Cassis Et Al-2012-Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Cassis Et Al-2012-Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Cassis Et Al-2012-Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Frederica Cassis1 , Francesca Emiliani2 , John Pasi3 , Laura Palareti2 , Alfonso Iorio4
Hemophilia Centre of Hospital Das Clinicas, FMUSP, San Pablo, Brazil. 2 Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna,
Italy. 3 Academic Haematology Unit, BICMS Pathology Group, London, UK. 4 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistic Department,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Contact address: Frederica Cassis, Hemophilia Centre of Hospital Das Clinicas, FMUSP, Umburanas street 307, San Pablo, Sao Paulo,
05464000, Brazil.
Citation: Cassis F, Emiliani F, Pasi J, Palareti L, Iorio A. Psychological interventions for people with hemophilia. Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD010215. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010215.
Copyright © 2012 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:
The primary purpose of this review is to evaluate if psychological therapies are helpful in improving the ability of people with hemophilia
to cope with their chronic condition.
The chronic aspect of hemophilia, its clinical variabilities and the differences in treatment availability across countries are all factors
that affect wellness in its emotional, intellectual, spiritual and behavioural dimensions.
2. which phase of the patient’s life or phase of treatment, or both, this effectiveness occurs;
3. which psychological therapies (as described under Types of interventions) are more effective for any given situation.
Appendix 1. Glossary
Term Definition
By-pass agents Clotting factor concentrates (factor VIII inhibitor bypass activity or FEIBA and
activated recombinant factor VII (rFVIIa) available for the treatment of bleeds in
patients with inhibitors
Carrier A female who has a gene for hemophilia. It is used to refer to a female who carries
the gene but has not the symptoms
Comprehensive care Medical care that covers several aspects of patient´ s well-being and health - mental,
emotional, physical. A comprehensive care team is multidisciplinary including hema-
tologists, nurses, social workers, psychologists, physiotherapists, dentists, orthopedic
surgeon and genetic counsellors
Concentrate A sterile freeze-dried, powdered product containing coagulation factors such as factor
VIII or factor IX for example. Such products may be produced from recombinant
technology or derived from large pools of human plasma. Plasma donations used for
such products are screened for contaminating viruses such as HIV, Hepatitis B and
C before use and then either heat treated, pasteurized or solvent -detergent treated to
further eliminate any residual virus and protect against viral transmission
Cryoprecipitate The material precipitated from fresh frozen plasma when it is thawed slowly at 2 to
4°C. Cryoprecipitates are rich in coagulation factors VIII, XIII, VWF, fibronectin
and fibrinogen. This solid remaining protein is re-dissolved by warming to give a
small volume of cryoprecipitate solution which can be used to treat hemophilia A
Factor Blood components that help clot blood. Factor VIII and Factor IX are two of these
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) Plasma separated from whole blood by centrifugation, which is then frozen to below
-30°C within 8 hours of collection. This plasma contains all coagulation proteins
and clotting factors and is used widely as a replacement therapy for coagulation
problems. Historically it was the only source of factor VIII and IX and the only
treatment available for treatment of hemophilia. In the developed world it has been
superseded by factor concentrates as a source of factor VIII and IX. It remains an
important treatment for hemophilia in less well developed areas where concentrates
and cryoprecipitate may not be freely and easily available. Most FFP is not virus
Hematoma A localized swelling filled with blood (bruise) resulting from bleeding
Iliopsoas bleeding The large group of muscles in the hip area. Bleeding in these muscles is a significant
problem as large quantities of blood can accumulate in these muscle and nerve com-
pression may occur as a direct result
Immune tolerance induction treatment (ITI) A treatment to attempt to eradicate inhibitors in patients by continued exposure to
factor VIII or IX. Such regimens comprise may be either low dose or high dose con-
centrate regimes. It is a complex treatment with many issues to consider, e.g. costs,
variation in responses and complications dependent on subtype hemophilia (A or B)
, use of plasma derived or recombinant concentrates, use of adjuvant immunosup-
Inhibitor Antibodies to factor VIII or factor IX that inhibit the biological function of the
coagulation factor. Patients with hemophilia develop inhibitors as alloantibodies, that
On demand therapy One of the models of treatment for people with hemophilia where clotting factor
concentrate are infused when bleeding occurs
Port-A-Cath Also called implantable venous access device (VAD) is a medical device that is im-
planted under the skin, usually on the chest wall. It is a titanium reservoir unit con-
nected to a catheter tube which is tunnelled under the skin and surgically inserted
into a vein. The reservoir unit, which has a robust silicone self sealing bubble to allow
insertion of a needle, is easily felt and provides a large target area that more easily
allows to injection and infusion of intravenous medications. It is frequently used
in children or other patients where access to veins to give intravenous injections is
problematic. In patients with hemophilia is often used to simplify regular prophylaxis
and immune tolerance treatments
Prophylaxis The regular infusion of factor concentrates to prevent bleeding in patients with
hemophilia. Infusions are given every twice or three times a week or on alternate
days dependent on type of hemophilia and patient requirements. Prophylaxis is either
primary or secondary
Primary prophylaxis is the use of prophylaxis to prevent bleeding or joint damage
that is commenced before any joint bleeding or damage has occurred. It is therefore
usually started before 2 years of age. Secondary prophylaxis is prophylaxis commenced
after joint bleeding or joint damage has occurred to prevent further deterioration or
Recombinant factor VIII and IX Factor VIII and IXconcentrates produced using recombinant DNA technology. Being
free of human proteins such products are not at risk of transmission of blood borne
viruses and deemed very safe. Later generation products are also produced in an
environment free of adjuvant animal proteins
Symptomatic carrier A female that, when having the gene for hemophilia, has also reduced factor activity
level (generally less than 50%) that places the individual at risk of bleeding
Frederica Cassis and Alfonso Iorio drafted the original manuscript. All authors contributed to the further development and final draft
of the protocol.