 12%
Magnesium Sulphate Max 18%
4 Water absorption Water absorption Max 1%
5 Stripping Coating and stripping of Min retained coating 95%
bitumen aggregate mixture
Binder: The binder shall be penetration grade bitumen of a suitable grade S-65/90
depending on climatic condition of the area or of the type as specified in the contract.
Horizontal Alignment: The edges of the carriageway with Premix Carpet should be correct
within a tolerance limit of (±) 20mm in plain and rolling terrain and (±) 30mm in hilly terrain.
Surface Level: The tolerance in surface level of the surface dressing would be (±) 6mm for
machine laid work and (±) 10mm for work executed manually.
Surface Regularity: The maximum allowable difference between the pavement course and
a 3m straight edge shall not exceed 8mm for both the longitudinal profile and the cross
3 Flakiness and Elongation Index 1 test per 250 cum or per day
5 Water absorption 1 test per source
10 Thickness Regularly
17.1 Methodology:
Prepare the base on which built-up spray grout course is to be laid to the specified lines,
grade and cross-section.
Apply tack coat over the base preparatory to laying of the built-up spray grout.
Spread the coarse aggregates uniformly by mechanical means or other suitable method at
the rate of 0.5 cum per 10 sqm area. Remedy all high spots and depressions by removing or
adding aggregates.
Commence rolling with 80-100 kN rollers (three-wheel or tandem type), beginning from the
edge and progressing towards the centre longitudinally. On super elevated portions, rolling
should progress from lower to upper edge parallel to centre line of pavement.
Correct any irregularities noticed after the roller has passed over the whole area once by
loosening the surface and removing or adding the coarse aggregates followed by rolling.
Care should be taken not to over compact the aggregate layer which may prevent free and
uniform penetration of bitumen.
Heat the bitumen to the temperature appropriate to the grade of bitumen and spray
uniformly on aggregate layer at the rate of 15 kg per l0 sqm (measured in terms of residual
bitumen content) by mechanical sprayers. Any excessive deposits caused by starting or
stopping of the sprayers or for any other reason must be removed and made good.
Immediately after first application of bitumen, spread the second layer of coarse aggregates
and repeat the process.
Apply a second bitumen spray of 15 kg per l0 sqm uniformly on the second layer of
Immediately thereafter, spread the key aggregates uniformly and evenly at the rate of 0.13
cum per l0 sqm area so as to cover the surface completely and roll. Rolling should continue
until the key aggregates are firmly embedded in position.
Provide a wearing course immediately after laying the built-up spray grout. If there is any
delay in laying of wearing course, a seal coat would be required before opening to traffic.
a) Materials
Grading: The coarse aggregates and key aggregate should conform to the grading.
ii) Bitumen: The binder should be paving bitumen of penetration grade complying with IS:
73 or an appropriate grade of emulsion complying with IS: 8887, where permitted or
specified in the contract.
b) Horizontal Alignment: The edges of the Built-up Spray Grout layer should be correct within
a tolerance limit of (±) 30 mm in plain and rolling terrain and (±) 50 mm in hilly terrain.
c) Surface Level: The tolerance in surface level of the Built-up spray grout should be (±) 6
d) Surface Regularity: The maximum allowable difference between the road surface and a 3
m straight edge should be 12 mm for longitudinal profile and 8 mm for cross profile.
Grading for course aggregates and key aggregates for built-up spray grout
18.1 Methodology:
Prepare the base on which bituminous macadam course is to be laid and shape to the
specified lines, grade and cross-section.
Apply tack coat over the base preparatory to lay the bituminous macadam.
Bituminous macadam should be prepared in a Hot Mix plant of adequate capacity.
Transfer the mixed material quickly to site of work and lay by means of an approved self-
propelled mechanical paver.
Commence initial rolling with 80-100 kN rollers (three-wheel or tandem type), beginning from
the edge and progressing towards the centre longitudinally. On super elevated portions,
rolling should progress from lower to upper edge parallel to centre line of pavement.
Thereafter, do intermediate rolling with vibratory or pneumatic tyred road rollers. This should
be followed by final rolling while the material is still workable.
Any high spots or depressions noticed after the roller has passed over the whole area once
should be corrected by removing or adding premixed material. Rolling should recommence
thereafter. Each pass should have an overlap of at least one-third of the track made in the
preceding pass. Rolling should be continued till all roller marks have been eliminated.
For single lane roads no longitudinal joint is required, while for double-lane roads
longitudinal joints may be required depending on the paver width.
For making longitudinal or transverse joint, cut the edges of the bituminous layer laid earlier
to their full depth so as to expose fresh surface and apply a thin coat of binder. Lay adjacent
new layer and compact flush with the existing layer.
Cover the bituminous macadam with the wearing course within a period of 48 hours. If there
is any delay in providing wearing course the bituminous macadam surface should be
covered with a seal coat before opening to traffic.
a) Material:
Sodium Sulphate Max. 12%
Magnesium Sulphate Max. 18%
Water Absorption Water Absorption Max. 2%
Stripping Coating and stripping of bitumen- Min. retained coating: 95%
aggregate mixtures
b) Horizontal Alignment: The edges of the bituminous macadam base should be correct
within a tolerance limit of (±) 30 mm in plain and rolling terrain and (±) 50 mm in hilly terrain.
c) Surface Level: The tolerance in surface level of the bituminous macadam would be (±) 6
e) Surface Regularity: The maximum allowable difference between the road surface and a 3
m straight edge would be 12 mm for longitudinal profile and 8 mm for cross profile.
while mixing and rolling. covered with a wearing course.
6 Regulate the rate of delivery of Do not move roller at a speed more than 5
material to paver to enable it to operate km/h.
8 Flakiness and elongation index 1 test per 250 cum or per day
19.1 Methodology:
a) Material:
Grading 1 2
Nominal aggregate 19mm 13.2mm
Layer thickness 50mm-65mm 25/40mm
IS Sieve (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing
26.5 100
19 79-100 100
13.2 59-79 79-100
9.5 52-72 70-88
4.75 35-55 53-71
2.36 28-44 42-58
1.18 20-34 34-48
0.6 15-27 26-38
0.3 10-20 18-28
0.15 5-13 12-20
0.075 2-8 4-10
Bitumen content % by
5.2 5.4
mass of total mix
19.3 Do’s and Don’ts:
Safety on hill roads is of prime importance. It is necessary that appropriate measures are taken to
ensure safety. It can be improved in a number of ways, as follow:
d. construction of protective structure for traffic like parapets, railings, snow sheds, boulder
net, etc.
20.2 Causes of accidents: Driving in hills, especially in adverse and inclement weather conditions,
is a very complex, difficult and tiring task. Accidents occur at places where the rhythm of motion
changes unexpectedly for a driver. Such happenings are not infrequent on hill roads due to
a. Traveling over sharp curves of sub-normal radius in conditions of inadequate sight distance
needs frequent deceleration and acceleration.
b. Curves have to be negotiated in varying speeds due to varying degrees of curvature and
applying brake when entering a curve and accelerating at the exit.
c. Alternating entry from major valley into a side-valley, crossing of streams by narrow bridges,
causeways, etc.
d. Steep grades and alternating UP and DOWN grades and negotiation of high altitudes.
Considering the above, the aim of the highway engineer should be to duly consider the usual
driving errors and response of the vehicles and design a highway, which will eliminate such
errors and reduce stress on the drivers. A well-designed and constructed road will always be
less prone to accidents and will add to safety.
Safety on roads in hills, like in the plains, is dependent on the same factors i.e. Driver,
Vehicle, Road and Environmental Conditions. However, environmental factors affect a hill
road very much due to severity of climatic and terrain conditions like torrential rains and
consequent slides (mud flow, rock fall rolling boulders, etc.) snow fall, snow drifts,
avalanche/glacier activity icing problems, fog chilly winds, blizzards, etc. measures to
improve safety on hill roads follow the usual pattern of Engineering, Enforcement and
Education measures. However, while dealing with engineering measures in detail, as
relevant to this manual, others are proposed to be touched upon only.
Road condition plays a very significant part in road safety. Studies based on wide spread
scientific research, involving analysis of road accidents, examination of interaction between
vehicles, different road conditions and driver reaction to highway situations, has established
a clear relationship between road condition and safety.
There are elements of roadway that have a direct effect on safety, which include cross-
section, vertical and horizontal alignments, access control and system of layout, inter-
section design, pavement surface, illumination, road signs and barriers. The effect of these
in combination and not individually determines the level of safety.
20.4 Engineering measures: Engineering measures to improve safety in hill roads can be classified
into four aspects as under:
a. Geometric design measures, which ensure adequate width, curve radii, easy grades and
sight distance.
b. Engineering design measures to deal with specific and exclusive conditions in hills. This
includes design and proviso of good drainage system, protection like parapets, railings,
snow fences, snow shelters, rolling boulder buffer (netting), etc.
c. Traffic control devices like sign, signals, pavements markings, delineators, advance public
warning system etc.
20.5 Enforcement measures: There are laws enforcing traffic and vehicle discipline to be adhered
to by all road user and drivers. Strict enforcement of these by the appropriate authorities and
deterrent action on violations can be enhancing safety level. Some of these are mentioned
a. Condition Of the vehicle: the vehicle must be in a mechanically fit condition to operate on
hill roads.
b. Condition of driver: The driver should be physically and mentally capable and alert to
operate in the hills and undergo rigors of climate and toughness of terrain met with.
Drunken driving should be checked.
20.6 Education measures: Consciousness among the users about the road condition and necessity
to adopt safety measures should be imparted by appropriate awareness system like pamphlets,
mass media publicity and etc. Important aspects like “DON’T MIX DRINK & DRIVING”, IT
TECHNIQUES” etc. can be imparted by training measures by traffic control and enforcing
authorities. Private sector participation for erection of such slogan boards with their
advertisement as per approved pattern on the reverse of board may be considered.
20.7 Bridge Approaches: Another serious accident-prone location in hill road is existence of bridge
with curved approach combined with down gradient. Such locations are common sites of
topping over of vehicle over the bridge. Such sitting of bridges should be avoided and bridge
structure should follow the general flow of the alignment. However, short-term measures to
improve safety are to increase visibility, use of reflective cautionary signs, use of speed control
measures and strong guardrails to deflect out of control vehicles.
20.8 Rock fall, shooting boulders, unstable areas etc.: A common cause of accidents in some
locations in hill roads is shooting boulders or rock fall. This is basically due to unstable upper
slope. Some of the measures to improve safety of such locations are listed below and may be
applied selectively depending on the situation.
a. Stabilize the upper slope by improving drainage, other erosion control measure and
treatment of exposed rock face.
b. Planting of upper slopes with a belt of trees to stop the boulders short of the road.
c. Providing extra wide hillside shoulders with deep drain to catch these falling debris and
carry away as the water flows.
d. Provide a shelter similar to snow shelter to allow the boulder to go over the road.
e. Provide deflection walls and buffer zone to divert boulders and impound them.
f. Design a wire net screen buffer to catch the boulders and subsequently dispose them off
Slides, flow of excessive water and slope materials on roads are a common factor endangering
safety on roads in hills during rainy season. Major slides block the road and smaller slides
make the roads slushy and slippery. Water overflowing drain erodes the berms, jeopardizing
safety. A combination of catch-water drains, chutes, catch pits with cross drains and adequate
camber can channelize the drainage and improve safety on roads.
21.1 General: Q.A. for construction indicating the following shall be submitted by the contractor for
approval of the Engineer, well in advance.
1. Sources of material
Arrangements for execution under water wherever necessary, shall be included in methodology.
21.2 Piers and Abutments: Masonry, formwork, concrete and reinforcement for piers and
abutments shall conform to relevant section of the specifications. In case of concrete piers, the
number of horizontal construction joints shall be kept minimum. Construction joints shall be
avoided in splash zones unless specifically permitted by the Engineer and provided they are
treated in accordance with special provisions. No vertical construction joint shall be provided.
In case of tall piers and abutment, use of slip form shall be preferred for which the design and
specifications to be provided by the contractor.
In case of solid abutments, weep holes on shown in the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer and the specification briefed in the manual.
21.3 Pier Cap and Abutment Cap: The locations and levels of pier cap/abutment cap/pedestals
and bolts for fixing bearings shall be checked carefully to ensure alignment of the bridge.
The surface of cap shall be finished smooth and shall have a slope for draining of water. For
short span slab bridges with continuous support on pier caps, the surface shall be cast
horizontal. The top surface of the pedestal on which bearings are to be placed shall also be
cast horizontal.
The surface on which elastomeric bearings are to be placed shall be wood float finished to a
plane level. The surface on which other bearings (steel bearings, pot bearings) are to be placed
shall be cast about 25mm below the bottom level of bearings and as indicated on the drawings.
21.4 Dirt/Ballast wall, Return wall and Wing wall: Masonry, concrete and reinforcement shall
conform to relevant previous chapter of these specifications.
For gravity type masonry and concrete return and wing wall, no horizontal construction joint
shall be provided. Vertical expansion gap of 20mm shall be provided in return wall/wing wall at
every 10 meters intervals or as directed by the Engineer.
22.1 Solid Slabs: Where adjacent span of slab has already been cast, the expansion joint and filler
board shall be placed abutting the already cast span which shall form the shutter on that side of
the new span to be cast The whole of the slab shall be cast with reinforcement embedded for
the road kerb and railings.
Where wearing coat is requireto be provided, after the deck slab has been cast, the surface of
the slab shall be finished rough, but true to lines and levels as shown on the drawings, before
the concrete has hardened.
The top of the slab shall be covered with clean moist sand as soon as the top surface has
hardened curing shall be carried out accordingly.
22.2 RCC T-Beam and Slab: Provision of construction joint shall conform to the drawings or as per
directions of the Engineer. No construction joint shall be provided between the bottom bulb and
the web. If not indicated on the drawing, construction joint may be provided at the junction of
the web and the fillet between the web and the deck slab with the permission of the Engineer.
The portions of deck slab near expansion joints shall be cast along with reinforcements and
embedments for expansion joints.
The surface finish of the deck slab shall be finished rough but true to lines and levels as shown
on the drawings before the concrete has hardened.
1. PSC Girder and Composite RCC Slab: PSC Girder may be precast or cast-in-situ as
mentioned on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. Girders may be post-tensioned or
pre-tensioned. Where precast construction is required to be adopted, selection of casting
yard and details of methodology and of equipment for shifting and launching of girders shall
be included in the method statement.
The PSC girder constituting the top flange, web and the bottom flange shall be concreted in a
single operation without any construction joint.
2. Box Girder: Box girders may be simply supported or continuous. Simply supported box
girders shall have minimum construction joints as approved by the Engineer. In the case of
continuous box girders the sequence of construction and location of construction joints shall
strictly follow the drawings.
The box section shall be constructed with a maximum of one construction joint located in the
web below the fillet between the deck slab and web. If permitted by the Engineer, one
additional construction joint may be permitted and this construction joint shall be located in
the web above the fillet between the soffit slab and web.
The design of the superstructure shall take into account the following aspects, which form an
integral part of the construction operations:
a) Stability against over-turning for each statical condition, through which the assembly passes,
shall be checked.
b) Stresses at each preceding segment joint with the addition of every segment or change of
statical conditions shall be checked. The load of equipment as well as construction live load
shall be taken into account
c) Precambering of the superstructure during construction shall be done in such a manner that
the finally constructed structure under permanent load attains the final profile intended in
the drawings.
over 2m ± 5 mm
b) Variation in length overall and length shall not exceed ±10 mm or ±0.1 per cent
between bearings of the span length, which-ever is lesser.
c) Permissible surface irregularities 5mm
when measured with a 3 m straight
edge or template
2. Cast-in-Situ Superstructure:
a) Variations in, thickness of top and bottom slab for -5mm to ±10mm
box girders, top and bottom flange for T-girders or
b) Variations in web thickness -5mm to ±10mm
d) Variation in length overall and length between shall not exceed ±10mm to
bearings ±0.1 per cent of the
span length, which-
ever is lesser.
All prestressing steel, sheathing, anchorages and sleeves or coupling must be protected during
transportation, handling and storage. The prestressing steel, sheathing and other accessories
must be stored under cover from rain or damp ground and protected from the ambient
atmosphere if it is likely, to be aggressive. Storage at site must be kept to the absolute
23.1 Tendon: Wire, strand and bar from which tendons are to be fabricated shall be stored about
300mm above the ground in a suitably covered and closed space so as to avoid direct climatic
influences and to protect them from splashes from any other materials and from the cutting
operation of an oxy-acetylene torch or arc welding process in the vicinity. Under no
circumstances, tendon material shall be subjected to’ any welding operation or on site heat
treatment or metallic coaling such as galvanizing. Storage facilities and the procedures for
transporting material into or out of store shall be such that the material does not become kinked
or notched. Wire or strand shall be stored in large diameter coils, which enable the tendons to
be laid out straight. As a guide, for wires above 5mm dia, coils of about 2m dia without breaks
or joints shall be obtained from manufacturer and stored. Protective wrapping for tendons shall
be chemically neutral. All prestressing steel must be provided with temporary protection during
23.2 Anchorage Components: The handling and storing procedures shall maintain the anchorage
components in a condition in which they can subsequently perform their function to an
adequate degree. Components shall be handled and stored so that mechanical damage and
detrimental corrosion are prevented. The corrosion of the gripping and securing system shall be
prevented. The use of correctly formulated oils and greases or of other corrosion preventing
material is recommended where prolonged storage is required. Such protective material shall
be guaranteed by the producer to be non-aggressive and non-degrading.
Prestressing steel shall be stored in a closed store having single door with double locking
arrangements and no windows. Also the air inside the store shall be kept dry as far as possible
by using various means to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Also instrument measuring the air
humidity shall be installed inside the store. This is with a view to eliminating the possibility of
initial rusting of prestressing steel during storage. The prestressing steel shall be coated with
water solvable grease. The prestressing steel should be absolutely clean and without any signs
of rust.
All prestressing steel shall be stored at least 30 cm above ground level and it shall be invariably
wrapped by protective cover of tar paper or polythene or any other approved material.
The Contractor should see that prestressing steel should be used within 3 months of its
manufacture. He should check out his programme in this respect precisely, so as to avoid initial
corrosion before placing in position
23.3 Steel for Prestressing:
(a) Plain hard drawn steel wire conforming to IS: 1785 (Part I) and IS: 1785 (PartII).
(b) Cold drawn indented wire conforming to IS: 6003
(c) High tensile steel bar conforming to IS: 2090
(d) Uncoated stress relieved strands conforming to IS: 6006.
Quality Control Tests For Earth Work and Sub grade
2. Combined Grading and plasticity tests on
materials from different sources, mixed in the
design proportions. This shall be done when
material from more than one source are combined.
3. Proctor Compaction test (IS: 2720 Part7) for
determining vis-à-vis-Max. Dry Density.
4. Wet Aggregate Impact Value Test (IS: 5640)
where soft/marginal aggregates are used e.g.
Laterite, Kankar, Brick Ballast etc. for determining
the toughness of aggregates.
5. CBR test (IS:2720 Part 16) on representative
sample compacted at 100% Proctor dry density for
determining the stability of G.S.B. layer.
6. Placement Moisture Content (IS: 2720 Part 2)
7. Insitu Density Measurements.(IS 2720 Part 28)
8. Degree of Compaction and surface regularity of
finished G.S.B.
1. Aggregate Impact Value Test (IS: 2386 Part 4)
for evaluating the toughness of aggregates.
2. Aggregate water absorption test (IS: 2386 Part
3) for determining the quantity of percentage water
3. L.L. and P.I. of Crushable Screening (IS: 2720
Part 5) (where Screenings are to be used from the
Water Bound Macadam for
B. same source as the Stone Aggregates this test is
G1, G2 and G3.
not needed).
4. Grading of stone aggregates and screenings (IS:
2386 Part I) for determining the size of aggregates.
5. Flakiness index of stone aggregates (IS:2386
Part I for determining percentage flaky material and
percentage elongated material particles.
6. LL AND PI of binding material when used.
1. Aggregate Impact Value test (IS: 2386 Part 4)
for evaluating the toughness of aggregates.
2. Flakiness Index Test (IS: 2386 Part I) for
determining percentage flaky material and
percentage elongated material particles.
3. Water Absorption Test (IS: 2386 Part 3) for
determining the quantity of percentage water
C. Wet Mix Macadam absorbed.
4. Grading Test (IS: 2386 Part I) for determining
the size of aggregates.
5. Atterberg Limits of portion of aggregate passing
425 micron sieve (IS: 2720 Part 5) for determining
the clay content in soil.
6. Proctor Compaction Test (IS: 2720 Part 7) after
replacing the aggregate fraction retained on 22.4
mm sieve with material of 4.75 mm to 22.4 mm
size) alongwith Dry Density-Moisture Content
Relationship for determining the moisture content
density relationship vis-à-vis-Max. Dry Density.
7. Placement Moisture Content (IS: 2720 Part 2)
8. Density of compacted layer (IS: 2720 Part 28)
plasticizers, if any.
1. Workability-slump cone test (IS: 1199)
2. Cube strength (IS: 516)
1. Size
2. Cube strength of mix used for concrete block.
F. Pre-cast Concrete Block
3.Consistency and compressive strength of Mortar
Quality Control Tests for Concrete Pipes
For surface dressing, premix carpet, mix seal surfacing, bituminous macadam, built-up spray
grout and modified penetration macadam.
Modified Bitumen:
Certain additives or blend of additives can improve properties of bitumen. Selection criteria for
these categories are given below. (Source IRC: SP53-2002).
Selection criteria for PMB, NRMB and CRMB based on Atmospheric Temperature
Maximum atmospheric temperature
<350C 350C to 450C >450C
CRMB-50* CRMB-55 CRMB-55
-100C to 100C PMB/NRMB-70 PMB/NRMB-70 PMB/NRMB-40
(i) For premix carpet, mix seal surfacing – Medium Setting (MS) type for all areas.
(ii) For surface dressing – Rapid Setting (RS) type for all areas.
(iii) For prime coat and tack coat – Slow Setting (SS) type for all areas.
Cut-Back: Cutback may be used under sub-zero temperature conditions. For surface dressing,
it may be rapid curing. For prime coat, tack coat, premix carpet and mix seal surfacing, it may
be medium curing.
Sampling Bitumen:
(i) Heat the bitumen inside the container or tank so that it comes to a liquid state.
(ii) Mix it with the sampling device, which has a long rod, attached to it.
(iii) Take sample from the top portion, middle portion and bottom portion in a container
a. Top sample: Sample taken at a level of one sixth of the depth from the top surface of
the container.
b. Middle sample: Sample taken at one half of the depth.
c. Lower sample: Sample taken at a level of five – sixths of the depth.
(iv) For knowing the variation among these three samples, these can be collected in different
containers and tested separately. A mixture of these samples can also be taken for testing.
The field laboratory should be equipped with essential equipment required for day-to-day tests for
exercising quality control during construction. Further, only those test equipment, which are relevant to
the project specifications, will be necessary. Where the Contractor is required to carry out the
maintenance of road and structures, the field laboratory should have necessary equipment during
maintenance period for exercising quality over maintenance activities.
List of Essential Equipment - For Earthwork, Granular Construction and other General
22. Uppal’s Syringe for Plasticity Index One set
23. Pocket Penetrometer One set
For other tests like Soundness of Aggregate, Deleterious Material, Sulphate Content etc. facilities at the
District Laboratory will be used.
For other tests like R&B Softening Point, Viscosity, Storage Stability, Ductility, Elastic Recovery and
Separation Difference, facilities at the District Laboratory will be used.
For other tests like physical and chemical tests on Cement, Alkali Aggregate Reactivity Test, Chemical
Tests for Water, Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete etc., facilities at the District /Central
Laboratory will be used.
This Handbook has been approved as a reference by Public Works Department, Govt. of
Himachal Pradesh vide letter no. PW-SE(QC&D)/EA-1/CM/QC.Cell/2020-3004-06 dated
02/12/2020. However, the provisions in the relevant manuals, CPWD Manual & relevant IS Codes
with upto date amendments shall supercede the provisions in this handbook in case of any
(Sumitt Mittal)
Addl. Chief Engineer & Project Manager
Chandigarh Office