Db2 LUW Recursive SQL - Part 2
Db2 LUW Recursive SQL - Part 2
Db2 LUW Recursive SQL - Part 2
AAA (1) AAA (9)
| |
In Part 1 of this article I described in detail +----------+----------+ +----------+----------+
how I developed a recursive SQL statement that | | | | | |
BBB (2) FFF (1) GGG (0) BBB (6) FFF (1) GGG (1)
would count the number of direct and indirect | | | |
employees for each unit within an organization +-----+-----+ | +-----+-----+ |
hierarchy. In this article the problem is refined, | | | | | |
CCC (1) DDD (2) HHH (1) CCC (1) DDD (3) HHH (1)
which leads to a more generic solution. | | | |
| | | |
EEE (1) III (0) EEE (1) III (0)
The original problem was to report the total Figure 1: The number of employees that work directly Figure 2: The number of employees that work, directly
number of employees that work, directly and for each organization unit. or indirectly, for each unit. organization unit.
indirectly, for each unit within an organization
hierarchy. Figure 1 shows an organization with sub_tree_rel (fr_unit, to_unit, iteration) as
hierarchy and the number of employees that —* Initial subquery
work directly for each organization unit (the select fr_unit
number in brackets). , cast(null as char(3))
, 0
Figure 2 shows the same organization hier- from org_rel
archy, this time with the number of employees —* This will be parameterized later
that work, directly and indirectly, for each unit. where fr_unit = ‘BBB’
union all
This is a strict hierarchy in that each unit can —* Recursive subquery
have many children and at most one parent. select b.fr_unit
Organization unit ‘DDD’ has a total of three , a.fr_unit
, case when a.iteration + 1 > 10 then
employees that work directly and indirectly in it. raise_error(‘70001’,’Oops! sub_tree_rel iteration error’)
Two employees work directly and one employee else
works indirectly in unit ‘EEE.’ Organization a.iteration + 1
unit ‘BBB’ has a total of six employees working from sub_tree_rel a
directly and indirectly in it. Two employees , org_rel b
work directly and four employees work indi- where a.fr_unit = b.to_unit
rectly in units ‘CCC,’ ‘DDD’ and ‘EEE.’ select row_number() over() row_num
, fr_unit
, iteration
from sub_tree_rel
The SQL statement developed so far works
Figure 3: RCTE to return a portion of an organization hierarchy.
against the entire organization hierarchy.
However, what if only a portion of the organi-
zation hierarchy were needed so that reporting return the required portion of the hierarchy to identify just the organization units that for
at a division, branch, section, or team level needed. The problem with this approach is the portion of the hierarchy required and
could be done? Note that I’ve used the term that it could be expensive to calculate counts then calculate the counts.
‘portion’ in favor of sub-hierarchy or sub-tree for the entire hierarchy to only return a small While the refined problem appears to be a
for readability. portion of the hierarchy. The smaller the por- minor change to the original problem, the
A way to accomplish this would be to use tion in relation to the hierarchy, the more SQL needed to support it is more involved.
the SQL developed so far and then just costly it will be. A better approach would be This is because the portion of the hierarchy
Technical Support | April 2006 ©2006 Technical Enterprises, Inc. Reproduction of this document without permission is prohibited.
needs to be returned before counting the num- sub_tree_rel org
+---------+---------+ +---------+---------+
ber of employees. Furthermore, the root Initial subquery | fr_unit | to_unit | | fr_unit | to_unit |
(Iteration 0) +---------+---------+ +---------+---------+
organization unit for the portion is variable | BBB | ??? | | AAA | ??? |
+---------+---------+ | BBB | AAA |
and needs to be parameterized. | CCC | BBB |
To satisfy the refined problem, two features | DDD | BBB |
| EEE | DDD |
of Recursive Common Table Expressions | FFF | AAA |
| GGG | AAA |
(RCTEs) will be used. The first feature is the | HHH | GGG |
ability of the WITH clause to specify more | III | HHH |
than one Common Table Expression (CTE).
sub_tree_rel org
This feature will be used to return organiza- +---------+---------+ +---------+---------+
Recursive subquery | fr_unit | to_unit | | fr_unit | to_unit |
tion units for a portion of the hierarchy which (Iteration 1) +---------+---------+ +---------+---------+
will then be transitively closed. The second | CCC | BBB | | AAA | ??? |
| DDD | BBB | | BBB | AAA |
feature is the ability of CTEs to include host +---------+---------+ | CCC | BBB |
| DDD | BBB |
variables. This feature will allow the SQL to | EEE | DDD |
be embedded within User Defined Function | FFF | AAA |
| GGG | AAA |
that accepts an organization unit as input. | HHH | GGG |
| III | HHH |
ZATION HIERARCHY +---------+---------+
Recursive subquery | fr_unit | to_unit |
(Iteration 2) +---------+---------+
| EEE | DDD |
Initially a RCTE needs to be developed to +---------+---------+
return a portion of the organization hierarchy Figure 4: Results for each subquery of the RCTE to return a portion of a hierarchy.
(this will be incorporated with the RCTE
developed in part 1 of this article later). Figure 3 shows the RCTE to
return a portion of an organization hierarchy. + — — — — + — — — — + — — — — + — — — — — +
The initial subquery retrieves the root organization unit of the | row_num | fr_unit | to_unit | iteration |
+ — — — — + — — — — + — — — — + — — — — — +
required portion of the hierarchy. In this instance, organization unit
| 1 | BBB | ??? | 0 |
‘BBB’ was selected as the root (this will be parameterized later). The | 2 | CCC | BBB | 1 |
first iteration of recursive subquery then includes those organization | 3 | DDD | BBB | 1 |
| 4 | EEE | DDD | 2 |
units that report to organization unit ‘BBB’. For each of these organi-
+ — — — — + — — — — + — — — — + — — — — — +
zation units, subsequent iterations of the recursive subquery return sub-
ordinate organization units. The RCTE is complete when no more Figure 5: Result of the RCTE.
organization units can be included.
To stress a point made in part 1 of this article, it is possible to enter been previously defined in the statement. For this discussion, it means
into an infinite loop when using RCTEs. This can be either due to the RCTE to return a portion of the organization hierarchy can be refer-
incorrectly coding the SQL statement or due to cyclical data (this could enced by a subsequent RCTE to transitively close the hierarchy. Figure
be the result of incorrect data, such as inserting a row where organiza- 6 shows the combined RCTEs.
tion unit ‘AAA’ reports to ‘EEE’). DB2 UDB for LUW v8.2 does not The SQL combining RCTEs looks pretty complex. However if the
provide any system facilities to terminate looping RCTEs. It is up to the statement is broken down into its basic parts, things are easier to under-
SQL developer to include code to terminate looping RCTEs. This is the stand. This is one of the things I like about SQL, statements don’t get
purpose of the CASE statement in the recursive sub-query. When the more complex, they just get bigger. Once you know the building blocks
number of iterations of the recursive subquery is greater than ten, the of SQL, which are fairly straight forward, you can combine them in
raise_error function will terminate the query. whatever way you want that expresses the data requirement. This con-
Figure 4 graphically shows the qualifying rows for each subquery of cept is the key to becoming highly proficient SQL developer.
the RCTE to return a portion of the organization hierarchy.
The solid arrows show the first matching row for the predicate A USER DEFINED TABLE FUNCTION
sub_tree_rel.fr_unit = org_rel.to_unit. The broken arrows show
the values for sub_tree_rel.fr_unit and org_rel.fr_unit seen by the The last requirement is to parameterize the organization unit form-
next iteration of the recursive subquery. When no more rows can be ing the root of the portion of the organization hierarchy of interest. To
included, the RCTE is complete. accomplish this, the SQL statement combining RCTEs was embedded
The result set of the RCTE sub_tree_rel is the combined results of in a User Defined Function (figure 7).
the initial subquery and all recursive subqueries (figure 5). The thing to note is that the UDF returns a table, so the syntax to call
the function is a little different than for calling a UDF that returns a
COMBINING RCTES scalar value. The UDF is called within the FROM clause and is
enclosed within the TABLE( ) clause. Figure 8 shows the syntax for
The WITH clause syntax allows multiple CTEs to be defined and ref- calling the UDF passing a literal value.
erenced in the one statement. There are some restrictions on how CTEs
may be referenced, such as a CTE can only reference a CTE that has
©2006 Technical Enterprises, Inc. Reproduction of this document without permission is prohibited. Technical Support | April 2006
The result of calling the UDF is a table with with sub_tree_rel (fr_unit, to_unit, iteration) as
two columns and several rows. Figure 9 shows (
the result of calling the UDF for organization —* Initial subquery to returning a portion of the organisation hierarchy
select fr_unit
unit ‘BBB.’ , cast(null as char(3))
UDFs that return a table can also be past col- , 0
umn values. This allows the UDF to be called from org_rel
—* This will be parameterized later
multiple times with different input values. where fr_unit = ‘BBB’
Figure 10 shows the syntax for calling the UDF union all
passing a column value. —* Recursive subquery
select b.fr_unit
As you may now appreciate, the UDF that , a.fr_unit
has been developed works just as well when , case when a.iteration + 1 > 10 then
passed the root organization hierarchy as it raise_error(‘70001’,’Oops! sub_tree_rel iteration error’)
does an organization unit that represents the a.iteration + 1
root of a portion of the hierarchy. As such it end
is a more generic solution to the original from sub_tree_rel a
, org_rel b
problem presented. where a.fr_unit = b.to_unit
CONCLUSION , tran_close_rel (fr_unit, to_unit, iteration) as
—* Initial subquery to transitively close the adjacency list
This concludes this article on recursive select fr_unit
SQL. I hope that I have been able to demon- , to_unit
, 0
strate the power of RCTEs. They can be used from sub_tree_rel
solve problems that would traditionally union all
require both SQL and application logic. It is —* Recursive subquery
select a.fr_unit
now possible to develop entire programs using , b.to_unit
one SQL statement (though this can lead to , case when a.iteration + 1 > 10 then
debate among developers as to when the SQL raise_error(‘70001’,’Oops! tran_close_rel iteration error’)
is doing too much work). The power of recur- a.iteration + 1
sive SQL can then be further extended when end
combined with other language elements such from tran_close_rel a
, sub_tree_rel b
as views, insert with sub-select, user defined where a.to_unit = b.fr_unit
functions or stored procedures. )
However, RCTEs aren’t simple to develop. select unit
, sum(occurs) count
The columns being joined on and returned by from (
the recursive subquery require close attention. select coalesce(a.to_unit, a.fr_unit) unit
It is very easy to code a RCTE that enters into , case when b.unit is not null then 1 else 0 end occurs
from tran_close_rel a
an infinite loop due to coding error or unex- left outer join emp b
pected data. It is up to you to add code to guard on b.unit = a.fr_unit
against run-away recursive SQL statements. ) t
group by unit
There are several resources available from
the internet if you are interested in learning Figure 6: Combined RCTEs.
more about recursive SQL. The ‘SQL Reference’
for DB2 UDB for LUW Version 8.2 covers RCTEs in detail and lists
all the restrictions. The ‘IBM Developer Works’ has several articles
covering recursive SQL and hierarchies. Finally, the ‘SQL Cookbook’
by Graeme Birchall has good coverage, with many cases and examples,
for using RCTEs. Anyone with an interest in developing SQL using
DB2 UDB for LUW will find the ‘SQL Cookbook’ an invaluable
Happy SQL coding.
NaSPA member Rob Mala has worked as an Application Development and Technical Specialist, and
has been a DB2 DBA for z/OS and LUW since 1995, working for various companies in Australia, UK
and Europe. Robert can be contacted on robert.mala@bigpond.com.
Technical Support | April 2006 ©2006 Technical Enterprises, Inc. Reproduction of this document without permission is prohibited.
create function org_emps (p_root_unit varchar(3)) select unit
returns table (unit character(3), count integer) , count
specific org_branch_emps from table ( org_emps(‘BBB’) ) a
language sql
not deterministic Figure 8: Syntax for calling the UDF passing a literal value.
external action
reads sql data
+ — — — + — — — +
null call
| unit | count |
inherit special registers
+ — — — + — — — +
| BBB | 6 |
with sub_tree_rel (fr_unit, to_unit, iteration) as (
| CCC | 1 |
—* Initial subquery to returning a portion of the organisation hierarchy
| DDD | 3 |
select fr_unit
| EEE | 1 |
, cast(null as char(3))
+ — — — + — — — +
, 0
from org_rel Figure 9: Result of calling the UDF for organisation
—* This has now been parameterized
uint ‘BBB’.
where fr_unit = p_root_unit
union all
—* Recursive subquery select b.unit
select b.fr_unit , b.count
, a.fr_unit from emp a
, case when a.iteration + 1 > 10 then , table ( org_emps(a.unit) ) b
raise_error(‘70001’,’Oops! sub_tree_rel iteration error’) where a.emp_id = 3
a.iteration + 1 Figure 10: Calling a user defined table function using a
end column value.
from sub_tree_rel a
, org_rel b
where a.fr_unit = b.to_unit
, tran_close_rel (fr_unit, to_unit, iteration) as (
—* Initial subquery to transitively close the adjacency list
select fr_unit
, to_unit
, 0
from sub_tree_rel
union all
—* Recursive subquery
select a.fr_unit
, b.to_unit
, case when a.iteration + 1 > 10 then
raise_error(‘70001’,’Oops! tran_close_rel iteration error’)
a.iteration + 1
from tran_close_rel a
, sub_tree_rel b
where a.to_unit = b.fr_unit
select unit
, sum(occurs) count
from (
select coalesce(a.to_unit, a.fr_unit) unit
, case when b.unit is not null then 1 else 0 end occurs
from tran_close_rel a
left outer join emp b
on b.unit = a.fr_unit
) t
group by unit
Technical Support | April 2006 ©2006 Technical Enterprises, Inc. Reproduction of this document without permission is prohibited.