CRSS 201 Complete
CRSS 201 Complete
CRSS 201 Complete
Amygdala is also a small part of the brain but plays a major role in
processing emotions and links emotions to other brain activities
especially memories, learning and your senses. When it does not work
as it should it causes disruptive feelings and symptoms. It can also lead
to increased aggressive and antisocial behaviors.
Striatum is involved in reward and emotional processing. Increased
activity in the striatum has been associated with impulsive and
antisocial behaviors.
Head injury is a broad term that describes a vast array of injuries that
occur to the scalp, skull, brain and underline tissue and blood vessels in
the head.
Skull fractures
Intracranial hematoma(ICH)
It is an injury to the head area that may cause instant loss of
awareness or alertness for a few minutes up to a few hours after
the traumatic event.
For instance,after a sudden hit and one experiences a concussion
then one might be destructive and causes property destruction.
It is a break in the skull bone.We got four major types of skull
Linear skull fractures;in this there is a break in the bone
but it does not move the bone.
Depressed skull fractures;in this part of the skull is
sunken in from the trauma,there might be a cut or no cut in the
Diastatic skull fractures;it occurs in the suture lines in
the skull which are areas between the bone in the head that fuse
when we are children.In this the normal suture lines are widened
Basilar skull fractures;this is the most serious type of
skull fracture which involves break in the bone at the base of the
skull.Patients with this have bruises around their eyes and around
the ears.
This involves blood clots in or around the brain.The different types
depend on the location around the brain.
Head cases; stories of brain injury and its aftermath by Michael
paul mason (2009)
The neurobiology of criminal behavior by joseph glickson(2012)