DRM833 1 Dragon PTN Network Operation A4 E Screen

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User Manual

Basic Configuration
Dragon PTN Network Operation

Dragon PTN Network Operation Technical Support

Release 01 05/2020 https://hirschmann-support.belden.eu.com
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2 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 7
1.1 General ....................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Supported Hardware, Firmware, Software ................................................... 7
1.3 Manual References ...................................................................................... 7

2. PHYSICAL LINKS: CONNECT ALL NODES INTO A WAN NETWORK .................................. 8

2.1 General ....................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Connect Optical Link via Fiber/SFP/XFP/QSFP+ ............................................. 8
2.3 Connect Electrical Link via Copper/RJ45 ....................................................... 8

3. HIPROVISION: DISCOVER NETWORK, DEPLOY DCN, CREATE LINKS ............................... 9

3.1 General ....................................................................................................... 9
3.2 DCN Channel ............................................................................................... 9
3.3 DCN Bandwidth Profile ................................................................................ 9
3.4 Link Capacity ............................................................................................. 10
3.5 Amount of Protected Tunnels .................................................................... 10

4. HIPROVISION: SET THE LAN PORTS IN YOUR NETWORK ............................................ 10

5. HIPROVISION: CREATE MPLS-TP TUNNEL(S) .............................................................. 11

5.1 General ..................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Tunnel Creation ......................................................................................... 14
5.3 Subrings .................................................................................................... 22
5.4 Tunnel Modification .................................................................................. 25
5.5 Monitor Protected Tunnel.......................................................................... 25
5.6 Reporting .................................................................................................. 26
5.7 Tunnel Actions: Swap Working Path ←→ Protection Path ........................... 26

6. CSM REDUNDANCY .................................................................................................. 29

7. SYNCE...................................................................................................................... 30
7.1 General ..................................................................................................... 30
7.2 Configuration ............................................................................................ 32
7.3 Normal Clock Selection Process .................................................................. 34
7.4 Operation .................................................................................................. 35

8. PTP IEEE 1588V2 TRANSPARENT CLOCK .................................................................... 36

8.1 General ..................................................................................................... 36
8.2 IEEE 1588v2 within Dragon PTN.................................................................. 37
8.3 Configuration ............................................................................................ 40
8.4 Operation .................................................................................................. 41

9. LOSS/DELAY/ASSURANCE MONITORING................................................................... 41

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9.1 General ..................................................................................................... 41
9.2 Loss Measurement (=LM) ........................................................................... 41
9.3 Delay Measurement (=DM) ........................................................................ 45
9.4 Tunnel Ping ............................................................................................... 46
9.5 Tunnel Traceroute ..................................................................................... 49

10. PERFORMANCE COUNTERS AND MONITORING......................................................... 50

10.1 General ..................................................................................................... 50
10.2 Port Performance ...................................................................................... 51
10.3 SyncE Performance .................................................................................... 55
10.4 IEEE 1588 Performance .............................................................................. 58
10.5 Health Monitor .......................................................................................... 59

11. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................. 60

11.1 Health Monitor .......................................................................................... 60
11.2 Port Mirroring ........................................................................................... 61
11.3 Monitoring: Multiproperty View ................................................................ 64
11.4 Devices Summary ...................................................................................... 66

12. PROTOCOL AND FEATURE SUPPORT MATRIX ............................................................ 68

13. ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 72

List of figures
Figure 1 Dragon PTN Network Example ........................................................................................ 7
Figure 2 Link: DCN Bandwidth Profile ........................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 Ethernet Link: Link Capacity .......................................................................................... 10
Figure 4 LAN/WAN Settings......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5 Tunnel Creation ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 6 Point-to-Point Tunnels .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 7 MultiPoint Tunnels ........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 8 Logical Ring Tunnel ........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 9 Subring Tunnel............................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10 Create Tunnels............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 11 Tunnel - Device Selection ............................................................................................ 15
Figure 12 Tunnel - Link Selection................................................................................................. 15
Figure 13 Set Protection Mode of LSP ......................................................................................... 16
Figure 14 Tunnel HQoS / HQoS Application Priority ................................................................... 16
Figure 15 Protection Parameters ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 16 Example: Propagate Topology Change (=PTC) ............................................................ 19
Figure 17 Example: Main Ring + Subrings ................................................................................... 19
Figure 18 RingX (=Main Ring): Ring Protection Tab .................................................................... 20
Figure 19 SubringX1: Ring Protection / Topology Change Propagation Tab ............................... 20

4 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Figure 20 SubringX2: Ring Protection / Topology Change Propagation Tab ............................... 20
Figure 21 Share LSP: Shared/Non-Shared LSPs ........................................................................... 21
Figure 22 LSP Sharing Possible? .................................................................................................. 22
Figure 1 Logical Ring / Interconnection Nodes / Subring / Ladder Topology ............................. 22
Figure 2 Logical Ring / Subring Setup .......................................................................................... 23
Figure 3 Subring Colors................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 4 Ladder Topology Example 1 .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 5 Ladder Topology Example 2 .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 6 Ladder Topology: Not Allowed: Shared Link ................................................................. 24
Figure 7 Ladder Topology: Not Allowed: Only 2 Nodes in Subring ............................................. 25
Figure 8 Protected Tunnels: Protection Path, Blocked Port Indication: '//' ................................ 25
Figure 9 Protected Tunnel/Actions ............................................................................................. 26
Figure 10 Point-to-Point/Multipoint Action on Tunnel Window ................................................ 27
Figure 11 Ring/SubRing Action on Tunnel Window .................................................................... 28
Figure 12 Clear Command in the Node Action List ..................................................................... 28
Figure 13 Node with 2 CSMs, CSM Switchover Button ............................................................... 30
Figure 14 CSM Redundancy Status.............................................................................................. 30
Figure 15 Unidirectional/Bidirectional SyncE Examples.............................................................. 31
Figure 16 Bad SyncE Examples: Timing Loop .............................................................................. 32
Figure 17 SyncE Member Ports ................................................................................................... 32
Figure 18 SyncE Clock Recovery Ports ......................................................................................... 34
Figure 19 IEEE 1588v2 ................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 20 1588 Protocol Messages ............................................................................................. 37
Figure 21 1588 on Port and Node Level for LERs and LSRs ......................................................... 38
Figure 22 1588 Enabled: Transparent Clock Correction.............................................................. 39
Figure 23 1588 Not Enabled: No Clock Correction ...................................................................... 39
Figure 24 1588 Node Settings ..................................................................................................... 40
Figure 25 1588 Port Settings ....................................................................................................... 41
Figure 26 Assurance Wizard: Loss Measurement Configuration ................................................ 43
Figure 27 Loss Measurement in Operation ................................................................................. 44
Figure 28 Loss Measurement Result Values................................................................................ 44
Figure 29 Delay Measurement Result Values ............................................................................. 46
Figure 30 Assurance Wizard: Ping Measurement Configuration ................................................ 47
Figure 31 Tunnel Ping Result Values ........................................................................................... 48
Figure 32 Traceroute Results Overview ...................................................................................... 49
Figure 33 Performance Tab: Counter Control ............................................................................. 50
Figure 34 CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring.................................................................................... 52
Figure 35 L2 and L3 Ethernet Port Monitoring............................................................................ 54
Figure 36 CODIR Port Monitoring................................................................................................ 55
Figure 37 SyncE Monitoring ........................................................................................................ 56
Figure 38 IEEE 1588 Monitoring .................................................................................................. 58

Dragon PTN Network Operation 5

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Figure 39 Health Monitor ............................................................................................................ 59
Figure 40 Port Mirroring.............................................................................................................. 61
Figure 41 Port Mirroring Icon ...................................................................................................... 61
Figure 42 Port Mirroring Wizard ................................................................................................. 62
Figure 43 Destination/Source Ports ............................................................................................ 62
Figure 44 Port Mirroring Sessions ............................................................................................... 63
Figure 45 Multiproperty View ..................................................................................................... 65
Figure 46 Multiproperty View: Filter Example ............................................................................ 66
Figure 47 Multiproperty View: Full Screen Results View + Export .............................................. 66
Figure 48 Devices Summary ........................................................................................................ 67

List of Tables
Table 1 Manual References ........................................................................................................... 7
Table 2 Tunnel Topologies and Protection.................................................................................. 12
Table 3 Tunnel Action Commands............................................................................................... 29
Table 4 Provisioned QL Ordered According Quality .................................................................... 33
Table 1 CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring Fields............................................................................. 52
Table 2 CODIR Port Monitoring Fields ......................................................................................... 55
Table 3 SyncE Monitoring 'System Information' Fields ............................................................... 56
Table 4 SyncE Monitoring 'Clock Information' Fields .................................................................. 57
Table 5 IEEE 1588 Monitoring Fields ........................................................................................... 58
Table 6 CPU Status Monitoring ................................................................................................... 59
Table 7 Memory Status Monitoring ............................................................................................ 60
Table 8 Disk Status Monitoring ................................................................................................... 60
Table 9 Protocol and Feature Support Matrix ............................................................................. 68

6 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
1.1 General
This document is valid as of Dragon PTN Release 4.3DR.

This manual describes in detail how to set up the core Dragon PTN MPLS-TP network
(without the application services), e.g. the DCN communication channel, the tunnels, etc….
Prerequisites: The HiProvision PC must have been configured and installed.

To install the HiProvision PC and how to operate it: see Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1;
A detailed description to setup pure Ethernet services: see Ref. [2Eth] in Table 1;
A detailed description to setup Legacy services: see Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1.
Dragon PTN Node HiProvision PC
(=Dragon PTN Management)

router router

Dragon PTN
MPLS-TP Network

Figure 1 Dragon PTN Network Example

1.2 Supported Hardware, Firmware, Software

The supported hardware, firmware and software within this Dragon PTN release can be
found on the Portal https://hiprovision.hirschmann.com via Shortcuts → Downloads.

1.3 Manual References

Table 1 is an overview of the manuals referred to in this manual. ‘&’ refers to the language
code, ‘*’ refers to the manual issue. All these manuals can be found in the HiProvision Help

Table 1 Manual References

Ref. Number Title

[1] DRA-DRM801-&-* Dragon PTN Installation and Operation
[2Mgt] DRA-DRM830-&-* HiProvision Management Operation
[2Eth] DRA-DRM831-&-* Dragon PTN Ethernet Services
[2Leg] DRA-DRM832-&-* Dragon PTN Legacy Services
[3] DRB-DRM802-&-* Dragon PTN Aggregation Nodes: PTN2210, PTN2206, PTN1104, PTN2209
[3b] DRB-DRM840-&-* Dragon PTN Core Nodes: PTN2215
[4] DRD-DRM803-&-* Dragon PTN Central Switching Module: PTN-CSM310-A/PTN-CSM540-A
[14] DRF-DRM811-&-* Dragon PTN TRMs (Transmit Receive Modules: SFP, XFP, QSFP+)
[24] DRG-DRM826-&-* HiProvision Add-on: Generic Reporting Engine

Dragon PTN Network Operation 7

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2.1 General

CAUTION: Maximum 255 nodes in series, maximum 255 hops;

Optical WAN links can be created on (see WAN support in feature matrix §12):
4-GC-LW/4-GCB-LW IFM (=interface module) → 1 Gbps, one link per module;
4-GO-LW IFM → 1 Gbps, four links per module;
1-10G-LW IFM → 10 Gbps, one link per module;
4-10G-LW IFM → 10 Gbps, four links per module;
1-40G-LW IFM → 40 Gbps, one link per module;
Electrical WAN links can be created on:
Four links per module if no optical link (port1) is coming up on this module;
Three links per module if an optical link (port1) is coming up on this module.
Connect all the links in all the nodes as described in the paragraphs below. Once the entire
WAN network has been connected, ports not used as WAN port can be used as LAN port.
The RJ45 port of combo port1 can only be used when there is no optical link on this port.

2.2 Connect Optical Link via Fiber/SFP/XFP/QSFP+

Make sure that the used TRMs (=SFPs/XFPs/QSFPs+) are suited for the optical link
distance. A received optical budget that exceeds the TRM receiver sensitivity level (or the
transmitting TRM is too powerful for the link distance), could damage the receiving TRM.
More information on the TRMs can be found in Ref.[14] in Table 1.

Plug in TRM module:

SFP module into the SFP connector (=port1) of a 4-GC-LW/4-GCB-LW/
XFP module into the XFP connector of a 1-10G-LW/4-10G-LW IFM;
QSFP+ module into the QSFP+ connector of a 1-40G-LW IFM;
Plug in the optical fiber into the SFP/XFP/QSFP+ module;
NOTE: Smart SFP (see Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1) cannot be used to interconnect Dragon PTN

NOTE: Fiber optic reporting information is available via the Reporting Engine Add-on, see
see Ref. [24] in Table 1.

2.3 Connect Electrical Link via Copper/RJ45

Plug in the copper cable into an available RJ45 port of a 4-GC-LW IFM/4-GCB-LW;
When using the RJ45 connector from combo port1 on the 4-GC-LW/4-GCB-LW IFM, make
sure that no optical link will come up on the SFP of that combo port. Within a combo port,
an upcoming optical link will always have priority over the electrical copper link, and as a
result will disable the electrical port;

8 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
3.1 General
The Dragon PTN network can be discovered via connecting the HiProvision PC to the Dragon
PTN network, and start the Discovery function. The discovered network will be visualised in
HiProvision and the discovered links can be created automatically after the discovery phase.
More info on discovery and link creation in ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1.

3.2 DCN Channel

The DCN (=Data Communication Network) Channel is the Dragon PTN network management
channel which is deployed dynamically over each link of the entire network during the
discovery phase, see Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1. HiProvision uses this channel to communicate
with the entire Dragon PTN network.

3.3 DCN Bandwidth Profile

The bandwidth of the DCN channel can be configured per individual 1G/10G/40G Ethernet
link, making part of the DCN channel, via Dashboard → Network Hardware → Links → Link
→ Generic: DCN Bandwidth Profile:

40 Mbps (=default): Use this value if you have plenty of bandwidth available in your
network. All your management activities will go fast/normal;
20 Mbps;
5 Mbps;
1.5 Mbps: Use this value if you have to consume your bandwidth very efficiently or if you
have lack of bandwidth in your network. Your management activities could go slow/slower
depending on the network layout and load;
NOTE: The selected bandwidth also influences the number of protected tunnels through
this link, see paragraph below.

NOTE: Management activity example: Load firmware into the network, see Ref. [2Mgt] in
Table 1.

NOTE: The DCN Bandwidth Profile must always be less than the Link Capacity (see §3.4).

This configured bandwidth is automatically reserved during discovery.

Link Capacity


DCN Bandwidth Profile

Figure 2 Link: DCN Bandwidth Profile

Dragon PTN Network Operation 9

Release 01 05/2020
3.4 Link Capacity
The link capacity of the Ethernet link is the maximum data rate through a link cable. This
value equals by default the port speed of the port in which the cable is plugged in. E.g. if a
link cable is plugged in into a 1000 Mbps port, the Link Capacity is by default 1000 Mbps.

The Link Capacity can be configured or downscaled if desired via Dashboard → Network
Hardware → Links → Link → Generic: Link Capacity (L1):

Ethernet 1G: default = 1000 Mbps, Range [10...1000] Mbps;

Ethernet 10G: default = 9294 Mbps, Range [10...10000] Mbps;
Ethernet 40G: default = 40000 Mbps, Range [10...40000] Mbps;

NOTE: The Link Capacity must always be more than the DCN Bandwidth Profile (see §3.3);

Link Capacity


DCN Bandwidth Profile

Figure 3 Ethernet Link: Link Capacity

3.5 Amount of Protected Tunnels

The number of logical ring, point-to-point/multipoint with protection and subring tunnels
that can be configured through a link depends on the selected DCN Bandwidth profile for
that link.

40 Mbps (=default): Maximum 128 protected tunnels possible;

20 Mbps: Maximum 64 protected tunnels possible;
5 Mbps: Maximum 8 protected tunnels possible;
1.5 Mbps: Maximum 2 protected tunnels possible;


WAN ports interconnect nodes within the Dragon PTN network (MPLS-TP) whereas LAN
ports interconnect the nodes with their applications.

By default, all the ports of the IFMs that support WAN ports (see §12) are WAN ports. This is
because nodes are discovered via the HiProvision discovery function, which operates over
MPLS-TP links that interconnect nodes via WAN ports. Ports that do not have a WAN link can
be changed into a LAN port by using the network settings wizard.

The network settings wizard allows to easily set all the port configurations of multiple IFMs
together, without having to open each IFM individually. Click the Network Settings Wizard
button (see previous paragraph) to open it.

10 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
The list below summarizes every page in the wizard:

Information: Click Next>>;

Selection: select Port Mode;
Port Mode Settings: By default, all the ports of the IFMs that support WAN ports (see §12)
are WAN ports. The ports with a connected WAN link, are indicated by . These
ports cannot be adapted anymore in this wizard. If all the other ports must be set to LAN,
click the button. If not, set the ports individually to LAN or WAN via the LAN/WAN drop-
down selectors. See figure below.
Review: If ok, click Finish. The configuration load manager will be invoked.
Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load process
of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1 for more info;

CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!

drop-down list

Figure 4 LAN/WAN Settings


Prerequisite: all the necessary nodes and interface modules are configured in the database.

5.1 General
A tunnel is a virtual path through the physical network in which customer application
services can be programmed later on. The concept of a tunnel can be found in the figure
below. A network consists of nodes with links in between. The bandwidth within a link is
divided over the configured tunnels through that link. The tunnels can start or end in a node
(=LER) or just pass through a node (=LSR) and will be used to program customer application
services in.

LER: Label Edge Router = MPLS-TP access node with customer applications;

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LSR: Label Switching Router = MPLS-TP transfer node. A programmed service can have no
end-points in an LSR node;

Figure 5 Tunnel Creation

In HiProvision, it is possible to create tunnels in a predefined topology, with or without a

protection path. See the table and figures below for an overview:

Table 2 Tunnel Topologies and Protection

Tunnel Topology Protection

Point-to-point Optional

Multipoint Optional

Logical Ring Always, included automatically via RPL (=Ring Protection Link)
(max. 60 LERs per tunnel)

Subring Always, included automatically via RPL

(max. 15 Subrings per Logical Ring

External (*) None

(*) Note: An 'External' tunnel type cannot be selected or created manually. Such a tunnel will be created
automatically when creating an 'External E1 Link'. 'External E1 Links' must only be used when the Local Mode
service is used on 2-OLS or 2-C37.94 IFMs, see Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1.
This external tunnel cannot be modified/deleted. It will be deleted automatically when deleting the associated
'External E1 Link'.

A tunnel with protection consists of a working and a protection path:

Working path (yellow in the figures below): the active data path;
Protection path (orange in the figures below): the standby or backup data path if the
working path should fail. This path is optional for point-to-point and multi-point tunnels
and mandatory for logical ring or subring tunnels. Switching between the working path and
protection path occurs automatically due to a working path failure or can be initiated
manually for maintenance reasons for example, see §5.7.
The possible amount of protected tunnels through a link depends on the selected DCN
bandwidth profile for that link, see §3.3.

12 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Point-to-Point Point-to-Point
no protection with protection
11 14 11 14
Working Path Working Path

10 12 15 16 10 12 15 16

13 13 Protection Path

Figure 6 Point-to-Point Tunnels

MultiPoint MultiPoint
no protection with protection

11 14 11 14

10 12 15 16 10 12 15 16

13 13

Figure 7 MultiPoint Tunnels

Logical Ring
with protection
11 14

10 12 15 16


Protection = RPL =
Ring Protection Link Neighbor

Figure 8 Logical Ring Tunnel

Dragon PTN Network Operation 13

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Logical Ring
with protection

11 14

Logical Ring (LR)

10 12 15 16

Neighbor (LR)
13 Subring (S)
with protection
Protection = RPL (LR)

Owner (LR) 17 18

Owner (S) Protection = RPL (S) Neighbor (S)

Figure 9 Subring Tunnel

5.2 Tunnel Creation

NOTE: If needed, a tunnel can be modified later on as described in §5.4.

NOTE: If you want to create a Subring tunnel, read §5.3 first.

Click Dashboard → Configuration → Connections → Tunnels → to open the tunnels

wizard. See figure below.

Connections Tab

Create Tunnels


Figure 10 Create Tunnels

The tunnels wizard opens. The list below summarizes every page in the wizard. :

Information: Click Next>>;

Topology Selection: enter a tunnel name, select a topology (see also §5.1) with optional
Ring Tunnel Selection (only when SubRing topology was selected): a 'Logical Ring' must be
chosen to configure subrings on. Select a Logical Ring in the Tunnels list.
Device Selection:

14 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
Select the nodes to which your customer applications for this tunnel will be connected
later on. Only select LERs, no LSRs. For Subrings: Select all the devices or nodes of the
subring including the interconnection nodes on the Logical Ring. A logical ring can have
a maximum of 60 LERs.
Subring Interconnection nodes: see §5.3;
A node can be selected by clicking the node icon or its ‘Selected’ checkbox. A selected
node icon is colored turquoise, an unselected node icon is colored white. A node can
be unselected by clicking again on the node icon or its ‘Selected’ checkbox. Make sure
that your node selection makes sense for the selected topology. Multiple nodes can be
selected/unselected at once via selecting a number of rows and clicking / .


Click device
to add to tunnel

Click device
to add to tunnel

Figure 11 Tunnel - Device Selection

Link Selection: Select the links that must be part of the tunnel. A link can be selected by
clicking the link line between the node icons or by clicking the ‘Selected’ checkbox. A
selected link is colored brown, an unselected link is colored grey. Click again on this link or
its ‘Selected’ checkbox to unselect the link. Multiple links can be selected/unselected at
once via selecting a number of rows and clicking / .

Click link
to add to tunnel


Figure 12 Tunnel - Link Selection

Protection Setup (optional, if protection was selected in the Topology Selection):

Dragon PTN Network Operation 15

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Point-to-point: Just select the links of the protection path to configure the protection
path (link selection/unselection is similar as described above).
Multipoint: at least one of the different working paths within the Multipoint tunnel
must be protected. For each working path (or LSP) that is going to be protected:
Set the Protection Mode to 1:1, see figure below. The working path in the network
drawing is blue, so that you know which path is going to be protected.

Figure 13 Set Protection Mode of LSP

Next select all the links of the protection path (link selection/unselection is similar
as described above). After this, the protection path is configured.
Logical Ring: See next paragraph.

QoS Parameters: HQoS (= is way to prioritize service traffic via assigning a priority to the
tunnel in which the service data is transported.
Use HQoS/HQoS Application Priority (HQoS = Hierarchical Quality of Service):
Unchecked (=default): No HQoS will be used.
Checked: An HQoS Application Priority (0 = default = lowest priority, …., 6 = highest
priority) can be assigned to the tunnel if Use HQoS has been checked. More info
on HQoS can be found in Ref. [2Eth] in Table 1. Click Next >>.

Figure 14 Tunnel HQoS / HQoS Application Priority

Protection Parameters :

16 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
Only visible for Tunnel Topology = Subring

Figure 15 Protection Parameters

Use Shared LSP (for Logical Ring and Subring tunnels):

checked (=default): Allows to reuse existing tunnel resources resulting in more
performant and faster switchover times. Switchover from the working path to the
protection path occurs when the normal working path gets broken.
unchecked: This tunnel will not reuse other tunnel resources and as a result, the
switchover behavior becomes less performant.
Ring Priority (default = 127, range[0-255]) (for Logical Ring and Subring tunnels): This
field is only for tunnels using LSP sharing ('Use Shared LSP' = checked). It decides the
switchover order when multiple shared rings have to switchover simultaneously due
to a link break or recovery. The ring with the lowest ring priority value will switchover
first. If some of these rings have the same priority, the ring that was created first will
switchover first.
Revertive/Wait to Restore time (=WTR) (default=1 minute, range[1..12] minutes):
Revertive = checked: Initial active path A (=working path) is the preferred path. If
this path fails, it will become the active path again after it restores and being stable
for at least a period indicated by the ‘Wait to Restore Time’. In between, the
redundant path B (=protection path) will be the active path;
Revertive = unchecked: If the initial active path A (=working path) fails, redundant
path B (=protection path) becomes active and remains active even when path A
repairs later on;
BFD interval (default = 5ms, range[3-500]ms). Indicates the Bidirectional Forwarding
Detection interval between BFD packets. BFD is used to detect the link status (e.g. is
the link still up or down?). BFD packets are used in protected tunnels except in hitless
switching tunnels. Monitored BFD information and protection info can be found in the
Network tile. Select the desired tunnel and show its properties via the button;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 17

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Owner / Neighbor Device (only for Logical Ring and Subring): The Ring protection path
is a link between two adjacent end nodes or LERs. This protection path is called the RPL
or Ring Protection Link. These two end nodes are called the owner and the neighbor of
the RPL. Only when the working path is broken this RPL will be activated.
Owner: is the owner or master controller of the RPL. Select the owner device in the
Owner Device list by clicking the Selected checkbox;
Neighbor: is the neighbor or slave of the RPL, it listens to control packets of the
owner, and as a result opens/closes its RPL port to open/close the RPL. If the
working path is OK, this port is closed. Select the neighbor device in the Neighbor
Device list by clicking the Selected checkbox. Only adjacent LER (=Label Edge
Router) nodes of the owner node are selectable.
Propagate Topology Change ( = PTC = only for Subrings): Topology change propagation
is a process that informs the network about path breaks (physical/logical) in one of its
subrings. As a result, all the subrings between the broken subring up to the main ring
will be able to flush their nodes. Flushing a node clears the learned MAC addresses to
initiate new path recalculations to the broken subring. When the broken subring is
connected to the main ring via a more complex network structure (e.g. sideway subring
structures), the propagation always follows the shortest path towards the main ring.
Checked (=default): This subring communicates its own ring breaks (or topology
changes) and also forwards incoming topology change notifications from other
Example (see figure below): LR = Logical Ring = Main Ring, S(n) = Subring(n). This
subring = S2 and connected to other rings as follows: LR → S1 → S2 → S3;
If a path ring break occurs in this S2, a topology change will be communicated
to S1 (= towards the main ring) but not to S3 (=away from the main ring);
Incoming topology changes in S2 from a lower S3, if any, will be forwarded to
the higher S1;
After the subring tunnel creation, a ‘Topology Change Propagation’ tab can be
viewed in the Connections Tile when selecting the subring in the TUNNELS list.
It shows the RING IDs of the ring/subring that will be flushed by the PTC of this
subring. The RING IDs of each ring/subring can be found in the ‘Ring Protection’
tab, see figures below.
Unchecked: This subring will not communicate its own ring breaks (or topology
changes) nor forward incoming topology changes from other subrings.

18 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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= Logical Break; = Physical Break

Main Ring with Cable break in = PTC flushed node

3 subrings subring S2 = Own flushed node

Main Ring
LR LR LR flushed

S1 S1 S1 PTC = ON

S2 S2 S2 PTC = ON

S3 S3 S3

Figure 16 Example: Propagate Topology Change (=PTC)

(Ring ID=4)

(Ring ID=5)

(Ring ID=7)

Figure 17 Example: Main Ring + Subrings

Dragon PTN Network Operation 19

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(Ring ID=4)

Figure 18 RingX (=Main Ring): Ring Protection Tab

(Ring ID=5)

Main Ring (=ID4) → First interconnection node → Second interconnection node
to the upper ring/subring to the upper ring/subring
→ Ring ID of the upper ring/subring → Ring ID of the upper ring/subring
that will be flushed. that will be flushed.

Figure 19 SubringX1: Ring Protection / Topology Change Propagation Tab

(Ring ID=7)

SubRingX1 (=ID5)

Figure 20 SubringX2: Ring Protection / Topology Change Propagation Tab

20 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
LSP Label Selection: This page depends on the selected tunnel topology and the 'Use
Shared LSP' (only for Logical Ring/Subring) setting from the previous wizard page.
Point-to-Point/Multipoint: LSP Sharing not relevant;
Logical Ring/Subring: reusing resources is more performant than not reusing resources,
especially when multiple tunnels go over the same link. Reusing resources = reusing
existing LSP labels from existing tunnels. Per link between two nodes, you can decide
whether to share your new tunnel with other existing tunnels. This can be done via
clicking the appropriate radio buttons or selecting the desired tunnel(s) to share with
via the tunnel/link drop-down lists. By default, sharing is activated per link if any other
tunnel is already available in this link. Sometimes, sharing is not possible, see Figure 22.

- Point-to-Point
- Multipoint Sharing not relevant

- Logical Ring
- Subring

Use Shared LSP
→ Performant
Reuse (share) of

Non-shared LSP No reuse of

→ Less performant resources

Figure 21 Share LSP: Shared/Non-Shared LSPs

Dragon PTN Network Operation 21

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LSP sharing possible LSP sharing not possible
(Same LERs for both LSPs) (One node is LER and LSR)

LER for LSR for LSP1 (no red
both LSPs bullet)
LER for LSP2

Figure 22 LSP Sharing Possible?

Review: If ok, click Finish. The configuration load manager will be invoked.
Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load process
of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1 for more info.

CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!

5.3 Subrings
5.3.1 General
A 'Logical Ring' tunnel can have a maximum of 60 LERs. It can be easily extended by
connecting subrings (or 'Subring' tunnels) to it via two interconnection nodes which
terminate the subring. Each subring has its own RPL (=ring protection link). The resulting
network combining Logical Ring and one or more subrings is called a ladder topology. See
figure below.

NOTE: The number of subrings through a link depends on the selected DCN bandwidth
profile for that link, see §3.5.
Ladder Topology
LR = Logical Ring

Node S1 Node S1 S1

S = Subring

Figure 1 Logical Ring / Interconnection Nodes / Subring / Ladder Topology

22 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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step 0: step 1: step 2:
meshed nodes create tunnel: create tunnel:
‘Logical Ring’ LR ‘Subring’ S1

Interconnection Interconnection
Node Node

LR = Logical Ring S = Subring

Figure 2 Logical Ring / Subring Setup

A Subring:

is a tunnel topology type;

is a tunnel extension of a 'Logical Ring' tunnel;
must be connected via 2 interconnection nodes to a Logical Ring or the existing ladder
is terminated on the interconnection nodes;
can be connected to maximum one logical ring;
contains at least 3 nodes;
has its own RPL;
should not share a link with the ladder topology;

Different configured Subrings in the same logical ring have another Subring color:

Figure 3 Subring Colors

A Logical Ring:

can nest subrings maximum 3 levels deep (Logical Ring not included);
can have maximum 15 subrings connected, either directly or indirectly via other subrings
or a mix;
An interconnection node:

is a node in the ladder topology to which one side of a subring is connected;

is always a LER node;
can be (re)used or shared by multiple subrings;

Hint: Do not share a link with the ladder topology when configuring a subring.

Dragon PTN Network Operation 23

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5.3.2 Ladder Topology Examples
The figures below show example configurations with subrings. LR = logical ring; S = Subring.

Maximum 3 subring Maximum 15 subrings Shared interconnection nodes

levels deep


S1 S1
S1 S4
S2 S2

S3 S3 S2 S5


Figure 4 Ladder Topology Example 1

S4/S5 connected to S5 connected to

logical ring and subring multiple subrings

S5 LR S4 LR S4

S1 S1 S5

S2 S2

S3 S3

Figure 5 Ladder Topology Example 2

Allowed Shared Link → Not Allowed

Shared Link

Figure 6 Ladder Topology: Not Allowed: Shared Link

24 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Allowed Only 2 nodes → Not Allowed

Not allowed subring with

LR LR only 2 nodes

Figure 7 Ladder Topology: Not Allowed: Only 2 Nodes in Subring

5.3.3 Protected Tunnels

The working path and protection path in a protected tunnel are visualized in §5.5.

5.4 Tunnel Modification

Click Dashboard → Configuration → Connections → Tunnels → select tunnel → to

modify the tunnel. The following properties can be modified:

Tunnel Name, Ring Priority (if LSP sharing is used);

For Ring tunnels: Use HQoS, HQoS Application Priority.

5.5 Monitor Protected Tunnel

The working and protection path in a protected tunnel are visualized in the figure below.
This view is visible when selecting a tunnel or tunnel layer in the (Monitoring) Network Tab.
‘//’ indicates a blocked
link port on the node

1) Normal working 2) White ‘//’: 3) Orange ‘//’ : Normal working

path = OK protection path = standby 4) protection path = active
path = NOK or broken

working path

Figure 8 Protected Tunnels: Protection Path, Blocked Port Indication: '//'

Dragon PTN Network Operation 25

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5.6 Reporting
Tunnel Reporting information is available via the Reporting Engine Add-on, see Ref.[24] in
Table 1.

5.7 Tunnel Actions: Swap Working Path ←→ Protection Path

5.7.1 General
In a tunnel, it is possible to swap manually from the working to the protection path (=backup
path) or vice versa. This is very handy for testing purposes or for link maintenance activities.

NOTE: Swapping paths can also be done the hardware way by just pulling out a link or
cable when the protection switching is operational.

1. Go to Dashboard → (Monitoring) Network Tile → TUNNELS Tab;

2. Select a protected tunnel in the Tunnels list to highlight the tunnel action button ;
3. Click the tunnel action button ;


2) Click Action Button

1) Select Protected Tunnel

Figure 9 Protected Tunnel/Actions

4. The 'Action on Tunnel' window shows up and depends on the selected tunnel type:
Point-to-Point/Multipoint Tunnels: see §5.7.2;
Ring/Subring Tunnels: see §5.7.3;

5.7.2 Point-to-Point/Multipoint Tunnels

The 'Action on Tunnel' window looks as in the figure below.

NOTE: Click 'Working Path' or 'Protection Path' to highlight it in the network drawing.

26 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Nodes Actions → no 1) Select Node 2) Select Action
action yet

Working path active No tunnel

actions running

Status in Network Tile:

Refresh button After switch: Working
Tunnel selected → LPS → Status

Figure 10 Point-to-Point/Multipoint Action on Tunnel Window

1. Select the node in the Send to Node list that must trigger the swap from working to
protection path. For a point-to-point tunnel, either node is OK;
2. Select a '...Switch To...' command in the Action on LSP list, see Table 3 for a command
overview. Click OK in the pop-up box to execute the command in the live network!
3. Some status info will change (Node://<node name>/, working path, protection path). For
more detailed tunnel status information, click Close. Go to the Network tile → Select
tunnel. Status info is shown in the Network drawing or properties tabs via , e.g. LPS tab
(=Linear Protection Switching). Click the Refresh button for faster feedback. Also have a
look at §5.5.
4. If the swap is OK ('protection path active'), perform the required maintenance (if any);
5. If you are ready to swap back to the working path and you closed the Tunnel actions
window, open it again via .
6. Swap back to the working path by selecting the Clear command in the Action on LSP list.
Use 'Clear' only on the node where the '...Switch To...' command was executed! Click OK
in the pop-up box to execute it! If the swap back does not occur immediately, probably a
Wait to Restore timer has to expire first. The Wait to Restore time has been configured at
the tunnel creation.

CAUTION: Use 'Clear' only on the node where the '...Switch To...' command was executed!

5.7.3 Ring/Subring Tunnels

The 'Action on Tunnel' window looks as in the figure below.

NOTE: An 'Idle' ring indicates an up and running ring, the working path (=full line) is active
and the protection path (=dashed line) is in standby.

Dragon PTN Network Operation 27

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Ring Status Tunnel Actions Ring after a ‘forced switch’, 1 port blocked

Protection Path

Working Path Blocked

Status in Network Tile:

Tunnel selected → Ring Protection Refresh button Port on which a ‘Force
Switch’ was executed

Figure 11 Ring/SubRing Action on Tunnel Window

1. Decide which node must trigger, by blocking a port, a swap from working to protection
path. For the port that must be blocked, select a port '...Switch' action. See Table 3 for a
command overview. Click OK in the pop-up box to execute it in the live network!
2. Both the Node and Port status will change. For more detailed tunnel status information,
click Close. Go to the Network tile → Select tunnel. Status info is shown in the Network
drawing or properties tabs via , e.g. Ring Protection tab. Click the Refresh button for
faster feedback. Also have a look at §5.5.
3. If the swap is OK (Ring State is Forced Switch/Manual Switch and one port is blocked),
perform the required maintenance (if any);
4. If you are ready to swap back to the working path and you closed the Tunnel actions
window, open it again via .
5. Swap back to the working path by selecting the Clear command in the Node Action list of
the node where the '...Switch' command was executed (see figure below). It is the node
that has one port in the 'Blocked' state. Click OK in the pop-up box to execute the
command! If the swap does not occur immediately, probably a Wait to Restore timer has
to expire first. The Wait to Restore time has been configured at tunnel creation.

Port on which the ‘Force Switch’

command was initiated

Figure 12 Clear Command in the Node Action List

CAUTION: Use 'Clear' only on the node where the '...Switch' command was executed!

28 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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5.7.4 Tunnel Action Commands
Table 3 Tunnel Action Commands

Tunnel Type Level Command Description

Point-to-Point / Node Clear Swaps the tunnel back to the working path if this path is OK. Use this
Multipoint command only on the node where a Force/ Manual Switch to Protection
command has been performed. If the swap back does not occur
immediately, probably a Wait to restore timer has to expire first.

Force Switch to - Swaps the tunnel in a forced way to the protection path, also if the
Protection protection path is not OK! Attention: if both the working and
protection path are not OK, communication will be lost between the
two end-points;
- After the swap, if the protection path breaks, there will be no
automatic swap to the working path.

Manual Switch to - Swaps the tunnel to the protection path if all tunnel paths are ok, no
Protection error conditions!
- After the swap, if the protection path breaks, the tunnel swaps back to
the working path automatically if the tunnel was configured as

Manual Switch to - Swaps the tunnel to the working path only if the working path is OK!
Working This is useful when your tunnel has swapped to the protection path
automatically due to a real break (not via tunnel actions) and your
tunnel is non-revertive;
- This command has the same effect as the Clear command.

Ring / SubRing Node Clear Same as 'Clear' command described above.

Port Force Switch Same as 'Force Switch to Protection' command described above.

Manual Switch Same as 'Manual Switch to Protection' command described above.

Prerequisite: one CSM Redundancy voucher (see Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1) or license is required
for each node having two CSMs installed.

A node can have two CSMs installed for redundancy reasons. A CSM can be in the Active,
Standby or Passive state. Normally, one CSM will be Active and the other will be Standby.

NOTE: More info on CSM Redundancy can be found in Ref.[2Mgt], [4] in Table 1 and in the
redundancy cases in in Ref.[2Mgt];

CAUTION: Both CSMs must be connected with a management cable!

1. Both CSMs can be viewed via Dashboard → Network Hardware;

2. Select the node row in the list and expand it, the two CSMs will be visible if configured and
the CSM switchover button becomes active;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 29

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CSM switchover

Node selected


Figure 13 Node with 2 CSMs, CSM Switchover Button

3. The Active CSM is indicated with a little square (◼).

4. The Redundancy State can be viewed in the Redundancy section after selecting a CSM:

Active CSM (◼) selected

Standby CSM selected

Figure 14 CSM Redundancy Status

5. With CSM redundancy, a switchover is only possible when both CSMs have the same
firmware version and one CSM is 'active' and the other CSM is 'standby'.
6. To manually switchover the CSMs or make the Standby CSM the active one and vice versa,
select the node row and click the CSM switchover button . More switchover
possibilities are described Ref. [4];
7. CSM Redundancy is non-revertive.

7.1 General
SyncE is a protocol that manages the distribution of a synchronous clock, based on a PRC
(=Primary Reference Clock), network wide over all the nodes that have SyncE configured.
The protocol uses SSMs (= Synchronization Status Message) to inform the nodes about the
quality of the clock on that link. The clock itself is recovered from the received electrical/
optical signals on the configured recovery ports (see also Ref. [4] in Table 1). Recovery ports
can be configured on the IFMs that support the SyncE feature, see §12.

Some facts:

30 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Maximum one SyncE recovery port per IFM;
Maximum four SyncE recovery ports per Node;
SyncE is non-revertive for clocks with the same quality and priority (see also §7.3).
All physical port interfaces from the IFMs listed above, support a unidirectional
synchronization (=default). E.g. port y on Node2 recovers a clock from port x on Node1.
Some interfaces support a bidirectional synchronization as well, e.g. Node2 is able to recover
a clock from Node1 and vice versa on the same link. But in operation, the clock will only be
recovered in one direction at the same time.

A bidirectional link is possible when both requirements below are met:

both ports on the link are configured as recovery port;

the physical interface matches one of the interfaces below:
Optical Ethernet (IFM 4-GC-LW/4-GCB-LW, 4-GO-LW, 1-10G-LW, 4-10G-LW, 1-40G-
Optical C37.94 (IFM 2-C37.94);
Electrical Ethernet 100 Mpbs (IFM 4-GC-LW/4-GCB-LW).
= SyncE SSM = SyncE recovery port

PRC Unidirectional PRC Bidirectional


Prio2 Prio2 Prio2

Figure 15 Unidirectional/Bidirectional SyncE Examples

Make sure not to configure timing loops when configuring SyncE. In a timing loop, when the
master PRC node breaks down, the other nodes start synchronizing on each other, still
believing the master PRC is up and running. As a result, the nodes in the timing loop slowly
drift away from the rest of the network, and they possibly never pick up again with the PRC
master whenever it comes back because of the non-revertive behavior (see §7.3).

Make sure to build in synchronization redundancy but be aware of timing loops!

Dragon PTN Network Operation 31

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= SyncE SSM = SyncE recovery port


Timing Loop Timing Loop


PRC, Prio2 DUS,
Prio2 Prio2

Figure 16 Bad SyncE Examples: Timing Loop

7.2 Configuration
SyncE can be configured/modified via the Dashboard → Network Hardware → Network
Settings Wizard button = . The Network Settings wizard opens. The list below summarizes
every page in the wizard:

Information: Click Next>>;

Selection: select SyncE;
SyncE Member Ports: A SyncE member port is a port that participates in SyncE, either a
port that recovers a clock or a port that forwards a clock. All the ports of the products listed
below, are candidate SyncE member ports and show up in the HiProvision list. Set ‘Port
involved in SyncE = True‘ for all the ports that must participate in SyncE. Once SyncE has
been configured and active later on, SSMs are exchanged between SyncE member ports,
to notify the other side with clocking (quality/priority) information;

Takes part in SyncE

Figure 17 SyncE Member Ports

32 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
SyncE Clock Recovery Ports: This page lists all the SyncE member ports. The ports that must
recover a clock must be configured in this page. A node can have a maximum of 4 clock
recovery ports: Clock1...Clock4.
SyncE Enabled (default=unchecked): check this checkbox to enable the SyncE
configuration screen. This checkbox is also handy later on to disable SyncE for testing
purposes after SyncE has been configured, without losing the SyncE configuration.
EEC mode (EEC = Ethernet Equipment Clock): fill out the EEC mode. This mode also
defines which QL (=Quality Level) values are used. See table below.
EEC1 (=default)(used in Europe, Asia): E1/SDH based technology (2.048 Mbps);
EEC2 (used in North America): T1/SONET based technology (1.544 Mbps);
Disabled: No EEC mode is used, no SyncE will be configured.

Table 4 Provisioned QL Ordered According Quality

SSM Code Provisioned QL Description Quality

See values below Auto Provisioned QL is dynamically retrieved from the SSM code in the See values
SSM messages. The mapped Provisioned QL values are listed below. below

EEC1 Mode (E1/SDH)

2 PRC Primary Reference Clock, the master clock 1 (=best)

4 SSUT Synchronization Supply Unit Transit 2

8 SSUL Synchronization Supply Unit Local 3

11 SEC SDH Equipment Clock 4

15 DUS Don't Use for Sync. For testing or maintenance purposes on the link. 5 (=worst)

EEC2 Mode (T1/SONET)

1 PRS Primary Reference Source, the master clock 1 (=best)

7 ST2 Stratum 2 2

10 ST3 Stratum 3 3

15 DUS Don't Use for Sync. For testing or maintenance purposes on the link. 4

0 STU Stratum Traceability Unknown 5 (=worst)

--- RES Reserved ---

Select Port: To assign a recovery port to Clock1, click the 'Select Port' cell in Clock1 and
select the recovery port from the port list. Similar for Clock2, Clock3 and Clock4.
Clock Priority (1:highest, 9:lowest) (default=0): see the normal clock selection process
in §7.3 for more info. If no recovery port is selected, the value is 0. When a port is
selected, the value automatically goes to 1;
Provisioned QL (default=Auto): Quality Level of the delivered clock, see §7.3.
False (=default): the received clock will be used in §7.3;
True: the received clock on this port will be locked out or not be used in §7.3;
Switch Request: Possibility to force a clock usage or overrule the selected clock by the
selection process in §7.3;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 33

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Clear (=default): The normal clock selection process is active for this port, it will only
be chosen if it delivers the best clock;
Manual: Select the clock recovered on this port, even when it has a lower
quality/priority than other clocks delivered to the node. But when the clock on this
port gets lost (e.g. link down), another clock will be selected automatically;
Force: Always select this recovery port to deliver the clock to the node, even when
there is no clock available (anymore) on this port. When the clock gets lost on this
port, the node turns into the status ‘holdover’ meaning that the internal chip clock
of the node will be used.
Clear WTR: WTR = Wait to Restore. After a synchronization link comes back up, after it
was broken or the clock was lost on that port, a WTR timer starts to run on that port.
After the WTR timer has timed out, the clock on the port will be available again for the
normal clock selection in §7.3.
False (=default): The WTR timer times out after 5 minutes.
True: The WTR timer times out immediately and Clear WTR automatically drops
back to ‘False’;

Figure 18 SyncE Clock Recovery Ports

Review: If ok, click Finish. The configuration load manager will be invoked.
Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load process
of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1 for more info.

CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!

7.3 Normal Clock Selection Process

If you have configured some clock recovery ports in a node, which clock will be used as slave
clock for the node?

The normal clock selection process in the node is driven by the following parameters:

Provisioned QL;
Clock Priority;

34 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
The Provisioned QL on a port is provisioned either dynamically via SSMs or statically forced
via HiProvision.

Dynamically: set Provisioned QL to ‘Auto’ in HiProvision;

Statically: forces the Provisioned QL for this port to a value listed in HiProvision (Table 4),
regardless the Provisioned QL from received SSMs;

The selection process:

Is the synchronization link available?

Provisioned QL: will be verified first. The port with the best (=lowest value) Provisioned QL
wins and delivers the clock to the node. Table 4 shows the QL list ordered according
quality. E.g., if one port is SSUT and a second port is SEC, SSUT wins. If both ports are SSUT,
the Clock Priority will be checked;
Clock Priority: Will only be verified when two or more recovered clocks in a node are
equally the best according to the provisioned QL. In this case, the clock with the highest
priority (=lowest value) will win;
SyncE is non-revertive for clocks with same quality and priority: When a recovery port has
been selected to deliver the clock (A) to the node, and that clock(A) is lost after a while e.g.
due to a link break, a new clock(B) in the node will be selected. When after a while clock(A)
is alive again and detected, clock(B) remains selected if clock(B) has the same quality and
priority as clock(A). Though, if clock(A) is better than clock(B) according to the selection
process, clock(A) will win.

NOTE: The normal clock selection process can be overruled by a Lock Out of a port, or a
Forced Switch Request. See also §7.2;

7.4 Operation
Once the SyncE has been configured and loaded in the network, it is up and running. To
monitor the running SyncE, see §10.3.

7.4.1 Reporting
Reporting information is available via the Reporting Engine Add-on, see Ref.[24] in Table 1.

Dragon PTN Network Operation 35

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8.1 General
The Precision Time Protocol (=PTP), as defined in IEEE 1588v2, is a protocol that manages
the distribution of a synchronous timestamp clock (micro-second accuracy), network wide
between an external grandmaster clock and its slaves or substations.

NOTE: For readability reasons, 'IEEE 1588v2' will be further referred to as '1588';

NOTE: In respect to the definitions below, a Dragon PTN node can only act as Transparent
Clock, not as Grandmaster, Boundary clock nor Ordinary Clock;

Some definitions:

Grandmaster: The root-timing device of the synchronization network. At least one

grandmaster has to be available in a synchronization network;
Boundary Clock: Device with multiple network connections where one network connection
receives the clock from a master and other network connections are master for a set of
slaves. Via this function, one segment is synchronized to another segment;
Ordinary Clock: Device with a single network connection that is usually a slave, but
becomes a master when there is no better master available;
Residence time: The time that a 1588 packet needs to pass through the device;
End-to-end Transparent Clock (Dragon PTN Node): A device or node between master and
slave clock that just measures and adds the residence time into the correction field of the
1588 packets. The correction field allows the slaves to filter out the variable network delay
to obtain a much more accurate timestamp (nano-second accuracy!). It is advised to have
a maximum of 20 nodes in the path between Master and Slave.
Network delay: The total time that a 1588 packet needs to travel from master to slave (or
vice versa). 1588 needs the same delay in both directions to work properly;
Clock Offset: The difference between master clock and slave clock at a specific timestamp
'Tx'. For example, if the master clock indicates 12h:00m:00s at timestamp 'Tx' whereas the
slave clock indicates 12h:00m:15s, then the offset between the two clocks is 15s.
Round-trip time: Time needed for a message to go from master to slave and back to master
via the network.

36 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Grandmaster Boundary Clock Ordinary Clock
Transparent Clock Transparent Clock

Dragon PTN


Master Ethernet Service: IEEE 1588v2 Slaves

Figure 19 IEEE 1588v2

The master periodically broadcasts the current timestamp as a Sync message to the ordinary
clocks to manage and synchronize the time distribution system.

The figure below shows the most important 1588 protocol messages. The slave is able to
calculate the network delay and clock offset based on the timestamps T1, T1', T2 and T2'
which are passed via the 1588 messages. As a result, the slaves can synchronize to the
grandmaster timestamp clock. In addition, it is possible to use get a more accurate
timestamp via using the correction field in Transparent Clocks, see further on.
Sync Delay Delay Sync
Message Request Response Message
Message Message

(T1) (T1, T1’,T2) (T1, T1’,T2,T2’,T3) (T4)


T1 T1’ T2 T2’ T3 T3’ ..... T4 T4’ Time

Round-trip Time

Figure 20 1588 Protocol Messages

8.2 IEEE 1588v2 within Dragon PTN

A device or node can only be configured as end-to-end 1588 Transparent Clock, with 1 step
synchronization. 1 step means that each message gets the correct timestamp (or
correction) when leaving the device, whereas a 2 step synchronization always requires a
second message to carry the timestamp;
See §12 to find the IFMs that support 1588;
1588 supports multicast traffic (Future: unicast traffic);
Enabling 1588 in the paragraphs below means configuring a Dragon PTN node as 1588
Transparent Clock;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 37

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Not enabling 1588 on the nodes in the 1588 service path means that the nodes will not
adapt the 1588 correction field. As a result, applications just exchange 1588 messages via
a Dragon PTN Ethernet service, without node interaction, resulting in a less accurate
Enabling/Disabling can be done on one or more nodes in the 1588 service path. Enabling
1588 in all/some/none of the nodes in the service path results in very/medium/low
accurate timing.


Transporting 1588 packets requires a port-based Ethernet service;

For best timing accuracy, all the LER and LSR ports that participate in 1588 must have 'IEEE
1588' enabled on both port and node level because all of these nodes cause a transition
delay that must be taken into account;

CAUTION: if you enable 1588 in Dragon PTN:

- LER node: enable it on both the node, the LAN and WAN ports of the service;
- LSR node: enable it on both the node and the WAN ports of the service;

LER: 1588 on LER LER

LAN/WAN ports
+ node LSR: 1588 on LSR LSR
WAN ports + node


Dragon PTN


Figure 21 1588 on Port and Node Level for LERs and LSRs

An external 1588 grandmaster clock broadcasts Sync messages with timestamp 'x' to the
Dragon PTN network via Ethernet ports on the supported IFMs. Multiple masters are
possible, the best master clock will be selected by the slaves based on a priority field.
1588 enabled in Dragon PTN?
Yes: Nodes are configured as transparent clock and fill out the correction field in the
1588 messages. Each node adds its own '∆n' (=the time needed to pass the node) to
the correction field. The total time correction for the entire path through Dragon PTN
'∆y' = the sum of all '∆n's of each node on that path. Multiple message 1588 sequences
(n) will result in a lot of '∆y's and will finally average in '∆z'. This average correction has
filtered out the variable networking delay resulting in a very accurate calculated
timestamp in the slaves.

38 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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timestamp T1 timestamp T1, T1a ’, correction ∆ya
∆ya = sum (∆n/node)

∆n ∆n ∆n

∆n MPLS-TP Dragon PTN

∆n ∆n

∆yb = sum (∆n/node)

timestamp T1, T1b’, correction ∆yb

Figure 22 1588 Enabled: Transparent Clock Correction

No: The 1588 protocol messages are only transported via the Ethernet service, the
nodes do not interact with the messages, no correction field is filled out. The resulting
calculated timestamps in the slaves will be less accurate.

timestamp T1 timestamp T1, T1a ’


timestamp T1, T1b’

Figure 23 1588 Not Enabled: No Clock Correction

Different encapsulation types can be configured in HiProvision to transport the messages.

Within an Ethernet service, all the LER and LSR ports that participate in 1588 must have
configured the same encapsulation type;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 39

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8.3 Configuration
Follow the steps below to configure 1588 in the Dragon PTN network:

1. Node level: Enable 1588 on each LER and LSR node of the Ethernet service:
Node: Dashboard → Network Hardware → (DEVICES) Node → Generic → IEEE 1588
Global Enable:
True: 1588 is enabled in this node;
False (=default): 1588 is disabled on this node. No port in this node will be able to
participate in 1588;
Network Hardware


Figure 24 1588 Node Settings

2. Port level: Enable 1588 on each port of the Ethernet service (including LAN and WAN ports)
of all the LER and LSR nodes of that Ethernet service and set the correct (and same)
encapsulation type:
Port: Dashboard → Network Hardware → (DEVICES) Port → IEEE1588 Settings;
IEEE1588 Enable:
True: If the IEEE 1588 Global Enable on node level is True, this port participates
in 1588;
False (=default): This port will not participate in 1588;
IEEE1588 Encapsulation: 'Ethernet' or 'Ethernet IP/UDP'. Find below the required
values of the different fields (provided by the applications) in the received 1588
Ethernet: Ptp in pure Ethernet, Destination MAC address = 01-1B-19-00-00-00,
Ethertype = 0x88F7, VLAN = not checked, Domain = 0..3;
Ethernet IP/UPD (*): Ptp in UDP/IP, Destination MAC address = any multicast,
Ethertype = 0x0800, UDP port = 319, Destination IP address =, VLAN
= not checked, Domain = 0..3;
(*): currently not possible on ports 1 and 2 of the 4-GC-LW, 4-GCB-LW, 4-GO-
LW cards IFMs.
IEEE1588 Reset Engine: False/True: Set to True and click the apply button to reset
the 1588 engine immediately on that port, no load required!

40 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Figure 25 1588 Port Settings

3. Load changes via Network Hardware Tab → into the live network to activate them. It
starts the configuration load manager. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1 for an overview of this

CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!

8.4 Operation
Once the 1588 has been configured and loaded in the network, it is up and running. To
monitor the running 1588, see §10.4.

9.1 General
Prerequisite: Some services must have been created. Any type of service is OK.

The Assurance tile on the dashboard allows to execute some network performance tests:

Loss Measurement, see §9.2;

Delay Measurement, see §9.3;
Tunnel Ping, see §9.4;
Tunnel Traceroute, see §9.5;

9.2 Loss Measurement (=LM)

9.2.1 General
Loss measurement monitors if there is any message loss on the route between two nodes
(=source and destination) in a service. The measurement process is performed by sending
LM test messages over the selected route. The LM test messages will compare port counters
of the source and destination port.

Dragon PTN Network Operation 41

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CAUTION: Loss Measurement depends on the traffic that goes through the selected service
and requires ONLY unicast traffic in the service to operate correctly.

9.2.2 Configuration
To create such a measurement, follow the steps below:

1. Click the Assurance tile on the dashboard;

2. Create a loss measurement by clicking the button (multiple measurement entities can
be created, e.g. an entity for each route, and started afterwards). The Assurance wizard
3. Measurement Selection:
Fill out a measurement name and select the type ‘Loss Measurement’;
Select the service on which a loss measurement must be performed;
4. Node Selection:
Select the source and destination node by clicking the node in the drawing or by clicking
the ‘Selected’ checkbox;
Select the route between the two nodes on which you want to verify if there is any loss.
This can be done via clicking a ‘Selected’ checkbox in the ‘Possible Routes’ list.
NOTE: In a point-to-point and multipoint tunnel, a single route (line) between two nodes
implies both the active and protection path (if any).

CAUTION: When another LER is located between the selected source and destination, an
unintentional loss can be measured, because the extra in-between LER could take its part
of the traffic as well.

5. Measurement Parameters:
Priority: Indicates the priority that was assigned during service creation. The loss
measurement messages will have the same priority.
Interval (default = 1s, range[100ms, 1s, 10s, 1min, 10min]: Loss measurement
messages are sent according to the configured interval. By default, such a message will
be sent every second.
Max Time (default = 4s, range[4-172800s]): Configures the maximum amount of time
that the loss measurement can last;
Number of Messages (default = 3, range[3-8192]): Configures the number of messages
that can be sent during the measurement. The sending of messages will stop when the
Max Time has expired or the number of messages sent equals the configured Number
of Messages;

42 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Figure 26 Assurance Wizard: Loss Measurement Configuration

9.2.3 Operation
a. Single Measurement

Once the configuration has been done, click the play button to start the measurement.
The Status field indicates ‘running’.

The measurement will stop when one of the 3 events below occur:

the configured maximum time has expired;

the configured number of messages has been sent;
the stop button has been clicked;

Once the measurement has stopped, the Status field indicates ‘idle’ and the results are filled
out. See further on for more info on the results.

NOTE: When the service is configured in a protected point-to-point or point-to-multipoint

tunnel, the measurement will be performed on the active path. If the protection
path becomes the new active path (after a switchover, e.g. cable break) the
measurement continues on the new active path;

NOTE: Point-to-point, Point-to-Multipoint tunnel: In the case of a switchover of the active

path, a loss might occur,

NOTE: Ring Tunnel: In the case of a switchover to the protection RPL path during the
measurement, a loss will only occur if the only path left from source to destination
is via the RPL path;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 43

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As s urance Tile


Step1: Measurement
→ status = idle
Confi gured measurement entity

Vi ew measurement route Show configured parameters

Step2: Measurement
→ status = running

Step3: Measurement
→ status = idle
→ results Export res ults Los s Results

Figure 27 Loss Measurement in Operation

b. Multiple Measurements
Within the same service, multiple measurements can run simultaneously provided that both
measurements have no common part in the selected route.

Within different services, multiple measurements of different services can run


NOTE: Maximum 5 measurements (regardless the performance test) can be started and
run simultaneously per node.

c. Results, Loss, No Loss

The LM test compares port counters of the source and destination port. Based on these
values during the entire period of the loss measurement, the result fields will be filled out.
When multiple loss measurement entities are configured, click the entity in the result list to
show its results. An overview of the result values can be found below:

Figure 28 Loss Measurement Result Values

CAUTION: a loss occurred when ‘Number of Messages IN’ <> ‘Number of Messages Out’ or
one of the other ‘Loss’ fields <>0

44 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Number of Messages IN: The number of LM test messages that have made the entire round
trip from source to destination and back to source;
Number of Messages OUT: The number of LM test messages that has been sent out from
the source to the destination. In normal circumstances, ‘Number of Messages IN’ =
‘Number of messages Out’;
Near End Loss:
Value = 0: No loss;
Value > 0: Indicates a loss on the source side. The destination side has sent more traffic
to the source than the source has received from the destination. The ‘value’ indicates
the difference in measured packets. Each LM test message results in a ‘value’. At the
end of the measurement, a minimum, maximum and average of these ‘values’ is filled
Far End Loss:
Value = 0: No loss;
Value > 0: Indicates a loss on the destination side. The source side has sent more traffic
to the destination than the destination has received from the source. The ‘value’
indicates the difference in measured packets. Each LM test message results in a ‘value’.
At the end of the measurement, a minimum, maximum and average of these ‘values’
is filled out.

NOTE: The results can be exported via clicking the export button .

9.3 Delay Measurement (=DM)

9.3.1 General
Delay measurement measures the delay on the route between two nodes (=source and
destination) in a service. The measurement process is performed by sending DM test
messages over the selected route. The measured delay is a round-trip delay. It means that
the delay is measured from the source to the destination and back to the source.

9.3.2 Configuration
Similar to the configuration of Loss Measurement, see §9.2.2;

Differences with Loss Measurement:

Type Selection: Delay Measurement;

Interval range: default = 1s, range [1-1000]s;

9.3.3 Operation
a. Single Measurement
Similar to Loss Measurement, see §9.2.3a;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 45

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b. Multiple Measurements
Similar to Loss Measurement, see §9.2.3b;

c. Results, Delay
When multiple delay measurement entities are configured, click the entity in the result list
to show its results. An overview of the result values can be found below:

Figure 29 Delay Measurement Result Values

Number of Messages IN: The number of DM test messages that have made the entire
round trip from source to destination and back to source;
Number of Messages OUT: The number of DM test messages that has been sent out from
the source to the destination. In normal circumstances, ‘Number of Messages IN’ =
‘Number of messages Out’;
Delay (ms): Indicates the roundtrip delay for a DM test message to travel from the source
to the destination port and back to the source. Each DM test message measures a Delay.
At the end of the measurement, a minimum and maximum of these values is filled out.
NOTE: If all the DM test messages are lost (no DM test message returns back to the
source), then the delay is infinite and all the delay fields remain empty.

NOTE: The results can be exported via clicking the export button .

9.4 Tunnel Ping

9.4.1 General
Tunnel Ping is a simple and efficient mechanism to detect data plane failures in MPLS LSPs or
tunnels in Dragon PTN. Tunnel Ping is used to detect connectivity between two adjacent LER
nodes via Echo Request messages on the selected LSP in a tunnel.

The measured delay is indicative and is a round-trip delay. It means that the delay is
measured from the source to the destination and back to the source.

9.4.2 Configuration
To create such a measurement, follow the steps below:

1. Click the Assurance tile on the dashboard;

2. Create a Tunnel Ping measurement by clicking the button (multiple measurement
entities can be created and started afterwards). The Assurance wizard opens;
3. Measurement Selection:
Fill out a measurement name and select the type ‘Tunnel Ping’;
Select the tunnel on which a measurement must be performed. By default, all tunnels
are shown in the tunnel list, but can be filtered by using the service filter;

46 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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4. Node Selection:
Select the source and destination node by clicking the node in the drawing or by clicking
the ‘Selected’ checkbox.
Select the LSP between the two nodes on which the ping must be performed via clicking
the ‘Selected’ checkbox in the ‘LSP Name’ list.
5. Measurement Parameters:
Number of Echo Requests (default = 5, range[1-500]): the number of Echo Request
messages to send from source to destination.
Packet Size (default = 200 bytes, range[100-1450] bytes): the size in bytes of each Echo
TTL Value Time (default = 255, range[1-255]): TTL (= Time to Live) limits the number of
node hops or LSR nodes. If the Echo Request does not reach the destination within <TTL
value> LSR nodes, the tunnel ping has failed;
Receive Timeout (default = 2sec, range[1-1000]msec/sec/min): configures a tunnel
ping receive timeout. If the source does not receive an Echo Reply from the destination
within the configured timeout, the tunnel ping has failed.
Send Interval (default = 1sec, range[1-1000]msec/sec/min): configures the time
interval between two consecutive Echo Requests;
Traffic Class (default = 4, range[0-5]): Configures the priority of the Echo Request
packets. A higher value indicates a higher priority. Higher priority packets will have less
delay through the network.

Figure 30 Assurance Wizard: Ping Measurement Configuration

Dragon PTN Network Operation 47

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9.4.3 Operation
a. Single Measurement
Similar to Loss Measurement, see §9.2.3a;

b. Multiple Measurements
Similar to Loss Measurement, see §9.2.3b;

c. Results, Tunnel Ping

When multiple Tunnel Ping measurement entities are configured, click the entity in the
result list to show its results. An overview of the result values can be found below:

Figure 31 Tunnel Ping Result Values

In Progress: The measurement is ongoing, new measured values will be updated
automatically until the status is Success or Failure;
Success: The measurement has finished successfully, the destination was reachable
within the configured parameters;
Failure: The measurement has failed, the destination was not reachable within the
configured parameters e.g. because of a broken link. Try again with adapted
configuration parameters e.g. higher Receive Timeout etc... If the problem persists,
investigate the path.
Max/Min/Average Round Trip: Maximum/minimum/average round trip delay of all the
send out Echo Requests;
Number Received Echo Requests: the number of transmitted echo requests that made the
total round-trip from source to destination and back to the source;
Number Transmitted Echo Requests: the number of transmitted echo requests from
source to destination;

NOTE: In normal circumstances, ‘Number Received Echo Requests’ = ‘Number Transmitted

Echo Requests’ and the delays are rather small (some milliseconds). If this is not the
case, something might be wrong in the path between source and destination.

The results can be exported via clicking the export button .

48 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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9.5 Tunnel Traceroute
9.5.1 General
If Tunnel Ping failed in reaching the destination, Tunnel Traceroute can be used to detect a
potential blocking point along a selected tunnel segment. It measures all the nodes or hops
along the selected tunnel segment (or LSP) between the source and destination node until a
possible blocking point has been reached (e.g. broken link..). As a result, you know where
the blocking is located. If Traceroute can reach the selected destination, no blocking point
was found and the entire path between source and destination is OK.

Furthermore, Traceroute measures a round-trip delay from source to each hop and back to
the source. The measured delay is indicative. The measurement process is performed by
sending Echo Request messages over the selected tunnel segment to each hop.

9.5.2 Configuration
Similar to the configuration of Tunnel Ping, see §9.4.2. Differences with Tunnel Ping:

No TTL must be configured.

9.5.3 Operation
a. Single Measurement
Similar to Loss Measurement, see §9.2.3a;

b. Multiple Measurements
Similar to Loss Measurement, see §9.2.3b;

c. Results, Tunnel Traceroute

When multiple Traceroute measurement entities are configured, click the entity in the result
list to show its results. A result overview can be found below:

source destination


Hop3 Detection

Hop1 Hop2 Hop3

Detected hops

First detected hop

Last detected hop

Figure 32 Traceroute Results Overview

Dragon PTN Network Operation 49

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Similar to the results of Tunnel Ping, see §9.4.3c. Differences with results of Tunnel Ping:

Actual hop count: indicates which hop is being measured at that time. All the result fields
in that row are related to the hop measured at that time. These fields will be overwritten
when the next hop (=Actual Hop Count + 1) is being measured;
After each hop that has been measured, a new hop row will be added in the Detected Hops
list, indicating the Node Id and Hop Round Trip time.
NOTE: If an expected hop is not shown in the 'Detected Hops' list, it means that the
tunnel is down on one or both sides of the expected hop.

The results can be exported via clicking the export button .


10.1 General
Performance counters can provide detailed statistics about the Dragon PTN network. The
counters can that can be configured and viewed are listed in Dashboard → Performance →
Counter Control List. See figure below:

Figure 33 Performance Tab: Counter Control

Below, find the performance overview and cross references:

Port Performance: §10.2;

SyncE Performance: §10.3;
IEEE 1588 Performance: §10.4;
Health Monitor: §10.5;

50 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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10.2 Port Performance
10.2.1 CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring
Follow the steps below to monitor Ethernet ports from Ethernet IFMs (e.g. 4-GC-LW, …)
directly interconnected with the CSM.

NOTE: Monitoring ports from L2/L3 IFMs can be monitored in the next paragraph.

1. In the ‘Counter Control’ section, click to expand Port Performance;

2. Click CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring, see Figure 34;
3. In the 'Port Counters' section, a list with devices or nodes pops up;
4. To monitor some port counters, expand the node and its IFMs to show its ports;
5. Check (= ) / uncheck(= ) the port Selected checkbox to show/hide the available port
counters (e.g. ‘Bytes in’, ...) in the Counter statistics section;
6. ‘C’ indicates the current or latest value, ‘P’ the previous value of a specific counter;
7. Optional: Select one or more cells and click to show the counters in a graph overview.
These cells will be highlighted with a green border. Add counters to different graph panes
via selecting default/pane1/pane2 before adding the counter. Maximum 4 counters can
be shown in a graph. To remove a counter from the graph, click the highlighted counter
cell in the table and click .
8. Repeat previous steps for all the ports and/or counters that must be monitored;
9. In the table section, click the CSV icon to export the counter table data into a csv file;
10. In the graph section, click the CSV icon to export the counter graph data into a csv file;
11. In the graph section, click the Log icon to continuously plot (according to the configured
refresh rate, see below) the counter graph data into a csv file;
12. Click in the Counter Control section to refresh all counter values;
13. Click to reset counter values;

NOTE: For 'Test & Loopback Performance', another reset method must be used, see

14. By default, automatic refreshing is disabled. It can be enabled/disabled by clicking /

in the Counter Graphs section. The automatic refresh rate can be configured via the drop-
down list 1s, 5s, 10s, … . The automatic refreshing applies to the counters in the graph,
including the highlighted cells in the statistics table;
15. Options: The graphs can be optimized (labels etc.) via the Options drop-down list;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 51

Release 01 05/2020
Performance Tab

3) Counter
1) Counter

show ports
4) Counter
add ports
2) Port add to graph
Counters (=green cell border)




Figure 34 CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring

Table 1 CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring Fields

Field Values Description Curative Action

Port value Monitored port

Bytes In bytes The total number of L2 bytes that the interface has
(ingress) received.

Ucast In Packets packets The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a

(ingress) higher (sub-) layer, which were not addressed to a
multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.

Multicast In Packets packets The number of multicast packets received by the interface.

Broadcast In Packets packets The number of received Broadcast Packets


Disc In Packets packets The number of discarded inbound packets (even though Verify your HiProvision
(ingress) no errors had been detected in these packets) and not configuration.
delivered to a higher-layer protocol. Example: free up
buffer space, packets without labels, routing problems,
unknown VLANs...

Error In Packets packets Number of incoming packets that had an error and as a Verify also other
(ingress) result were dropped. This error could be for example, FCS counters, e.g. FCS error,
errors..... Jabber error, MTU error

Unkn Prot In Packets packets Not supported, should always be zero


Bytes Out bytes The total number of L2 bytes that the interface has
(egress) transmitted.

Ucast Out Packets packets The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
(egress) requested to be transmitted, and which were not

52 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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Field Values Description Curative Action
addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-
layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Multicast Out Packets packets The number of multicast packets transmitted by the
(egress) interface.

Broadcast Out Packets packets The number of transmitted Broadcast Packets


Disc Out Packets packets The number of discarded or untransmitted outbound Verify your HiProvision
(egress) packets (even though no errors had been detected). configuration.
Example: free up buffer space, packets without labels,
routing problems, unknown VLANs...

Error Out Packets packets Number of outgoing packets that had an error and as a Verify also other
(egress) result were dropped. This error could be for example, FCS, counters, e.g. FCS error,
CRC errors..... Jabber error, MTU error

Bandwidth In (kbps) kbps The consumed incoming bandwidth in the last

(ingress) measurement = (('Bytes In Current' - 'Bytes In

Average Bandwidth In (kbps) kbps The average of the 5 latest 'Bandwidth In' measurements.
(ingress) Every (manual) refresh is a new measurement.

Bandwidth Out (kbps) kbps The consumed outgoing bandwidth in the last
(egress) measurement = (('Bytes Out Current' - 'Bytes Out

Average Bandwidth Out (kbps) kbps The average of the 5 latest 'Bandwidth Out'
(egress) measurements. Every (manual) refresh is a new

Average Frame Size In (bytes) bytes The average frame size of all the frames that are received
(ingress) on this port in the 5 latest measurements. Every (manual)
refresh is a new measurement.

Average Frame Size Out (bytes) bytes The average frame size of frames that are transmitted on
(egress) this port in the 5 latest measurements. Every (manual)
refresh is a new measurement.

Oversized Frames frames The number of Ethernet frames that had an Ethernet
(ingress) frame size bigger than the fixed oversize limit of 1544
bytes, but smaller or equal than the configured MTU size
in HiProvision. These frames were NOT dropped!

Jabber Error frames The number of Ethernet frames that matched all the Transmission problems,
(ingress) conditions below: bit failures, check
- Ethernet frame had an FCS error (= Frame Check cabling...
Sequence error indicating that the frame was being
corrupted during transmission → CRC mismatch)
- Ethernet frame size > oversize (=1544 bytes, fixed)
- Ethernet frame size <= MTU size (=configured in
These frames were dropped!"

Fcs Error frames The number of Ethernet frames that matched all the Transmission problems,
(ingress) conditions below: bit failures, check
- Ethernet frame had an FCS error (= Frame Check cabling...
Sequence error indicating that the frame was being
corrupted during transmission → CRC mismatch)
- Ethernet frame size <= oversize (=1544 bytes, fixed)

Dragon PTN Network Operation 53

Release 01 05/2020
Field Values Description Curative Action
- Ethernet frame size <= MTU size (=configured in
These frames were dropped!"

Mtu Error frames Ethernet frame size > MTU size: Possible Transmission
The number of Ethernet frames that had an Ethernet problems, bit failures,
frame size bigger than the configured MTU size in check cabling... also
HiProvision. These frames were dropped! These frames possible FCS error. If no
could have a valid or invalid FCS (for example if frames are problems of this kind,
concatenated). just increase the
configured MTU size in
HiProvision or lower
your application MTU

Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results;

Note: Clear the counter values by clicking ;

Note: 'C' value in cell = current value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;

10.2.2 L2 and L3 Ethernet Port Monitoring

L2 and L3 Ethernet Port Monitoring can be found in the figure below. This section must be
used to show counter and performance data of both the front (P1…Pn) and back end
(BE1…BEm) ports of the L2/L3 IFMs. A detailed monitoring set-up description and the fields
description is the same as in §10.2.1.

Figure 35 L2 and L3 Ethernet Port Monitoring

10.2.3 CODIR Port Monitoring

CODIR Port monitoring can be found in the figure below. A detailed monitoring set-up
description is similar to the description in §10.2.1.

NOTE: See also Ref. [11] in Table 1 for more info on ITU-T G.703 Code Conversion and the
violation block.

54 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020

Figure 36 CODIR Port Monitoring

Table 2 CODIR Port Monitoring Fields

Field Values Description Curative Action

Port value Monitored port

Rx Slip Counter count In ITU-T G.703 Code Conversion (64kbps), the Check synchronization between source
(ingress) alternation in polarity of the blocks is violated and destination when this counter
every eighth block. The violation block marks the increases
last bit in an octet. If the violation block is not
received as expected, the 'Rx Slip Counter' will
increase and might indicate a synchronization
problem between source and destination.

Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results;

Note: 'C' value in cell = current value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;

10.3 SyncE Performance

Once SyncE has been configured as described in §7, it can be monitored. SyncE monitoring
can be found in the figure below. It shows 2 sections:

System Information;
Clock Information;
A detailed monitoring set-up description is similar to the description in §10.2. This
monitoring does not support graph monitoring as in §10.2.1.

Dragon PTN Network Operation 55

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Figure 37 SyncE Monitoring

Table 3 SyncE Monitoring 'System Information' Fields

Field Values Description Curative Action

Node url Monitored node

Active Source value The active source is the index[0..3] of the recovered clock to
which the node is currently locked or slaving. A node can have a
maximum of 4 clock recovery ports configured in the SyncE
wizard in row[1..4]. Row[1..4] maps to index[0..3]. Index 255
means that the node has no valid clock to slave on due to e.g.
free running, holdover, ...

Switch Status value EqpNoRequestStatus: no forced or manual clock has been set, Only during maintenance, a
normal dynamic clock selection is active, state different from
EqpManualStatus: manual clock has been configured via switch EqpNoRequestStatus is
request. expected. If not, verify your
EqpForcedStatus: forced clock has been configured via switch configuration.
EqpUndefined: the clock status is unknown.

Active Timing value The configured active timing mode:

Mode Freerunning: SyncE is not enabled on the node, normal node
internal clock is in use
Locked: SyncE is enabled on the node and the node clock is
locked on one of the recovered clock sources
Holdover: SyncE is enabled but the node clock is not locked on
any of the recovered clock sources.

Timing Status value Normal: Either no SyncE is enabled (=freerunning) or SyncE is Holdover: problem with
enabled and the node is slaving to clock. incoming links; link down,
Holdover: The clock to which the node slaved got lost. The node no SSMs, clock too
turned into the status ‘holdover’ meaning that the internal node unstable... Verify the
clock will be used further on. incoming links

Timing Ql quality The resulting clock quality of the node, either based on a fixed
values in clock configuration or a dynamic clock selection process. The
Table 4 possible quality levels can be found in Table 4.

Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results;

Note: 'C' value in cell = current value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;

56 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
Table 4 SyncE Monitoring 'Clock Information' Fields

Field Values Description Curative Action

Node url Monitored node

Source ID value The clock source index of the configured

recovery port. Index [0..3] maps onto row[1..4]
in the SyncE configuration wizard.

Slot Number value The node slot number in which the clock source
is recovered

Port Number value The port number in which the clock source is

Signal Status value TimingNormal: the clock on this interface is

available and ready for use
TimingFailed: this clock cannot be used e.g.
clock out of spec, etc...
TimingWTR: clock is valid but must stabilize first
until the Wait to restore timer (WTR) expires
(=5 minutes)
TimingNotConnected: no clock configured or
defined on this clock input source or recovery

Ql In quality The clock quality on the clock input source. This

(ingress) values in value can be a fixed configured value or a
Table 4 dynamic quality via detected SSM messages.

Ql In Status True/False True: quality of this clock input has been

(ingress) configured/detected
False: quality not present or not configured/
detected yet.

Ql Out quality The clock quality that the node sends out to
(egress) values in neighbor nodes. It is the resulting best clock
Table 4 that is available in the node.

Link State True/False True: the link is up on this port If the link is down, verify your links.
False: the link is down on this port

SSM quality Last received SSM value.

values in
Table 4

Freq Meas Offset ppb Parts Per Billion (=PPB) frequency difference
between the recovered clock (if any) and the
internal node clock.

Freq Meas Valid True/False True: the measured Freq Meas Offset could be false and link is up: clock is too
measured and is valid unstable... verify connected device
False: the measured Freq Meas Offset could not or recovered clock
be measured and is invalid

Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results;

Note: 'C' value in cell = current value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;

Dragon PTN Network Operation 57

Release 01 05/2020
10.4 IEEE 1588 Performance
Once IEEE 1588 has been configured as described in §8, it can be monitored. IEEE 1588
monitoring can be found in the figure below. In normal IEEE1588 operation, the 'In Modified'
and 'Out Modified' counters should increase, the other counters should remain 0. A detailed
monitoring set-up description is similar to the description in §10.2.1.


Figure 38 IEEE 1588 Monitoring

Table 5 IEEE 1588 Monitoring Fields

Field (*) Values Description Curative Action

Port value Monitored port

In Modified frames The number of received IEEE 1588 frames on this port. These
(ingress) frames carry a valid timestamp from the master. This frame
has been prepared by the node to measure the travel time
through this node. If this counter increases, it means that IEEE
1588 is operating normally.

In Fcs Error frames The number of received Ethernet frames that had an FCS Transmission
(ingress) error (= Frame Check Sequence error) indicating that the problems, bit failures,
frame was being corrupted during transmission → CRC check cabling...
mismatch. These frames will be dropped by the node!

In Preamble Too Short frames The number of received IEEE 1588 frames with a preamble
that was too short. The preamble is a 7 byte pattern
preceding an Ethernet frame and is used for clock
synchronizing between devices.

Out Modified frames The number of outgoing IEEE 1588 frames on this port. The
(egress) travel time through the node has been measured. This time
has been filled out in the IEEE 1588 correction field of the
outgoing IEEE 1588 frame. If this counter increases, it means
that IEEE 1588 is operating normally.

Out FCS Error frames Similar to 'In FCS Error' but for outgoing frames.

Out Preamble Too Short frames Similar to 'In Preamble Too Short' but for outgoing frames.

Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results; Clear the counter values by clicking ; 'C' value in cell = current value;
'P' value in cell = previous value;

58 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
10.5 Health Monitor
The Health Monitor is a performance tool that monitors the CPU, the memory and the disk
(disk = flash and SD card) status of the CSM(s) in node. A detailed monitoring set-up
description is similar to the description in §10.2.1.

Figure 39 Health Monitor

Table 6 CPU Status Monitoring

Field (*) Description

Module Monitored Module

Core# Indicates the core number on the monitored module

%CPU Usage (user) the percentage * 100 of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user
level (application).

%CPU Usage (user nice priority) the percentage * 100 of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user
level with nice priority. The ‘nice’ CPU percentage is the % of CPU time occupied by
user level processes that are nice to have, so background process that are not critical.
A nice to have process has a positive nice value (lower scheduling priority). It is the
CPU time that's currently ‘in use’, but if a normal (nice value 0) or high-priority
(negative nice value) process comes along, those ‘nice to have’ programs (positive
nice value) will only be scheduled when the CPU has some free time.

%CPU Usage (system) the percentage * 100 of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system
level (kernel).

%CPU Usage (await I/O requests) the percentage * 100 of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the
system had an outstanding disk I/O request.

%CPU Usage (hardware interrupts) the percentage * 100 of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to service hardware

%CPU Usage (software interrupts) the percentage * 100 of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to service software

%CPU Usage (stolen by other the percentage * 100 of time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU or CPUs
virtual processors) while the hypervisor was servicing another virtual processor.

%CPU Usage (virtual processors) the percentage * 100 of time spent by the CPU or CPUs to run a virtual processor.

Dragon PTN Network Operation 59

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Field (*) Description
%CPU Usage (idle) the percentage * 100 of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not
have an outstanding disk I/O request.

Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results; Clear the counter values by clicking ; 'C' value in cell = current
value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;

Table 7 Memory Status Monitoring

Field (*) Description

Module Monitored Module

Total Memory (KB) Total memory present on the board in Kilobytes

Free Memory (KB) Number of free memory in Kilobytes

Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results; Clear the counter values by clicking ; 'C' value in cell = current
value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;

Table 8 Disk Status Monitoring

Field (*) Description

Module Monitored Module

Disk Name There are two disks on the CSM, either the flash or the SD memory card.
The name indicates which disk values are shown.

Disk Size (KB) Indicates the total disk size in kilobytes

Disk Size Used (KB) Indicates the used disk size in kilobytes

Disk Size Available (KB) Indicates the available disk size in kilobytes

Disk Size Percentage Filled Indicates the used percentage of the disk

Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results; Clear the counter values by clicking ; 'C' value in cell = current
value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;

11.1 Health Monitor
If you have problems with a specific node, a service in a node, responsiveness of a node,
possible traffic loss in a node, it is always a good idea to verifiy the Health Monitor (see

This monitor shows more info on the CSM(s) usage in a node:

CPU usage
Memory usage
Disk (=Flash, SD memory card) usage

60 Dragon PTN Network Operation

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11.2 Port Mirroring
11.2.1 General
Port Mirroring is a network debugging or monitoring feature. It is used in the Dragon PTN
node to send a copy of network packets seen on a source port (=mirrored port) to a
destination port (=mirroring port). This feature can be used for network appliances that
require monitoring of network traffic, such as an intrusion-detection system etc...

NOTE: Port Mirroring is supported on IFMs as described in §12.

Figure 40 Port Mirroring

11.2.2 Configuration

- Port Mirroring will be configured directly in the live network, it cannot be configured in
the HiProvision database. As a result, HiProvision must be online for configuration!
- Port Mirroring changes will NOT be persistent in the network after adding/deleting them.
Changes will be lost after reboot/clear node unless they were made persistent later on
via the Load Manager (see Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 1).
- Port Mirroring can be done from multiple source ports to one destination port, not to
multiple destination ports.

1. Make sure that your HiProvision is online. Port Mirroring can be configured via Dashboard
→ Network Hardware → ;
Port Mirroring

Figure 41 Port Mirroring Icon

2. The Information page opens. Click Next>>;

3. The Create Port Mirroring page opens:

Dragon PTN Network Operation 61

Release 01 05/2020

Destination Port Source Port(s)


Figure 42 Port Mirroring Wizard

4. Follow the paragraphs below for further configuration.

a. Add Port Mirroring

1. Port Mirroring will be configured per node. Select a node from the Device Selection list on
which you want to add Port Mirroring. This list shows only the nodes that have one or
more supported Ethernet IFMs onboard. By default, the first node in the list is preselected.

2. The Destination Selection shows the available destination ports on the selected node.
Select a desired destination port from the list by clicking its Selected checkbox.
NOTE: Active WAN ports, ports in a service or source ports will not be shown in this
destination selection list.

Destination Port Source Port(s)
Port Mode

Figure 43 Destination/Source Ports

3. The Source Selection shows possible source ports in the same node for the selected
destination port. Assign a source port to the destination port by selecting a value in its Port
Mode (Rx, Tx, or Rx/Tx: Rx = Receive traffic, Tx= Transmit traffic, Rx/Tx = all traffic).
Multiple source ports can be assigned to one destination port.

62 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
4. The Add button becomes active. Click the Add button to configure port mirroring in the
live network. CAUTION: this click configures the node in the live network immediately
without load manager or confirmation.

5. The Port Mirroring Sessions show the configured sessions on this node in the live network
so far. The added source ports will not be available anymore in the destination ports list.

Destination Port Source Port(s)


Figure 44 Port Mirroring Sessions

6. If desired, multiple mirroring sessions can be added in the same or different nodes by
repeating previous steps in this paragraph.

7. Port Mirroring is up and running in the live network for the configured sessions.

b. Modify Port Mirroring

Modify Port Mode of a Source Port in a Mirroring Session:
1. Select a node from the Device Selection list on which you want to modify Port Mirroring.
2. Select its destination port in the Destination Selection by clicking its Selected checkbox.
3. The assigned source ports show up with their Port Mode in the Source Selection.
4. Change the Port Mode of the desired source port.
5. Click the Add button to configure the modification in the live network.
6. The Port Mirroring Session shows the changed Port Mode.

Add a Source Port to a Mirroring Session:

1. Select a node from the Device Selection list on which you want to modify Port Mirroring.
2. Select its destination port in the Destination Selection by clicking its Selected checkbox.
3. Source ports with an empty Port Mode are still available and can be added by just selecting
a Port Mode for this port.
4. Click the Add button to configure the modification in the live network.
5. The source port will be added to the existing Port Mirroring Session and is removed from
the Destination Selection.

Remove a Source Port from a Mirroring Session:

1. Select a node from the Device Selection list on which you want to modify Port Mirroring.
2. Select the source port (row) that must be removed, in the Port Mirroring Sessions.
3. Click the Delete button to remove the port and to configure it in the live network.
4. The source port will be removed from the Port Mirroring Session and appears again in the
Destination Selection.

Dragon PTN Network Operation 63

Release 01 05/2020
Change the Destination Port of a Mirroring Session:
Not supported. The entire Mirroring session with the wrong destination port must be
deleted first (see §c). Next, a new mirroring session with the correct destination port must
be added again (see §a).

c. Delete Port Mirroring

Delete a Mirroring Session:
1. Select a node from the Device Selection list on which you want to delete a session.
2. Select the session by selecting the destination port (row) in the Port Mirroring Sessions.
3. Click the Delete button to remove the session and to configure it in the live network.
4. Both destination and source ports will be removed from the Port Mirroring Session and
appear again in the Destination Selection.

Disable Port Mirroring on the Entire Node:

Delete all mirroring sessions from the node by deleting each individual session, see §c .

Disable Port Mirroring in the Dragon PTN Network:

Delete all mirroring sessions from all nodes by deleting all sessions node per node, as
described in §c.

11.3 Monitoring: Multiproperty View

11.3.1 General
The Multiproperty View allows to monitor/trace any status parameter of any network
element in the Dragon PTN network. This tool is only for monitoring, not for configuration.

11.3.2 Get Monitored Results

1. Go to the Network Hardware Tile → Click the (=properties) menu button;

2. The Multiproperty view is opened as a new window, see figure below;

64 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
Multiproperty View

3) Sel ect Properties 4) Refresh

to moni tor

1) Sel ect
El ement

5) Res ults: Monitored

Property va l ues

2) Sel ect
El ement

Figure 45 Multiproperty View

3. In this window, follow the steps below to monitor properties:

NOTE: Select items or checkboxes: Individual select: Just click checkboxes of the
desired items. Multiple select: first select the desired rows (via CTRL+Click or
SHIFT+Click or CTRL+A (=all rows)). Then click to check the checkboxes of the
selected rows. Click to uncheck the checkboxes of the selected rows.

1. Select one or more Element Types that you want to monitor. An element type is an
object in your network that has monitorable properties. It could be a node, IFM, port
etc… The ELEMENT TYPES section shows all the unique element types in your network.
2. Select one or more Elements that you want to monitor. The ELEMENTS section shows
all your network elements that match the selected Element Types.
3. Select one or more Properties to monitor. Each selected property will create a new
property column in the Results section on the right-hand side. The PROPERTIES section
shows all the properties that are available on the selected Elements.
4. Click the Refresh button to fill out the monitored values of the selected properties.

Dragon PTN Network Operation 65

Release 01 05/2020
5. Results section shows all the monitored values.
6. Right-clicking header cells of each section shows extra sort and search functions to
filter your properties easier. See example below.
2) Fi l ter example:
1) Show s earch box s how BPDU i nfo on port1 of s ome 10G IFMs


ri ght-click

Res ults


Figure 46 Multiproperty View: Filter Example

7. In the results window below, click the button to optimize the results into a full
screen view. Click the CSV icon to export the results into a csv file. Exported CSV
files are by default saved in the <HiProvision installation path>\Logging\System Logging folder.
Example CSV filename: Property Values-2020-01-22 10u50.48.csv.
full screen export to csv

Hi de/Show
Sel ections

Ful l Screen
Res ults View

Figure 47 Multiproperty View: Full Screen Results View + Export

11.4 Devices Summary

11.4.1 General
The Devices Summary is an extra monitoring table in the Network Hardware tile that shows
some extra handy statistics when monitoring and/or bringing your network. This table can
be shown/hidden by clicking the menu button. Each network element with a switch ASIC
onboard will be listed in this table: Nodes (with switch ASIC on CSM), L2 IFM, L3 IFM,
external devices… This table mainly shows the connection and reachability status of all these

66 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
Total: the total amount of network elements of this Type found in your network;
Offline, Measuring or Alarmstate unknown: the amount of network elements of this Type
found in your network that are offline, measuring or have an unknowwn alarm state;
Offline: these network elements have not been connected yet by HiProvision;
Measuring: these network elements are in the connection phase with HiProvision.
HiProvision is still busy measuring and trying to communicate with these elements;
Alarmstate Unknown: the network element might be reachable, but in some special
cases, the alarmstate is unknown;
Reachable: the amount of network elements that are connected via HiProvision and that
could be reached via HiProvision. HiProvision can monitor and configure these elements;
Unreachable: the amount of network elements that are connected via HiProvision but
unfortunately could not be reached by HiProvision. HiProvision is not able to communicate
with these elements. These elements are probably down, or disconnected from the Dragon
PTN network.

Devices Summary

Figure 48 Devices Summary

Dragon PTN Network Operation 67

Release 01 05/2020

Table 9 Protocol and Feature Support Matrix

Protocol, Feature Ref. IFMs

8-FXS 4-2/4WEM, 4-CODIR, 4-E1-L/4-T1-L, Ethernet IFMs: Layer2 IFMs: Layer3 IFMs:
7-SERIAL, 2-OLS, 16-E1-L/16-T1-L, 4-GC-LW, 4-GCB-LW, 6-GE-L 9-L3A-L
4-DSL-LW 2-C37.94 4-GO-LW, 1-10G-LW, 9-L3EA-L
4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW
Backbone MPLS-TP Network
WAN Ports §2 --- --- --- Yes --- ---

MACsec Ref.[2Mgt] --- --- --- Yes on 1-10G-LW WAN ports --- ---
(Only in Aggregation Node)

SyncE §7 --- Yes on 2-OLS E1 ports Yes Yes --- ---

PTP IEEE 1588v2 §8 --- --- --- Yes: as Transparent Clock, not as --- ---
(Only in Aggregation Node) Grandmaster, Boundary clock nor
Ordinary Clock
(not for 4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW)

LAG + LACP Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- In Aggregation Nodes: Yes Yes
(Only LAN ports) LAG: Yes / LACP: No
In Core Nodes:
LAG: No / LACP: No

PoE Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- Yes, on 4-GC-LW --- ---

Smart SFP Ref.[2Leg] --- --- --- Yes on 4-GO-LW ports or --- ---
4-GC-LW/4-GCB-LW front port 1
(not for 4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW)

68 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
Protocol, Feature Ref. IFMs
8-FXS 4-2/4WEM, 4-CODIR, 4-E1-L/4-T1-L, Ethernet IFMs: Layer2 IFMs: Layer3 IFMs:
7-SERIAL, 2-OLS, 16-E1-L/16-T1-L, 4-GC-LW, 4-GCB-LW, 6-GE-L 9-L3A-L
4-DSL-LW 2-C37.94 4-GO-LW, 1-10G-LW, 9-L3EA-L
4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW
Ethernet Ref.[2Eth] Yes Yes on 4-DSL-LW --- Yes Yes Yes

Ethernet: Local Service Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- Yes Yes

Circuit Emulation Ref.[2Leg] --- Yes (except for 4-DSL-LW) Yes --- --- ---

Serial Ethernet Ref.[2Leg] --- Yes on 7-SERIAL --- --- --- ---

Voice Ref.[2Leg] Yes (analog Voice) --- --- Yes (VoIP) Yes (VoIP) Yes (VoIP)

Local Mode Ref.[2Leg] --- Yes on 2-OLS Yes on 2-C37.94 --- --- ---

Protocol Interaction (Layer2 Access Ring Protection Protocols)

MRP Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- Only MAC flush on topology Only MAC flush on Only MAC flush on
change, immediate switchover. topology change, topology change,
Port based and VLAN based immediate immediate
services. switchover. Port switchover. Port
based and VLAN based and VLAN
based services. based services.

LLDP --- --- --- --- Yes Yes Yes

IGMP Snooping Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- Yes, MAC based Yes, IP based

MSTP Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- MAC flush on topology change, Yes Yes
immediate switchover. Port based service: Port based service:
Port based service: Network wide Network wide Network wide
VLAN based service: VLAN based service:
Local in Node Local in Node

Dragon PTN Network Operation 69

Release 01 05/2020
Protocol, Feature Ref. IFMs
8-FXS 4-2/4WEM, 4-CODIR, 4-E1-L/4-T1-L, Ethernet IFMs: Layer2 IFMs: Layer3 IFMs:
7-SERIAL, 2-OLS, 16-E1-L/16-T1-L, 4-GC-LW, 4-GCB-LW, 6-GE-L 9-L3A-L
4-DSL-LW 2-C37.94 4-GO-LW, 1-10G-LW, 9-L3EA-L
4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW
Virtual Router Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- --- Yes

Static Routing Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- --- Yes

VRRP Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- --- Yes

OSPF Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- --- Yes

L3VPN Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- --- Yes

PIM Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- --- Yes

IGMP Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- --- Yes

DHCP Relay Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- --- --- Yes

Traffic Control / Security

Ethernet: E-Tree Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- Yes Yes, only back end Yes, only back end
ports ports

Storm Control Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- Yes, Port Properties Yes, Port Properties Yes, Port Properties

BPDU Guard Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- Yes, Port Properties Yes, included in Yes, included in
Layer2 MSTP Wizard Layer2 MSTP Wizard

IP ACL Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- Yes (max. 1 rule) Yes (max. 128 rules) Yes (max. 128 rules)

MAC ACL Ref.[2Eth] --- --- --- Yes (max. 1 rule) Yes (max. 128 rules) Yes (max. 128 rules)

Sticky MAC Ref.[2Eth] Yes --- --- Yes Yes (Back End Ports) Yes (Back End Ports)

MAC Limit Ref.[2Eth] Yes --- --- Yes Yes Yes

(Only in Aggregation Node) (not for 4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW)

Static MAC Table Ref.[2Eth] Yes --- --- Yes Yes (Back End Ports) Yes (Back End Ports)

70 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
Protocol, Feature Ref. IFMs
8-FXS 4-2/4WEM, 4-CODIR, 4-E1-L/4-T1-L, Ethernet IFMs: Layer2 IFMs: Layer3 IFMs:
7-SERIAL, 2-OLS, 16-E1-L/16-T1-L, 4-GC-LW, 4-GCB-LW, 6-GE-L 9-L3A-L
4-DSL-LW 2-C37.94 4-GO-LW, 1-10G-LW, 9-L3EA-L
4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW
Test & Debugging
Test & Loopback Ref.[2Leg] --- Yes Yes --- --- ---

Loss Measurement (LM) §9.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes --- ---
(Only in Aggregation Node) (not for 4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW)

Delay Measurement (DM) §9.3 Yes Yes Yes Yes --- ---
(Only in Aggregation Node) (not for 4-10G-LW, 1-40G-LW)

Tunnel Ping §9.4 Yes Yes Yes Yes --- ---

Tunnel Traceroute §9.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes --- ---

Port Mirroring §11.2 Yes, intra node: Yes, intra node: Yes, intra node: Yes, intra node: Yes, same IFM: Yes:
- can only be a - can only be a source, can - can only be a source, - source can be any IFM except L3 source and source and
source, can be be mirrored to Ethernet can be mirrored to IFM destination must be destination can be a
mirrored to Ethernet IFMs Ethernet IFMs - destination: Ethernet IFMs same L2 IFM mix of main and
IFMs extension L3 IFM

MAC Monitor Ref.[2Eth] Yes (Node level) Yes on 7-SERIAL (Node --- Yes Yes Yes
Ref.[2Leg] level)

Dragon PTN Network Operation 71

Release 01 05/2020
ACL Access Control List
ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
BC Broadcast
BFD Bi-directional Forwarding Detection
BIG Backbone Isolation Guard
BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit
CAS Central Alarm System
CES Circuit Emulation Service
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSM Central Switching Module
CSV Comma Separated Values
DCN Data Communication Network
DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol
DM Delay Measurement
DR Designated Router
DUS Don’t Use for Sync
EEC Ethernet Equipment Clock
FCS Frame Check Sequence
HQoS Hierarchical Quality of Service
IFM InterFace Module
IP Internet Protocol
L2 Layer2
L3VPN Layer3 Virtual Private Network
LAG Link Aggregation Group
LAN Local Area Network
LER Label Edge Router
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol (IEEE)
LM Loss Measurement
LNM Large Network Monitor
LPS Linear Protection Switching
LSP Label Switched Path
LSR Label Switching Router
LT Line Termination Character

72 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020
MAC Media Access Control
MC Multicast
MPLS-TP Multiprotocol Label Switching – Transport Profile
MRP Media Redundancy Protocol
MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NIC Network Interface Card
NSM Node Support Module
NTP Network Timing Protocol
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
PD Powered Device
PRC Primary Reference Clock
PRS Primary Reference Source
PSU Power Supply Unit
PTN Packet Transport Network
PTP Precision Time Protocol
QL Quality Level
QoS Quality of Service
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
RES Reserved
RGERP Redundant Gigabit Ethernet Ring Protocol
RID Router ID
RPL Ring Protection Link
SAToP Structured Agnostic TDM over Packet
SD Secure Digital
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SEC SDH Equipment Clock
SFP Small Form Factor Pluggable
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SSM Synchronization Status Message
SSUL Synchronization Supply Unit Local
SSUT Synchronization Supply Unit Transit
STU Stratum Traceability Unknown

Dragon PTN Network Operation 73

Release 01 05/2020
ST2 Stratum 2
ST3 Stratum 3
TC Traffic Class
TRM Transmit Receive Module
TTL Time to Live
HiProvision Dragon PTN Management System
UDP Universal Data Protocol
UM User Management
VPN Virtual Private Network
VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
WAN Wide Area Network
WTR Wait to Restore
XFP 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable

74 Dragon PTN Network Operation

Release 01 05/2020

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